Will Chiefs Rugby STAR Louis Rees-Zammit MAKE the Roster? πŸ‘€

Will Chiefs Rugby STAR Louis Rees-Zammit MAKE the Roster? πŸ‘€

this is good yes huh Memphis took eay what was that impression there was no impression oh hello there you snuck up on us all thank you for joining us today uh I want to talk a little B about Louis Reit I have some takes believe it or not and then we are going to talk about the Tampa Bay Buccaneers I’m going to try to get Maddie to take off his hat and let that curly hair flow let’s go it’s not we this is Casey Sports Network proudly presented by m prise bank it’s an extremely professional edition of the Casey laboratory presented by m prise Bank member FDIC I am here with Matthew Lane and Matthew I want to wish a happy Draft Day to you my friend listen I I I appreciate that thank you I’m having a lot of fun I love the NBA draft it’s so much fun to watch as a like more casual fan because you can kind of cruise through like 30 players in about 60 Minutes on YouTube and get a pretty good idea for everybody like I’m not it’s not like a downplaying it’s just they’re all just young and athletic and working on their shot for the first five years in the NBA so it’s just a lot of fun and so I’m sitting here watching my Minnesota Timberwolves straight up for all Dilly Dilly here in the top eight that’s a lot of fun get some shooting around our guy ant Kent I know you had some fun watching this draft as well so like yeah it’s a good time and as we did during the NFL draft we will be leaking every single pick of the 2024 NBA draft as they happen on this show and yes the T the Minnesota Timberwolves have indeed uh traded for Rob Dillingham in a trade up to pick eight Zack Edy big Zack Edy going number nine to the Memphis Grizzlies an absolute monstrous pick for them going top 10 is something but in this draft that is to be expected but anyway thank you all so much for joining us today we do appreciate you we are uh we are going to do our season preview as we’ve been as we’ve been doing every single week uh but I did kind of want to start the show with this uh Luis ree zamit I I don’t know if I’m ready to I don’t know if I need to apologize but if I’m being honest with you when this whole thing went down and we saw the athletic profile of Lis re it very intriguing 23-year-old kid rugby back ground I just said man he’s got a long way to go he’s got a long way to go you saw some of the clips of him you saw you know some of those um you know cut UPS of him trying to run routes and all that stuff and from an offensive perspective I still do not hold any level of of great optimism that we will see a kid like Luis ree samit but man the more I think about it and the more you hear coming from Dave tobee about Luis Reed zamit uh and this is a quote from Dave TOA I’m reading this from an SI article from Jordan foot Luis has done above and beyond what I expected he can kick field goals he can kick off he can be a kickoff guy for us he’s every bit bit as good as Justin Reed is moving the football and stuff like that on Kick kickoffs and he’s really working hard at the returner job I’ve got him in there as a starter right now so he can get as many reps as he’s as he can he’s a student of the game he comes in after practice he wants to be great and he’s a great athlete yes he is he’s a professional athlete this is a one of the best rugby players in the history of the world not in the world right now not the history in the world currently and he drops what he’s doing to come and become an NFL player and I did not hold any real level of optimism about Luis ree samit but the more I’ve thought about it some of the quotes that have come out him getting first team reps in the kick your turn game the Special Teams value Luis ree zamit possesses might just it might wind up pushing him over the edge it might wind up giving him an opportunity to make this roster I’m not saying that he will but I hold a belief that there’s a chance he can more than I have I think you know at any point uh so I’m starting to wonder if if I’m buying the Lis re samit stock a little bit right now real question do you think that the Chiefs are doing the United States a solid by trying to g a gauge of the over Seas football um skill set seeming they just lost the under 20 football uh match with Japan 41 to2 do you think this is like Advanced Scouting For the whole country by the Chiefs there’s a chance that this is it they might be they really might be trying to uh they really might be trying to to to get how does the states lose to another country in I get it they’re not sending their best players over because like you’re nothing’s guaranteed in football so anybody with like a real college like a college or pro career is not going to go sign up and play this game but like come on you’re playing other teenagers from Japan and you’re going to lose your own game like the the you call it football while the other rest of the country like makes up some other name for it because they have football already and you’re GNA lose that like that’s that’s a bad look United States like you gotta you gotta fix that uh as far as Reese Lightning goes though I don’t know what to make because like I see the point you’re coming from but you already said it right there Justin Reed provides the I’m a positioned player that can kick the football already like they already he already has that so do need to add another player in that role they’ve already Dave tobes come out and talked about how their top two returners right now are going to be or Nico Rio and micle Hardman so like he’s not the number one returner he’s not the number one position kicker let alone the number one kicker I just it’s hard to find a role for him that makes a lot of sense other than he can kind of be the number two guy or the number three guy at a lot of different stuff mostly on special teams and maybe that is enough to get a role with the new special teams rules maybe that will be enough I I don’t know if that’s kind of where you think he locks into a spot here I’ll get there yeah so like that’s the thing that’s keeping it in consideration even more for me and it’s just all these changes to to the kickoff rules and and basically how special teams is going to be valued and we know that Dave Dave to has had a lot of influence over the roster