#NFLVideos: Ranking the Secondaries in Every Division | Move the Sticks Podcast

Ranking the Secondaries in Every Division | Move the Sticks Podcast

what’s up everybody Welcome to move the sticks DJ Buck back with you Buck what is going on man uh not too much DJ uh love the response to the ranking of the pre I’ve seen some aggregators have picked up some of the conversations that we’ve had uh that is always fun and look just to let the listeners know like it’s an opinion it’s an opinion based on like what we’ve seen around the league and how you kind of put it but uh I just think it’s always interesting when we do the tabulations to begin to talk about which teams are really gonna be in the conversation to be title contenders because we know it’s formula EG but typically if you rank uh you start winning the little battles It’s Gonna Give You opportunity to win the war at the end of it no doubt um and we will uh you know we will knock out the head coaches on tomorrow’s episode today we’re going to uh tackle the secondary um we’ve already got the skill players on offense done you can go back and listen to those episodes if you’ve missed them um so before we get to those secondary uh discussion ranking these by division Buck I did want to tell you I’ve got uh I’ve got one in the books so I just started uh working on guys for next year I always trying to watch some dudes over the summer and so the first one that I watched I felt like I had to um I did shadur Sanders so I gotta peek at him our buddy Dion’s son um so got a chance to watch him and uh interesting man I uh you can find the evaluation I’ll have a first look scouting reporter will be on nfl.com here in the next couple days so I won’t spoil the whole thing but I would say a couple things uh number one um we have uh we have the numbers now um in terms of talking to some buddies around the league you have all of the uh uh the spring stuff that they did they went in there and got official measurements from a lot of these schools in Colorado was one where they uh where they did that so shadur was 601 to 198 so uh 61 and a quarter 198 pounds and going through and watching him I would say positive side of things man he is a he’s a pure thrower like just a pure natural thrower rinded me a little bit of Stroud from the standpoint of when everything is just lined up you know pretty consistently he’s he’s accurate he can drive the ball well he doesn’t need a lot of space around him to be able to drive the football just a real gifted real gifted thrower so that’s kind of the one thing I would say on on the positive side of it obviously the negative he’s been hit a lot um I guess literally and figuratively here uh because the sacks like 52 sacks takes a ton of sacks they weren’t good up front man the The Backs struggled in pass protection they just get run through so some of those it’s not on him he’s got numbers that should match up but then you just get your back destroyed and run over um led to some of those uh some of those sacks so but still holding the ball a little bit too much and the other thing I would say is if you’re going to say area to improve on um start with the sacks and I would add into that just some of the short area quickness stuff you know he’s he’s he’s not super sudden in terms of being able to avoid climb and snap and that doesn’t mean I’m not talking about running a 40 fast I’m talking about you know think about guys like Brady how efficient he was in short space think about Drew Brees how he can just kind of climb and maneuver and get away from pressure I think he can you know it’s something he can work on a little just being a little more urgent a little more a little more demonstrative with his movement there in the pocket to get away from some of that stuff yeah it’s funny because I’ve I’ve I’ve written about him uh elsewhere in terms of like shadur Sanders qb1 is so funny because our evaluations are very very similar uh DJ and and just watching him like he does have like what I call a very natural feel in the pocket in terms of like playing the game in a traditional sense like he can make wild throws he can come through in the clutch he can do all of those things where you talked about like a little bit of like speaing his clock up I talked about the nonchalant that he plays with I feel like sometimes in the pocket he can be a little too casual and that leads to some of the the hits that he takes uh more urgency would then help him get the ball out of his hands so hey if I don’t have a great line up front then I got to Quicken my clock to protect myself you know and so if he can learn that and those things and not look I just said he has to learn that and for us as evaluators we’ll get a chance to see first we saw him in the Pack 12 when now we see him in the Big 12 we’ll get a better chance to really evaluate him because he dominated at Jackson State he showed flashes at Colorado if he’s able to dominate in the Big 12 then you feel better about him potentially being the first quarterback that comes off the board next year yeah last year I think he was 69.3% in terms of accuracy and I’m never talking