Frank Corrado on #Canucks targets in free agency, building #StanleyCup winning template, Luongo

Frank Corrado on #Canucks targets in free agency, building #StanleyCup winning template, Luongo

joined Now by former Vancouver Knuck TSN hockey analyst Mr Frank gado who was down on the ice interviews asking all the questions he’s expanding yeah you guys you can call me a a reporter a broadcast journalist and Matt we can call you Ace what’s happening Ace thank you buddy appreciate it you still answering Carter’s line hey Bubba it’s Ace hey Frank it’s Ace that’s I I expect nothing less from you now every time you introduce yourself hey it’s Ace saris St what was it pitching wedge from 110 yeah right I’ll give it like this was uh a big boy it’s an easy hole that wasn’t set up easy that day it was it was a good hole one out a boy congrats congratulations that’s awesome thank you but it’s not about me Frank it’s about you um or it’s at least about the Florida Panthers and Lou uh we the conversation what was it like being down there and taking that in and and particularly your moments there with your uh ex-teammate here in Vancouver Roberto yeah yeah I mean listen so I was with uh mclenon who’s you know one of his best friends ex- teammates Dy and Lou are are pretty tight um and I think Lou looked at me and kind of did a double take like I kind of think I know this guy I can’t really Place him um but anyways it was nice we had the group hug after you know what it feels like when you’re down on the ice there and it was it was a new EXP experience for me you you feel like you’re almost imposing on all these other people’s incredible moment and you’re almost like okay am I in the way you know are we pestering people are we bothering people and like when you play right like your your kind of dream goal is to win the Stanley Cup so it’s really cool to be around you know that celebration and all that stuff but it kind of almost feels like you’re maybe not hijacking it but you’re you’re like these guys earn this moment you know I played in the league now I’m standing on the ice next to them while they’ve earned it it’s kind of it’s a weird feeling if you feel like a pigeon you a very normal feeling for me by the time you guys got out there I think it was appropriate you know it’s a little bit tougher when you’re broadcasting the game and you’re out there immediately after because then the players want nothing to do with you they are still in the throws of the intense celebration you guys because you’re not the right soers get invited you know a few minutes later and by that point they’ve had their moment I think they’re ready to chat about at that point aren’t they pretty much yeah everyone and you know what all the families are out there the kids it’s really cool like I think it goes from you know the team celebrating with each other to sharing it with all the people that you know really sacrifice and um you know have to be the support system for all these guys and um it was pretty cool like we got some great quotes from like we got to talk to Lou Veri Bennett kachuck um you know the thing that those three guys said um and they all Ed the same word free like they felt like in game seven for some reason they were able to play more free than they did in games four five and six and I mean it showed like I would I would describe it this way the Florida Panthers were more like the Florida Panthers than the Edmonton Oilers were like the Edmonton Oilers in in that game seven you know like whatever the Panthers do that makes them great they did it in game seven and the Oilers couldn’t do what makes them great in game seven and the opposite was true the opposite was true in game seven that the Oilers for the first time they had the pressure of trying to win the cup for three nights they just had the pressure of not losing the cup they they had no expectation upon no we can’t do it right then all of a sudden you can win the Cup tonight it changed for them too yeah and and the other thing like so their focus which is a great point you make their focus in game seven was not singularly just on what’s happening on the ice anymore now they had to deal with what Florida was dealing with where games four five and six family was flying to Edmonton to Florida to Edmonton like dealing with all that kind of stuff still having to play the game now was the that was the first time they’re really on an equal playing Ground as far as what’s happening on the ice and off the ice because Edmonton had to they had to do that actually Matthew kachuck brought up a good point with us too and he he noted that uh last year they had to do the extra flight because they had to go start the series in Vegas and he felt like that extra flight you know played a little bit of a factor and he goes that extra flight for Edmonton don’t kid yourself like that’s you know that’s a six-h hour flight whatever it is he goes that that’s something we we remembered from last year in that series and they had to do it and we didn’t yeah um we were kicking this around yesterday Frank and perhaps it’s not as obvious with this Panthers team as it has been with previous Cup champions but are there any Stanley Cup