he n he e he he he e he what’s up NBA draft fans I’m John waserman lead NBA draft analyst for Bleacher Report we’re here for the first ever day two of the NBA draft first time we’ve ever done a second round on a different day than the first round we’re going to find out on the Fly how this is going to work if it’s a good idea or not I think for the teams they’re probably a little bit happy about this they have more time to make decisions more time to think about trades and make phone calls and talk with their front office and Scouts and stuff so I’d imagine from a team aspect this is beneficial but we’ll see how this plays out it’s going to be interesting and obviously yesterday was was super interesting and just looking at some of the players we have still on the board here Kyle filipowski most people projected him first round throughout the year if you looked at my latest mock draft I did have him projected to go in the second round Tyler Smith same deal I think Johnny Fury was probably the most the biggest surprise in terms of consensus everyone seemed to have him uh in the first round a green room invite and then from from there on I guess Tyler KCK is somebody I think people thought would go first round as well but after that it’s uh you know it’s it’s it’s wild um my big board is very different than other teams and that was pretty evident by how the draft went yesterday so who knows how this is going to go um still a lot of very interesting players on the board and ways for teams to improve their roster and by the way if you’re in the room right now if you’re listening you are a clear real one or draft fan or your team really needs some value here who should go 31 who’s gonna be the first pick of the second round I think to me I mean Kyle filipowski is uh an obvious best player available are there other reasons to why he SLI that we may not know about I’m not sure Tyler KCK I mean I have a Dem Bona a top my mock draft board is somebody I would imagine would interest the Toronto Raptors but you know this is an interesting part of the draft where you have to decide do we take the best player available do we take it player who we think is going to fit what we need also usually in the second round you know the hit rate starts to drop so there’s no guarantees with a lot of these guys this is where the scouting really comes into play and uh you know front offices always tell me like everybody kind of knows who the top prospects are going to be the reason why they hire these these Scouts and and uh put a lot of value in their scouting department is for right now for what we’re about to see over the next couple hours and so Philip hsky right now the biggest name I think on the board not just based on projections throughout the year but a two-year guy a Duke a five-star recruit he was sitting there left in the Green Room it was a little uncomfortable I’d say if there’s one negative of this day two event is that you got guys who show up for four hours dressed up beautifully looking clean and they’re sitting there by themselves and and the program ends and they don’t have a team to go to so that was a little bit uncomfortable a little bit unfortunate um of course it’s impossible to predict how it’s going to play out Johnny Fury as well I mean he was such a hot he was a hot name so let’s go back and and just kind of recap what we saw yesterday day one surprises I said I think uh Jad Greenberg asked me right before we got off air he goes what’s going to be you know the big takeaway from day one and I said it’s going to be the fact that what’s going to happen is not going to look anything like anyone’s mock draft boards and I think it starts here at number five with Ron Holland now if you’ve been listening to anything I’ve said over the last month Ron Holland’s my top guy on the board however that’s not what anybody else was saying and so there was a lot of Buzz I was getting ton of text messages that Ron Holland is slipping down the board and Detroit kind of played this very sneaky nobody had any idea they were going to take Ron Holland and they were very secretive on purpose 1 two 3 4 played out just the way I project Eed it others projected it Reay one SAR 2 to Washington Reed Shepard to Houston assuming they were going to keep their pick which they did Stefan Castle to San Antonio and then Rod Holland was the big first Domino that kind of created this effect down the board and and then we go to number six tjon Salon being picked before Donovan kingham I mean that that was not on my bingo card that’s not something I don’t think anybody could have predicted then still you know a day later I’m still trying to process the decision- making there and of course you know pre-draft everyone has confident takes we’ll find out in three years whether that was the right pick or not but that was certainly You could argue maybe the biggest surprise for me in terms of lottery picks and Order and guys going before where kingham was like the hottest name of this pre-draft conversation in the conversation at number one even though I knew that was never going to be the case but there was interest with Atlanta maybe to trade down a couple picks but I assume maybe a team would have taken kingham earlier held him hostage and say somebody come up and trade for me then we get Rob Dillingham going number eight to San Antonio first off San Antonio just trading out you know overall not even looking for anything back until 2031 I mean we’re going to be different people in 2031 and so they were clearly just looking to get out and maybe save some cap room to signs of free agents by the way I love Dillingham in Minnesota that’s that’s one of my favorite fits uh so far and we go go down the board matus balis