Giants 100: A Night with Legends | New York Giants

Giants 100: A Night with Legends | New York Giants

[Applause] you know Eli I haven’t been this excited since I went to Disney World I know what you mean but this night it’s going to be more than magical it’s going to be elite oh I like that hey guys let keep it simple let’s go on there like a bunch of cran St come on [Music] go go Blue [Music] [Applause] welcome Giants fans to an evening with Legends presented by Verizon what a special evening we have for you as you celebrate 100 Years of New York Giants football but we want to really dive into the history of this franchise one of the pillar franchises of the National Football League is it embarks upon season 100 and no better person to Welcome to the stage right now than the president and CEO of the New York football Giants Mr John [Music] Mara John um as the fans made their way into the theater here at Madison Square Garden the history just jumped out with the Hall of Fame bus and the uniforms and you think about 1925 and when your grandfather purchased this franchise I know the fans have always been most important to the mara family what does this evening of celebration mean to you yeah you know what is amazing to me is the number of uh fans that have stayed so loyal to this franchise for so many years and I guarantee that many of the people out there are second and third generation uh fans and ticket haulers yeah and that is that is something that is not lost on us and that is something that we appreciate so much there there is no fan base in my opinion in all of sports that is as loyal as a New York Giant fan base after the years in the Polo Grounds uh the decision was made by um you know the family to take this opportunity to go to Yankee Stadium what did that mean for this franchise I think you know Yankee Stadium was bigger and and in much better condition than the polar Grounds was in those days and it really gave us a new identity and really for me the teams that we had from that first year in Yankee Stadium 1956 through the early 60s is what really set our identity and that’s when a lot of the people in this audience here and their fathers and maybe even grandfathers really became fans uh those teams with Frank gford and ya tile Charlie connly uh Sam Huff Andy rousell he so many great hall of famers that’s that that to me really made us an institution in New York and and really really set the franchise on on the proper course and then in 1991 the Tish family uh purchasing the other half of the New York Giants and with the Mars and the tises together the Giants have been to three Super Bowls and won two of them um what was that like what was that like in those early years because I remember you know Mr Tish and that’s the first thing he said to me it’s not Mr Tish it’s Bob call me Bob what I always appreciated about Bob was he he really helped us especially from a business point of view he made us a much more professionally run organization on the business side and I just was sad that that uh he was not able to be there for the 2007 Super Bowl he died three weeks after my father did uh so he wasn’t able to experience that he was he was there for the 2000 Super Bowl which is not such a happy memory uh for us but uh we really had a great relationship as I do now with with all the tish’s and Steve in particular yeah and uh obviously maybe one of the greatest wins in the history of giant stadium was the 2000 NFC Championship game 41 to nothing over the Vikings so that had be special for those two gentlemen who are business partners that that was special be standing on the field at the end of the game watching uh uh the fans celebrate probably many of you were were at that game that are in this audience and that that was a special moment Pro I think you’re right it was the our greatest win in Giants stadium John thank you so much John Mara I want to bring up a couple of co-hosts that uh grew up Giants fans uh our first person to bring up played for the New York Giants he won a Super Bowl for the Giants from Hillsboro New Jersey please welcome Shan [Applause] O’Hara and our next host who’s going to be with us throughout the course of the evening grew up in Freehold New Jersey was a DieHard Giants fan as a kid growing up you see him on NFL Network and fox boards please welcome Peter [Music] shreer so I got a question for you who is the Giants alltime leading scorer Sean who scored the most points in Giants history I’m gonna have to go with with Mr Mara’s favorite player Frank gford it’s a really good guess Peter who do you think is the alltime I think the guy that you block I think Tiki Ticky Barber Ticky Barber scored a lot of points ran for a lot of yards but you know what we have the Giants all-time leading scorer with us here tonight and it’s time to bring him out here on the stage in the course of his nine-year career with the Giants he scored 646 points he revolutionized the position as the first ever soccer style kicker in the NFL please welcome Pete goala Pete you come to the United States you go to Cornell I’m sure football wasn’t the thing you were thinking about when you were growing up I don’t think anybody was alive here when I played but oh there are guy but listen here’s the guy here’s the guy who has never seen an American football game up till age 15 was born in Eastern Europe came to this great country and and and the first