about accuracy numbers because it’s ball placement League it’s not an accuracy League uh you look at the college numbers those can be inflated honestly Buck I would trade 69.3% accuracy at 52 sacks I would trade for 65% accuracy and cut those sacks by 12 to 14 you know what I mean like just mix in some throwaways in there instead of taking so many negative plays but uh again I don’t want it to make sound negative because as a thrower seeing the field um delivering the ball accurately layering the ball driving the ball all the different types of throws he he is gifted um so again you can find more of that evaluation that’ll be on nfl.com here in the next couple days but I just wanted to kind of wet your whistle sounds you’ve already done your work on him no no teas because I mean look DJ there’s gonna be so much conversation about him and I I’ll be honest like the challenge in this is kind of like one of the first times that you’re evaluating a son’s of a son of a friend and you’re trying to to to be respectful of your relationship while also being truthful honest and so when Prime calls you want to be able to give him the goods the real here’s where he needs to work on this is what it looks like and those things but I will say he certainly has the potential to be a top 10 pick it’s about cleaning the other stuff up and then the other part of it is going to be and I said this which franchise will be okay with the Antics and theatrics that come along with being shadur Sanders meaning the boldness the confidence the Cockiness however you want to phrase it like are you okay with that and if if you are okay like can you get him to Reign it in to the point of being a professional NFL quarterback if that makes sense and and it’s no code language that I’m using but really there’s a way that you expect your franchise quarterback to act and so look he’s a big brand but can he a dad in and be the face of the franchise that everybody will feel comfortable with that’s that’s a bigger conversation yeah I mean it’s uh it’s going to be interesting just because you have so many guys have transferred in and so many guys that have transferred out so what that’s going to do is it’s going to provide a lot of opportunity for Scouts to uh hey if you’re in the quarterback Market you’re going to be able to talk to a lot of his teammates at at Jackson State as well as the guys who were in Colorado last year a whole new group of guys coming to Colorado this year you’re going to be able to visit with a lot of folks that have been in the locker room with him they’ve been in a huddle with him and uh you’ll get a sense of that stuff because all the other you know wearing the watches and doing all that stuff I I if the teammates swear by him and sign off on him and say he’s one of the dudes and and and we’re for him nobody about any that stuff it won’t fascinating conversation I do love this time of the year because we talked about like we put the last class to bed now we’re beginning to look towards the the new class so conversations are always kind of fun yeah uh well let’s get rolling here into the secondary and again remind everybody secondary in this episode we’ll come back tomorrow we’ll do a quick one on the head coaches in each division and then uh we’ll have the tabulations and kind of give you where we are on uh on these uh divisions and how we had them shaken out let’s start here Buck you are up AFC East secondaries 1 two 3 4 how we going man it’s so tough the easiest choice to me is number one I got the Jets yep then I’m gonna go with the Miami Dolphins I have the New England Patriots and then I have the Buffalo Bills and that is crazy for me to say considering the Buffalo Bills have been good for so long in the back end yeah well I mean we had Leslie Frasier on episode earlier in the week and you know when he’s referencing travius white and then he’s talking about Hyde and puyer and it’s like okay well this is a whole new era here for this Buffalo secondary so I’m with you uh I have them four I had the Jets one we agree there I just had New England two over Miami three um I thought that was a close one but I’ll tell you what Christian Gonzalez before he got hurt last year was playing awesome he’s like a number one he’s a pure number one corner um you look at peppers and Dugger as two guys that can do a lot of different things they ver they’re very smart they’re very instinctive um so to me those are those are key pieces there I’m I’m hopeful uh we’ll see my guy Marte mapu get a little more run this year last year they you know he played sparingly um I was a fan of his just again because of the the intelligence the Instinct the ability to play some linebacker play some safety some nickel uh linebacker stuff so we’ll see how they incorporate him uh in year number two but I I really like that New England crew so I had it uh just that swap there with them in Miami yeah the only reason like like the thing that tipped the scales in Miami’s fa for me is obviously the Jaylen Ramsey effect and Kendall Fuller who has really got a lot of notoriety and a claim as being one of the top slot Corners bringing him