lessons here like in terms of team building in terms of style of play like is there anything that jumps out to you that you think other teams might mimic going forward or try to mimic in pursuit of a cup you have to defend at a very high level with a lot of urgency to do so and you know I think it’s great in the regular season you got teams that that play you know Run and Gun uh a lot of Point Getters all that kind of stuff let me ask you something so let stay with me here I’m going to like I’m going to Galaxy brain this for you for a second game seven Stanley Cup Final okay we all played that in street hockey right did we not we all did and now you get game seven Stanley Cup Final in the NHL both those situations if if you if you take yourself back to your old street hockey days what would change when someone said last goal wins or this is game seven like what would change within that game all of a sudden there was guys blocking shots there was there was way more urgency defensively it never went to mean the snowbank oh never like you know what I mean it never went to oh I got to stretch out for this Breakaway pass or you know what I so so now you get to game seven and the team that played better defensively uh that had that kind of game plan they’re the team that won and you could say that is true for the whole playoffs where you know like that was the backbone of how they play and they basically steamrolled their way to the final and in the final they get a you know obviously Edmonton brings it to game seven but I mean if you’re a team that’s building this offensive Juggernaut and you’re going to roll the dice and and just say we’ll we’ll just be good enough defensively I I don’t think that gets it done in the playoffs like it it turns into a very defensively minded game well it’s funny you say that um because I was thinking about this yesterday uh on the drive up to the golf course first of all if you’re talking about Relentless defensive effort that should bode well for the Vancouver Canucks and what talk it is trying to uh Implement system-wise here and and culture-wise here and I’d love you to take that on but also Frank please don’t tell me this is a turn back to defensive hockey because the long history of Stanley Cup champions offens has carried the day over defense for the most part typically the best offensive players break through and win cups if not multiple cups um the Jersey Devils Trap Teams uh the St Louis Blues that don’t didn’t really have a pure premium offensive Superstar or or at least offensive Center Ice Superstar um they they have been the outliers are are but that’s the double-edged short is you you no but you need offense to break through the great defense well is so is the forecast more that people are going to look at this and go wow the way Maurice got them all the play defense like are we taking a turn back to defensive hockey I don’t think we’re taking a turn like you still need Superstars you still need offense no one’s like no one’s going to deny that get getting that group or those types of players to buy into it means a lot like look at the Oilers the Oilers didn’t change anything about their core it’s the same core that had been going out there and losing to Vegas at five on five and getting steamrolled by Colorado right but they they yes they surrounded them with some different players but as a group that team bought into defense is going to come first and then we’re play our offense next and we’re when we do so so I I don’t think it’s a a change in the way you know the game necessarily needs to be played tactically X’s and O’s where all of a sudden now we’re going back to the the New Jersey Devils of the early 2000s I just think it’s a mentality for those top guys to say that priority number one is going to be being on the right side of the puck it’s going to be making sure I got to take this hit to make the play or I got to make the hit um like that’s the number one priority then the other offenses stuff which might come a little easier to guys that’s going to sort itself out at the right time but I think that’s more it’s about getting your offensive guys and and the group the group as one to do that first and everything second so how similar is that to your understanding to what tet’s trying to do here with the can I mean he’s not a dumb guy like he’s he’s a pretty smart coach like you you guys listen to him talk all season long the stuff he talks about like it’s he’s very honest um but he’s right about a lot of the stuff that he’s saying so um you know that that’s that’s exactly the kind of stuff that he’s trying to hammer home it’s like you have these certain non-negotiables that you just do away from the puck that you do when you take care of the puck um and and make the right plays with it and then that will lead to your opportunities you know if you start forcing things offensively now you know instead of you know instead of the other team having to work to get the puck back it’s bonus time for them because they got the puck back like okay I’ll I’ll let let’s talk about game seven okay so we’re sitting there in the first first period and I’m I’m writing down my my biggest takeaways of that period