Back on Track or Rebuild Time? New Orleans Saints Preview

Back on Track or Rebuild Time? New Orleans Saints Preview

YouTube O it going the Goos is back with the Saints video going over a preview what to watch players to watch games to watch and more uh we did about half the teams in this new series that I’m I’m loving and there’s a playlist on the channel if you want to check those out comment which team I should do next the Saints a team in the earlier part of the offseason was doubting a little bit U you know and a lot of people are but starting to think maybe they could get back on track possibly they can get back on track and we’ll we’ll discuss reasons why in this video a little more in depth but yeah I thought chemistry was a little bit of an issue last year we’ll talk about that more but at the end of the year maybe figured it out winning for the last five uh you know and the games they lost were fairly close I thought last year maybe they let them slip away at times and they had some impressive wins so if you they stay a little more consistent hey maybe the Saints are back let’s discuss it uh number three for the big things to watch here this is kind of a two-parter uh not just the edge rotation but the cornerback rotation as well if you look at those position groups they have insane depth some of the best depth in football at those positions starters on the edge last year off the edge last year obviously Cam Jordan and Carl Granderson Granderson really stepped up earned himself a new contract but they add Chase young they gave him a pretty decent contract and we’ll talk about him a little bit more in this video but a big one obviously a little inconsistent pretty inconsistent but has some flashes uh they drafted Isaiah fosy last year which I I I like fosy at Notre Dame always productive I felt like a really good fit to so does he figure it out they have pton Turner which was a raw Prospect uh you know that had some injuries when he was coming out of Houston so does he figure it out now uh passeno always been a solid rotation guy so I mean they have a number of guys that can play a number of guys that I think are capable of starting too not some of those guys won’t start but that’s a really good group so I’m I’m looking to see if having you know cuz it’s such an important position having legit players but having this unlimited rotation it feels like of good players and guys that have upside helps them win I think it will help them win football games because it’s such an important spot and you just you know if a guy catches fire in a game then you kind of let you know play him a little bit more they have just so many different varities varieties of edge pairings they could do throughout the season so I love that and the cornerback rotation the Saints love their Corners they’ they always have good Corners marshan ladore if he’s on the field if he’s healthy he very well could be the best corner in football he’s that good Paulson Ado adbo really broke out last year Big Time playmaker we know he’s going to be solid out there I like LTE Taylor another guy that’s a big playmaker another guy can play outside in the inside and in the inside um you know they they have so many guys they draft Kool-Aid McKenry which I thought you everyone knew was good but I thought people were you know maybe sleeping on him a little bit he’s just just super consistent always been really good dating back to high school was a top recruit really good for Alabama really smart really physical you know can can play man I like him I like them for him for their Twan under schemes so uh they got CRA and there’s more than just that but they got crazy depth really good starters and cornerback really a really hard position to play I in my opinion probably the second hardest position to play in football after quarterback doesn’t mean it’s the second most important but um Edge you combine good Edge which is more important but good edge with good corners and they both have good starters and they both have good depth combine those things together that’s something it means something to me so it’s something I get excited about and I’m very curious to see how many reps these guys get how they use the rotation um there might be a there might be a scenario in either position where they don’t really need a much rotation cuz the starters are so good that’s fine too so uh a lot of different scenarios here with the with the this group and it’s really good for Den Dennis Allen’s defense and uh you know what how good this defense can be you know and and that’s uh the Saints brand of Defense has been I mean you look at the last I don’t know how many years 10 15 years this is just top of my head like what if you were to ask me last 10 15 years top of the your head which defense has been the most consistent like almost guaranteed to be good I the Saints might be the answer like out of the last several years like it was almost a lock that the Saints defense and you know I don’t know if they were ever the best maybe I there’s probably a few years in there where they’re maybe number one but they were a locked to be a very good defense and last year maybe they took a little bit of a step down and then it makes you want to go and it’s logical makes you want to go like yeah maybe they’re declining a little bit because the game’s changing a bit the younger coaches are taking taking over they have that old school they run a lot of man coverage spe specifically two man under so much of it maybe it’s getting predictable and de Mario Davis still great but de Mario Davis Cam Jordan Tyron Matthew marshan ladimer ladimer is still young but some of these guys are they’re not getting any better I guess and some of them aren’t getting worse they’re still great if they’re on