Chicago Cubs continue to slide, lose 4-3 in San Francisco | CHGO Cubs Postgame Podcast

Chicago Cubs continue to slide, lose 4-3 in San Francisco | CHGO Cubs Postgame Podcast

[Music] hey Chicago what say it’s the chgo Cubs podcast and the Cubs found another way to lose today 4 to3 to the Giant and San Francisco uh that’s three straight in this series I believe that’s four overall and we are here for your late night therapy session for those of you that are watching live on YouTube those of you listening uh tomorrow on podcast form we appreciate you as well make sure you subscribe to CH Sports YouTube p page best way to enjoy the chto experience is right there but we also enjoy those podcast downloads give us good reviews thumbs up all those things we appreciate because we’re here for you we’re a therapy session Luke stuck Ryan Herrera Cody delmendo and Greg Braggs running the ones and twos we’re uh doing it from home because we’re starting at about 11:30 at night and I I don’t have a whole lot for you guys I we’ll talk a little Kyle henricks in the second segment this game was everything we’ve been talking about all season long the starting pitching was probably good enough to get a win you got a home run but early in the game you had opportunities to score more runs didn’t do it and when it’s a one-run game now they’re 33rd of the Season what did they do they ran the bases like a little league team yeah they ran B like a little league team this felt like it felt like that I mean when was the last time that they were making outs at like what felt like as many outs as they did make it felt like it’s been a while iel like that they’d improved in that area for the last few weeks uh but then morale you know gets caught leaning off first too far and and gets thrown out he gets thrown out at second base which you know was kind of like the the dude knocked his arm off second base the tag but I’m saying that’s one of them and then obviously right there at the end have an N Morel I think double steel yeah and they ended two off yeah so base running ran them out I mean but I mean like Suzuki’s grounding into a double play right there um even before hap you know he he just doesn’t hit into a double play they probably score the tying run because have doubles right right after that so yeah it’s just uh like you said a lot of what we’ve been talking about and what we’ve been seeing from this ball club for weeks now and I mean I remember we were talking the other day how like it kept feeling like it was Bullpen blowing stuff Bullpen blowing stuff I’m like wait a minute like they they have those fake rallies don’t forget about the fake rally that’s that’s the second script for Cubs losses and that’s what it was today is you know they’re trying to claw back in the into the game and um get there get the guy on get the tying run and scoring position all that and and just can’t come through in the end Cody they’ve now lost uh 19 of the 33 one-run games they’ve been in 14 and 19 on the season oh that’s an evil laugh that’s like Cody just turned into the Joker right there like it just happened this is where he started to sit in his apartment all of a sudden he started to pain his face clown a little bit shout out to Hayden bir Eastern Illinois Legend that’s what I have for you the third highest draft pick in Eastern Illinois baseball history pitched a gy not really but he pitched well enough against the Cubs tonight to at least earn some respect from some people um looked really good honestly and maybe he looked good or maybe it’s the Cubs offense I don’t know but uh what the one inning when Herer and Bush let off uh had back-to-back singles and then it followed with Bellinger striking out SE flying out and then hap striking out the in the inning third in um yeah third inning uh then you know the inning that Ryan mentioned would say it with the double play of course hap gets the double and and then for whatever reason we’re trying to double steal like I I understand they’re trying to get the the go-ahead run in scoring position which was Morell um but I mean it it’s not even like a like he was I guess you could technically say picked off like not even it wasn’t even thrown out he was picked off um and JD and boo even or JD kind I don’t know if he was defending it but he was talking about how like the pitcher for the Giants out there um and how it it should be easy to be able to steal off off of him I don’t exactly remember what he said but whatever uh yeah man it’s it’s like what you guys said it’s the same [ __ ] different day um like and and I said this am I I think I said this in the Discord last night I was like yeah and today as in this game the bullpen will be fine because it won’t be late Innings it won’t be high leverage and they’ll be they’ll keep you in the game uh but the offense probably won’t do enough and that is exactly what we saw and um you know there like honestly what it was three bad pitches from the Cubs pitching staff tonight yeah the two homers that wesneski gave up he only gave up two hits it was the two homers um and then Drew Smiley was fine except for the one solo shot um I thought hjj was probably the biggest um bright spot of the game it was nice to see Council give him an opportunity and in kind of like a jam uh and he got out of it and then he had a clean inning the inning after um and then Thompson had a nice inning as well I if it’s not one thing it’s another man like I don’t I don’t I don’t know what to say like they can’t catch a break they can’t take advantage when the other team [ __ ] up like why they’re trying to pick off Swanson in the ninth inning and he gets the second of course Herer hits a hard one but right at the short stop but it’s also in the way of you know just the over o the overall complaints I’ve had with niik Herer all year he’s he’s not he’s hitting a lot of you know when he does hit it hard it feels like it’s either on the ground or you know on a low lowline drive that can be played he’s not fing holes um you know but I I’m not I’m not even really trying to complain about niik Herer in this moment I’m just saying that like you know of course he hits one hard but it’s right at someone after the Giants like have a bad moment like that right like but at the same time the Cubs had plenty of opportunities what left light went one for six of runners in scoring