Behind the Colts: Episode 4 – “Everything That We’ve Built” | Visiting Michael Pittman Jr.’s Farm

Behind the Colts: Episode 4 – “Everything That We’ve Built” | Visiting Michael Pittman Jr.’s Farm

[Music] you just realize every day is not promised when I can get up and I can watch every single sunrise and every single Sunset doing these chores it’s just a humbling experience just being with these animals come here SPO it’s okay they act the same every single day so like you know what you’re going to get from them like you can count on them like it keeps everything steady for you right [Music] all right guys welcome to Pitman Farms I’m going to be giving you guys the ultimate farm [Music] tour daddy in the pooper scooper mobile firstly right here we have our horse pasture this is Galan Galan is a peran fian mix hey buddy yeah I don’t have any treats for you but it’s okay he is our dominant horse because in every what is it a pack of horses uh like there’s a dominant horse and and he’s the one and then over here is Hank Hank is a uh raining horse they’re curious with all the the camera equipment here when I was in California training in the offseason before I signed I asked my daughter where home is and she said Indiana right then and there like I knew like I was like well now I got to sign back we just decided that Indiana was going to be our home whether I ended up playing here or ended up going somewhere else like we knew that we needed a home base we like the family value and everything that Indiana has shown us like since we’ve been here like on day one everybody in the building I’ve just come to know and I just couldn’t like I just couldn’t like I just couldn’t leave because because everything that we built so my kids are hooers like doesn’t that make me one right like just like if your your your kids are born born there that makes you that right so all these cows are are pretty nice you got to watch out for Juniper she is the Big Orange cow not that she’s aggressive but she doesn’t like to be touched and she throws her horns around so um just be careful so these are all heers which are female cows so the brown one is latte the black and orange one is blue moon so this right here is the boss cow here and she needs her treats but look at these look at these guys or should I say gals all right all right here you guys can just here there you go they can just do that blue moon it like it actually was perfect because she came with the name Blue Moon and my daughter is a big Bluey fan so we call her Bluey actually and then latte she just looks like a cou of latte and Juniper also came with her name um that’s yeah it’s good yep like that’s good for the soul right there like sometimes I go in there and pick up horse poop like barehanded just kidding I don’t actually do that but I mean it’s just grass so it’s really not that bad let’s see these chickies are doing in here good morning Hank good morning Gan all right love you so we’ve been doing this ever since last year and and I feel like it really it really helped me like kind of perform throughout the season because like you go through highs and lows but every single morning I was getting up early I was feeding these animals I was watching the sunrise I was watching the sunset and it just makes you you grateful like I just love waking up and walking out those doors and seeing everything and you know the horses are out running around the cows are out grazing chickens are running around doing chicken things like like just like it’s just awesome so like it’s just the lifestyle that me and my wife chose and it’s definitely extra work but it doesn’t feel like work is my beautiful mower you know I get on here I put the ear muffs on and you know I get like this right here so I can’t hear nothing and I get the glasses going and I’m and I’m cruising see these go down so it’s a 96 in deck which allows me to cut roughly s Acres of grass in less than well in about an hour because my lawn’s pretty rough in places so I can’t just speed through all of it but I’ve never seen a farmer have a bad lawn so so I can’t be the first one but as you can see look look at this it’s just oh look at that like just like you just got to love that the nice even cut but next we’ll go over to what I call the petting zoo it’s not really a petting zoo like I don’t run a petting zoo but we have a lot of petting zoo style animals so it’s it’s that’s kind of what I call it so these are our two Great Pyrenees and the bigger one is goose the smaller one is duck this is Mr goat which is very creatively named right here so they’re actually fainting goats and and like they actually faint um Terren and purple and Merl are are running around here somewhere I get look see look look look at him look at him like he’s like about to faint and nobody even scared him what are you doing Mr goat Terren come here Terry no I didn’t say duck and Goose Terry where are you at buddy no don’t run for me I don’t know why they’re running they like usually they’re usually super chill like my like like they like my wife a lot more than me so Terren is at alpaca he actually just got recently cut um we cut his hair just clarify that so like we give him the the whole Desmond Patman look you know see fluff up top so for those of you that know who that is that’s des’s twin backs to throw going to take a shot down field for Michael Pitman Jr and he’s got the ball and his helmet came out Pitman the inforcer he’s he is a pretty mean guy he doesn’t want friends and he wants to beat you up and he likes to do it through playing football looks to hiss Pitman touchdown touchdown Michael Pitman b game and