What Are The Biggest Concerns For CJ Stroud & 2024 Texans, Can The OL Be Trusted?!

What Are The Biggest Concerns For CJ Stroud & 2024 Texans, Can The OL Be Trusted?!

few teams have invested as much as the Houston Texans in the offensive line in recent years despite that the play has not been good are you finally finally feeling good about the Texans offensive line plus we compared a local Coach manager to a former Texans coach where we wrong what was the man supposed to say in the Stefan Diggs trade uh could be in the back burner when it comes to Hu let’s go inside the locker room yeah yeah it’s the locker room on YouTube you know what it is let’s get it hey locker room yeah we in the locker room it feels like we’ve been saying this for a long time feels like we’ve been saying this since the Texans uh even became an organization the offensive line it all starts with the offensive line you go back to the David Carr days David Carr would he have been good had he had an offensive line I kind of roll my eyes at that notion I think David Carr was destined to not be a good quarterback DeShaun Watson the deshun Watson saves all butts boob King Bill and Jack they invest heavily uh in the offensive line you have the laremy tunel hall Titus Howard in the first round Nick Martin in the second make him one of the highest paid centers in the league he gets praised because he’s stealing equipment um from the facility uh during uh the 2020 season the offensive line for the Houston Texans has been the most polarizing position unit over the course of the entire franchise and sometimes you find yourself in quarterback no man’s land and there’s just nothing that you can really do uh to find a quarterback or it’s hard to find a wide receiver or it’s hard to find uh a position a running back whatever but um when it when it comes to the offensive line they they’ve invested heavily in it and whether they’ve invested a lot whether they haven’t invested enough the the result has been somewhat similar for a number of reasons we’ll get to uh what the Rockets are thinking about doing connect that to the Stefan Diggs trade but on this offensive line I’m simply going to ask the the question and this is a special time for the locker room this will probably be the time during the season time isend on when practices uh but last night I’m not going to lie I was acting an ass at David Busters um I was acting a fool with the family very much actually uh enjoyed the hell out of myself um at Dave and Busters uh and just kind of you know that slow news day type of type of vibe caught up to me I do hope that you watch the uh the hype video uh as well as the top 24 uh in the AFC South um that was uh posted appreciate everyone for coming through I’ll get to your questions um throughout but do you feel good about the Texans offensive line me personally I feel better but based on the expectations that we have for this Texans team and and people were talking about them being the main Contender to the Chiefs the main threat people were talking about Super Bowl people are talking about Darkhorse people were talking about CJ strad being Elite people are talking about top three offense we heard Daniel Jeremiah throw that out there uh yesterday which by the way they’ve never had a top three offense they’ve only been top 10 in the two categories scoring in yards four times uh last time being 2012 so it’s been a long long time since we could even say this was a top 10 offense um if the Texans are going to reach the expectations with with where they are right now and it’s not it’s not serviceable offensive line it’s not okay offensive line if the Texans are going to reach that if you’re telling me that’s going to happen I’m skeptical I’m skeptical about the Texans o line when it comes to being Elite uh laramy tonsil he’s he’s been banged up uh we know that he’s really really good when he um when he’s out there uh he’s he was banged up still had a good year last year Titus Howard I know that Titus Howard’s going back to his natural position how good was was he at it you know I mean I mean I think there’s there’s kind of a natural thought that Titus Howard man he’s really really good at right tackle uh he’s he’s a good right tackle he’s paid like one of the better right tackles in the league right now how good is he though I think that’s a fair question to ask the interior of that offensive line Shaq Mason he was really good last year um you never know how quick you can fall off uh sometimes you start to get hurt at this age uh juice Scruggs they liked him not more in investment right there um what’s he going to play is he going to play center is he going to play guard how good is he going to be last year I think he I think he deserves a lot of credit for starting out the season uh getting hurt and then coming in um and being a serviceable offensive line uh offensive lineman how good is he GNA be Kenyan green is he gonna make the team uh quite frankly that’s I’m not expecting him to look like someone that validates a first round pick is he going to make the team and then these other guys that they got in the interior how’s that going to look but as far as this offensive line and being Elite I’m skeptical I’m not I’m not buying that stock I’ve bought the stock before maybe it’s PTSD where I assumed that they were going to get the return on investment with the offensive line I’m just kind of uh not overly uh trustworthy uh Twisted mind 99 yo lock dog we have to trust the o line you already know the Jets have the blueprint to get CJ on Halloween okay it’s dark right there my friend uh Ryan says I’m at the very least content with the offensive line they will be serviceable uh rich boy J hey shout out to you my friend uh I generally trust our o line they showed a lot of potential last year for being completely banged up they did