over gives them that experience uh but look I can’t knock what you talk about with the New England Patriots because you mentioned the guys like peppers and Dugger but also Marcus Jones the ni Corner who is look a freak Show when it comes to being a returner he’s also another really good player they have some talent in certain parts on certain parts of their roster that really make you optimistic that at some point the New England Pat is going to turn to Corner one of the things going through and ranking all these what I learned is there’s a lot of good nickels in the league like when you’re going through and looking at these teams there’s a lot of teams that have really good nickels um it used to be back in the day that was so hard to find those guys what why do you think that is why do you think we’re seeing uh you know the uh the success so to speak at that position and a lot of depth around the league well I think when offens is start Ed playing a lot of 11 personnel it forced defense to react and really treat the nickel position like a starting position uh so it wasn’t only in terms of like treating that in terms of hey man you’re a starter but the way that we evaluate the position DJ when you and I were scouting it was a separate category on the board for nickels but a lot of times those nickel guys were just the guys that didn’t necessarily make the height requirement right so you can be a nickel now I believe that people are really looking and evaluating the position as col is are using the position because we’ve heard like the star position for so long in college guys are now really evaluating the slot Defender position separately from how they doing the quarterback position and it’s allowed us to get a better product a better player uh on the interior as opposed to a guy that was a throwaway because he was a a short guy who may not have had the the straight line speed that some of the other guys had yeah that’s a that’s a good way to answer that um let’s get to the uh to the AFC North here Buck this one is challenging where the point where I could make a case for is one and one is four um but what do you got so I’mma go with Cleveland Pittsburgh Baltimore Cincinnati in order Cleveland just because uh Jim Schwarz showed us what you can do when you have three DBS that can legitimately lock up and play manto Man uh they can do it denzo Ward Martin Emerson Jr Greg Nome they are terrific in coverage when they go nose to nose and play and then Grant Del pit has been a guy that can get around the ball but Juan Thornhill the guy that the safety that came over from ksas City a couple years ago just the activity uh that he brings in the Middlefield to me it’s an experienced secondary that is really um showing a lot of expertise when it comes to how they play manto man yeah I just look you got to flush the last game out of your head on that one when uh when Houston was a track meet against them so that was the only that was the only thing that I that was that was the tough one for me was just getting through that but uh I agree with you I love the way they play I to me I ended up going Pittsburgh number one which may surprise you uh Cleveland 2 Cincinnati 3 Baltimore four um and look and and I say that let’s start at the end here with Baltimore Nate Wiggins comes in uh you know big- time pure cover Corner tackling was an issue and a concern of ours but we’ll see you know how he does in that department they they intend to get the the toughness out of people there in Baltimore obviously I love the safety combo Kyle Hamilton and Marcus Williams as good as it gets uh Brandon Stevens who can do a lot of different things uh you know you got Marlon Humphrey kind of the old head there the vet um you’ve got a couple young guys there uh led by TJ Tampa I’m excited to see how he kind of fits in there so that’s a good group but I have them at four Pittsburgh at one is a couple things number one Minka you know just steady reliable the leadership the production the you know everything about him I love I think Joey Porter’s on a rocket ship Buck I really do I had a chance to go out and see them in training camp last year and some guys just out there practice you watch it you’re like okay it’s not had nothing to do with his dad nothing like that I’m like this guy gets it he looks like a stealer he plays like a stealer he’s going to be really really good man and uh you mentioned the Cleveland and I think Cincinnati too is is a good group and they steal from Baltimore uh getting Gino Stone who’s a really good player and and Mike Hilton speaking of Nichols that are really good uh a really really good player yeah Joey Porter Jr um I said it somewhere I said man look I think he’s the next coming he’s the next guy that we’re going to talk about being a premier uh quarterback in this league early on on in the season DJ he got those number one duties and look he didn’t shy away from the responsibility of being the number one corner on that team I love his length I of his feistiness and to me he’s a much better player as a pro than he was a prospect in college and that is rare that you see someone at the