when it comes to you know the bottom of the roster he’s going to get some input so he can get some valuable players on on special teams to be at the bottom of this roster and maybe you don’t want Justin Reed kicking off consistently you know maybe you want him focusing on defense so you’ve got a guy that has has a versatile skill set I think there’s been a quote out there that they even have a a play in place with Luis re samit right now on special teams I just start adding all this stuff together and I just wonder if the Chiefs are going to get a little bit weird and devote a roster spot to a special teams only player because of the versatility he provides because of the you know ability to you know rugby tackle which the hip drops coming out of you know you know the hip drops going away I’m not ready to put him there but I’m starting to wonder if if the chances of him actually breaking the the roster and making the 53 are way better than I ever kind of anticipated and I’m starting to at least consider it a little bit differently than I think I was when it first happened and as this as this summer has kind of gone along just more thinking about the rules and the way that Dave Tob has talked about him and all those things it’s just it’s peing my interest more than it ever has you couldn’t be more muted but I will say while matti’s unmuting with the 10th pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Utah Jazz have selected Colorado’s Cody Williams brother of Oklahoma City Thunder guard Jaylen Williams anyways please continue yeah no you’re good I I like that I was really just letting it breathe so you could get that pick in there um we were waiting for the Bulls to make a pick next I think you have been a little bit more resilient to uh Reese lightning making this team than uh I have been or Craig who was doing okay when he was still on here was during this tenure um I think that we were a little bit more open to him making it as a returner Andor as a special teams only player than you were and then like having a role than H then him having kind of like a role as like a third or not even a third a fourth running back in certain spots so it’s nice to see you coming around the problem is I think I’m I’m going the other way and it’s of no fault of his it’s just that I hear Dave to this is just you this is just you I say something you gotta go the other way I hear Dave Tobe talk though right I hear Dave Tobe talk and not only did he say the other guys the lead returners but he mentioned two smaller faster kind of guys as like he clearly at least as of right now isn’t envisioning this kick return position becoming a bigger running back type of body like lrz has and not that that means he can’t take the role doesn’t say anything about that it’s just I thought that was probably the most clear-cut Avenue but if they don’t see if the Chiefs are seeing that they maybe want speed and not necessarily a running back tip back there I think that does kind of limit uh limit his usefulness so to speak for them right away and then now we’re talking about a guy that we’re GNA that they would keep on the roster because because he’s going to run down and make tackles because he can be the third emergency kicker the third or fourth emergency returner just I start to get a little bit of hesitations I’m not ruling it out like I think that he’s a good athlete young player I think all this matters I just do happen to wonder uh what this will like what will it look like this year what will his what would his role be how are they going to get him on the field as an actual playing snaps versus just being like an insurance policy for other guys getting hurt or not fulfilling their job I have a hard time seeing him find an offensive role just point blank like and that’s where it is for me is like I struggle to find an offensive role for him but I’m just starting to wonder just because I I don’t know if and and we’re not going to have the best pulse on this until the regular season I think as these teams are working through the rules and working through how to you know how to go through the the Special Teams process they’re going to have a better pulse on how problematic this could be for them you know when it comes to giving up explosive plays when it comes to needing guys to do this or that like they’re GNA have a better idea I think you know I I watching Luis ree samit change direction and watching you know seeing the the results of some of his agilities when he was doing them for the you know if you look at his relative Athletic score there’s some blind spots there in in his his athletic profile where I think the change of Direction stuff but if it’s a straight line kind of return situation there’s some value there um when there’s the kickoff if you can tackle a little bit if he can do some of those things they might make an exception and I was looking through the roster a little bit and like if you’re if you’re wanting to look through you know where maybe the Chiefs could potentially find a roster spot I think it actually would be on offense do they keep three running backs instead of four and they’ve kept four and they’ve had four on their roster at times in the last they’ve had four on their roster in the in the last couple years that at at times during the season six wide receivers do you go down to five these are nine offensive line instead of 10 I mean that would it would have to be on the offensive side of the ball if they’re going to try to keep someone like Lis re it on uh on the on the roster was a related question right if the Chiefs take seven wide receivers is there room for four running backs like you’re kind of talking about they’re even going up we’re even gotten here from um barlay are they gonna go up to seven wide receivers again I think they had seven last year right and like so this year you would expect to have a little bit more stability in that room this year than you had last year just because you did go get Hollywood Brown who you know you can play you know what Rashid rice is capable of now you still brought back mcole Hardman that you know what he’s capable of you spend a round one pick on like you should have a little bit more stability at the top so you maybe instead of having one or two wide receivers that you know what they provide and then