Juan Soto labeled a ‘liability’ for the Yankees

Losing the Subway Series has made more than fans mad, but everyone in and around the Yankees is losing it

  1. Minor clarification: The “liability” statement was made by Mets color commentator Keith Hernandez regarding his defense.

  2. Keith Hernandez said this in reference to Soto’s defense in right field during the subway series. It seemed any fly ball hit there landed, and he was unable to make a big play for them.

  3. Cutoff man may have been playing right field himself with that cannon of an arm from Soto

  4. His defense and baserunning has been mid to bad most of the season. This is the most I’ve ever seen him play, and it seems like a nightly occurrence. Great player, but his hitting does almost all the talking.

  5. It’s the Yankees coaches fault for letting him play shallow in RF the last couple of games. This is a big league stadium not the wiffle ball park in the Bronx.

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