he thought he was going earlier everybody thought he was going earlier and he goes to his hometown team in Chicago you saw the tears on the broadcast I love the fit I love the value there at number 11 for Chicago Nicola topic there was a lot of uncertainty about where he would go a partially torn ACL uncertainty about his recovery time kind of about what people thought about him before the draft I think he was pretty polarizing and the Thunder trade a very similar player right before the draft in Josh giddy and they get back topic maybe they trade giddy knowing that they’re going to have the opportunity to take topic I always want to get inside some of these front offices head and find out what they knew beforehand maybe for a documentary Series in a couple years Devin Carter was one of my favorite picks uh Bob Carlton at 14 to Washington who acquired that pick in a trade with Portland before the draft another guy who teams are very high on he’s 18 years old one of the best shot makers in this draft I’m personally not as high on as him but I can understand why a rebuilding team who has the ability to stay patient with a kid like him would be interested kle wear was another polarizing guy I mean that seems to be a theme Here half the team likes him half the team is disinterested but a great landing spot for cl Weare in Miami where you know there’s there’s always been concerns about his character his motor I think Miami gets the most out of their prospects they optimize talent and kware definitely has Lottery caliber Talent so I love that fit there mcain and Philly um I’ve been I’ve been harping on it all year I love McCain he’s top 10 for me I love to fit with with Philly he’s so adaptable and and with him and Maxi that’s going to be a fun a fun uh tandem then Dalton kect was maybe one of the biggest storylines of the first round I mean everyone I talked to expect Dalton to connect to go top 10 if not six uh people wanted him to go to Detroit although I knew Detroit was not interested but connect going to the Lakers was uh I mean it was it was a blessing in disguise right I mean sometimes falling in the draft is not a bad thing and I think connect going 177 to Lakers is a lot better than if he went six to Charlotte particularly I mean how can you not talk about the JJ reic connection here and I mean I reic has to be beaming with happiness because he gets a very similar player almost a replica of a four-year college guy who you know doesn’t Excel athletically but has just such Advanced shot making and shooting skill technically sound super tough and competitive I’m sure reic sees a lot of himself and connect and connect is obviously going to learn a lot from JJ reck and you look at this Lakers team and what they’re trying to accomplish they’re in win now mode right there’s no there’s no time to develop a three-year guy they need a guy who can come in on a value contract and give them offense right away and that’s that’s the draw to connect I mean 23 years old you’re not looking at him for upside and in this draft that’s kind of why we thought he was going to go higher right we thought he was going to go higher because there’s certainty attached to his name in a draft where there is so much uncertainty teams have so little confidence in some of these younger guys and everybody had confidence to connect can come in and make shots he’s going to do that for the Lakers right away 18 Tristan da Silva to Orlando I mean I like the pick I think it’s a safe pick maybe not a high upside pick but again Orlando is suddenly now competing I mean this is a team to watch in the East and Silva is one of the older guys I think he’s 23 already and he’s a shot maker and I think you know if you’re Orlando you have a lot of pieces now you don’t necessarily need again another project the Silva is the classic plug-and andplay come in make spot up jumpers make good decisions uh you know and use your high skill level he’s not going to blow anyone a athletically but in terms of just adding depth to that rotation I think that was a a very safe call jacobe Walter kind of the same conversation of course Young than D Silva but Walter had that safe label three and D he’s a shot maker he has excellent defensive tools same with the Silva I don’t know how good he’s in terms of creation how much better he’s going to get off the dribble but uh if you’re Toronto I think at this point in the draft you’re nitpicking at those weaknesses this is a guy earlier in the season we were we’re talking about a potential Lottery guy and and this is a cavius CW Pope type of high floor role player uh Jaylen Tyson I have I think I have him number 10 on my overall board I just think he’s a score and again yeah he has some some weaknesses in his game maybe not great off the ball but I think if you’re Cleveland you’re happy with a second unit bucket getter that’s going to be his calling card in the NBA Eve Missy I’m I’m hearing I was just talking to somebody recently Eve Missy was supposed to go 11 to Chicago until Chicago found out that M Mattis Buel was on the board the Lakers were going to take him at 17 until they found out K was on the board and so he’s there for for uh for the Pelicans I love him there as a uh a defensive specialist kind of for uh for New Orleans donon Holmes Don Holmes was uh he was a fun guy to to talk about during the conversation early on a lot of speculation about a promise there was no promise there was a lot of interestes from from Denver and it became obvious I don’t know if it leaked it purposely but uh the fact that everybody kind of found out about it is what sparked them to move up from 28 to 22 to make sure that they got their guy and he’s going to give them just an injection of athleticism I