The Blue Jays have a MASSIVE decision to make…

The Blue Jays have a MASSIVE decision to make…

the Toronto Blue Jays have a massive decision to make when it comes to Vladimir Guerrero Jr and for us fans I think it’s pretty simple give the man what he wants and keep him in town because even though he said that he wants to be a blue jay for life you’re getting close to that danger zone now and he’s going to be a free agent after next season so the Jays are going to have to get something done real soon if they want to keep him around so we’ll have that and much more on this episode of Jay’s digest welcomeing everybody to Jay’s digest I’m your host Peter bionas alongside host Nick gos today we’re going to be talking about Vladimir Guerrero Jr and a potential extension that may be coming his way probably won’t be this season it may not even be next season but hopefully the Blue Jays can get something done to keep him in town because yeah we hear a lot of discourse about vlat and we tend to complain about him a lot but the truth is he is one of the better hitters in Major League Baseball and I know that he set the bar really high in 2021 and he hasn’t been able to get back to those numbers cuz they were Gody numbers they were the best numbers in baseball That season he hasn’t been able to reach those levels uh maybe he will he’s still only 25 years old but he hasn’t as of yet so there’s been a lot of expectation and a lot of disappointment amongst the fan base that he hasn’t been able to get back to that bar that he’s set in 2021 but I mean you look around Major League Baseball a lot of guys are struggling right now and there aren’t too many Superstar hitters I’m not letting vlat off the hook but I think he is heading in the right direction and the Blue Jays should reward him for it yeah he’s been mashing the baseball and he’s been the best statistic first baseman regarding offense in major league baseball this year and I don’t know an extension definitely needs to happen before we get into it a quick reminder hit the Subscribe button we’re on the road to 13,000 but Peter a lot of discussion and dialogue has been going on and before we get into some of the reports and speculation I just want to start with this and we talked about this off camera um this is going around Twitter it’s really I guess popping off in Jay’s Nation vlat was asked whether or not he would play for the Yankees and this dates back to when the kid asked last year the year before but if he played for the Yankees he would say never he changed his mind a little bit I guess he said I’m a worker I’m a professional I go out on the field to play looks like someone switched up fast on that question now Peter I don’t know if you have any thoughts on this I personally don’t think it’s a big deal obviously he said that to please the kid at the time a couple years ago and he said that he would never play for the Yankees he’s not going to sit out if he got traded to any team in baseball whether it’s the Yankees whether it’s the Orioles whether it’s any team so I don’t put too much stock into this but what I do know is that the Jays need to extend this man as soon as possible because he is on an upward trajectory again and he’s one of the best hitters like you mentioned he is the best hitter on the Bluejays and one of the best hitters in baseball uh even after his struggles the past couple years yeah well when when he’s hot we know his ability to carry an offense is is real and we’ve seen that happen before when he gets hot he’s is one of the best hitters in baseball and what what does a contract look like for vlat that’s what we have to go over here is it 300 million I don’t think so I don’t think he’s worth $300 million as a player because he’s not he’s a first baseman he doesn’t play a premium position it’s not like he’s a center fielder putting up seven wins above replacement on a yearly basis no that that’s not what he is he’s not a short stop that is hitting the way that he’s hitting no so I I think he’s a first baseman he’s going to get paid accordingly he’s not going to get that 300 $400 million contract that I’ve been seeing around Twitter I don’t know if anyone even thinks that that’s a possibility but I’ll shut that down I I don’t think I don’t think that’s going to happen but 200 million over the course of 10 years I think that’s probably a fair offer and that’s probably something that we could come to expect in terms of his next contract so I don’t know Nick it’s going to be interesting I don’t think he’s going to get paid as much as people tend to think but still the Blue Jays are going to have to cough up money because he still is a really good player even though he hasn’t reached those Heights that he said in 2021 yet yeah and there’s been some trade speculations we’ll get into an another video regarding him I don’t think they’re going to trade him at this point I just don’t see that as a realistic uh possibility and again with the Jay struggles is outlined by Ben Nicholson Smith here um they’ve been the most disappointing team arguably in 2024 and that doesn’t really help when it comes to an extension but here’s what I want to point out we touched on it briefly in yesterday’s video Peter but I want to throw this again this was asked a Week Ago by Ben or from uh pas ruy to bendus and Smith and he it was about an extension and he said his read right now is that by the end of this year they’re going to have neither extended Bo and Vlad have