EMERGENCY POD! Chicago Blackhawks trade for Canucks Ilya Mikheyev | CHGO Blackhawks Podcast

EMERGENCY POD! Chicago Blackhawks trade for Canucks Ilya Mikheyev | CHGO Blackhawks Podcast

[Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome into this special chgo Blackhawks emergency podcast I’m Jay zosi here with Mario TI bossi how’s everybody doing thanks for jumping in we appreciate it very very much and uh hey this is what we do here at chgo sports if you’re checking us out for the first time we have the ability to jump on whenever big news breaks this is pretty big news so let’s get right to it Mario uh I was at inside out to when this news broke Greg is a trivia uh you were at home and as soon as this became official I rushed home from the movie and here we are so here are the details of the trade Frank sarali uh with the most recently updated uh details and these are the official details Ilia MV a 2027 second round pick and pending unrestricted free agent and former Blackhawk Sam laferty are headed to the Blackhawks uh for a 2027 fourth round pick the Canucks are also retaining 15% on M of salary that means his cap hit is 4, 37,500 for this year and next when he will be an unrestricted free agent m is 29 years old uh and uh kind of a two-way speed guy not a strong finisher that’s kind of been the knock on him uh last season finished in in 78 games with Vancouver uh 11 goals and 20 assists so there we have it Mario your thoughts uh yeah I mean I thought we were going to get a a movie review of Inside Out too that’s what I was more interested in but it’s coming uh yeah I mean look it’s uh it’s it’s IL mckv uh who’s a guy who’s been you know he’s had injury issues kind of hamper him he’s had some streaky play but when he’s been on like he’s pretty effective he’s a fast guy when the pucks are going in you know it’s it’s he’s played in in top six roles both in Toronto and Vancouver at different times um he’s got good size I think if he can if he can try and get back to that uh pre- ACL injury version of himself that we saw in Toronto and a little bit in Vancouver in his first year with them um then then I think you really got like you got a player there that that you can work with in your in your middle six for Chicago and Sam lafy we we we know Sam lafy pretty well and at this point everyone really knows what you’re what you’re getting with Sam lafy you’re getting a guy who’s fast who’s ferocious on the four check is effective as a penalty killer and that’s pretty much all you’re going to get and you know what that’s okay like I I think if uh if he wants to have a second goal round in Chicago uh I I think his time here was really good people really liked him when he was traded to to Toronto in the uh you know in the trade along with Jake mccab I think a lot of people were you know a little upset to see him go because of what he had turned into to and he was super affordable at 1.15 million but you know I think you would probably be able to resign him at a similar uh cap hit um maybe two years maybe a little bit longer maybe shorter who knows it it’s it’s really up to what you know lafy wants wants to do and I think mainly with these two guys at the very worst you have improved your fourth line let’s say sure you know o over guys like Rees Johnson over guys like McKenzie and whistle like no offense Mackenzie and whistle who could still come back I don’t know but these these guys if they’re on the fourth line for Chicago next year that’s an improvement and that’s at the bottom the bottom of expectations um if you get two guys who could play on a third line or mck maybe even a top six if he’s really uh able to you know regain that form it’s it’s a really good move yeah I so I see a couple people in the chat uh among on them is our buddy uh Brandon sakur who’s in it with every show he says I don’t really understand this trade the upsides there unless this dud becomes another Jason Dickinson then great you don’t have to read into it that much here’s the deal the Hawks have to spend 11 million to get to the cap floor they’ve got pretty much unlimited cap space at this point um you improve the bottom six of your team you you acquire a future second round pick great and all you have to give up is a fourth round pick in 2027 so if you’re only looking at the TR at the pick swap it’s a win for the Hawks oh and by the way you’re getting IL MV and you’re getting Sam laferty most likely we don’t know if he’s going to resign but you would think the fact that they acquired him means they have some interest in bringing him back um and I mean this is what Kyle Davidson’s been doing and I don’t want anyone to think and I don’t think this is not the move this is gonna be the thing that like defines the offseason now two years ago maybe this is something you say okay you know I see what they’re doing these are some stop some Gap fillers but you’re taking a chance I gotta make sure my is it MV or mckv um I think I I I think generally you’re you’re right both ways but um maybe when we talk to him this Summer we can get the uh official pronunciation I it’s like Nar Nar yeah and like with I I feel like I’ve heard heard it say I’ve heard the name demidov and demidov