mean they have so many skill guys that listen I appreciate what he did this year NBA Scouts appreciate the the Improvement skill-wise which is what they asked him to do at last year’s NBA Combine add a jump shot add some off the dribble game he did that but realistically you go to Denver you don’t have to do that much stuff you got to just be an athlete catch and finish get you easy buckets Off the Bench bring some energy and I think that was a a very good landing spot for him and I’m pretty sure his Camp knew knew the whole time that Denver was interested he was going to end up winding up there the fact that he ends up getting getting to go there at 22 instead of 28 a little extra money so not a bad deal for Don Aj Johnson was the biggest surprise of the draft for me uh I don’t want to say too many negative things about a kid that young so we’ll hold off on him Kean George 24 to Washington who just jumped in there traded with the Knicks he is a project again Washington making a putting a clear emphasis on on taking young guys with upside who are going to require patience they’re at the beginning of this rebuild right with alexar is now the building block you add Bob Caron still 18 years old Kean George who you know looks like he’s 180 pounds soaking wet he’s going to take time but but but the obvious appeal to a 68 40% three-point shooter who could handle the ball you love the idea of him the Knicks sticking at 25 uh with pom dader from France still uh uncertain whether he’s going to come over right away um or he’s going to be you know a draft and stash guy but the Knicks not looking to add too much you on the books for next year making that trade for Mikel Bridges signing OG anobi to a trillion dollars um and so they’re they’re they’re trying to win now there’s not going to be any room in the Knicks rotation for a rookie particularly somebody at 25 overall so I think we’re ready to start here uh in the second round the Toronto Raptors are on the clock this is still a cool thing to get used used to it it’s like the number one pick in the draft but at 31 uh it’s funny somebody asked me today who do you think is going to be the first pick today like I knew who it was going to be yesterday I don’t know who it’s going to be today it could be 10 different guys yesterday we knew it was going to be one of two a guy let’s see I’m trying to think of a guy who can move up here um you know I have ad Dem Bona going here um Jonathan mogbo from San Francisco I’m told he’s not going to slip very far he’s not going to slip out of the mid-30s I wonder if moo could be an interesting play here for Toronto at 31 he’s a he’s a big pre-draft Riser and not a lot of Scouts were too confident in his game he caught their attention he got in NBA Combine invite but mogbo is super interesting at 66 in socks but he is plays much bigger than that size and uh over three assists per game I mean I think that’s the really draw to him is is this very unique out of the box combination of power athleticism a big man’s game with probably small forward height and then you add this playmaking ability you know the I think the comparison that was used most was like a Kenneth Reed who can really pass and so uh he’s just one of those out of the box guys and sometimes in the second round teams look to gamble um so I know he’s had a workout with the Knicks and the Knicks suddenly need some big man depth but Toronto definitely an option here um let’s see who can move down the board I mean filipowski filipowski just I think people like him nobody really loves him I’m I’m very interested to see what happens with Philip bski the fact that he didn’t go first round uh just makes me think that teams are just would rather take a chance on some of these other guys I mean Tyler Smith just has like a bankable skill in his shooting I think Philip psky doesn’t have one bankable skill he does a lot of nice things but not one specialty Johnny Fury kind of the same thing I wasn’t as high on Fury as maybe the the media and the narrative suggested we all should be Fury is supposed to be a kind of a a shooter he was at 35% on low volume again he’s maybe 80 pounds he looks his age he doesn’t do much else so I’m much lower on Fury than everybody else I’m curious if NBA teams are with me um or if this was just a a bad luck case of him slipping out and then we look at some of the rest of my my board here um of the top remaining players this is not necessarily this doesn’t really align with some of the NBA teams I’ve I’ve spoken to like I have Judah minz at 34 Judah mint didn’t even get an NBA Combine invite so he’s somebody from a personal standpoint I can’t wait to see what happens here AJ Mitchell is is another guy who crazy productive at Santa Barbara um you know if you squint you see a little bit of Jayla Brunson of course we’re not going to compare him to Jaylen Brunson but that style of somebody who could just get to his spots and and you know score without being super quick or super explosive KJ Simpson I’m high on I think he’s totally undervalued I think everybody’s looking at the measurables um could KJ Simpson go undrafted it wouldn’t be the craziest thing in the world I mean I I know teams are just the last person I asked in the NBA about KJ Simpson he said he could be a good third guard you know I think of him a lot more highly so that just kind of plays to how this draft is how how we can all look at the same player and have completely different viewpoints but the biggest name of course of the second round conversation is brony James and don’t don’t think we weren’t going to talk about him and uh it’s almost like every pick we’re going to be thinking about if he’s going to be next chances are the answer is going to be no but