Birds 365: A Philadelphia Eagles Show | Thursday June 27th, 2024

Birds 365: A Philadelphia Eagles Show | Thursday June 27th, 2024

e AES Eagles welcome in everybody a Thursday edition of birds 365 a special unique Thursday Johnny Mack some major thunderstorms last night I was not expecting these I thought there were just like some blow regular storms coming through the area where I was and we got thrashed with lightning and thunder and trees were down and the power was out all night and oh man talking yeah I was talking to the Marshall this morning he’s like yeah you’re not getting power anytime soon so I’m over at Panera Bread shout out to Panera Bread uh and we are doing the show from Panera this morning how you doing this Thursday I’m doing well I you know we got hit but not that badly so I’m good I was complaining about my mulch running out so now I can’t complain about that those are first world problems so uh but I’ve been there in the past and it sucks when your power goes out so hopefully Panera Bread can hold for you I’m in my home studio so hopefully um hopefully I I don’t have the same types of issues but yeah we’re in danger what what episode is this I haven’t checked we were in danger of not having episode number 806 or whatever it is so but we’re here we are here and we are ready to give you guys two hours of power on Eagles talk Jason Kelsey was down in C yesterday a lot of good topics for us to talk about we have Les Bowen coming up in in about 15 minutes so he’ll be here at 8:20 a.m. uh to talk with us and Johnny Max so we’ll see uh how the internet holds here in in Panera Bread if it does drop out I apologize to anybody listening um speaking of our listeners I want to welcome everybody in this morning walfredo Eduardo Yale Jesse sh enough Cody K Madness Crowley Jason what’s going on everybody good morning Birds nation good morning Eagles Nation thank you guys for watching Birds stre 5 this morning make sure you guys drop a like Johnny Mack the legend of Jason Kelce continues to grow bigger and bigger and bigger Seattle City was packed up yesterday for Jason Kelce uh what do you have to say about Jason and and the the center that’s taking over the NFL yeah it’s pretty amazing you know I I I was we were talking about it a little bit before we went on the air when they first started this thing it was sort of quaint and uh you know a fun little thing for Eagles autism now it’s this giant people are lining in the streets at 4 in the morning and um it’s become this thing and Jason always always has the player put on the Luchador mask as as he was handing out the the first jello shots yesterday but I hope everybody had had fun down there and obviously it’s for a good cause the charity uh event the Eagles autism Foundation by the way they’re up for an espie award that too throw that in the makx for the sports humanitarian award the Eagles for uh you know their their charitable uh uh things they do in the community P particularly with autism which is very close to Jeffrey Lor’s heart because his brother has um gone through that his entire life so that’s sort of the background of why Jeopardy is so invested in that particular cause but um and and we’re going to talk about this with les hopefully less by the way you know um um didn’t have any issues hit and miss with the thunderstorms that were in the Delaware Valley so uh but he he tweeted out something that I thought was interesting because Les has been around a long time he’s covered Philadelphia sports for a long time was a beat writer for the flyers before he he shipped it to the Eagles um and he just mentioned that you know as far as local celebrity goes Sports celebrity I I don’t think anybody has ever reached the heights of Jason Kelce you know part it’s like a perfect storm part of that is his brother part of it’s Taylor Swift and and and you’re bringing in all these new people and and and watching the podcast but I I will say it’s pretty amazing to watch and he’s got now everybody gets to see the personality that we’ve got to see behind the scenes for many years and um it’s up front you’re going to see it as in the broadcasting aspect of it um but what he’s been able to do and just recently we talked about on the show the NFL PA has a top 25 merchandising list every year typically it’s dominated by quarterbacks jayen Herz was number one this year yeah um until last year no offensive lineman has ever made that top 25 list Jason made it last year I believe he was 17th this year he was second in the entire NFL everybody Patrick Mahomes Lamar Jackson um Travis Kelce his brother for the same popularity reasons as I thought Travis would have him beat just because of the Taylor Swift because of the Taylor Swift effect no Jason beat him um he beat everybody except jayen Herz the Eagles were one two um and part of that is you know when you when you become it’s like Super Bowl 52 I remember there were so many more Eagles fans in in in Minnesota than um uh than New England fans and I was like well you know New England’s going there basically every year those trips are expensive and you got to pick and choose and and and make some sense not that Eagles fans don’t travel that well but you would see the same thing if they made a bunch of Super Bowls you gotta kind of pick and choose um and and that’s the case you know Patrick Mahomes has been doing it for so long so you know he was third uh um and and and you know your your your merchandising takes a little bit of a hit from somebody who may Spike for one year but the consistency remains um but an offensive line being in the top 10 never mind number two is just unbelievable unbelievable it really is amazing it’s I mean I brought up the Taylor Swift effect for Travis I almost wonder if it’s opposite in terms of how much more relatable to your regular football fan Kelsey is I mean he married a local Eagle fan he’s chugging beers with every not to say that Travis doesn’t do that but Travis is married to a superstar You Know Travis is do to so I think the the Kylie people are gonna come after you no Kylie’s a superstar too but I mean from a relatability element yeah she went to school yeah she went to school around which ironically Taylor Swift is from the area and uh uh she she was an yeah you know as her her her father particularly there’s a great uh clip out there for um their podcast Jason and Travis’s podcast because you know her dad had been an Eagles fan for years and years and years and obviously you know when Travis came along he’s now wearing Chiefs gear so Jason gave him the business for that but uh um yeah so anyway um yeah Jason is it it’s gotten to the level where it’s it’s pretty amazing and you know good for him glad for him um great player uh better person entertaining person and everybody’s getting to see it now yeah and it’s not going to be it’s not going to be local I mean it’s already not local but I mean I think that the legend of Kelsey might really just be beginning I know his football career is now in his rearview mirror but uh he’s got a lot of stuff lined up and he’s he is going to continue to resonate with football fans all across the world um as he has and you’re seeing it right now was anybody I’m curious to know if anybody in our chat was down there in SE yesterday I know we have some people that are local to the area some people that might go down to the Jersey sure if you were in Cil for Kelsey’s uh Extravaganza thing uh drop it in the chat I’d love to hear what you guys if you guys had had some time to spend down there so pretty pretty good stuff speaking of kelse Johnny ma let’s stay on Kelsey real quick because he did retire and the Eagles are going to lose him on the football field this year I know we’ve hashed this many times before but how how how well positioned are we to move forward I know everybody’s like yeah I feel good about cam Jurgens and I do too but it’s tough to replace a guy that has not just that level of play but stature the leadership the the the onfield stuff the off field stuff I mean Kelsey really be he embodied the entire Philadelphia Eagles organization that’s tough to replace are the Eagles set up to do it and be able to handle it yeah I I I think they’re set up to do it and and able to handle it the question is you know we just brought up uh Brandon Thorn’s offensive line rankings uh he’s very good uh when it comes to breaking down offensive line playing the NFL and he still got the Eagles at number two uh behind the Detroit allons are kind of above and beyond uh in their own tier from his perspective uh but number two is pretty good and I know from talking to Jeff stoutland this spring there’s no concern from the Eagles that camp Jurgens can handle the center position now that there’s levels to that um and and they they know he’s going to be a good player it’s a matter of how good he’s going to be is he going to be in the conversation to be the best center in football probably not early on maybe couple years down the road remember Jason Kelce wasn’t in that conversation Jason Kelce thought he was going to get cut in 2016 for people that don’t remember um so you know it it it it’ll take a while but the Eagles are very confident that they’re going to have solid play at the center position and their bigger uncertainty from the offensive line as a whole is with Tyler Steen at Right Guard and that’s why they have a bunch of contingencies as they did going back to the Super Bowl season when they wanted Isaac sealo to win the Le guard spot he started out he struggled they benched him they put in chance Warmack they benched him they finally ended up on Stephan wisnoski this year you have Matt Hennessy you have Matt sharping you have McKai beckon um they have a bunch of contingencies if if Tyler Steen uh doesn’t work out early at least um and that’s the bigger concern from the Eagles perspective not Center I think the Silver Lining I talked about yesterday I think it’s an opportunity to allow jayen Herz to take a a a bigger hold on the offense I mentioned with P pass protection you’re not going to do it when Jason Kel’s still here but now that he’s not here I think you have the perfect opportunity to allow jayen Herz to take the lead and take ownership of this offense and kind of run it from the line of scrimmage um and I don’t know if the Eagles are going to do that so that’s one I I don’t like but we’ll see they have an opportunity it’s easy to do now but I don’t know if they want to do it um and and Kell Moore kind of hinted didn’t come out and fully say it but he kind of hinted that they’re going to stick with the status quo and that’s sort of Cam Jurgens taking the lead when it comes to pass protection and I think that should be the quarterback as I mentioned with Tom Brady and his comments and explain all the things you got to be on the same page either way so I talked to a Personnel uh executive that’s what he said it it really doesn’t matter but I think it does matter I think it’s important for the quarterback to be the lead in the dance so to speak as far as you know following along um and I think the Eagles would have had an opportunity to take that step they still have an opportunity to take that step they still might do it um but Kell Moore at least hinted that it’s going to be cam Jurgens and you know it can work they won 29 of 32 games at one point and that I call it the best run of Eagles football in the modern era and I think it is so it’s not like it can’t work but I I I would just my preference and this is my preference would be to have the quarterback I’m always striving to get Tom Brady or pton Manning that’s who I’m striving to get now it’s unlikely that you’re getting that but it doesn’t mean you can’t work for it um and that’s where I am with that aspect of it yeah I agree with that for sure and I feel like from the continuity perspective and just the overall you know offense I said that kind of when Kellen got hired I’d like for Jaylen Herz to own this offense and that’s why I loved what he said in the one in the one comment you know about taking ownership of the offense and making it his because if you’re going to be a great team and we talk about this all the time you’re going to lose coordinators and if you want to mitigate how bad that is then it’s got to be the offense has to be Jaylen Herz has to have a full ownership in a way of the offense and when it comes in there’s not that much change there’s not 95% new there’s a different play caller in the room but you know it’s hers who owns the room and I think that would be a good thing to have especially for a Young quarterback who who wants to have a long career here in in Philadelphia um back to your point too about