Stephon Castle Can’t Wait to Play With Victor Wembanyama | 2024 NBA Draft

Stephon Castle Can’t Wait to Play With Victor Wembanyama | 2024 NBA Draft

all right Stefan so you sat down and I said all right I know you’re thinking about throwing those passes to wimy what does that look like for you um I mean he’s he’s just such a great player I can’t wait to play with him uh can’t wait to you know just build a connection with him on the court and off the court so I just can’t wait to get out there and you know start connecting with them and you have been very vocal about wanting to play point guard in the league what untapped potential do you feel like you have at that position um I just feel like my passing ability uh something that I didn’t get to show as much as I wanted to while I was at Yukon but you know that I mean I I feel like my I feel like my game is pretty versatile so being on and off the ball is something that you know I’m ready to show as I as I come to you know San Antonio especially with you know a guy like wimy that that’s he’s going to have the ball like so being able to you know ball screen for him and you know cut and just do little things that that I learned how to you know do playing off the ball at Yukon so I just can’t wait to to Really show everything when I get out there so when you were watching the Spurs last year and you were really seeing what wimy is able to do how do you feel like having a guy like you will Elevate his talent even further um I just feel like I mean like I said just being able to ball screen for him uh being able to you know short roll and you know cut you know I feel like it it’ll expand his playmaking uh you know abilities so so much more and you know I feel like my my IQ is pretty high so um just if we could you know bump heads on a couple things you know I say something he says something and we and we kind of learn and grow together that’s that’s just something that you know I’m I’m ready to you know know uh it’s ready to do and I’m looking forward to you know there aren’t a lot of guards that take as much pride in their defense as you do what is it about defense that brings out the best in you um I don’t know I feel like it’s just a pride thing for me um uh it’s it’s like 70% effort like 30% talent but on the back end of that I feel like it’s it’s really The Pride that I have in in defending and you know showing that part of my game cuz you know I have the ability to so I mean I feel like I’ll be cutting myself short if I if I didn’t show it who who are you most looking forward to guarding in the league uh I got this question earlier I said Luca I said he’s probably like one of the best players in the league right now so um you know I’ve never been one to you know run away from competition or you know always tried to play against the best players in the world so you know I just can’t wait last one for you you of course are a champion uh winning at Yukon how will you bring that mentality to the Spurs um I mean I I feel like just being there for that one year you know being around a guy like coach Hurley you kind of you kind of get adapt to his mentality and you know the way that he thinks so you know just always having that that posit that positive mindset and you know understanding that you know that that’s that that’s really the main goal to to try and Chase championships so you’re just doing the little things is really what matters and I feel like um just me bringing that to to San Antonio now is it’s it’s only going to elevate the the organization well the Spurs got their point guard congratulations

Stephon Castle spoke with Taylor Rooks after being drafted No. 4 overall by the San Antonio Spurs in the 2024 NBA Draft.

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  1. glad that hes acknowledging how much he can help wemby in the game unlike his current teammates. looking forward to seeing them play

  2. He’s gonna be an all defensive player in 3 years time. Telling ya’ll it’s scary hours if he really develops and shows his offensive versatility cos on defence he locking yo favourite guard up

  3. Its funny cause him playing with Clingan will help him get the ball up for Wemby. Its a huge adjustment for many players, but not for Castle

  4. Spurs made an all-time bonehead move in this draft. Drafting Castle who is a SG who can't shoot at 4 and then trading out of their PG pick at 8. Looks like SAS gonna be a lottery team next year also.

  5. Love it. He’s special. Elite D and great size. His offense will get better but I’m excited for castle to Wemby connection. That’s a big PG 6’5

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