like yeah I think either way you’re you’re you’re correct but you I mean you can get the official pronunciation uh directly from him when we talk to him soon yeah maybe he’ll be there on Monday the other thing too is uh people are like wow this means that uh and Zach says it in the chat mck of a Russian has the same agent Dan milstein as Ivan demov guess who else is represented by Dan milstein in his Russian brain ardam lunov is Russian and represented by Dan milstein so yeah he’s he’s bellian but oh yeah close pretty close but yes but yeah same agent yeah the big brains are are the wheels are churning tonight yeah um I don’t think this move has any uh impact on who they draft whatsoever um I think this is a this is a move made entirely separately from the number two pick but yeah I mean I I think it’s like you were saying like if this was the move of the off season okay you know we were talking about uh not having an opportunity to pick a guy like demov again well if this was the move of the off season then I think we’ll have another opportunity to pick a guy like demov next year because this is this is not what you what you you know put your stamp on and say we did it we had a successful offseason this is you know when things are all said and done I I would feel like this might be move number three or four on the ladder for Kyle Davidson this offseason outside of you know what they do in the draft it’s it’s you know as far as free agents and trades or anything like that I feel like this is this is down the list of what he’s actually um you know got in mind and and may accomplish yeah now if this is the move then this we become a lot more critical about this one for sure yeah yeah and then hop on the tank yet again yeah but you know I I like this shot that they’re taking with mck who will get more of an opportunity here than he got in Vancouver and Toronto I mean that’s for sure um he’ll play very likely he’s gonna play at least to start you would think on the top six now again if they go out and get Tavo Andor NIS Andor gensel like okay then the whole the whole story changes but looking at it right now yeah um it looks like a guy who’s going to get some opportunity and uh Stephen if you could throw up the J fresh uh tweet about uh MAV he did a pretty good job of breaking down uh the kind of player he is um J fresh hockey of course always throwing up those hockey stat cards which are great and a super helpful resour trouble uploading it’ll be up there in just a second that’s fine I can uh paraphrase it here uh so J fresh says II MV headed to Chicago is a two-way rushing rushing not rushian rushing Winger who produces and creates scoring chances pretty efficiently but can be real frustrating when pucks are going in like in the 2024 playoffs for example so yeah the again the finishing uh becomes a bit of an issue with him um but again he’s playing fourth line minutes in those teams so we’ll see we’ll definitely see yeah I I I feel like mckv when when things aren’t going right for him um you you have another uh Andrea San but maybe is AIT bit more responsible defensively um is that really like exciting no but I think it’s again I I I think in the grand scheme of things he’s a guy that improves your roster like as it’s a net positive gain over some other players that you would probably have had in the mix to play in the fourth and third line roles um and I I go back to what you know Nick Felino said about guys that can come in and be improvements and guys that can play roles like mckv is is you know I don’t know anything about him personally but I don’t think that there’s been any really off the top of my head can remember anything about him being you know uh trying to you know complain about the role he was playing or or anything like that if I’m if I’m mistaken someone you know correct me if I’m wrong um but lafer is also a guy that kind of fits that mold too like he’s going to be able to to play in that role that maybe not uh is is the the sexiest and and get the most uh you know recognition but he’s a guy that’s going to to go in there and and and do that job because that’s that’s his his way to stay in the NHL um so I think if you get two guys that that that fit that mold um I mean that’s I I I I see no problems with that like I I don’t think there’s I don’t think this is something where you can say oh this is you know Kyle Davidson really putting his neck out there like I think it’s a I think it’s a lowrisk you know medium reward kind of kind of move and and at the very least like you make it easier to hit the C floor um and you you have at the at at the very least you have two guys that belong in the NHL uh and can play Four fine roles like I I really don’t see the problem with this move at the expense of a 2027 fourth round pick who is like that’s like a 15year old that’s you no playing like Triple A in in Michigan or something right now who knows but um yeah I I I I think you improve draft you you improve draft position in the 2027 draft and then you at the very least you improve your fourth line like I I have no issues with with Kyle Davidson making a a move like that so long as it is is not his Marquee move so here’s another note from