Chicago Bears counting on development of recent Ryan Poles draft picks to make big progress in 2024

Chicago Bears counting on development of recent Ryan Poles draft picks to make big progress in 2024

the Chicago Bears are counting on a few recent Ryan Po’s draft picks to really take a big step forward this season in their own individual development cuz if they don’t this team could be in some trouble you are locked on Bears your daily Chicago Bears podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day this is locked on bears and I’m your host Lauren Cox I’m here to bring you your daily in-depth Chicago Bears news and Analysis you can follow me on Twitter at Cox Sports one you can follow the podcast at lockon Bears on all of your favorite social media platforms including the locked on Bears YouTube channel where you can keep up with all of our video podcasts as well thanks for making locked on Bears your first listen today we’re part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by game time download the game time app create an account and use our promo code locked on NFL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply on the show today we look at some key Chicago Bears players that were Ryan P’s draft picks over the last handful of Seasons that are in important roles that need to take a step forward that the Bears are counting on these guys that they could have tried to upgrade over at some point but said you know what no we’re going to trust our coaches to develop them and hope that these players that Ryan poles believed in in the draft can start to live up closer to their full potential and be those difference makers for this team because if they don’t there might be in kind of tricky situations if they’re getting inconsistency at some of these key spots a lot of it is in the trenches on both sides of the ball but a couple of skill position players as well that have had flashes along the way and have generally done well and it’s like all right now it’s go time let’s see what they can do and step up in a big way I want to start on the offensive line because both offensive tackles fall into this category for me although it’s kind of a slightly different story for each one but Braxton Jones at left tackle for example we talked throughout the offseason you know kind of from the beginning about whether or not the Bears would look for an upgrade at left tackle what that might look like what level of faith and confidence did they have in Braxton Jones after two seasons where he was good I mean I thought he was good he wasn’t great he made mistakes you know was wasn’t perfect and I think there’s a pretty wide debate among Bears fans throughout this offseason of like okay how confident should we be in rexon Jones and should they go out and get like some veteran competition for him in free agency even if it’s not like a clear-cut upgrade but just some where it’s going to be okay a truly open battle to kind of push him and say hey we need you to be better and we’re going to have a backup plan just in case you aren’t better but instead they don’t sign any big names I mean they sign like a end of the roster kind of offensive tackles but not you know not a real competition there they go in the NFL draft and they do take Karan amagazi in the third round not a Yale okay so they did do something at offensive tackle but they knew amagazi was dealing with this injury when they drafted him you know they knew maybe they didn’t know exactly what the timeline was going to be but like they knew he wasn’t going to come into rookie mini camp and then OTAs and start competing with Braxton Jones right away like yes they’ve said he’ll compete at tackle but they’ve already kind of deemed him the swing tackle right they said that’s kind of more the expectation for this he could push Braxton Jones sometime down the line but I we’re not going into training camp in a couple weeks thinking oh that’s a wideopen battle at left tackle who’s going to win we don’t know like Braxton Jones is is going to be your left tackle this season they may end up even using amagazi at guard because some of the questions there so there wasn’t really that true upgrade attempt over Braxton Jones a lot of Bears fans wanted someone like Joe Al in the first round of the draft obviously he wasn’t there when they were on the clock but there were other offensive tackles available at that time they could have taken a tackle instead of romad dun at wide receiver to really say you know what we need to do better at this spot like Ryan P’s kind of pick and chose where he thought hey we’re going to trust the guys that we have and developed them versus where we’re going to go out and make sure we upgrade cuz like get wide receiver for example you’ve got Tyler Scott no one’s here thinking he was going to be a number one wide receiver or anything but he was a fourth round pick last season who had a couple of plays here and there and they could have said you know what we’ll have DJ Moore we’re going to have we’re going to need Tyler Scott to develop and get better and then maybe sign a free agent or something and that could be your wide receiver core we could be having this conversation about how the Bears are counting on Tyler Scott to get better this year to be an important weapon in this offense but instead they