position left however many on base tonight got like you guys said getting thrown out on the base pads like it’s a joke it’s an absolute joke they’re joke of a team organizations a joke they continue to say oh this going to make us stronger I’m sure that’s what they’re saying in the locker room tonight again whatever can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and watch this thing all over again we got Jim and sea we got Jim and Shawn uh in the chat asking who won who won the game I here’s what I don’t I mean well the socks may be on Pace for the they’re close to on Pace for the worst record in the history of baseball but this team is outrageously frustrating I don’t know how they’ve hired arguably the best manager in baseball away from their rival paid him the most money $40 million how has this team gotten worse at base running Fielding situational hitting like how how have they gotten worse clearly worse at all of those things all of the small fundamentals if I know this is gonna sound meatball if I were Craig Council I’d have them out there at 10: a.m. tomorrow doing base running drills yeah you you’re gonna you want to be treated like Major Leaguers then play like Major Leaguers if you want to play like little Leaguers then we’ll come out here and we’ll do drills for two hours before batting practice that would be my message tonight like what what is he left with doing yeah what else could he say like I know you got to treat these guys like men and they’re making millions of dollars but if you’re gonna play like children out there then we’re going to go through every situational way you could screw this up on the base passs and I don’t want to see it again today like yeah what else does it take yeah I thought cap had a good tweet like after hap got thrown out at third or whatever um and said can’t I’m paraphrasing here but he basically said like that that’s when you pull him out of the game bench him for the rest of the game or something like St like it’s it’s like what you’re talking about Luke with like how do you hire this guy and then all these things get bad like go wrong well it’s like at like we used to complain about David Ross or not David Ross but Joe Madden no I used to complain about David Ross well we used to complain about David Ross but we used to the m the the example trying to give here is Joe Madden I think once or twice I think benched jav Bas because he either didn’t hustle out of the box or something like that or whatever and it’s like we see all these fundamental mistakes every single day and it’s like I just feel like as much as I I I’ve sat here and defended Ian half but like that moment like it’s just unacceptable man like I I think it’s worthy of a benching tomorrow like well I can you can you explain why like why like I’m sure moment man double steal was called you know like I I I would assume it’s not half going on his own and it looked like he was going on made it sound like they they scouted it well and it’s like all right well fine then that’s that’s on your your maner it’s on your base runner for not leaving too soon the one that really bothered me was Morel at first base was just like I I my wife who doesn’t even watch sports was walking through the room I go watch this just look at this she goes does that count as an out I’m like not only does it count as an out it’s the last out of the inning like what is he even doing over at first base and Morell had a pretty good game like again I don’t care about the thing at second base because I think the guy shoved his arm off second base which shouldn’t happen but the one at first base which ends an inning man I don’t care how many walks and how many hits you got you still have to play the fundamental of the game I love Christopher Morell I love his energy but that was like that was like uh what was the kid’s name in in um Bad News Bears is it Butterfinger was that the kid’s name butter maker the kid that’s out there chasing butterflies in the Outfield and on they throw the ball over and they tag him out that’s what it looked like he was so far off the bag even the first Bas was like like fake stealed like it looked like he was GNA try and steal and then he didn’t yeah you guys just throw it to me yeah no yeah if you’re talking about inexcusable like that’s the one to me where it’s like H how are you caught so far off first base to end the inning right there like it wasn’t the ball didn’t hit the dirt you know it wasn’t the catcher caught the ball I just don’t know what was going on in that moment and then he’s just halfway down the line it seemed like and then can’t get back to First that if you’re talking about inexcusable like that’s the one to me is like you just can’t get thr you can’t get backpck right there well mini Greg is is going to pop in here to try to brighten the mood up you got little Greg’s no way you’re going to be able to do that so super chat I figured I’d read a few super chats before we give a shout out to some of our sponsors here Ricky de hoos $1.99 Super Chat Jesus Christ that’s it that’s all he’s got for us Stephen neesi $2 Super Chat Start the Fire Hoyer movement now FJ really does not like Stephen’s not happy uh Clint SAR Clint Sara 499 Super Chat bring up the kids at this point see what you got can’t be any worse and then braxon Vulcan we appreciate all you guys jumping in here uh this late at night uh with the super chats please hit that like button while you’re hanging out Braxton vul with the $2 Super Chat when was the last complete Game these guys have played oh boy probably the to one win on Saturday they didn’t do anything wrong that day yeah there was a five to one win against the Cardinals right the other day the week before that yeah they’ve had like two when they’ actually they’ had like two in like the last month yeah when they’ve actually won games like by more than one run those are probably the games where you feel like they they deserve to win and they they they showed their best form of themselves that we feel like they should do a lot more often based off the names on this roster but you almost shouldn’t be able to pick that out though it should be the opposite right like when was the last time they really screwed a game up is what you should have to say but now there’s become so many of those you’re like uh well every time I think I’m about to say that’s