The Kansas City Chiefs are smart to TRIPLE-down on the Three-Peat Hype!

The Kansas City Chiefs are smart to TRIPLE-down on the Three-Peat Hype!

the Kansas City Chiefs are tripling down on their self-fulfilling prophecy before they go to training camp what does it mean today on locked on Chiefs from the land of the free and the home of the Chiefs this is the locked on Chiefs [Music] podcast welcome in everybody we are brought to you today by game time so download that game time app use our account uh code for you that’s locked on NFL and you’re going to get $20 off for your first ticket purchase over a game time terms apply but check it out we have a lot to talk about as we start to twist towards the actual Foundation of what training camp is I have some questions about what the attitude difference is and our guy Matt Derek from Chiefs digest is here to help sort us out you can find him at Chiefs digest and at Chiefs digest here on the YouTube platform I’m Ryan Tracy the founder of Rogue analytics and performance Consulting you can find me on rgr football on NFL and obviously Rogue lot to go over over there but we appreciate you tuning in today make sure that you like and sub and hit the Bell here on YouTube same with Matt’s channel on Chiefs digest and then get over to the Spotify and the Apple music uh platforms and get uh signed up there on the audio side because it is everywhere all the time we are five days a week year around no matter what and you guys can even get that much more you every day as we appreciate you and we love hearing from you on the text line at 816 357 8781 now what’s different and what can we expect in this training camp that’s coming up later in the show and we are going to talk about what the difference is in the logistics of this training camp what’s different in St Joe but I want to start right now Matt with the thing that’s been standing out to me uh really since before the ring ceremony but ever ever since then in particular it’s not just that uh you see more players out and about around the world Travis obviously part of the ays tour and on stage and doing all kinds of Travis things but uh Justin Reed and Germany U both of them down at the film festival in can like it is a much I feel like a proposed Global profile for Chiefs players right now and I think that that’s on purpose growing the brand around the world right now at the height of back-to-back championships makes a lot of sense to me especially if you’re Clark hunt but does it help the team and how do you feel about it yeah I mean I think one of the probably the better question I guess is maybe does it hurt the team because I I don’t see a lot of evidence that it does I mean this team went on a kind of a similar World Tour last year I mean it was different faces um so I think you know like you know for instance I think it was I think it was mcole that went over to Germany or maybe that was two years ago that mcco went to Germany um there was other players went to German some of the other players went to Germany last year to promote the game that was going to be there so you know I mean to a certain degree the Chiefs always seem to have something International going on and you’re right I mean you know building the brand is something that this team is absolutely focused on um there certainly you know focusing on certain parts of Europe and they’re they’ve got an eye on other parts of the world as well um Patrick and Travis are are really gate ways to them to do that but they’re also trying to find ways to get other players involved too uh but I mean I don’t really don’t think that it does hurt the team in in that respect I mean you know certainly this time of year if they were doing it once you get the training camp then yeah I mean I think that’s something that you you talk about they really take it away from football but right now I mean especially right now this particular moment in time this is time off I mean this is everybody’s time off this is your opportunity to get away it’s your last chance before the season go out and do what you want to do I mean there’s no doubt I mean Patrick and Travis are living their best lives I don’t think you can argue that they’d rather be spending their time any other way um but you know yeah I mean hey are the are players talking differently this year than they did last year yeah I mean they are I don’t think there’s any doubt about that um last year there was you know and part of that stem back from the Super Bowl 54 hangover I don’t know if I’d really call it that necessarily but you might call it that because they made Super Bowl 55 but you know there was there was definitely you know some that kind of felt that the focus on run it back maybe did make it harder that it made them more of a Target um you know maybe it it raised the expectations a little bit much you know throughout the entire season and just maybe made everybody press a little bit more um last year I mean they purposely made sure not to talk about running it back I mean it was focusing on one Super Bowl that was all you could win you can’t win two in one year so make sure you win the one in front of you and and hey they backed it up and did it um this year though they there I mean it’s mixed there are some players who say Hey you know we’re not talking about it at all nope