about you know the silver lining of him taking the next step Lane Johnson now he came out yesterday Jaylen Herz is being a more vocal leader you know it justs like all these headlines are coming out after all that all that talk about well you got to do damage control after unfortunately there’s no damage you don’t have to do damage control that’s true but you get these questions and there you know Lane was on what was he on Rich Eisen show or I think Rich E yeah Rich Eisen um yeah and he gets asked the question and then you know what are you what are you going to say you know if you’re Lane Johnson that’s that’s kind of my problem with with what jayen Herz didn’t say yeah right created that just passed the test like yeah I you know my Envision for this show and I saw it yesterday like you know why don’t you have BG on and Lane on and we we could have those guys on but no offense my my Envision for this show was to be more of a sports reporter’s feel um you know if anybody used to saw see that show back um when it was on ESPN back when it was great um the the recent incarnations maybe not so great but nonetheless that was my Envision of this show to have the reporters because I want to make it as objective as possible not that we don’t have our own biases everybody does but make it as objective of possible if you ask Lane Johnson or brandy Graham or anybody else about jayen Herz being a leader they’re GNA say he’s a leader and he’s doing this and they doing that like and that’s what I expect him to say and there’s nothing wrong with that but you know they’re veteran guys they’re not going to drop that ball well I’m happy they didn’t drop the ball and add to the add to fuel to the fire so good stuff from l Johnson let’s get to our first commercial break I see our man Les Bowen in The Green Room one of the best guys covering the Eagles for a long time always great to read his work working now at for phly and has his own thing Les Bowen John so we’ll get to Les Bowen John today is a Panera Bread Edition for anybody just checking in power was out last night um in my hometown some trees and went down took out all the power lines the fire marshal looks at me and he says you might want to find a new spot to do your show my friend because you are not going to have power in the next hours so here we are at Panera Bread shout out to Panera Bread thanks everybody for tuning in uh stay tuned here on birs 365 Les Bowen coming up next if you missed any of today’s show on the Jacob media channel listen to the podcast on your way home available on YouTube apple and Spotify is the best vacation one that you find or when you get lost in one that takes you to new heights or reminds you to go with the flow to to get your feet wet and your wheels spinning one that lets you find your own Rhythm or get carried away find the best of yourself get lost in the woods plan your stay in the Wildwoods today whenn and save this baseball season from Colony pools and power washing a local company serving Delaware Delco and Chester County since 1970 are you tired of looking at your green house is your roof sight deck stained Green from algae and mold let the experts pressure wash your home and take the pressure off of you win with Colony pools and power washing call them now at 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yeah we had some storms here uh in South Jersey but uh I hope everybody’s okay all over obviously some people got hit worse than others that’s kind of what thunderstorms do they do yes but I I I don’t think any anybody can take the head off Jason Kelce I saw your tweet I retweeted you Le I thought that was an interesting take uh the Kelsey uh Beach celebrity Beach bartending uh thing for Eagles autism down at se I I went to the first one I haven’t been back actas it’s it’s grown it was quaint the first one now it’s this giant thing where people are lining up at 4:30 in the morning um it’s pretty amazing what what Jason Kelsey has turned into and you you mentioned he’s reached perhaps a previously unmatched level of local sports celebrity here in the Delaware Valley I kind of agree with you I mean I was a big Julius Irving guy growing up I say it all the time he was sort of this iconic figure already but you know the Sixers were drawing 7,000 for Easter Sunday playoff games at times it was a different era um plus after you know Duc kind of didn’t live here after his career you know which limited how big he could be you know he’s working for the Orlando M wasn’t he at some point the Orlando Magic I think um but anyway yeah I mean there have been guys along the way and you covered the flyers for a long time Bernie per has one of those guys who stuck around a lot of those flyers guys stuck around the area from the Bobby Clark is a huge it certainly was and it is a huge icon muddled somewhat by his General managing uh career but even that it one of the things I said in that tweet was it’s a different era you know with social media and podcasts and things and I think he’s reached a level partly because of that that nobody else really could attain because they don’t he’s the he’s the guy in this era you know uh Richie Ashburn probably is the closest thing I would say uh if you Xander’s probably not old enough but John probably is you know Richie had a column in the daily news that he wrote himself yeah yeah I often edited when I was a copy editor um you know and he was on the radio broadcast and the TV broadcast uh every night and he was one of the great players in Philly’s history he was certainly you know his catchphrases like hard to believe Harry still ReSound uh but it was a different era you know why’s been gone for like 25 years now and yeah why yeah and uh you know you had mentioned maybe the column I think was you know his version of the podcast the podcast has exploded for Jason and Travis and a lot of people say it’s because of Taylor swiat and Travis and I kind of buy into that but I brought up last well nationally yeah but locally do people really I think Jason Kel’s big on his own locally I I don’t really think Taylor Swift and his brother factor into it that much with eagles and Philly people now in terms of his National profile sure yeah yeah but even even from and I don’t know if you saw the list this year the NFL PA comes out with that list of the top 25 merchandise sellers every year um last year um and this speaks to the N even the national part I agree with you with the local part but even the national part last year Jason Kelce became the first offensive lineman in history to crack the top 25 in history I think he was 17 this year he was number two Les number two he was ahead of Travis yeah it you would think the Taylor Swift at back nationally Travis was very high he was top 10 I forget the exact number but he’s might have been five um Jason was number two as an offensive lineman and that’s you know a lot of that is driven locally obviously the vast majority of people I imagine who are buying Jason Kel’s uh merchandise are doing it in the Delaware Valley but he was over at Wembley in London per Taylor’s concert and you got all these clips running around and there’s all these Jason Kelson Kelsey jerseys yeah it’s crazy yeah it really is it is it’s it’s remarkable I never and I have to say I covered just about the guy’s whole career uh and I didn’t really see this coming I mean I I enjoyed his presence and used him quite a bit as someone to explain what was going on to me you know and had a great relationship ship with him over the years but I if You’ to ask me for even after the even after the Super Bowl and the uh mummer’s costume and all that I would never have predicted this I just I no well how could you I mean how could you again he’s an offensive lineman why we we’ve been covering sports for a long time why would that even enter your mind that an offensive lineman and they’re often from a reporter’s perspective less you know they’re they’re the best guys to talk to they’re always in every NFL locker room and the Eagles more so because you have Lane is great to talk to when he does want to talk which he didn’t much last year but when he does he’s phenomenal Jordan milot is unbelievable when he can cut out the EP bombs because you know for the TV people he might be a little bit difficult because you gota uh he’s got the Shane stti and at bomb thing going and we’ll see how cam Jurgens develops but the offensive linemen are always the guys and when you want to get great quotes and get the real feel for the locker room and that’s in every NFL City but even more so here because of the guys and and what they’ve meant to this organization and this team so I wanted to give Jason his flowers and and you did a great job of doing that on your ex account at lesb and make sure you follow L by the way and read them at PHL as well um now on the fields I get this feelingless that the Eagles are not concerned about Center they really believe in cam Jurgens that’s not to say he’s going to be Jason Kelce right off the bat but you get this feeling they’re very very confident um and I you know I don’t know if you saw the Tom Brady clip going around where Tom kind of explained and boiled down modern quarterback play and about five minutes I thought it was tremendous the the main takeaway was uh pre- snap yeah yeah and S what happens before the snap you have to the the key thing is for the quarterback to know uh that the play that he’s about to start is he’s going to work against this defense that it’s not doomed from the and so much goes into it as far as understanding what’s going on with the defense moving protections and things like that now I think the Silver Lining potentially of Jason Kelce leaving was that Jason handled all that stuff from a past protection standpoint and let’s be honest you’re not going to take that away from Jason Kelce I think now you have this opportunity to say all right let’s put it on the quarterback yeah I I don’t I don’t necessarily I don’t want to hold anybody up to the Brady standard I was saying before you came on the show but I I think you should strive to get to that standard oh yeah yeah and and I want the quarterback in control of that and I think the Eagles have an opportunity I fear Kell Moore didn’t come out and say it but he intimated it’s still G to be cam Jurgens they’re still gonna have that setup I don’t like that Les am I overthinking that I don’t know that’s an interesting point uh let me think about this I it certainly would this I was kind of interested I I saw a note last night that about Herz this is his fifth season and we don’t really think of it that way you know we still think of him as a Young quarterback but five years is five years you know it I don’t think it’s unfair to expect that of him whether that’s who he is uh I don’t know I I think that’s a good that’s one of the questions that he needs to answer this season is how much of that has he mastered you know what how good is he at at recognizing what a defense is about to do and so forth um I I think the Eagles have generally had the center do this I can’t off the top of my head think of a quarterback who was really responsible McNab was not uh I don’t I don’t think Vic was uh or Nick or any of those Nicks are well it hasn’t been anybody since prior Jason Kelsey I can tell you that but right um You Were Here back then I I can’t speak to before Jason was here um yeah I’m pretty sure that Jamal Jackson and Hank fry uh set the protections I could be wrong about that yeah I don’t know if Jeff Garcia or somebody would have you know would have called his own uh that was a long time ago well I I did ask I I did ask the Personnel guy and he said it’s not that big of a deal because they got to be on the same page anyway so they do yeah um but from my perspective I was like I get that and they certainly had success I mean at one point they won 29 of 32 games with the setup they had so it’s not like it can’t succeed but I still go to the point of I’d rather have the quarterback in charge it it if it it was an option maybe it’s not an option from their pers absolutely I I agree with you there and I I think you know that aspect of his game certainly whether he’s really calling the protections at the line or not that part of his quarterbacking of analyzing and recognizing is is something that needs to develop and yeah hasn’t been a strength yeah I think it’s one of the fair I don’t want to say criticisms but concerns when you talk about the quarterback I mean you hear a lot of things this this off season about he took a step back but on the field play I don’t I don’t really want to criticize it because I saw in 22 what I saw I saw him Elevate his play to play