got to be rock bottom or that’s got to be the worst loss of the Season then the next game comes and it happens again yeah by the way by the way Marquee just posted a clip of council saying they took a risk like paraphrasing if like took a risk tried to get two guys in scoring position the one in the eighth obviously um and it didn’t work out like that’s that’s basically what he said so from from that it seems like it was a call a double steal call from the bench um that didn’t pay off all right all right you know what we need we need help man we need help we need better help we do need better help um this show is sponsored by better help um you know better help when life goes so fast it’s important to take a moment to celebrate your wins and make adjustments for the rest of the year therapy can help you take stock of your progress and set achievable goals for the next six months therapy is obviously a great thing it’s helpful for learning positive coping skills and how to set boundaries and empowers you to be the best version of yourself it isn’t just for those who’ve experienced major trauma or things like that it’s for anyone who needs better help if you’re thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire to get 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enough Suzuki’s ninth home run of the season goes for nothing losing effort Cubs lose four to three again they’re fourth straight loss I was going to say it’s tough like it was a solo shot home run a home run but it’s a solo shot versus uh what inning was it when they had Runners on first and second to start the inning yeah yeah and then two three four guys up and and couldn’t even move him over to couldn’t couldn’t even move the guy had second over to third um like you obviously would you would have rather had the big hit there a guy in running run with a runner and scoring position another guy on base get a couple hits there and you’re looking at a different ball game versus like say his home run was game tying right I’m not yeah tied it tied the game like that’s still a good it’s great it’s a good thing but like there are obviously opportunities earlier in the game to put a run or two on the board or get more out of an inning or whatever it is uh and they just weren’t able to do that back to the hap getting thrown at third Bas double steal all right if you call if they’re if they’re saying that they called it my point is is that the pitcher didn’t even throw home like he was picked off and then decided to keep going like I don’t care that they’re trying to steal the base I understand that my problem is the fact that it you the way that they executed was so bad that he didn’t even throw home bro that’s the point that if if you if you look if you watch the replay cuz I did and and to me it looked like it was go on movement okay that that that’s what it was was go on this because you he he did a whatever the the move back to second base is called like he obviously you said he didn’t throw home but it looked like hap and I would assume or else who were just go on movement okay in that situation so like as far as getting picked off like it was more to me it looked more like uh the Giants called the right pick off or called the pick off at the right time uh more of what it looked like to me so they got out managed and outplayed you can say that yeah yeah at least in that situation for sure if the you know pickoff move is called as the go on go on movement steal is called like one you know it’s a chess move that wins that that matchup right out managed outplayed and out coached like at some point the base coaches have to take some of the blame for the way the guys are running the bases too like we’ve seen wave them home will over there a couple times and I know you want to be aggressive but we’ve seen guys throwing off the plate you’re like what what are they doing and I like Willie Harris what isn’t isn’t Napoli over at first telling Morell to get back like what isn’t he yelling at the guy like what are you doing I just when he when he gets picked back the back pick right yeah I’m I would think so I would to me the mistake for on the morel play at first base the mistake to me is is that he looked like he was going to steal and then he just didn’t and then just didn’t get back to First in time and like that to me that’s like if you’re G to steal steal like his Sprint speed is down this year if you go on baseball Savon probably from all the times he freaking fouled a damn pitch off his toe yeah right that’s what he said so it’s like he hasn’t been a stolen base threat this year all right like why I understand they’ve been trying to be more aggressive on the bases which has turned out to be good thing to kind of ignite their offense a little bit over the in the month of June that said though like he got he he had a great at bat to get on first base I and it’s like dude just keep doing the good things that you’re that you’ve shown to be good at this year and like he hasn’t it’s not like he’s some stolen base uh stolen base threat this year man like I don’t know like is what it is it’s just it’s just more bad self-inflicted baseball so whatever did we uh did we call it right yesterday afternoon or did we call it right when I said all right I want you to rank this was going into the Tuesday night game I said let’s rank where our confidence lies in the bullpen the offense and Kyle Henrick and we decided okay I don’t know I guess I guess I’m more confident and I maybe you could say henrix because he’s had good luck against the Giants he’s been pretty good against him he was good in his last outing but I don’t know if he’s really turned it around I I don’t know if I love the matchup and he’s facing them twice in a week and and I believe I said listen even if Hendrick does what we hope he can do against the Giants which turned out to be a quality start seven Innings two earned runs right what faith do you have that one of the other two things will come through for you to go along with henrik’s because that’s what that’s what Cody was saying earlier in this podcast and what we were saying yesterday when it’s not one thing it’s the other and when your team is On The Fringe of being mid or whatever you want to call it when they’re just in a in a group with a bunch of other teams that are average or bad you have to have at least two