nobody everybody’s focused on it and maybe that’s the company line coming down from the head coach but then other are like Yeah well yeah I mean they get asked about it all the time so it’s the classic question I mean are you focusing on are you talking about a three Pat well yeah because you guys ask about it all the time so we have to talk about a three Pat well it it it’s been very Stark I I’ve noticed it as well is that it does come up a lot and maybe it’s the way the things are edited um but I do notice there’s a little bit more voluntarily mentioning it than I expected and I wonder if that is again this is a very young team that has a lot of hotsa around them there are guys that have been uh back-to-back championships in their only seasons in this league so there’s a lot of confidence there and I wonder if that is now the opposite of last season feeding into it like we have these veterans that know that they have to push for it they understand the historical significance now maybe you’re trying to push the younger guys around into that frame of mind as well because they know that they have the upside to go achieve in order to push this team to newer Heights to get to that three repeat I just think it’s a little bit risky I I would rather play it slow but do you think that if this continues up until Camp when they get down to real business is there any is there any negative drawback there for you you know I mean I I mean I do get that this is different you know this is you know like I said earlier I mean you know I I I think that maybe some players felt like and that the pressure was increased in two in in 2020 because um they were feeling like maybe that they were trying to win two Super Bowls at once um and now you could certainly say hey but if you’re talking about three Pat aren’t you talking about winning three Super Bowls at once instead of just focusing on the one in front of you but I think there’s a bit a little bit of just inevitability of Leaning into it and realizing that you know they they can’t ignore it I mean this is going to be the question that they’re asked all the time and you know it’s I I think that some of the players are just acknowledging the realism of it that you can’t every week when somebody asks you if you’re thinking about three Pat and say I didn’t you know I didn’t even think about it until you just mentioned it I mean no it’s it’s it’s reality I mean it’s what they’re trying to do I mean every day I’m sure that someone says the word thre peat to them and some even if it’s just a guy at quick trip I’m sure it’s somebody saying the word threee to them every single day so you can’t ignore it I mean I think there is a little bit of just leaning into it and that’s hey that’s probably the way to go and let’s face it I mean you mention it there’s a lot of players who were not on this team in in 2020 so you know they they didn’t go through that they didn’t get so I and I think there’s certainly a little bit more of the you know reticence of talking about it with the veterans who’ve been on the team they want to focus on the the task at hand and and maybe are downplaying the the three-peat angle a little bit but you know there’s other players who have been sold I mean you know hey if Mars Brown wants to talk about Holly and brown wants to talk about you know helping this team get a three can’t really blame him because that’s what he was pitched I mean he’s told hey come here because we’re going we’re going to try and make history with you man I mean there’s a lot of additions to this team who have been sold on the story of a three Pat so you know you know they’re not going to ignore it they’re going to lean into it and and for those guys maybe it doesn’t matter because Hollywood’s just trying to win one he’s not trying to three repeat he’s just trying to get that first ring let’s keep that hunger rolling then I tell you what there are a number of things that that are changing yet again for the the preseason the training camp portion of it and I’m actually really pissed off about a couple of things of it we’re going to get to that coming up next here in the lockdown podcast Network passion Drive patience uh it brings the the trophy home and just like the Chiefs have and it can also affect your main vehicle your ride or die eBay Motors has everything that you need to maintain that vehicle give it its Peak Performance as well as uh over the Toop superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED lights everything to make it speedy powerful and stylish all at eBay motor because they have you covered over 122 million parts for your die and you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for because eBay has a guaranteed fit your part will fit your 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because you have the obviously opening game and all this stuff and now it’s on Thursday I mean we might as well start on the fourth of July weekend at this point because they’re going to be in Camp two weeks later later and that’s the part that’s really starting to get to me and I’m wondering why the team isn’t pushing back on it because I feel like the longevity of these Seasons combined with early training camps is a detriment even though I think Andy probably loves being in Camp early I think overall that just stresses the team out