Derek Carr MVP? 5 CRAZY Predictions for the New Orleans Saints in 2024 | Saints Now Reaction Video

Derek Carr MVP? 5 CRAZY Predictions for the New Orleans Saints in 2024 | Saints Now Reaction Video

five bold predictions for the new orans Saints in the 2024 season ladies and gentlemen we are here again trzy Trace has got me with his headline the clickbait has worked well done Trace if you’re watching which I know you are get in the comments below Trace five bold predictions I’m interested to see this very excited here before we get started get on down there below and you tell me your five bold predictions for the New Orleans Saints in the 2020 for season or just one prediction or two or three or whatever however many you got let me know down below and let’s get on to the video I can’t wait to see what these predictions are let’s get on with it and I’ll react as only I [Music] can oh where did where did this come from we where did the where did the pre-roll where did this part of the uh man I didn’t realize we had this part of the intro my God the NFL draft style Trace role in the football wow I mean what kind of a budget do they have over there at uh what is this chat now what is it called chat now sports chat now what what’s the name of the thing what is it Saints Now by chat sports that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s right all right that’s right that’s right okay welcome into Saints Now by chat sports as always I am your host Trace Gerard and it’s in today’s video we’re going to be getting into five bold predictions for the New Orleans Saints 2024 season and then at the end of the show I’m going to get some of your hot takes cuz I put out a post on Twitter yesterday and said hey give me a bold prediction for the New Orleans will we see will we see some of y’all in there who knows so I’m going to share what some of my followers had to trace is looking red the man might have been doing Wind Sprints getting fired up for this video say but I need your help Saints fans our most like video this month had 435 likes so let’s absolutely wipe the floor with that video let’s get to 500 in today’s just a little bit of backstory Saints now right now and you know the chat sports power rankings we are dead last in likes for the month of June so damn it you hate to you hate to admit it you hate to admit it man damn 32 out of 32 across the I mean think about how bad some of those channels must be like the chat sports like uh like the Cardinals Channel or something or the Panthers Channel or the Jaguars Channel or God like the fact that they had more likes not good I need your help show up show out let’s get to 500 likes and Hell let’s go and beat that number two un bu prediction number one I believe the Saints are not going to have one but two 1,000 yard wide receivers I believe that Chris and rash I think a lot of is I mean and this is of course barring injury I think he is pretty much guaranteed a th000 yards um the thing with this offense is that you would assume the Saints are going to spread the ball out pretty good Alvin cimo is going to have a absolute ton of catches Rashid Shahed is so interesting because he’s such a low volume guy like he’s the guy who’s going to have three catches for for 97 yards in a touchdown right like he’s never going to have you would think he’s never going to have like 11 catches for 90 yards like he’s too much of a big hit kind of guy which hurts when you’re trying to get a th000 yards at Perry is he going to somehow figure out a, yards I doubt it so I’d be kind of surprised to see this I would not be surprised to see a, yards for alive 700 for rasheid 700 for at Perry 600 for Alvin chimra yeah I would not be surprised if we spread it out across the entire team but two thousand yard receivers I don’t see it Shahed are due for a big Time season in the 2024 campaign for the New Orleans Saints now Chris olve he we know what he is he is a damn good player he can do it all he’s fast has excellent route running he can track down the ball incredible hands very nice Focus the player is amazing and worth every single piece of draft Capital it was worth or it took to get him now Rashid Shahed I think that this kid is truly something special and I think he is due for a massive breakout year I also think a lot of I think Rasheed will be used very differently I think you’re going to see him more on like jet sweeps you’re going to see him use more on on just all kind of stuff that wouldn’t necessarily lend itself to like the Trident or the or the old school like receiver stat so I I I mean I I think he’s good I like rashed Shahed but I just don’t know if the way he plays and the style and the offense and all that stuff really fits for a th000 yards and in first two years we have seen him utilized in a very minute way and I don’t think that he’s been utilized enough but in year two we did see him get used as a wide receiver and get some of those deep balls and get some of those big plays and I think that’s why Rashid Shahed could I mean he’s averaging like let’s see if I can do quick calculations here