Nashville Predators Draft Picks in a Package for Trevor Zegras?

Nashville Predators Draft Picks in a Package for Trevor Zegras?

Barry trotz is walking into the sphere this weekend with a pocket full of draft picks but just how lucky have the Predators been in those second and third rounds in the past we’re going to talk about some good picks that have panned out all right for the Predators beyond that first round on today’s locked on Predators podcast your locked on Predators your daily podcast on the Nashville Predators part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome to the locked on Predators podcast and thank you for making us your first listen of the day we are your free daily Nashville Predators podcast part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day want to kick off this draft week episode with a shout out to our lockon pred heads those are our everyday listeners who tune in to talk Nashville Predators hockey with us each and every day we appreciate your support and we love that we get to spend just a little bit of your day with you I’m Anne Kimmel I’m a writer with Penalty Box radio and my friends I have a partner in crime you do I’m Emma Lincoln and I am the Predator site editor and reporter for the hockey news on yesterday’s show Emma and I talked about the first round successes and maybe some failures Nashville’s had in previous drafts today we’re going to see just how good the Predators have been at finding talent in that second and third round tier of players we’re also going to talk about that Trevor zis Whispers that are going on and Barry trotz mentions there are two defensemen who may be battling for a starting job in Nashville at training camp we’re going to talk about that as well but before we dive into all of that good stuff we do want to let you know today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase term supply all right Emma it is draft week we are waiting to hear what Barry trotz does on Friday and Saturday with what I like to think of as a fanny pack full of picks he’s taken with him to Las Vegas um we talked yesterday about Nashville has the 22nd overall pick in the first round we talked about some PR’s first round picks today we’re going to talk about those second and third round picks that Nashville has made in the past and see just how successful are they at finding Talent you know a little bit further down in the draft the second and third rounds have actually been pretty interesting for the Nashville Predators in the past I would say Emma they have yeah I mean you’ve got your your well not to pour salt on this wound but uh Igor afanasia second round pick he LC Evangelista that one’s a little better right like you got some some good you know like like you said some good second and third round picks in there Tommy Novak was a third round guy that’s right you know I I just think that there’s there’s a lot of potential here yeah and it’s funny when you think of the players on the Nashville Predators teams some of the players in the past who have had the biggest impact on the team you think of players like Shea Weber you think of players like Captain the captain Roman Yosi both of those guys second round pick so you know there is a lot of good talent available a little bit further down in the draft and and you know you mentioned some of the names I really feel like Nashville is um been pretty good at picking out some talent that has had an impact on the franchise one way or the other maybe not big names like Roman Yosi but you know I would like to point out that Colton sissons Mr Potato Head himself if you listen to our superlatives episode on Colton sissons Mr Potato Head drafted 50th overall he was a second round pick and honestly when I think of the Nashville Predators and if you’re talking about like who has been a player who has been a consistent force on this team for a really long time I think of homegrown Colton sistens you know just a good get yeah those those home homegrown Nashville grown potatoes he is not from Idaho y’all no he’s not even from the United States but um I think yeah it’s I think it’s about that’s where you really see kind of like the strength of a scouting department or of you know of an organization is their ability to pick out those impact players in the later rounds than the first round just because the first round guys like especially now with all the information out there like all the biometric stuff all of the you know the scouting combine and all the showcases and the tournaments that Scouts go to see and there’s so much information on these guys and not saying there’s none on the on the later round picks but there’s less you know sure I think that it you know it shows another level or another layer of attention to detail and you know just kind of being able to sort of find a diamond in the rough like that yeah and you think about how much uh how much hockey that the people and the Predator scouting staff have consumed over the course of months and months and months with some of these players years to collect that information and figure out where they are I know when we got a chance to meet with um some of the people in The Scouting Department as media they were talking about you know they’re on the road all the time and you may be at a game there to scout a particular player but somebody else may catch your eye and that may be somebody that you’re looking at and and you say here is somebody that could be really useful you did a piece and I think it was last year didn’t you travel was it who did was Jeff Kelty did you travel with Jeff kely on a scouting trip I did I it was when the Predators were playing in Boston at the beginning of this last Seas I normally would fly with the team I flew up a day early um and Kelts picked me up at the airport and we went out to Amherst to scout the UMass game uh so predators had some uh some prospects already who were who were playing in that game and you know it’s where they got guys like Mark Delo again a UMass product um yeah it was really interesting it was just like listening to the way that he talks about it and um you know kind of how he goes about it and you just think about it too like they’re so so this game it was UMass versus Michigan and again with how much these guys travel I mean like he