even more where are you on it yeah kind of torn I mean you know there’s no doubt I mean with the the the new CBA there were some changes and there were there were fine changes for the for the vast majority of NFL teams because it did make you some adjustments to camp but one of the things now is that you know the way that teams report it’s all based on your opening game so you know the and there’s a few exceptions you know I think there’s exceptions for the teams that play in the Hall of Fame game and there’s a few others here and there that some teams get to you to come up a little bit earlier but you know the Chiefs are going to be the ear the earliest team to open Camp because they’re playing on that Thursday night game and you know what it does is it essentially adds another week to Camp you know so instead of going to Camp which just typically 15 or 16 practices this time around I think if I remember correctly at top of my head 21 public practices um that’s a that’s a big number and you know and it’s great for fans you get a few more opportunities to see the team and all but for the players it means a full 31 days in in training camp and that’s a lot um because you know there’s not that many days off you know the players do get a couple here and there for rest periods um a lot of players you know sometimes they don’t leave for the breaks um really their best chance to have some down down time and maybe get back with their families and everything or around the preseason the first preseason game because then they do have a couple of days off but you know this year for instance they’re traveling to Jacksonville on that first one so you know it’s really going to be the the time after they get back from Jacksonville and then before they’re back at Camp you know what basically 36 hours after the game you know that’s not a ton of time so um you know there’s probably a few that we’ll try and jump out on the on the the getaway days after practice on on a for a day off they’ll probably try and get out of St Joe as fast as they can to go see their families and then get a quick day off um but it’s a long period of time for everybody and it’s not just the players I mean I know I hey I can complain about it too but you know It’s a Grind for the people behind the scenes you know everybody from the equipment managers trainers um anybody that’s in a support before the team it’s a tough grind so yeah I mean unfortunately there is an easy solution Ryan which is stop winning don’t don’t go to the don’t go to the AFC Championship or bust every single year you know don’t win the Super Bowl back-to-back years nobody wants that so you know that’s the easy solution but yeah I I wish I had a better answer for you than that I mean the NFL isn’t going to give you any break I mean like I said at least it’s streamlined now at least it’s consistent but but the teams that get hurt the most are the teams that play on Thursday night and right now the Chiefs are playing on Thursday night every single year yeah I I’d like to see that the the team then react a little bit and make some changes of their own like you said 21 practices and he’s been known to throw a rest day in there you know let’s go get hamburgers and see a movie or something we’ve seen that in years past it seems to have been thinner the last couple of camps I I feel like that might be a benefit if they were able to sprinkle those in at this longer Camp a little bit more it doesn’t seem like they’re going to because they already have the the schedule out and announced so what are there some other options to maybe take it easier on the guys overall maybe focus on recovery obviously there’ll be a nutrition aspect there’ll be you know obviously getting sleep and the dorms is always a challenge you can try to help them out that way what else would would you change if you had the option to try to make it easier on these guys you know it’s funny you should mention that because you know that’s one thing that we we had a here in Kansas City last week there was a symposium a panel discussion at UMKC University of Missouri Kansas City uh about analytics in football and one of the things that got brought up you know Mike panel really was the one that brought it up but then the other you know panelists started talking about it as well is that you know NFL teams use analytics to really manage workload for the players during the week during training camp because all the players wear these sensors so you know they’re able to to track their usage they’re able to track how many snaps they’re getting in practices able to track their speeds all these things and when a player starts to slow down that’s when the analytics kick in and there’s somebody there to say to the coaching staff hey wait a minute you know what this player player a is 10% slower than he was three you know two or three days ago we need to back him off you know so he needs to go 75% you know by for day to give him some rest and you see that I mean you absolutely see them doing that kind of thing and you know and Andy you know he does not change a lot I mean that’s one of the reasons why training camp is the way that it is because he’s got a method it works and he doesn’t change it he does tweak it from time to time and you know one of the things I mean that they hey let’s face it they do