a good job they did they did a good job um as far as uh with how many injuries they had and all that uh at times Texans Z line has been good at protecting CJ but what the outsiders are getting mistaken is dealt with injuries all year long with the offensive flight that’s true that’s true but I also think a lot of times we assume well you know there were injuries so these guys are going to come back and be good we don’t know about Kenyan green uh we don’t know about juice Scruggs we don’t know how really good Jared Patterson is uh Titus Howard I know he’s been hurt we don’t know that he’s it’s been a while since he’s played he’s coming off an injury we don’t know how good he is at right tackle uh and tonsil was banged up so I think that uh I I I think that’s true but I also you know how good are these guys when they get in there um CJ and slowick will make the uh o Line’s job easier they should quarterback can definitely uh save butts when it comes uh to that the reason for optimism when it comes to the o line it is the locker room number one source for Texans uh digital content I’m landre locker slow news days um although not really um we’re going to uh we’re going to probably be doing this stream obviously the nightly stream 10:30 is going to continue there’s going to be some other stuff going on uh in the next few weeks uh but this will be the time this is just kind of an experiment getting this out of the way after a uh a long night last night uh at dve and Busters uh reason for optimism with the offensive line they’re highly paid which as we know in the NFL and as we know in sports might not mean a ton um there’s more returning depth and uh they invested a lot so you have that reason for pessimism uh PTSD you’ve you’ve trusted the offensive line before and they’ve kind of uh they kind of hurt you that might just be us being a little too close to the situation uncertainty we don’t know what the interior guys are going to do specifically on the left side at Garden Center we don’t know what it’s going to look like uh and availability uh injuries can be dismissed sometimes injuries can just be patterns uh so there concerns there what other concerns do you have for the Texans we’ve talked a lot about the good stuff with the Texans there’s a lot of really really good hype there’s a lot of really really good um excitement uh what other issues concerns do you have with the Texans with the 2024 Houston Texans uh ID Almighty says o line is the one area I don’t trust with the team I think they overpaid to get some stability but I hope they keep adding pieces every year to try out well I mean they gota they got to perform this year screw uh screw every year they they gota they got to perform this year my concerns like if you asking me my concerns for the Texans number one would be secondary um I and and it has as much to do like with something the the crazy thing about Derek Stingley is you know he’s really really good when he’s in there but he’s not in there consistently um he missed six games last year so if Derek Stingley goes and you already have the concerns at two down on the on the quarterback depb chart if Derek Stingley gets hurt like he has every year for the last half decade then you got real big problems at secondary injury concerns I know I keep hearing that at safety Jimmy Ward we don’t know if Jaylen Petri can play play to the caliber of being a really really good starting safety we saw his rookie year I’m not going to dismiss Jaylen Petri I heard James Palmer yesterday say that he’s underrated no he’s not underrated anymore man matter of fact he might have been overrated heading into last off season um or heading into last season during last offseason so do do I am I just missing jayen Petri bouncing back no but I don’t feel great about about the safety so secondary would be there linebacker depth uh I would say is another uh area of concern so we have secondary uh and linebacker depth uh low low low low just based on what demo has said uh running back depth I I I think they need two backs that can make plays I know Joe Mixon is kind of a uh Joe Mixon is is kind of a Workhorse back but he’s getting a little bit older uh I still think you need another back to help him uh but they seem to believe in Damen Pierce and then we’ll see what these backend guys uh can do starting really August 1 uh is when the Hall of Fame game is you got to think these backend guys are gonna have a lot of opportunity um to show out but running back depth is out there I know a lot of people are saying dline there’s something that’s happened this offseason that has me just kind of trusting uh what Deo Ryan is saying and what the Texans have put around the dline and and and I’ve I’ve watched all of uh Seth pay’s breakdowns of these um for lack of a better term wikilite uh defensive linemen that the Texans are bringing in and wik leite is basically someone where when the team signs him you have to go to Wikipedia page and see who the hell is who’s that wik wiki Wikipedia oh okay this guyy okay okay okay oh he started this many games oh never really heard of him okay um Seth Payne’s done a really good job job uh of breaking down these guys matter of fact I’ll pull up uh Seth Channel because he’s gone in the sticks like it’s this is not like a uh this is not like a generic uh breakdown that let’s see Seth Payne uh videos look how look look how much in the sticks you got look at that mug shot right there uh he is uh he’s broken down he’s done it live okay he’s broken down Mario Edwards Jr mctelvin Tim settle and a bunch of other dudes so Seth Seth’s kind of gotten in the sticks uh when it comes to breaking down these uh these D linan in between his breakdowns Deo Ryan’s uh giddy Behavior and the uh the overall uh surroundings On The Edge at linebacker uh safety all that uh I I I think the D line