Mets Sweep Yankees & Rise to .500!

Mets Sweep Yankees & Rise to .500!

and we’re coming to you live for the bill for top Studio Boomer asci and Greg G and a it’s Boomer and go on the fans simcast across the country on CVS Sports Network and whever you are on the free Odyssey app good Thursday morning another good day for Nicks fans and Mets fans that share those two teams as you get more good news from the Knicks off season as ogan andovi being resigned we knew was a priority said that they were aggressive with it they were and they got that done and the Mets smack around the Yankees for the second night in a row I was walking around I put on a Nick’s t-shirt today and I see a colleague Pete bot out there he goes when was the last time you put on a Nicks t-shirt in June to feel proud about the team I said uh probably 1994 that’s probably the last time I was wearing a ncks anything in June because I was proud about him he got Al backto back Mets t-shirt days which is something that does not happen in late June so we’re living in a different world man we’re living in a different world the Mets are back to being relevant they’re back to 500 they beat the Yankees twice and I know we don’t want to speed up the summer we don’t want to speed up beginning of fall we don’t want to speed up any time because every day is a gift Boomer but I’m telling you this is going to be the most excited we are for a New York Nick season in a very very long time good morning Boomer how are you yeah good morning G I’m doing great man what a day it is is to be a Met fan to be a Nick fan oh man the Sun is going to be out today it’s going to be a beautiful weekend and here we are getting ready to talk about our two favorite teams yeah I mean how about these Mets man now listen I don’t want to get ahead of myself uh but I will say they got back to 500 they sweep the Yankees uh unfortunate weather situations last night for the fans that were at the city field they had a deal with that lengthy delay and then the Mets just poured on just like the rain and I’m I’m telling you and and I felt this way uh it’s it’s obvious how much they missed Francisco Alvarez it just we could go over and over and over and over this uh but when he was gone they were lifeless they were listless uh they were leaderless and it’s amazing that a young player that plays one of the most important positions in baseball would take hold as I believe the leader of the team which is fine which is fine not everybody’s got leadership qualities but the way he plays the position the way he runs the way he looks that he’s got it he’s got the Jenice squa they say uh and uh you know you could see it it’s pal it’s pable and I would just say that uh this is a very very satisfying way to get back to 500 now without getting ahead of myself they play the Astros now the Astros much like the Mets got off to a horrendous start they’ve thrust themselves back into the conversation so both teams are thrusting at the same time they’re thrusting at the same time they’re hitting their afterburners so this is is like the secondary part of the thrust uh but when you think about the Mets and their schedule leading into the All-Star break just so you understand this because you know me I like to look ahead a little bit you do look ahead this is the underbelly of the Mets schedule coming up here so you have the Astros at home and then you have the the Washington Nationals uh for seven games you have the Pittsburg Pirates for four games and then you have the Colorado Rockies for three games yeah those are those teams are some the worst in the National League they are below the Mets record wise so yes this is take care of business situation it’s it’s baseball right it’s baseball Susan so anything can happen and we we’ve been disappointed before but uh as long as the younger met players stay in this lineup and and bring the energy that they have brought then I I think that uh now of a sudden Jerry’s uh his prediction doesn’t look so bad and that’s well is his bet yes and that’s the more important thing for him I mean I think that would love to be right but I also think he’d love to win that money that he laid out but this is one of the things about being a 500 team they’re not as bad as they were they’re worse they’re not as good as they are right now well it’s somewhere in the middle Boomer it’s called a regression to the mean and we’ll see uh if and when that happens just a month ago there were 11 games under 500 May 28th uh and now they’re back to 500 they’ve averaged eight runs a game over their last nine games their offense has been ignited for a lot of different reasons uh their defense has been reasonably good uh they’ve had some timely hitting since uh Mendoza put um Lor at the top of the lineup things have changed for him uh he is actually playing like the free agent he should have been playing like all the time and again I I still think it’s it’s really Alvarez is the the key cog in all of this I just feel like there’s so much energy there’s so much expectation there’s so much confidence for both he and Vientos right now those two young guys uh have caught fire and they have they they’re starting well I think Alvarez believed that he belonged here the day that he got here uh but Vientos is starting to believe that yeah he belongs here you know and he was pissed when he didn’t start here Greg batty did so this Brett batty that this is um Greg Brady uh this is um you know this is it’s great to watch it’s great to see now interesting Tale of Two stories Steve Cohen about a month ago said he believed in the team we all laughed we all talked about the trade deadline we all talked about trading uh Pete Alonzo and everybody else and he was saying it’s a long season I still believe in these guys obviously they had the team meeting and JD Martinez said it was the most important team meeting he’s ever been in or the best team meeting he’s ever been in it was held by Francisco Lor who recognized that things were going down the drain and since that time things have changed now the biggest change is that Alvarez is back in the lineup for the Yankees conversely on the other side a month ago we were talking about them they’re still in first place they still have 50 wins I mean they’re still going to be fine but we talked about you know Brian Cashman making All the Right Moves Brian Cashman doing the right thing getting Juan stto here they’re getting Garr Cole back he’s that’s like getting a a starting pitcher at the trade deadline all that nonsense and now all of a sudden you know they have really hit a hard times think this four or five uh Series in a row now they’ve lost I think they’ve lost eight out of their last 10 or eight out of their last 11 they’re one of the worst teams in the league right now but it just goes to show you the baseball season is long it’s arduous it’s up it’s down it’s frustrating it could be exhilarating at times we’re Lo we’re living through the exhilaration of the baseball season right now as Met fans because we got back to 500 by sweeping the Yankees yeah and I think that how you get there really is important and where you are in the season and the reasons why so the Mets winning like this and you mentioned some of the younger players and Alvarez and Mark Vientos and those guys hitting and being a big part and Francisco Lindor who was the highest paid player on the team being a guy who’s actually earning that salary and then beating the Yankees twice in impressive fashion and smacking around their two best pitchers in the process I mean that feels different than just a couple of wins against any hoam national league team to get back 2 500 with maybe JD Martinez hitting the home runs a guy who’s not going to be a big part of their future plans and for the Yankees it’s it’s also it’s the opposite of that the reason why it feels worse and I’m with you I’m not I’m not going to be the crazy alarmist with the Yankees but any any Yankee fan who’s got some anxiety or AA about the team right now is warranted because of the way that it happened right garri Cole comes back looks really bad Luis heel back-to-back starts where he is not any good you’ve got John CER Stanton doing his his ilil stint you’ve got Juan stto who hasn’t hit as well I mean the the bullpen and Clay Holmes you’re not completely uh happy about so it’s the way that that things are going and also you know Brian Cashman we can it’s it’s just amazing how you know when when the team plays well the general manager