time never heard of American football I turned the TV on and I saw L groa kicking straight on with his toe and I said to my father what a funny way to kick a football so I just kind of became obsessed and I know I could do this and uh it’s an easier way to approach and hit the ball and uh uh I think I should have patented it because everybody else is doing well Pete we want to thank you for being here with us the all-time leading scorer Pete goak thank you great to see you number [Music] three terrific fans keep it up Wellington marrow was so passionate about scouting and it’s kind of fitting because any great championship team happens when you draft well and that’ll be a theme throughout the course of the night Mr Mara was at the Forefront of scouting sometimes you’d be in the Press Box and they’d send things down on a line to get some information to the sideline now you see everybody with Microsoft surfaces and they’re looking at this and that he did it the old way he was ahead of his time Mr Mara certainly was uh with that said let’s bring out the general manager of the New York football Giants Mr Joe Shane and the head coach of the New York football Giants Mr Brian dable [Music] [Applause] [Music] Joe when you as you’re trying to now kind of change this defense right different scheme now with Shane Bowen how did that kind of change your approach to the draft this year yeah really the pass rush you know getting after the quarterback and that obviously um happened pre-draft with the acquisition of Brian Burns so when Shane came in yeah you know worked for Coach Parcels who’s who’s back there and you know a long time ago he said uh coaches come and go you know you got to draft good football players and you don’t want to pigeon hole into certain scheme so when Shane came in and uh some of the great Giants teams they had really good pass rush and you know I’ve got to know Ernie of Cory through this process and that’s a conversation that Ernie and I had as well so you know with Kavon Dexter in the addition of Brian Burns and I think Shane Bowen’s a really good coach and going to do a good job for us Joe coach D exciting let’s talk a little about just being a part of this history uh kind of and wrapping up and kicking off hundred seasons and kind of what it means to you guys yeah I I mean first of all it’s it’s a privilege and an honor to be in this position and and when you’re sitting backstage with you know coach barcels and Coach Coughlin you know two Super Bowl winning coaches yeah and then the the the mayor family the Tish family and you know the whole tradition in 1925 and you know the four Super Bowls and the other four championships see Banks back there and LT and Sims and makoni and all those guys um and then to the 2000 you know we see some of these players that have come by for training camp and and stray and and Eli and Tuck and and I can name all of them um but it’s certainly an honor and a privilege uh something that I don’t take lightly something that’s very important to me uh thank you to to the families the ownership families uh thank you to your fans uh we’re going to work our asses off to try to be as good as we can be this year I don’t know if I can say any better than that no he nailed it they uh ladies and gentlemen um Joe Shane the general manager Brian D the head coach thank you so much thank you all right let’s welcome uh a couple of the players from the current Giants team please welcome Bobby Oar it’s Kavon [Applause] timido all right Bobby and uh Kayon I’ll start with I’ll start with the same question for both of you what was it like knowing with this 100-year celebration of this story franchise to interact with all these people and meet some new ones for the first time yeah uh it was incredible uh I feel like I’m ready to play a football game right now um you know just hanging out with the likes of Harry Carson Lawrence Taylor uh Carl Banks Jason seahorn list goes on um those are giants Legends those are guys who you know have reached the Pinnacle of success in our league and it’s just very inspiring and I’m looking up to those guys how about for you Kayon when you got a guy like LT right now I just he we just kind of exchanged in the back and he’s like he’s like man how many sacks did you have last year and I’m like oh I had 11 and a half pretty good he’s like would you play three games and it’s like when you got those shoes to fill you have no choice but to be great so you know I got the greatest guys to look up to and now I just continue to set goals and accomplish them Fabio car Kon Ido to win championships you need that tremendous leadership and the New York Giants certainly have had that in their 100y year history please welcome to the stage coach Bill Parcels coach Tom coflin coach Parcels coach Coughlin to be around your former players uh here this evening what does it mean to you to see all these guys that gave so much for you to help this franchise win well you you know they’re the ones that gave the blood and you know they they represent a very special group of young men for me and did an awful lot for me personally for the organization for New York Giants football and uh they deserve that appreciation and I’ve always tried to give it back to them coach Coughlin what about for you when to see all those guys back there well it’s you know you you don’t you get used to seeing them every day okay and then all