that that’s not really an area of of my concern anymore not even a little bit I’m not I’m not concerned about the Texans D line even a little bit uh John Ryan uh says man snorkeling brother um my concern is the offensive line just hasn’t come together yet plus the injuries seems like we can’t stay consistently healthy and that’s going to be a problem that and that’s the other thing about you know all the optimism and and when when when you try to talk about weaknesses and concerns in a perfect world you would love for your football team to just be perfect and have no flaws but even the best teams in the NFL even the teams that win the Super Bowl they have concerns over the course of a season so there’s there’s going to be concerns like even and we don’t anticipate the Texans going 17-0 and running the table or anything like that Kansas City last year they were struggling on offense um they’ve won Super Bowls when they had a bad offensive line you you you see teams that are going to have weaknesses that maybe you don’t see at the start of the season so when you when you have all this optimism and you have all this hope with the Texans we’re three weeks away from camp now can’t wait you take a step back and you say okay what what do we need to take a closer look at let’s just look at what we were talking about last year um last year we were talking about the uh we we were talking about uh Damen Pierce man is he gonna rush for a thousand yards Jaylen Petri man this guy’s one of the most underrated guys in the league those two guys ended up kind of falling off so let’s take a look at this and and and and try to proactively perhaps find maybe like are we are we too high on Christian Harris already like Christian Harris had the end of that season is is there going to be some struggles for Christian Harris I don’t think so are we too high on the edge guys I don’t think so I think that’s as Elite as it gets are we too high on the receivers I would say no uh is Joe Mixon gonna be able to stay healthy is Damian Pierce going to be able to uh be a backup I would say that’s a concern dline not concerned secondary concern so that’s why you look at this and um it all starts with the offensive line you’re going to need the offensive line to be effective but um the concerns for the Texans there’s not a lot um but I I think between what we’ve seen and what uh what the Texans have uh have put out there and told us I I I do think that there’s some stuff that at least uh deserves a little bit of attention it is the locker room number one source for uh digital content be sure to subscribe like uh right along I I was listening to uh Sean and Seth in the car on the way uh here they were talking about um one of the bigger controversies in sports I have a simple question what the hell was the guy supposed to say uh we’ll get into that in a second also uh I compared a uh local leader to one of the worst coaches in the history of the NFL definitely one of the worst coaches in Texans history and uh I I’m going to I have no shame in my game I will apologize when it’s necessary I don’t know if I owe this guy an apology or not as a fact as a matter of fact I think I might be owed uh an apology uh we’ll get into that uh in a sec um the locker room right here 10:30 pm every night videos throughout the day during the season there’s going to be a lot more uh going on we’re going to be on uh reaction Monday for sure um at a at a early time and we’re gonna have videos it probably be close to 10ish uh perhaps but but I heard on 610 there was a talk about Nico Collins and it was you know can Nico Collins uh can he have 1500 yards this year and and then that that’s one of the ultimate like slow news day type of things Nico Collins have 15 100 yards um this year I mean what I know I I know that it’s I I know it’s the time of the year where you kind of you try to figure some stuff out but, 1500 yards there was there were three guys last year that had 1500 yards they were Tyreek Hill they were cidd lamb and they were Aman rosain Brown puka AA and AJ Brown had for uh over 1,400 respectfully and and they had good Seasons uh then you had DJ Moore with 1300 iuk had 1300 Nico had 1300 the thing is this like what when you add Stefan Diggs and you have tank Dell healthy and you have a running game 1500 yards that that kind of seems like a lot and and I think the the promo the the guy who said it it was talking about I think he I think he uh it was the OG I think he’s actually said now he doesn’t remember all the times like when he says one thing from one day to the next but but I think actually like I know he thinks Stefan Diggs is by far and away uh the top receiver on this squad so maybe that’s changed it very possible uh but, 1500 yards uh it seems like a lot and let’s let’s be honest uh 610 um definitely uh definitely is one of the uh it’s one of the catalysts for for talking points so I think that’s a that’s a good talking point to have I just like some consistency and remembering what you say from day to day uh on that 1500 seems like a lot speaking of the Texans offense we talked about this yesterday when Daniel Jeremiah said that there was a uh there was a possibility that this could be a top three offense which they’ve never had a top three offense they’ve never had a top five offense uh as a matter of fact they’ve been top 10 four times and it was all with Gary kubak the the last time the Texans were top 10 in points 2012 um the last time that the Texans were top 10 in yards 2012 each of those things has happened four times uh four years in a row on the on the points from 09 to 12 uh and in The Yards uh 08 09 10 uh and 12 uh respectfully so shout out to Gary kubak but top three offense has never happened around here they got the weapons but it is definitely never ever ever ever uh happened around here so we’ll