at an MVP level and not only during the regular season when the lights were the brightest in the Super Bowl so it’s tough to criticize that part of his game but when you get to the off the field or I guess in this case on the field but the pre- snap stuff it’s a fair concern and the one thing I will say too is it seems like if it was him doing it wouldn’t it give him an extra even if it’s just a few tents of a second you know to make those decisions to go through those progressions a little bit quicker you know to make those decisions when you snap the ball I think it would give even if it’s just three or four T of a second that matters in the NFL that matters when you have you know pass rushers coming at you and I think that would help him take that next step and make him a better quarterback overall that’s a good thought Xander yeah and I think Kell Moore talked about uh you know I think they want to do things in sequence more uh this year um so there will be some pressure on him to just you know drop back one two three look at this look at that throw you know uh and and that has not been his strength I don’t think yeah and and Kell’s smooth offense I think it would help with that as well yeah and by the way I think uh you know if they just clean up the turnovers and get back to taking care of the football I think they’re going to be fine offensively I mean there’s too much talent on this right and I would make the point that we kind of almost get to the Jaylen wasn’t bad last year no no no no I mean the turnovers were a problem and the offense kind of went to hell down the stretch and was horrible in that playoff game but overall Jaylen did some some very good things last season and I think the debate sometimes gets a little bit out of quack about that oh yeah I mean he was leading the MVP batting odds when they were 10 and one he was going to be the MVP if he kept it going um obviously they didn’t right but yeah his entire season was not bad I’m with you 100% in fact I think it was pretty darn good up until the collapse where everybody looked bad including jayen Herz but it was a it was a team effort as well the coaching staff throw everybody in there everybody deserves blame and I still can’t figure it out to be honest no uh the enormity of that collapse less but you know the the Shi from Nick sani’s offense to Kon Moore’s offense whether you want to throw 25% on it or 95% as Jaylen Herz did which I think has more to do with the terminology than anything else I would think so yeah yeah um there there is this thought that quick throws dump it off to the running back I I I I’m kind of torn on that because I I don’t think think that’s what jayen Herz is comfortable with I I I don’t think that’s the best part of his skill set and I’m at the point where I make the spring training I’m gonna go Jim Schwartz on You Les and I’m gonna give you the baseball analogy like a a a starting pitcher in baseball might go down to Florida in the spring and and he might want to add a a a whatever a change up to his repertoire and a work on it and a look awful in in in the grapefruit league and people what’s wrong with soand so and he’s working on a new pitch he’s trying to get better he’s trying to evolve his his skill set and then when he goes north he’ll scale back to what works for him and he stays at top pitcher generally that’s what happens with with really good pitchers um in the case of Jaylen Herz I think at practice you should be working on those quick throws those throws over the middle dumping it off to the Run back but if you want to turn him into that kind of quarterback like Brock pie you know be a point guard I don’t I don’t know if I love that where are you if that’s the the the tight RPP with with what’s going on with Jaylen Herz uh where are you do you want him to turn into more no I I think he’s he’s too talented for that and I also think uh he has a better arm I think than than Brock pie and the weapons they have are a little different than the 49ers weapons mcaffrey is a is a unique weapon uh Debo Samuel the Eagles have got a couple guys and AJ Brown and Devonte Smith who are maybe we’ll see if if they the 49ers get their problems with auk uh you know ironed out maybe we’ll see more of this from their offense but the Eagles are going to throw long more than more than the 49ers are I think I think that’s more I think they should part of they did fall in love with it so yeah I don’t mean just down the sideline all the time you know uh yeah you can overdo that but I I I think it’s a different offense I guess different Personnel different strengths uh no I don’t want to see him be Brock pie I think he’s he’s too multi-talented for that and I think the people around him are different uh even with saquin I don’t think you’ve got the same thing as the 49ers have in mcaffrey I I I just don’t think there is another one of those you know no I’m with you I get in trouble every day on this show for pointing out Johnny and I don’t have any you know I think saquin is a great addition knocking that or anything but it just isn’t the same thing he hasn’t done that uh nobody’s done that you know since I I think mcaffrey is kind of like Brian West Westbrook 2.0 you know uh there there hasn’t been there haven’t been very many Marshall faul was like that I guess but J and Tomlinson I throw out there yeah I I think faul Tomlinson and what all do I think Brian was great locally phenomenal and I don’t think saquon’s Brian rbook but the three I always are are faul Tom Linson Christian McCaffrey and they’re kind of above and beyond yeah and I think even if saquon had that skill set it this isn’t off that’s not this type of offense that’s not Jaylen Herz that’s not this offense so even if he had mcaffrey skill set he’s not using it that way they’re not going to use him that way at all in this offense so it’s I agree it’s not it’s not the greatest comparison but Les let me ask you about Je uh we’re on Jaylen Herz I’ll stay I’ll stay there for a minute a lot of talk this week about the leadership now coming off the press conference and then roner warski is talking about the leadership how much stock do you put in that you’ve been covering the NFL for a long time is it a whole lot of offseason nothing burgers or is there something there with the quarterback well you know when they went to the Super Bowl if you go back and look at what was said and written back then he was the greatest leader of all time it was amazing what a wonderful leader he was it was his strength it was the one of the best things about him was his leadership and then when they started losing it was all of a sudden he’s not a good leader I I don’t know I there’s something there in terms of his tendency to kind of shut down I think think when things are going bad rather than uh I I don’t think he can’t change his personality I don’t want him running around with a fake smile on his face uh raring everybody because somebody told him he needed to do that you know I don’t think that’s genuine I don’t think it I don’t think people get anything from that but I do think he needs to think about in those situations okay we’re having a tough day uh you know I’m coming to the sideline I need to uh go over to this guy maybe and and say something to him you know that sort of thing and I think he understands that uh even though his most recent public appearance was not what anybody wanted to really hear no earlier in the offseason he did have a session where he talked about you know realizing that he needed to to kind of think more about how he came across uh to his team in in during the games um that’s the kind of leadership I’m really concerned about I think whenever you lose leadership becomes something people want to zero in on I I don’t know that it you know it changes that much uh really uh the remarks were weird and I know you guys have probably talked about that in in depth and and I’ve unfortunately more depth than I’d like to admit here here’s my Les here’s my my advice to jayen would only be just make the layup dude just say that was such an easy question to answer and our our buddy Martin Frank asked the question I can say this because Martin admitted it it was a layup it was a bunny it was uh it was a it was put on a te for home Brun just say he’s doing a good job the only thing I can figure is that Jaylen didn’t hear the question that way and we don’t know what he heard that’s true yeah uh in what I wrote about it and I don’t expect everybody to have read it was on phly and they you have to subscribe to read it and all that but it you know as a reporter one of the things I do when when someone asks a question I’m in my head just automatically formulating a response like here’s what I’m probably going to hear from this guy on this and but that’s not you know Jaylen isn’t a reporter yeah and I’ve of I’ve learned over the years that athletes don’t always hear what we hear you know that he’s in a different perspective he’s in a different place maybe he knows that Nick is doing this through gritted teeth or something you know maybe he’s like I’m sure he does by the way I’m sure he uh there there’s a million different things he could have meant you’re right he should have had the appom at this point in his career to kind of come up with something a little less uh puzzling but we don’t know what the inside situation really is and and how you know how jayen saw that question what he thought he was being asked one of the big I’m gonna get myself in trouble here uh one of the big things I have coming out of that is so the eag have people whose job it is to smooth over these things um when Donovan McNab said something off key there was a guy Rich Berg who worked in the PR department back then yeah now at Temple who you know he would get Donovan and they would come up with you know here’s what Donovan really me we haven’t heard anything from the Eagles I don’t know if they don’t think this is important or if they can’t you know if they don’t have that kind of clout with Jaylen anymore I I I have no idea but I well I think and if you go back to your your old colleague Jeff mlan on his podcast uh reported that uh he I I believe is the key members of the Eagles organization Jeffrey and hoe I’ll get myself in trouble were disappointed was the word um and my take on that was yeah why wouldn’t they be disappointed you know you’re leaving something and I talked to somebody in the organization I got the quote unforced error you know tenis whatever you want to use you’re going away for six weeks um and you’re leaving the speculation open-ended yes um which is again the layup part and I agree and I think that was a very valid point that you said last not everybody has our perspective and I think more of us have to understand that but it’s still a layup a layups a layup yeah and you’re perspective or not head coach and you know Bob Lang and everybody else in Eagles PR they they prepared them and that’s why they’re disappointed they knew this question was coming about Nick that’s the whole Genesis of this off season it’s about him giving up an offense which we all know he didn’t want to give up I’ll say that I’ll get in trouble yeah loves his offense he didn’t want to give it up he knew if he didn’t give it up you’re in Doug Peterson territory where it’s like all right you’re G to get forced to give it up um yeah and you can either agree to it or disagree so I think that’s the part where the Eagles he was prepared Les he was prepared for that question and he didn’t handle it no he didn’t I I just wonder if uh if J maybe Jaylen liked the offense as it was because he was the 95% thing is is a complaint I mean it’s like here I amning a whole damn new offense you know um maybe he just didn’t like the play calling maybe he thought the offense was just fine the way it was uh you know if if they called the different sequence of plays if they you know stopped using the bubble screen 27 times a game you know maybe he didn’t really see a need to go with the whole new offense I don’t know but I think you’re 100% I think you’re on to something I he he’s talked about continuity a couple times and about what he’s been through in his career and it’s like he keeps changing and changing and changing and I think you know Tom I go back to Tom Brady he talked about how important continuity was and how you got to evolve off of that so I think you’re on to something there less I think 100% um and the 95% thing got some push back uh Howard esin who years ago when Andy was around Howard was closer to the pulse than I think he is now and I’m not criticizing Howard when I say that but it’s just a different era a different group of people but I think a