The Pre-NHL Draft Trade Market Is Heating Up, And The Winnipeg Jets Are Right In The Middle Of It

The Pre-NHL Draft Trade Market Is Heating Up, And The Winnipeg Jets Are Right In The Middle Of It

with the draft just days away now the NHL trade window and buyout window continue to offer some spicy rumors find out all of that on tonight’s episode of Locked on Winnipeg [Music] Jets your locked on the hockey Jets your daily podcast on the Winnipeg Jets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey friends and welcome to tonight’s episode of Locked on when Jets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day I’m your host Harrison Lee an avid Winnipeg Jets fan and an online blogger you could follow me on Twitter at HL living Loco and lore Winnipeg Jets as always thank you for making locked on Jets your first listen of the uh of the day every day if you like what you’re hearing be sure to like follow And subscribe on all of your favorite podcasting platforms and YouTube doing so of course is always free of charge and ensures you never miss another episode most of all though we just love and appreciate your support on tonight’s episode like I said the trade market continues to heat up things are getting very spicy and interesting uh naturally all of this does in fact involve the Winnipeg Jets uh or at least some of it does um although I would say like what happens with the next couple of deals and what happens with mity could really shake the market up quite a bit right mcity is going to be one of the most sought-after uh trade pieces amidst all of this and it sounds like he’s not the only one that teams are very interested in we’re going to dive into some interesting rumors as well as a deal that just broke about two hours ago or so maybe a little bit less uh in just a moment but before we go any further just wanted to let you know that tonight’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and be sure to use promo code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply now like I said the NHL trade market is is certainly buzzing right now uh Winnipeg is very much in on this I think this is probably about as exciting as it’s going to be for the Jets over the next couple of weeks um after this I suspect things are going to be a little bit quieter as Winnipeg starts to work through um some of the longer term organizational needs but um we did actually just have a trade go through uh within the past hour or two uh we have seen Ilia MV um get sent to the Blackhawks uh Sam lafy and a second rounder was also sent um and in Exchange Vancouver got cap space and a fourth round pick now uh Vancouver’s also retain 15% of M’s salary but if you’re the Hawks right um You don’t really mind this uh IP that like MV might be like I don’t know if he’s going to be like a flip option I mean if you ret train salary or something maybe you could try and turn him into something decent right not exactly like a high round pick but maybe you get like another third rounder or something I don’t know I I also think that like Chicago is going to need warm bodies to play for them and MV might kind of fit that bill uh he did didn’t really work out in Vancouver I think they very much prematurely signed him you know based on a very small sample size of success they quickly came to uh regret that trade and like while he was pretty decent in you know Toronto I just feel like whatever Vancouver thought that they were getting with him it didn’t really turn out that way uh you know his his scoring rates were pretty low he didn’t really generate a ton like you know if we’re being honest Mason Appleton kind of had a better season this past year than he did so um yeah probably not a a like a big asset that I’d say is really worth getting excited about some folks were kind of talking about maybe NV being a good Jets Target at some point and if he was cheap enough I wouldn’t really be against it in terms of fortifying your bottom six but like at this point does he really move the needle probably not so um either way you know Chicago gets like a couple of uh couple of items out of it they get you know a couple of roster players and a nice second rounder but you know all of this to say that uh in terms of like the big Blockbusters we’re still waiting a little bit to you know hear the hear the first shoe drop right and one of the big ones is is Marty niches niches of course is a guy I was talking about yesterday as a potential part party for you know the Jets to be interested in acquiring his rights obviously he’s a big RFA he’s do a huge contract extension and a lot of people view him as like a topend player but to be honest I don’t know if I necessarily agree with that uh you’re going to find this really funny but over the last two seasons um Chad day dominicus actually did some some analysis and was looking at some of the base level stats and he has a 55 goals per 60 rate uh at at the same level as zus gurgenson so if you think niches is um really going to move the needle for your 5v5 offense you you might want to kind of ask a little bit more about that now I do think uh you know niches is obviously more skilled than gurgenson is um I think you know Marty is is more capable of also being an asset on the power play that is definitely true uh I just think in terms of like the 5v5 even strength play driving ability I I do Wonder a little bit about it you know that scoring rate at 5v5 is Is Not Great uh you can say it’s just over two seasons and you know that’s certainly true but it it’s not great if we’re being honest it’s not great we are also hearing that the Devils supposedly are are willing to give up a uh the 10th overall pick in this year’s draft in exchange for him which I I wouldn’t do I like NIS I think he’s skilled don’t know if I would do that kind of deal right for for New Jersey I mean I guess it doesn’t really matter what they do with that pick if they get like a young roster player that they think they can fix um they’re generally a pretty smart team when it comes