the field but that would be like the logic behind maybe they’re starting to take a little bit of step down and last year they weren’t bad they just kind of were a little they weren’t really on that Saints brand of Defense um so they could be heading the wrong way but I I think they’re you know with the because of Edge and because of corner and de Mario Davis is still balling they’ve added that linebacker we’ll talk about that a little bit more maybe they can get back on track maybe they can get back on track they got a lot of good ball players they’ve added some young guys over the years so um maybe just about the timing like some of the young guys really starting to maybe figure it out like some guys were a little underwhelming so far pton Turner Isaiah fos he’s only played one year maybe they step in and really get going at the perfect time when the veterans start to take a step down so some optim Mystic you know some positivity I guess we’ll say there uh the number two which is a big thing I mean the biggest issue last year for offense I thought was I think most people would go yeah Derek Carr was inconsistent he wasn’t that good and that’s true he wasn’t that great he was inconsistent I suppose maybe didn’t have the best offensive line and the offensive Line’s a big question when it comes to offense this year how good will it be Ram supposed to be injured still but the add fuaga this Penning Step Up um offens line you know during the Drew Brees were they were it was always so good it was we was consistently good and now it’s just not the same so that could be an issue that’s a big question you know if I had negatives to say about the Saints how will the offensive line be and then how will Carr be do they have enough receivers I’m not really worried about that uh um we’ll talk about more the offense and I guess with the next one the rush offense and the next one defense I’m not really worried about I I I’m a little bit optimistic they can get back on track again we talked about number three is a big thing for me but I think people backtracking a little bit I think people kind of going to knock offensive line which they should and Derek Carr based off last year I think the number one thing was chemistry and that resulted in them being inconsistent like one week offense looked explosive where they would March down the field and then they would kind of be disappointed maybe play calling went when was a part on that like lack of I suppose uh but I think again chemistry I thought it was in Saints fans probably know what I’m talking about like I thought it was pretty obvious or if you watch the Saints in prime time maybe if you got the chance to watch them I know because not everybody can watch these teams every single game but they Carr and the receivers just were not in the they were not in the same page and as productive as alve was uh him and Carr were often not on the same page and and there was some frustration car really showing that which I didn’t love I that was a big issue like visibly angry and shaking his head on the sideline you know at at the receivers I didn’t love that so hopefully he cuts it out with that stuff uh but remember car just got in there last year and they just were not on the same page and and that’s a big thing for this year can they get chemistry so it’s one thing if a team’s like when they’re bad they’re they’re bad because they’re just bad it’s you know and it’s one thing if like you know the Saints when they were bad on offense I I thought it was more of a chemistry thing and I almost think in a way maybe that’s a good thing because they weren’t just a they weren’t bad like they had Talent you know so if they figure out the chemistry part they could be a good team this year and there is some optimistic there optimism there with them figuring that out because I thought they kind of showed signs I saw that the beginning of this video I they kind of showed signs of that of life in that regard you know that category at the end of last year winning four their last five and really kind of coming alive here so and another full offseason and preseason for you know car alve at Perry and Perry started getting going too as a rookie at the end of last year uh Shahid it’s just more of time to grow as a group they do get another offensive coordinator in there and I didn’t love the higher to be honest I’m not a huge Clint kubc guy but that was based on his one stint a as uh his one outing as an offensive coordinator I thought it was too like old school football like you have to run to open the pass passing game like you absolutely have to run on early Downs you absolutely have to run on short yardage and he learned a little bit from the ners they run the ball a lot but there’s a good reason they do it um you know so maybe maybe we shouldn’t base fully off the One season of course maybe he’s learned some things I obviously I would think he should have um so that’s kind of the only thing there did they actually get better they’re different did they actually get better in terms of the play calling because that was my major issue at his one year as a play caller was play calling and just being too insistent on running the football um in situations where you try to be a little more unpredictable but the chemistry should be up but speaking of running the football that’s my number one and people could take this a bad way because again click kubak you know son of Gary kubak offense coordinator and they were they were live and die by run the football you know that West Coast run the football uh to to try to hit those home run plays um you know on the ground and open up the passing game control the clock and and limit chances of the other team so that is a little old school so it’s not really something