Jeff kely walks into this UMass game and I feel like I have walked in with Taylor Swift or something like everyone knows him and is saying hi to him and I’m just like hey just tagging a lot I’m like you don’t have to introduce me I’m nobody it’s fine um but it was it was so interesting now unfortunately the game itself ended up being a blowout we uh in favor of Michigan and uh so we did not stay we were gonna stay and talk to some of the Predators prospects but then we’re like they’re probably not going to be in the mood to talk after that so yeah we didn’t stay but um no just so interesting listening to his travel schedule and his uh you know he’s the director of scouting so he oversees the rest of the scouting Department um but everyone else’s travel schedule and how many games they get to in you know in a given season and and how many miles they cover it’s not like yes to an extent it’s kind of regionally based like within the United States like he again he lives in New England so he’ll go to the the ums game that makes sense but like it’s not like when I used to work in baseball it was guys had very Scouts had very specific regions that they covered and they did not really deviate from those regions at all um so it’s like if you have the southeast you’re not leaving the southeast um but in hockey it’s it’s a little different they I mean they have like I said areas that they generally cover but you know they’ll also take trips across the country they’ll take trips up to Canada they’ll take trips you know over to Europe for World Juniors and things like that just because the you know there’s those are where the big opportunities are to see these guys play so it’s fascinating to me there’s also this degree of difficulty that comes with I am going to watch a 17 you know 18 year old player in the NCAA or in the Juniors and I am going to try to pull out information that’s going to help me predict what can my organization do to develop him into an nhlr and there is just wizard involved in that because the difference in just a regular human 18-year-old male and a regular human you know 23y old male very different set aside skill set on ice so you know tons of respect to the scouting Department that Nashville has because like we’ve said they’ve been very good at finding some gems you know two rounds in three rounds in four rounds in a former eighth round in peekar so you know they do their work they do their homework coming up Emma and I are going to talk a little bit more about the draft we also want to talk about Trevor zis and the Rumor Mill because it appears to still be churning my friends we’re going to talk about that coming up in just a moment first want to let you know this episode is brought to you by our friends at eBay Motors passion drive and patience that’s the formula for winning championships it’s also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers they have roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you are into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the price as you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your ride or die alive at eBay eligible items only exclusion Supply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers all right Emma before we leave this second third round pick conversation is there one player in that second third round early fourth round player that the Predators have picked that you were like nailed it do you have a favorite in that don’t take mine don’t take mine don’t take mine I mean M I feel like you kind of already took mine like I’m I am a huge Colton ciens fan I I think that they nailed that um and especially with like I I give the edge to him just with his longevity within the organization uh so he’s you know there’s him I mean I feel like Roman Yosi is a bit of a copout answer but I mean yeah who’s yours I mean I don’t want to be obvious about it but for me I have to pick my gateway drug my hockey gateway drug and for me that is TS EOL was the 102nd pick in the 2009 draft and you know you want to talk about getting your bang for your buck I mean you’re talking about like 64 SED 200 pounds just fantastic defenseman I know that he is not with Nashville anymore and there’s not a day that goes by that my heart doesn’t crack just a little bit more that he is not back in Gold but again you just come back to you know what Jeff Kelty was saying there are good players in every draft and you just have to trust that Nashville has been doing the leg work and doing the traveling to find these guys in the second you know round third round fourth round it’s going to be interesting to see again what does Barry trotz do with all of these picks there is speculation that Nashville may not come home with nine new prospects they may use some of these picks in a deal for a player one of those Players whose names continues to circulate and this is something we’ve talked about Trevor zis so the rumor is and again this is rumor you know maybe the PRS are one of the teams interested the asking price for zis gonna be high gonna be high from the Anaheim Ducks uh is this something you think is worth pursuing Emma and like I said we have a whole you know we have another episode on it but just kind of checking back in where we’re at right now what what’s your temperature when it comes to zis to Nashville I I don’t know I don’t know I I think with how there are a lot of factors at play here I think that I do really like the the on paper I think it makes total sense like he is a young guy who has you know proven scoring ability you can have him under team control for a significant per per of time like these are all things that Barry trotz has expressed interest in however um I don’t know I I just think about how Barry trotz has been less than thrilled with the theatrics of a guy like yaroslav isarov um I don’t know and zigis it’s not like he’s he’s a thug or anything like that I just think he’s definitely got a personal he’s got a big personality he got a lot of swagger he’s got a lot of swagger but the again the PRS already have the Zack Laro and they have uh yaroslav isarov under their belts that they need to try to get under control and so I think and again very different players I’m I’m not saying that laru and and zek are similar uh but they they are similar in the sense