five guys that you’re trying to figure out you now have like four guys or five guys that you know what they have and it’s just like one or two spots like maybe at six maybe at seven but if mean can they afford to go with 11 skill position players not even including tight ends like you know they’re keeping three tight ends so can they bump up just general can they bump up the skill positions right now how many skill positions are they GNA keep is it gonna be 13 14 I think it’s 13 uh and it’s because they don’t keep a fullback anymore I mean so I mean that’s that’s helping keep that’s that’s helping kind of that four running back spot too right so you know when I was doing my 53 man projection a couple weeks ago I did four running backs six receivers three tight ends 10 offensive linemen two quarterbacks like that was that was the makeup of the roster so you could if it’s the fourth running back the sixth receiver the third or the the 10th offensive lineman like hey maybe maybe there is a spot to try to keep a Special Teams only player if you believe in the versatility in the value that he provides are they are the Chiefs going to try to be a team that is innovative and hits the ground running you know like if that’s it maybe it’s somebody maybe it’s something like that where uh maybe this is where Luis Ree samit you know fits in so I don’t know it’s worth uh it’s worth paying attention to me I I I we also got one more go go no this is one this one was from Randy as well if um if LS ree zamit goes on the practice squad you know another team will sign their 53 man roster 49ers were further down his visit list so yes this could happen right like if the Chiefs tried to put him on the practice squad another team could one offer him an actual 53 man like active roster contract and he’s probably going to take it right or they could offer a contract to play on their practice as well those are definitely options but if I’m looking at it from his standpoint I’m an international player who’s learning you know NFL football for the first time I’m already getting introduced to a very difficult Playbook and trying to figure it out while these rules in the special teams are changing and everyone’s trying to figure that out am I really ready to risk going to another team’s practice squad because I got practice squaded like the lateral move would make no sense a team would have to be willing to put him on their 53 man roster and how many teams are willing to put a guy that nobody has seen play any football like not even like college football like they haven’t se him play college he’s played I understand overseas but like they haven’t seen him play Real Football in the NFL in the United States how are they gonna how why would a team sign him immediately do a 53 man contract so I do think that that risk you I would be willing to take like if I’m the Chiefs I’d be willing to take him and he doesn’t count as a practice squad spot if he’s going through the international Pathway to the Chiefs practice squad bonus I I I think it would be and I think yeah you’re talking about a team wanting to him to essentially be a special team’s only player so someone would have to really like the special team snaps that they’ve seen out of him in a limited capacity to put him on their 53 man roster if they are able to let him slip by I’m just I’m I’m way less dismissive than I’ve ever been of the idea of it and I think you know I I I’m not going to be totally stunned if he comes out plays special teams at a really high level and that gets him an opportunity on the 53 man roster so um I am I am more intrigued by him than I think I ever had have and with the 11th pick in the 2024 NV NBA draft the Chicago Bulls have taken mates buellis NBA G League unite naed it yeah all right let’s get thunder on the clock the Thunder are on the the clock unfortunately and Dalton connect is available uh I am a thunder fan so Dalton connect would be kind of fun here not going to lie uh let’s let’s talk about the Tampa Bay Buccaneers the Chiefs will play than Monday Night Football week nine Matthew Lane tell me what you think the quality of the Tampa Bay Buckaneers roster is I mean uh it’s better than it no no no okay it’s hard it’s better than it looks like on paper first glance you look at the Bucks roster and you start to poke a few holes in it because they have some veteran guys I think a lot of us remember the Bucks roster two three years ago when they were competing for the Super Bowl at top Brady and how many guys seemed like they were kind of hanging on by a thread how many veterans they had but I think they’ve actually done a pretty good job of replacing him of replacing a lot of guys they’ve done a lot of good jobs of drafting players they can develop getting their own young guys that were already in the building to climb up so yeah I’m not saying it’s a perfect roster don’t get me wrong but like they have talent in the wide receiver room that they continue to add to year after year in the draft they’ve they’ve brought in a lot of different tight ends that are all more singular focused they’re all kind of like role players but they all are competent at their role they somehow squeezed out solid play out of Baker Mayfield last year and they’re hoping that they’re going to come back and do that again they’ve had a lot of turnover on the offensive line so even when you flip over the defense a lot of turnover in the quarterback room and that’s probably their weakest position right now with they have lost you know Carlton Davis and they lost Shawn Murphy bunting like they’ve lost a lot of guys out of that room over the years but they still have those safeties holding it down with Antoine Winfield they’ brought in Jordan or Jordan Whitehead has been there so I I think it’s a good roster overall I don’t know if it’s great but it’s good they don’t have a ton of and a lot of the positions that I think were strengths two three years ago they may have lost older veterans but they’ve kind of done a pretty good job of replacing them with some younger guys I think it’s a pretty good roster I do um I think it’s a really sound team offensively up front they’ve got a pretty good offensive line they got good receivers UM quarterback they’re they’re kind of playing the game that I think some teams kind of put themselves