Canucks Trade Mikheyev, Lafferty and a 2027 2nd to Hawks for a 2027 4th

Canucks Trade Mikheyev, Lafferty and a 2027 2nd to Hawks for a 2027 4th

welcome back all right got a trade to talk about and I’m wearing Canucks cuz I like what they do here they needed some cap space and Chicago helped them out uh Chicago gets a draft pick in this they also pick up Sam lafy lafer is a pending unrestricted free agent so my guess is they’re going to resign him he’s played in Chicago before uh that was just last season that he was in Chicago so I I have a feeling that uh he may very well Reign there um and picking up mckv he definitely needs a change of scenery this year in Vancouver mckv had 78 games 11 goals 20 assists 31 points a lot of talk about his hands not being where he want them to be in that he’s not putting the puck in the back of the net right uh LA on the other hand was a pleasant surprise 79 games 13 goals 11 assists 24 points I’m going to miss lafy on the fourth line but what we saw in the playoffs was the Canucks have some guys in abbottford that are ready to come up and play so you got to give them a chance to come up and play this is a team that’s also looking to create more cap space because they want to be aggressive on July the 1st and they also want to hold on to some of the players that are pending unrestricted free agents and so they had to make cap space for that that’s what this trade does th the reason I’m wearing Vancouver GB the cap hit for mckv with the Hawks is going to be 4.37 million until 2026 because the Canucks are retaining 15% which is $712,500 which as a conu fan I’m going to say that’s that’s fine that’s way less than I thought I had expected a 50% retention I much prefer 15 uh also the Chicago Blackhawks get the Canucks 2027 second round draft pick uh the Vancouver Canucks get the 2027 fourth round draft pick from Chicago so this is a move that I think is absolutely fine it’s serviceable and uh it makes that cap space for the conu they want so if if this frees up the money so that they can keep sidorov or they can keep Joshua absolutely worth it and if they don’t uh then they still have the cap space to go out and sign some players uh they need to upgrade their top six they need more Wingers when they signed Mev it was seen as being not necessarily risky uh mckv a player who has at times been popular both during his time in Toronto and in Vancouver uh but he just he got injured and it it felt like the injuries really weighed on him uh I know he played 78 games this year I don’t know how many of those he was healthy uh but his scoring really dropped off from a goal scoring perspective the speed still there if you can find that scoring in Chicago who knows he may end up looking like a a pretty good bargain for them and by the time this contract comes to an end in 2026 Chicago is going to be able to to take the money that he’s making until then and start giving it to some of those young kids that are coming up but you need to have a really good uh some some roster depth prior to that and so adding mcev and laferty will do that for Chicago so I like the trade for both teams I do prefer it for Vancouver because let’s go they’ve got some cap space now um they had cap space before this but they get that a little bit extra cap space because there’s been rumors they want gensel who doesn’t and uh this this just does give them a little bit of extra leeway as we’re as we head towards July the 1st and they’re going to be looking for I’m going to say a top four defenseman and at least one top six Winger I think they’d prefer to add a couple but we’ll see what happens let me know your thoughts in the comments section below including who you feel like comes out with the better of this deal uh don’t forget to hit like And subscribe if you’ve not done so already thank you guys so much for all your support I will talk to you again soon

I like the cap space this creates for Vancouver and the Hawks get another relatively high draft pick in the deal.

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  1. Thank you for the consistent content THG… never any clickbait, just honest reporting. Me and my girlfriend LOVE your videos. She's a newer hockey fan, I am a life long hockey fan. You're helping me teach her some of the "lesser understood elements" of hockey and we both look forward to your videos!!

  2. Canucks free up 4m from a pylon for a pick swap 3 drafts from now.. And the rights to a guy who would be a 4th liner for us.

    Wings free up 3.5m on a good useful dman for a 2nd this season

    Someone check on Stevey…

  3. I just felt bad for Mikheyev this season, the effort was there but the puck just wouldnt go in for him. I think both teams got what they wanted, surprised how little salary the Canucks retained.

  4. Miks was so often in the right place at the right time on the ice but could never finish, he has great potential to turn things around in Chicago so best of luck to him

  5. Chicago gets a couple players that make their team better plus improved draft position, and Vancouver gets cap space. Love a win-win trade like this

  6. I still find it weird how hockey trades like this work, like when the leafs gave up a first rounder to get rid of Marleau's money, I get it is for cap space but it's just still odd seeing a team give up two players and a draft pick to get a lesser draft pick, it's something that just doesn't happen in other sports.

  7. I remember when Chicago was making trades like this after the 2010 season for quite some time…then they would ink players like Bryan Bickell to deals that hamstrung them further and precipitated more such jettisoning and purging of the roster.

  8. Here's hoping the change of scenery benefits Mikheyev the way it did Jason Dickinson. Jason has been terrific since arriving in Chicago. It will be great to see Sam Lafferty back, should he decide to sign there again. I hated to see him go. Kyle from Sudbury still has something like $11 million more to go to get to the cap floor. It will be interesting to see what he does to reach it.

  9. 10 years from now I'm looking forward to the Canucks version of Moneyball where the movie depicts how they built a dynasty without ever needing to make a high draft pick – now that the core is in place, of course…

  10. We should still be good in 2027, so hopefully that 2nd doesn't become much. I was a proponent of them giving Mikheyev a chance like they did Garland, but I trust this management – if they think dumping him is for the best then so be it. PDG and Podkolzin can probably slot in as the 4th line wings

  11. you know how many break aways Mikheyev had with the Leafs where he always comes up empty, guy has speed to burn but no finish, if he had finish he would be a 30 goal guy.

  12. I think Chicago won, because Mikheyev wasn't bad with the Canucks. Sure, he underperformed, but he wasn't terrible. If he gets PP1 time with the Hawks, then he should score enough to be worth the reduced cost. So Chicago got a player who will likely play well enough to earn his paycheck and moved up in the draft in 2027. That's a win.

    However, if the Canucks use this $4 million in cap space wisely, then they will also win. Here's hoping for the best.

  13. From the Hawk;s perspective, I think this was a move specifically to have a fellow Russian speaking guy on the Blackhawks for when they draft Demidov. This puts zero doubt in my mind that that is who they will draft at 2nd overall.

  14. Davidson does it again thanks to his ample cap space. Nice trade. Blackhawks to another second round pick "Don't mind if we do."

  15. I thought by selling a high draft pick as compensation, Chicago would take on the whole contract… it doesn’t make sense that we’re retaining 15%…

  16. The Canucks dont have anyone in Abby. Bains and Karlsson didnt seize an opportunity and they are the top options they have there.

  17. Mik’s got McDavid speed but hands of stone. No team out there is gonna eat $4-5mil of cap space on a below average player with two years left on a contract for free. Canucks need the cap space to buy a top 6 winger(Toffoli/Guentzel) and a top 4 dman(Big Z?).

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