Part 1 | Dallas Stars Team Awards/Player Grades, Stanley Cup Recap and more with Ryan Chambers!

Part 1 | Dallas Stars Team Awards/Player Grades, Stanley Cup Recap and more with Ryan Chambers!

Ryan Chambers joins the show to discuss some team Awards his player grades from this past season and we’ll take a look at the offseason ahead for the Dallas Stars that’s next on lockon Stars your locked on Stars your daily podcast on the Dallas Stars part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day howdy Stars fans welcome back to another episode epis of lockon stars of the lockon podcast Network your team every single day it’s a pleasure to be with you I’m Joey Ericson former producer 105 through the fan please be sure to subscribe we are free and available wherever you get your podcast in on YouTube and as always thank you so much for making us a part of your day and making us your first listen it’s time to welcome back to the show Once Again Ryan Chambers from sarcastic remarks it has been since right before the Western Conference Final that we had a chance to catch up so we bring him back aboard and we’re we’re going to talk about all things Dallas Stars off season we’ll have some fun today on today’s episode Ryan thank you so much for joining me today I know it’s uh been a bit of a busy week for you so I appreciate you taking some time out to talk some stars with me how you been uh good man it it’s been a lot of fun uh I’ve been kind of incognito with uh with my own podcast uh for for those that don’t know it we’ve been moving back from West Texas back to the DFW area so it’s it’s been quite a week for me yeah I’m sure it’s uh a lot of fun moving furniture and doing all that good stuff so uh yeah appreciate uh you taking some time out of your busy schedule and uh we’ll hit you with some of the easy questions no more heavy lifting for you Ryan so today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code lock. NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply so so I am curious since the last time we talked about the Stars was right before the Western Conference Final and I I think we both were were pretty confident in the stars and felt like they were going to get the job done for a variety of reasons but maybe number one overall was just the feeling just felt like they were going to find a way to to get it done and unfortunately that did not happen I’m curious from your perspective and maybe from your show’s perspective what was the consensus after the Western Conference Final and the stars getting defeated in six games by the Oilers it it felt a lot last year and what I meant by that and what the my brothers meant by that is it felt like an opportunity lost it it in in especially this year compared to last year that’s that’s the difference we ran out of gas that’s that’s what it looked like and you know what we underestimated the Oilers uh they absolutely deserved to go to the Stanley Cup Final uh it it really sucks that we weren’t able to to to finish off the job that we we all thought they were going to do and majority of the hockey world thought we were going to do as well so that I mean credit to the Oilers there but it even after and I even remember uh listening listen to your episode after the very first episode after uh after the Western Conference Final you said the exact same thing that we did it just it it it felt like we were on paper we were still the better team and we lost yeah so yeah so it was it was frustrating from that output and you know with all of the different things that we’re we’re going to talk about a little bit here today just like it this felt like our best chance and I I hope I’m wrong I really hope I’m wrong but this year especially with all the players that we had and the type of years that some of these guys had this felt like the year for the stars to go all the way and it didn’t quite get there yeah Edmonton was I think the better team in the series for majority parts of that series and you can argue five on five was pretty even I think Dallas ended up outscoring Edmonton but just my general feeling over the six games was Edmonton was the better team and Dallas only outshot Edmonton in one of the six games and that was the game six where they played their best game but it it was a little too little too late sort of uh conundrum there unfortunately um they just were not able to get it done and as you mentioned I still felt like Dallas was was the better team if you play that series 10 times Dallas probably is the better team in in in six to eight of them and maybe that is is me underselling Edmonton because they play great and you have to give credit to to steuart Skinner as well for as much as as he struggled throughout the the postseason he really buckled down I don’t know if you saw the the numbers from games four through seven in the postseason I think he was what now 10 and one since he lost game seven had like a 938 save percentage and a one. like five4 goals against he’s just completely different net minder and he locked it down uh against Dallas speaking of game seven