so Florida was more physical um that was Florida looked faster than they had in the last three games that was for sure the other thing that really came to mind was the top two lines for the Panthers played the best first period you know and they played their best game that they had played in a while but the thing that I that I thought about after was how come David didn’t have the puck much in the first like how come how come I didn’t see how come I didn’t see that and then I it dawned on me those first two lines for the Panthers when they had the puck they connected more whether it was you know tapeo tape stuff or putting it to an area where someone can skate onto it so you know kind of executed better with the puck Edmonton wasn’t able to just you know get it and send McDavid get it and send dry cdle and whoever like they had to work to get it back so skill is still going to be a big part of it Matt because if you don’t have skilled players you can’t do that you can’t put the puck to places where you’re going to get it back you can’t make all those plays and execute but Florida the three previous games it was like shovel this into the middle nope Edmonton has it uh Puck Off the Wall doesn’t work Edmonton has it pinch no support Edmonton has it that wasn’t happening in game seven so as much as it’s it’s defensive minded but still with your skill involved if that makes sense that’s exactly where I was going to go is that it’s an evolution we talked about this couple days ago that uh you know for years the big man was starting to get doubted a little bit and we were starting to tote the uh oh smaller players are getting a chance uh because they’re speedy and they’re skilled but now the big guys are also speedy and skilled and it was sort of an an evolution to to that perfect player I wonder if if we’re going to take an overarching lesson that that I can hear here is that you want a superstar that is super defensively respons responsible as well like are we in the Patrice berser on era here that he ushered in where unless you’re Conor McDavid and even if you’re kind you’ve got to play defensively as well and that’s what barov does I think barov is a very interesting conversation now like he he was outstanding in the playoffs and I agree with you like and McDavid and the Oilers this year that was the thing that really clicked for them that was the thing that really changed was that they the leaders were going to buy into this kind of you know we’re going to defend hard and and we’ve learned over the years in our experiences that what we’re doing is not working so we kind of have to um you know do it a different way like and and I think we talked about this but it’s worth reiterating you know Sasha barov um every year nhlpa players poll comes out and the players keep saying he’s underrated and we’re like we lose our minds now this year it’s like we got to give him maybe he’s underrated because he’s a top 20 guy no he’s a top seven guy anyways we’ve talked about this I know um the thing about the Panthers and and when it comes to you know how they changed they won a president’s trophy two years ago right though they have 122 points something crazy like that and then Paul Maurice takes over you know team is different they go down to 92 points then they go to the Stanley Cup Final then this year you know they go to the Stanley Cup Final again like they just I think there was a realization there that the runand gun high octane stuff like wasn’t going to work and they found a way to make it work with a lot of the same players like there’s obviously a very drastic change with weager and huberto out and kachuck coming in but I don’t know there’s a lot of lot of the guys that were there that that made it happen still here’s what I would say fellas if we are moving towards a world where the Alexander barov and the Patrice berson of the world are the Carrying Championship piece that is not good for this sport um because it means a less aesthetically pleasing brand of hockey is carrying the day and it means that your pure offensive superstars who transcend a little more aren’t winning championships can I just cut can I cut in there can I cut in there quickly do do you Alex Sasha barov I keep calling him Alex Sasha barkov’s assist against the Rangers when he flip the puck up bats it down and like this guy this guy’s not a PL this guy’s highly highly skilled I’m not saying he isn’t capable of making a spectacular play same goes with Patrice berso but they’re not doing it on the with the regularity of people like Nathan McKinnon and Conor MC he’s still an 85 90 point player he’s a damn good player Blake don’t get me wrong but if you’re paying to see an NHL player tomorrow how far down the list is Al alander barov but I’ll say this though B is that that’s in the playoffs and in the playoffs when the the enormity of the gain carries today we said this about about the oiler kuu game that objectively speaking it wasn’t necessarily the most aesthetically pleasing series and yet everybody was on the edge of their seats because they was so tight and kind of crazy like in the in the regular season Frank I think we’re still going to see offense carry the day but you