of a sudden you don’t get to see them at all so when you do see them it’s it’s wonderful it’s a it’s a whole different concept you know it’s it’s friend to friend that kind of thing they they maintain that coacht player a discipline I guess you’d call it but but it’s still uh it’s very very moving and the draft picks you know being able to bring those young players along and have them immerse in your program with veteran guys and George Young you know hit home runs throughout the 80s well that’s possible when you have good veteran guys when the veteran guys are going to accept the new ones to come in like they were accepted when they came in and that’s how I used to phrase it to them you know accept them like you were accepted coach Coughlin obviously you’re first year was ‘ 04 uh the Giants get Eli Manning so now you got your Cornerstone all these players start coming into the mix how did you bring it all together how’ they all come together when I walked in the locker room to be honest with you we had to change the I I I to we we we once we forgot about you know the individual stuff and thought about winning as a team then I think you know we we started to make progress 1990 Super Bowl 25 you’re the head coach he’s your wide receivers coach you’re playing the bills and now you get the ball to start the Third qu but there was a play in this drive in and about the 30 yd line of the Buffalo Bills if you don’t make it you’re kicking a field goal you go up one instead of going up five at that point which turned out to be the difference let’s take you back to Tampa Super Bowl 25 third and 13 1210 the score Buffalo third quarter hotep has the ball in the fap goes complete he’s got Ang for maybe a first down he’ll try to the 20 yes he got it what effort what effort he caught that ball at the 25 and got free of three separate tackles I didn’t think there was any chance to be able to do it a nice spin move a cut back great athletic play what were you thinking as you watched what Mark Ingram did and did that kind of signify what your team was all about I think if I was to be totally be honest with you we were trying to get something to get into field goal range to ensure the field goal possibility and we didn’t want to risk turning it over in in that area obviously so that short what we call ex shallow cross I think that was the name right that was the end of it yeah that was it did you show Ingram that move as the wide receiver coach if you get in trouble I worked it took me a long time to teach him the five broken tackles but but I was able to do it you both work for Mr Mara Wellington Mara um what was he like as a support system for you Bill it was the best he was one of the Patriarchs of this league he’s he was among the group of men that had the vision for this whole Enterprise of the NFL and he was always ready for next Sunday coach Coughlin you um work for both Mr Mara and Mr is and you had to navigate this football team through really an unparalleled situation Mr Mara passes away in the 2005 season and then Mr Tish passes away just a couple of weeks later what was the messaging to your team and how did you keep it all together because that team wound up going to the postseason that year as well well it was tremendous emotion I mean there was grief there was sorrow Mr maror and Mr Tish were both very close to the players and uh the way that that all came down for example with with Mr mea and the team was so determined that the rest of the nation would see how we felt about Mr Mera quite frankly it was a tremendous game for the Giants for the giant fans you know it was a 36 to nothing game 21 points I think in the first quarter I think I think uh Washington had 14 5 yards total offense we rushed it for over 2 250 I believe it was Mr marish kind of game this is it two of the greatest Giants of all time together the man that doesn’t know rules got a s you going to smoke it while you’re inside actually listen hey I’m listen he’s a good player he was a good player I had to listen I had to tell him one day look man listen there’s he listen he wants all he wants to do is so bombs every day you know 60 yard bombs 70 yard bombs and stuff and I’m saiding hey man there a guy 10 ft in front of you there open how about hitting that some so you know what he’s trying to tell you Peter is this any success I had is because of him Hey listen hey hey okay here we go yes I did I listen I hat I groomed him you know I mean listen and and he became he became a player 19 there going 85 no 84 give me more hope no a little more 84 well I killed it my rookie year what the hell you know let’s good your rookie year yeah I wasn’t there I no thank God and Coach Parcels you had a quarterback that was a two-time Super Bowl champion and he was the MVP of Super Bowl 21 please welcome Phil Sims so coach Coughlin wasn’t to be outdone he needed a quarterback as well and he had the two-time Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning now as both coaches talked about you got to have that veteran leadership and you know you need a captain and Coach Coughlin certainly had that in his final season going out as a Super Bowl champion a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Michael Strahan the captain Harry Carson one of the greatest players in the history of the National Football League Lawrence Taylor all right Phil being here with these two coaches to be a part