see uh we’ll see if that happens we’ll see how that goes the Stefan Diggs trade want to touch on this uh the Stefan digs trade probably the biggest splash uh when it comes to a transaction uh definitely a trade around here of the year uh of the year uh it could be put being pushed back to that number two spot relatively soon Rockets uh have been kind of plotting a little bit they they’re adding picks they’re swapping picks uh this was uh the report from wge of ESPN yesterday about the Rockets uh he says there’s implications of the Rockets Landing the Suns picks Houston wants to trade for Kevin Durant and that becomes far easier if they can return the Suns picks they gave up in the Durant deal to the Nets sons have said they’re keeping Durant for now but that could change next season very polarizing guy that Kevin Durant and there’s a lot of rockets fans who are basically saying Hell No I want nothing this guy screw this guy I want nothing I want nothing to do with KD you’re saying the same thing about Russell Westbrook and then when he came here what went down you were pumped we were questioning Russell Westbrook triple doubles and all of a sudden he puts on the Rockets uniform W welcome home Russ well well welcome home we’re here for you thank you very much if the Rockets can bring Kevin Durant in and keep the L A large amount of their young talent and have him teach these guys how to work and carry the load and clutch situations and let these guys develop you got to do it you got to do it this young core is going to have to be broken up eventually there’s intriguing pieces but all three of them are not going to mesh I’m talking about shenon I’m talking about Green I’m talking about Thompson I think they like Thompson too I if you can if you can get Kevin Durant here and you can get that star power and you can get to a point where you like your young guys but you’re in you’re in play to to churn the roster like a lot of good NBA teams do and make splashes you got to do it you got to do it uh so the Stefan Diggs trade for right now biggest splash that has been has been made uh by a uh Houston Squad that could change very very very very very quickly and if I’m Rafel Stone uh and if I’m ma adoka who might be calling the shots a little bit more uh I would definitely make that move get that done why am I showing David Cy why why do y’all think I’m showing David cly right now what the hell am I trying to give y’all nightmares no I’m not I’m showing David cly because earlier this year Yours Truly compared Astros manager Joe asata who has his ball club uh in a really good spot right now the Astros are one game away from being 500 they’re very much in the mix for the division they’re very much in the mix uh for the wild card uh right now Joe as spot is looking pretty good should Joe eSATA be getting an apology from your boy for being compared to David cly I think it’s a fair question should he should Joe asata get an apology for being compared to David Cly I’m gonna say no I’m gonna say no and and this is my reason why I’m not apologizing to Joe aspa because the Astros were treating him like David cly the Astros were treating Joe a spot like David cly I remember when I was at a press conference where Jack easterby the POS walked in with David Cy basically pushed him to the podium and sat back there and watched his every single word David Cy was not making decisions when it came to time management David cly was not making Personnel decisions and David cly had to go up there and look like a fool same thing was happening with Joe spata with the Jose abrau situation and there were also some serious brain fars from Joe spot I remember the New England clock management uh Gaff that was uh that happened when when David Cy couldn’t even recall what was going on Jo Jo spot has done that a couple of times there’s been a couple of times where there’s been base running blunders and Joe spot will go up there and go oh I got to talk to him and figure out uh I got to figure out what was going on so they were treating him like David cly furthermore I don’t know how much and some people say well you give him the you give him the blame when they lose and you don’t give them the credit when they win no I don’t give him the blame I mean you can you can win baseball games with bad managers you can you can also lose because of some decisions but you also like you can have bad luck you can have injuries and a bad manager it doesn’t have to be either or I think sometimes in sports we get we get in a situation where we we power rank like reasons and stuff and it’s like okay Davis Mills sucks his offensive coordinator sucks the coaching sucks and the talent might suck it can all it can all be terrible that doesn’t that doesn’t mean that you like run it back Davis Mills like you there have been a lot of teams in sports that have had multiple multiple multiple problems and that and that’s possible so should Joe es spot get an apology for being compared to David col the answer is hell no but the Astros are playing some ball in the Astros they are very very very very much alive it is the locker room number one source for uh Texans digital content slow news day slow slow time of the uh of the year um I’ll get to some questions and then I’m going to get to one of these controversies um that I think I’m I’m kind of confused about but but I want to know what y’all have to say about it I know it’s gotten a lot of run um we’ll touch on it in a sec John Ryan says Jaylen Petri can play I I don’t disagree that he can play can he play starting sa can he be a really really good starting safety I think that’s a question deflect don’t grandstand at the press conference we’ll get to to that um in a second uh what do you think about the Rockets draft trades I think they need to trade for Kevin Durant no doubt back in Action I