ladies and gentlemen but like if you look at his average what three catches a game not even right so that’s what I’m saying is that it’s hard to get the volume that you need for a th000 yards when you play the style Rashi he does even if you bumped it up to let’s say he doubled it let’s say he had six catches the game is that still enough for a thousand yards probably not so you know and this and this kind of goes back to what I always say is that just like with a team like a team like we use these flat numbers we use like a thousand yards we use 10 wins we use uh Super Bowl we like we use very flat metrics but there is an in between you have to most of the time players go through that in between before they get to that next step so if Rashid Shah is averaging three three receptions a game and you think he’s good like okay I think he is good I think he should do more no doubt about it but he has to graduate from three catches to six catches to seven to eight whatever and his yards will go up with that but to be like I’m projecting Rasheed Shahed to have triple his receptions that he’s had his entire career and all of a sudden go from a three receptions a game guy to a nine reception a game guy like when you start doing that it’s like okay you might be reaching you know saying like let’s like with Derek Carr right let’s say Derek Carr I don’t know the number but let’s say he’s averaged 4,000 yards in his career and let’s say his best year was or any quarterback not had to be car but let’s say he’s averages 4,000 yards a a season or chimra is a good example chimra actually is a good he’s never went over a th yards right in his career and people now are like oh I think he’ll do what CMC does I think he’ll have, 1400 yards rushing and it’s like well we got we got to break the thousand yard Mark before we can go from never breaking a, yards all the way to 1,400 you know that’s a huge leap so be careful when you’re projecting and you’re looking at like what should a player do that you’re not going getting ahead of your skis there and and I understand the Rashid Shah three reception per game thing isn’t perfect because I understand that he wasn’t always utilized the proper way and all that stuff but we’re just using that number for the argument but the argument still stands it’s still it’s still one of those things where it’s like he should be a bigger part of the offense but that doesn’t that doesn’t just mean a th000 yards because it’s a a nice flat number also be a 1,000 yard receiver this year alongside Chris olve now with big play olve for me we know he is a $1,000 wide proven that to be a wide receiver one and now he ability to train as the wide receiver one this is the first year with the New Orleans Saints where this entire offseason has been focused around him being the center of the receiving and the passing game so I think that this going to be really big for number 12 but for number 22 rashed Shahed is lightning in a bottle I mean I’ve been saying it since the day that he was signed as an undrafted free agent I have been so high on this kid and when you have the nothing against Trace but I cannot stand analysis like this like we just broke down the whole three receptions a game we just broke down all that stuff the way the offense runs like hit where he’ll be lined up whatever that is the way analysis needs to be I ammo saying why is he going to have a th000 yards he’s lightning in a bottle and and with plays regularly schemed up he can go crazy those two things can be true that he is lightning in a bottle and with regular schemed plays he can go crazy those can be true but that that can equal 700 yards that’s not telling me anything that’s going to get him to a, yards that’s just saying like he’s sweet why is he going to have a th000 yards he’s cool he’s dope we we know that like he has been sweet he has been dope he has been lightning in a bottle but he hasn’t had that yard so why like there is a numerical component to this why is the numbers going to increase you know it’s it like it it’s the same as playing Blackjack where you’re like you’re going to get 20 this you’re going to get 21 this hand why you’ve been counting cards no man I just have a feeling okay well I that means nothing to me now if someone says I’m counting cards and there’s whatever a 70% chance you get an Ace and a 65% chance you get a king I’m feeling real good about that that I’m feeling real good about the actual like the actual facts behind it I’m not feeling great at all about a guy on his 15th white russan telling me that he’s got a feeling you know the feeling might be that he’s blacking out the feeling might be that he’s he’s oding on on cream offensive mind of Clint kubak and you let him scheme up play specifically for Rasheed Shahed I mean I think that this kid could absolutely go crazy way better than he did with Pete carmichel and way better than a lot of a lot of NFL analysts and a lot of people are just not really you know giving him the credit for I think that he’s going to be really special this kid bold prediction number two I think that