both said they’re open to it but aligning on years and dollars is hard enough when things are going great let alone when someone like Bo is performing Below career Norms don’t believe the sides have ever really been close we’ll see now I think and I think you agree with me here I think an extension for vat is way more likely than Bo bashet at this point at least for the end of this season who knows what happens in the offseason I don’t think a a bob bashed extension is imminent by any means there might be a higher chance of him getting traded than him getting extended at this point but regarding I mean Vladimir Guerrero Jr you mentioned it I could see him getting 250 to maybe 300 million depending on the market but again he doesn’t play a premium position even that’s pricey but the issue is if you’re the Blue Jays how much leverage do you really have here he and you mentioned how the MLB hitting is down you can see Ops plus with 100 being League average he is 30% better than League average this year and it goes to show not only his offense down around baseball but he’s done really well as of late putting up over an 800 Ops but 2022 was considered a down year because of how good he was in 2021 and I don’t think he gonna get back to a th000 LS I think he can get up to 900 over a full year if he really puts things together he’s still super young but I think an extension for him needs to happen I just don’t know what the number could be because you can make a case that vlat is going to be asking for 300 the Jays going to say you’re not a position uh that is of high value so we’ll do 200 and maybe they meet somewhere in the middle but there’s a reason an extension hasn’t been done yet and it’s clearly because of the dollarss yeah but I maybe he thinks he’s worth 300 million and I’m sure if other teams were able to offer him contracts at this current time they would not be offering 300 million he’s just he’s not worth that and it’s not because he’s a bad player he’s he’s a very good player and and I think he’s a big part of what the Blue Jays are trying to do here not only in the near future but in the distant future as well so I think he’s a big part of that but $300 million for a first baseman I I mean that’s that’s unheard of I’d have to look it up but Matt Olsen is not even making close to that and he put up what 40 over 50 home runs last season and he’s a gold glove caliber first baseman first baseman just don’t get paid that amount of money because there there are guys around baseball that can hit for power and you could just stick them at first base cuz they’re not good defensively it’s not a premium position if latty was a short stop like I mentioned earlier if he was uh playing Bose position and he was putting up the offensive numbers that he was putting up year and year out and he was an adequate Defender then we’re getting into 3400 million territory but I just don’t think we’re there so in terms of Leverage you I don’t know how much Leverage The Blue Jays have but I don’t know how many teams would be willing to go over that $200 million Mark which is still an astronomical amount for a first baseman who is a around the 800 Ops on a yearly basis so like it’s not Elite by any standards but the way that baseball and offense has been trending this year it has been really good 30% better than League average so I don’t know I think it’s the right time to pay them I think the Jays need to hang on to him but at the same time you don’t want to give him 3400 million that just doesn’t make sense yeah I’m very curious let us know in the comments what your contract prediction is for vlat yeah I tend to agree with you I I think 200 might be a sweet spot maybe even if you’re pushing at 225 at the most but it’s a first baseman yes he has unreal peripherals he’s one of the best hitters in baseball and if he can figure it out even more he can go back to his 2021 self but you can see the outs above average down there he’s having a pretty down defensive year but a lot of that’s because he plays first base and how much value you can find dh’s who play who can hit for power maybe not 800 Ops but 7 750 like they grow on trees not necessarily you can easily get them but $300 million is a so let us know what your thoughts are on that in the comments section down below yeah point one point here like he’s he’s making 19.9 this year so that’s right around 200 million over the course of 10 years I think fans are okay with him making $20 million a year I mean it’s OB again I’m never against a player getting paid you better in their pockets than the rich owners right but at the same time like I think if you overpay for him then you’re way over the luxury tax and the Blue Jays already have a really high payroll I just don’t know if they’ll be willing to go over that number and I don’t know if any team will to be honest yeah and if you’re vlat there’s some sense of security getting 10 years right now who knows how much offense is going to continue to drop whether the reason for that maybe it’s because the balls are less juice whether maybe it’s just pitchers are getting better we’re seeing Paul skines go out now throw 103 every single day so or every five days so let us know in the comments your thoughts on that what do you want to see him get I think uh we both agree around 200 million over 10 years something in that range would be uh at least good for the Jays and we’ll see what vlat thinks but thank you guys for watching see you soon