never left uh 10:30 pm is when the stream is the videos go on throughout right now is the slow news day um so I’m I’m gonna we’ll be we’ll be 100% balls to the wall uh when the season starts been doing the uh the digital thing uh every day uh but look it’s slow news day uh get to get to cruise a little bit I’m not on standby I don’t have to wait for like a one hour window of preparing the show and stuff uh I can I can come on here and stuff hauls uh but yeah it’s it’s it’s going to intensify I’ll be back in action in more ways than one so uh be ready to uh be ready to go there uh when it comes to that and but the the daily content does not stop and the side hustle is the uh is not going to overtake uh what the main thing is um which is uh just tra would I trade shenon for KD yes I mean that’s yeah I mean I wouldn’t even hesitate if that’s what it takes yeah byebye um this is uh this has gotten a lot of uh a lot of run I actually posed the question on Twitter um and I and I’ll pull I’ll pull that up first because I I found some of the responses interesting um the uh the new coach at the University of Texas uh who I don’t even know if everyone even knew who the hell he was uh before this little press conference uh he he said something interesting and um this was uh these were some of the responses uh that I got from what he uh what he had to uh what he had to say my my simple question was what what should uh Jim uh Jim as have said what what what should he have said uh in his press conference Kim Davis shout out to Kimmy um she said nothing and if I couldn’t and if he couldn’t pull that off he certainly shouldn’t have said given that fake ass emotion ending would now write that I agree I thought that was a weird way to respond to it uh Big JJ says he should have said no comment so go up to the podium and say no comment okay uh Stephen says tiptoe around it and tell everyone you’ll talk about a letter date rather than what he said okay uh Tyler McBride if you’re going to dodge the question that needed to be asked by the way the appropriate answer would be to say that tonight was about his guys and the work the effort they put in later instead he gave a me answer for that’s fair um Running Man there was nothing he could have said to be honest appropriate was to not negotiate a deal to leave during the College World Series appropriate was UT to announce Pierce firing weeks ago blah blah blah um I I don’t know about that so UT is supposed to wait for A&M and A&M is supposed to and and he’s supposed to just sit there and tiptoe around uh at a major university where he’s probably going to be one of the highest paid coaches in the in the thing that that’s see this is this is dumb to me um not negotiate a deal to leave during the College World Series okay so do you just wait and put that on standby what if they move on what if he wants the job uh UT announced the Pierce firing weeks ago what if they didn’t have a replacement yet they didn’t know they were going to do it uh shall I go on no I think you’ve said enough silliness shout out to you though my friend um I’m proud of this team in their fight but no unreal did he leave his fam to go to htx to I don’t know what the hell that meant the family thing uh I understand there’s a rumor out there about my future but we’re here to discuss baggie baseball the great young men on this team and their accomplishments this season I think that’s fair uh that question isn’t important right now we just played a heartbreaking game blah blah blah definitely not putting the reporter on a pedestal I think that’s fair uh Tex and agie uh Mark Barrett nothing but he needed to say something he should just told the truth yes I am leaving okay I’m leaving hookup I’m a line coward uh Tom answer uh Tom Herman answer uh come on Podium critic you’re better than this I’m just I’m just trying to ask the question I’m just trying to uh Embrace uh Embrace debate here let’s let’s let’s look at uh let’s look at what my man said and uh just kind of react to this because I I’m I’m actually kind of intrigued by it I might try to be this man’s lawyer coach with respect notice how that’s kind of orange down there though like he was kind of telling you look at that look at that uh look at that sign right there that’s orange brother that’s burnt orange he was telling you man he was telling look at that that we we should the answer was right there that burnt orang right there um let’s hear what my man uh had to say though go ahead coach to the difficult outcome tonight but with the rumor circulating today about a specific job opening what you have to say about your future in Agy land yeah I mean I think it’s pretty selfish of you to ask me that question to be honest with you uh but my uh I left my family to be the coach at I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another it’s not selfish let’s just be serious it’s not selfish at all job again he took the A&M job to not take another job again he’s not lying that’s what he did he’s talking about what he did he’s not talking about what he’s gonna do he said that’s what he did I took it let’s let’s hear it one more time go ahead not selfish again coach at Texas A&M I took the job atexas A&M to never take another job again yeah he did he said did he didn’t say he didn’t say is he he said did okay and that hasn’t changed in my mind um that’s unfair to talk about something like that that’d be like you asking Montgomery if he’s gonna sign in the draft but I think that’s a good question I think you should asked Montgomery if he’s gonna sign in the draft I actually think that’s perfect I understand you got to ask the question but I gave up a big part of my life to come take this job and I’ve poured every ounce of my see past tense again past tense go in this job and I’ve given this job every single ounce I can possibly