said you know what we’re not going to count on that development we’re just going to we’re going to double or triple down at wide receiver with Allen and radun and they could have done the same thing at offensive tackle right they could have said all right like we’re doubling down at at left tackle we’re going to go get joal with with the ninth overall pick or we’re going to go out in free agency and really get some kind of Big Time offensive tackle here to just leave no doubt leave no question about whether or not Braxton Jones or whether or not your left tackle position is is an A plus left tackle or a b or c tackle depending on you know what that development looks like and and I mean it’s it’s a similar conversation for Darnell Wright not that they were going to go out and like upgrade or create competition for him but like you need both of your offensive tackles to be really solid steady you know foundational pieces for Caleb Williams I mean that pressure from the outside either in his face on the Darnell Wright side or his Blind Side on Braxton Jones’s end like both of those players have had up and down inconsistency I mean I think Darnell Wright as a rookie you expect he had a lot of penalties that happens for rookies and you know couple of lapses here and there like that was all fine he had a solid rookie season but he is a top 10 pick and so like we got to start seeing more of that top 10 Talent like the Bears are looking for a top 10 quality player with that pick two years ago and of course he’s not going to be that as a rookie and maybe not even in year two he’s not going to be his full potential yet but like you think about what our expectations are for Rome adun for his career right how special we think Rome adun can be ninth overall pick Darnell Wright 10th overall pick but they could have taken him at nine they just moved down one spot like think about like those kind of expectations for Darnell Wright just at you know the offensive tackle version versus the wide receiver version like that’s what you’re hoping to get out of top 10 picks and so for Caleb Williams to be at his best for this offense to be at his best for Caleb to develop properly like you need Darnell right to play more like a top 10 offensive tackle keep getting farther along in that process you need Braxton Jones to take a nice step in your three and you need this offensive line coaching to help these players get to that next level especially given some of the question marks we might have on the interior where you know it’s still an open competition at Center we don’t know who the starter is going to be there Nate Davis at Right Guard has uh you know availability issues over the last year and change that he’s been on the team so we we don’t always know how reliable he’s to be and then as good as te Jenkins is at left guard he’s been he’s never played a full season in his career he’s been hurt at least a little bit every season so far and so there might be varying levels of question marks or concerns about the interior guys so you really then need your two tackles to be Iron Man on the field every snap getting better and not having to worry about okay is there going to be a lapse here is is Caleb going to get blindsided by someone who just you know Braxton Jones has a bad play and gets and gets beat like of course every tackle is never going to be perfect right you’re going to get beat sometimes but if you can really say okay those two are just foundational cornerstones that’s the word I’ve been looking for for the last three minutes cornerstones of the offensive line at least then okay then you can focus all your all your energy on the interior and trying to help that out with pass protection and you know how you’re sliding protections and running backs and trying all that stuff like if if you’re going to have questions on the inside let’s make sure the outside is super super solid clearly it seems like the offensive line is that spot where the Bears are counting on development a little bit more than the other skill spots on offense but I think there is one other skill player that they’re counting on some development from a younger player and and same thing is true on defense we’re probably mostly in the trenches there but it’s another guy a little bit farther away from the ball I want to get into so we’ll look at some of the other key players that need to develop and take a step forward for this Bears team to be at its best next on locked on [Music] Bears this episode of lock on Bears is brought to you by our friends at eBay motor passion drive and patience it’s the winning formula for winning championships and it’s also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it 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address the running back position with a big signing in free agency in DeAndre Swift he’s going to be your number one back your leading rusher your leading carries the guy who on First and 10 he’s getting the ball vast majority of the time but that doesn’t mean he’s going to be the only player who gets ball right like you don’t really see teams go purely just the number one running back takes it all the time like the true Workhorse days are mostly gone like players like Derrick Henry or whoever like do get the Lion Share the loads but like even on teams that have a