or three things working in your favor to win these 33 one-run games games and so last night they got the great effort from Kyle henricks again and the offense can muster one run I mean the bullpen again now finally you had a good effort tonight from the bullpen and we’ve been calling for the younger guys hjj came in and did a nice job tonight friend friend of the show friend of the show but I mean last night’s game was even even more predictable than this one it was like if you’re lucky enough to get Kyle Hendricks to have his second straight really good start will you get the other two thing one of just one of the other two things to go in your favor and the answer was no and so now you’ve got hris right at his 10 years of service time we heard him talking about it during the broadcast how the Cubs made a big deal out of it um they doing anything to push anything positive right now I mean what do you expect taking chunks of the game to talk about about service time like don’t don’t look at the uh what’s what’s that Meme trying to find the guy that did it you know and he’s in the hot dog costume we know who’s doing it the players are doing it they’re screwing up every game well the one positive Cody is the tank tops they’re giving away and the bleachers every Friday are pretty sweet that’s we got that going for us for those of us that wear a shirt guns out oh yeah you have to wear shirt to wear the tank top R he starts with the tank top but he’s always half naked by the time the gamees couple in in I’m filled up with liquid love Yeahs do we have another Super Chat I thought I saw another we got a couple more Super chats in here I can I can jump in and break things up from this depression session that I’m I’m sitting through with you guys um you know Cody didn’t take my advice and drive his bike into the lake and had he listened to me then he would wouldn’t have to do this postgame show right now Stephen neesi $2 Super Chat uh Hoyer is proving not all livey Leaguers are smart Stephen continues to send arrows hoers away Relentless Stephen nushi Robert Nash 499 Super Chat Cubs reminded me of the Chicago Bulls running it back with the same team and expecting a different result pathetic um you know I have to agree I mean at the end of the day you know uh we thought this team was just short of the playoffs but it took a huge run in July for them to get into contention I saw a stat the other day that they had the exact same record they had last year and we talked about this me and you Cody a couple weeks ago even if we could rest on that Laurel it still doesn’t feel the same right May and yeah I guess a year ago right now I can remember bitching about the bullpen and none of us anticipated the explosion that this team had to start July and save them from you know blowing it up at the trade deadline but at the same time to expect that lightning to strike two years in a row just feels very unlikely and as you guys mentioned it’s just too many holes leaking water to plug up this sinking ship I to push back on it a little bit like I still don’t think this roster is the same as last year what’s messed up about that though is that I think that this roster is better than last year’s and you know right now it looks like we probably have less wins than we did at the end of last year but you know last year’s team didn’t have Michael Bush Michael Bush is their best positional player this year um you’re not giving 500 combin at bats to Trey Mancini Eric Hosmer and Tucker barnhard um instead those those players that are giving you nothing this year have largely just been your core players um and a mixture of Jan Gomes and Miguel Amaya but like if we we didn’t expect those guys to be offensive threats we were hoping they’d be good defensively and up until last night they couldn’t throw out a runner at second base uh and Amaya threw out two Runners yesterday right um the this this year’s team it’s just been it like like we keep saying like it’s just been underwhelming like Dans B Swanson um I think he’s been hitting better of late and I hope it continues because he needs to do it but you know as of right now Ops under 700 he’s like a career 730 Ops type guy niik her I was kind of complaining about him earlier Ops under 700 right Cody Bellinger even though I didn’t think he was gonna have a 135 or 134 waiter runs created plus this year I thought he’d you know he’d still be one of your bigger run producers in this lineup and he has a 115 WRC plus this year which is still good it’s still above League a average aage but for a $30 million player he’s got to slug more he’s got to drive in more runs you know um and then say as auki I just I’m still a def I’m still a supporter I’m still a Defender um he’s you look at the numbers that since like I think someone tweeted them today I wish I could remember the account but tweeted his numbers since he came back um from injury and I was like pleasantly surprised at how good they were but the problem is though is that he’s not hitting the ball over the fence he’s not driving in a ton of runs He he’ll get you a hit one or two hits a game every now and then but he’s not doing it when there’s Runners on base he’s not you know hitting the ball over the fence again what ninth Homer tonight we’re in almost July and your four hitter or number two hitter in the lineup one of the two he has he doesn’t have double digit homers they need if they if this team was going to be better than last year they needed him to perform better they needed him to be the hitter that he was the last two months of last season which was arguably one of the best hitters in baseball he had led baseball in slugging percentage the last two months of last year he did it for April and he hasn’t been he hasn’t been doing that at all sense is it the oblique injury I don’t know this the same thing happened last year you started the season with the oblique injury came back and struggled for two months and then got hot in August the the over the overall frustration that have with SE Suzuki is that he can’t stay healthy and then when he does come back from injury it takes him forever to get into any kind of consistent Groove and be the player they need him to be at the same time maybe he is just what he is and I should blame the front office for not you know getting another offensive threat to go with them maybe I should