What Is The Real Reason The Pittsburgh Steelers Released Trenton Thompson ?

What Is The Real Reason The Pittsburgh Steelers Released Trenton Thompson ?

so we also wanted to get your reaction man on this man um last week we had a couple players get released Denzel Mims and Trenton Thompson now we know Trenton Thompson that’s the big that’s the safety you like I know that that was your as soon as I saw him get released I thought of you I’m like yo that’s his safety like he like that like rangy long athlete ball skills I mean we saw you know that really kind frish in the preseason and then when he had some opportunities to play defense this past season he made plays and we all like yo he nice we like him but they both got released and specifically focusing on Trenton Thompson how you feeling about that man did you think of him as more of the odd man out because as we currently look our safeties were mcka Fitzpatrick DeShaun Elliott you have Damonte K who started at points last year you brought back cam Sutton who we know outside slot and safety still got miles kbu who is more of your special team but that brings five and then you got the big rookie Ryan Watts out of Texas who we also know has that safety build that safety potential as well yeah kind of like I don’t think I think that story is a little bit deeper than that like you know yeah because I like even deshaan Elliot like he’s safety but he’s kind of like they’ll put him in the slot you know what I mean like he sneaky is that because he rangy yeah he got some of that that nickel type that’ll be the cover nickel though you know or like the safety that just comes down as the cover safety more of but I thought I thought Tristan played that role like Tristan I thought he played that role in the sense of like I could do that as well I don’t think he was a OTA casualty to I’m like yeah you see what I’m saying I’m like that’s weird more like coach like that might have been deeper than like coach if y’all not gonna use let me get up out of here all right cool or like uh yeah because we picked up a random defensive tackle for that’s kind of like a some that that’s deeper than that story sounds a little bit deeper than man we we didn’t have no spot for you yeah like the way I looked at it I thought was it potentially the Steelers trying to do him the favor of yo we think you’re buried on the dep chart let me get you out of here early and now you get a full training camp wherever you go you’re not going to have to worry about being the you know one of thousands that get cut on that last week after the preseason game you know what I mean now it’s like yo good luck trying to you know take your time and get to the best situation I thought could have potentially have been that in this you know decision making and it’s just always better to have a job than be trying to get a job but I definitely feel you like on man I might not have been the best situation for him either like he might be it might have been that I just think that sounds a little bit more coach Let Me Ride coach let me go find something you know like this might not be it like coach let me find somewh C y’all not gonna use it give me a chance to go get free yeah you know that to me it just sounds like that it just sounds like a all right go ahead you know it sounds like a like we’re really not gonna use you go be free you know to me but we we do value you we like you you know I used to see him in there with Kenny Robinson yeah that’s what I’m saying shout out to Kenny man out Kenny you know that’s my young boy that’s my guy and I uh always will be watching Kenny and be like who’s that I’m like the other one you know so that’s [Music] crazy did you hear this T said I’m here to watch my man that’s his W guy too like I’m here to watch my man who is that one yo that is sick I love it I love you that’s what yo that’s why is TG anybody knows TG knows that’s real he’s authentic just like that you be like bro did you just say that I’m here to watch this one but what is this right here I need to know what is that because that that right there that that looks different yeah yeah that’s what is supposed to look like still I am a fan of his game move well man he moves real well big speed big safety you know always like big I just it sounds crazy but this man this game has evolved like these boys are tall these boys are big bro they long you seen what Ryan W look like in person we like bro he’s huge it’s insane watching him like yeah like are you a corner or safety right cause you like you could put something to sleep man but you don’t have to hit dudes the same way back there no more that’s fact it’s not it’s I’ll come chop that down but really in reality like I keep say this safety quietly is like the fourth corner like man it come down you know it is real life’s actually starting to uh catch up to Madden o that’s what’s going on that’s all these dudes do on Ultimate Team they get the tallest dudes on in defense fast put them on defense I’m just like yo it looks crazy Ryan watch like a like you said like a safety but he’s a corner he’s like yo you’re long bro you could even mistake him for because how tall he is is these guys see the value in the position like Corners turned into a super value position that ran wat would have been a wide receiver facts yeah he like play wide receiver yeah like that’s what he would have been where now these guys they’re like you know what yall know you can catch and all that long you just play defense and play think about JP think about Joey Porter Jr bro Jo por receiver and it’s like n bro give them play that play corner and believe but Joey Porter is a little bit like to me he’s special because he’s got that dog in him too like I’ll come I’ll come hit you too like I’m a real corner I like some of these dudes like and I’m not saying they won’t hit you but they like but they ain’t hitting you we know that yeah I’m a corner hey but put me at safety but look I got that slot one1 I got the tight end that’s easy food that’s my food yeah you know what I mean low key that’s that was the Patrick Peterson last year when pat p went back to save it was like yo you could do all the coverage stuff and we felt good about all of that type of stuff facts come come just get it down like you don’t got you don’t got to set the tone in here just get it down somebody’s gonna have a hand on it slow it down yeah knock this down let’s keep on keeping on and you’re really not in here for your tackling like we really like just get it down yeah just get it and the ones that can’t get them down are the ones that live in this league and they’ll have great careers and get paid and the ones that can’t get them down those are the ones that don’t last this league cuz yeah I about to say it always sounds simple like how you making it sound like yo you good 85% of the time until you in that alley and nobody has a hand on him and he got you squared up and now you got to make that play and we all know at various points last year what that kind of would feel like where we like yeah thing that that play is not a loud play to where everybody sees that story yes and it’s like yes well that like you don’t realize like yo that was his t get there sck his face in thean he missed that that’s why he just picked up and it’s not that it goes for a home run it’s the extra 15 it’s the extra 20 yeah it goes for hot 17 hot 19 and it’s like oh that was a big play it’s an explosive yeah that’s an explosive like went for 26 like and it’s like 26 don’t sound like a lot 26 a lot that’s a lot a now respect on that all right okay okay okay okay so would you do anything though in terms of trying to add to that room now that he’s gone are you still cool with the names that we already still have there know we got a Justin Simmons that’s still available on the market that any interest you at all or you still just like yeah we good we got me we got deshan Elliott we got Cy we got cam suting we solid I mean I don’t feel like that name like his name isn’t a name that you’re like now I gotta replace that respect like it’s kind like you want to like hey what else like give me the best available give me the best thing you all right what you like what you want yeah all hey cam Hayward he kind of ain’t really been in the building we gon have to give somebody a little rest let’s not kill other guys give me another D okay H yeah okay yeah good point okay I like that I like that I’m not gonna kill my other guys man I kind of need these guys to step up and make some plays like I’m really rooting for the other guys so hey give me give me another D tackle let me take some wear and tear off of him a little bit we’ll be all right okay

Arthur and Deke are joined by Steelers alumni, Terence Garvin, to discuss what they think is the real reason the Steelers released Trenton Thompson!
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