Derrick Henry type player those number two backs are still really important to be a break for them and also a lot in a lot of those situations like passing Downs you know receiving out of the back field and pass protection DeAndre Swift certainly offers a lot as a receiver out of the backfield and so what exactly the running back rotation then looks like will be interesting to me but there’s an opportunity here for Roshan Johnson to be that number two back not just this season but for the foreseeable future because as we’ve gotten closer to training camp there’s been quite a bit of speculation I won’t say rumors cuz I don’t think anyone has reported anything concrete about this I don’t think there’s any legitimate information coming from the Chicago Bears to suggest this it’s just people looking at it and trying to connect the dots here and maybe make up something that doesn’t seem super realistic to me but you’ve probably read an article or seen a tweet or something of somebody suggesting could khil Herbert be on the Block could he be a surprise training camp cut for the Chicago Bears or a potential trade candidate after training camp and well I think cutting him would be a dumb idea all around trading him would be less dumb of an idea but still I I I think the smartest idea would be to keep him cuz when you have a good running back you shouldn’t just be eager to get rid of him for I mean if you’re trading him you’re going to get a late late round draft pick and if you’re cutting him you’re not getting anything so it doesn’t seem worth moving on from him he’s not expensive there’s not really a good reason to but there is an opportunity for Roshan Johnson to pass him as the number two running back here because if you think about DeAndre Swift getting the lead number of carries whatever that looks like then presumably if he’s carrying the ball on First and or second down like he might need that break on third down and so that means you need your backup running back to be more effective as a receiver out of the back field and a Blocker in the back field and khil Herbert has consistently struggled as a receiver out of the backfield and a blocker out of the backfield especially the blocking you know I think the receiving thing out of the backfield with Herbert like it’s not like he has dropped a inordinate number of passes I think he’s dropped some but it’s not like oh man that guy’s got terrible hands and I don’t even think is a terrible route Runner either I think the receiving out of the backfield thing with Herbert feels a little bit more situational to me he doesn’t get a lot of opportunities and he’s not put in a lot of good opportunities to make plays as a receiver out of the back field it’s kind of a separate conversation but I think that that aspect might be a little bit overblown but the pass protection thing is definitely an issue and those are both areas that Roshan Johnson was better as a rookie just that’s kind of how it played out he was a better receiver and certainly a better blocker between the two out of the backfield and so that’s Roshan Johnson’s ability to get playing time in this offense and play a key role when DeAndre Swift is not on the field because whether they get rid of KH Herbert during training camp for some reason or they let the year play out like he’s goingon to be a free agent next year and I’m it’s hard to Envision a scenario where the Bears give khil Herbert another contract like you’ve got DeAndre Swift under contract for two additional Seasons you got Roshan Johnson for two more years on his rookie deal like I don’t think they’re going to also then pay khil Herbert so whether it’s by week one or next offseason like they’re going to need Roshan Johnson to be a big player in this offense to be that spell back for DeAndre Swift and play again it’s not going to be 90% Swift 10% Herbert 10% Johnson I mean it’s going to be I don’t know 60% Swift 30% number two back 10% yeah something like that you know maybe it’s 60 202 or I mean 70 you know I don’t know what the split’s going to be but like these are going to be important important snaps for Roshan Johnson and the Bears need him to get better so that they can go into next season saying yep it’s Swift and Roshan and that’s a really solid backfield you don’t need to worry about adding anything else at that position so that’s where I think I still think Roshan matters and his development is important this season even if it’s not maybe as critical as the two offensive tackles and they did at least upgrade at that position I think the same thing is similar on the other side of the ball with another pick from that same draft class Tyreek Stevenson he’s a player who does need to get better this past season like I think we all associate Tyreek Stevenson’s Rookie season with being really good I me he made a bunch of big plays on the ball that we were all excited about and we’re all really excited about what his development can be here moving forward but it’s easy to forget some of the times he got burned some of the big touchdowns he gave up some of the big moments there were some big plays where he was out of position and just not where he needed to be and he made up for it a lot with so many of nice plays on the ball the interceptions the pass breakups like he made some phenomenal plays on the