Jay fresh uh he says on one hand during his time in Vancouver mckv had the same five versus five points per 60 as Caril capriso Matthew barzal and Joe pavelski on the other hand he scored one goal in his finally in his final 60 games as a kanuck after scoring 22 in his first 74 so streaky are you Optimist pessimist I don’t know what you are but uh look it’s it’s worth it’s worth a flyer uh why not and again if if you don’t sign laferty and MV sucks and you move on you still got a second round pick for a fourth round pick yeah you you improve draft position at the very very least um yeah I I I really um yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s good to see that you know Davidson is is is in the mix for for some of these things and and you know last time that they took on a second round pick to to help out Vancouver they got Jason Dickinson out of it and that’s panned out pretty well so if if if history can repeat itself and IL MV can stay healthy and return to that form that he had where he was a you know 20 goal scorer with the Maple Leafs a few years ago wonderful yeah um comment from our pal Dom Kagney says is this a step forward move or still kind of hope we have a high pick get to the floor move I guess if I’m choosing between the two of those I would call it a step forward move because it does improve the roster it’s not a tanking move no right it’s it’s a move that it’s not I don’t think it’s going to move the needle significantly forward but I don’t think it’s moving it backwards in any way shape or form no you they didn’t get worse today so I I I I think at at if anything it is moving the the roster a little bit forward like we said like you know we we’ve heard that you know ree Johnson is is not going to be brought back and you know as far as the rfas go it doesn’t sound like too many of them are going to come back maybe you know Joey Anderson likely is is going to come back speaking specifically of guys uh as as forwards um you know and and and their ufas I don’t really think a lot of them are going to be resigned so you know these lafy if if he signs and and mckv they improvements over over those guys that that are kind of on that uh on that block in the RFA and UFA market so um yeah again at the very least you you have improved your forwards Group which is important you know you you want to have a guy like uh you know if if he signs like you want to have a guy like Sam laferty uh in there showing Landon slagger hey like the the play like this you know both guys play similarly this is how you stay in the NHL by having this kind of work ethic this kind of skill set and and doing things this way like it’s it’s a guy that he can look at and be like if I want to get to the NHL work my way in and stay and stay here I got to do these things I got to have this this mentality this work ethic everything like that um you know and and and you give I don’t see either of these guys taking quote unquote taking minutes away from these young guys I see them playing alongside them I see them being being there to um to to go in and and and be those kind of like example players that you want those young guys to like play alongside and and and see how you know what what is and is not effective and and how you go about being being a professional so I’m looking at the Hawks uh forward situation now so Felino aanu Dickinson mckv Kev denado Reichel Bard nzar and slager and of course Taylor Hall um all under contract um for next season so what this could do and here’s the one of the things I thought of as we were talking here is what does this mean for Lucas reichle because if they’re if they’re acquiring another forward which you would assume would probably be just based on some of the names we’ve heard probably a Winger MH I don’t know man like there there’s like not a lot of space for him on this team especially like if nzar comes out and has an insane camp and looks great in Camp and then looks great in the preseason and you give him a handful of games to start the year and just says you can’t send me down Lucas R is going to have nowhere to go man like it’s that’s that’s something to keep an eye on here too like I really that’s that’s part of of this whole offseason that the way you see them proceeding here and the way you see him moving on I don’t know I don’t know what it means for Lucas reel I haven’t given up on him completely but I wonder how the organization feels if you truly you know got Kyle Davidson over a beer uh one day and said hey what do you really think I I’m curious I don’t know the answer but I’m curious he he talked about roster uh roster competition you know comp competition for ice time in in in training camp and what’s going to push this team forward is getting guys in here that are going to push you know specifically the young guys but also each other you know veterans too um to push them to to make their spots and look if if if reel’s one of those guys that’s you know down the the depth chart as forward number 12 13 14 uh and you got other guys that have outplayed him sorry like this is this is a an organization that I I think is seriously trying to look at who is going to push things forward who is going to you know