the New Orleans Saints defense is going to be spectacular and I think that the pass rush will be much more improved and I think that they’re going to finish top 10 in sack production this year last year they were tied for 28th with all right same same situation all right now you you’ve thrown a nice clean number out there 50 okay where are what what were the numbers last year I know he’s about to say it and then now you have to figure out okay where are the numbers coming from this year 34 sacks now this year I think it’s going to be a all right so he’s got to find 16 sacks he has to find 16 additional sacks very different story now Carl Granderson eight and a half sacks last year I think he’s going to be amazing in this season for the New Orleans Saints he has been showing a lot of growth each and every season and I think that this year he will really take over over Demario Davis the fact that a linebacker is top five in sack production pretty cool I I’m not going to knock it at all I mean he’s a damn good football player but I would like to see a little bit better production from the defensive line now rookie defensive tackle Brian breaze absolutely took over in his first year in the first game he logged half a sack and then in uh the Giants game he logged two sacks in this in this single game so I mean he had an absolutely outstanding year Tano pasho dealing with a little bit of an injury so we don’t know when he’s going to be able to return and Nathan Shepard also three sacks in the season last year but here’s the players that I’m calling out and not necessarily calling out in a bad way but I’m calling out to see what or what we can get out of them now Chase young if this guy can stay healthy I truly do believe this down to the depth of my core he can have double digit sacks can if Chase young has double digit sacks that would be huge I mean that would be nuts I mean you talk about one of the greatest signings ever is if he comes in former second overall pick 24 years old comes in immediately off neck surgery has a double digit sack season would be I’m assuming his career high like man that would be nice Jordan I’m not going to sit here and say he’s going to get 10 sacks but to say he can’t get six I think that that’s pretty crazy and I think that he you do also get into playing time now when you’re when you’re looking at Chase young Carl Granderson Cam Jordan fosy like all these players now it’s like okay they can’t all be on the field at the same time they can’t all be having 10 sacks they can’t all have you know all I me you know I guess technically they could but you know so we’ll be able to do that because he’s not I think cam will be better I mean 100% going to be the starting def he’s going to be able to take snaps off he’s going to be able to be used in the rotation and hell I think he’ll be lined up in the middle and on the interior as well Carl Granderson we already talked about him I want to see him absolutely dominate Brian breaze in year two we know he can Rush the pass and I want to see him do much better at that but I also want to see him stop the run at a better rate and Isaiah fosy just like Dennis Allen says I want to to see the kid cut it loose and I want to see what he’s capable of because he is I think this is possible I will say like I I think I think the Saints having over 50 sacks is is is possible I I don’t think this is crazy a talented football player in this defensive line is much more athletic they are much more talented and they have a lot more depth than they have in recent years and and I’m sorry if this hurts any feelings and if you disagree with me I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Cam Jordan will not be the starting defensive end it’s going to be Chase young Carl Granderson and I think that’s a good thing get younger get more athletic no doubt cam this is a much it’s good for cam too like cam can is more of a rotational player he doesn’t have to worry about holding up for an entire season like I think it’s better for everybody better defensive line than we’ve had in recent years so I’m excited to see what this team is capable of doing now I got some trivia for you Saints fans who ranks third all time in sacks for the New Orleans Saints we got the answer coming up later so if you need to take a quick step go ahead scroll on don’t look it up and don’t be lame and while you’re scrolling on down there it’s going to be linked in the comment section description of this video got to say thank Jesus Christ all right let me get let me get my notepad out all right we’ve got to all right what do we got to do ladies we got to we got to like the video because we got to get we got we can’t be last in likes okay so we got to like the video to get 500 then we have to do trivia time right we have to figure out what was the question who’s third all time in sax we got to do who’s third all time and sax and now I’ve got to go to Sky out thighs out and buy some chubby shorts jeez my day is packed Trace thanks to Chubbies for sponsoring today’s video and it’s summertime Saints fans so you know