ball and also made some really tough ones not close enough on the ball like he was perhaps the most boom or bust cornerback in football last season when you look at some of just like the the raw numbers in terms of like coverage data from Pro Football Focus Tyreek Stevenson was the second most targeted cornerback in football last season I don’t remember the name of the other quarterback it wasn’t a household name guy another young guy but like some of that’s because Jaylen Johnson’s on the other side so what are you gonna throw Jaylen Johnson or you going to throw out the rookie sure but at the same time you could also other quarterbacks could also throw at the linebackers throw at the safeties throw at Kyler Gordon in the slot like it wasn’t like the quarterbacks only choice was Jaylen Johnson or Tyreek so they picked Tyreek every time they picked Tyreek a lot because he was getting beat a decent amount he gave up the second most catches and the third most yards of any cornerback in football so not just a bunch of targets but when he was targeted gave up 72 catches for 836 yards last season top five in targets allowed catches allowed yards allowed and he gave up nine touchdowns which is the most I think tied for the most but the most of any cornerback in football so like bottom five in all the major you know like plays alloud statistical categories targets catches yards touchdowns bottom three I should say in all three of those play like he gave up a lot of catches for a lot of yards and a lot of touchdowns and that’s not good like if you just took that in a vacuum you’d say wellow that was a bad season for a quarterback but then you add on his four interceptions which was tied for the fifth most in the NFL among Corners I would not have pegged Jaylen Johnson as being tied for fifth in interceptions in the NFL but that’s top five in interceptions and then he had 133 pass breakups by pff’s pass breakup definition which is a little bit different than I think the standard pass breakup definition I don’t know the exact minutia there but it’s slight different but 13 pass breakups was the third most among cornerbacks so Jaylen Johnson was top five in interceptions and pass breakups but also bottom five in targets catches yards and touchdowns so like that is the true boom or bust gave up big plays made huge plays for his defense and I think he made enough of those huge plays that outweighed a lot of the plays and certainly in our in our memories I think we think of the good and don’t remember as much of the bad as vividly but like heading into year two then they need him to not give up the second most catches and third most yards of any quarterback in football yeah he’s still going to get targeted a lot more than Jaylen Johnson but he’s got to be better on those targets like keep keep making the good plays and just cut down on the the bad plays and that’s fine like his rookie season was not bad by any means he had he had a really strong rookie season in a lot of ways just need to clean up some of the mistakes there so that this secondary isn’t getting gashed in that area you know just a few too many big plays that held this defense back especially early on in the season last year like if Tyreek Stevenson takes that next step forward that’s how you become a top five defense like that’s how you have one of the best if not the best secondaries in the NFL and if he doesn’t it makes the pass Rush’s job that much harder if the quarterback’s getting rid of the ball quickly because he’s got open players like there’s some Ripple effects there for the rest of this Bears defense if Stevenson doesn’t make that big year two leap and continues to kind of have some of the big ups but also some of the big Downs throughout this season and certainly again comes back to coaching being able to like take advantage of his instincts when he makes those plays on the ball but like coach him up to not make some of those same mistakes along the way in that process certainly coaching is going to be perhaps most critical on the defensive line more than anywhere else given the talent deficiencies that the Bears have there but also the high influx of young players recent Ryan Po’s draft picks that absolutely need to step up for this defensive line in this pass rush to look anything close to you know starting quality in the NFL so we’ll look at a couple of guys there that the Bears need big Seasons from that development is perhaps most Paramount for guys that they drafted with the purpose of developing them and now it’s getting to be time for that development to really start to show itself more consistant that’s next on locked on [Music] Bears this episode of lockon bears is brought to you by our friends at FanDuel Sportsbook America’s number one sports book and FanDuel is here to help be there for you all summer long no matter what your sports calendar looks like cuz it’s not a it’s not a busy sports summer at this point we’re a little bit more into baseball and now that the Stanley Cup 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season but they did they really didn’t do much in terms of free agency they signed you know Jacob Martin from the Colts and then they drafted Austin Booker in the fifth round like those are a similar level of investment to me right like a veteran minimum type free agent