How early to expect Drake Maye to play | Greg Bedard Patriots Podcast

How early to expect Drake Maye to play | Greg Bedard Patriots Podcast

this is the Greg Bard Patriots podcast with Nick Cav everybody welcome into the Greg vidard Patriot podcast Greg vidard here Nick cattles is not here through no fault of his own um I am actually in the midst of baseball and softball travel ball hell this summer and uh where I am right now the WiFi is iffy at best and I just didn’t there was no chance that Nick and I would have a productive conversation um going back and forth so I will be doing this solo and uh we will be doing a straight mailbag off of my bsj member chat that I had uh earlier this week I think it hits on a lot of topics that probably a lot of you guys are worried about but first let me tell you this episode is brought to you by prize picks the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America download the app today and use code clns for a first deposit match up to 100 bucks pick more pick less it’s that easy prize picks they just alerted us they will have a free square that they would like to promote for the UFC 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guys that are just rare beasts that are the Elite of the elite that can kind of uh succeed in any sort of environment yeah I guess I mean but you look at guys like Patrick Mahomes he sat for a year you look at Troy Aman and pton Manning when they came into the league into tough situations and they barely won any games um their first year but as the talent around them got better as they got more experience um they got better I but I do think I think it’s a combination of both things I think that um you know normally when these quarterbacks go into situations um when they’re high draft picks it’s not a good situation and you couple that with the pressure to um sell something to the fan base a hope with a Young quarterback uh I think a lot of these guys get rushed into things where you know really you need to individually assess the quarterback you know where is he how far away is he from being a really good NFL quarterback and and don’t rush it I know the Temptation is there to rush it but I just think that’s the wrong thing uh the second question was you said in your podcast that you believe that wolf and Mayo have two years to show organizational Improvement if the Pats Rush May and put them in early wouldn’t that move up the clock and pressure on Wolf and Mayo wouldn’t it be in their best interest to give Mayo a full year footwork and processing development um yeah I agree with that um and that’s part of the reason why I think they’re going to take the conservative approach with may I think a lot of it will ultimately depend on what we see this summer summer in training camp I mean look you know I’m not going to Discount that all of a sudden May um with a lot of offseason work uh with the quarterback coach that he’s working with he’s he’ll have his marching orders from the Patriots that may hits training camp and makes rapid progression and if he does that I don’t rule I don’t completely rule it out him starting week one but but now if you read my column this week on the offensive line I think it would give you pause about you know rushing Drake May out there um too early I mean I I would rather see this team get set um there’s a bunch of other things especially the offensive line that need to be sorted out and I don’t want Drake May to be uh the guinea pig I don’t want him to be the test Tu baby for RI can cor 4 play left tackle can Kaden Wallace play right tackle can Michael wenu um play at the same level at Right Guard is City so any good can David Andrews um make the transition into this Zone blocking scheme or not I a lot of those things I don’t have big concerns about and I think it’s overblown and I think a lot of it is just um sort of talk show material um for us in this dead time um I think they’ll get sorted out um if Scott Peters is the offensive line coach that the Patriots think he is but um we’ll have to see on that um Jonathan Simons says if management somehow finds a way to fill left tackle and wide receiver positions uh with competent players which other positions could the team look at to upgrade to manage a winning season um first of all I think and and if any of you guys have been listening to me or reading me at bsj and especially in the member chats um you know that I pretty much quickly shoot down any sort of notion that the Patriots are going to land some sort of great left tackle at any point anytime soon there is a dir of good tackles in this league both tackles um you really need to develop them from within you need to have a plan very much like the Eagles have had where they keep drafting guys and even guys with you know you look at Jordan Milada who came in as a complete project and all of a sudden he’s one of the best left tackles of course they have um stoutland the the coach there who is one of the best offensive line coaches um in history and they allow him the time they give him people to work with and I think that’s that’s the way to go and so but back to the tackles teams teams are not giving up offensive tackles um even if for the reasons I laid out even if a guy maybe doesn’t immediately hit um they’re going to hold on to those guys because um because they could hit in the future and they don’t get much coaching in the college ranks it’s very much a developmental position you know I think the Patriots need to get into um The Habit very quickly of bringing in guys who have a chance to play left tackle in this league and just figuring it out developing them that’s you really need almost a offensive line University if you want to get ahead of the game um in the NFL right now um wide receiver also you know do I think they’re going to look to make a deal yeah probably at some point um you know there was a report that I know people like to talk about Brandon auk of the 49ers there was a report recently from Tom peliso that