I don’t know if you had a chance to to catch it but I thought it was very very exciting and uh the the the game was electric the atmosphere was awesome congrats to the the Florida Panthers I haven’t mentioned that yet on the podcast since pre-record uh some of the episodes but what what did you make of the final I thought it was the outcome a lot of people thought it it happened in a weird way uh but uh e excellent series nonetheless and maybe what did you make out of Conor McDavid not going out to to accept the con Smite I know people had some gripes about that as well see I don’t I don’t get that I’ll do the last question first like the whole Conor McDavid thing I do you blame him I I don’t I don’t blame him one bit I honestly if I was in the exact same shoes and I won the K SMI and I was literally literally one goal away from tying the game two goals away from winning the thing and and I have to go out and accept a trophy before the trophy I want is awarded to the other team in their home Barn no I’m not gonna go out there and do that I’m gonna be with my teammates who are probably you know down in the dumps with and they feel the worst they’ve ever felt in their career that’s not no I I I understand the whole be you know be sportsmanlike and all that jazz but in that particular instance I no there I I do not blame Conor McDavid one bit um as for the series I it was extremely exciting that that’s that’s going to go down in uh in HL history as one of the best series we’ve ever seen with the sanley Cup Final just the the way that the momentum swung and and the way that it happened it was a perfect uh I guess you could say story with how the NHL season went the the momentum has changed completely in the in just in the two years in the in the last two years if you scored the first goal you pretty much won the game that’s not the case here anymore in the NHL and that’s good because it makes it more interesting it makes it more exciting and that series was is you know just a cherry on top to finish the season off and uh just one more thing on that if the if the Florida Panthers had lost game seven we would have never well first off we would never would have heard from from our Canadian friends up North about oh that we would have never heard finished hearing about that for the next three years it wouldn’t matter who won the cup next and then second off it would be the most Monumental collapse I think I’ve ever seen in any North American sport like any any sport that I can think of and at the end of the day Florida Panthers took care of business in the last game that they could and now no one’s going to remember that for the for the rest of History they they’re you might hear oh well it took game seven to get there but no one’s going to remember about how they got there just the fact that they did yeah and I’ll touch on the McDavid thing one more one more time that would put a stamp on his legacy he he’s already going to go down as as one of the best players to to to ever play the game and he absolutely deserved the the con Smite I if if it was in Edmonton I could see the the argument that maybe he comes out but in Florida they were already booing when when they announced that he uh he won the award and I also throw this out there can you imagine Jamie Ben if he for some reason won the K Smite in 2020 going out there and accepting that award after just being so heartbroken and I’m sure Conor McDavid was in the same state emotionally uh if not worse after just the emotional toll that he went through and it was his first time in the Stanley Cup that that’s an experience as itself um I just it would have been a bad spot for him um and then he would have came out and he would have been smiling and people would have griped about that I think it’s just it’s something it’s something easy to get upset about but yeah what a cap on the on the NHL season in general it was uh it was a fun time not only from a Dallas Stars perspective but just the NHL uh as a as a whole and um I thought the the Stanley Cup Final lived up to it um and I think uh the numbers will bear that out it’ll be interesting to see what the ratings and stuff that come out I’m pretty sure it’ll probably go down as one of the the most watched Al righty enough just the general uh NHL topics I guess we’ll move on to some more Dallas Stars fixated stuff for all you locked on Stars listeners we’ll do that on the other side I want to hear Ryan Chambers MVP for the Dallas Stars this past season and I’m going to throw out some names he’s going to give some player grades as well we’ll do that in just a moment today’s episode of Locked on stars is brought to you by game time game time is obsessed with finding you ways to save money on tickets it’s also the authorized ticket Marketplace of Major 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NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account redeem code L CED o NHL that’s locked on NHL for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed alrighty I want to hear some team awards from uh you Ryan from this uh this