and a fifth round pick is all they really put into this defensive line externally the rest is counting on guys like gervon Dexter Demarcus Walker Dominique Robinson to take a step forward to Zack Pickins I should mention as well to develop and live up to more of their draft potential and of course Demarcus Walker they’re not not the Bears draft pick but they knew need him to get better and get back to what he was doing previously in Tennessee but as far as Ryan Po’s draft picks go Javon Dexter Zack Pickins Dominique Robinson all three to the to different degrees are going to be counted on as the roster stands right now to be critical players in this pass rushia and in the run defense as well I don’t mean to just focus on pass rush as the only thing that matters for them but certainly the run defense is going to be a critical part of this too and it’s it’s certainly asking a lot but let’s start with Dominic Robinson because he’s the older of the of the three this is his third season and last season was a step back for him a healthy scratch after after uh Montes sweat excuse me after montz sweat was traded for like Dominic Robson went from somebody who was starting a couple games as a rookie to end of the bench to not playing by the end of his second season expectations are very very low but let’s not forget Dominique Robinson was drafted fifth round pick out of uh Miami of Ohio and when he was drafted we knew this was a raw green defensive end Prospect who had only been playing the position for like two total years of his life switched to defensive end in college after playing wide receiver and quarterback before that so we knew coming in this guy was going to need a lot of work and that’s going to take a lot of time for this player to reach his full potential and so I don’t think anyone can conclude after two seasons of Dominic Robinson who’s still 25 I should mention turns 26 in like a week but still like still a 25-year-old player who is still learning how to play the position I don’t think the jury is out on what dominic Robinson can be I’m not here to predict that he’s going to be a great player or have a great season and you know have this huge breakout but I also think it’s premature to say nope he’s a bust he’s done he’ll never be anything good get rid of him he’s out like maybe I mean honestly probably if if we’re going to do if we’re playing the odds here it is most likely the case but there’s still some potential in there like I don’t think we’ve seen the best Dominique Robinson can be and if this defensive line coach Justin Smith and now course their new defensive coordinator Eric Washington was formerly a defensive line coach this is a defensive line coaching heavy coaching staff you need to coach up this defensive line get Dominic Robinson back to some of the flashes we were seeing earlier in his career because we really weren’t flashes much at all last season but as a rookie there were those moments where you’re like oh yeah this is a wide receiver playing defensive end like he is he is fast and long and a physical freak and if you can just get the tools right you could do something with those physical ability like if you get the mechanics there those tools I guess the tools were already there you can just do something with the mechanics and the skills like he’s got the physical body that you want at that spot so like there’s still time for him to do that and there’s a great opportunity here on this defensive line where there’s not a lot of depth there and it’s wide open after Montes sweat as far as I’m concerned like he can he can do this like especially if you’re going to need Demarcus Walker to play a little more defensive tackle to provide some depth there I mean already Dominic Robinson can be your number three Edge rusher and if if Walker’s going to kick inside a little more often then that means more defensive end snaps for the likes of Dominic Robinson or other people on the depth chart so like he for a guy who was a healthy scratch sometimes last season like he’s got shot at a big role here if he can develop a little bit more and start living up closer to that potential that we really could see the tools there I mean there’s hope for Dominique Robinson still there’s similar hope for Geron Dexter just drafted three rounds earlier but another player when when drafted super raw Prospect but has the physical tools and the body to be potentially great at that position the problem is for defensive linemen it takes a while to address I mean especially defensive tackle but defensive end too like it can take two or three or four or five years before these players really kind of start to reach their full potential we did a whole podcast about Javon Dexter on Monday so I don’t want to rehash the entire thing here but you look at some of the best defensive tackles in the NFL not named Aaron Donald they didn’t really hit their stride until years three four and five talk about guys like Justin met we from Ravens didn’t have his breakout until year four Christian Wilkins from the Dolphins didn’t have his breakout until year five Dexter Lawrence from the Giants his breakout year was year four Jeffrey Simmons are the Titans week one against the Bears his breakout year was year three even Chris Jones of the Chiefs his breakout year was year three like none of those