lot of us still perceive that when Howard comes out strong on something Eagles related that it’s somebody in the front office or the coaching staff is yeah is is bolstering that view and and Howard was like is no we’re near 95% yeah I mean I do think there’s there’s something going on there you know uh you said terminology I think that’s probably a good explanation but I don’t think they wanted Jaylen to come out and say the offense was 95% no that’s another I don’t think they think it is 95% and by the way I I I’m the one who asked the question where he broke out the 95% and I didn’t ask that question last I asked about ownership of the offense and he took it and Jalen’s very intentional when he wants to be and he took it in the direction he wanted to go and he wanted it I I believe he wanted it out there 95% new offense because they had struggled so much in the spring and he’s trying to explain why um and by the way I think that’s a good um good reason why you are going to struggle I interesting thing tangent here with with coaches I’ve never understood and they all do it when you’re coming into a new situation as a coach Les wouldn’t you shift your terminology to what they long-term players isn’t it easier for one person who in theory has a high football IQ than a bunch of guys to learn again and again again and again I’ve never counterintuitive I’ve never thought about that I I on the surface that makes a great deal of sense I’ve never heard of anybody doing it though I no nobody’s that I’m not criticizing Kell Moore Nobody Does it I’ve just always thought it doesn’t make sense to me like you’re the football guy you’re the football IQ guy shouldn’t it be easier to you I guess if if you had a play where every detail was the same and you just used a different term but maybe there’s subtle differences that you know yeah I’m sure there’s a reason I’m just trying to figure it out um but yeah overall and at lesp and again make sure you follow Les tremendous uh follow on uh you can read him at phly subscribe to read less because he’s that good um the offense as a whole we just kind of talked about I I look Nick’s going to say the right things if if if you put a gun to my head I’m going to tell you he didn’t want to give up the offense oh I agree yeah um Can this succeed we’re both we’re both stipulating that can this succeed when you have a guy being essentially even though it wasn’t he was politically Savvy enough this is how I describe it Les to understand what was coming so he got ahead of it um and he was proactive and I think he did a good job as far as trying to forge a path to 2025 because if you think about it Kevin pulo still here Jamal Singleton still here Stouts obviously still here Aaron morehead’s still here most of his guys are still here on the offensive side and if they’re really successful hey Kell Moore goes and he’s a head coach somewhere and Nick serion is back in full control right um so I think he was very politically Savvy in how he did it but from my perspective he didn’t want to give it up can that succeed it can but it’s unwieldy and there’s going to be flash points and it’s going to be something we’re going to be scrutinizing anytime there’s a problem or a loss or you know any kind of uh if if Nick is shown on the sideline you know conferring with Kell Moore and Nicks like animated uh you know I I I foresee all kinds of you know ways this can can go uh it can work I mean I there’s a lot of talent as you said here uh will it work that’s that’s the that and Herz are the two all the work they’ve done on the defense this offseason is wonderful it doesn’t mean a darn thing if those two things it’s all about Jaylen Herz and it’s about the serani as overseer of an offense that isn’t his and how Kell Moore’s offense works those are the that’s one and onea for whether the Eagles are really good this year you know the defense can be whatever it wants if those two things are are really really uh successful you know and if the if those two things don’t work as planned it kind of doesn’t matter how good the defense is if the defense can be real good and the team still won’t win the Super Bowl you know uh in my view I think those are the two big questions Jaylen Herz and the serani mo you know equation are going to define the season yeah and if it was a public display of disapproval from the quarterback in a way in in his comments it’s tough to reach the Pinnacle of what you can be especially with all this Talent on the offense so definitely a good story line something we’ll be watching all season long Les thanks for joining the show today man you’re great as always make sure everybody follows him on Twitter read all his work at PHL Y and Les Les thanks for joining the show man thank you guys Ander pick me up one of those cinnamon anything you want Le shoot me the text the email I’ll be over right after the show ends I’ll drop it all for you thanks care guys Thank You Les there’s Les Bowen joining us on birds 365 good stuff from from lesbo and internet’s holding good here at Panera uh over here so bread Studios get get the sponsor how about that I I gotta go and talk to the manager right after this I mean they’re getting a bunch of play from this show so I’ll go and talk to them see if we can get a Panera Panera sponsor out of it uh Johnny Mac anything I can pick you up a little sandwich a little little coffee I’ll bring it over to you too yeah I mean you know I I’m my wife is a big fan of Panera I’m usually when she wants something I’m usually more of a uh I I don’t want to criticize the potential sponsor it’s it’s a little bit too uh fancy for me too much fancy stuff I need more straight ahead you know a dunan guy or you yeah I’m a Duncan guy join I’m not a Panera guy but I went I went and assessed the Duncan this morning wasn’t the right spot for the show it didn’t have the right Studio well paner hey Panera’s classier so I’m picking myself back up so that’s where you have it I’m not as classy as my wife anybody anybody that missed the uh start of the show I had a major power out footage so bunch of trees down so that’s where I’m doing the show from today let’s get to our commercial break Johnny Mac and I still have an hour left to play so I’ll run uh some things by Johnny Mack we’ll talk about some some Isaiah Rogers coms roach was supposed to be here by the way I want to get that in but he he he had to cover the Sixers draft so I’m gonna go on a Sixers draft oh God we we’re gonna hit that I know it’s Birds 365 but we got we got we got to address like for five minutes here this draft pick that the Sixers made so we’ll do that next coming up here in Birds 365 stay tuned everybody if you missed any of today’s show on the Jacob media channel listen to the podcast on your way home available on YouTube apple and Spotify is the best vacation one that you find or when you get lost in one that takes you to new heights or reminds you to go with the flow to get your feet wet and your wheels spinning one that lets you find your own rhythm or get carried away find the best of yourself get lost in the woods plan your stay in the Wildwoods today whenn and save this baseball season from Colony pools and power washing a local company serving Delaware Delco and Chester County since 1970 are you tired of looking at your greenhous is your roof sighing deck stained Green from algae and mold let the experts pressure wash your home and take the pressure off of you win with Colony pools and power washing call them now at 3027621200 that’s 302 7622232339 to go with conviction go with trust and go forward with us by your side First Trust Bank the official Bank of Philadelphia dreams oh and go Birds the greatest fans on Earth it’s a bold statement but would you expect anything less from Philadelphia 58 years of Heartache creates a toughness a grit a resolve not found in most sure our prayers were answered but now that we’ve had a taste we’re looking for more pondley hockey official partner of the Philadelphia Eagles e a g l e s Eagles how about s iix r s Sixers coming back Johnny Mack what’s your first impression of that draft pick let’s get it out of the way before we dive into our Eagle segments for hour number two what’ you think of the Sixers move last night in the in the NBA draft well you know it’s more than that uh obviously they have to do some significant building of that roster and they haven’t gotten off to a great start anything you hear about them trying to get uh the kid from the Knicks that didn’t work out the Knicks certainly the trade I I mean the NBA’s turned into this weird they gave up six first round picks for Mel Bridges uh I’m like what what what what is that League even doing I mean nobody bows it’s it’s almost the exact opposite nobody values first round picks at least unless they’re in the top 10 I I’d even argue top five um everything else is a crapshoot nobody believes in Player Development yet you see players develop all the time so I don’t understand what that League’s doing in general um I don’t know much about the kid other than evidently he’s got tremendous Tick Tock game uh so if that helps um and he’s a good shooter which is never a bad thing in the modern NBA and and and and maybe it works out but yeah it’s a it’s the NBA draft though and I’ve been when I covered the league it was one of my biggest criticisms they’ve made that thing unwatchable because you can’t announce the trades it’s like why it’s the easiest pick in the world I know you’re right just get together with the NBA Players Association and say look this is a disaster I saw a clip with uh one they’re talking about Minnesota ended up trading the Timberwolves and I forget the player’s name if anybody wants to drop it in the chat there he gets drafted by San Antonio and they’re talking about his fit in San Antonia they’re going on and on and on for three minutes in the last 10 seconds oh by the way W says he’s getting traded to the timberwol it’s like what what are you doing here there’s like no continuity when you watch the draft it’s terrible yeah it’s awful television and that’s what it’s all about uh is is making it entertaining for the fans so that draft could be so much more than it is with the easiest picks in in human history and they refuse to fix it and I don’t get it but the Sixers are the Sixers and I I hope the kid turns into something but uh I I don’t think he’s coming to a good order organization sorry Dave sheller sorry yeah and I think it’s even I mean one that Daryl mury is just I think he might be the most overrated general manager in all of professional sports this guy is like you know everybody talks about him like he’s done he’s done nothing he’s traded for Harden everywhere he’s gone that’s it like that’s I I don’t like what has he done and the Sixers have gotten nowhere closer to the NBA title since he has they’ve gotten farther away yeah they’ve G further away it’s just it’s an absolute joke and then I mean gez I prepare your hate comments for me in the comments and I and you know what I don’t even care to draft a guy like that I mean you have one you already have Tyrese Maxi he’s a six foot two guard I know he can shoot the ball that’s great spread the floor I mean the guy that went the guy that went to pick after him Dalton connect he’s a the perfect player to put on the wing and he’s a knockdown shooter and you passed up on him for a fingernail polish wear which whatever I don’t care I mean if he’s going to play good but you gota you got there he’s Tick Tock dancing I’m like is this guy built for look I’m not I’m not criticizing the the guy right he can do whatever he wants but I’m analyzing it from a sports perspective you need to play in a league of grown men who are not going to take any punches they’re not going to play pansy with you and when you’re dancing around and you’re crying like a little CIS poot and you’re doing all these things I just don’t know if you’re cut out to to play in a league of grown men that are the Pinnacle of athletes on the planet you can criticize me for that take I don’t really care I don’t see it I don’t see it with the guy I don’t see it at all he got drafted I’m watching it with my father and I’m like Cary I don’t know about this guy I don’t like him I don’t my early returns are not good on this guy hopefully I’m wrong hopefully he does something but geez I did not like the pick at all Johnny Mack yeah I mean I don’t want watching up college basketball anymore to to Really uh talk about the kid and the spit I mean I I do know if if you can shoot it’s going to be helpful um in the modern NBA and yeah Maxi that’s what I don’t get Max that hurts that hurts more on the defensive end certainly um but you know