basically said they met and they they are they both sides feel good that they are working towards an extension you know the word that I get out of San Francisco is that Debo Samuel and all of his injuries and unreliability he’s the guy available um Brandon iuk is in the 49ers are going to hold on to him now T Higgins I don’t expect him to be available the Mike Brown the owner of the Bengals pretty much if you look at his history even if guys are squawking about a contract he takes it to the end and I think Higgins will be a free agent after the season um considering where the Patriots are right now I think probably the best case scenario for them is sort of get the program on on his tracks this year look for improvement play the young kids um at a variety of positions hopefully you make Improvement at the end of the year and then in the off season if they have a high pick look for tackle um they they are going to have money to spend again uh so maybe you look for the wide receiver and maybe now you overpay a little bit more I’d rather overpay for T Higgins than Calvin Ridley um I think Higgins is a true number one I think Ridley is um is a number two at best I mean I guess he could be a number one in certain situations but um that’s what I would look to do um Pat Jam uh our buddy over there uh asked uh this is sort of a long- winded question U but I think it’s I think it’s a good one Greg hey Greg would you consider a scenario similar to below as a positive season Pats have a good very good defense that is top five to seven in the league to keep them in most games they have an awful offense that is in the bottom three of the league for the first 12ish games with bad line play low points and inconsistent QB play we see some breakout games from pulk in May uh start by the second half of the season and by the last few games we see an offense that has a couple of breakout games with an offensive line that offers some consistency they only Win 4 to six games but the last three or four games look like a better potential to be a real NFL off offense versus the first 10 to 12 on offense but it’s it’s clear not nearly enough Talent on the roster um so a couple of different things about this question first of all if the Patriots win six games after winning four games last year and if it looks a if it looks like they’re on the upswing at the end of the year and especially if Drake May is involved and PK’s involved and there’s some stability on the offensive line yeah if they get the six win remember before this offseason and I had haven’t really changed yet we’ll see once we get to Camp but like sort of I want to see seven wins I want them to that’s that’s what I expect I don’t expect them to go back I I I I don’t think that’s that’s fair to anybody I thought the team was better than four wins last year and they had a lot of close games and a lot of turnovers and a lot of bad offense um if they can cut down on the turnovers and um be a little bit more productive on offense then yes they have a tougher schedule whatnot but six seven eight wins somewhere in there um I would consider that a um a better season but under that scenario that pass Jam lays out if it’s four wins again but the scenario that he’s laying out no it’s not a successful season to me um you know to me there’s no excuse for them not to be better I mean they have to be better a couple games better would be fine I guess six and 11 um but four and 13 again no no I don’t care what it looks like another four- win season is not a positive season um for me but I will withhold I will say depending on how Drake May looks um you know we can talk about that uh we’ll be back in just a second prize picks is America’s number one daily fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members prize picks is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks it’s just you against the numbers all you do is pick more or less on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in get in on a daily action with your friends and become part of the prize picks Community today you can 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good one from ryy un12 go Wildcats I think if the emergence of Keon white carries over from miniamp does it open up the possibility of him getting sub Rush opportunities outside he’d been projected previously as an interior rusher on passing downs but it seems like he’s been regularly disruptive so far this spring and would make and would such a move make judon Expendable so um interesting question um I do think that Keon white and we saw him almost exclusively outside during mini camp some of which well judon was there he was in and out but also OTA practices um I do think if they think Keon white is sort of a standup Leo type outside backer um strong side especially considering his strength that’s sort of what judon can do um I do think it would make them think um about moving Matthew judon um as we’ve previously discussed on here I do think On’s contract is an issue for him I don’t know how big of an issue he’s going to make out of it he’s already doing a good job with the pr spin on it but I do he wants to get paid more and um you know that will be interesting to see how they do that now here’s the thing about moving judon um one I think they would be they wouldn’t love to do that especially it’s Mayo’s first year the defense is his baby that sort of thing and you you look at it um you know as of right now on one side you basically have Anthony Jennings and Josh uch as a platoon um Jennings on early Downs uch as a pass rusher they could do the same thing on the other side remember last year before junon got hurt because he played so many snaps the year before the Patriots uh wouldn’t put them out there for every snap now as the game you know evolved they would do that as it got deeper into the game they would play him more but especially in early in games to limit the wear wear and tear on him they would bring judon um Off the Bench and I think we could see a