in a position to is you know you you got to you got to play with a game manager with a mid-level quarterback and then they’ve done they’ve done a lot of investing in the defensive line over the last last five six years I mean that’s that’s been one of the Hallmarks of Jason light’s time there um so they’ve they’ve got a lot of uh they’ve got a lot of defensive line Talent added there um and I yes they’ve definitely lost some some players you know in the secondary but you know Zion mccollum’s been okay uh Jamal Dean’s been solid and they’ve got good safety play as well so I do actually think that this is a a pretty pretty capable run rer that they’ve got uh this is one of those teams though it comes back to the quarterback too right I don’t think this is one of those teams that is so well run and so well built that they can play with a quarterback that sits in that middle tier and expect to really make a serious run at a Super Bowl but I think this is a team that can make the playoffs consistently I think this could be the best team or one of the best teams in the NFC South that is actually competing for a playoff spot then you see what happens I think this is the kind of Talent on that roster um Rel Rel to you know to the rest of the NFC South so I I do think this is a team that can definitely compete yeah I mean it’s just like it’s no it’s just stuff like hitting on Luke geki to go from an interior offensive lineman to being a competent right tackle like that kind of move right there not only does it kind of it allowed them to move Tristan wor to left tackle that replac Donovan Smith but they got I mean they essentially got better at Tackle by both those guys being able to side of those spots and then Bren brison and then Cody Mack they brought in last year now they add Grant Barton to that unit like they just they did a good job of turning over an offensive line that was once a strong point then you look at wide receiver and yeah Chris Godwin Mike Evans are getting a little bit up there in age that they bring Evans back because he’s going for like his 800,000 yard season in a row but they draft Trey Palmer last year and rahem Jarrett and then this year they come back and draft Jaylen McMill like they just do a really good job of identifying veteran positions that they have good players at and then getting guys to come in and replace those guys you even look at linebacker they lost um Devin white Devon white trash talking uh over a linebacker to free agency because some team wed to pay him a lot but they got KJ Brit in there last year and he played better than Devin white did last year for them so like they just they’ve done a really good job of replacing guys before they’ve needed to like having guys already on the roster kind of ready to go so I think they’ve done that’s how this team I think has stayed with a very competent roster and Kent your your Oklahoma City Thunder have made a great pick they have and we’ll tell you about that right after this break teasing the Thunders we appreciate you supporting KC Sports Network by listening to our podcast you have helped us become the highest ranked Chiefs podcast Network in 2022 and 2023 and don’t forget about our daily substack newsletter the best written analysis you can find on the Chiefs straight to your inbox every day kcsn dos substack tocom thanks everybody hanging out with us today we are breaking down the Tampa Bay Buccaneers the week nine opponent for the Kansas City Chiefs in the 20 24 season but we do have breaking news the Oklahoma City Thunder have taken Nia topic with the 12th pick in the 2024 NBA draft this young man looks like Brandon Bean as a teenager and talks and sounds like Andre the Giant it is the best possible scenario I could imagine realistically at Pig 12 he’ll probably be a red shirt he’ll be he’ll see he’ll have a red shirt he’s probably not going to play this year towards uh late in the spring the the the thing about this this man is essentially just getting a couple years younger version of Josh gidy same kind of player tall point guard six foot6 200 plus pound ball handling point guard player that’s trying to set up other guys jump shots of work in progress like it’s literally what they had when they just trade away with Josh giddy now I mean do I think his upsides higher than giddy for sure like what crazy crazy toal that the Thunder G to keep getting away with this that terrible terrible team I love it so uh Co disgusting what do you think the quality of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers staff is Matthew well it’s funny you asked that because T Smith had a pretty good question here about how losing Canales is gonna affect Baker Mayfield because like hey Canalis got him going last year he really got him rolling for the bucks last year and I think I do think losing Dave Canales to be the head coach of the Panthers is going to be kind of a big deal they replace him with Liam Cohen at offensive coordinator and boy as much as I wanted Leon Cohen to come to Kansas City and be part of this coaching staff it did not go well for him in his second STI with the Los Angeles Rams when he came back he had a little bit larger role that no I don’t think it was all on him Shawn McVey kind of didn’t want to coach anymore and was kind of in his Fields so it led it brought the whole team down and like there was Zero offensive Innovation for that team and so like I think Liam Cole might have caught a stray because McVey just like was UN he’s having like a mid coaching life crisis or something but it it CO’s back now and so I do think if you go back and look at what Kentucky has done in the past with Liam Cohen there there’s some stuff to like and how he can build on Baker Mayfield success think that kind of offense actually plays a lot into what Baker Mayfield can do very well so I think the match there is good I just wonder if you’re ever going to get a repeat of what they were able to do last year with Canalis and Mayfield working together I think it’s a change in offensive structure even though I think it still kind of matches the same skill set so like offensively I think they can be set pretty well well Baker Mayfield and Liam con like he said we they were in Los Angeles together for one year so that they do have some familiarity with each other that can help them