that people these days get super excited about but it does mean they’re going to run the ball a lot but I do think it makes sense for this offense yo Derek Carr I think could be better this year because the chemistry reasons we talked about but he at the end of day he’s not really getting uh any better of a quarterback he’s not going to all of a sudden get generate new Talent right um and the receivers aren’t no La is great but it’s not like this loaded receiver group you know Michael Thomas Prime Michael Thomas isn’t out there anymore and the offensive line isn’t the greatest in terms of pass protection they maybe they’d be a little bit better fuaga could be very solid as a rookie I felt like he was Pro ready I thought he was better as a run blocker and what was he known for like he stood out compared to the other offensive linemen as a specifically a a outside Zone which really fits you know the West Coast offense to click kubak uh and he really stood out like you can make a highlight tape from him in that scheme blocking scheme running game specifically getting outside getting downfield so they’re going to take advantage of that this team is going to run the football run the football run it some more and I think they have a they could have a three-headed monster it could end up being two uh with the obvious Alvin chimra and Jamal Williams um two really good it’s a good onew punch but uh Kendra Miller I liked a lot of TCU and he was very young a very young Prospect so he really could kind of click in the gear here and get going so they could have uh and it’s kind of a question mark how will they use those running backs how will they rotate them like how many Snaps are they going to divide it up or is it going to go full go Chima some weeks is it going to be a one-two punch with Williams some weeks so it’s going to be very interesting but they will come out there they’ll punch in them out they’ll run the football they’ll hit some home home runs they’ll throw the ball to the backs uh and they’re going to do that to open up the passing game which if they’re I think they’ll be successful running the ball so if you’re very successful running the football and I think they very much will be that kind of by default opens up the passing game so there’s the positive there um you know and how will the offensive line hold up I think they’ll be better run blocking than pass blocking so we’ll see we’ll see how this works out uh for the Saints but there are some things to to be positive about I suppose players to watch going to go Willie gay an interesting addition from the Kansas City Chiefs and sometimes these Chiefs uh Defenders maybe they’re not as good away from that scheme but Saints run a good defense well coach and they run a very similar scheme especially for the linebackers it’s a very similar scheme compared to the Kansas City Chiefs compared to U spagnola’s defense and Willie gay I think could be used in multiple different ways here and I actually think possible in a year later but a possible Kaden Ellis replacement because they missed him last year and they used him in different ways they Blitz him align him different spots but was a upand cominging linebacker for them they lost him to the Falcons last off season so they miss him the whole season I think that’s what the plan is here they saw a guy that kind of can play that role maybe he still has some upside in that role I always liked Willie gay as a rusher I think he’s a good Blitzer even when the Chiefs would randomly put him off the edge which was not too often thought I saw a little bit more of it two years ago I I thought he was pretty solid there not that the Saints are going to do a ton of that with him they don’t really need him to uh but I think he could be used as a weapon and I know they Blitz Mario Davis a ton getting up there in age do they want to do it as much they could I don’t really have a problem with it uh but yeah I’m very curious to see Willie gay in the Saints defense and how they use him he definitely could be a factor I’m going to go Chris alve at number at number two and we know what we’re going to get from him we’re going to get a good football player obviously a young up still upside Big Time threat receiver but I put him up here kind of going back to what we talked about a ton in this video is the chemistry I really thought him and Carr were off a lot like he’s going one way cars throwing the other way and there’s some frustration and uh even with that no La had some games where it was like you wish there was a little bit more maybe a little bit more consistent to catch the ball but even so with all of that he still was easily a, yard receiver was still a big time player he’s still a guy that is a big time player with a lot of upsides so I again I’m counting on that chemistry kind of clicking a little bit more and olve just I mean I don’t see why he doesn’t continue to get better as a football player because he’s just been in the league for a couple years a few years here so I I I think this guy could be scary good if everything kind of clicks and I don’t see why not again I’m expecting the chemistry you’re better and I’m expecting him just to continue to progress as he is that type of player so it’s a guy to really get excited about could end up being one of the better receivers in football in the near future uh and then number one I’m going to go chase young all eyes on Chase young what kind of Chase young we going to get this guy was an elite Prospect coming out of Ohio State dealt with some injuries was pretty productive but it was like we were left like you know wanting a little bit more like seem to be pretty polished stopping to run early on but the injuries kind of Ste set him back and we were just we were like the breakouts