scenario where Keon White’s playing the early Downs judon comes in and white slips inside as a sub rusher of course these are passing Downs that we’re talking about um you know that I think would make a lot of sense if you have um if you have judon Keon white Christian barmore Josh uch a sort of your sub rushers um I could see that um but I you know I do think Keon white ex excites me and what he’s able to do I think he he’s a he’s a phenomenal athlete and I think he does have a chance to do some real damage as an every down standup guy on the outside um judah’s not quite as effective as that but I’m sure they’ll have all sorts of different packages where they’re you know moving guys and it doesn’t really matter where you start you know because judon could be inside and then you know white crashes down and judon loops around we see all that stuff all the time um so but I do think in general I do think if Keon white continues on this path uh it could make judon Expendable sooner rather than later I mean maybe we get into a situation where uh by the trading deadline maybe the Patriots are sort of floundering and they get a chance to move judon for something in the future and just play White more but I would say the odds are probably slightly better that they stick as is they bump judon up a little bit more and uh they see what they have on defense with all those guys uh Strange Brew 17 says do you think that Amari Cooper could be a possibility Pats money and coaching staff familiarity that could make it work he could be a one for now while the Pats develop the offense do you think wolf makes the call a call um interesting um I am not an Amari Cooper guy um I don’t think he’s that tough when he was in Dallas he would tap out of games late if you remember a Patriots game here um yeah at Gillette they um Cooper wasn’t out there at the end of the game when the Cowboys I think were trying trying to either finish off the game or come back I forget but and he also has a reputation for not liking the cold weather um but look that’s what I think um I’m certainly not the end all Beall and guys like Alex Van Pelt and then the old Cleveland guys and Elliot wolf I don’t know if he was there when they got Cooper but let’s just take Alex vanel will certainly have an opinion on Amari Cooper it might be different than mine I’m not sure but if he’s available which he could be I mean I guess we’ll know pretty quickly because if if Cooper if they think Cooper does have that chance to help them on the outside then you know then they would do that if Alex velt really likes Cooper um we’ll have to see on that but the the other thing you have to remember about this regime especially Elliot wolf is you know coming from the way the Packers do things they would rather they would rather play the kids and have them learn on the Fly and be better a two you know a year from now two years from now than bring in some you know productive but you know could be trending downward veteran guy that that plays in front of those players so that’s something you also have to keep in mind um and related to that Mark Bennett if the top end for the Patriots this year is eight wins and no playoffs does it make any sense to sign an older veteran especially if the price is much above the minimum um again you know not really in terms of his question um that’s the wolf approach like you know why why bring in veterans why spend the money why curtail the development of some of your younger players if um the Patriots really aren’t going anywhere this year it’s really to me it’s about 2025 and to make decisions let kids play see if they have let them learn on the Fly let them improve and then hit the ground running in 2025 why put a aging veteran who’s probably cost a lot more that is costing you say um your financial package to a t Higgins a year from now um you know why do that um let’s see um BH Saunders asked the Pats resigned everybody how much of that is because one they had a lot of cap space and needed to spend two no one else wanted their guys three they are legitimately premium players and Des deserving of their contracts are for the Pats overpaid to create a new culture to the extent that it’s for the motivation is self- serving in that this new regime could quickly see its credibility collapse with a losing program okay um couple things to straighten out number one the Patriots didn’t need to spend um I mistakenly said that for a while um I know you know like Mike felger also said that um somebody one of the members on here on bsj actually corrected me and he was correct I didn’t realize this I thought it was a true up every year in terms of how much you have to spend or at least you know if you didn’t spend a lot the previous year then you have to spend more the next year I figured the union would have put that in they did not in fact it’s a three-year window which just ended uh where you have to hit the 90% threshold and so the Patriots are starting this is a new three-year cycle so they don’t have to spend anything this year now by the end of three years the average needs to be 90% um maybe they’re expecting to you know spend a lot next year but also let’s point out the Patriots have spent a lot of money this year um yes it’s on their own guys um I’m just looking up um NFL ca cash spending uh let’s see if it comes up on my crappy internet but um the Patriots have first of all they’ve they’ve over we’ve talked about the Patriots being a cash to cap team which basically is like their budget is what the cap is and I think the cap this year was 225 million um the Patriots have spent over that um this year in terms of cash spending the Patriots are 11th they’ve spent $285 million this year only 3.6 million of that is dead cap um so the Patriots have spent this year Philly has spent 345 million um which is about uh I don’t know I’m not good at math um but about 50 million 60 million more than the Patriots um so let me point that out um and number [Music] two I don’t think it was because