Nick Gosse and Peter Vryonis break down how the Toronto Blue Jays have a massive decision to make regarding Vladimir Guerrero Jr, and discuss reports revealing an extension may not be close.

Jays Digest is a YouTube Channel that covers all the latest news, trades, reports, and rumors regarding the Toronto Blue Jays. We provide comprehensive coverage on topics such as game highlights, player performances, and in-depth analysis of team strategies. Our channel features discussions on key players like Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Bo Bichette, George Springer, Alek Manoah, and José Berríos, as well as insights from Manager John Schneider and General Manager Ross Atkins. Stay tuned for all the exciting updates and engaging content on everything Blue Jays!

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  1. I think that getting rid of Vladdy would be a mistake. What the Jays need to do is surround him with some GOOD hitters that will take the pressure off him. He can then relax and just swing away.

  2. Hes gonna resign. 10 for 300 guarenteed they will give him..look at the contracts goin on now …thats change compared to what soto is gonna get.. vladdy br9ngs in fans.. they do love him and so he brings in money..hes marketable. Its a business before a sport

  3. 2021 was a career year for almost every body on the Jays for Semien for Teoscar for Vlad, Grichik , Bo Guriel Jr had a great year and so did springer but he got hurt Would not have it been great to keep that team together for another 4 -6 years because most of these players are not on the Jays anymore And all these players numbers have dropped since the 2021 lineup was broken up a bad decision by little ed rogers who knows nothing about baseball ,&Atkins Shapiro do not know much also to break this lineup Since these 3 f"d up the 2021 team they do not want to give long term 10 year contracts i think so the should trade vlad and Bo The Toronto Blue Jays have become the laughing stock of baseball because of little eddie rogers the owner who knows nothing about baseball and care about his team and how it is run . I wish Ed rogers would sell the team and quit using his baseball team as just a way to make money rather than instead he should put more emphasis caring about putting a competitive playoff team on the field

  4. Jays would be dumb to NOT trade Vlad … Horwitz is the better option at 1st and Jays would save 19million and get assets back for Vlad.
    Keeping Vlad would hurt the team.

  5. Thank god the Fans dont run the team, trade Guerrero, he is EASILY replacedable, if he actually played a position other than 1st base i would say sign him but he is NOT one of the best hitters in baseball, ridiculous. THIRTY SEVENTH in OPS. Jays are not trading him to the Yankees, trade Guerrero NOW before he starts to fold again. Jays fans are stupid. Guerrero wants over $300M, give him what he want right????

  6. Speaking as a person who played some 1st base. More put outs are made at first than any other position. Very important that you have a skilled person at that position. To me Vlad is an OK first baseman but he is still learning and makes way too many errors for my liking.

  7. Give Vlad what he wants? Nah, that'll be another Springer deal. I saw get rid of him and get some good prospects. I seriously doubt Bo will re-sign with the Jays, so I would send him to the Dodgers or whatever as well while he has more value. Just don't let Atkins make the deals.

  8. For sure keep him and ask him what is wrong with the team privately . Just look what we traded away in the last three years.. time to clean house with the office..

  9. Leverage his recent years underperformance and try to sign him a 8yr/$200mi deal between now and offseason. Trade Bo for two top prospects. Trade all rental players as well as Bassitt and Berrios. Retool the team for 2026.

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