coming like he’s solid when he’s on he’s solid when he’s on the field but it’s just underwhelming you know maybe you want a little bit more motor waiting but he’s again good player waiting for the breakout and the commanders kind of just dump them um which was a little surprising the Niners take them looks pretty decent right away then it’s underwhelming and then he’s getting ripped after some of the playoff games because he’s G giving super low effort and that’s pretty much the talk like everyone making fun of Chase young pretty much and it was we had a extra week break to the Super Bowl and it felt like he kind of heard that I thought he played fairly well in that game he saw a lot more motor uh and then he gets to contract to the Saints maybe he end up getting a little bit more than we thought not that he’s not deserving of it I would take a chance I think the talent is is in there um but I I thought teams would just be a little bit scared because nobody was trading for him at the deadline Niners got him for less than expected uh I thought teams just kind of give him a one year for cheaper deal and he had something going on with his neck and heed a little bit of an operation there so um now he’s got that money you know now he’s on a team that’s not you know about to or trying to win a Super Bowl like what and he’s been super inconsistent but he still has a ton of upside which Chase young are we going to get we going to get a guy that’s taking it easy what what are we going to get here the talent is there even more talent that we have seen is there so um like we said they have a really good rotation so how many snaps he going to be playing if he’s not given full effort uh it’s all eyes on him it’s just a big question there I think he’d be very good but we will see uh games to watch uh I got to put the Broncos in week seven on here the Shawn Payton going to New Orleans so a little bit of a Revenge game there I suppose uh in a way I don’t know if it’s that much Revenge the way that situation happened but um it should be fun and I think it’s a must win for the Saints the Broncos aren’t supposed to be super great this year but but Shawn Payton knows what he what they’re about Saints know it they’re you know they’re Shawn Payton’s team’s about I suppose to me it’s going to be a must-win win game when you’re kind of clicking in the gear here mid-season week seven I like the Chargers game at Chargers week eight I think most people think the Chargers should be a better team the Saints I think almost everybody will say that not saying it’s like a landslide um you know towards the Chargers and uh but I think quarterback difference would probably be the reason and the coaches the Chargers have added but but I I I I think the Saints like I said they should be a pretty damn effective rushing attack like they should be really good running the football and that’s kind of my biggest worry about the Chargers is specifically the interior defensive line but the linebackers you can factor in as well so I think teams that really pound the football really could run the football could give the Chargers some big time problems so this going into week eight let’s say the charters have an insanely good record maybe the Saints are struggling a little bit and the Saints maybe could be favorites in that game just because of that reason just a matchup so we’ll see and then week 17 the Derek Carr Revenge game um against the Raiders that should be fun for that reason but also could be absolute must-win for these teams if they’re fighting for a playoff spot you know or maybe the Saints are fighting for their division so that’ll be a big game in week 17 and then fans takes had a lot of fans takes here some uh ex subscribers anaut has your lucky day Jacob and he’s talking about J Jacob to the to the his post to the right or to the right of that I should say um so that’s pretty funny he’s a big Saints fan over there but answer not what does he have to say Can car bounce back and stay healthy yeah big questions there offensive scheme play calling improvements with Clint kubak yeah lot lot of ripping the play calling Carmichael last year um but will it actually be better I did not again I talked about I did not love that higher but they’ll be good running the football we’ll see if kubak made some improvements ments we’ll see if it means improvements to the Saints CB cornerback rotation with mckinstry yeah such a good like polish plug-and-play Pro ready type corner but they have so many good Corners is it a rotation we talked about a little bit it’s going to be interesting Willie gay eventual de Mario replacement yeah I talked about him as a a Ken Ellis replacement a year later because they didn’t have Ken Ellis last year but do they kind of work him into the future it’s a good point de Mario Davis replacement uh Talis f yeah we touched on him a little bit Pro ready type pick he should help them out a ton um I think he’s going to be much better as a rum blocker early on as a pass protector not that I think he’ll be bad as a pass protector uh but it really fits like that outside Zone scheme get downfield and the next level blocks that’s the scheme that kubak has that’s what he loves you know that that’s exactly what they look for for there uh pass rush rotation yeah he’s on the same page I’m very curious cuz they have a long list of guys and at Perry breakout yeah he looked very good the the game they almost came back against the Vikings he looked very impressive like they had really no answer for him it felt like um so he I almost put him in the players to watch list I think he’s got to be the receiver three so it’s a guy to watch there especially in the Red Zone contested catches U so we’ll see cam Sullivan offensive health and consistency yeah