NFL level and say oh man he’s a much better player than I ever envisioned him being in college but he has that and maybe it’s the uniform in those things but he has a toughness and a grittin to me that that suits what he’s being asked to do in Pittsburgh you know it’s a theme that we’ve had throughout this offseason unintended wasn’t something that we were focusing on really kind of drilling home and making a point of he’s he’s freaking smart man like you’re starting to look at these guys that have transitioned well and have become really good players really young and I feel like all these positions other topics we’ve had this offseason I feel like man this is kind of like the offseason for us of of you know valuing the intelligence of these dudes um and how that translates it’s come from conversations with coaches with Personnel guys as well as just our own uh back and forth here as we’re looking at rosters yeah now intelligence is one of those things that look you have to Value it because it allows you to do so much more um in the back end and look it’s not only there but but DJ just in general if you have a smart team like the smart teams are the ones that always in there because they don’t be themselves they kind of understand how to eliminate the the dbos the don’t be ourselves things like the turnovers the blown assignments just the the stupid penalties and all that smart teams don’t do that they just kind of line up and they make you earn your way down the field on on both sides of the ball and so you’re right there is something about the smart player that we have certainly shown an affinity for uh this off season Y no doubt uh all right let’s get to the AFC South bucket division you know really well yeah really interesting um look man I I feel like I understand the buzz around the Houston Texans when you continue to look at these Personnel groupings I got the Texans uh look I got the Texans first the Tennessee Titans second the Jaguars third and then the Indianapolis Colts fourth and for the Texans it’s the combination of the experience The Savvy the athleticism and then how all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together uh when you watch Derek Stingley Derek Stingley is as advertised uh years ago when he was coming out like he’s super talented he can get his hands on the ball he’s smart and he is surrounded by what I say are guys that are really really um really good at what they’re asked to do Jimmy Ward leader in the back end super smart Jaylen Petri another guy who just kind of gets it and plays like a professional back there you’ve seen Desmond King play for years another vet who just kind of understands how to fit um within the scheme and look Kamari L is gonna have an opportunity to play and play early for them I I I just think this is a very very talented secondary and demo Ry is gonna have fun kind of mixing up some of the coverage things that they they do yeah I had it the same with Houston one I had Tennessee 2 I think Tennessee one interesting thing when you look at Tennessee you can kind of see a theme here when you look at guys like obviously bringing over leg jerus sne is a really good player but uh with McCreary Elijah molden ammani hooker shinobier those guys are all tough man those are that’s a feisty physical tough group there in Tennessee so I kind of like the the personality that they’ve they’ve uh equipped that room with so I have Tennessee 2 um I had the Colts three and I had your Jags four um interesting thing on the Colts Juju Brent is the second round pick is the highest pick that they have in their secondary so we talk about you know our our buddy Gus Bradley and we we think about coaching staffs it almost I don’t want to say you get punished for being a really good coach but you get uh hey yeah you can make it work we got athletes some maybe we bring in some raw guys some mid- round picks let’s get the most out of them um they’ve been able to do that without dedicating a a ton of resources there well I think I think what it is if if we do that same exercise and we look at their front how many of those guys that are playing along the front line all ones yeah so so what what they’ve done is they’ve said like like Leslie talked about Leslie Frasier talks about hey man I’d rather invest in the front end and the back end because I can I can Mash some of the flaws of the back end by being really dominant at the point of attack and until you pointed it out DJ I didn’t realize that man they got all once at the point of attack pretty much like they’re dealing with qu pay and DeForest Buckner and latu latu like that’s three number ones right there uh yeah it makes sense yeah and and uh look OD inbo if he doesn’t have the injury coming into that draft would have been a one yes I got him in what second round so they yeah they’ve invested resources there it’s kind interesting to see how the different teams do it how about the AFC West buck so AFC West I go to Kansas City Chiefs the Los Angeles Charters I have the Denver Broncos then the Las Vegas Raiders same that’s the first time in a in a minute we have literally identical and and for