when you talk about uh the the Dalton neck is NE or whatever his name is he he’s good man I liked him you know can he play defense I don’t know no but I think he was just a better fit for the roster I mean if you look at the two pieces that aren’t going anywhere on the team it’s Maxi and it’s embiid you know instead you got you could have gotten a guy a forward right in the middle of them that can knock down the he’s your replacement for Tobias Harris instead we took a clone of Tyrese maxian away who’s gonna be off ball wow if he’s a clone of Tyrese Maxi that’s a home run but uh I don’t you know what I mean I mean that that that the spacing of the floor I mean he kind of figured out if you get if you you know if if if my thinks he’s a better player and clearly he does and he turns out to be a better player um you’ll you’ll figure it out um you know if if they’re similar if NE is better then you start talking about bit and maybe he’s a better fit but if he thinks and I know he mentioned and and the all GMS men he was top 10 on our board I know he mentioned that if that’s true if they got him weighted right way ahead of him I got no problem even though there’s a little bit of a redundancy you always take the best player always take the best player yeah that’s fair I mean you know my point is I’m not sure if he was the best player and then you add in the fit you’re right though if he can shoot I mean it’ll spread it’ll it’ll help out but slowly off feel for me I don’t like to pick well The Tick Tock stuff and the yeah I I yeah whatever hopefully he matures I mean we’re talking about very young people here and you know some people mature quickly some people don’t not to say it’s you know the worst thing in the world he’s not doing anything wrong no I’m not saying he’s doing anything wrong I’m just questioning if if that’s a guy that’s built to to have great success talk trash to you though so be prepared for that you know players will talk trash yeah um so we’ll see if he can handle it basically makes me makes me uh grateful to have Jaylen Herz here as the the quarterback in Philadelphia for all the talk about Jaylen I I will take jaylen’s demeanor and stoicism over that all day I can get criticized for it I’m all right with that Johnny Mack let’s move into some Eagles topics I want to start with the AJ uh the not AJ AJ Brown’s comments on Isaiah Rogers he spoke pretty highly of him and the other guy that AJ spoke highly of in the past who you always point to is key Ringo well AJ Brown is liking what he’s seeing from Isaiah Rogers says he has a chance to have a big impact did that was my question too who everybody’s aggregating now all of a sudden AJ uh talking about Isaiah Rogers um Isaiah was great um u in the spring but I you know I I go back to Christian Parker you know the one concern I have with Isaiah Rogers when he did play in Indianapolis he wasn’t a great tackler he had a big Miss tackled percentage uh for the you know Advanced stats and all that kind of stuff and you know Christian Parker I would it was notable to me he’s the Eagles new secondary coach he said you know basically he’s doing a good job um all the platitudes you want and then he said you know but there’s still a long way to go um and I think he’s talking about when the pads come on we’ll see if if he can handle um the physical part of the game I think the spring is made for somebody like Isaiah Rogers he’s a 431 guy he’s very fast um you know he he’s he’s going to look good in pajamas because he’s very athletic um and I think that the whole thing with him is going to be can he hold up and run support can he be physical um and and that’s what we’re going to see and and that’s going to determine basically three guys are to me are fighting for the spot uh Kaylee Ringo uh Isaiah Rogers and and quinan Mitchell um I don’t think James bradberry’s gonna be here and even if they even if he is for some strain reason evidently they’re going to try him at safety we’ll see if that ever pans out but I think it’s going to be between those three guys and obviously long term they want Mitchell to win the job and that’s where they’re going um but I think that’s going to determine when the pads come on um you’re going to hear about somebody separating and I’ve already seen Kaye and he’s pretty physical for a young player and I think that’s only going to continue um as he gets more experience um so we’ll have to see about Isaiah Rogers we’ve seen at the pro level at least in Indianapolis not as physical and we’ll see quinan Mitchell when he gets here to see how he looks with pads on yeah we’ll see what they’re able to do I’m I’m I’m excited for the idea of Isaiah Rogers but I brought this up the other day and we were talking about this on the national football show Dan cilio and I and I my problem with it is I I just don’t see the future here with him and I know it’s not it’s you can’t think too much about the future that’s Howe’s job but he’s a young guy like you have quinan you have Cooper you have Keeley you have all these young dudes it’s almost a numbers game where it’s like are they gonna prioritize Isaiah Rogers now over one of their young draft picks I think the Eagles would prefer to go with their young draft picks even if they might not be as polished as he is right now and that’s where I just like that’s where the IDE that you had of the trade is like it makes sense to me you bought the guy down that route well I don’t want I’m not saying that they’re going to do that I’m just saying from a business perspective it makes sense you know you bought the guy low you’re GNA sell him high yeah I mean quinon Mitchell’s going to be a starting corner on this team by 2025 and period end of sentence I mean that’s where they’re going and how quickly it gets there now remember by 2025 you may have two open Corner spots um so it might be and I think if you were you know giving some truth serum to Big pangio he’d prefer it to be quinan Mitchell and uh Kaye Ringo and or Cooper Deen um as as the two starters um so yeah your point to the Eagles dealing or wanting to default to certain players is certainly true and that happens in every NFL city um but if Isaiah gets a chance and he plays well nobody’s taking him off the field that’s the one thing you know lot a lot of Brock py talk always too much Brock py talk on this show c a Jody and now but he’s turned into a very good quarterback yeah um they didn’t want Brock pie to be the starting quarterback that’s all revisionist history they didn’t want him anywhere near the starting lineup they wanted Trey Lance to be the starting quarterback and it didn’t work out and Brock pie got a chance through injuries to get on the field and he performed to a level they’re not taking them off the field so that’s what the opportun that’s the opportunity playing time of fors if you get on the field if you get that opportunity and you just play like out nobody’s talking nobody’s taking you off the field nobody’s taking you off the field and other quarterback because I thought last year honestly in in in training camp or even early in the season I think if Brock py faltered kle shanan would have went to Sam darnold he would have went to Sam darnold and I think this year you see it in Minnesota with Sam darnold and JJ McCarthy Sam darnold’s gonna start week one and if he plays like Brock pie which I don’t expect to happen but you know he’s got a lot of skill position Talent out there if he plays like that he’s not coming off the field he’s not so it gives you an opportunity it might be a small opportunity there’s not margin for error like a a first round pick or in the case of Sam he was a first round pick but that was with a different team not with a new team with the Eagles Quan Mitchell is afforded more opportunities than Isaiah Rogers or even key Ringo and then it goes down Cooper dein more opportunities than key Ringo ke Ringo more opportunities than Isaiah Rogers Isaiah’s at the bottom of that pecking order he definitely is but you know twiz puts it in here it’s it’s a good point where I’ll put it up because he dropped the f bomb but that’s all right I mean he says you know who wants to look dumb after they gave up first three round picks but they made the right decision and I commend him for that screw the Optics the best player should play I wish the world I wish the NFL world existed solely like that but it doesn’t it’s not you know it’s not it’s not a meritocracy fully and that’s just the way it’s going to be so that’s where I I bring into the business element of it where I wonder about what they’ll do at that position but look I think it’s a better I think it’s a good problem to have but as you always say the word problem exist in that and uh we’ll see how address it but how he’s definitely going to do something it’ll be interesting to see what he does with these guys especially going into this year I mean I know you have slle but who rides the bench who plays who you know do they move somebody somewhere is Cooper dein gonna be a safety I don’t see that but you know a lot of people are speculating it simply because of how many people are in the cornerback room we’ll see what they’re we’ll see what they’re going to do um at the cornerback position it should be interesting going in going into training camp yeah and I kind of you know it’s not a full pledge meritocracy but you know there is an opportunity if you get a chance and again if you perform but when you start talking about first round picks they have more rope it’s just the way it is not only in Philadelphia everywhere else um and they will get more opportunities where if you’re a six round pick you know Jason Kelce turned into Jason Kelce but guess what if he showed up and he performed really poorly um in his rookie season or you know even early in his career they would have pulled the plug that’s you know whereas guys like Derek Barnett and jayen rager got chance after chance after chance after chance to prove that they were deserving of being first round picks again not just Philadelphia everywhere that’s the way the league is yeah we’ll see it see what they end up doing and how how it all plays out for the Eagles uh what about the safety position Johnny Mack I know we have I mean I know we talk about Reed blank and ship but I have a feeling he he could have a big year this year I mean I know we brought back CJ Gardner Johnson who’s a big element and and and had some real juice when he was here in Philly he was obviously the big play guy had some interceptions I’m concerned about the injuries but can’t legislate injuries I’m not going to sit here and worry about that right now in June we’ll see how you know how many games he ends up playing but I think it’ll be a big impact and I think going to make Reed blankin ship better but what do you think about the safety position and where we are heading into training camp a lot of people have been speculating they might add to the room oh if I see another Justin Simmons story I’m gonna everywhere man they’re they’re everywhere um I I think the Eagles think more of breed blankin ship than most of their fans do but we’ll see I mean you know one thing I I Adam shepter was on 97.5 and I’m not picking on Adam because Adam’s phenomenal but just the way he phrased it and he’s speaking extemporaneously I’m sure he wasn’t you know I’m sure he just misspoke a little bit but you know what he said is um you know I haven’t heard that the Eagles have looked into Justin Simmons because they seem to be well you know they seem to have a lot of confidence in re blanket ship and I’ve said pretty consistently you’re not bringing in uh Justin Sim to be a backup so if he’s not going to be a starter you’re not interested that’s where the Eagles seem to be right now so what shepter said is I haven’t heard that they are interested but you know what is going to happen everybody’s going to come back from their vacation and they’re going to start taking a look and they’re going to be like wow I didn’t realize that Justin Simmons is still out there and I’m like I mean there’s a lot of bad organizations in the NFL is what I but does anybody believe that they’re not aware that Justin Simmons is out there I mean from the worst or whoever you think the we whether it’s Carolina or the Jets you think they’re not aware that Justin Simmons is out there I mean the Eagles will wait if they have an injury I’m sure he’ll be the first call and all that kind of stuff um but again he’s not going to be a backup you’re not bringing in Justin Simmons to be a backup and part of his still being out there might have to do with Justin himself I don’t know him but he might say I don’t want yeah I I don’t want to