what that means the skies are out and the are out too to crack open a fresh bruski and make any day feel like a Saturday we about the front tuck code check mans mans went front tuck cont no belt front tuck no belt controversial yet Brave look is there anything I mean the thigh tats is it time to retire the thigh tats ladies and gentlemen it’s code CH ha A T to get 20% off when you visit chubby Chubbies makes clothes that make every moment like a vacation like I mean again ladies and gentlemen think what chat sports is asking this cat to do we had to do the spinning football intro we’re doing likes we’re doing trivia we’re doing ever and then they tell them hey man go get in the pool go put these Chubbies on and do a little pool modeling son get on out there they are working this man to wear jerseys they like to wear tuxedo T-shirts and like to wear golf polos but for me I like to rock chubby shorts swimsuits and shirts by the pool when I’m at the bar when I’m just kicking it back with the lads I hate I hate to I hate to you know rain on chub’s Parade but H&M their B their uh bathing suits same same same situation same length all that stuff very comfortable they’re like 10 bucks a short I have like eight different pairs so you know you don’t want to spend $60 on a bathing suit spend 10 bucks H&M’s where it’s at feeling extremely confident every step of the way they have the most comfortable shorts button- down shirts oh my God Ladi gentlemen there’s another full two minutes of Chubbies God okay B bold prediction number three Derek Carr I think it’s going to be a top 10 quarterback in terms of passing yards now last year he was not a top 10 quarterback but here’s where he ranked it yeah I need to know what 10 is what I need to know what 10 would be so he had 3,800 yards which is 13th I’m hopefully Chase will tell me what 10 was the NFL in terms of his production in completion percent he was number five I mean that it was a really really good he’s a smart decision maker there’s no doubt I mean he missed the whole game if you factor in like the half he missed here the half he missed there if you add that in he’s right around I would guess let’s just say 4,000 yards so where would 4,000 yards range about it in terms of the Yards just under 4,000 it was 13th so not quite top 10 I think that you can add a handful more about two 300 more yards just because of how much better this offensive system is going to be and how much better the talent is and the touchdowns were top 10 the interceptions they only at eight that was really really good in the passer rating he was top 10 there as well with a 97.7 and like I just said I think kubak system is going to cater to DC very specifically because he’s going to have more I mean I guess I’ll do it all right so number 10 was Trevor Lawrence with 4,016 so do we think Derek Carr can have 4,077 yards if everything rolls over yeah I think that’s totally possible I mean I think he could have had it he averaged 228 yards last year so we’re going to bust out the calculator again so if he had 3878 and then he you had 228 he’d have 4106 last year so 4106 would have put him at 9th so if he just replicates what he did last year and everyone else replicates what they did as well he’d be top 10 so I I don’t think there’s any I don’t think it’s crazy to say he’d be in the top 10 this year multiple reads there’s going to be a lot of pre- snap motion a lot of things that are going to confuse and deter the defense away from what the actual play is going or is running and on top of that they’re going to be running the ball a lot more and grounding the football so it’s going to take some pressure off of Derek Carr hopefully he can take but that also like if they’re going to be running the ball a lot more then you’d have to take yards away right so that which I don’t think is true but if you’re going to say they’re going to be running the ball a lot more which will take pressure off car you can’t also say he’s going to have more yards less hits and also hopefully the offensive line can play play a lot better because that in my opinion was the biggest issue that Derek Carr dealt with alongside a lot of different things I mean he had three different shoulders injuries two different concussions the offensive line last year was atrocious Pete carmichel I mean if you want to look up the statistics I encourage you to do it but trust me on this he was the worst play caller in the NFL cover that plenty of times it was not good and on top of that kind of goes back to the play calling but there was a lot of misuse of weapons a lot of not scheming up plays specifically for Rasheed Shahed or Crystal LA and sure there was some of those plays but it wasn’t happening enough you weren’t getting the ball to Alvin chimra in open space you weren’t utilizing Jimmy Graham in the red zone and I think that’s why in the Red Zone completion percentage you did struggle you weren’t utilizing the weapons that you had available the true prer rating was really good the pressured completion percent was really good the Deep ball completion percent