like the fact that playing on Thursday night gives you a mini bye right off the start I mean you get an extra three days of rest that nobody else in the league gets in week one I mean they do like that and then you look at you know also how Andy Reid managed his practices now during the season um you know it used to be second half of the year when he would go to these shorter Wednesday practices and lighter or lighter Wednesday practices it’s almost week two now when the lighter practices start on a Wednesday um no pads no helmets anything like that just give the give the players a little bit more of a break and you know and you’re right I mean they used to have maybe the the the going out for cheeseburgers or the movie and everything like that part of it is that they’re on the field last now you know through the CBA certainly but Andy’s kind of decided and realize that you know what the the key is going out and working at a quick pace and working at game speed and doing it for a shorter time and using your time with the players in other ways he doesn’t actually max out the amount of time that they get for having players on the field I mean so that’s one of the kind of breaks I mean for as much as Andy Reid gets talked about having a hard training camp the reason why it’s a hard Camp is the speed and the pace it’s not the length because honestly I mean I’m pretty sure if you went and you looked at practices around the league Andy Reed’s training camp practices might be shorter than anybody else’s now you know they we were talking you know before the show started uh they used to have a you know and this was part of the CBA as well but they have practices that start at 8:15 and run until close to 11 those are gone I mean every practice starts at 9:15 most usually done at 11 or 11:30 um even their 10 101s you know or the long you know are not very long those are like 90 minutes long um but everything is at a pace that’s designed to mimic game day and to build the stamina it’s not Andy Andy’s not about just running guys into the ground anywhere like maybe he was in 1999 now it’s about just making sure that these guys are are testing their medal they he’s pushing them to the way they would get pushed on a game and it’s not just about breaking them down and rebuilding them it’s about you know kind of strengthening them and building them up for the regular season I like that and it it brings me up another question uh so when we get back I’m gonna ask some of the more intimate details for both the fans and the reporters that cover it as well as all the players coming up next on the lockon podcast Network [Music] we are back Matt Derek from Chiefs digest make sure you like sub hit the Bell here on this channel go to Chiefs digest here on the YouTube platform and get on Chief to read all of Matt’s work a lot going on here as we prepare for the next run here Matt I I just want to hit you with some interesting questions uh as you said practices are starting a little bit later they’re going a lot shorter so time on field cuts down my question to you we saw this phenomenon last week who’s who’s the first player in this camp that loses their lunch dude the pace of how these practices are run well your your bet safe bet there is usually a rookie um I’m I I’m I’ve heard maybe a rookie or two maybe had that happen behind the scenes during OTA so maybe maybe that already hit when there were some hot days at OTAs um I’m not sure who I take in the pool this year because you know the the the lesson’s been learned I mean you kind of have to focus on the guys that maybe don’t work in the heat as much you know you know even if they look like they’re pretty fit because sometimes you get surprised by that so yeah I might be I might be looking for the guys that you know came come from the Upper Midwest you know I mean Leo Chanel gives it all a bad name but you know I me Leo is frankly one of the fittest guys you’re ever gonna see um but hey and after Rashi last year I mean you’re gonna have to put a watch on Xavier although I and especially Xavier you know didn’t get a workout during otaa so you know what getting the getting the conditioning test in might might I think you’re right because my money’s on him or or NORAD from the Frozen north of Michigan um yeah I think there’s there’s going to be an acclimation process here that I’m very interested in for the fans the adjustment will be U very similar to last year like you mentioned uh start times at 9:15 at Camp shorter practice times in your opinion does that does that make it easier to go to Camp should people be looking more forward to it because it’s more action crammed into a a smaller spot or does it make it more difficult to to make the trk to St Joe and get back out of your day and that kind of thing knowing that it’s a shorter practice you know I mean I actually think that it does make it a little bit easier um in particular for one um I’ve noticed that since they moved the practices from you know 8:15 to 9:15 the the traffic flow is better because you used to be arriving at practice at the exact same time that people were going to work so if you were going from Kansas City to St Joe or even if you’re driving around in St Joe um the traffic getting off there at the highway for the exit for the stadium I mean there were plenty of days Ryan I’d