give it it’s right that coach thank you very much there he goes walk off that was a good that was good but but he he was past tense right he didn’t say I’m staying at A&M he said what he did I mean let’s let’s actually listen to what my man says he’s getting he’s getting railroaded funniest thing about this though and this is obviously uh a football podcast and and I and I agree I agree that he did too much I I don’t disagree with that at all I don’t disagree but he was past tense there he said he he he originally went to A&M not as a stepping stone he went there to never take another job that was past tense he went up there he got ticked off was it a little bit extra yeah my man just lost the championship like that’s the beauty of like the postgame press conference like my man just lost the damn Championship was he supposed to be thrilled was he supposed to go up there and do his thing but the funniest thing about this is that who cares like how many people really watch college baseball during the season like that’s that’s always the funniest thing like I remember when I used to have friends like I’m sure a lot of y’all have friends who go to Baylor and for like a two week stretch they’re the biggest women’s basketball fans in the world then you you’re watching Texas A&M or Texas and all of a sudden like college baseball is everything when you’re not even it’s not even in the rotation like you’re watching Seinfeld or office reruns on a Saturday instead of college baseball that’s that’s the most amusing thing for me like I’m I’m this just made me when I saw this I’m like okay Texas Texas A&M rivalry okay well what’s that going to be like in football and what’s that going to be like in basketball I I’ve been to the College World Series I went when Texas lost Houston Street and them lost to Suzuki and stuff but I mean as far as like anger and passion let’s be serious 99% of the people crying about this y’all weren’t even watching college baseball half y’all didn’t even know who the hell this guy was I mean it’s it’s healthy but it it it all just circles to football I think we’re about 10 weeks away we’re less than 10 weeks away from the start of football uh that’s going to be uh a lot of fun are the Texans getting too much hype uh check out that video from yesterday uh is the offensive line do you still have trust issues with the offensive line uh we’ll wrap it up here uh elsewhere in the AFC South uh the Jags um they’re going to get a $ 1.4 billion Stadium renovation it’s been an interesting off season for the Jags they made Trevor Lawrence one of the highest paid quarterbacks in the history of the NFL uh and they finally got that Stadium upgrade they’ve been Begg for I almost feel like they’re using London to get this there was times where we were wondering man are they going to just move to London permanently it’s one game then it’s two games and now uh they got that $ 1.4 billion doll Stadium renovation which makes you wonder uh is NRG how when is NRG going to get upgraded I I know they’re hosting big events uh it’s really nice the the Astrodome though kind of eh um in the way uh but when is this going to happen for the Texans uh there’s some there’s some pretty good uh stadiums around here uh when is this going to happen for the Texans but the uh the Jags all that London stuff all that that Trevor Lawrence all that yeah good job uh for them we’ll see uh how that goes appreciate everyone uh for coming through Jag offs goodness gracious Houston stru sh shout out to you uh you my friend uh one of the better aggregators um and agitators uh at times I will say uh Houston stress and uh but yeah the locker room 10:30 nightly uh it’s going to increase during the week just wait till Camp starts we’ll have some we’ll have some announcements but when you YOLO with the fam sometimes you just move it to 10 uh the reaction Mondays though they will be they will be earlier uh and we got a lot of features and stuff uh that that are going down by we I mean me and uh Cody stud so there’s going to be a lot going on appreciate uh all you folks for uh for rolling through uh Amy you found the channel thank you very much you’re subscribed I appreciate you I think we’re almost 10K deep been able to do this for less than two years um and done it daily quite frankly I think we’re like 800 900 videos in 22 months September yeah about yeah like since the channel started it was the day before Lovey Smith’s debut now I did delete um a few because before it got to the monetized level there’s a lot of f bombs and it’s just kind of you know y’all know how I talk and stuff there is some there is some crow that can definitely be eaten though if you go back and uh look at those videos appreciate y’all uh for coming through yeah the 10K thing I don’t really like start the countdown but I want to get there uh for sure also got some uh some sponsors jumping on it’s going to be fun man it’s gonna be fun covering the squad always been fun this is not like some startup this has been going for uh a couple years now and the digital game’s increasing the Texans energy is increasing and there’s a lot going on let me know if you feel good about the o line appreciate everyone for coming through it’s only going to get a lot more fun just wait till Camp starts the locker room gonna be crazy I promise shout out to you we’re all in this together have a good one the city too landlock got the game in the headlock localize Every Time Can’t Stop won’t stop yeah we top two and we not two plugged in Daily digital on YouTube we got taste for days opinions to give we got takeways if it’s up then it’s St we number one you don’t need to try your luck uhuh uhuh locker room yeah we in the locker room Texas talk yeah you know what we about to do localize every angles what we really do we The Source we the post of the city too [Music]