past season uh I won’t tell you my takes initially I just I want to I want to hear from you and then uh we we’ll have a discussion after that I I want to begin with this one who would be your most improved play player from this past season most improved that’s a I don’t know that that that’s a good one you can throw a couple names in there there’s a couple there uh I’ll give a easy one and I’ll give one that’s kind of off the board a little bit uh but how can you not give it to to Wyatt Johnston um the the guy he’s he was 20 years old for a majority of the Season he scores 30 goals for in in only his second season uh the sky is the limit with this guy yeah and sophomore slump who he’s never heard of that so I I can only see him getting better even uh even next year and just the the step that he took from from two years ago to his first year in the NHL to this past year it just fantastic and so that’s just amazing what what he was able to do um the the other person that I’d kind of like to give a slight one too is Mason Marchman Mason Marchman he got a a lot of crap last year with that 4.5 million cap hit and he did not live up to it uh to be honest with you and but at least with us we were kind of the same way with Joe pilsky like Joe pilsky his first year uh he had more of a reason to be not as good but you know sometimes it just takes a little while for guys to get used to their surroundings and you know after covid after the shutdown Joe pavelski was one of the best players for the Stars well Mason Marchi kind of took came out this year and he had over 20 goals and did exactly what we what we expected he he fulfilled his side of the contract and so I I I know it seems like oh well he’s just fulfilling his contract that he shouldn’t be most improved well yeah he still did it he he he he he he met met those expectations for us at least March’s a good shout I I enjoy that one somebody I haven’t really talked about out enough probably and I’ve always been high on marchment and and look people get been out of shape about money it’s it’s a salary cap era I get it I I try not to to look at that so much it can be easy to go right to that figure it’s like Sean and Ben like oh they’re making n million it’s like I get it but you have to play players you have to pay them to keep them like that’s just the the nature of the of the world and I understand it can be really really frustrating when they’re not scoring to what you believe their potential is but marchan’s been a great CH and the reason I love him so much of a player is just he’s exactly what the Stars need and frankly they’re going to need more of it for next year and I’ll allow you to continue your point well and we’ll we’ll get to that here later uh in the offseason Outlook I’m sure there’s there’s one specific thing that I think we really need but uh and then you also especially at the beginning of the season if we had like a first half season in uh most improved player uh I’d probably have to give uh that just to Meo I mean he’s I know I know it seems crazy just to think oh he’s he’s the most improved yeah he just keeps getting better he just keeps getting better and and we and we especially as stars fans take it for granted yeah and I I was talking to a couple of other guys for some from some other team podcast they they’re just like y’all don’t nearly talk about Meo hinan as much as you should and and just even him I mean the guy is he’s like what 25 I think yeah no 2 turning 25 yeah like like he’s like he should not be this good at this age just like W Johnson is so he’s he’s gonna continue getting better and you know if we can just get him on his strong side we talk about you know but even even then he’s shown bounds and strides and how well he has done the last couple years yeah that’s a that’s a whole another story getting him on his strong side and I feel like it’s dilemma we’ll be uh discussing for some time even into to next season unfortunately but who knows in jimn We Trust maybe he can find a way to get another right-handed defenseman in there but love that I gave mine to Thomas Harley I I showed some Harley some love for that award so I like that you had three different uh candidates for that award okay couple more uh who was your unsung hero someone that maybe didn’t get a lot of love here whether that’s postseason or a regular season uh that really had an impact that maybe we don’t talk about enough maybe we really don’t talk about that’s a good one uh I I’ll go with uh one that will make me unpopular and then one that’s kind of off the board a little bit uh Ryan suder Ryan suder for a majority I know right exactly for for a majority of the Season he did exactly what was needed on he he is perfect for his role as a third pairing defenseman and finally because we were able to to get somebody especially towards the end of the season with Chris tanv he fits that bill really well now I know he had a rough Series against Edmonton but for a majority of the Season he was still very good uh the one that really is the unsung hero and he continues to be the unsung hero