be more I should continue to be upset about uh Morel I I don’t and I’m not even really upset with Morel Morel leads your team in RBI and home runs I know the batting average isn’t high and all this and that and I’ve we’ve talked about how the bad at ball luck and all this stuff but again we’re at a point here at almost beginning of July and the results just aren’t there and I I still am a believer I still love the guy and I’m still high on his future but all of these things that I’ve that I’m saying now especially the last two things a lot of that was the Cubs banking like hoping projecting they their they their nerds from the ivy league in the front office saying these guys are going to do this this year and they just haven’t man they just haven’t and so that’s that’s why this team at this point looks worse than last year’s team because though a lot of their core players aren’t performing to where they supposed to they’re supposed to be at least the position players the starting pitching has been great one thing you don’t have to Hope on you can flat out Bank on guys grilling season it’s here get your pork people who are acting need more protein than the average American in fact the Academy of nutrition and dietetics and dietitians of Canada and American College of sports medicine recommend 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body work body weight per day for athletes one 3 ounce serving of pork provides 23 grams of 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Lake for more information visit Ray cdjr in Fox Lake or Ray cjr.b G to tell you I’m off my game it’s too late stumbling all over the place that was a great transition into the cdjr but but the NBA draft and all that but then the rest could do better to be fair I was fine that Terence Shannon went to the Timberwolves he he went to a good team it’s I’m actually glad he didn’t go to the Bulls I just it was too for my own like interest in the Bulls it would have been nice but it’s okay let’s be honest guys the Cubs suck and that transition sucked until until I thought Luke Luke’s transitions are good yeah here’s what I think brags I don’t understand after a game like this why Braggs isn’t doing this from his pool I don’t know next one next one I do from home I’ll do it from at least we had the chance you know of a you know slight electrocution but not anything totally D might be good for me things up it need some electroshock therapy to make it through this season I and if you’re watching this please don’t anybody try that at home yeah don’t try that not recommended by chg well to add on to quick to what Cody was saying I think the the when you’re looking at the lineup and like what’s really been an issue outside of like obviously the the the main stuff the runers and scoring position all that stuff guys that were able to really carry this lineup for stretches of time like Bellinger had a couple of those last year seya was doing that the last two months of the year either morale earlier in the season had a couple stretches like that where he was just red hot like you’re you don’t have that on you I don’t think you have you had that on this team yeah definitely not in the last two months where no one has able right well yeah but that was in April right so definitely not since since since the uh since what the April 27th or whatever since that that day we like to keep going back to whenever basically the season flipped like no one has stepped up to just carry them through a series or a couple of games like it’s just it in one sense it’s like it’s it’s always good well in theory it’ always be good if it’s someone else doing it every day because then no you know no one’s getting into deep slumps all that stuff if it’s you’re you know Michael Bush one day Cody Binger the next SE Suzuki the next like that’s great in theory just because like again that means guys aren’t getting into long slumps that they’re able to come through every other day but what they just haven’t H they don’t have that they don’t have a new guy coming through every every other game and they just haven’t had someone to to come up and just carry them and be the guy that’s coming through three four games in a row they just haven’t had that where last as they were making that run up the standings obviously before the September collapse they had a few guys that were able to do that for just a little bit longer periods of time they just haven’t had that in the last two months Zach in the live YouTube chat wondering if the Chicago dogs are the most interesting baseball team in the city this year question we’ll have to ponder on another podcast uh as you’re mentioning that uh guys about you know the lineup problems and and all that I I was wondering tonight as I was watching it I think we all all knew at least outside of the organization and on this podcast and in the live YouTube chat that this team very likely was going to be missing at least one bat now some of us thought well they could always add that bat at the trade deadline and and improve the offense that way or call somebody up and add a bat and and that’s a way you could solve that problem now it looks like that’s going to be way too late for anything that’s happening the way it’s going um Brewers W again I believe tonight right so I mean just forget about the division thing um I was wondering as I was watching the game not only are they a bat short going into the season as we thought I’m not sure they have a real three four or five hitter well I mean a guy that that great team would say we’re going to put that guy at 3 four five they have some guys like hap is somewhere you can put multiple places in the lineup as Gary’s been saying in the chat and we’ve said on the podcast hap could go back to lead off and I’d be okay with that Nico could be at the top Nico could be at the bottom of the lineup uh Bellinger might could be a two hitter for some teams Morell might be a six hitter for some like Dansby should be lower in the lineup for a really good team but do they have a true three four or five and I guess that’s not as that’s maybe not as important as used to be an old baseball but it just feels like they don’t have they don’t have a guy that you want to drive in runs like you’re the game is coming down to it tonight and you’re sitting there hoping they can get in this last run and they’ve