guys broke out in year two which is what dvon Dexter and Zack Pickins are coming into this season so like I I don’t think it’s realistic to expect those guys to have huge eight sack breakout Seasons but hopefully between the two of them Dexter and Pickin they can each make a little progress right it’s not like those defensive tackles were bad for four years and then great in year four it’s just like okay you start out slow and then you slowly get better and slowly get better and then you take that jump so like if someone like dvon Dexter can go from I think he had two and a half sacks last season if he can just make that slow progress not two and a half to eight but if you can go two and a half to four two and a half to five sacks this season like that’s a great step forward that will help this defensive line tremendously and like last season Zack Pickin had 0.5 sacks like I think we had slightly higher expectations for Zack Pickins of being a little bit less raw of a prospect but they did play him as more of a nose tackle so he wasn’t necessarily being utilized as a pin your ears back kind of pass rusher but like if he can step up and get a couple of sacks all of a sudden you get you know between the two of them if you can get six or seven sacks okay now we’re starting to get somewhere in this defensive line and add a couple sacks from Dominique Robinson add another handful from Demarcus Walker and then of course you hoping for 10 plus from montz sweat like all of a sudden these young guys and these Ryan Po’s draft picks develop like it starts to pay off but it’s been interesting to see that b Ryan Po’s a strategy of saying all right we need these coaches to coach these guys up they they could have tried to do more on the defensive line they could have drafted a defensive lineman earlier they could have signed another defensive line or overpaid for one in free agency but they chose not to and they chose at that spot and an offensive tackle to just say you know what we’ve got we we’ve invested draft picks in guys we need them to pan out we’re counting on them to pan out and if they don’t your pass rush is going to be in trouble and your offensive line is going to be in trouble and to a lesser extent with Tyreek Stevenson your secondary is going to have a a slight hole in it there or at least a vulnerability in it there so that’s where like that’s the whole point of this podcast right it’s like like today’s episode right like you need those guys to be better they’re are counting on them when they could have realistically chosen upgrades and may still upgrade the defensive line between now and week one and we’re expecting them to upgrade the defensive line to some degree but they’re probably not going to touch offensive tackle so those guys it’s put up or shut up time for braxon Jones and they need Darnell Wright to take that step forward as well be curious if there’s any other players you think the Bears are counting on that that needs to develop if there’s anyone I missed here or anyone you’re less worried about than I am or more worried about than I am let us know in the comments here in the lockdown Bears YouTube channel or you can tweet us at lockdown Bears or post in the lockdown Bears Facebook group however you do it just make sure you hit that subscribe button on YouTube or whever you listen to the podcast because that’s going to be the best way to keep up with all of our daily in-depth Chicago Bears news and Analysis thanks for making lock on Bears your first listen today we’re part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day and I know we’re in the the one and a half slow months of the offseason where we don’t do five days a week it’s more like three or four depending on the how the week goes but we’re getting ready for trading camp but if you’re looking for a second listen or maybe a first listen on the days when a day or two a week when we don’t have lockdown bears for you just this time of year be sure to check out the locked on sports today 247 stream it’s on the locked on sports today YouTube channel or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app it’s 24/7 Sports coverage with the top sports stories of the day with local experts from across the locked on podcast Network without all the argument and shouting television you get on ESPN and Fox Sports so find locked on sports today now available on its YouTube channel or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app we’re going to start getting closer to training camp previous here with like just like two or three weeks away I think by the time like by Monday we’ll be two weeks away or so like it’s like June July 16th the Bears rookie start reporting so it’s right around the corner I hope you’re getting fired up I hope you’re lasting through this slowest part of the offseason hanging in with us I appreciate you tuning in and I hope that even in these summer football this June days you still get another opportunity to Bear Down

The Chicago Bears have recent draft picks filling big roles and key positions, and it is critical that they make good progress in their development this season.

The strategy is most prominent on the offensive and defensive lines, where Ryan Poles opted not to pursue major upgrades this offseason.

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