of this night and this Giants history and to be a two-time Super Bowl champion what’s it been like for you this evening well first off to the fans out there I’m I’m just honored all of you showed up to celebrate this with all the players and coaches and it’s you know it never I think it we all dream about what we want to do in life I never thought my life and all my dreams ever were going to be this good and it so it’s been great to play all my years with the Giants with the fans Bill parcel said to me once he said a lot of things usually the first word was begin with an F but we won’t get into that I had to go home and check my birth certificate see my first name again with a p or an f f and Sims seven Sims but I’ll just say this too and I really mean this deep in my heart I say it all the time these two people right here changed the lives of so many men it’s unbelievable Eli for you being here celebrating 100 Years of the New York Giants is kind of odd in a sense right because it was in this room during the 2004 draft right here in this theater where the NFL draft used to be your name was called by the San Diego Chargers you don’t have to mention that we could skip that part I forgot that but as you get the news that you’re going to the Giants and Ernie ACC Cory negotiates this trade and the smile on your face knowing that you were going to the Giants and then to win two Super Bowls for this franchise sum up what this evening is like for you well it’s just unbelievable honor to be sitting on this stage legendary coaches legendary players guys who I grew up watching Phil Sims and Harry Carson Lawrence Taylor I mean I still remember playing Nintendo techmobile and being the New York Giants and LT was unblockable and he blocked every field goal so it’s a great strategy going against my brothers so I could maybe beat him for once but and to get to play with Michael strayan and help him win a Super Bowl so coming to New York was a was a dream come true and um you know I just I knew at the time talking to my dad just he would tell me about the New York Giants and he grew up watching the Giants and Charlie connly and their great teams and just what a great franchise they were and just of uh it’s been a blessing to play 16 years my entire career in New York to still be a part of the organization to be a part of this this storied franchise that’s not only been such a great part about New York but it’s been so important to the NFL and and Wellington Mar and what he did for this league and the game it’s just it’s been unbelievable to learn the history to be a part of it and to be on stage tonight’s just uh icing on the cake Michael here in the Pro Football Hall of Fame uh you were actually drafted in 1993 when Lawrence was still playing you broke his sack record as well uh which he laughs at that we we’ve had discussions about they’ll bring that up well you got to remember Lawrence’s rookie year sacks were not counted so you got oh I’ve heard that part and a lot more but I will say this it is it is absolutely it’s absolutely amazing to be here I mean I remember wearing a uniform that said the 75th year for the Giants now to be here for the hund um it’s special and it’s special to be here with all you fans to celebrate it because there is nothing like running out of that tunnel with the fans when you come out of that opening and you just see 880,000 Giants fans nothing like it and Eli said it he did 16 years you did 12 years I did 15 I did 15 you did 12 and you did how many 13 12 13 15 16 16 or 15 all with one team that doesn’t happen that doesn’t happen and I’ll never forget the first time Lawrence came into the locker room and I didn’t say you walked in it’s like he was on a conveyor belt you were Li to me it’s like you glided in like you weren’t even moving your legs and you were going across the room and and I’ll just never forget those moments that have um that have made my life what they are because without this organization Without You fans I’m not here none of us are here and I’m so eternally grateful that I’m back here for the 100th anniversary of the New York Giants Harry you were drafted in the uh in the mid-70s obviously there were some lean years but guiding these guys Along being part of that Cornerstone and then to end it uh you know in later part of your career to win that championship and go to the hall of fame um just talk a little bit about your journey and to be now part of the great history of the Giants Well when I uh was drafted to play with the Giants I didn’t know a whole lot about the Giants but I did know that there was a rich history behind uh the New York football Giants and those players who had played with the Giants that you know those names you you you hear those names and you remember like robust and I thought to myself I don’t know how long I’m going to play but I do know that if I do play I want to be mentioned in the same breath as those great players who preceded me and what I figured out with the Giants was you don’t necessarily have to be the best player on the field but but giant fans demand that you give your best all right but well I want to get Lawrence in here now cuz lawen a whole different idea right you come what what’s what’s going through your brain when you come here and and you get drafted by the Giants and you’re going to play for the the New York Giants when I uh sign with the Giants I consider myself