we didn’t really talk about health enough probably that’s kind of been a thing for the Saints over the last several years is durability um you know kind of holding them back a little bit so that is a big thing for them chase Young on a new team we touched on that which Chase young we going to get receiver two I definitely think has to be Shahed but you could argue I guess that Shahed is kind of situational and like in a home run type receiver can he add more to his game I think he does enough to be the receiver too but that actually could be a good point uh at first glance it’s like yeah it’s should be a no-brainer but hey not so fast uh defensive rotation we talked about it yeah how about the interior though uh brzy does he stay healthy does he uh continue to get better that could be big to take the Saints inconsistently leads to third place finish at a top 10 draft pick yeah that’s kind of the story of last year inconsistency I I went a little more in depth and talk about the chemistry and some other things but bottom line is if you want to sum it up for everybody they were inconsistent last year super inconsistent um but yeah I thought the games they lost they were kind of close but they let kind of some games slip away I think a good team like the Packers when they played them thought they outplayed them they outplayed them most that game I I thought if I’m remembering it correctly and I then they let it kind of slip away they had just an example of several games that they had so uh we’ll see do they get more consistent do they have more chemistry does the defense kind of get back on that Saints brand defense do they take advantage of having all those Edge rushers and all those corners and they could Gavin Mard uh balance of corner snaps we have same it’s a good point Alvin chimra bounce back yeah playing the full season and uh being as good as that he can be uh Trevor Penning Make It or Break It And he says he’s not a Believer yeah I wasn’t a believer in Penning either I didn’t have a lot as a prospect I didn’t have a lot of uh feelings that other people had or I didn’t really see it with him but then the Saints took them like it seems like a really good fit that could definitely work out and so far has not worked out though um so we’ll see Make It or Break It Riley G uh Griffith does kendre Miller become a serious part of the offense and who will see better production this year between Shahid per a receiver these are good questions we talked about Miller probably the running back three but because it’s such a rush run heavy attack do they use all three guys I hope so I like kend kendre Miller he was a raw like but already good but very young Prospect so it kind of makes sense that he kind of didn’t get going yet um and then Shahed yeah I thought going into this I thought Shahed was uh clear-cut receiver too after olve but yeah cam Sullivan mentioned it though and now Griffith and it kind of makes me think yeah could somebody battle him so chahed is I don’t want to say onedimensional there’s a little more to his game but does he add a little bit more um so it be something to watch and Perry again that Vikings game like looked really good there was more games than that but uh yeah he may have something in uh then Jacob big Saints fan main things I’m excited to watch this upcoming year is the offensive line improved dramatically or barely with fuaga yeah it’s a big question it’s going to depend on health their ability i i in the run blocking I think we’re going to see big improvements in the Run blocking I actually think I think a pretty big step up I think they going be pretty decent run block I mean not great but um they could they could be pretty solid they’re going to run thog aside uh even Penning I thought he was more of that nasty merer type guy better run blocking I think more I’m thinking about it in that scheme I think that scheme is made I think they’ll coach them in terms of run blocking just fine um so more I think about big improvements in terms of run blocking I still worry about the pass protection a little bit though I think it might be a night and day difference between run versus pass we’ll see what happens there can alve take the next step and be like a or will he be like a Brandon Cooks level player like decent home run more than decent but home run hitting guy I definitely think he’s shown life of more than that even in Ohio State it was more yeah relied on separation kind of just home run guy and didn’t do a whole lot after the catch and there was not really knocks on him as a as a prospect everyone loved him it felt like a safe pick but the knocks were is he kind of like a one Style guy will it get old but I think he’s proven more than that like he’s good underneath he’s good going across Middle Field I think he’s already done more actually shown that he can do more uh just something with him and car we talked about in this video the chemistry is a little off I think it’s got to be on this year I think he’s going to progress a little bit more I think he could have an outstanding season and show he could be one of the better I mean there’s so many good receivers in football one of the better guys and and then the prediction my beloved Saints the best team in the NFC South shocked the world and finished third in the division with a 6-1 record oo uh the offense continues to be average and the defense slightly above average so they’ll keep close in games just to lose by four or five most week so that’s kind of on branded last year like yeah close in losses barely lost let them slip away the more I’m talking when I’m making this video I think the defense will be a little bit like they were slightly above average last year I think they can be more than slight above average kind of get back