have to you have to will flick that switch in a playoff mode and do it relatively seamlessly okay hold on let me ask you this carries the day more often than not in the playoffs too though it does it does if Sasha barov wanted to okay if Sasha barov wanted to he could he could say forget about defense for this season I’m gonna play offense probably could be a 100o guy like I I I just think that’s the way he’s wired right and for right or wrong Conor McDavid was wired very similarly this year and Conor McDavid had did he have 130 points did he get there down year down year he had 130 points in a down year and he and he focused on defense and then in the playoffs he focused on defense first and he had 42 points and the only two people he was chasing are Gretzky and Lemieux like I I still think there’s there’s there’s a place for it it’s it’s not that Sasha barov is now all of a sudden going to be the face of of what it means to be a winner uh we’re going to get someone different next year and someone different the year after that probably but this is is what worked with this team this year Nathan McKinnon worked with the Colorado Avalanche you know uh Vegas was a different build Tampa was totally different um you know like I I just think if Braden Point wanted to be you know Mitch Marner plus he probably could be but he he plays a different kind of way um and I think the same goes for Sasha barov all right um let’s move on to the Vancouver conects uh because this is a big week ahead zidor off five years 5.2 5.3 million do you sign that deal Frank I don’t know I don’t think so I don’t know I I I think it’s rich like I think that’s a rich deal and and you know what I think there’s someone that’s going to but five years is a long time and F even with the cap going up 5.2 5.3 for a guy that um ideally would be playing on my third pair maybe you know pinch hitting on the on the second pair uh I don’t know I I think that’s a lot of money like I think I can find someone massive to play on the third pair and cross check the out of guys uh for for half the price has the Chatfield and Dello contracts told us though that the contracts are going to be pretty big this year like well the Chatfield one at three million is probably a little bit of a a discount like I think he’s you know’s probably worth yeah like he’s probably is interesting the Dello one is interesting so if you watch watch Winnipeg play or if you watch Dello play there’s nothing you know there’s nothing sexy about his game he’s not a like he’s not a flashy skater doesn’t do anything with the pock like offensive numbers aren’t aren’t great um but he’s played with Thomas Shabbat Thomas Shabbat has had basically the best years that he’s had playing with Dello and Dello played well Dello has gone to Winnipeg played with morsey morsy has had his best years and that pair you know they Crush their minutes basically on a night to night basis so if there’s one thing we learned is that this guy can play with your number one offensive D and help them out so for $4.9 million I think in a vacuum Dello at 4.9 you’re like H but then you realize the impact of the game you’re like okay I get it um and he’s you know he’s 30 years old so this will you know be last big 31 yeah yeah so now he’s ancient at 31 yeah um yeah so I don’t know I just and now okay so now the the Market’s set right so I think for UFA right so Dello is a first pair guy he’s getting 4.9 but zadorov is massive he was really good in the playoffs he does he can do things that other guys can’t do so does that put him at the same price or more that’s my question to you guys well so I I think Dello uh took a little bit uh less to stay in Winnipeg I I think he’s a little more Frank I I think he will fetch a little more at least yeah I could see that I I I could see it I think I think someone ultimately is going to give zador off more more than 5 million and maybe they tack on an extra year like 5 years feels like a lot too but I would I would be wanting to go less but he’s like listen he’s he’s been banging the drum right like the we know there’s going to be demand for him and uh I’m just I’m curious to see who who goes there uh with him and and what what team they are and where they’re at in their kind of place in the league would you go to four years for Chris tanif I would go to five or what would you and I’ll tell you why if you have money if you’re a team that has money if I’m a good team and I want to win I would be willing to tack on extra years for Chris tanov you know why because there’s a one-way ticket at some point to Old Roby do Island that’s true that is true okay and if I can get the cap hit to a manageable number I would look at that and say I need this guy let’s say you you feel like you need Chris tanv I need need him for the next three years but I won’t get him on a threeyear ticket so if I got money and I’m willing to do it as an owner there’s a there’s a robida island uh bottle and lawn chair and umbrella waiting for you at some point but I need you for the first three years first of all I don’t believe robida island is allowed per the CBA uh if you’re talking about having a player talking about TI you’re you’re talking