a a good player all right and I remember doing the practices and things like that hey Bill parcel came to me and he says you know what he wanted a meeting he wanted a meeting with Harry Carson he wanted to meeting with Phil Sims he wanted me with all the uh the the big names on the team and he asked me to come to the meeting I said what the hell I’m come to a meeting I’m a rook at he said yeah because you showing another side of football because he said that I tried to show another side of football that Hey listen I’m going to hustle I’m going to do this I’m G to do that and so and I try to make a difference I had a crew Brad Van pel Brian Kelly and Harry Carson the crunch punch and listen we started crunching okay so I’m tell you if you want to give somebody the credit for me that man right there right and in right there perfect way to end the segment one of the greatest linebackers to ever play the sport one of the greatest Giants of all time Carl Banks a 100 Years of Giants football what’s that mean to you man this special um when I got the call I was like it took a minute for it to sink in CU I normally don’t get excited about a lot of things right I just take it all in stride but I’m like when you think about a 100 years I’m one of the greatest players in the history of this franchise it’s very special you know it’s interesting I was going through the history and it’s like they had LT they had Carson you get drafted third overall that’s a tough room to crack and yet immediately you became one of the most beloved Giants what’s your memories of those early years as a New York Giant so I didn’t have a choice so it’s a little known public story but my first day in the Giants locker room there’s Lawrence and Harry sitting on like containers outside the training room and I go I’m giggly I’m like hi Mr Carson hi Mr Taylor and Lawrence says what’s up homeboy cuz that’s his favorite s and Harry looked me straight in the eye and he says so what the hell are you going to do to get on the field and at that point I’m like okay this is real this is real and I’m going to have to show andove so Lawrence touched upon it a little bit as far as some of the guys that came before him and mention Brad Van Pelt who the Giants took in the 1973 draft in the second round well they decided to dip back into the linebacker pool in the 14th round and they took a guy at of Cal Lutheran who wound up playing 143 games for the New York football Giants please welcome Brian Kelly please welcome George Martin Lawrence um what’ you learn from that guy and what did you learn from this guy what did I learn from who well let’s start with George cuz I know it’s probably better absolutely nothing out way babe lt’s back he a great friend okay well he can’t tell [Laughter] me I I I will tell you this however I learned a hell of a lot from him as to what not to do yes wow oh boy very good point George I’m telling you honest the truth this I mean we set up and I’d call the defensive signal and we’d break the Huddle and i’ line up in my position and and all a sudden I hear and I look over in LT goes what do I do and I go you you rush the passer this happened almost every time after the Huddle the truth is coming out now all right we’re here from the defensive side of the ball what was it like going against these guys in practice every day how did you get anything done for everybody out there for all those years it was live almost every day with them I would hand the ball off and go oh my God thank God I’m not getting hit today but one guy that always wanted to hit me was Lawrence Taylor one day he just goes Sims just once and I said yeah I know but you can’t it was great let’s get some more of your teammates out here cuz we’re going to move into the80s um so this guy joined the Giants in 1984 spent five years with the Giants came from the Naval Academy and obviously very famous for waving a white towel Phil Maki please welcome Joe Maris Otis Anderson Mark Bavaro Carl Banks Otis you win Rookie of the Year with the Cardinals so you had to play against these guys and then miraculously in 1986 you get traded to these guys and then you on to be the Super Bowl MVP what was it like for you after playing against these guys For Those Years first of all uh-oh you bring me out you put me by the guys who chased me all my life you sitting me down Harry was one of the most intimidating linebackers I ever seen before in my life he used to tell me all the time that I would tip plays by looking where I was running I say no Harry I was looking where I thought you were going to be at then you got Brian Kelly line back in the middle if I ran from Harry I run it to him and if I didn’t run into him I’d see George and then at the end you get this young baby guy right here at the end chasing me so what did I do deserve to be sitting down here with all defensive players and you put Joe Mars back there you put Maki back there but I would prefer to been back there where I felt warm [Applause] all right from one MVP to another one Phil what was it like playing with these guys well it’s great you know everyone had a great role of course OJ great pass protector uh he had this thing he learned in St Louis when he was a play action pass he would go out when he was open what would you do OJ woooo and what’s really amazing when I heard it I just turn and throw it to him and Phil makoni very underrated as a receiver and