on track their offense the consistency again I think the chemistry could click in the gear they could be you know Rush attack could they get predictable though are they just are they good enough that’s kind of the question of the offense uh Caleb Jackson Pro new offense coordinator should resurrect offense uh that car Carmichael murdered yeah and that’s kind of my that that’s kind of my thing maybe my I don’t know what I’m trying to say uh where I’m saying not so fast on where Saints fan Saints fans go and I understand it I understand it they go yeah the play calling and it was so bad last year they didn’t love what Carmichael did uh the offense needs to be more consistent so pretty much any new guy is great I understand that I understand that uh and they sh it should help the Run blocking the scheme there the running game should be consistent should be good it could be deadly at times those are positives but yeah it’s kind of my thing I’d say not so fast don’t like don’t get too optimistic cuz I I did not love Clint kubak but again he he learned from the ners he could be better um he could be a really good fit uh I I just I think it could be predictable I think it could be pretty predictable I thought Carmichael just had some random play calling like just really random and it was almost like backwards at times so kubak could be bad but in different ways we will see uh but I understand Saints fans being like optimistic about that it’s understandable receiver room can be much better than people expect with a and Shahed I mean they that’s the thing like if you think a la and Shahed what do you what do you think like if you’re getting specifically what type of receivers or where do they win the most it’s downfield home run threat speed deep ball tracking ability can take the top off the defense so defense is yeah defenses have to be worried about that they have to be sitting back a little bit and thinking about that the safeties but what this team should be is a they should be pounding the football and and they that’s what they’re gonna do I’m telling you that’s what they’re they’re gonna they’re going to run to open up the pass but they might pound the football to open up that deep shot that surprise deep shot so it really does stretch the defense out so maybe it’s uh maybe kubiak’s offense fits it maybe it’s just a good a perfect fit maybe he fits the Saints more than anybody there is because they with the three-headed running back they should be able to do his play his game and fuaga I think really fits that style maybe maybe they they fit so well that they’ll be able to pound the football very well and then they have those guys that just take you get those surprise deep shots to they open up the Play action pass so as much as I don’t really love kubak and I’m not super super optimistic or confident I’ll say it is a really good fit and it’s kind of made for kubak here um you know the the the play action should be really good it could end up being one of the better run play actions offense is more I think about it KH uh the tight end room is being held together by duct tape and safety depth um yeah Joan Johnson injured you know uh safy dep could be an issue with injury yeah I guess that’s a good point that we didn’t touch on too much here uh and then D Smith do the Saints actually commit to a re this is a really good take uh question I suppose commit to a rebuild if things go south early in the season they’ve been stuck you know they they kind of been that’s everyone everyone’s starting to realize now the Saints have kind of been stuck in this Loop you know where they you know they’re in the offseason they’re so they’re they’re so far in the negative in terms of cap and yeah they cleared everybody it’s a rule you have to clear but they can’t really do much and they have to like Kick the Can down the road more and um you know they they kind of just screw themselves over and over but they almost have no choice it’s kind of something they set themselves up in the in the past but yeah if they if it’s a really good point like if they really start the they’re it’s a really good point actually because what he mentions is if things go south early in the season early in the season so what what D Smith here Danny Smith is is basically saying is do they do something during the year with this and why I think that is actually I’m starting to think is a really good point something I didn’t think about either is because if you and well things have to go south if I don’t know how South they’ll go that’s kind of the flaw here like I don’t know how South they’ll go um and he did say if but if if they end up being decent not making the playoffs then boom they’re in the off season they have scheduled free agents so less guys that you can trade away you’re kind of stuck with some guys and then you’re kind of in a scramble like buy free agency we have to clear the space that we kind of screwed ourselves with we’re in a negative again they will we can see it they will be against as of right now um you know so then they’re kind of in a scramble and there’s not the only options is make Cuts you don’t want to make and restructure contracts but if they let’s say like like Danny here said if they struggle early in the year and I’m wondering if that could be a blessing in disguise because reality is are they going to win a Super Bowl probably not but I think they could be sneaky like we talked about more and more I’m realizing throughout this video but if they struggle and that the deadline they go let’s just have a fire sale let’s get what we can get I’ll take we’ll take anything at this point and this will really help our process in the off season let’s trade some guys let’s just do what we can do here let’s help as much as we can and