Houston Astros Are Targeting Vladimir Guerrero Jr! | Building The Trade For Vladdy.

Houston Astros Are Targeting Vladimir Guerrero Jr! | Building The Trade For Vladdy.

some very interesting news has come to light regarding the Houston Astros and their top Target at the deadline this guy Vladimir Guerrero JR this is I guess not surprising considering the Astros current situation at first base but we’re going to dig into this we’re going to dig into why yes this could happen well also go down the road why it might not happen we’ll look at what the trade would have to be and dive into this thing from all different angles make sure to leave your comment down below those of you that maybe want vlat vlat in the last day or two it’s out that he’s softening his stance on the Yankees and maybe clarifying what he was saying earlier because he was he said he would never play for the Yankees are things changing because maybe vat’s available or is he just talking and is this just talk we’re going to get into all of that again leave your comments down below be sure to leave a like if you enjoy your time here so it comes from Michael Schwab Astros riter the Astros have identified Vladimir Guerrero Jr as one of their top targets for a trade per sources it will take a lot to land a player like him who will be a free agent in 2026 but he would bring a big bat and solve the first base problem vlat on the Astros would be something right now the situation is this I me fangraphs has Mauricio duban as the first base obviously the plan was Jose Abu and that plan went down in flames Joey L profo I thought would get some first base reps they’re moving him around so ultimately first base is open and is an available spot for uh Pete Alonzo Edition maybe Vladimir Guerrero here any first base is now probably going to get lumped into trade talk trade rumors with the Houston Astros vlat in this lineup vlat with yordon Alvarez having those two back to back and if you think about the financial situation with the Houston Astros Alex bregman’s walking at the end of the year so the money is really no concern here Houston could get this done there’s really no Financial push back or hesitation I would imagine from that front office so what’s the trade got to be it’s got to be significant if you go on to baseball trade values right now it’s a joke I believe Vladimir Guerrero Jr has a $4 million value on that website and there’s been a lot of bad valuations lately from that website and that is one of the worst so we are going to completely disregard that situation so let’s put together the trade what’s it got to be Joey L peredo AJ blueb and Jake Bloss are my pieces that I want back I would want more but I understand that vlat is a free agent at the end of next year so nothing is guaranteed in terms of the longevity with vlat as a Houston Astro so we have to stop at some point but three Top 10 Prospects from the Astros Organization for Vlad adir Guerrero Jr is it too much is it not enough comment down below with your thoughts on this package Joey L profito is ready now blue ball and Bloss are two pitching prospects that you insert and would certainly be Top 10 Prospects in the Blue Jays organization an organization that needs more pitching depth and remain competitive in 2025 because if they’re trading vlat they’re not going to trade let we’ll get into that in just a second but here why yes why could this trade happen the Toronto Blue Jays I believe with how the season has gone are at a Crossroads and one of the casualties of that crossroads could be Vladimir Guerrero Jr or B bashet not both and if the return is significant enough if it is a strong enough package then they may entertain dealing one of them I don’t see them both going away because the Blue Jays and we’ll talk about it in the why no portion have some Financial uh motivation here but the Astros have a team that has bounced back so they are back in the picture you’ve got a need at first base you have a prospect farm system that can support and make it uh possible to get a deal done with the Toronto Blue Jays they have the pitching prospects they have a IAL player that can insert into the lineup right away and if again if you’re Toronto and you’re trying to remain competitive then you’re going to want pieces that are back ready soon not somebody that’s an aball or a 19-year-old or or anything of that nature I think you want players that are going to come back and going to help you relatively soon here so the Astros being aggressive there’s no again Financial issues here because bregman’s going to walk so there are are certainly enough reasons for a yeah this trade could happen but there’s also a significant amount of reasons why no vlat to Houston would not happen maybe the Houston Astros don’t Pony up with a package of that because they are viewing vlat similarly to baseball trade values and that’s going to kill a trade with anybody but this is more from the Toronto perspective the Blue Jays are not going to blow it up up I think there’s a lot of fan bases that fantasize over blowing it up and making all these talented players available but that’s not going to happen in the reason that’s not going to happen number one is they have a ton of players you’ve got gsman you’ve got peros you’ve got Basset you’ve got Springer you have multi-year contracts with significant dollars attached that you can’t get rid of all of those so you’re locked in there it kind of gives you an idea of what their thinking was for the window to compete that’s one element the other element is all of the renovations that this team has undergone with their with with Roger Center they have tried to turn that thing into a cash cow the last thing you can do after making that investment is take your product on the field and lessen it and turn it into an irrelevant ball Club because then no one’s coming out to your brand new renovated ballpark with all of your new hangout spots and bars and merch spots and that was a waste of money so from a bus bus standpoint they’re not going to do it and then also you have to think that the front office Ross Atkins Mark shyro might be on the hot seat do you want to trust Ross Atkins to make this trade or would you want to have the next guy if Ross Atkins is on the hot seat you may want the next guy to be the one that trades Vladimir Guerero Jr because that trade has a 3 to 5e implication and if the general manager who’s pulling the trigger on the the trade isn’t going to be there then why would you let him make that trade so there are several real strong ground reasons why no a trade like this would not happen but we can’t rule anything out we have been surprised before at the deadline comment down below let me know what you think is vlat going to get moved are the Astros a real Target to go and grab him Astros fans Jay’s fans would love to hear from you down below in the comment section that’s it for this one everybody I do appreciate you coming in and spending time with the channel ball cap Nation I salute you and as always if it’s low let it go and if it’s High Let It Fly I’ll catch you next time

