Jury Rules NFL Owes $4 Billion In Sunday Ticket Antitrust Case [NFL will ‘certainly’ appeal]

Jury Rules NFL Owes $4 Billion In Sunday Ticket Antitrust Case [NFL will ‘certainly’ appeal]

  1. Sorry if this is editorialized to the point of rule breaking I just wanted to avoid getting hopes up that this is fully done already.

  2. Obvious ruling. They will just pay the fine and keep on with the google contract and send more people to watch illegal because its so expensive.

  3. I have a tough time imagining this surviving appeal, and even if it does the award will likely be substantially reduced.

  4. I have a fundamental lack of faith in the judiciary of this country to truly stick it to an entity like the NFL, but it’s nice at least this jury was trying to hold them accountable

  5. It’s the nfl’s product, aren’t they entitled to price it however they see fit? What am I missing?

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