hit ground running in in a in a tangible way so like there is that to take into consideration for sure I think Todd BS is a rock solid head coach I think he’s a a good leader I think his team his team loves him his players love him uh and he’s a really good defensive mind and uh that has always been that’s always stood the test of time in every place he’s been even when he kind of had a rough stint as the head coach of the Jets he still had a capable defense there so I do think this this is a pretty quality coaching staff and um I mean yeah I I trust that Todd Bulls can uh can can pick leadership as well uh with with Dave Canalis being out the door so I I do like that staff a little bit did you have something else there on the staff I mean no it’s just it’s kind of the same thing with their with their dep chart right like they seem to be Bruce arens moves from head coach up into the up into the front office and you I think you can still feel that influence and that like not that he’s controlling everything I don’t want to mean to say that it’s just there always seems they seem to be ready for the next step they always seem to have a plan in place for what happens next and I think that is how this team has undergone so many change after selling their soul and their entire team was set around building around Tom Brady for a two to threeyear stretch run and after that they were able to rebound themselves into essentially getting back to the playoffs by winning the division because they seem to always be ready for the next steps like I do think you can’t talk about their staff without at least giving a little nod to Aran sitting up there you know in the front office helping pull some of the stuff around because I do think that he still plays a pretty big role at least in how the coaching staff gets set up all right give me a new addition that you’re excited about for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Matthew um they have a couple of them I think most of them come probably from for coming out of the draft so I I’m gonna go with the most fun one Bucky Irving uh running back coming out of Oregon rookie draft pick here’s the thing that we talk about their depth chart not we didn’t mention their running back room a single time because it’s it’s bad it’s been really bad rad white has got a lot of carries didn’t crack a thousand yards the running back room was isn’t working out I I still have some hope that Shawn Tucker a draft pick from last year can maybe pan out to something but Bucky Irving you watch him run and play football and there’s just a different level of how he moves it’s like very DeAnthony Thomases how quick he is how slippery he is in the open field how quickly he can get north to south now I know the athletic testing didn’t go particularly well for him but I think you have to look past it when you watch him play so when you pull that kind of Draft pick on day three you’re more willing to deal with it but his ability as a receiver but then a runner for what I think is to be a good offensive line that has a very potent vertical passing attack there should be space for Bucky Irving to go so I think he actually especially down the stretch might have a pretty good like kind of impact on this offense because of how much space they can create for him and because that running back room with just a semblance of like just acceptable play can probably go pretty far man Casey Zone and Rashad white we’re not just gonna show him some love man come on uhra a thousand yards on 500 GES oh okay noted I I think yeah I think the the most interesting ads do wind up being through you know through the draft you know it does you know like 3.6 yards per carry hey KY Zone man just show some love for a KC kid that’s all I’m trying to say just show him just show him a little bit of love right had 64 catches that’s impressive uh the you know Tampa Bay Buccaneers they really didn’t add a ton and they really didn’t lose a ton they they lost Devon white like you said and that was the only compensatory eligible free agent that they actually lost um they moved some money around they kind of largely kept the players that were you know in house and that seems like something that they’ve kind of tried to do um Jordan wead is back in Tampa Bay so there is that like you kind of talked about um another steady presence there but outside of that I mean it was Ben bredes uh the the guard so there really wasn’t a ton of free agent additions to this team it’s definitely running through the draft uh and a couple of those interesting players I Jaylen McMillan um I think is a really great kind of potential replacement for a Chris Godwin down the line um it’s a guy that can kind of play all over plays in the slot tough in the middle of the field um and Chris Godwin’s on this last year like he’s in the last year of his contract and so he could step in potentially and pair with Trey Palmer and Mike Evans as the new Trio if they do let Chris Godwin walk so jayen McMillan I think is a new addition that is a little bit interesting to me as I mean grah Barton’s just a a rock steady offensive line investment along the interior for them you know someone have argued best player available at that time in the draft when they took them so they went and grabbed you know I think some players that Mak sense both for the long term and the short term of that team and and that’s really where they you know they they kind of sat free agency out this year and kind of focused on you know keeping some of the guys in house rather than really going out of their way to go try to find external help yeah and I mean I think you keep going rolling through it and over and over again they they do it’s all about the whole thing it’s bringing in young talent to replace guys that are going to be moving out soon so I think you start looking at the positions they draft like I I would assume Joe Trion shanka is probably going to be out soon because of the Chris brazwell Edition and they drafted Yaya diabi who played well for him last year and Logan Hall two years ago like that you can clearly see the guys that they are going to move on from when time comes because of who they draft so the past two years Trey Palmer slot wide receiver who they go out and draft this year jayen m slot wide receiver guess who’s probably