me the Kansas City Chiefs it’s the luxury of being able to really develop their defensive backs that has allowed them to move on from a lerus sne Leger sne any other building they would have overpaid to keep him because he played so well within the system but because the Chiefs have had so much success with their young Defenders they’ve been able to move on and continue to do it and we talked about it we talked about in the podcast with Leslie Frasier uh trimmy Duffy is a Bonafide star and we had the conversation about smarts instincts intelligence and how that fits check check check check check check when it comes to Trent McDuffy and it’s one of the reasons why they’re able to do a bunch of different things and Steve spag nul’s defense because every Defender that they have in the back end is a high IQ player very instinctive player that allows you to really open up the Playbook so let me ask you this question if we just had a DB draft just put all the DBS in the pool said you can take anybody you want is there a chance that Trent mcdu is the first pick oh yeah and this is why and this doesn’t have anything to do with s Garder but with TR McDuffy you you get a two for one I know I got an A+ nickel player but I also know I have someone that can really Excel on the island if need be uh I can’t say that for any other Corner up in that top ilk in terms of being A+ outside and inside and knowing that yeah I can talk about like we talk about Jay Ramsey and all that but I will say this he’s in the Twilight he’s in the back nine of his career Tren McDuffy is just getting into his prime so that’s why I would take Trent McDuffy like at the top of the board when it comes to these Corners I just struggle to find out what he can’t do play inside play outside you mean to tell me if they had injuries he he couldn’t go back there and play safety he play anywhere on the defense cover tackle Blitz the intelligence like I don’t know what what the knock is there like what he does possess and that’s why I’m just like man it’s yeah and and you talk to folks around the league they know how good he is so I’m with you on KC I had I had the exact same order the Chargers um I mentioned it I think I mentioned it a little while ago but aant Samuel with all the the different looks they’re going to give up front um with Jessie Min and if they can get home with the pressure they have those three pass rushers off the edge uh with Bosa Mack and with tu Pou Asante s can play he can play top down and just use his eyes he’s going to pick off a zillion balls now he might give up some plays but he is going to be like his dad and he’s GNA make a ton of plays on the football provided they can have that consistent pressure so uh he could be one of those guys ends up in the Pro Bowl this year Derwin James they’ll get him back on track it looks like his confidence is is skyh high bringing back to low Gilman who’s kind of like the U the the the control officer back there uh with all the communication so some other issues you know Corners those other Corner spots they need some guys to step up um but that’s why I had them too and then uh you look at the the Broncos with certan is is still you know as good as there is at the corner position and the Raiders I like a couple of their pieces Jack Jones with the plays he made last year Nate Hobbs feisty tough uh Trev merri is is been a solid player but you know I think they’re the uh they’re the clear fourth in this group yeah no look they they have some really good players but yeah they’re they’re backing it up um and and they have the ability to do it because we saw those guys play well down the stretch for them but in terms of just pure talent I do think they fall behind the rest of the pack in their division all right let’s take a quick break we come back we’ll knock out the NFC all right Buck let’s get to the NFC here NFC East yeah NFC East this was actually much harder than I thought DJ when it came to ranking them because um they’re talented or or notable names but I don’t know if their game still match the name brand value that we hear on the server so I’m GNA go Cowboys Eagles commanders then the New York Giants I go with the Cowboys just because like wi and doubt always tend to favor guys to get their hands on the ball right yeah and so and so in the back end they have two guys that specialize in getting their hands on the ball and Don Bland and ton Diggs the problem with that uh some would say that they’re a bit of a double agent meaning that as as much as many plays as they make for the Cowboys they surrender to the opponent and can you re them in in a a disciplined defense that you don’t want to allow the big plays because remember Mike Zimmer is a lot different than Dan Quinn Dan Quinn is a great coach but Dan Quinn allowed those guys to kind of play to their personality Mike Zer is not gonna go for that uh so I got them first but I’m admit I got a asri by because I’m a little worried about Don Bland and Diggs being guys that can hold it down down after down after down without surrendering the big play yep I had the exact same order um so second division in a row