is El Lindell for me everyone keeps talking about like oh he makes $5.5 million against the cap and you know he’s someone that we could get rid of possibly and you know be able to go out and get somebody else I’m like who are you going to replace him with honestly I think he’s a steal at five and a half and what he does for the Stars it it it goes unsaid and he does not get the credit that he deserves a lot of the time because we have so many other players that you know we look at the skill we look at the Thomas Harley scored over goals we look at Meo hkin and who’s who was a once in a lifetime generational player but those kind of players don’t succeed without the defensive defenseman like the mark math thoughts the the the rag the Roman Pollocks other way exactly those kind of guys and SL lendell kind of fits that build to the point where I’ve even seen some calls of maybe he’s the answer on that top pairing with jir hinin because he did it with John kingberg years ago so he’s my unsung hero yeah I I threw his his name in the in the Hat as well for for that one he’s been fantastic and he had a bit of a Down year but he was paired with Haw andpa and I just don’t think those two together are are the pairing where both of them can be as success successful as they want having lindel with tanev obviously helps I think that would help anybody in the National Hockey League so he did get a a bump up uh in his play from this this past season which uh is certainly a a good sign okay I’ll finish out with this your Dallas Stars MVP I gave mine to Wyatt I’ll let you know right off the Hop I gave it to Wyatt I just thought he was consistently probably the best player for the stars all season long some of it may be recency bias just for the last like two months of the Season it was 53 and like whoever’s gonna play on his line at that point and that that’s easy to give it to him too but he is the he is the actual answer he really is he’s the guy again led the leag led the Stars one of the best teams in the league at 20 years old with 32 goals he stepped up his play in the playoffs showed that he can do it for the second year in a row he was good in the playoffs last year it’s just he had more of a a role thrust upon him this past year um and he was just absolutely fantastic uh if I had to give like a secondary one and I agree with you on why Joe there uh for me it might be Jamie Ben or jakeer the and and and again recency bias with Jamie Ben I I take the cap hit away take the cap hit away I understand he’s not gonna score 40 goals he’s not GNA score 30 goals like he used to but when you watched him in the series against Edmonton he was one of the few guys that still seemed to have some gas left in the tank I thought he was the best player he was he was and and and I argued that after game six and you know some people thought I was crazy but I was just like if you go back and watch game five and specifically game six the guy that was consistently Around the Net was Wyatt Johnston Logan stank Goen and Jamie Ben yeah and the fact that he’s still able to do that especially at his age and that that’s that has to be mentioned about that it’s it’s amazing what he was able to do and it just also goes to show that that that picture that we all hate at the end of the 2020 B playoff run where just sitting there in the locker room by himself that that picture was in the back of my mind watching him in game six and it showed he wants to win this thing so badly and he does not want to lose again and then with uh with Jake Ginger it’s just you know the the guy is ridiculous what he was able to do and his his playoff was much better than last year and hopefully that continues uh moving forward but I think if you really focus on it it’s going to be Wyatt Johnston Jamie Ben Jake ainger and land over yeah Ben was was fantastic and with him it’s it’s not always tangible his impact this postseason cannot be all boiled down to to a number like his impact just in the locker room you you can tell and it really it it was his will just felt like he was willing them along and yeah I I thought he was their best player and I don’t mean this is a slide against him um against Edmonton it’s not a good thing I I I in my opinion I don’t think you want him to be your best player he needs to be a part of the equation but you would like other guys to certainly step up and and maybe they did that’s where I I you don’t have to think too hard on this I would love to just hear just quick player grades a plus b whatever for for certain guys just I want to get your uh your overall just kind of encompassing thoughts on a few players and I don’t care what your guidelines are so uh you can grade on a cur curve uh however um I I’ll just throw out a name and first first letter that pops in your mind Jason Robertson a minus okay Matt duchaine uh B+ I like that one rope hints B be yeah yeah no he he’s he was T he left a lot to be desired he certainly did obviously the broken finger probably didn’t help I can imagine that was very painful trying to hold on to a hockey stick and play it a very