was League average and I think that that could get even better when you scheme up plays for Rashid J and chryst la and at Perry to actually do what they are capable of doing and play into their skill set now I would assume I would assume the Deep ball attempts I would assume the kubak offense is probably pretty shorten that just the way the offense rolls I would guess San Francisco is probably pretty low in like deep ball completion since there are a lot of play action a lot of short you know lot of quick efficient routes I I don’t think they’re really trying to take the top of the defense that much so I don’t know that one I mean the completion percentage is one thing but I don’t think you can expect too many like deep balls both pred there are going to be some but I’m saying like I you know action number four I think New Orleans is actually going to go undefeated at home this season again if you guys didn’t want hot takes probably shouldn’t have clicked on this that’s a hot take right there video I told you I was bringing we be be we beat the Rams we beat the Browns both at home who else do we have at home in the Heat and we were going to have some okay here we go so we’re going to we are going to be dogs in at least three of these probably four of these depends on how you feel the Falcons game by week 10 we could probably flip that that that might go off take that one aside but we’re definitely going to be dogs against the Eagles we’re definitely going to be dogs against the Browns and the Rams so the other ones for sure like we should beat the Panthers we should beat the Broncos we should beat the Raiders we should beat the commanders we should split against the Bucks yeah I I agree with that so it’s just can we beat the Eagles I mean Eagles Browns Rams Falcons like running the table on those four one two three four five six seven eight I mean we have nine home games here so like if you go undefeated at home and this is another thing this is another part of this where if you’re saying the Saints are going to win nine home games and you also play the Giants you also play the Panthers on the road who are some other easy Road games we’ve got chargers you better be ready to say the Saints are going to win like 11 games and if that’s the case you better get on a plane and head to Las Vegas because right now the win total is seven and a half so if you think they’re going to just win nine home games you can make a pretty penny taking some alternate numbers or taking the Saints to win the NFC South and all that other stuff I that’s a is a bold prediction right here with this one so the home opponents that New Orleans will take on in 2024 it’s the Panthers the Eagles the Bucks and then because if you’re going to if you’re going to do this if you’re going to win nine games including games against the Eagles the Rams the Browns you’re definitely going to beat the Giants you’re definitely going to beat the Chargers so then it’s like well at the minimum You’re Expecting the Saints to go 11 and six that week seven matchup against Shawn pyton and the Denver Broncos and then the and really you should beat the Panthers on the road so you’re kind of saying like I think the Saints are gonna go 12 and five Falcons travel to you 10 and then in week 11 you have the Browns game you actually have a buy in week 12 and then in week 13 you take on the Rams week 15 it’s the commanders week 17 it’s the Raiders and I believe or not I believe there is nine home games and eight away games for New Orleans this year now I believe what I was trying to say there could be a couple of losses and I it would be naive for me and and ridiculous for me to not at least acknowledge that and so I will say this I think the Eagles that could be a talented team and they could be a good unit and I’d like the addition of saquon Barkley but I saw a very bad team at the end of last season so you know I’m going to kind of they did fire Matt Patricia so you have to factor that in as well roll with maybe it’s too early for them to really get things going and the Saints can get away with a win especially at the Dome and then at week 11 maybe that’s a game that this is an insane like segment because it’s like I think we’re going to go 9 and0 but here’s the possible losses and it’s half of the games like you’re telling me that like like in one breath you’re saying we’re going N9 and0 baby and the other side was like but let me let me just say this real quick we also could lose half of these so I mean there’s a big difference between 9 and0 and 5- four desan Watson isn’t playing maybe you’re going against jamus Winston maybe you’re going against Tyler Huntley who knows I think that that could be a possible loss cuz that defense is really really good but last time you played against Cleveland you went up there in the blizzard and you took down Cleveland at uh in Ohio the Rams last time you took them uh you took them on at home Chris absolutely dusted Jaylen Ramsey I was at that game and I think that the Saints every single time they play against the Rams at home have to kick the out of