LTI correct yes yeah all right so it’s honestly it’s not too dissimilar than committing the seven years to the 30-year-old knowing that the last two years are probably going to be right you’re gonna have to deal with the or but but you but you also know that like it’s an inevitability with Chris tanov like the guy the guy will retire injured he’s not gonna retire well yeah okay yeah yeah and and then for him his incentive is you’re going to give me I don’t know what would Chris TV get like I don’t know four points eight five million something like that five four five AFP so call it four five you’re telling me now I’m going to get 4 five for an extra two years while I’m on ltir I don’t know there’s a little added incentive to sign that deal I I think you would need you would need you know the right owner to do that uh who’d be willing to part with that kind of money but anyways that’s that’s my my my long way of saying I would I would really want Chris tanv um and yes I’d be willing to have him for three years good frame last scouting report for me uh Tyler T Foley um because he works the guy has an uncanny ability to put the biscuit in the basket and yet he doesn’t have any one particular skill that leads you to believe you know how he gets it done like he’s just got a nose for the net he’s got a decent shot but he doesn’t move well um he’s got pretty good hands he’s good in short areas he’s kill penalties too or he did like when he was in LA he was killing penalties but that only going One Direction Frank it’s got to it’s 32 coming off 33 goals and the AFP analytics prediction is four by six million for to full I would think he gets less than that I’m not sure he gets six maybe not much less but yeah I I think that’s probably right right in the Wheelhouse listen if you need someone who can score on a on a power play like give you I don’t know he’s going to score 30 goals probably and and he’s pretty trustworthy guy like Daryl Sutter used to trust this guy to go kill penalties on La when they were winning championships like I I would think over the years like that didn’t just you know Fall by the wayside he’s you know’s he’s a responsible player who’s going to give you 30 he’s not the fastest but you probably don’t need him to for check and run guys through the boards you could probably put someone on his line that’s going to do that I I like to Foley I think I would have liked him for the Canucks this year and I still would have liked him for the knucks next year like I I’m not I’m not so big of a buyer beware on Tyler Tooley because I think I know he’s coming I think he’s I think he’s coming as advertised like I think you’re gonna get you’re gonna get 30 goals and you’re going to get a guy that you can you can play and and you don’t have to protect and uh make sure he’s not out there against certain opponents he did not kill penalties for Winnipeg or uh New Jersey uh and in fact uh didn’t kill them much in Calgary either so I think the shorthanded days are behind those are over those days are over but no you’re right no you’re right like he’s well we used to say this about him when he got here Blake like he’s a pretty heady player like he he knows where to be and when he gets his Puck when he gets the puck on his stick in short areas he makes pretty good decisions with it too there’s not a lot of like you know um dumb plays there’s not a lot of like unaware place he’s yeah force it like he’s not going to he’s not going to jam you up and force it in a bad spots like he’s he’s pretty intelligent um and that kind of leads to him him being productive cuz he’s he’s not flying around the ice but he is kind of thinking his way around the ice efficiencies marvelous stuff uh buddy it was fantastic seeing you uh do the Stanley Cup Final uh it has been a marvelous year and it keeps on keeping on here with what will be a busy week ahead draft in free agency we will catch up next week Frankie Blake Ace we’ll talk next week hey everybody if you’re enjoying what you’re seeing here then follow along with Saron price on YouTube I promise more content coming they call it the kids call it subscribe on YouTube well how about liking it do that as well smash it right now

Former Canuck Frankie Corrado paying a visit, fresh off the celebration in South Florida and the Stanley Cup Final. He gives us the lessons learned in the playoffs and the Final, and where the Canucks can improve in key areas to take the next step, as well as some more potential UFAs the Canucks might have interest in.

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  1. I hope you had hole in one insurance. Those rounds at the clubhouse can get pretty expensive. The media are a bit intrusive when the Cup is awarded, especially when there's a power cord out to the centre of the ice for Barkov to nearly trip over while carrying the Cup. I miss the days when celebrating teams would skate laps around the rink, handing off the trophy, where more of the fans could see it up close and it was more of a spectacle. With all the rats out on the ice they would have had more work to keep players from getting injured, but it would have been cool.

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