no one else wanted their guys I don’t think that that is in fact correct I think all the players that they paid have some value out there um a lot of value in a lot of um cases um I think it’s a split between three and four I I don’t disagree with them spending on any of the guys that they did they are guys that have been in the program they do the right things um but I do think it it is sort of starting off the the Mayo regime on the right foot um you know this certainly has its pitfalls about like if you pay pay player x a certain amount what’s player y going to think and I do think that they maybe the Patriots I don’t know if they’ve been surprised by it but they have gotten blowback internally on the Christian barmore contract and um it’s going to be interesting to see how they go forward um with that uh let’s see tukar says proposal to get auk again I don’t think he’s available um as we can’t give the first I think he’s talking about the first round pick next year which could be top 10 how about a sec a two and judon judon isn’t in our long-term plans judon adds to a d on a team trying to win a Super Bowl and on a short-term deal which probably fits their timeline um I do like it I if you’re including judon I’m hoping more for like a three um remember if you were able to get iuk which I don’t think he’s available um you’re still going to have to pay him a crap ton of money so it’s not only it’s not only what you’re you’re giving up finan uh giving up as a trade but it’s what you’re you’re giving up financially so you’re playing you’re you’re giving them a third round pick and a Bonafide NFL pass rusher and you’re gonna pay a wide receiver $30 million a year that’s a lot that’s a lot as far as compensation um let me tell you about our friends over at game time who doesn’t love going to an MLB game during the summer especially with the Red Sox turning things around the ballpark has always been home to me and my family and we’ll definitely get there at some point and we’ll use game time to get us there game 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Time download the game time app create an account and use code clns for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account and redeem code clns for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed a couple more to finish off um this is a good question from uh Texas New England fan what can the staff possibly see in shorts and shells to feel good about a left tackle no disrespect to chukes but how are they sold told that he can play there when he hasn’t lined up at L at left tackle since College um it’s a good point by TCH it’s a fair point um all I can tell you is that’s the information that I’m getting from inside I do think I have liked what I’ve seen out of aore 4 in practice he certainly looks the part he moves well he’s a smart guy um seems to me that you know he could be a solid left tackle that’s all I’m really looking for at this point while the Patriots possibly develop um a left tackle of the future whether that gu’s currently on the roster or not um but I do think it’s fair to ask and it’s fair to point out like the Patriots could be um you know involved in you know self-deception illusion a self maybe a little delusion that they look this is what they did did this is the guy that the front office identified um they could just be very optimistic optimistic and and wishing that this is going to happen and it might not and um I think I I wrote this this week when I talked about the offensive line and what’s going on and some of the some of the worries um you know I’ve seen plenty of guys who have looked great in shorts and then all of a sudden the pads come on and you know they’re not as tough and um they tap out a little bit and you know really it’s about it’s about toughness and physical toughness and you know sure aor for moves well right now and looks the part but the pad could get on and Keon White’s kicking his ass and Matthew judah’s um chugging him in the chest and he’s getting he’s getting beaten down um it could be certainly something different and so that’s why you can’t tell anything till the pads go on you got to take some of the stuff we’re hearing internally with a grain of salt but um yeah I think we’re uh I think the jury is still very much uh out um Laura uh from the old site H Greg do you think the efficiency with which Mayo runs training camp prac say may be an early sign of his capacity to handle the head coaching job um I do I look I I’ve seen worse practices um I just don’t think they’re hugely efficient but then again I don’t know what Gerard Mayo’s aim is in terms of what he’s trying to develop I I don’t think they were very efficient I think they you know a lot of times we would have seen the Patriots doing you know double barrel on two practice fields like you know getting Reps for a bunch of people instead of just on one field and there’s you know 45 there’s like 60 people standing around you know watching um you know but maybe they just wanted to set a certain tone uh I’m not sure I’m definitely keeping an open mind um but yeah I’m a little bit worried about it we’ll have to see how training camp goes and uh we’ll go from there I think that’s going to wrap it up everybody um thanks for tuning in um I think Nick and I will be back on um Friday to talk about some things and uh CU I will be back in town and uh make sure you go over to prize picks and use the code clns for first deposit match up to 100 bucks get in on that UFC special and also uh Game Time download the game time app use code clns for $20 off your first purchase last minutes tickets lowest price guaranteed thanks everybody and we will see you soon [Music] [Music]

In this episode of the Greg Bedard Patriots podcast, Greg rifles through some BSJ member questions that touched on why QBs fail, playing Drake Maye earlier than expected, options at LT and WR via trade, what would be a successful season, and much more!

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