got a pinch hit Master bony right like the game came down to will PCA get a hit and will Master bony come in and pinch hit and win the help him tie the game that was a wild move by Craig that was absolutely wild move as as the master bony Stan Cubs fandom all the the stands I I am the leader of the pack all like five of us all right I don’t know who those other four people but as as the main leader of the of the master bony support group all right even I did not understand and and this is this goes back to what I’ve said about him being here like he that was probably his first at bat since he got here like he maybe have got in Bat last Friday so he hadn’t gotten a game action since last Frid I forgot he was on the team for a little bit that came in you want to stay here go win the game tonight right like you want to bring him in the first live game action he’s had since last Friday in the ninth inning of a one run ball game and you got a guy what or did did they have a guy on first yet like I don’t even whatever right yeah that’s one of those where you you like I I know the reason he did it was like some analytical matchup based righty would probably be my yeah right one of those where you you you have to go to wisdom or bod there maybe bod because he probably more likely put the ball in play but like ball throwing gas yeah like I to me that’s one of those that you like you just I don’t know man they it is what it is and and it’s not the reason they lost whatever but no I I when when I noticed I think when Dansby got the hit and I’m like wait a minute amay’s batting ninth they’re going to pinch hit for him it would just make sense to sh for him and I I thought about him like wait is is Mash shabon still on the team like I we just hadn’t seen him and which which we knew we knew we were gonna he was coming up to literally be a depth piece like he wasn’t coming up to carado a roll start some it was he was a depth piece we knew that coming up like that that’s not a surprise that we haven’t seen him very much since they called him up but I was at the point where it’s like oh man he is still like I was expecting the master bony pinch hit like just because of the Lefty righty thing I he was good in Iowa before he came back up just to let you know just just want to let you know anyway that doesn’t mean that he should be playing but I’m just saying like Anyway hey uh if there was a positive tonight PCA went from first to home pretty fast second fastest in of a baseball this year that was fast like that’s that’s what it takes to score some runs like is is to have some guy like a lightning bolt run on a single from first to home if there was any like producer yeah if there was any pro to this game at all was that young guys some young guys kind of shined like bush had another another hit uh PCA had the RBI single what in the second inning first or second inning whatever inning it was and he then they had the other the other the other bat or the his next time up he walked and then on the hit and run with Amaya he scored from first on a single like and then hjj Hodge pitched well so I’m not trying to pull like Silver Linings but if you care like a lot of people in the chat are talking about call up some young guys call up like the seasons over might as well see what some of these guys can do you know I could sit here and tell you like none of these like none of that is gon to happen but I’m also telling you that they do have some young guys who are up here that are going to be part of the team it’s not even a Spin Zone brags like it’s just I’m just mentioning fact like it like they did do they did it’s a cool graphic I wanted to pull shout out to Joey shout out to Joey all right I just I’m not trying I’m not trying to like try I’m not trying to change change people’s minds that’s all I’m trying to say is like if there’s anything that you can take some sols from I guess no I I I agree with that it’s not a Spin Zone but I did call you the other day bitching at you about like is does PCA suck or is he going to be good at some point because like all I’ve ever seen is highlights of how gr is in Triple A and then he comes up here I get he’s really fast I get he’s got a good glove you know and he’s a threat in the Outfield but at the plate I just have no confidence so he gets a hit today draws a walk scores from first we got to take the little wins at this point as Cubs fans unfortunately hey when when did when did the Cubs trade Jake Slaughter that was like miday right maybe that was the down was right before our elov visit yeah maybe that was moment what is their record since they traded Slaughter that may actually be the downfall of the the downfall the real down curse of the slaughter what Gary says May 14th Gary what is their record knows the date this the real downfall is using nerys in the eighth inning instead of Merryweather that’s that was the that’s the downfall Ryan oh yeah that’s true you’re right I have a question uh weski right yeah now in in theory if you look at his stats a guy who was coming out of the bullpen emergency start four Innings three runs seven strikeouts that’s I mean what more do you really expect out of a guy who’s going from the bullpen and giving you an emergency spot start right at the same time I question why does he keep giving up home like home runs are just the end of this guy like he has good stuff but it’s always one or two pitches whether he’s a relever or a starter and and you can see it on his face like he knows when he’s throwing it he’s doing this like he he’s watching the ball going he’s like oh I can’t believe I I left it over the plate they talked about it a little bit in the pregame about he’s just missing his spots and I don’t know I don’t know what my faith in wisneski is moving forward like not not like this season I’m just saying I don’t know where he’s going to cap out I it’s so hard to predict what he’s going to be because you look at his stuff and you say he should be a valuable member of your pitching staff in in some way shape or form because he’s got nasty stuff when he controls it but there’s always one or two pitches where you go man a major Leaguer is going to hit that every single time and tonight was another example of it it’s it’s just I guess it’s a young player but it’s tough to watch yeah we uh I was looking at it earlier his first nine outings