to forwards so maybe they see something in niches that perhaps doesn’t yet reflect uh in some of the other parts of his game but 10th overall is a little steep but I guess you’re you’re also talking about a uh a top 10 pick that’s like on the bottom end of top 10 right like you’re you’re talking about the last pick in that range and apparently the uh one through eight picks are are way too expensive that’s what they’re saying um teams are are sort of backing off from trying to acquire any of these picks and so it looks like if you’re trying to get into the first round you’re looking more towards the middle or back half of the pack which if you’re the Jets I don’t really know that that’s all that appealing right unless you’re getting in like the top 10 like it’s just hard to get excited about that um mccordi could potentially bring a a 10th or like 11th 12th sort of pick I really would not keep going down that list though I know that he was taken at what was it 14th overall but you know with the amount of development and the progress that he’s made he’s clearly worth a a better selection so you know he’s also close to being pro ready he’s going to step into a lineup at some point next season and I think that should factor into his value as far as the Jets are concerned I feel like we’re just really trying to wait and see what happens with mcity that deal I think is a lot closer than it seems it might happen as early as tomorrow it’s definitely supposed to happen before the draft unless something kind of goes a little bit pear-shaped uh we’re also waiting to hear you know the announcement that either one of Neil peon or Nate Schmidt is to be waved I’m pretty sure it’s going to be Schmidt uh I think he’s going to be the guy that they buy out I would be curious to know if they try and move him instead in a trade right if they give up like a lower round pick or something uh you know in exchange to get the salary off the books maybe they do some kind of a deal with Utah not entirely sure uh Utah is obviously looking for some some players some guys who can be decent leaders I would imagine uh they don’t have a lot to work with at present and in terms of guys who are under contract they just like signed Liam O’Brien which tells you uh the state of their current offseason there’s not a lot going on um as far as morcor goes I I do wonder where he ends up because there’s a lot of teams that could use a Rucker but you know this whole stink that he had with not playing in the NHL immediately does make me wonder if that’s maybe given at least one or two people cold feet but in terms of the talent zero question it’s there he’s been great for Michigan he looks like he’s ready for the pros now uh it’s really just a question of you know what team is going to fit his desires and I I do wonder if it’s the Ducks anaheim’s got some great D prospects a a surplus of them if you will uh they’ve got cutter you know who’s apparently Rucker’s best friend and certainly a guy who set the mold for forcing his way off the team and maybe rck wants to go join him uh supposing the deal works out for both parties I’d be down with that I would have been fine with trading mcord anyways even before all the drama if it meant that Winnipeg addressed a big organizational need now that said I didn’t really want it to happen but I would have accepted it so either way as long as the Jets get a good return I really don’t care um that’s pretty much the only thing I’m interested in and you know if if Winnipeg solves an organization will need somewhere whether it’s a top 4D maybe a big Center of some sort as part of a whole package you know what that’s pretty cool to me so uh lots of options and of course as soon as that trade breaks we’ll have some analysis in the evening for you I’ll probably need at least a little time to Stew over the deal but hopefully we get something really interesting but uh of course we I I do want to talk a little bit about the buyout window you know we we are sort of involved in this and I want to talk about you know whether it’s the right move to buy out Nate Schmidt or if they Jets should be doing it for somebody else we’ll talk about that in just a quick moment but before we go any further just wanted to let you know about our friends and partners at eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps you ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance from superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one vehicle You’ll Always Find exactly what you’re looking for and with theas guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or you get your money back with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge victories keep your ride or die alive at eligible items only exclusion Supply eBay guaranteed fit is only available to us customers hey friends and welcome back to tonight’s episode of Locked on Winnipeg Jets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day ERS thank you so much for rejoining us on tonight’s episode as we are just chatting about uh some some trade rumors and some stuff on the market that continues to heat up obviously for Winnipeg you know the Jets are going to be involved in all of this uh I could imagine that this is going to be a huge moment in the franchise’s history uh especially as Winnipeg is kind of litigating on whether or not they’re going to be chasing the present future or both in one of these deals uh and there’s really any way that this could go so um Color Me cautiously intrigued by what Jets could do but also slightly nervous uh the more options that they have the more I do kind of start to be like uh you know are they going to make are they going to make the right choice but I think the past few years have shown that generally speaking when the Jets are in the situation they’ve done well so uh I suppose I have more confidence than it than it might sound like but obviously before we talk about one of the big things which is the buyout window and who the Jets should be looking at just wanted to