not getting resigned next year Chris Godwin like their new additions are usually guys are usually young players rookies drafted players that are going to come in and replace a veteran that’s kind of played a role for them all right give me a player to watch Matthew oh man I just listed off like 800 of them um but I I am going back to the yaya diabi bone because I really do think he was good for them last year he was he impressed a lot of people with his like how explosive and good his athletic testing was at the NFL combined but you go back and watch his film and like it wasn’t always quite as impressive as an athletic testing said it could be but I think he maximized everything about it last year now he didn’t fin he didn’t get as many pressures as you would like for a guy that had the production like the sack production that he did right so he wasn’t winning all the time but when he won he made it count and like that’s a good that’s a good thing to have he’s good at finishing as a pass rusher and so here’s a guy going into his second year I don’t think he was at like his technical ceiling or anything like that he was winning from his explosiveness and his effort and now you give him more time in the NFL you could clearly have a guy that is on he’s not the same type of player but a similar type of trajectory that George caraus has been on for the Kansas City Chiefs they could just be getting better getting a little bit more technical with his moves and he’s not just winning based on Purely his explosiveness and his effort and like there was a big jump from caraus from year one to year two just in downto down consistency and overall impact diabi could be the next in line for that and if he takes that step for for the Buccaneers I think that’s going to be huge for them uh I’m going to go with kija KY another uh another first round pick from last year’s draft uh another pick from last year’s draft so he came along strong as the season went on and he was such a unique process because you know Prospect because you saw a undersized interior defensive lineman that was a quick winner that maybe didn’t have the kind of measurables that you would prefer along the interior defensive line and it’s kind of one of those sink or swim type things for a guy like that either it’s going to work out or it’s just not going to work out at all and kija KY had a really strong start to his NFL career showed that he was still going to be able to win with that quickness with that first step quickness good hand technique and really be able to penetrate as a defensive lineman so I think the arrows pointing up for him uh and when you look at him you know getting another year playing in the NFL another year getting to play alongside V that’s that’s a you know that that could be really beneficial to him um in in the NFL so i’ I’ve been very intrigued to see him uh continue to take that step because early indications are he’s going to be a capable NFL player to good NFL player and this is a big year and a big step for him so give me kija KY as the player to watch for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers all right Matthew how does this team beat the Chiefs okay I feel like we’ve been mostly positive about what the Bucks have done I like the direction of this team I like their their the way they position themselves I like what they are doing going forward it is a little difficult for me on the surface to see how this team directly Stacks up and beats the Chiefs though because I don’t think that they are overwhelmingly good in any specific way that is good at attacking the Chiefs their best spot defensively is going to be their defensive line but that’s kind of playing into the strength of the Chiefs and outside of vava I don’t know if they have a stud on that defensive line just yet and Via while excellent is it going to completely break the Kansas City Chiefs offensive plan of attack they’re not trying to just run it right up the middle over and over again so I struggle to see where their defense is going to get a ton of stops against the Chiefs offense and then you flip to the other side like yes they could very much challenge the chase vertically downfield and without lerus Sneed you could maybe have success with Mike Evans a Godwin Palmer having success vertically over the top but this kind of takes me back to the point that their rushing attack wasn’t very good last year Liam Cohen new offensive coordinator comes in maybe it gets better so we will have to see but Steve spagnolo when an offense he faces is one dimensional is excellent so they will have some kind of plan to stop a vertical passing attack if it’s the same type of offense so it is a little difficult for me to see the path to which the Buccaneers really give the Chiefs a ton of difficulty outside of the Chiefs kind of taking this game lightly and getting caught in a trap maybe they do get mossed a couple times by Mike Evans or Godwin or Palmer downfield because the cornerback play is still trying to figure it out but it seems to be a little bit more of a long shot despite the fact I think it’s a good team it’s uh if they’re just caught looking ahead to those Denver Broncos you know that’s you know that’s really what it is I think yeah I I think we’ve been pretty complimentary of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers because I think you know they’ve they’ve built a good roster outside of Baker Mayfield and I think it’s a capable roster that can do some damage but I think it’s one of those teams where yes there’s Talent on the roster and it’s a you know there’s some good players but if your quarterback isn’t up to Snuff then you can beat a lot of good you can beat a lot of teams you can be a lot of average in bad teams the NFL but you’re going to have your struggles against some of those Elite tier teams in a in a different way and I think that’s kind of what the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are they don’t have an elite roster that can mask a quarterback they have a very good roster that’s you know with capable quarterback play can win nine 10 games in the NFL but maybe isn’t going to do well against those top tier teams and that’s that I kind of think Tampa Bay really sits so yeah it’s you know Baker May Mayfield playing well and yeah I think you know the the Bucks