this season he had a 1 184 ra that was some starts and some Bullpen mixed in there um and he gave up no home runs uh his last last so this would be 12 games his last 12 appearances a couple starts in there mostly Bullpen appearances in there um so last 12 appearances he’s given up seven home runs and so I think that’d be in six of them he’s given up a home run or seven and seven different appearances he’s given up actually gave up two so in his last 12 appearances he’s given up eight home runs in se he has given up at least one home run seven different times in his last 12 appearances um you know and I you guys remember I put this I said this in slack after I think it was the White Sox one of the White Sox home runs where like I just there had been a couple games where he’d given up a home run I think one was in like Atlanta one was in Milwaukee and then he gave up the home run the first game against the white socks and I just said you know I I asked Craig Council I’m like is is there are you seeing anything there or is it as simple as a guy missing his spots and basically what Craig said was like yeah got you know he’s missing his Spots You’re going to you leave good pitches uh leave pitches over the middle of the plate to good hitters they’re going to hit them right um that’s basically what he said uh so now we’re a few weeks later than that and that that issue still persists as Cody said like he was overall pretty good today except for those misses right um and actually one was like a fast ball top of the Zone looks like it he just got beat on it it was actually a little bit above the zone or it was borderline on top of the Zone maybe like you know half it wasn’t the best pitch but also half like I think it was VR put a good swing on it hits it out whatever uh but I think a lot of these are just a guy missing his spots and at that point all you could do is say like you have to you have to pitch better like you can’t you can’t leave sliders over the middle of the plate you can’t leave fast balls over like you got to be able to execute your pitches better at that point and I think that’s I think execution has kind of been the issue when we’re talking about was neski giving up home runs because I I do still think overall he’s been good even in this stretch it’s just the Home Run kills them when you know when when you make a mistake these are major league hitters and you make you know hitting hittings hard and guys are going to take for the most part going to take advantage when you make a when you make a mistake and I think Wes’s made a few of those obviously the last few weeks speaking of uh home runs in this game after the Cubs had tied it up I believe 33 and then the Giants respond right back with a home run right away I just felt I I I had to go to the fridge and grab a blue moon cuz that’s the only thing that was going to calm me down some beers can say they’re brewed for baseball but only Blue Moon is brewed by baseball beer and baseball just go together and no beer goes better than the one that was literally born in a ballpark blue moon created at Coors Field in Denver it’s the Natural Choice all season long and All Summer Long summertime shy screams give me a blue moon to cool off and nothing beats watching baseball or lounging by the pool with a nice cold Blue Moon brewed by baseball to give you a dose of nostalgia and get you excited for every Cub season a beer that’s good only comes around once in a blue moon but you can enjoy it all season long and All Summer Long bring the ballpark to you with blue moon Belgian style weed ale it’s one-of a kind every time get Blue Moon delivered by visiting 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Bloon Blue Moon made brighter celebrate responsibly Blue Moon Brewing Company Golden Colorado uh the good news is my prize pick entry hit tonight so that’s the good news of this game uh prize picks is yeah I’m that can be the Spin Zone since I did win money yeah I’m a little bit richer can’t wait to try and double it tomorrow uh yeah prize picks uh it’s America’s number one day daily fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members prize picks is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks it’s just you against the numbers all you do is pick more or less on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in get in on daily action with your friends become part of the prize picks Community today if you’re looking for promotions prize picks has got you covered every week from lowering select player stat projections on Tuesdays to help your lineup hit or getting your entry fees back if you have a l losing lineup on 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that’s code chgo for your first deposit match up to $100 prize picks pick more pick less it’s that easy nice this team that’s playing I might be watching the Chicago Sky a lot more because because I need something to gamble on and the Cubs are not fun to gamble on no but they are fun to go watch if you’re taking a party bus up to Milwaukee just to try and make the people in Wisconsin angry that we’re there are the Brewers fans still in the chat trolling probably watching I don’t know they were here earlier for sure weird that they in chat so late but you know whatever anyway yeah get those tickets all what happened and who he got tonight who did you guys pick for who he got I took bird song I took Bellinger wait no Gary I took Bellinger dude he says Barb I yeah I don’t know who did you call what did you call me Ryan what I call you did you call me Gary did I call you Gary it’s because Gary’s on the screen s didn’t put anything I did not make a choice I did you talking about it says belly right under where Cody put bird song do you know how to read he went one for one for four today this is this is a hilarious graphic Gary Slaughter oh my God also it’s Matton all right Matton not matun it’s maton all right I’m saying I’m I’m saying this for all the people watch the Marquee broadcast there from Central Illinois that were probably annoyed by it all right maton M maton it’s Matton it’s not M matune how close are you to they saying it mattun uh I grew up about 45 minutes north west of Matt matun it’s right by Charleston I mean that the kid went to Eastern Illinois he just he grew up in Matt Ton and then was like I’m just gonna go across uh whatever Route 