The Astros want Vladimir Guerrero Jr, but is it possible? Why Yes, Why No & what the trade might have to look like.

#guerrerojr #astros #mlbtraderumors

  1. I listened a radio hit by this Schwab person and he was talking about how a return could consist of guys like McCormick, Jake Meyers & prospects. As a Jays fan my head would explode if I saw Chas McCormick or Jake Meyers + other stuff coming back. I agree that this current Jays front office would want MLB or near ready MLB talent back but fans would be livid dealing Vlad without any sort of blue chip/top 100 guy coming back. If I'm ownership, Ross Atkins is a goner & any move like this is for the next GM. The Astros system ain't it for a Vlad trade and I'd greatly prefer Bo being traded to the Dodgers who can offer far more compelling players.

  2. Please take Guerrero. One of the dumbest, most unable to learn from mistakes player in Blue Jay history. Houston fans can pull their hair out watching him.

  3. Not to take too much exception here, but Vladdy is on $19Mil/yr and the Astros only have ~ 7Mil before they break the second lux tax threshold THIS year. Unless Toronto eats $3mil extra of the salary this year it Crane an extra $2.8

  4. you really think Breggy is walking? I'd rather give em Chaz than Loperfido, or 2 top triple a players along with those pitchers. I think we have the means to do it without hurting ourselves in the future. Last time I saw Vlad play he seemed lackadaisical and kinda egocentric and ended up making stupid errors on defence and baserunning. Might go away with maturity and a championship team but that's why I'm 50/50 if the price is right.

  5. With all due respect, the proposed trade doesn’t make any sense for the Astros. Vlad has underperformed for the last two seasons, and the Astros are not about to part ways with their best young hitter. I think a vladdy for singleton, blubaugh and one of meyers or mcccormick is the most likely

  6. I don’t think a guy who’s produced over 4 war once in his career and over 3 war only twice who is 1.5 years away from UFA is worth these prospect with years of club control. The dude produced 2 war a year ago and he’s on pace for 3.8 this year. Plus he makes 20 mil. Nah. Y’all can keep him.

  7. I don't want a first baseman. I see Singleton as a good guy there. Dubon is able to cover it too. We won't trade Loperfido if we have 2 brain cells. Bregman is not leaving. He wants to be an Astro for life, by his own admission. He just wants to get paid and he will.

  8. Hope he does goes to the AssTrolls that’s a perfect fit for a cocky arrogant guy . even more reason to hate him even more going to a cheating team 🤣🤣

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