is the greatest with the team plays poorly the general manager killing them man it’s unbelievable is the worst but yeah I mean there’s there’s some real concern there I also think because you’ve got a team in your division that’s right there that’s young that’s energetic that was in the playoffs last year and has beat you a bunch of times this year in the Baltimore Orioles and yeah and okay and by by the way you know the aren’t playing great right now either they can’t they did not get over the Yankees yet they’re right there with them but they have not jumped them yet uh so a couple things from the Yankees perspective uh Aaron Boone had a meeting gabber Torres they benched him he’s not he’s not uh he got benched and it’s not because he was hurt he got benched because he was dogging it he was lazy and Aaron Boone decided to put his foot down that’s what it wasn’t the groin then it was so but to me that that’s exactly what the manager should do so hats off to Aaron Boon dealing with uh a very unique individual to say the least when it comes to glabber Tores um as far as you know Garrick Cole is concerned he’s going to be fine a couple more starts kind of get back into the rhythm of things you know don’t don’t be surprised if he has just like a monster second half if he if he’s healthy and everything’s good he’ll have a monster second half I’m not worried about that um I do I do think that the Yankees after vulpi stto and judge with ver Verdugo in this prolonged slump I mean what the offense all of a sudden is falling apart yeah I mean it’s a it’s it’s a black hole from you know five through nine or basically four through nine now uh with with Stanton being out and it’s it’s it’s amazing to go from we’re making comparisons to the 27 Yankees to talking about this lineup not being able to hit uh 60% of the lineup you have zero confidence in in driving in runs so yeah I mean I this these trade deadlines and I know that it’s redundant but they these the way that things are trending for both of these teams it’s going to be fascinating what they do I mean it’s it’s it really is and and for for different reasons for the Yankees it’s going to be how all in are they going on this season with potentially Juan stto being here for a year like are they are they really going to go for it oh come on you have to be I think they should just say I don’t know if they will I mean you don’t you don’t have Aaron judge Juan stto uh Garrett col you don’t have those those guys in your lineup if you’re not going to go for it right but remember they you know the the things that they did in this off season you know they were trades they weren’t free agent signings they didn’t really add a ton of salary because you know they are always conscious of that luxury tax so that’s still something that’s in the back of their mind so I just you know there could be a player out there that’s available that they could get that could put them over the top for this year that they’re going to be cautious about because we’ve seen that approach so that’s just going to be that’s going to be fun to watch and obviously what David Sterns does and how much a contender he thinks that this team is come the come the trade let’s just say in the in the I don’t know the next 17 games let let’s say let’s be let’s be realistic and say 11- six or 12 and five that means that that realistic I mean I played that that you see you see who they’re playing yeah I know and and now all of a sudden you’re you’re at the halfway point essentially you’re at you’re at the All-Star break and the team is six or seven games over 500 hopefully that’s the case I’m not not trying to touch the money I’m just I’m just speculating given who they’re playing that they they they cannot lose their Edge right now you know I don’t think they will because it’s the Houston Astros and uh I’m glad it’s the Houston Astros and it’s not like one of these other teams that they’re playing after the Astros I’m glad that it’s going to be you know good baseball team who’s playing good and you know hopefully the Mets can stay at this kind of this very competitive level I mean I look this where we are a month ago compared to now or where we were a month ago compared to now it’s remarkable actually yeah it’s it’s something I never expected nobody did uh well I maybe maybe Steve Cohen did maybe David Sterns did maybe the players did and maybe it was Francisco Alvarez’s injury that got the team where where it was a month ago and then all of a sudden now he’s been back and just look at the records since he’s been in that lineup yeah I mean it really is it’s amazing though that you could point to a team meeting as well that actually worked works because it’s still really hard to hit a baseball it’s still really hard to get these Major League hitters out and for whatever reason that that locked them in that got them focused that got the offense going and it’s just it it’s strange I mean I I don’t know what it was that were maybe that’s what it was I don’t know but you know I I’ll tell you sometimes you go in there and you air some things out all of a sudden everybody starts paying a little bit more attention to detail everybody starts thinking a little bit more about what they can do as opposed to what everybody else is doing and uh it’s it goes back to the bill bich saying just do your job and don’t worry about anybody else you just worry about yourself and then everything will come together and and and guys will start showing up but again I I think it it corresponds with Francisco Alvarez getting healthy again it really does I mean you got to be like a dope not to think that uh especially with the way that he has played and you could see how he handles the pitures and just the way he carries himself yeah I mean he was and and the Mets by the way I mean there the they they need to get kodai senga hasn’t pitched at all this year I mean think about that that’s going to be a you want to talk about an addition at the trade deadline if he actually pitches but but yeah talking about other guys coming back from injury that could end up helping the team but yeah I mean he hopefully he’s one of those guys that we look back on his career and he’s got a bunch of Mets records because he came up here early and he stayed here and they signed him and he put 15 years in and he’s just one of those guys that’ll come back after a long career and we’ll have Francisco Alvarez day he’s got that type of potential yes he does he really does I mean look at you you know you know he hit the one less home run than Johnny Bench did at his age last year Johnny Bench you know and um it’ll get a long way to go before we start comparing people to Johnny Bench but did but well the only reason I did that is because they did it on the broadcast the other night so I’m not I’m not bringing something up new that they haven’t talked about I’m regurgitating what they’re saying yeah and I like that I like to think about Johnny Bench and Francisco Alvarez that would be unbelievable if that would happen like if the next 10 years we had our catcher and our catcher was an offensive Powerhouse as well as a great defensive catcher oh yeah I mean come on who’s your favorite catcher of all time uh I would say Johnny Bench I know Johnny Bench that’s why really yeah you would say joh over M Patza well Jerry Grody actually okay if you really want to go back I got to go back to Jerry Grody I’m sorry yeah I to me it you know it’s Pat it’s got to be I like the Sterns guy he was good but Johnny Bench I mean you know I knew him that’s why you know I Liv in Cincinnati I saw you know you know played some golf with him you know Maniac but you know name it obscure Mets catcher I got a great one obscure Mets catcher I got a great one okay you got Charlie O’Brien oh wow remember Charlie O’Brien it’s like uh n like early like mid 90s early to mid 90s had curly hair Ron Hodes Ron Hodes good one out Eddie you got one Eddie you got you got one out of the 80s there Al I don’t I can’t think of who Gary Carter’s backup was I got another great Duffy Dy Ed Hearn Duffy Dyer nice love that Mackie s s oh yeah more number two yeah yeah had the big old tobacco in his his jaw you know yeah couldn’t throw the ball back to the pitcher like me in the softball game right yeah he kept throwing it over my head I was the pitcher and you kept throwing it over my head yeah I know I was ju or you were dribbling it back I said look just roll it back to me like it’s a bowling alley [Music]