getting some explosive plays down the field you know with some you know in the vertical passing game Baker hitting some of those those shots and and good things happening there like I do think that’s the way that this team potentially is able to uh to sneak up on the Chiefs and and and give them a run for money but I mean it’s is that Arrowhead too like I don’t know man it’s it’s it’s tough to see it’s it is tough to see this team being the Chiefs and this isn’t the kind of team that typically sneaks up on the Chiefs to I think you might even just said that but this isn’t the kind of team that typically sneaks up on them uh who is the Chiefs non Mahomes MVP I’m gonna be nice I’m Gonna Let You Go first this time o uh the Chiefs non Mahomes MVP uh will be uh I’ll go the entire interior of their offensive line like I do think I just got done talking about Vita ve got talking about kijah KY I don’t care I’m gonna do this I can do what I want and I think you know the Integrity of the pocket from the interior is probably a big factor um I think there’s some good bodies I think there’s some good depth on the defensive line for Tampa but it does start with V who is in IM movable logic and is very difficult to run the run the ball against he was a big factor in that team winning a Super Bowl a few years back don’t really feel like talking about that but um yeah he’s a guy you have to have a plan for uh especially in the Run game and then putting kijah KY next to him a guy that can win quick they put him over Trey Smith he could give Trey Smith some trouble with his initial quickness so I’m going to go uh I’m gonna go to you know players to watch there for the for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers uh did I or I’m gonna go with yeah the interior offensive line there so okay well I I guess I should just take like the whole safety room then um no I mean I’m gonna go with h Brian Cook and more specifically I guess than like Justin Reed as much I think we’re g to go chamari Connor as well I think those two guys are just going to play deep safety a little bit more and I do think that this Bucks team is going to be at their most dangerous when they can really threaten teams vertically and they are going be allowed and get over the top and I don’t know if I’m ready to say right now the Chiefs are going to be able to stop that vertically down the field whether it’s Trent McDuffy outside or not it hasn’t been his strong suit yet playing the ball in the air vertically over his shoulder downfield so Mike Evans versus Trent McDuffy as good as McDuffy is it might be all about ball denial for him and when the ball is thrown up it might still go poorly and then Josh Williams Jaylen Watson nazy Johnson whoever it is on the other side those guys might not be ready for this kind of matchup just yet and so the safety help being provided by cook being provided by Reed a little bit or chamari Connor over the top is going to be huge and then you also got to be careful that you don’t let guys split down the middle of the field Baker Mayfield is very willing to push the ball vertically so I do think the safeties in this game are going to play a big role if you are protecting yourself from the deep ball that also means safety’s got to be quick to come downhill because they’re going to have their eyes looking forward they are going to be the guys that are going to be coming down field downhill to make stops they’re going to have to tackle well so it could be a game that maybe they it doesn’t always look pretty defensively but the safety could be a big difference of the Bucks scoring 20 points versus scoring 40 just in how they are able to help a younger less experienced quarterback room so can’t pick the entire interior offensive line I pick the entire safety room you guys got to let us know who you think the non Mahomes MVP of this game is gonna be do you think it’s Travis Kelce going up against lante David and KJ Brit who maybe aren’t great in coverage right now or do you guys have a different non- Mahomes MVP please let us know in the comments so we can see who you guys think it’s going to be what a way to sneak that in uh guess the line on this game Matthew it’s is it at home or on the road it’s at home Monday Night Football sure okay that’s right that’s right I remember that now um okay oh we got a Chris Jones for the non yeah that makes sense I mean Chris Jones is always a nice safe bet right like he he has a big game it’s always going to go well but I think pushing the pocket on a baker Mayfield makes sense um I think the line for this game is the pucks did make the playoffs I I think it’d be something like five and a half I was gonna say like six and a half yeah I was give a little bit of respect I think there is still some respect back in there but it’s a home home game and all that stuff um before we get out of here uh with the TW with the 13th pick in the 20 2024 NBA draft uh the Sacramento Kings have taken Devin Carter out of Providence uh and then uh set up great for the heat the Portland Trailblazers have taken Bob Carrington never mind the Heat have shot themselves in the foot and they did not take connect so uh D connect is falling yeah fous okay so um I we did ask you guys you know put your non Mahomes MVPs in the chat we’ll go through and look at some of those we also would have to ask you guys you know if you’re liking the show enjoy like comment but please leave us five star reviews you know you say whatever you want you can talk about how fluffy my hair is look at this this is not curly anymore now we’re just fluffy because we’re back home not as uh not quite as uh humid here so there’s not as much Cur yeah it’s just fluff now that’s that’s the issue it’s just fluff now leave a comment about how fluffy my hair is about how great Ken’s hair is whatever you want like the show dislike us but just make it be five stars just you know let us know that you enjoy us or don’t but leave five stars we much appreciate it it allows other people to find it and that’s that’s very helpful for us and we’re going to allow you to watch the rest of the NBA draft that is going to do it for this episode of the KC laboratory thank you all so much for listening watching we love you we appreciate you we’ll catch you later can’t believe the Thunder drafted giddy 2.0 ooh