make this team better and and just because you were a first round pick just because you were supposed to be a focal point of the rebuild doesn’t mean you are guaranteed that spot if you’re not playing that way so for for Reichel like yeah they they signed him to a you know an extension they’re giv him an opportunity to to prove that he’s more of the guy that you saw in the first uh portion of his NHL time than the second portion of his NHL time um and he’s got to force them to to give him a spot and if he’s if he’s not cutting it then he’s not cutting it I I I think at this I think Kyle Davidson and Luke Richardson are probably getting to a point where you know even if even with some of these young guys like if you’re if you’re not taking those steps if you’re not going to start pushing the team forward they got to stop coddling them they got to stop saying they got to stop looking at you know where they were drafted or what they were supposed to be what they’re doing right now so if reel plays his way into the lineup that’s great because there’s now because now there’s more players around him that are going to have to he’s going to have to you know really solidify that spot he’s not just going to be handed minutes yep uh definitely earn it and if you earn it that’s good news for the Hawks it’s a good problem to have speaking of good problems we have 500 plus people watching this right now we really appreciate that do us a favor get in the habit and if you’re maybe 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uh Sam laferty angle of this um we heard from Mike donie what was that two years ago before the draft that if you can’t skate you can’t be a Blackhawk getting both these guys is adding a ton of speed to the roster and as you mentioned earlier Nick Felino saying we want guys who accept the role and execute Sam lafy is an elite fourth line player on a contender on a Rebuilder on any team in the league that is a plug-and-play rooll accepting uh Plus fourth line Center versatile can play the wing can kill penalties finishes his checks with authority I love the addition of lafy I think it brings a little bit more attitude to this team maybe a little bit that was missing last year now it doesn’t all to land on Nick Felino to handle everything every night uh the the laferty part of it if he resigns and I suspect that he will um is an underrated part of this trade and I think Hawks fans would be happy to welcome him back yeah yeah I mean I I when he was here I mean he he quickly became a fan favorite and and like I said before like it’s that that tenacity that high motor the um you know the willingness to to play a you know not so glorified role but make it you know make it his bread and butter and and and do it well like that’s that that goes a long way and and Sam lafy is is a guy that I think you know a lot of lot of people liked and you know he he brings that speed he bring he’s he’s a big guy too 62 205 lbs mck have also 62 about 200 lb so you know all the talk has been oh Blackhawks you know they’re their forwards group of the future is all you know five five foot you know less than you know 190 guys and all that stuff like yeah maybe mck and lafy aren’t here for a long time but as far as next year and maybe the year after goes it it adds guys with speed size two-way capabilities like you you you need some guys like that especially when you’re when you’re bringing you know some of these young forwards here over the next uh uh next few seasons so yeah I I like lafy when he was here in Chicago it was it was after the uh you know short shortly before rather uh the the Brandon Hegel trade happened um if I remember correctly maybe it was after no it was before um but then when when Hegel was gone it was like lafy kind of did pretty much all the same things um just wasn’t scoring at at as high of a rate um so I mean you need guys like that so I think if he if he wants to come back he’s going to be welcomed back he’s going to be a lot of fan favorite a lot of fans happy about that there were I mean hey we we saw when uh you know when him and Max doy were around we saw a lot of DOI and lafy jerseys out at the United Center for the short time that they were here they made a you know a little bit of an impact on the fan base definitely a good point here from my Greek brother Charlie rotus says Chicago’s contending window should be open by 2027 Kyle Davidson adding a second rounder three years from now gives him a potential future asset to move down the road if they want to add immediate impact players for the playoff push or boost that’s a really good point and it’s one of the things that we’ve noticed about Kyle Davidson that the last GM didn’t really have was the ability to look ahead a little bit and say all right where are we gonna be in 2027 because I think my initial thought was oh man it’d be nice to have another second round pick tomorrow or Friday you know that’d be really that’d be great to have and H whatever 2027 but he looks at what he has draft asset wise looks to what is potentially happening with this team in two or three years and says that second round pick at the deadline could be the difference in me getting a guy I think’s