high level but I think the year in general it wasn’t in and this is a year he scored 30 goals and we’re and we’re still talking but the postseason right is is is where we’re we’re hoping for him to to step up and especially outside of game four or no it was game three of Edmonton just nothing and you can include Robo into that I don’t want this to be hate party on on on hints but you can throw Robo into that conversation as well and that’s exactly why Robo was an A minus he he had a incredible year becoming the two-way player that he was yeah and then it just just with both him and hence they there was just a lot left to be desired exactly like you said just we did not get what we needed from our top players that Edmonton’s best players were their best players our players were not our best players so yeah I think I think McDavid had like 10 points drysol had seven buard had like five yeah yeah and and then even in the Stanley Cup Final when you look at that the the Panthers best players were their best players Veri and Reinhardt scored and and then Yan Mark scored on the other side for the Oilers so that’s absolutely your best players gotta be your best players um Logan stankoven a yeah hey there there’s still more there so that’s why I don’t give him the A+ but the the way that he came on and he forced Jim nil’s hand he absolutely forced and that doesn’t happen very often it for that too there there wasn’t a there was a possibility he could go down just just because they didn’t have the the space really that that wasn’t yeah we forget about that just because he did play so well that it’s like okay you have to stay now well and even when the offense kind of DED up a little bit you know there was still there was still all his uh defensive Acumen that he had that kept him up in the lineup he he was NE he was never downgraded he he was never downgraded he was always in that third line spot with Wyatt Johnston or uh Ben and then there was even sometimes he was thrown onto the top line to try to get those guys going and so if and that’s incredible what he was able to do is just like he went straight from Juniors he spent a little bit of time in the AHL and Jim Nell was like okay well he’s ready let’s go so he he lit it up and and you’re and you’re right he he just got promoted frankly that that’s the only time uh that’s the only time there was any movement with him which is a great sign and boy he’s going to be a lot of fun to watch for the next five to to 10 years in a Dallas Stars uh uniform all righty well we we’ll be done with the player grades I appreciate you for uh uh for uh at least indulging me there for a bit

On today’s episode of Locked On Stars, it’s part 1 of an interview with Ryan Chambers from Starcastic Remarks! Joey and Ryan go through an all encompassing conversation on the Dallas Stars postseason run and what led to their exit in the Western Conference Final. Ryan shares his opinion and thoughts on what went wrong for the Dallas Stars and why he still holds out hope for the future. Ryan also answers Joey’s team award questions including, Most Improved Player, Unsung Hero, and the MVP for the 23-24 season. To finish out the episode, Joey and Ryan discuss player grades on Jason Robertson, Matt Duchene, Roope Hintz and more! In Part 2 of the conversation, Joey and Ryan discuss all things offseason. Chris Tanev is priority number one, but GM Jim Nill has stated the numbers are not matching up, can the Stars fill the void if Tanev walks? If Matt Duchene does not return, would you be okay with Steven Stamkos or Patrick Kane coming to Dallas?

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  1. I just finished reading Heika’s article. The scuttlebutt is that they are planning on buying out Ryan Suter to make cap space for re-signs. One of the names mentioned was Nils Lindquist. I’m all for Nils staying and developing, but we saw how much ice time he got throughout the last two years. This year’s theme was that the Stars used a 5-D corps and ran out of steam. Unless he extends with a two-way contract or he’s used for a trade piece next February, I see this as taking one step forward and two steps back. Joey, I would love to hear your pros and cons of this situation.

  2. Tkachuk was actually not great for the panthers in the finals and most of the playoffs but they still won so just saying you can compensate for best players not being your best players.

  3. I got a lot of experience moving in August weather unfortunately. This is worse than August weather in NTX. Many people don't know that. All the rain saturated our soils. That evaporation puts our humidity's on par with Manilla and Singapore. No hyperbolic. I compare the dewpoints. In August, all the soils' hydration has been baked out, kind've like a cake. It's hotter in temp but the humidity is closer to Phoenix than Saigon.
    This humidity is debilitating on every level.
    Back on topic. F the Panthers. This was supposed to be our year. WTH happened? Old dudes need to go and Suter is the first one.

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