Brony James is for you know whether you like it or not he’s the He’s the hottest name he he draws the most eyeballs he draws the most attention and this is a very big day for him and from a human aspect you canot root for him I mean he’s just given what he went through from the health scare to just he didn’t deserve any of this the fact that we have to talk about a kid who is potential you know 55th pick in the draft um and he has to listen to a lot of people talk public about how they think he stinks and I have to publicly State my personal opinion where I I I just don’t think he’s an NBA player right now it’s not fair but we let’s talk about the positives because there are positives there is a pathway for him to to make the NBA if his shot improves and if his defense translates so there is a three and D you know archetype for him to fulfill and uh you know he it’ll be interesting to see how uh how it shakes out here so are we uh are we on the board here did Toronto make a pick yet because it’s 420 and uh we’re still waiting to see you know this is like the NBA lottery where everybody gathers around for for the pingpong bowls to drop in 45 minutes later we’re still uh we’re still talking here but um yeah Toronto on the board we see mogbo um mogbo is is the pick it looks like correct that’s just who we were talking about um so uh we can kind of go back and talk about this very unique interesting player from San Francisco who grew like8 inches since high school and he maintained those guard skills and when you have the guard skills and you have that body by the way come on give me some credit I just talked about a sleeper guy to go at 31 and here we are the first pick of the second round is Jonathan mogbo who by the way in my mock draft I had going 30 so that kind of by the way sums up my mock draft I’m off by a little bit here I really like him and I got to admit I wasn’t super high on him throughout the season for me listen I had I hadn’t going first round this has to be a this has to be a a a minus grade and just thinking about what Toronto typically values and having you know the Pascal seak I know he’s not there anymore but this is a kind of very similar Prospect and mogbo listen he’s going to he’s going to make his money doing athletic High motor things at both ends of the floor but what’s going to differentiate him from those type of guys is his passing um he 67 72 wingspan I he’s got to be he’s got to be an impact Defender and he should with those tools and that motor but typically guys like that don’t average over three assists per game he needs to make a jump shot in order to to offer a lot of scoring value he’s not going to be somebody who really creates a lot in the half court but I think he could be used in a lot of different ways depending on the offense but just a fun player to have on your team and to get him in the second round I totally understand why the um you know why you take a chance on a guy like this at 31 overall um Utah you know you wonder if you wonder if Utah was looking at him I mean there’s still guys left on the board that were projected to go first round Philip palsky still on the board Tyler KCK still on the board Johnny Fury still on the board mogbo certainly helped himself at the NBA Combine uh and that’s what the NBA Combine is for by the way you see you see mogbo play against pretty weak opponents um out west and so it’s hard to really decide how legitimate the production was you know he’s not playing against NBA players barely ever and so when he shows up to the combine he plays in these scrimmages which I put a lot of stock into and NBA teams put a lot of stock into and by the way just look at the track record players who typically play well in the NBA Combine a are drafted higher than they would have been and B are usually NBA players it turns out it’s it’s a an eye test type of thing and with MoGo he was somebody who I was like okay I’m unsure about heading into the combine and now I feel a little bit more confident because I watched him play against second round prospects and he popped he stood out he was able to impact games without scoring without ball handling without shooting and that’s going to be his calling card in the NBA Toronto still a little bit you know in their rebuilding mode um you know after after all their trades with OG with Pascal and getting back RJ Barrett and uh an IQ so it’ll be curious to see what his role is maybe it’s a good thing maybe he’s going to get like a much bigger role than if he went to a another team where he had to just kind of be a a rim Runner whatever maybe like SE yakum they’ll give him some more on ball touches here so let’s see we got the Utah Jazz on the clock and the pick is in and there it is Utah is selecting Kyle filipowski at number 32 um how could you argue this I mean how could you argue filipowski one of the best players in the country that doesn’t always translate to one of the best prospects in the NBA draft but you know he’s somebody the NBA teams have watched since he was a junior senior in high school I think senior in high school is when he really blew up his freshman year he was a little bit underwhelming his sophomore year he improved in very key areas we see on the board here skilled passer that was the biggest Improvement I he turned into a guy who can really make teams uh teammates better you know he really optimized the gravity uh of his postgame he shot the ball around the same and he was a lot tougher inside this is in to get Philip hsky at 32 I mean how was this not an a grade and he doesn’t have to be a star to get an A at 32 you got to lower the bar we’re not looking for stars we’re looking for rotation players I think if you get a guy who’s a a solid a solid