deal with offseason crap I don’t need it um and he might be waiting to the start of camp or a week before Camp um but I I think the Eagles believe and have and read blanket and they’re not going to bring him in as a backup how many are they going to keep though in the room Johnny Mack I mean they have three people that I can I mean you got Reed you got CJ and you got Sydney Brown I know they floated James Bradbery I’m not buying that as a realistic fourth guy are they going to keep no either am I I I think I think they’re trying to and this is just speculation we’ll see how the summer and a injuries start to happen um they changed the IR rules again where you can put two people on IR from um in the initial cut to 53 and they can be brought back before you had to be on the original 53 to be brought back so that gives them more wiggle room but the point is they want to keep a bunch of these young Corners um and right now if you look at it from just a traditional standpoint well you need four safety so maai Gardner’s got to make the team or Tristan mccullum’s got to make the team as the for safety um then you’re gonna have to cut Josh joob or you’re going to have to cut Eli Ricks but because of avonte Maddox in his versatility his ability to play the position I think it gives you an extra body in the secondary to work with that he can play both positions and be one of the backup safeties and that will enable you to keep another one of those young Corners I think that’s what Howie is thinking or at least keep them without getting them through waivers um you know so if you cut a guy and want to bring him back to the practice squad you have to get him through waivers and they were concerned about losing Eli Ricks last year right they probably would have gotten him through waivers nobody will ever know they’ll probably get whether it’s Josh job they could probably get him through wavers although you know somebody needs a special teams player um maybe that’s not the case so sometimes you want you don’t want to take that risk yeah we’ll see what they end up doing at the room I mean Nathan says why not make Cooper deina safety he’s a better safety than a corner Pete I love you brother thank you for tuning in but what makes you think that at all I mean he didn’t play safety at really at all in college he was he was scouted as an outside quarterback the Eagles have openly said they scouted him as an outside quarterback outside quarterback not quarterback um why would they move a guy that they drafted and at 40 overall to be an outside cornerback into a safety it just doesn’t make sense to me I I just don’t that doesn’t that doesn’t add up I don’t I don’t see them them doing that or going that route at all so uh it’s a little bit of everything about everything it’s ironic everything about Cooper is is projection except outside quarterback he he moved around a little bit at Iowa but very few snaps almost 90 over 90% were at outside corner I think he can be an outside cornerback in the NFL I I really do I mean I’m not a race guy but it does seem like it’s because he’s a white dude again you know he’s talking about outside you know I don’t want to make it about that but that’s that’s always an element in the discussion oh he got to ask that question but uh you know and the ironic part is Cooper’s you know probably one of the best athletes on the team he’s just a ridiculous athlete uh Google his basketball tape if you want to see the explosion off the floor he’s six foot and see the explosion and how easily uh he dunks he’s got you know ran a 442 he’s got uh 382 inch vertical you know he’s he’s a phenomenal athlete athleticism isn’t the problem with Cooper um but yeah there’s some because there’s not a lot of White Corners there’s you know there’s obviously some assumptions that are probably unfair um and everybody wants to move him inside and that’s where I think he’s going to start but I think he’s going to start inside but more at slot not not at safety um because they want to get him on the field and they have too many outside corners to get them on the field at outside corner long term again I think the plan is um quinan Mitchell and Cooper deine as your two outside corners um and I I don’t know if the Eagles were public with they Scout them it as an outside corner um I don’t I didn’t hear that if I did I don’t know but um I was told that they scouted him strictly as an outside corner and why wouldn’t they because he played outside corner yeah so anything else is a complete projection but when I say that like hoe Roseman signed Zack Bon to be a hook or flat defender in vic fangio’s scheme Vic got a look at him and said no I think he’s an allball linebacker so once you hand it off to the coaching staff the coaching staff uses the players how they want to use the players so if Bick say I don’t know Johnny Mack I don’t know about that if that’s true for Cooper I think that’s Jeffrey lurry is calling the shots on Cooper no Jeffrey doesn’t no I’m not calling the shots I’m just saying I don’t think they’re gonna he’s not going anywhere yeah I I nobody’s telling Vic what to do as as far as how he utilizes the players so and remember when avonte maddox’s a rookie was a rookie nobody thought he was gonna play safety nobody and the Eagles had a bunch of injuries and Jim at the time Jim Schwarz looked at what he had and said this guy’s best equipped to play safety and he played Safety and he held up okay is a little bit overrated he didn’t play great um but he held up okay so injuries can factor into it as well um but right now their four safety would be Aon Maddox um unless they add Justin Simmons or Eddie Jackson and you get the 17th aggregation story oh are the Eagles interested in Justin Simmons what about slot Corner then if they move let’s just say they they they they play avonte at safety or they move him there for the you know for now you think Cooper would slot in at a slot you think I think he might be the starting slot Corner in week one I think that’s the that’s the hope I won’t call it a plan they want to get him on the field and that’s the easiest part place to get him on the field um and if that’s the case abon becomes the backup slot and the backup safety um and that’s how they would handle it uh but I think that’s the most likely spot that Cooper jine gets on the field first for the Philadelphia Eagles slot Corner our guy Pete Nathan in the chat brings up Eddie Jackson I don’t like the Justin Simmons as much what do you think of Eddie Jackson as a guy that you know same thing I I you know he’s still out there he’s got a history with Vic he’s not he’s not g to be brought in as a backup so um you know to be a backup safety you got to help on special teams and they’re not going to bring a a better and bigname guy to be a backup safety if they need a starting safety they will entertain both names and obviously Vic would be comfortable with both names but you know they’ve been out there for a very long time and until there’s some evidence that the Eagles don’t believe in re blanket ship and I’ve seen no evidence of that I don’t think you’re going to see either one of them here let’s go to our Super Chat from James Carver James thank you brother 1999 we appreciate that very much everybody in the chat we appreciate you all being here this morning on this June edition dog days of summer everybody we are getting through them uh football season will be here before you know it James Carver says I think like Isaiah Rogers own answer about playing slot specifically that a slot has to have ability and willingness to hit the opposite side a gap and run protection and that’s not what Isaiah Rogers does but Cooper is willing to hit and Tackle that’s a good point in terms of you know the physicality Isaiah that’s something you brought up Isaiah struggles with that what do you what do you have the respond there to James Johnny Mack yeah run run fits is a big deal for the inside corner um it’s one of the reasons why avonte M uh vonte Maddox has been um not the most durable player in the world because he’s five foot nine 180 and he plays like he’s 210 he’s really physical uh he throws his body around and and that’s hurt him at times uh but yeah you got to be a good uh run support player to be a good slot Corner um and that’s a big part of it and yeah I mean the projections of of Cooper is very versatile and Christian Parker talked about this you know is that he can play Anywhere basically in the secondary because he’s such a a a high IQ player but again everything’s a projection at this point now the Eagles started them out in the slot and we’ll learn a lot more when the pads come on but in theory yeah I mean he’s always shown the willingness to tackle and that’s why they’re projecting him right there uh to be his main position at least early in his career good answer there from Johnny mck James thank you brother for the super chat we appreciate that uh very much Johnny M we h a timeout and then we’ll come back we got about 30 minutes left to go in the show today I want to talk to Nick serani um and see you know what you think of him and how much he’s going to have to do with the success or lack thereof of the Eagles this year uh so we’ll do that next I’m going to welcome and thank everybody for being here this morning a lot of good viewership here on June 27th we appreciate it I know it’s a dog days of summer for those who miss the start of the show I’m doing it from Panera Bread today shout out to Panera give him a little show on the cup got cup not the great not the greatest coffee sorry Panera but oh whoa come on you’re hurting is that a green cup it showed up too it’s a it’s a green cup so maybe it does fit on birds 365 and it will become the best coffee I’ve ever had if if if the manager here is willing to have the conversation uh after the show but I am doing it from here today we had a tree fall in the neighborhood bad and it took out the entire power line I spoke with the Marshall and he’s like yeah you might want to you know hit the road my friend your internet will not be back on in uh by 88: a.m. so that’s what I did I moved on 7: a.m. I was right here as they opened the doors and here we are on birds 365 a special Panera Bread episode as Eduardo puts it appreciate that Edwardo let’s get that commercial break 30 minutes left to go here on birds 365 stay tuned everybody if you missed any of today’s show on the Jacob media channel listen to the podcast on your way home available on YouTube apple and Spotify by is the best vacation one that you find or when you get lost in one that takes you to new heights or reminds you to go with the flow to get your feet wet and your wheels spinning one that lets you find your own Rhythm or get carried away find the best of yourself get lost in the woods plan your stay in the Wildwoods today whenn and save this baseball season from Colony pools and power washing a local company serving Delaware Delco and Chester County since 1970 are you tired of looking at your 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birds 365 a Thursday Panera Bread edition of birds 365 Johnny Mach Lots lot lot has been talked about Nick serani Jaylen Herz all that in the offseason and that’s what we do I mean we’re getting through the dog days of summer there’s a lot of stuff we have to talk about there’s a lot of stuff we talk about probably way longer than we would like to talk about it but we do it because it’s June and we got to do the show for two hours every day what do you think of Nick serani coming in this year what does he have to do for Nick specifically to have success this year for this football team with the offense out of his hands the defense out of his hands um yeah it’s a it talked about a little bit of that tight rope I I I don’t like the setup I I I don’t agree with it I I think you know if you’re keeping them let him run the team as he sees fit and I don’t necessarily think that’s the case even though look I think it was on his um sort of uh proactive nature to real Iz what was coming so I don’t think Jeffrey Lorry ever got to the point where he said you have to do this you have to do this but he knew it was coming so you get to the same spot doesn’t matter how you get to the destination if you get to the destination right um and F you know I would say or get off the pot I mean if if if he’s the head coach let him be the head coach the way he wants to be the head coach so I don’t like that nature of it now the team has so much talent they might overcome all of this um and if they do I think Nick’s gonna be fine um but yeah I I I don’t think it’s shaping up well for him I mean you have stages of of bum Phillips had that famous