them purely because of the no call and I put an aster next to the Raiders not because I think that the Raiders will beat the Saints but if that’s if they get to a certain point in the season and the Saints are sitting some of their players you know maybe maybe the Raiders sneak away with the win and the Saints lose and I do believe the New Orleans Saints need to have that Dome field advantage they need to win this win games and I think they need to be uh be able to win over the fan base again and have the fan base be loud and proud now the answers to the trivia it was way it is kind of wild that the Saints have been pretty mediocre at home for a while now like even dipping into the Shawn Peyton era there was there was a while there where it’s like the Saints are 500 on the road I mean someone someone double check me like what is our what is our home record in the last let’s just say like six years someone double check me there but I bet it’s not as good as you think it is by the way over the last four seasons boom we’re 18 and 15 at home so not not really as good as you would think and that’s dipping into some you know into some Drew Brees there so 18 and 15 at home not very 40 uh are not as good as you would think I mean three games over 500 right and then if you go over the Last 5 Years uh you go 24 and 17 so that let’s see that fifth year if you add on the additional the 2019 like 2019 we were one two three four five we were five and three five and two five and two so that that definitely helps it out but but yeah over the last four seasons you know I mean 18 and 15 for for the D home field advantage being such a thing like that that’s tough I mean even when you are bad like even when you are a bad team even when you are not you know not even when you’re not good you’re supposed to win your home game Pat swilling with 76 and a half and Will Smith with 67.5 now if you got this correct let me know in the comments and also like the video and if you want more hit the thumbs up so we can do some more Last Prediction number let in the comments New Orleans Saints will win the n okay and they will number five win the South I think that I agree win a playoff game depends on the draw always depends on the situation but win the South I think is definitely possible win a playoff game I believe that they have the roster to do such a thing and I’m going to be honest this isn’t a knock on I mean it’s not really a knock this is a knock to every single NFC South team this is also praising every single NFC South team this is just as neutral as it guess not any team in the NFC South made a move that massively changes things for me there is not any team that improved the roster so drastically that really separates them from any other team shirk I agree I I think the Falcons the Saints and the Bucks are the exact same level they are all like B minus teams cousins is a big move but it’s the same thing as when Derek Carr came in and everyone was like it doesn’t really move the needle well if that’s what we’re saying about Derek Carr got to say the same about D about Kurt Cousins and on top of that I also think that the Saints they added Chase young sure but it’s yeah the Saints definitely got better like I do agree like everything kind of stayed the same the Saints got better so that’s good for the Saints not like that’s going to go and wi them a Super Bowl anything now here’s what I think that the playoffs could end up shaking out to be you know I understand if I said see this is what I’m talking about this is exactly what I’m talking about with it when it comes to that like okay suduku puzzle of putting stuff together if you think the Eagles are going to be the two seed then you think they’re going to win quite a few games but you also think the Saints are going to beat them you know like so you think the Saints are going to beat the two seed and the five seed throughout the season so if the Eagles are the two and they they’re they’ve won more games than the Lions the Eagles at that point are what what do you think they are like 12 and five yet one of the games they lose is against the Saints so it’s one of those things where it’s like can you simultaneously believe that the Eagles are the second best team in the NFC but the Saints beat them and went 9-0 in home games and if the Saints Go nine and0 in home games now this is the real suduku puzzle again this is why we’re on a different level if the Saints Go N9 and0 in home games and they win the NFC South how many wins do they have to have I would say probably probably somewhere in the neighborhood of like 11 or 12 if both things are true if you told me The Saints Go 9 and0 on the road because again ladies and gentlemen I’m I’m I’m going to this is a beautiful mind type stuff if the Saints are good enough to go 9 and0 at home and beat the two seed then they’re probably not going to go two and six on the road right they’re probably going to at least split the road games and go four- four so 9 plus four is now the Saints are a 13- win team but but they can’t be a 13- win team if they’re the four seed