that they have big personalities um you know the on the fourth period you know it was said that I think it was eight teams had quote serious interest in in zis and I’m like well what team wouldn’t have serious interest in a in a asset like that um but again to that end the Ducks know that they know how valuable he is and so they are going to have a huge you know huge asking price we know it’s High um you know other teams that have been interested are or like I said seriously interested Chicago the Rangers Montreal Philadelphia Ottawa Calgary Buffalo I mean all of those teams like could really use a guy like except except the Rangers the Rangers what I know find find something else to do right now yeah go you’re fine but I think that um what I’ve seen is that the specific asking price for zis has it has varied from Team to team um you know they’re not asking specifically like oh we want X number of picks or we want a goalie or we want this I think it’s varying from Team to team um but no one has really elaborated on what that means aside from saying that it is a big asking price and it’s like well sure like of course it is of course it is he’s another guy that I think will get overpaid and but he’s too much of a question mark for me right now to be worth that over pay I think with where the Predators but then again like if they can he’s a guy that if the Predators can get a deal done that does not include yuss Soros and they can and they can get Trevor zis I’m I’m certainly open to having that conversation because I think that he is very valuable I just don’t know like I don’t know if you want to throw everything you have at Anaheim just to get him yeah I agree with you I think on paper this is a good look you know young player obviously somebody who’s pretty offensive minded very creative player as well last season dealt with injuries and so you know there’s not a lot to compare you know what are you for sure getting with a ton of consistency because he is pretty young so you want to weigh that out as well and I’m with you I think you have to be careful whether the Predators get zis or don’t get zis I don’t think this is the basket in which all your eggs go for the Predators making that deep cup run I I just don’t think you I don’t think zis is the answer to the equation um could he be a great contributor could he spark something with some other players to kind of bring out some more offense and some other players yeah I do but I don’t think he is your you know you just are one big piece away I Trevor zis first of all the Predators are more than one big piece away second of all Trevor zis isn’t that one big piece and I’m with you and and look I love I love some spunk I’m here for the spunk um but I do know that Andrew brunette and Barry trotz just in conversation over the course of the Season that locker room is pretty that vibe in the locker room and the unity in that locker room and the way that the team relates and there is no Division and we heard from players one of the things we heard over and over again no clicks no partnering off none of this I think whomever they look at that is going to be a big uh thing that they weigh and whether zis is going to come in with a little bit more hutzpah uh than than they know quite what to do with I don’t know so for me I think that’s a a factor as well I also think and this is part of a large ler conversation not really specific to zis but I I want to go back to what you were saying about that locker room really being a Sacred Space I mean that has been such a focal point for this organization in this whole reset or whatever you want to call it is establishing that culture and again this is a totally separate conversation from zis I’m not saying that he would come in and ruin the culture but I’m saying whoever they bring in whether it’s zerris NIS anyone like whoever they bring in that fit that fit in the locker room that off ice fit is extremely important to this organization um and so I think that’s another thing to kind of keep in mind again I am not throwing shade at zis for having you know a the Swagger or the the hutzpah like you said but I I think that whatever it is like or whoever it is rather that they bring in has got to fit that because that was the whole I mean everything comes back to culture like the again not that Ryan Johansson or Matt duchaine were bad locker room guys I mean they were loved in that locker room but it was all about setting a very specific culture uh a playing culture and a team culture that that Andrew brunette and Barry trotz wanted to do and so that off I piece is going to be extr extremely important when it comes to adding anyone to this roster I agree with the money that Barry trots paid to bring in Ryan O’Reilly Gustaf Nyquist Luke Shen uh the amount of money that they’re paying Philip forsberg Roman Yosi you are not going to sacrifice what you are trying to build for one young player and again not pointing fingers at Trevor zis look we have Luke Evangelista in the locker room it’s not like Nashville doesn’t know how to handle Swagger but every piece regardless of who it is regardless of their personality regardless of their reputation around the league I agree with you that’s a huge huge consideration for the Nashville Predators in this reset something that they’re gonna have to weigh with everybody that they look at and everybody that they draft as well coming up we are going to talk about two prospects who Barry trotz mentioned may be battling each other for a chance to wear gold next season on the blue line we’re going to talk about that in just a moment first want to let you know today’s episode is brought to you by game time if you are wanting to find the best tickets at the best prices for fun summer events you need to check out game time game time makes getting tickets to your favorite sporting events Theater comedy 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were talking about young player potentially Trevor zis one of the names that Nashville has been linked to as well but there’s a couple other younger Players whose names came out when Barry trotz spoke to 1025 earlier this week talking about changes on the blue line and we have talked about Spencer Stasney probably going to make it on the Nashville roster out of training camp and