going to help us in the playoffs or not like again we’re making a lot of assumptions about Davidson we’re still early in the rebuild so we don’t know exactly how he approaches when it’s time to contend right and how he will succeed in that way or how he lures top free agents maybe we’ll find that out this summer um but you’ve we have noticed very clearly that he’s not looking at the season ahead of him and only the season ahead of him he’s got a long-term plan drawn out again whether it works or not we don’t know but he is at least doing the right things to keep put himself in good position down the road so that this whole thing doesn’t just burn out after a couple years yeah I mean that that’s that’s a key point of you know the rebuilding process is at some point with all these these teams that contend for a long time and we saw what with the Blackhawks during their their their you know Dynasty cup runs they ran out of ran out of prospects and with a lot of these you know you look at some of some of the teams that have been contending for a long time their Prospect systems are way uh you know deficient in in in a lot of areas and and you kind of run into teams that just start being like Oh we have to acquire and sign everybody because we don’t got anyone coming up in the system so Blackhawks want to avoid that they want to be able to once they get to playoff and cup contention be able to also have at least one first round pick at least one second round pick at least one third round pick um in all the the subsequent future drafts so um yeah it’s it’s it’s smart to have that and you know Davidson has said he can’t make all the picks that they have some of those turn into trade pieces you know having future assets isn’t isn’t a bad thing uh to use either like you said like trade at the deadline trade at the draft if they want to move up in the draft or you know get a player uh that’s going to you know help push them over the top whether it’s a deadline move or an offseason move having that option is is better than not having it so um yeah i’ I again I I think it’s smart to do do things things that can help your team you know have the have the vision to help your team now and also not at the expense of your potential future yeah and there is a time right to jeopardize your future like you know what I mean like when it’s time to add for a cup run then you’re okay fine like I’m I’m willing to give up a first if I think that this dude is going to be the guy that gets me over to hump great like that makes a lot of sense now is not the time to really be doing that and that’s why when we talk about like Martin NES and and what seems to be the huge cost to get him from Carolina by the way which makes a ton of sense from Carolina’s point they don’t have to trade him no they’re happy to have him next year they’d be happy with that so they’re GNA hold Pat until they get what they want and maybe the Hawks don’t have the assets to do it now or really the appetite for really giving up the future for a guy like that so I know it’s it’s it’s interesting I’m really interested to see how this how the next few days go and what they plan on adding uh besides this move by the way uh again we have a lot of new listeners today if you missed today’s earlier podcast we had tsn’s Craig Button on it was incredible he was I was ready to run through a wall like Kool-Aid Man uh after talking to him just the passion and the insight and knowing everything and I’ll just tell you a little teaser if you haven’t heard it if your team demidov you’re gonna love it if your team left shov you might not love the podcast as much as as as the demov people but either way you’re going to get a ton of information from Craig Button so check that out uh we are live five days a week um usually at 2:30 and then during the season post games after every game home or road we are credentialed we’re at every game we’re at every practice uh this is the best place to get your Hawks coverage uh and again we have the ability to jump on the air whenever we want uh with a moment’s notice so um make sure you’re subscribed again to the YouTube page turn those notifications on and please please please hit that like button for us uh as we as we move along here I do want to mention I did just a quick aside when this was going down the credit the previews were rolling in inside out to the new Disney movie I’m not going to spoil it but add Inside Out 2 to the list of hockey movies it is absolutely a hockey movie I would say like a good like 20% of the movie is hockey okay like it’s it’s like the whole storyline is her at a hockey camp and like what’s going on around her like emotionally and all like playing in front of new people and I love the movie I love the Inside Out movies this one was great lots of good laughs uh so I recommend it and certainly definitely a hockey movie nice yeah um I I definitely want to see it um I loved the first one I thought it I thought it was really good tried to show it to uh my daughter but we’ve gotten through maybe the the first 15 minutes of it before it’s on to the next thing yeah um so so when we were when we were uh on vacation in Florida and we were trapped by the rain um we