here where we agree but I will say this at the end of the year if we were to rerank these the performance of the rookies will determine the order of the uh of the secondaries when you look at it with the Giants with with Tyler nubin one of the best safeties in the draft class Drew Phillips one of the best nickels in the draft class those guys are both going to play a lot for them uh you look at the eagles they tried to address that secondary with two picks quinan Mitchell in the first round they came back traded up for Cooper dejan uh there in the second round so they’re going to have a couple guys and then for the commanders uh Sandra still who’s one of you know red star of the red stars like leadership uh all that stuff playmaking intelligence toughness he’s going to man the nickel position for them out of Michigan and Washington so I think how all those guys play that’ll shake up the order a little bit of what that looks like yeah no like you need your young players to play and play well and this is the league where we’re seeing DJ we mentioned it like there’s so many young guys that are being counted on to play prominent roles throughout the league in the secondary that we won’t know how good these teams are until we get seven eight games in and these guys get enough experience um to be able to really play at a higher level but you’re right though like the young guys are going to determine how well these teams play down the stretch all right let’s get to the NFC North uh another tough conversation and right now I have it Chicago Green Bay Detroit Minnesota uh Chicago because you talk about Jaylen Johnson being able to be a stud player I am a believer in Kevin byard in a system that allows him to be a SE ball get ball player Matt eberl’s taking over kind of doing some of those things uh to me it works out and I’ll say keep an eye on tyreq Stevenson uh I kind of liked him when he was coming out I think he’s yeah I think he’s tough he’s physical uh he plays to that brand and on a on a team that is all about hustle and Sweat Equity he is the worker be that you prefer to have in the back end yeah uh I I had the the same one I had the same four I flipped two and three I had Detroit two I had Green Bay three um Detroit I mean look this is a young group uh in the secondary when you talk about resources they’ve put some resources uh in there so they’ve done a nice job they got a couple of my favorite Corners in the draft when you go to Missouri and Alabama and get two of the top corners in this draft class that helps so uh anxious to see how those rookies play Kirby Joseph been a ball magnet early on Brian Branch uh they’ve got they’ve got a lot of good young pieces um that that kind of all fit together Carlton Davis now comes over so they’ve tried to address this secondary here both in the draft uh and in the veteran portion of the off season yeah so the the thing about the Detroit Lines is I will give Aaron Glenn a ton of credit in terms of shifting gears and switching his Styles based on what he had I know a for a long time AG wants to play manto man they want to challenge guys they want to make it very very difficult for quarterbacks to fit the ball in tight windows but they didn’t have the Personnel so they had to morph him be a little more Zone Centric this off season they went all in on getting man-to-man guys and what I loved about like the guys that they landed in the draft about Arnold and RI Shaw and those guys like being able to challenge I mean you just talk about being able to line up and kind of come after folks I like that I just like being able to go and get it and I think Teran aror is going to be a guy who has an opportunity to really get after a couple guys for the Packers keep an eye on in training camp a couple big physical guys at the safety position with uh ol ad dppo from Oregon State and then Evan Williams both those guys to me big physical players they took Bullard in the second round who I thought could be a nickel or free you can use him in a lot of different spots out of Georgia so they got three guys uh added to their young mix and they are a team when you talk about resources you see a lot of high picks there uh especially with with Alexander and Stokes two ones Xavier mckenny uh coming at over there he was a one so or actually was a two but was the best safety in his draft class so um they’ve got a lot of resources invested in that uh in that back in the Vikings again we kind of had a theme with them a little bit of a lopsided roster at this point in time offense to defense NFC South book yeah so NFC South um look I had it New Orleans Tampa Atlanta and Carolina New Orleans really the the thing that tips it is really just the experience I can’t say that all of these experienced players are playing at what we call a blue chip level but I think their experience allows them to collectively play better than maybe the talent would suggest on paper uh anytime you have a corner like kamaran Latimore that can play uh you have a ball Hawk and Tyron Matthew who even though he can no longer run like he once used to he’s always just kind of around the action but