you know I I always thought it he would run out on the field before the game and wave that Tow and I go man you know we don’t do that stuff on this team and I like and then I was close enough one day parcel’s goes all right Maki go out there and get him going let’s go so I didn’t know bill was telling you to do it but Joe Morris was the Workhorse for us in 1986 he wasn’t good he was great the whole year and Mark Bavaro I told Mark this yes we created passes that people copied in the league just throw it well here’s the story I’m watching a pra uh the preseason game against Pittsburgh Bill Parcels is in there and he goes Sims why didn’t you throw it to viaro and I said I got upset and I said I won’t say exactly what I said he’s covered and he goes Sims you just don’t understand when he’s covered he’s open and that just shows you how bad I understood it and really it it created this thing when he was covered I just would throw it he would turn and catch it go down and catch it whatever I wherever I threw it he was going to catch it and it was it was awesome so let Mark what you how’d you feel about that you were open even when you weren’t yes it wasn’t uh my job to throw me the ball that’s a great that’s a great l oh that’s the best a few words Bud he you know summed it up though the great champions of the New York football [Applause] Giants let’s bring in some of the guys that help create the foundation and carry on the Giants tradition please welcome Jason seahorn ammani tumer Tiki Barber I want to ask you about the four of you Jason ammani Tiki and Michael 2000 you guys are playing in the NFC Championship Game and most of these guys were there on the sideline a lot of these guys were in attendant the the greats that came before you what was it like to have that presence around you guys that lifted you to win an NFC championship and inspire you and understand the the history of what the New York Giants were all about I think understanding the history helps when you look at people on the sideline who are supporting you and showing up especially at those big moments cuz they’ve already done that like they’ve been there they’ve done that and so when you see the support from the people who set the foundation before you actually arrived supporting you it gives you a whole lot more confidence I actually got hurt the week before against the Eagles and I’m sitting on the the training table and Shawn Peyton comes up to me he was like I just watched the film home and I’ll tell you what you better get ready because we’re putting the ball up in the air and I remember just being so excited I had a swollen ankle and I did something to my knee and I remember I said coach I’m going be fine I gued off the table and I started hopping on with one leg I’m like coach I’m going be ready look at this and uh it was it was a it was a spectacular day and I’ll never forget LT and all the greats waving the white towels when we walked out it was like it was electric it I’ve never seen the stadium like that before and because of that I you know we destroyed you know the Vikings 41 and they still talk about that game they still talk about 41 donut up in Minnesota I’ll tell you that but um it was it was it was it was very special and uh I’ll never forget that that was the best home game I’ve ever I can ever remember the energy in that Stadium how about for you Tiki I played that game with a broken forearm and I did it against the Cowboys uh Philippi Sparks so you guys remember he hit me as I scored on the cowboy then at the Cowboys then and he broke my arm and I remember going and Ronnie Barnes and I had this conversation just a couple weeks ago uh Dr Warren came into the training room and like te we got to do surgery I’m your season’s done and I said doc that’s not a blanket option I I think this team can go far and so we came up with a novel solution they created this this um carbon graphite cast for me to wear so I played in the divisional round and ultimately in the championship game which I didn’t do anything in but I was able to play in the Super Bowl and I just remember man I’m going to get a chance to play in the Super Bowl I’m going to get a chance to do an iconic thing for this Giants team this fan base and you’re right ammani the crowd was Unreal that day oh and by the way this is one of the toughest players I’ve ever played with because when he did have that broken arm the next game he goes in and somebody’s going to tackle him and what did he do he forearmed him with a broken arm and I’m like Tiki bro what are you doing Tiki he was don’t let don’t let the smooth taste fool you this is a tough cat right here sometimes I’m smart a lot of times I’m stupid can I can I say something yes this team that went to superon 2000 I’m watching this we got to give it up for Jim fossil rest in peace to Jim F I mean he he was a he was a hell of a CO coach he was a hell of a coach and and we won Division Championship went to that Super Bowl with him and I know we didn’t win at all but he was a big part of like changing the I guess the culture of the organization and and yeah and he pushed them all into the all in the middle of the table I I think he was watching Kenny um what’s the name The Gambler Kenny Rogers and he got a little excited but but I think that inspired all of us what’s it been like being a Giants Legend you could have played for the Bengals you could have played