Boomer and Gio open their sports talk show with an exciting recap of the Mets’ domination over the Yankees in the first leg of the Subway Series. The Mets’ impressive sweep at Citi Field brings them back to a .500 win percentage. Tune in as Boomer and Gio break down the highlights, key players, and what this means for both teams moving forward. Don’t miss their lively discussion on the Mets’ resurgence, Francisco Alvarez’s impact, and the future of New York baseball!

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  1. Between the Knicks moves and the Mets winning both games in the Subway Series, it's been an Orange and Blue (and Purple) 48 Hours.

  2. Yanks have the worst hitting infield in bb there cooked Aaron Judge can't hit up an in an yet these idiots pitch him out over the plate

  3. I always said Lindor should be leading off not batting 3rd. This team looks l8ke if they had the starting pitching of degrom days they would be real contenders. They need lefties in pen to get the Harpers and Ohtanis out in big spots.

  4. No more school vaca season begins now so these ppl will be flipping other ppl slot so now your competitor from ESPN 987 of DR will include Monsieur Dan Graca until school start once again . Larry and Gordon are taking the early night shift till the end of summa well do y’all thing do y’all thing

  5. Gio slow down. The Mets beat a Gerrit Cole who was throwing 92 mph fastballs. It was batting practice for the Mets. As a fan, I'm excited to see a lot of youth combined with a seasoned vet (Martinez) on the field. Lets get to 10 games over .500!

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