to me the guy that is the lynchpin is alante Taylor and I admit I liked him coming out I thought he was a really pure nickel when we watched him and evaluated him coming out of Tennessee he has kind of slotted into that role and with Paulson Ado also kind of growing I think the same have the makings of a really good secondary yep uh this is a jumbled division here uh I ended up having Atlanta one uh on the heels of the Terrell baits combination there what those two guys bring to the table I think they’re excellent so I had them one I had the Bucks two again Bucks have had some guys come and go but they know how to evaluate this position um they’ve got a really good group there the saints three the Panthers four and the Panthers four this might be one of the better parts of their team it’s not a bad secondary they’ve got a lot of good pieces there so uh I thought overall division wise that one was tough to sort out because I think pretty even and again I think the division overall is pretty even and that’s uh reflected there in the secondary how about uh go ahead no no I’m I’m I’m with you there and I think the thing about the Carolina look they need the number one corner to be available all the time if he’s available it changes the way that we evaluate that unit uh NFC West to round us up here okay now this is a challenging one but I’m g go back I’m gonna go with Seattle I’m gonna go with the San Francisco 49ers then I’m going go with the LA Rams and the card and the reason the Seattle Seahawks get into the mix is Leslie Fraser was very optimistic about what they have and reek Willen and I’m optimistic in not only rck Willen but how about Deon Witherspoon and what he brings to the table with Julian love and I know ran jenin we both know ran Jenkins personally look he’s a playmaker and so you put him in a defense that is going to allow him to have some freedoms to go uh go get after the ball and just go make plays they’re gonna do it this team in Seattle look it’s not the legion of boom but they certainly are going to be a lock down unit in the back in um I I’m with you I had Seattle one I had San Francisco 2 I had Arizona three uh and I had the Rams four three and four to me was really really close and I I ended up going with Arizona couple reasons here I love the young guys that they have Max Melton was one of my favorite players out of ruers they got in the second round again they had so many draft picks when we go through all these position groups they’re going to be rely on a lot of these rookies but he’s in the mix you got Taylor demerson who they got in the uh in the fourth round who can make a lot plays on the back end we’ll see if he can get in the mix there uh Elijah Jones Jaden Davis a couple more rookie Corners um you know Buddha Baker feels like he’s been in the league for a hundred years um still you know it’s just 17 when he came in the league but it feels like so much longer than that but I I like their good young pieces there Garrett Williams is talented nickel uh at of Syracuse that they got in the third round so uh in the previous year so uh I I think them and the Rams I think the benefit of that is they’ve got two really good teaching staffs they’ve got a lot of young players um and we’ll see uh you know how they continue to grow and develop also a big fan of Quinton Lake who we got to know a little bit in the offseason when we got a chance to visit with him I think that’s a big year for him with the Rams uh as he kind of emerges as a good young player to go along with Cam kitens who they’ve gotten the third round so um again very close uh very close there but I do think there’s a gap between the first two Seattle San Francisco and then I think after that you can you can play around with the Cardinals and the Rams in terms of of who you like better yeah no look the Gap is there but at at the beginning like I I believe this goes back to the conversation that we’ve had with Leslie whatever if they can get this Seattle secondary to play at a high level this is going to push them back into that conversation not only in winning the division kind of get in the mix maybe do some damage in the postseason uh no doubt um all right well that’s going to do it for us we’re going to come back tomorrow another episode will be a shorter episode where we will rank the head coaches and we’ll have a summary of this little project that we took on here so be on the lookout for that we’ll see you next time right here on move the sticks

0:00 – Start
1:01 – DJ’s first look study on Colorado QB Shedeur Sanders
7:24 – Ranking the secondaries

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#NFL #Football #AmericanFootball

  1. Watch out ror the 49ers secondary this year, it's the deepest they have had under Shanahan. Yaidom might start opposite Ward, every 49er fan loves Lenoir and I think he is getting better, Green has been great in training camp, plus the coaches seem to be very high on Luter. 49ers haven't had 5 good corners in well a long time. Feel like they have prioritised corner depth over d'line depth this year.

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