for the Saints but a Giants Legend it’s different it’s a lot different especially in this town I mean I go to Madison Square Garden which is where we are right now I go to these Nick games I go to these sporting events I go anywhere really and there’s at least somebody that recognize me or I hear someone from a distance yelling Cruise or you know I haven’t paid for a meal in certain restaurants in quite some time like it’s just a beautiful thing you can’t have it be any other way and be born and raised in New Jersey just down the street over the bridge it’s a it’s a dream come true and every day I wake up I’m still living the dream let’s move on to that next era of Super Bowl champions please welcome Chris sne Victor Cruz Justin top and obviously like Phil you can’t get it done without a quarterback and two-time Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning is back with us all right Sean this is Sean you started right now these are your guys man what what made this group so special we’ll start with Super Bowl 42 that game played out the exact way we had it prepped all week long right that was exactly the way we practiced it we knew exactly how that was going to end up uh Eli why don’t you take us through the best play that I think we all can remember from that game yeah uh well first off I want to thank you and Chris for not blocking anybody on that play I mean what the hell what were yall doing that was coming sne you were in there like you didn’t honestly you did not tell one person and you’re just like I almost threw you the ball you were standing right in front of me you’re like looking at me like I’m open I’m like you’re not supposed to be doing this but you know and then um yeah we it worked up just like coach cin you know drew it up he said no one block any be anybody Eli be the great athlete that you are run around break a couple tackles and then throw it to Tyrese helmet in the Middle Field surrounded by three or four defensive players and uh it worked it worked [Applause] a amen amen now while we were doing all that on offense stray you guys were getting after a TB and and I I’ll never forget when coach cord came in on his Wednesday meeting you know he had his 25 keys to Victory um and by the end of the year it was like 50 Keys um but the number one thing he said is we’re going to hit Tom Brady we’re going to hit him on every single play spags talking to you guys about that too take us into that defensive meeting room and your guys mindset as you went against the number one offense in the league that year it was just one of those things where there one time in my career I can remember being on the field where all 11 guys were locked in like there are games you got two three four five at the most all 11 locked in and then on offense from what the how they performed they were locked in so it it was a special experience to be on the field and oh I didn’t get the Brady but then he’s on the ground and I look up and he’s getting up OC’s getting up you know the the Jay Jay’s get Alfred’s getting up Fred Robins is getting up Kaba Mitchell like everybody was hitting him so it was just a thing of confidence and they played us at the wrong time for them and the right time for us hey Justin I want to ask you this because um you know talk about that game and and all that but um what you learned from being around these guys and how that inspired you and helped you become a better player right so I’m going to tell you the nice Parts about straight handed one thing that he did for me was he allowed me to just watch him and that’s just been passed down in what it means to be a giant and as I’m sitting on this stage and I’m seeing all these Giants right that’s how what it’s always been about so when I came in I just watched him and no one outworked him everybody thinks Michael is this talented just Uber talented strong which is but the reason why Michael was Michael is because me and Osa used to have plots of trying to kick him out of the league am I lying no cuz you me to made song about kicking Michael straan out of the Le I want to hear it sing it for us long time ago no no no no no no I want you to show them how youed to tell me you going to kick me out the lead well I think this is where straight hand got that whole stump you out thing because me me and Osa used to walk behind him and just go like get out and and to be very honest with you we could never get rid of him can I can I left on his own can I tell them the response listen man it’s your show go ahead like like like LT told me in the back when he was right he said I gave you your job which he’s right when he retired and I told tuck I love you I still hate him to this day by the way but you will always be my backup as long as I decide to play [Laughter] football tuck likes to bust my balls about the you know the brother-in-law treatment you know Freddy and I had in 101 pass Pro but tell them tell them the though special in all seriousness special they made a lot of noises and didn’t do what but when we when we got when we practic we practiced we got after each other I think that’s what made us successful and we took pride and run the ball we really did moving the guy across from you against their Wills there’s no better feeling Victor what about for you I mean you weren’t drafted you’re a free agent you’re local guy and uh you know you got hurt you got hurt and you know 2011 you