There are A LOT of reasons to be excited about the 2024 Houston Texans, but even the best football teams have emerging flaws over the course of a season. It’s hard not to be optimistic about the Texans in virtually every way, but what are the biggest concerns? Is there offensive line PTSD and potential issues? Does recent history present concerns?

What other concerns are there?

Is Diggs going to take a backseat to KD?

Should a former Texans coach have never been brought up?

Why is a presser getting so much heat? A close look from the podium critic.

Landry Locker breaks it all down and more in another LIVE edition of The Locker Room on YouTube!

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  1. I agree with the concern about OL. CJ covered up a lot of bad OL play last season. Youth, injuries, and shuffling the starters are all legit justifications but also likely to again be issues in a Texans season which will start early and hopefully finish in Feb.

  2. Hey Landry when are u and stoots going to do another get together at daily sports club. I went when y’all did it and I won a free hat from the raffle. Love what u do much respect brother

  3. Tunsil seems to forget, to be an All Pro you have to show out as a run blocker, not just a pass protector. Tytus had 1 good season at RT and allowed 2 sacks in ‘21 and got paid for it. Mason was dependable. Scruggs at LG by the end of last season was the best run blocker on the O-line. Patterson was the better pass protector when compared to Scruggs, I think he would be someone I would trust with the line calls. Kenyon Green has yet to show anything. Kendrick Green was improved and showed progress. We know virtually nothing about Henderson, Fisher, or Sharpe. Heck even battled injuries last season. If healthy, this line can gel. I think we distrust the health, rather than the ability. Depth concerns at RB, Secondary, and LB corps.

  4. Not worried about performance of O-line, just health. No one can evaluate Texans’ Line until they stay together for a season.

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