they’ve looks like maybe there’s some room for another younger uh defenseman to make a a splash at camp and it seems like Barry trotz has his eye on two in particular and we are talking about Mark delgo and we’re talking about Adam wilsby he said these are two players who could battle head-to-head in training camp for a chance to start in Nashville yeah and you know Mark Delo we’ve obviously we’ve seen uh in Nashville couple of times already this year and and our feelings here on the show about Mark delgo are well documented big Delo fans yes very big Delo fans um but you know wisby wilsby is an interesting one he is one that I Know Carl Taylor head coach in Milwaukee is very high on wisby Barry trotz is very high on wisby uh and I think that he you know again we’re talk talking about these kind of middle round picks Adam wilsby fourth round 2020 like he is really kind of kind of coming up in the ranks here and he’s just finished his second Pro season in North America his second season with Milwaukee um he’s maybe not a you know like a a volume scorer from the Blue Line like a Roman Yosi type but he can contribute to that that part of the game and and I think you know he’s got he’s got some size he’s got some really like his skating is really good really strong um he I mean he is a very very strong strong presence in his own end um and so I can definitely see him especially he’s a guy you know with with the departure of Ryan mcdna he’s a guy wisby is the kind of guy that I could see you know having maybe a clearer path um to to the NHL whether he makes it straight out of training camp or not uh I don’t know but I think you know especially after what Trot said that this is going to be a very important training camp for him wilsby is not a player that I think across the board a lot of people have talked about you know like you said this is only his second North American season but it’s been a really good season for him you know he finished and I know we all have big feelings about plus minus but you know this is somebody who he’s a plus 17 he’s very responsible defensively and also you know we again can’t stress this enough big Del Geo fans here like we really like Mark del Geo’s game I love the offense that Del Geo brings because he may not finish a play but Del Geo is gonna kick something off and I really like that but you look sizewise you know Adam wilsby is a little bit bigger you wonder if that’s going to factor in but these are two players that I’m really excited for Predators f fans to just get to see a training camp regardless of the outcome on the roster which I know obviously matters to them but I think these are two pieces when it comes to Nashville’s future when and the blue line these are two players that really Nashville fans need to get a longer look at because I think both of them have maybe different areas that they could contribute on the NHL level with a little bit of time and again like I said Wills be maybe not a name a lot of people know if they haven’t followed Milwaukee but definitely a good season there so interesting to hear Barry trotz mention him in the mix yeah I mean he was a guy I I remember earlier uh this season when Stasney had gotten called up Del Geo had gotten called up I wilby’s name was in the mix at that point Carl Taylor was the one saying it he was like ah stasy Del Geo better watch out because wilsby could be giving them a run for their money and and I think that that speaks volume you know he he skates the the way that Andrew brunette wants his defenseman to skate and and to get back to the other end of the ice quickly that is I mean I think wisby is there already um you know there may be some other uh parts of his game you want to see honed or sharpened a little bit but I think that he is definitely he could be the guy he could be like maybe like last year or two years ago whenever youo par I I feel like kind of similar like you know his name you know who he is but I feel like this could kind of be his coming out party this year we’ll see what they can do in training camp but I think it’s going to be great the more Predators fans can see some of these prospects some of these younger guys who are on the verge I think the better it’s going to be when they finally put on that gold jersey for them so something to keep an eye on Barry Trot is definitely watching what’s happening with the defenseman we’ll see if he goes shopping for a defenseman at the draft coming up this weekend again tons and tons of pick we will keep our eye on it and we’ll bring you all the latest news here at lockon Predators make sure you’re following the podcast on social media at lore predators of course subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you’ll know every time we have a new video out before we sign off though Emma let everyone know where can they find you and where can they find your work they can find me at Emma lingan on Twitter and Instagram and you can find my work online at the hockey news and you can find me on social media at ankor on Ice you can also follow me at Penalty Box radio as well that’s going to do it for today’s episode of the locked on Predators podcast thank you for making us your first listen of the day we will be back tomorrow with an all new episode we’ll see you then

The Nashville Predators are walking into the 2024 NHL Draft with a slew of draft picks, and on today’s Locked On Predators we talk about some of Nashville best mid rounds picks from the past and discuss whether Barry Trotz should throw some draft capital into a trade package for young Trevor Zegras. On paper Zegras could be a player who fits into a youth based “reset”, but we’ll explain why a deal may not be worth the asking price right now. Barry Trotz spoke earlier this week about two young defensemen in the pipeline who may end up battling each other at training camp for NHL minutes. We’ll compare the styles of Marc Del Gaizo and Adam Wilsby.

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1 comment
  1. Zegras is cool to watch but i am sure the Ducks will want the world for him..also as much as i like his swag, i think he has a bit more for my liking, not to mention how frequently he gets injured. Probably someone like Necas would be more helpful imo

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