right because there’s no way that the Saints are 13 13 and four and they’re the four all right so this this kind of shows what I’m talking about where bold prediction number three or whatever it was does not jive with bold prediction number five of the Saints being the four seed so then you have to if you’re going to say there nine and I’m not not and to say like you’re going to go 9 and0 at home but you go four and four on the road is a crazy split that’s a crazy split right but still we’re going to say it just for the sake of this argument let’s say now that the Saints are what we say 13 and four right yeah 9 and four so they’re 13 and four all right so now if they’re 13 and four they’re probably the three seed but in order to do that now you have to have a bold prediction at the same Saints are going to be better than than the Lions do you really believe that do you really believe the Saints are going to be better than the Detroit Lions next year because then you have to do the puzzle of okay well damn if the Saints win 13 games how many games do I think the lions are going to win then you look at the Lions SKS you’re like well I I have to say 12 I guess and they’re going to win 12 games so sometimes you can get into trouble with these predictions like a lot of people do this where it’s like they’ll go through every every team’s schedule and they’ll be like and all of a sudden at the end of it it’s like well wait a minute you have every single team in the NFL winning 10 games like how’s that possible some team you can’t do that like the math ain’t math right this math ain’t math not math so bear in mind whenever you’re doing your bold predictions to make sure you’re double-checking your work crossing your eyes and dotting your te’s in this video the Saints win nine games at uh home then yeah they’ll have a or eight games at home no nine games at home excuse me then they’ll have a nine and eight record assuming they probably win a couple of away games will’ll probably be higher up in the rankings this is just purely you know a wild guess I think the Niners are a damn good team I think the Eagles will win the NFC East the Lions will win the NFC North once again and the Saints will take over the NFC South and I do believe that the Cowboys Packers and Rams will be those three Wild Card teams so that’s just a a guess and here we are sitting at the end of June just having a little bit of fun in the off SE season now it’s your turn for me Saints fans drop a pulled prediction in the comment section for the New Orleans Saints damn all right now we got to drop a I’m losing track of what I got to do here so I have to go in the comments and say if I got the trivia right after I already went in the comments to to give the trivia answer in the first place I’m going to I’m liking the video because of the like the 32nd ranked likes or whatever and now I have to go back into the comments and now I have to drop now I have to drop another bold prediction is that am I right did I miss anything my to-do list is insane 2024 season and we’re going to go through some of y’all’s here in just one second from Twitter but I want you to take advantage of the opportunity to share your thoughts in the comment section now Dylan Dobson thank you for responding to my tweet he gave me a quote tweet so shout out to you brother car takes kubak offense and puts himself in the MVP conversation leads the Saints to a division title and a playoff run I agree with the playoff run I agree with the division title I don’t know about the M MVP conversation cuz there’s still guys like Patrick Mahomes there’s still players like Joe burrow there’s still a lot of talented guys Josh Allen out there um I think that there’s a lot of really good players in the National Football League now if the Saints Go nine and0 at home and they win 13 games Derek Carr probably is in the MVP conversation that to be honest it would be hard Derek card would have to have the best season of his entire career and and I think that would be a big ask for him but you knows maybe that could be the case and if that is I would love to be wrong Saints first everyone says car is going to be a top 10 quarterback next year and we are going to the okay th this this isn’t crazy playoffs hey it’s what I said as well so Saints versus everyone I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts Matthew he says we win the division and are the number two seed see us get to at minimum the divisional round that would be the two seed we would automatically basically go to the divisional round right well with the new buy system and all that stuff but yeah if we’re the two seed again like if you’re the two seed like brother I mean you’re you’re one of the best teams in football you are you’re a 13 14 win team so yeah you better get to the divisional round what an angsty photo from Matthew here can you imagine the person had to take the photo like hey man take this picture of me okay are you going to face the camera n I’m going to line up my shot Corner Pocket pretty cool to see the New Orleans Saints have the number