he’s just a mean guy and then Pitman off the field which is me currently I like to cut the grass I like to fish hunting and spend time with with my family so it’s almost like they’re two different people come on come on come here come here there we go so these are Jersey Giants the black ones are uh these are my favorite chickens uh because they’re so calm and uh they’re actually pretty small right now um they’re going to keep getting bigger like hence the name Jersey Giants it’s okay so chickens are one of my favorite animals just because they’re so funny oh hey you stopped that all right well she doesn’t want to be held so we’re going to put her down so and like they’re just funny to look at they’re little dinosaurs and like they’re just hilarious so like who doesn’t like a good chicken right this one’s blue this one is so this one is from our Easter egger and this is from our black copper morand and then sometimes we get green eggs from our Olive Egger but there’s one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 here’s another blue one 18 yeah there’s a little tiny one in here so that’s 18 eggs today and we basically just give them away to people at the facility so I I put them in the training room and anybody can come and grab them and this right here is SPO if you guys want to come around the front here all go in here with him Spike it’s okay buddy so Spike gets a little fired up sometimes come here Spike it’s okay so spike is still a baby Spike is only I think you better not we actually incubated him from an egg so he incubated for 55 days of waiting and I didn’t even know that he was going to hatch cuz I had had six Emu eggs and he and he was the only one to hatch okay okay stop it stop it you’re being bad you’re being bad in front of you’re you know you’re being bad in front of my friends when I just told you that you were good Emos can live up to 25 years so he is a long-term commitment for us an animal that we plan on having a long time he’s a good emu who’s a good emu who’s a good emu you are it’s kind of just just the way that we like to live good girl who’s a good girl who you good puppy oh you good puppy just being outdoors I feel like like it just brings you closer to Creation me being Christian like just like I’m like just like I feel like I’m strong like in my faith and being out here like I feel like you see God more all right we’re going to hop in the in the pooper scooper mobile this actually was full of horse poop this morning looks like my wife emptied it what a good wife do you want to hop in here so you don’t get stung so we have a beware bees sign back here but it looks like it got knocked down so all right we’re going to get out we’re going to do some be stuff so basically this is a smoker and what this does is it just kind of inhibits their ability to uh basically transmit instructions so oh yeah look at that bad boy so we’re just going to give a couple pumps in there let them know hey we’re here and we want to be friends so basically this is called a deep and this is a super so a very established Hive we have two deeps and two supers and you usually harvest the honey only from the supers because you want to leave the bees enough honey to make it through winter time so I won’t Harvest anything from the deeps as you can see there’s a little bit more bees in there and I have a marked Queen in this Hive these are Italian honeybees these bees do well here I uh check on them once every couple weeks cuz I don’t want to bother them uh but I do want to make sure that they’re doing good and there’s no other animals that are trying to get in right here this bee just got he’s absolutely faded now from the smoke steady steady steady so this is Charlie this is my sweet my sweet heart golden retriever she is my trained duck dog and this is her favorite thing to do she will do this all day steady steady steady steady steady I never really expected to have anything like this good job good job good job one day we’re like hey we’re just going to make Indiana our home base and we’re going to do it we did it and it’s been the best thing that I think we’ve ever done we’re just looking forward to what the future holds for this place and making it into its own like Slice of Heaven I guess so yeah so like we’re running a legit Farm here it’s just there’s there’s no income coming soon but the potential is there right

Join Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Michael Pittman Jr. for a guided tour of his family farm in Indiana.

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  1. I hope this young man takes the next step as the WR1 for the Colts and sticks around for his career (and after) with this team like Reggie Wayne does. Pass that knowledge and torch to the next generation after you, Pitt. Rooting for you. #GOCOLTS

  2. Faith, Family, Country, Team. I think Michael Pittman Jr is living right. Really glad he's on the Colts, and living in the heartland.

    Solid citizen, committed family man of God, solid football player. Look forward to the coming season, and wish him well.

    Great video, thank you.

    C A

  3. I was worried about him when his contract negotiations were up last off season. Just because I knew the Pittmans was a West Coast type of family but I'm happy to be dead wrong. Glad to have them here. This was definitely a surprise for sure.

  4. when Pitt was first drafted i had my doubts, being raised in southern cali, then having to live in Indiana. So happy i was wrong, You are 1000% a Hoosier, You might of been raised there. But your spirit is from the heartland

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