know you got a chance um dropped that third down pass in Washington in the open and next thing you know Brandon stokeley’s here and they’re thinking well maybe that could and then you got your chance against the Eagles when they had what they called like the Dream Team and you just shredded them and then the rest was history what was that Journey like for you uh it was it was actually incredible for me just to you know I had to just work hard to just Garner the respect of someone like Eli right I think you know stories like Eli calling me up in the off season prior to that year and it being a lockout and I was the only one local I was the only one that was able to come throw with him and now we end up in a dog park in Hoboken New Jersey throwing the ball around and uh shout out to Jersey everybody in here from New Jersey of course and but I think it was that early you know relationship and that early just conversation of him not only just throwing me footballs but giving me a piece of the offense telling me what’s what he liked in certain plays what he’s looking for and that kind of gave me a little bit of a head start so you fast forward to the Philadelphia game and now I’m looking around and I think I think I was the only guy that had been there that long and we had a couple injuries and I think coach was looking at me like all right we’re going to start you but don’t F this up okay and and uh I got in there and three catches and 100 yards later and two touchdowns you know the The Legend was born in the salsa dance later the legend was born Bob could I take a commercial break just for a second please I I think it’s it Bears making the statement because we’ talked about some of the injuries that we’ve had and had to overcome we’ve talked about some of the obstacles that we had to overcome and I think at this point it would be very appropriate to acknowledge the head trainer of the New York football ni Ronnie bar is sitting in the audience stand up stand up Ronnie Barnes Ronnie Barnes George that was a perfect way to end that segment on there’s been fan voting as we’ve tried to identify the greatest play in Giants history I mean how do you find a singular greatest play in a franchise that’s had 99 years of success and eight championships and so many Hall of Famers in those Buss you saw but as voted on by the fans and presented by uh hackin sack Meridian health let’s take a look at what has come down to the greatest play in the history of the New York football Giants 1714 fellas One touchdown we are world champion believe it and it will happen Giants down by four 1410 third and five from their own 44 youve got a stomach for high drama this is it doesn’t get any better than this Manny takes the snap back to throw Under Pressure avoids the rush and he’s going to fight out of it still fights out of it now throws it deep downfield Tyrie who makes the catch at the 22 Y Line what a play by Manning he eluded three shots and What A Catch by Tyrie with 58 seconds to go IE had Harrison all over him the ball was on his helmet but he got his other hand on it and pulled it in What A Catch by Tyreek what a play by the quarterback let’s welcome the man who not only made the catch but was also a pro bowler on special teams and caught a touchdown pass early in the fourth quarter to give the Giants the lead in that game please welcome David Tyrie [Applause] so David the fans have spoken how do it feel to have the greatest play in the history of a franchise about to celebrate its 100th year this is a dream come true and a and a dream that I couldn’t have dreamed myself to be amongst this amazing Legacy of the New York football Giants and I tell you when they wrote me that check for $27,000 man I was a Giants fan for life oh man boy Eli that that blocking story you told really showed in that video wow shut it Bob what were you doing sne wow as we mentioned at the beginning of the night the giant fans are the true Champions with the support of this franchise for now going on a hundred years and it is with great pleasure that I bring to the stage uh a man who served this country in World War II and on June the 5th he celebrated a few weeks ago his 100th birthday he has witnessed every New York Giant Championship started watching games uh you know in the polo grounds in Yankee Stadium he’s an American hero 100 years Young and the best giant fan out there please welcome from Middletown New York New leeze [Applause] well we hope you enjoyed this walk through the history of the New York football Giants as we Embark upon season 100 um wow and we’ve had so many great things that are lined up for you during the course of the Season kickoff weekend uh Hard Knocks coming out on July the 2nd the top 100 players in the history of the franchise the podcast will begin being released on July the 9th and we will countd down over 5,000 men have worn a New York Giants uniform we have put together an independent Blue Ribbon panel that is selected the top 100 players in the history of the Giants you can follow that all year long so for this great list of Champions Hall of Famers and once a giant always a giant New York Giants thank you so much for kicking off season 100 presented by Verizon w [Music]

Recap all of the excitement from the ‘Giants 100: A Night with Legends’ event in a condensed, one-hour special, presented by Verizon.

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