[Noujaim] Tim Connelly brought in Kwesi Odofo-Mensah & Derek Falvey to pick their brains on doing a multi day draft. Falvey just told us it was his first time sitting in a draft room for another sport. Says it was wild to see how fast Tim’s brain was working during the draft.

[Noujaim] Tim Connelly brought in Kwesi Odofo-Mensah & Derek Falvey to pick their brains on doing a multi day draft. Falvey just told us it was his first time sitting in a draft room for another sport. Says it was wild to see how fast Tim’s brain was working during the draft.

  1. That’s actually fucking awesome. Love to see the collaboration across Minnesota sports teams. Connelly and Kwesi cooking no wonder we killed the draft

  2. Makes sense now why Kwesi didn’t completely screw the pooch on latest draft. Had Connelly in his ear.

  3. FWIW, the MLB draft does not operate at all like the NBA/NFL drafts. There’s no trading picks and doesn’t need to fit into the roster ASAP

    And Falvey doesn’t run the draft, the VP of Amateur Scouting does, Sean Johnson.

  4. Love to see the collab between the teams. Makes sense to bring in a football gm since those drafts are multi day drafts

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