16 I think it is and go to the the school that has the big castle that’s what he decided to do and then he became one of the best pitchers in Eastern Illinois that baseball history basically he’s I like I already like the guy better than I like Tony Romo I mean Fair we’re baseball school you know Jimmy G Jimmy G is a legend still baseball School of light though he’s also mid Suburban League Alum Luke so he’s got that going oh he is Jimmy graa oh Jimmy Garoppolo yeah I thought he meant the bird song we’re just nameing all of Eastern Illinois Legends here at the end of the show for everyone oh man yeah when I told them to put their who you gots in and Cody’s like bird song and then Luke goes matun I I I legitimately thought they were both [ __ ] we here’s the problem do you not see where I said belly I don’t listen to you listen none of it matters anymore we’re all gonna die someday oh that’s the spirit that’s the spirit oh no now we got two of you I woke up up this morning waiting for the meteor to come and take us finally didn’t happen unfortunately he’s ready to be hurt again tomorrow at least we can be hurt by like I don’t know what tomorrow the game’s at 2:45 I’m gonna be Luke tomorrow and I’m gonna root for this like the the quickest game ever thank you you’re on my and we got sha ready to shove Backes if will you be concerned if he does if if he has a a less than stellar game tomorrow will you be concerned no what what should I be concerned about though like that’s that in general what like okay he’s been so good outside of two starts he’s been so good outside of two starts if he has what do you mean like are you saying like if he gives up two two homers and five runs I’m still I won’t concerned okay um I thought Luke I thought you were stuck in that POS I thought you froze in that position that you were just doing right there until you blinked once and I’m like after a minute I’m okay no I may have fallen asleep it’s possible that I did doze off for a second there yeah no but I I mean considering how good shoda has been the first half of his first season um I you know was expecting rough patches a lot earlier than when they really been coming you know um so if he doesn’t have a good outing tomorrow like I I don’t look at it as like you should be worried or concerned I look at it as like okay you know the guy still in the first half of his first season I guess technically that’ be the second half of his first season but uh guy still figuring out the major leagues what adjustments does he have to make next time right he talked about making adjustments from this last start uh where he got hit pretty hard and give a bunch runs if he doesn’t have a good day tomorrow what are what are the new adjustments what do you see out of yourself what do you have to do to adjust for the next start like I I wouldn’t wouldn’t be concerned about sha if he has another bad day on the mountain tomorrow like it’s it’s a guy just learning the major league game right a guy that’s that has never played in the Major League before still still learning it and going through some rough stretches that we all just expected to come at some point I guess the only way that I’d be concerned is if the fastball velocity is down again which they he openly said that he did on purpose and they’re giving him an extra day of rest so he’s coming off six days of rest and so to me in my just basic mind thinking it’s like all right well you got an extra day of rest I don’t think you need to do that you know but you know if that’s a thing that he’s gonna try and do and he gets gives up you know not just the homers but just hard contact in general because that’s what happened on Friday yeah he gave up some homers but he also just like everything that was put in play off him was hit hard so yeah I mean I’m not I won’t in general I’m not concerned but I guess I’ll be a little concerned if if that’s a thing again but I say he shoves I say he shoves I hope runs to get him a win so that we can reel back in a few people generally tomorrow he’s done a pretty good job this year of being that guy that kind of ends losing streaks or gets them the know leads them to the win they need it right like he’s been pretty good at that this year so we’ll see they’re not gonna they’re not going to reel anyone in tomorrow they got they will reel people in if they win tomorrow and then go win the series in Milwaukee they might reel some people s if you win tomorrow and then win two out of three in Milwaukee you might reel some people in and that person’s name is Cody delmendo last Super Chat where’s The Bag Man when you need him depends on how they win the games but Cody’s always looking to get hurt again yeah I will say this that we are absolutely due for a win whenever we go somewhere so at least on Saturday they have true well win or I also am plan on wearing a Caleb Williams jersey and doing my best to get thrown out of the stadium at some point in the game all you have to do is bring the fly the W flag if they see it they’re GNA throw it out really oh yeah that’s what I’ve heard oh but they can do knockoff L Flags but we can’t bring our authentic W Flags in it’s the state of Wisconsin man there bunch of I’ve heard if you bring the W flag and you want to keep it all you have to do is slide a few more of those Subway coupons and they’ll let it slide okay thanks for out the chgo Cubs podcast Cubs lose 4 to three we’re back tomorrow after the game and afternoon Matt n we’ll have a post game show for you live right afterwards hopefully it’s not another therapy session until then thanks for watching and fly the w we all sitting like the May

The Chicago Cubs have lost 5 of their last 6 games after dropping another one in San Francisco, losing 4-3 to the Giants. Hayden Wesneski went 4 innings with 7 strikeouts and Seiya Suzuki went yard but it wasn’t enough against local product, Hayden Birdsong. Join Luke Stuckmeyer, Ryan Herrera and Cody Delmendo for all the reactions and analysis on the on the CHGO Cubs Postgame Podcast.

An ALLCITY Network Production








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  1. Why you stealing third with 2 outs and the tying run already in scoring position. And then not attempting to get to scoring position in the ninth with the leadoff runner on. MLB is rigged…

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