two seed in the playoffs it’s been a long time since New Orleans has made the post season I would love to see them not just make this I love it that cracks me up it’s been forever since the Saints have been in the playoffs cough c three years so you know postseason but have a prominent role in it and be a team to be that would be spectacular in my opinion so if that happens Matthew you and I are going to be celebrating on Bourbon Street hopefully you’re 21 Phoenix who pause of the century there Jesus says the Saints will be top 10 again in rushing attempts but will improve by one whole yard per carry going from 21 to top 12 possibly even top 10 I think that that’s a really good take there Phoenix Hoops um Clint kubak offense is going to be catered towards Derek Carr but I also think that with it being grounded and with him emphasizing the rushing attack it’s going to give guys like Alvin chimra a year two with Kendra Miller year one realistically of using Jamal Williams correctly I mean hell I think that the New Orleans Saints offense could be really really fun this year so guys if you want to get your there you go ladies and gentlemen the Bold five the top five predictions what a video what an absolute roller coaster Trace just took us on my God let me know in the comments below your I mean I I hate to even tell you to go in the comments because you’re I know you’re so busy I know you’re on I know you’re in the their other comment section I know you’re liking the video I know you’re doing all that stuff so uh if you find time in your day after doing the scavenger hunt that Trace just sent us on uh let me know your predictions down in the comments below thank you very much for watching I will see you in the next video

In this video James Skrmetta reacts to 5 bold predictions for the New Orleans Saints heading into the 2024 NFL season. New Orleans Saints news & rumors have been quiet but for today’s video Trace Girouard dives into 5 bold predictions for the Saints 2024 season. Derek Carr, Alvin Kamara, Chris Olave, Marshon Lattimore & Taysom Hill are being overlooked along with Klint Kubiak & Dennis Allen.

Here’s what Trace thinks will happen during the New Orleans Saints 2024 Season:
1: The Saints will have two 1,000 yard WR’s
2: The Saints will have 50 sacks & finish top 10 in production
3: Derek Carr will be top a top 10 QB in passing yards
4: New Orleans will be undefeated this season at home
5: The Saints will win the NFC South & win a playoff game

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NFL, New Orleans Saints, saints, james Skrmetta, reaction video, New Orleans Saints off season, saints minicamp, saints practice, Saints otas, Klint Kubiak, Klint Kubiak Saints, Derek carr Saints, New Orleans Saints reaction Video, Derek Carr MVP, Trace Girouard, Saints Now, Saints Now Chat Sports, nfl bold predictions, New Orleans Saints bold predictions

  1. You have to walk before you run. But there are Saints fans that think Olave will have 1,500 yards, Kamara will have 2,000 yards from scrimmage, Shaheed will have 1,000 yards. AT Perry will have 800 yards and 12TDs, Juwan Johnson and Dalin Holker will each have 500 yards and 5TDs. Jamaal Williams will bounce back for 500 yards and 7TDs, Kende Miller is going to breakout for 400 yards and 5TDs. It's just….insane. There aren't enough balls to go around. There aren't enough offensive snaps.

    And half the Saints fans think that will happen with Carr falling on his face and throwing for 2900 yards and 16TDs. They can't reconcile their adoration for some position players with their disdain for Carr. It's all so comical.

  2. A fairly reasonable way to calculate what Carrs yards would have been if he had completed those three games is to just look at what Winstons yards were. Carr had 3878 yards and Winston had 264 yards in relief. That totals 4142 yards, which would have ranked 7th. Winston fan club will claim Carr would have only thrown for 17 additional yards total in those three games. There is no absolute way to measure it, but be objective and fair it would have been in the 200-300 yard range.

    Also to be fair in 2023 passing yard rankings, that adjusted 7th place finish is still behind Purdy and Mahomes who both sat for a game, and just ahead of Stroud and Stafford who each missed two games and Lawrence who missed one game.

  3. When people make record predictions they tend to just throw out numbers rather than actually review the schedules….we live in a knee jerk reaction society.

    His bold predictions want to sound positive in one breath (9-0 at home! Division champ!) but then reserved and grounded in the next (4th seed)

  4. Oh man, I remember drinking Jager bombs for 14 hours straight at Harras Casino playing Texas hold em structure game I was so wasted yet could not go to sleep so I kept playing😂😂😂

  5. Peat didn't use his players correctly, so I expect Rasheed's numbers to significantly improve under Kubiak. So, we gotta wait and see, but he is the #2 receiver now so he could very well be correct.

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