quote there’s two kinds of coaches them that’s hired and and them that’s fired um there’s two kind everybody’s hired to be fired everybody’s got a shelf life Andy Reid had a shelf life here believe it or not he’s got a shelf life in Kansas City uh Bill bellich had a shelf life in New England even after all the accomplishments um and he’s not the head coach there anymore everybody’s got a shelf life um Nick is past the the scapegoating phase where he had the layered all right we can blame this on Brian Johns we can blame this on Sha Desai um now that’s been removed now he’s on the clock so to speak and if this team fails don’t make the playoffs one and done even if you make the playoffs and it’s another embarrassing performance he’s going to be out um now if they if they are tremendous and they go back to the Super Bowl I think he’s in he’s that’s where I bring up the political nature the savviness of what he did he he created a bigger path for himself to return in 2025 and Beyond by doing what he did um but you have to be successful you have to be successful and if they’re successful uh whether that means getting to the Super Bowl again obviously you want to win it and if they win it um yeah he’s the head coach and and he’s got sort of a new cycle you know he’ll be back into firm footing firm ground where moving forward from there he’ll have another layer of scapegoating before he gets on the clock you know the whole thing will start over right um and Kellen Moore will probably be a head coach uh somewhere else I don’t I don’t I don’t think groom is the right word but for the lack of a better word I’m going to use it in this scenario do you think in a way the Eagles are and it’s not just the Eagles but Nick too they’re grooming Nick to kind of be their perfect head coach and and what I mean by that is they they’re they like power and that’s okay they own the team and and Jeffrey’s allowed to do what he wants it’s his it’s his team it’s his toy he’s allowed to do what he wants but that’s what they didn’t like about Doug right I mean he wanted to call some of his own shots you think in a way they’re kind of Grooming to be that that perfect guy who’s who’s the head coach he speaks for the front office he does what the front office ask of him uh he wins games he keeps the team relevant and he answers you know he answers the call that the front office has to make do you think do you think that’s a valid point or is that thinking too deep or too far ahead I I think I think it’s a little bit too deep I I think this one is simple and you know typically when I talk about the Eagles they’re uh a little bit more open-minded and more Forward Thinking uh than most NFL organizations um but in the case of coaches they’re like everybody else they’re like everybody else they’re no different um they have a hard time dealing with criticism and dealing with the the hits you take from that perspective and they jump quickly um probably even more quickly if you want to you know yeah Jeffrey does not he’s not a waiter he does not wait around on on players on coaches on anything and I think that’s a good thing honestly it could be it could be bad because I’m right continuity guy you have to understand also it’s cyclical uh because it’s it’s more Talent driven than coaching that that that’s where I I I think the Eagles are too unrealistic about coaching um it’s it’s a talent driven sport it’s coaching is more important in football than any other major sport I’ll agree with that but still the players are it’s bigger than but you’re right that’s a star driven League there’s not as many people in the court I mean I see what you’re saying for sure it it’s driven by Talent it’s still driven by Talent you can’t win without Talent you’re seeing it you’ve seen it with Andy Reid he had Bad seasons not a bad coach he’s had bad Seasons You’ seen it with Bill biche not a bad coach she’s had bad Seasons um because if you don’t have the talent you have a ceiling uh to put it modly and that’s why I said the definition to me of great coaching is getting the most out of what you have not winning the Super Bowl every year because that’s unrealistic um the Eagles have significant Talent so they should be in a position to where they certainly should make the playoffs and you could argue they should make a somewhat of a Deep Run um whatever that is to each individual person but the the the default setting of it’s always the coach’s fault is incorrect and I get it from a fan F perspective because they don’t want to insult their own players I mean that’s just natural that and it’s not just build out it’s everywhere yeah they don’t want to insult the players they don’t want to insult insult their favorite players but from an organizational perspective no you you got to be smarter than that and you can’t just be run-ofthe-mill and I think you know it’s one guy basically it’s not Howie it’s not the it’s it’s Jey but it’s his team he can do what he wants as you said 20 minutes left to play 18 minutes left to play here on bird 365 I want to check in with some Chatters real quick got a good question here for you Johnny Mack before I do that Eduardo says Xander talking to the Marshall has to be the whitest thing I’ve heard today which is a CL a classic comment from Eduardo H good stuff there Eduardo Chad Crawford though Johnny Mack thanks Chad for being here appreciate brother I don’t know if I’ve ever seen your name in the chat if you’re a new listener let us know uh we appreciate your being here and dropping a comment John are you concerned that Kellen has never worked with RPO no I I I I don’t think that’s the case um they didn’t do a dramatic I know Justin Herbert did a little bit just because of his history and college and and and things like that now it’s a it’s a different style because obviously he’s not the threat to pull it I think people sort of conflate um the actual RPO of of of being a threat with the mechanics of the RPO like it’s it’s pretty much a staple of every offense now and it’s really just a different way to play action which Kell’s very big on play action my bigger concern is I don’t want Kellen Moore turning jayen Herz into a traditional playaction quarterback in other words yeah under Center you know that would be worst casee scenario I think I mean that would be our biggest fear basically is to take D Herz and just make him completely something different yeah and I don’t think he will I think he’s smart enough so from his standpoint his traditional playaction mechanics have to turn into RPO play action mechanics if that makes sense so um instead of using that oh the quarterback’s going to turn his back from the center um and he’s going to be under Center that’s got to be replaced by he’s in the gun maybe it looks like an RPO mechanically but it really isn’t it’s called Uh a pass so from that standpoint I think that’s where he has to and he’s smart enough to understand that I think I agree I mean if you’re a good offensive coordinator you’re smart enough to understand that if if you don’t understand that then you might not be that great of an offensive coordinator but I think Kell Moore is going to be just fine I think he’s going to do a good job here in Philadelphia and play to Jaylen strength that’s my gut feeling I don’t I don’t know we’ll see how he does but that is my gut feeling about him honestly let’s go to Mr Perez Ander and John how do you feel about Lane Johnson saying the offense is the same just some different things with Kell Moore but he feels like we will be better because Herz is being more vocal Mr press thanks for checking in brother we appreciate your comment uh we did hit it a little bit in the open about Les about Lane Johnson uh Johnny Mack what did you make of that I thought that was interesting when you talk about the 95% new I mean it’s kind of been dis proven a little bit I guess you know we took that number and ran with it like it was you know under oath it seemed like it was a little bit of an embellishment from her no he was talking about he he he was talking about terminology I believe it’s new 95% terminology which we talked about it probably it’s you know from his standpoint what Nick and tried to scale back and said look everybody has the same Staples in the NFL you’re going to be running a lot of the same play um so no it’s not 95% new from that perspective um so I think that’s the disconnect I think both were telling the truth um will they be better because jayen is more vocal no will they be better because jayen is um executing better yes if he’s not turning it over as much yes um no I don’t I don’t think the vocal stuff has anything to do with it uh whether they’re better or not um and and the leadership standpoint of it is look you got to be a leader as a quarterback in the NFL it’s a it’s a it’s a position by definition that demands leadership which come many different ways um and I’m in the camp of I don’t want him changing he is who he is I I don’t I don’t want him changing his person ality um and he already proved he can win at a high level with with his actual personality so what has to improve is and I would say first and foremost is ball security and then execution from which is boring and I get people don’t want to hear it but that’s the truth from from Lane’s perspective nothing changes Jason Kelsey I don’t know you can probably search it he and Jay uh he and Travis um we’re talking about the Playbook at one point this offseason on one of their podcasts and jasonm he hasn’t looked at a playbook in 10 years nothing changes for him it’s an offensive lineman it’s pass Pro inside Zone outside Zone that’s what he does same thing with lane Jordan talked about this too Jordan Milada I can’t Jordan was very I can’t tell you about rals and and Travis said that on the podcast things Chang for him all the time and they certainly changed for the quarterback for the offensive lineman no and Jason was laughing about it has not picked up a playbook in 10 years and he’s telling the truth yeah pretty crazy stuff from Jason Kelsey and for anybody that missed earlier in the show we did talk about Kelsey’s big SE Isle bash I was waiting to see if anybody in the chat said they were down there I didn’t see anybody I think last year when he did this I don’t know if it was on Sports take or one of our shows last year I thought I thought somebody was in the chat talking about being down there and watching him chug beers and the whole nine yards Jason he is really a character though Johnny back Jason Kelsey uh it’s amazing the evolution of him and how he’s really come into His come into his own not that he not that he always wasn’t but I think it’s more prominent now it’s more on display now and it really is a sight to see it’s pretty cool uh to watch Jason Kelce so uh pretty cool stuff but we did talk about that in the open anybody else has some good comments in the chat we will take a couple more questions we only got about uh 10 minutes left to play uh or about 11 or 12 minutes left to play you’re on bird 65 Johnny Mack if it all goes well how good can this offense be this year could be the best offense in football if everything clicks um but again that’ll have to it won’t have to do with play calling and Kellen mois said this himself you know when he asked what’s the most important thing he said clean operation um it’ll be about execution about being what doing what you’re supposed to do on a particular play um remember they were eighth in the NFL last season and if you take away the turnover differential between uh 2023 and 2022 you’re probably very similar um in certain situational aspects third down fourth down uh being no most notable they were better last year than they were the year before um they have so much talent on offense the ceiling is probably number one in the NFL the floor is probably where they were last year eighth or ninth somewhere in that range um but they have too much talent to be a bad offense over a 17 games schedule too good I mean I you know I know we’re kind of wired doing this show you have to think of things to constantly talk about and you can’t just say every day hey we’re gonna be the best team in the league okay I’ll see you tomorrow uh so so he can’t really do that but when I do sit back and I analyze it I’m like this team is is is so good on offense they have so many players so many things I mean it’s it’s hard to fail that’s why that’s that’s what I always go back to about 23 not to beat the dead horse of the past but like something must have happened inside the r locker room you like that team was another team that was stacked all throughout the roster and you just wonder how they they failed and I just don’t see