Kent Swanson and Matt Lane discuss rugby star Louis Rees-Zammit’s chances to make the final 53-man roster and continue their 2024 opponent preview series with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
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  1. I do find that regarding Zammit, the American sports community seem very skeptical and, though i mean no disrespect, it does feel alot like it's because he's not American and hasn't played in the US system, as if that's the only way someone can possibly understand the game and are quite dismissive of International level athletes because it's not in a sport that US the prioritises.

    You asked, "How many teams are willing to risk a guy who noone has ever seen play real football in the United States?!" If that answer was "Noone" then we would never see an Antonio Gates or a Christian Okoye or more relevantly, a Jordan Mailata. This is also the fist year that the IPP hasn't assigned players. The Chiefs snapped him up with no obligation so they must have seen something.

    I have no doubt he has alot to learn, i'm not saying he's game ready, but he's still approaching his prime and with a genuine love and knowledge for Football. I truly think memorizing the playbook is his only obstacle as while Rugby does have plays, it's more off the cuff and reactive than 'specific plan'.

  2. I’ll say this once again LRZ IS the real deal if he wasn’t the Chiefs and Veach wouldn’t have taken him the way that they did he’s the missing link of what the Chiefs are looking for that young man is better then K.T. Sorry but he is.

  3. Louis Rees Zammit can play gunner, return kicks, kickoff, punt. He can tackle. He can run jet sweeps. He can receive lateral…for example a hook and ladder. He can lateral a pass 20 yards….that could be used…imagine him receiving a kick and he laterals to the other kick returner. American fans have not seen what a rugger can do.

    He probably needs a year to learn rb or wr.

    The Philadelphia Eagles signed Jordan Mailotta.

  4. Taub explicitly said hes looking at RB style players for kick off returns

    If he makes the team he might be used on gadget plays for offence

    Godrick has the IPP exemption currently

  5. Im hearing lots of insecurity but remember this, Rugby players are better conditioned more instinctive. NFL players can't tackle. Don't forget they this guy scores tries without blockers πŸ˜‚

  6. Hayne made the active 53 roster when he crossed over following a pretty solid preseason
    Muffed early on a bad 49er team and never recovered

    Hayne was Origin level in league probably a better all round player than Louis was , a much better stepper but he lacked the top end end speed that Louis has got

    Louis is on a much better team with the chiefs , the game has changed a bit recently kickoffs who knows he might just give the team cover in a lot of positions to earn an active spot

  7. Hate to be THAT person. But it’s Loo-is….not Loo-eez πŸ˜„ maybe it’s coming from someone who has always had her name mispronounced so I’m always so aware of it!

  8. Could we at least let Zammit get through an actual NFL practice with pads before we decide on his future career? Pre season maybe? I hope he makes the 53 and plays well but a lot of great college players have issues when they hit the NFL.

  9. Truth is nobody knows until we see him in a game environment. Can he deliver when it matters in the numerous scenarios he could potentially contribute? If he contributes in 2 or 3 areas he makes the 53

  10. I believe the below are 7 who have signed for teams. 2-3 others are still training and going to clubs to potentially get picked up, but probably unlikely now.

    Jotham Russell
    Patrick Murtagh
    Bayron Matos
    travis clayton
    Charlie Smyth
    Praise Olatoke
    Louis Rees-Zammit

    Just under half the 2024 pathway, making it to being signed is great for the programme. Obviously most of them will never play but they still get the experience and opportunity.

    A few of those on the pathway never really had a chance of making it, due to age or not having the athletic profile required to overcome having never played American football.

    A very good showing for the ipp.

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