be backed up for you know 15 20 minutes I mean you’d be backed up quite a way you know waiting through five or six light changes to get your turn in and I don’t remember those anymore I mean you know since they made the move to doing mostly 915 practices I think it makes the traffic flow a little bit easier even on those days when you know the quarterbacks are Auto making autographs I mean those are the days that it’s packed I mean it’s usually a a capacity crowd on most days but look at your schedules when the quarterbacks are signing autographs that’s the day you know you need to be there probably 15 30 minutes early because it’s gonna be difficult that day no matter what day of the week it’s on um but yeah I mean it’s it’s a shorter practice but I think it’s more enjoyable because the ones that you used to have that were you know two and a half hours those were you know a lot of drills there you know wasn’t as much team periods you know so it was there was there was A Lot More Action to watch and it was a lot more of the ones versus ones because you know you go for one of the the the 10 101 practices which if you’re looking at the schedule are usually right before day off so those practices are usually really short really light and it’s going to be ones versus twos it’s going to be as as Andy Reed says it’s the the the twos are serving the offense and the defense so you know it’s it’s designed for the the ones to suceed it’s designed for them to to test out what they’re doing to look good they’re not getting you’re not nobody’s running a defense against them they’re just basically you know going through a walk through um so you know to me those practices the other ones that are you know you’re out on 45 those are really entertaining to me now because you know they still have the drills period but they’ve got a lot more team and that’s one thing that you know we do we talk a lot about are those long day drives and the reality of it is is that anymore Andy Reid does like a long drive period almost every single day it’s just how long it is uh you know used to be you could rely pretty solidly that you know the ones might get 10 snaps twos get two snaps that kind of a thing now you know you’ll see right from the very beginning maybe the ones get 10 snaps then the next days it’s 12 then it’s 14 then it’s 17 then it’s 19 you know there’s a buildup that he does throughout camp and so um I think that you know for those they do a little more team periods which I think that fans get more out of and I think those are a little bit more enjoyable so I I honestly think the practices the way they got them designed now pretty fan friendly I I like the concept and I will say this the period that I watched the least at Camp over the years been going to training camps for pushing 20 years now has always been the special teams units and I have to say that’s not gonna be the case this year I I think fans are going to dig it more I certainly have a lot to watch I know you will so that’s the other one is like make sure you’re there on time that you’re you’re getting in those special periods and you’re not getting distracted shall we say like I usually do I think that’s probably the big takeaway of what to expect this year yeah if you’re gonna go and get a snack or you need to go to the bathroom anything like that do it during punt you know you can afford that do not do it during kickoff because if you want to see Justin Reed or lewi re zamit kickoff and you want to see the new kickoff rules in effect and I mean you need to check it out immediately so yeah don’t don’t leave until you see what special teams you know is on the field that day and they’re going to be doing kickoff probably every single day whether it’s cover team or return team so they’ll probably be doing a session of that every single day I’m looking forward to it folks you can find out all the details at Chiefs Chiefs digest here on YouTube make sure you follow us on all the platforms not just this one but go ahead and subscribe right now and click the thumbs up that’ll help us if you hit the Bell you’ll get notifications when we do something live which we will be doing come training camp and those kind of special reports we’re with you five days a week plus and you can get it all plus then some on 816 3578 781 on our text line Matt thanks for the time setting us up and uh you know letting us know what to expect hey training Camp’s almost here I can’t wait man ah I’m looking forward to it it’s a fun ritual every we hope you guys are ready for it thanks for being with us as we continue to prep and run down the rest of the roster getting ready for St Joe’s don’t miss it we’ll be back with Matt next year thanks for next year next week thanks for being with us today we’ll talk to you next time

The Kansas City Chiefs are smart to TRIPLE-down on the Three-Peat Hype! KC players are not shy about touting the prospect of winning three consecutive championships. It starts in Training Camp. What will we see this year?

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  1. When I listen to First Take and Sports Center they seem like talking heads. I like that Matt, Ryan and Chris put a lot of thought into what they say and they look at stats. This is my go to Chiefs show/podcast.

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