let you know that Fox Sports uh or or ESPN all of you listeners and Watchers some of you may find yourselves turning down the volume because there’s too much shouting if that’s you make the switch to locked on sports today a free 247 sports streaming Channel programmed for you daily to bring you the biggest stories without all the screaming locked on Sports of the Day brings you can’t miss analysis opinions and news streaming 24/7 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app all part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day now like I said uh obviously for the Jets uh the buyout window is is you know an impactful one uh surprisingly so and it really comes down to one of two players Nate Schmidt or Neil pan and Nate Schmidt I think is going to be the guy who’s going to go um he’s he’s beloved in the room and I think he’s a really great personality I think the Jets see him as the Expendable veteran for one reason or another uh Neil Pon has really become uh for them one of their standard bearers which is very interesting because uh there were times this season when Pan’s ice time had to be cut because he was having a really bad game with Schmidt I don’t really know that I’ve seen too many games where he was justly abjectly terrible right he had some bad games here and there but generally speaking I thought that he was still competent right he he’s he’s definitely on the wrong side of 30 and I think a lot of that two-way uh offensively minded Puck moving ability from several years ago it’s gone now right you’re you’re mostly looking at a guy who’s going to be a competent third pairing Defender and and probably not much more the thing with this though is that Pon is not going to be the one that gets bought out they really pan and apparently there were rumors earlier uh this year about the Jets wanting to bring pan back at a lower price point which uh for a lot of reasons I I would prefer the Jets Go a different direction I know that the right side D depth is not great I know that in terms of their uh you know offensively minded blue liners they don’t have a ton either but I promise you pan has not really been that guy he had a good season during the bubble year when the equality of competition was uh generally on the lower side right you only had like Edmonton that year that I think was particularly notable and like the Oilers were the Oilers right they still found a way to lose so for me I I just I don’t know I wouldn’t really be um jumping uh you know over over uh you know jumping over Joy with Schmidt being the guy that’s bought out here I like Nate and I think he actually brings a little more value to the Ice uh than pan does at this stage Neil just you know he’s slowing down and it’s really been apparent that he’s tried to Comin and it’s really not gone well um I love him I think he’s always been very accountable I also know that at you know at this stage of his career it’s only going to go downhill from here and I I hate to say it but I think we’ve all kind of seen um the writing on the wall with him and it’s really not getting better so uh the Jets have some really hard choices to make and I think pan you know for me should be the one that they opt for and I I hate to say it but I will say the one good piece of news for him is that I don’t think he’d be unsigned for long I think that there’s probably at least one or two teams out there that would love to give him a contract and in terms of like a personality you really couldn’t ask for better um the guy is is extremely nice I mean you know in terms of somebody who’s going to be a really positive force in the locker room I think pan is a great option um you know while his on I performance may start to to lag a little bit here I think if you gave him a third pairing role I think that would actually be a lot more helpful I think just asking him to play like 20 plus minutes a night that’s not really where uh he’s going to excel but if you give him in like third pairing role maybe in a number six spot I think he can probably still do a pretty solid job so uh you know I I know it’s going to be Schmidt I think it should be peon but no matter what it it always sucks when you have to do this uh it was painful when we had to say goodbye to Wheeler although that contract really did need to go um with pan and Schmidt I mean that’s just a lot of cash tied up between two Defenders who are honestly at this stage of their careers third pairing guys uh so the Jets are going to have to make some moves there uh we will probably see a w announcement here pretty soon but otherwise you know it’s just uh it’s it’s never a fun time right when you have to buy out somebody it’s just never good even when it works out for both parties it’s just not a fun experience you’re you’re telling somebody that you’re not good enough to make the grade and we’ve got to uh you know essentially terminate the contract without quite terminating it so um yeah tough it’s not a good experience not good vibes and I think particularly with these two both great human beings it’s it’s kind of unfortunate but uh either way I’m sure you know it’ll be Schmidt and I just hope that you know as he rides off into the sunset of his career he’s had some pretty special times man I remember watching Nate back in the Caps days he was absolutely a ball he’s always been a wonderful personality and if this is really the end of his career with the Jets and maybe getting close to the end of his NHL career period uh I wish him well he’s been a absolute Joy every time he’s on one of these recordings he’s just like the the funniest guy in the room and you can tell how much the team loves him so um G to be a tough tough goodbye elsewhere around the league we are seeing you know at least one or two buyout candidates being discussed I think one of the biggest ones uh is of course Jeff Skinner and Skinner yeah um I have always liked Jeff but I think you know when that contract extension was signed I think every single person who saw it was kind of like