we were thinking oh maybe we could take uh my my daughter and uh her cousin who are five days apart at two and a half years old we’re like oh maybe we could take them to go see inside out too and I was just like they’re going to sit there for 10 minutes like it’s if that’s be a waste of time but I do eventually want to uh to see it show it to her because I think it’s I I really love how they depict the emotions and how things uh truly feel um especially for for a kid being I think that the main character is like 11 12 years old something like that like yeah she’s 13 in this and my daughter’s 14 so it very much resonated yeah yeah um and then yeah having it be a hockey movie especially for my daughter a girls hockey movie um that’s that’s awesome and yeah as pointed out in the chat here uh Kendall coin scoffield is a is a voice in the movie were you able to pick her out or she’s an announcer at one point no no she’s an announcer at one point in the game or one point in the movie see I call it a game that’s how much hockey’s in it anyway that’s in the side highly recommended uh really great movie so why don’t we why don’t we tie a bow on this thing uh we will be wake up in like six hours yeah seriously so uh no show tomorrow uh that’s Thursday we’ll be en route to Las Vegas early in the morning Kyle Davidson speaks tomorrow so we’ll share that video on our social feed Chlor Blackhawks on Twitter go follow that right now if you’re not already we’ll be sharing a ton of content from there uh Friday we’re gonna have a Hands-On with the new Fanatics jerseys we’re gonna be able to tug it pull it try to break it rip it all those sort of things um then we’re going to head to the draft Mario will cover the draft Greg boyon and I will be live during the draft so we’ll be on the air for the entire thing while Mario is handling all the reporting then the second day the three of us will tackle day two because it is a big big day and then after the draft we we’ll head over to Circa do a post-draft wrapup show and uh that enjoy Vegas kind of looking forward to that yeah yeah it’s gonna be a lot of fun and cannot forget Conor Bard uh wins the CER on thir uh tomorrow night so we’ll be well we’ll see um but uh yeah we’ll be at the NHL awards and be able to uh uh talk with with him presumably after his uh his his cder trophy uh Victory and uh see who else we can run into should be fun we owe uh we owe Craig Buton a beer too we do and I found out that um Step Ellis from the daily Faceoff who we we had on a few weeks ago as part of our uh draft pre review Extravaganza uh he is staying at Circa so we’ll probably cross pass with him and chat and see what he’s uh what he’s been up to that’s awesome I can’t wait I mean last year was our first one and it was like there’s Frank Cali there’s Craig Button like it was just like there’s jome MCA there’s Steve Eiserman like what the hell like 1994 Jay was freaking out man it was awesome hopefully a little again yeah we know where he’s at all right we’ll talk to everybody uh tomorrow uh have a great day get some sleep we’ll we send you the K Davidson speaks at 100 PM Vegas time that is 3 pm Chicago time so look for quotes to start rolling out around then and then we’ll send the whole video uh either via YouTube or on our Twitter account we’ll see what we can do the time restraints are probably not great so we’ll figure that out but it’ll be there one way or another so make sure you’re following us make sure you subscribe make sure you hit that like button on the way out and head over to your podcast app And subscribe there as well we appreciate all the new people here tonight we appreciate all the likes you’ve given us all the subscriptions you given us Stephen do we have an update on the uh subscriptions did we get we added about 29 all right I’ll take that not bad right I mean safe to assume that a lot of people here are already subscribers yeah yeah you you guys do have one of the most loyal followings of all of our chdl Sports podcasts hell yeah damn right and ju just wait until 2026 27 27 when this team is contending for cups again it’s going to be insane and you’ll be able to say you were here from day two sure all right we’ll talk to everybody I’m sure at some point tomorrow on the chg Blackhawks podcast we all sitting like the mayor

On the eve of the eve of the 2024 NHL Draft, Chicago Blackhawks general manager Kyle Davidson made a trade and we’re here to talk you through it. Ilya Mikheyev, the rights to pending unrestricted free agent (and old friend) Sam Lafferty and a 2025 second round draft pick are coming from the Vancouver Canucks for a fourth round pick in 2027. Jay Zawaski and Mario Tirabassi will sort out the details on this EMERGENCY edition of the CHGO Blackhawks Podcast.

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#Blackhawks #ChicagoBlackhawks #HopOnTheRide

  1. Canucks fan here. Mikeyev spent a whole season and a half on our TOP line and not a bad word was said about his game. Thats before he was injured. But his leg is getting better. He has the potential to be an impact top 6 player. And has potential to be re traded for picks to a contender.

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