then the off season they’ll they’ll still be in the negative because they’re in that much of a hole um when they dig themselves out maybe it won’t be as bad uh you know and they can just focus on hey uh we already decided to to kind of have a fire sale let’s just only get young cheap players and let’s focus on the future here and not just because they dig themselves out of the hole that they dug because they have to and they still make interesting decisions with spending money um you know so it is a really interesting talking point a really good point that about during the season everybody I think realizes the Saints are messing up kind of continuing to Kick the Can down the road and then making these judgments in the offseason but how about in season like he mentioned here so that really good really good take there really good comment uh we got a couple more Almighty Park uh Parks yep uh it’s a little small so I’m hard hard to read from back here monitors up there uh Chase young expectations yeah we touched on that it’s just which Chase young going to get Paul S Deo extension worth yeah because he was so good last year Big Time playmaker does he do it again uh is he consistent they have so many other Corners do they play just as good are are they going to be a fan of not paying big time money it’s a really good point too are they going to be a fan of not paying really like big time money because they have they they can find they no corners Well if Dennis Allen’s gone then you know maybe maybe not anymore but uh he knows Corners they’ve always drafted good Corners they can develop they know they know cornerbacks 100% um you know so do they yeah as the staff that kind of brings up is the staff going to be the same is going to be completely different staff uh and they’ve had their their patent and you know they’re the Twan under team the Saints have always under Dennis Allen they’ve always been the Twan under team you know so I’m starting this just mentioning adbo in his extension is bringing me it’s it’s causing more conversation here you know or do yeah do they feel that they don’t need it ex they can have guys step up where does Latimore go that was you know after this year what’s what’s the thoughts there because there was trade talks possibly during this offseason no more though at this point that I from what we’ve heard interesting stuff chimra contract dispute yeah I don’t think I don’t know what they’re going to do with him I don’t know if they want to give him any more money obviously and they kind of they have a good group of guys so it’d be interesting um a lot of the expectations yeah we touched on that Kool-Aid Kool-Aid playing time we kind of touched on that as well very curious to see that and then Tyson Wilson takes Spencer Rattler takes a starting job after the byee and shows a lot of promise is the future quarterback will Levis type situation yeah pretty interesting I see a lot of people actually think that it is a little bold because Rattler is he Pro ready the systems he came from and he kind of um yeah he’s a little inconsistent um but he was when we first saw him play at Oklahoma he like the flashes were unreal and he was a top recruit it’s like okay this guy’s going to be something so does just being in an NFL program like organization does it just kind of does a does a a switch flip you know I could definitely I could see it it’s a little bold right now but I could see it um you know and and I heard he’s matured a little bit because that was a big issue we’ve heard that throughout the process um could it be a will Levis and will Levis was a much better Prospect but um yeah could it be that type of situation does car get injured or does he struggle so I could see it for those reasons um they have Hanner as well but is he suspended for beginning of the season I think I remember that was interesting but um yeah it’s an interesting take there something to think about we’ll see if Rattler gets on the field this year or anytime in the near future but this was a good one this I like this I love the series I loved it I love it more than I thought I would but this video I really liked because we were kind of I kind of learn things about like kind of talking out loud about these things and what you guys have to say that’s why I love get getting you guys involved here um lot of fun lot of fun so hopefully people catch on to this series and it picks up a little bit more cuz I really enjoy it that’s that’s going to do it for this one if you want to join in on the action on X or on Twitter x/ Twitter links pin in the comments for that check out our sponsors liquid IV GLD shop code goat percentage off that’s going to do it for this one thanks for watching goodbye

New Orleans Saints: Key Storylines, Players To Watch and Biggest Games of 2024

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The Goat House NFL, 2024 NFL Draft

0:00 Storylines
12:33 Players
17:04 Games
18:53 Fans Takes

#NFL #Saints #WhoDat

  1. Definitely appreciate your take on my Saints, Rizz. I’ve had a problem or two in the past with some of what you have had to say about my boys, but when flowers are due, I’ll throw em. Definitely fair and concise take. I think a lot of folks are sleeping on the Saints and I for one am soooo looking forward to the season kicking off! I truly believe Klint replacing Carmichael is ALOT bigger than people think…My big games to watch are definitely the broncos game but also the Eagles as well as BOTH of the Falcons games. Call me delusional but I’m on record: 12 – 5 division champs! #WhoDat

  2. Quick note on the Chase Young contract. The contract is incentive based depending on how many games he plays, so that $13 million is not fully guaranteed

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