uh he’s not going to finish that uh it was for like a huge huge amount of money um he was being paid a a big salary like almost 10 million a year and like it just gotta be honest uh it just was not going to go well um I I think that he’s a very skilled scorer I think that he’s got you know some great finishing and you know at one point when he was with the canes he was a phenomenal Winger but as age kind of set in uh I I think the reality of of his you know quality of play kind of set in you know he’s he’s not really a guy who’s going to be driving a lot of results at 5v5 I think in terms of his ability to really be um the dude on the ice you know he’s never been that kind of skater he’s been a great complimentary Winger you he he had a couple of years where he was just absolutely scoring left and right and in the like in the right role if you were to find a a team that could give him a a much smaller contract uh one that’s kind of more suited to towards like a middle six role maybe where he can play on like a third line or something and be a great great tertiary scoring option um I actually think that could work out well right uh I don’t think he’s Topline or top six material anymore but if you put him in like a third line scoring role I think he could be kind of like a team’s Phil Castle of Swords a guy that you’re going to have to accept is going to be more empty calories than you’d perhaps want to admit uh maybe he’s going to Feast off of power plays and stuff but look I mean there’s no mistaking the guy’s like a 20 plus goal scorer for the last several years and finishing Talent is hard to buy at this level I think he’ll probably get a good contract somewhere um I wonder if he goes to Utah I mean you know the the Utah team is looking to make a splash not that kind of Splash but I mean if you’re looking for an option that could play for a couple of seasons and potentially give you like 25 to 30 goals a year in a top six role while you figure out the rest of your depth options I mean it could be worse uh like I said you know Skinner for me if he was at like a $4 million price point or something maybe four and a half to five uh I think a lot of teams would be into that I don’t know if I would want the Jets to do that necessarily I like Jeff but I think Winnipeg at this point should not be going for aging veterans I’d prefer that Winnipeg kind of stay more in the um draft and develop mode at this point and and try to improve internally uh you know aside from like a big trade with say mcord or something uh Winnipeg is try trying to apparently resign Shawn Monahan and I’ve I’ve already told you how I feel about that I don’t love it I think it’s going to end badly um as much as I really do actually like Shawn a lot I just I I think we all know that his speed was kind of a problem in the postseason not as bad as to Foley but still noticeable so h i mean the Jets are going to do what the Jets are going to do in terms of finishing Talent Monahan still got it so you really can’t be too upset there but otherwise if the Jets really just keep uh sticking to this slower approach I do think at some point it’s GNA bite them in the butt once you get to the playoffs but it is what it is uh you just have to kind of accept it at this point and hope for the best now there was some potentially positive news outside of Winnipeg that will impact the Jets uh Arizona of course is being let go and that means that the uh Jets 1.0 records and rights might be able to fall back under um or in terms of like the the Jets 1.0 records might be able to fall back under Winnipeg’s perview well talk about that and and what that could mean in just a little bit but before we go any further did want to shout out our friends and partners at game time obviously you know game time has been around uh the block a couple of times like you they’ve been ticket customers themselves at one point and we all know that everyone hates buying tickets uh for concerts for sporting events all that fun stuff because you get hit with a lot of surprise fees big charges and oftentimes when you buy these tickets you’re not even sure where you’re sitting right you get a seat map or something that you hope is fairly accurate but you know you don’t always really get a sense of what the view is like and and Game Time wants to help right they’ve been there before they know what it’s like that’s why they’re offering you a great set of features including last minute deals allend prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee it’s why they’re an authorized ticket 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locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase term Supply again create an account and redeem code l c k d o n NHL for $20 off download game time today last minut of tickets lowest price guaranteed hey friends and welcome back to this episode of Locked on Winnipeg Jets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day if Dar thank you so much for joining us on tonight’s episode as we are just uh wrapping up real quickly with some thoughts obviously you know the Arizona coyote situation it’s uh it’s it’s not been good if we’re being honest I think if you are a a hockey fan um look you can have all the mixed feelings about the Yoles that you know you want and they’re all valid uh you know that that that franchise I think for a lot of us hurts because you know it a lot of you probably watched Jets 1.0 walk out and you thought you’d never get hockey back and now you have it in the uh the former Thrashers but I think there’s always been a bit of a disconnect where you don’t have the 1.0 records right and that’s always been a real sticking point and now that the yots are gone uh the franchise itself has been released by uh the muua FL family well you know there was apparently an option that bman was considering of giving the Jets back their old records which would be in a lot of ways really cool I think you know pretty much everyone would be in favor of that I can’t imagine that there’s