it happening again I think the team is too good you know one one of the things and that’s where you know that’s where I think the focus should be on Jaylen herdz not um not leadership you know how is he a evolving at being that uh Handler of the offense how is he evolving because I saw it again today Brian Johnson called 37 bubble screens no he did not no he did not the bubble screen was their default setting when you have uh the math equation and the number says and the quarterback’s not comfortable realizing where the Blitz is coming from or not trusting or not communicating to the wide receiver about where they need to be or about where they have to switch the play and you simply just throw it out to the bubble screen nobody’s calling the bubble screen Brian Johnson’s not occasionally um once in a blue moon you might say and Shane used to do this all the time yeah the numbers really look good and back when they had Zach Pascal somebody who could actually block um you know they might try it but nobody’s the the problem with the bubble screen and and anybody who watches this show knows I’m on board with you it’s the most unesthetic ugliest play in football I wish it was banned it’s so ugly but they’re not calling it all that time that was their default setting for the blitz which is awful but the quarterback blame the coaching staff if you want but here’s where you should blame the coaching staff for not teaching the quarterback and getting him up to speed to be able to handle that better than just with a bubble screen so the teaching part of it have at it they’re not calling Bubble screen after bubble screen after bubble screen it’s yeah it’s one of the the worst narratives there is it really is agreed Herz is the big question coming in this year I want to go to Richard natinsky another guy I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you in here Richard we appreciate you being here uh without a doubt so if you are new just tell me in the comments I like I like learning that we have new viewers and new listeners and new subscribers uh but anyway we appreciate your comment Richard says after 2021 the big question was is jayen the guy after 22 we said absolutely runner up MVP 23 a step back so isn’t the number one one question which Jaylen do we have 21 average 22 MVP 23 average am I wrong I would say no Richard you were not wrong that’s been my number one thing coming into the year is I believe this team goes as far as Jaylen Herz will take us I think he’s going to elevate I think he’s going to get better as he consistently has in his career Johnny Mack what is your response there to Richard well yeah you don’t just play an MVP level every single year um and and I said at the time at that his ceiling that’s fine he doesn’t have to go above that um you can win with with jayen Herz of 2022 um but you knew you’re GNA have some regression to the mean generally when that kind of stuff happens and you have that type of season the question is you know again can he take care of the football a better historically he’s been very good at taking care of the football last year he wasn’t there were big spots it was really bad that that would be number one number two is further evolving because defense is adjusted to what he was doing and they tried to take away what he did well and he didn’t adjust to it as well as as hoped so you know what you want to do is get the floor up again that floor versus ceiling debate if 2022 is the ceiling hey that’s great um but the floor’s got to come up and that consistency from year to year um and he’s got to be better than he was in the last you know seven games as the whole team has to be but I do think it’s overstated I don’t think he was average last season I think he was really good for a portion of last season the problem joh it’s what have you done for me lately league and the the end of the year looks so bad that yeah nobody nobody remembers the good play earli in the year well exactly you I can’t you know I get it did happen right it’s context that must be added but I do understand why it’s easy to just forget that yeah well I think if everybody could figure out what the hell happened to the Steam down the stretch they they would yeah right um yeah it was weird you don’t see that well I mean you just don’t see that you don’t see that kind of collapse um yeah and everybody’s working to figure out what the hell went wrong um and you know maybe it’s as simple as they they lost confidence and they really you know San Francisco Dallas beat the brakes off them and they said we’re not good enough which is disappointing if that’s the case but maybe it’s as simple as that James says Xander can you add membership gifting I didn’t know I could do that James I’ll look into that today when I end the show thanks for leaving that in there brother I will definitely uh add that so John one more question in the chat I want to get to from let me find it real quick sorry the chat moves quick and I got to go back and now find it Eduardo says gentlemen do you do yall think more will change his offense to HTS his style of play better better he better I mean he’s not a good offensive coordinator if he doesn’t and I think he is and everybody thinks he is and again that’s my definition of great coaching not winning the Super Bowl utilizing your talent the best way possible Maxim iing the strengths minimizing the weaknesses of each player that’s what good coaching is um and if he tries to turn uh uh jayen Herz into a traditional play action quarterback I think he’s a bad coach I’ll be saying it every day um on this show I don’t think he’s gonna do that I think he’s a good coach and I think he’s going to build the offense around the strength of of the quarterback and by the way when the Eagles first started talking about this offense and calling it a meshing of the two offenses Xander will tell you I said I do not like that if Kell Moore is a good coach as the Eagles think he is that will come naturally um in other words he will see what jayen Herz does well in utilize that but you can’t force him and say oh you got to use the RPO on second and 10 no you let him figure it out and let him evolve his own offense to fit the quarterback H I think you’re muted Xander sorry I had a lot going on here at Panera Panera’s filling up everybody so we we looking additional 50 viewers right now from the people listening to me blabbing the corner here to Johnny Mack about the Eagles on June 2 maybe they called menal Health on you yeah they might have let’s let’s go to Mr Perez here just to close out we got two minutes left play he says why do you think Kell Moore hasn’t been a head coach does that war you that’s a good point because it’s like even Silo he tells me every day he’s like if the team succeeds You’re Gonna Lose A coordinator again and again and again and I’m like all right well that’s what good teams that’s what happens what happens every every I don’t you know it is true Kellen has kind of been in the hiring cycle for a little bit I mean he had the number one offense in Dallas didn’t get the job any any Merit to that or any any reason for concern to that John no she’s 30 5 years old he was a a player in 2017 I mean people are so impatient I I I mean no he’s very young you know he interviewed here in 2021 um and you know think about it I mean we’re we’re 2024 so he’s interviewing for a head coaching job yeah at 32 that’s pretty good um and that means you’re on the fast track and if he performs um with this Talent he can probably be his head coach as early as next season um I think he’s still on track to being a head coach in the NFL I think ultimately he will be but to your point Xander yeah I mean how many coordinators how many coaches is Andy Reed lost how many has Bill bich lost it’s part of it accept it at blg says that I mean why why Bo why why worry about that it’s part of it if you’re successful people want to take your coaches um I’d rather be successful than unsuccessful you know you you should want people to take your coaches because that means you’re doing things and you’re having a lot of success agreed so let’s see what we’ll see what happens this year good two-hour show today Kevin says I wonder if they think Xander losing his marbles Kevin I’ve got more eyes today you would think I’m like a blonde chick walking on the beach in summertime cuz everybody’s looking at me over here I mean it is funny but good show today you’re in the zoo yeah had a lot of fun today doing it from Panera BR I think everybody’s excited for me to get the hell out of here because I’m just so damn loud in the corner and they’re all trying to work but that’s all right it’s a public spot so I’ll be all right uh thanks everybody for tuning in today make sure you guys drop a like on the show Johnny Mack good show today brother uh we will catch up with you tomorrow just one more day left in the week another week another week going by quick Johnny M they are cruising by we are I think 71 I think we’re at fire say is you gonna be up by tomorrow or you GNA go you gotta go back to back you’re gonna really Drive crazy if you gotta go back wish let me see if I could pull I’d love to pull up the picture real quick of the tree down next to my house just so everybody knows was like it’s bad it’s not and it went right through the power line so it is yeah the Fire Marshall basically laugh at me with said you know I got a show at 8:00 a.m. am I going to be able to get that up he’s like uh dude look at what I’m dealing with here kind of kind of gave me that look so it was pretty funny let me see if I can pull the picture up I don’t know if it’ll come through because my internet is not not too great over here um but that’s all right I’ll show tomorrow if I can get it if I can get it up but Johnny M good show today thanks everybody for being here slagger see we had one we got a generator and even that’s out my neighbor comes over last night and he had a tree go through his house so I you know luckily we got the better brunt of it but uh the generators weren’t even working I don’t know what was going on last night nothing was working um so it’s big problem over there but we’ll get it fixed and we’ll see if we’re uh at Panera again tomorrow um I got the picture let me see if I can pull it up here real quick before we get out of here John sorry I’m keeping you long because I’m trying to show everybody what we’re dealing with here I want to see the picture here’s the picture here’s the one tree that has that went oh let me lower it let me get the graphic off there yeah there’s the one so the tree came from across the street and you can see the power lines there’s my truck right there boom it went right through the power line knocked it all out and then up the road a little bit one of the the guy had the I forget what it’s called the big electrical box fell off the thing and was laying in this yard almost on fire so this happened all last night at like 11:30 and I’m laying I’m about to go to bed and Sirens are going I’m like oh God this is not going to be good the power went out in the house so uh yeah nightmare but we’ll get it we’ll get it all fixed up uh we’ll see if I’m back back here tomorrow from Panera Bread on birds 365 all right now that’s that’s like a clip hanger so tune in to see if we’re we got Xander Krauss from Panera Bread and we got too many plugs free plugs go get uh a nonre free plug today yeah yeah all right Johnny M good show man I’ll catch up with you tomorrow all right brother all right see you everybody thanks everybody in the chat see you guys tomorrow on Bird Street 65 appreciate you you’ve been listening to Birds 365 the destination for the passionate Eagles football fan who bleeds green if it’s Eagles football we’re talking about it debate inside the locker room and guest that are some of the greatest football Minds from around the region we hope you enjoyed the show we know we had a blast make sure to like comment and subscribe and we’ll be back soon but in the meantime hook up with us on social media at Jacob Sports see you next time on birs 36

Philadelphia Eagles: Thursday Edition of Birds 365. Eagles offseason recap so far, previewing rest of summer, training camp, latest news, Schedule, discussing offense & defense changes in 2024, depth charts & more. Les Bowen joins the show! The guys react & break down the Eagles OTA news, draft picks, next offseason moves, preparing for 2024 season, draft performance, Howie Roseman, Schedule Release, latest Eagles news, and more. This is Birds 365 with John McMullen & Zander Krause across JAKIB Sports #PhiladelphiaEagles #EaglesNews #Birds365 #JAKIBSports

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