anyone who wouldn’t want the Jets 1.0 records back under the Winnipeg Jets brand uh maybe there’s some strange people out there but um I think for all of us I think this is like a great a great development I think a lot of us are probably excited about that I think a lot of folks would really enjoy having all of that sit back under uh the Jets umbrella right it’s it’s Winnipeg records it belongs to the city and it should belong to the team in terms of how that would work I don’t know if you have to like sit through an application process or something or if the league itself reviews that uh you don’t really see this kind of stuff happen very often in fact I I don’t remember the last time it really had happened um it’s it’s not been recently that much I know uh but yeah you know in terms of like what happened with Arizona I I do think it is kind of like it’s it’s tough man like they a really strong fan base out there and and while I don’t love how they got there uh I I certainly do feel for um the fan base and what’s kind of transpired out of it you ask me and it just seems like they they deserve better right and kind of seeing the old Jets franchise being run into the ground by an ownership team that just did not care at all actually kind of hurts uh like not only do you lose the team but you you also watch somebody else really kind of curb stomp on your baby um not that extreme but like it does kind of have a pretty gross feel about it uh I don’t love that I don’t think you know it should be uh tolerated by the league and I’m glad that you know that ownership team is gone it was embarrassing uh and now it’s kind of time to move forward and if the Jets can get their records back I think that would be awesome having all of that back under as a unified franchise history uh it would just feel great you know I think the city would really embrace it it’d be nice to not have to think about 1.0 versus 2.0 I think we’ll always know that this version of the Jets is is different and obviously I didn’t become a fan until uh the 2.0 era of Winnipeg but you know for a lot of you 1.0 fans you know I’d actually love to hear about you know how you feel about this and you know are you excited are you welcoming the franchise history back you know is there any reason you wouldn’t want to have that under Winnipeg’s you know perview again I can’t imagine that there is a reason but maybe some of you have mixed feelings about what it’s been um since it departed but in terms of moving ahead and moving forward it does feel like you know the Jets franchise as a whole is moving in a in a new direction right you know you get to embrace your old history you’re starting to think about the future of this team I guess the big question is you know after this week what does that future look like uh is it going to be something where the Jets try and make the most of the last few years of hu Prime are they going to try and also plan for the future a little bit more aggressively and draft and develop I know that they have plenty of things that they’re considering I know that Scott arneal is apparently leading the charge for a more databased approach which I think is pretty unique uh we haven’t had that before other teams sure but the Jets are certainly not one of those teams that I think has really focused on that side of the game and it is increasingly important especially when you’re a team like the Jets and you don’t have that much uh star power to work with and you certainly don’t have that much um you know free agent attraction or even in some cases traded attraction it can be hard to get past those uh non-trade Clauses and stuff like that so yeah I mean this week I I think I’m just holding my breath I want things to be good I want you know something to be excited about uh I feel better about the situation than I did at the start of like the trouba or the start of the DUIs sagas um those felt very uncertain but now that we’ve seen the Jets uh do pretty well in the last few trades you know the mcity thing doesn’t feel as painful I think if anything it’s just I wish had stayed and you know wanted to be a a future captain for the Jets but apparently he just doesn’t feel like it so uh best of luck to him let’s get some really cool prospects or players perhaps both out of all of this but let me know what you’re hoping for over the next couple of days uh when do you think the mcity trade is going to go down drop your thoughts in comments below or at my social medias at H living Loco and at lore Winnipeg Jets on Twitter for tonight’s episode though that’s going to be all the time that we have as always I thank you so much for making us your first listen of the day and sharing in our Jets fandom but for tonight’s episode like I said that’s going to be all the time that we have thank you so much for listening to us and uh we’ll catch you later go jets go

On tonight’s episode, we walk through some of the latest pre-draft trades and Rutger McGroarty rumors on the eve of what could be a massive Winnipeg Jets trade. Who’s already found a new team to call home? Where will Rutger end up? Are other teams after some of the potential trade returns we’d be looking for in a McGroarty trade? Are some of the rumored prices well out of hand, or within reason? With the Arizona Coyotes franchise officially dead in the water, will we see the old Winnipeg Jets 1.0 records restored to their rightful owners?

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1 comment
  1. I really would love a Trevor Zegras – Rutger McGroarty trade. That would be huge for our team. The guy alone would boost our ticket sales instantly. Can you imagine a Zegras, Vilardi & Connor trio?! OMGsssh!! Plus Zegras has a better supporting cast with us than he does in Anaheim, so our team doesn't need to rely on him solely. He may not be that missing piece that will get a team to the next level to win championships, but the man is exciting will definitely improve our attendance issues.

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