Reserve you did your job in the draft and in my opinion Philip palsky is a solid Reserve I think he’s you know without the defense he’s like a a hartenstein on offense where if hartenstein you know plays in the the short role he’s got little touch around the basket he’s going to make those passes I guess he’s got more shooting range than hartenstein but I I think he’s you know he’s going to add value defensively maybe in a different way I think hartstein gets doesn’t get enough credit for how well he moves his feet around the perimeter and somebody who can guard power forwards and actually I think that’s his position in the NBA not Center I don’t think he offers you enough Rim protection I think his value in the NBA is going to be uh as a as a stretch for who can who can guard away from the basket and move the ball from the post occasionally make threes occasionally work down low crash the glass A little bit but uh yeah we see Jason Tatum of course saying lots of teams going to reget passing on flip I agree I mean I think he’s he’s a he’s a high floor Pro and uh just to get a you know that type of certainty at 32 to me is is a win and by the way Utah Utah took Isaiah klier at 29 they took Cody Williams at 10 I had klier higher on my big board than I do Cody Williams by the way that’s just another example of of this type of draft but uh Utah to me is getting value late in the draft that’s the name of the game and uh that’s what they pay these Scouts the medium bucks for um but uh yeah filipowski at 32 I don’t think there was actually too much work to be done by the scouts to take him at 32 this is more of a front office decision of we know this guy why is he still here this late in the draft uh we’re not going to play around here and and go for more of a gadgety guy we’re going to go with a a sure thing in Philip howski we still have Johnny fury on the board we still have Tyler kic on the board those are the biggest names um that I see ad Demona one of the highest names I have on my board Tyler Smith from the G League ignite who most of the year we had going first round so I mean this is uh man I love the second round I I almost prefer going through this now watching the second round over the first round and some of these guys I mean it’s a little bit different you know it’s not it’s not a live show there’s no handshakes on stage but uh from a fan perspective from watching it that you to have a to have refreshed eyes and it’s not midnight after watching for three hours I’m kind of into it I just hate the fact that Philip hsky had to sit there all night hear the last pick called and then he’s got to go home not knowing you know not being on NBA team that was just that just kind of cast a little bit of a cloud and same thing with Johnny Fury over this two-day draft but uh all right so far we got mobo we got filipowski we got some big names left I think if you’re in this early second round you’re kind of excited and I think that’s why like a team like the Knicks you trade out at 26 because you can get the same caliber player at 38 and not even have to guarantee his contract so this is a this is is a we used to see a lot more back in the day of teams paying $3 million to get into the back end of the first round Nobody Does that anymore nobody does that you want to save that $3 million and you get the same caliber guy in the early second round it’s almost like you’d rather have 38 than 28 depending on who’s on the board I guess oh oh I’m hearing that the big man himself Andy cats is in the building although not the same building or same state that I’m and there he is what’s up champ how we doing Andy uh good uh I wouldn’t say well rested um early uh departure like yourself uh but uh already been on the app earlier today as a little preview and what we talked about earlier I’m sure you did as well is the assumption that Kyle Phil palowski would go early in the second round and we talked about this what early this morning actually in Atlanta uh kind of shocked that he didn’t get selected in the first round and there he goes to Utah at 32 no shocker that Danny a goes with Phil palowski you know is he the same as a loren marinan maybe obviously not as good but um I I just when I saw you to pop up there and him still on the board it just made sense to me yeah I mean forget fit this is the best player available and 32 you’re not worrying about not worried about F you can find a guy like this a fivestar recruit you’re taking him and there it is Milwaukee taking Tyler Smith I mean this is playing out kind of the way we’d imagine it would all the top guys who just fell out of the first round are are going early second no major surprises here these are all guys projected in my top 35 and Tyler Smith um listen Scouts weren’t super familiar with him coming in he played it overtime before going to the G League ignite but you know they had lot more access to him this season and he shot around 36% from three I think the eye test really backs up the numbers with him I mean if I don’t even think you need to look at the numbers to know this guy can shoot and not just from three he can you see him work from the post he’s just a rise and fire guy from where he is wherever he is on the floor he’s not someone who’s going to put the ball down and make too many moves but he’s a very adaptable player I’ve used that word a lot over the past couple days because I think just as a catch and score guy you know spread the floor catch and shoot roll to the basket use your 611 size you know you don’t have to do too much and if you go to a team with enough passers around you and you could just spot it from three um and finish off rolls and crash the glass and just be okay defensively you’re going to find a role in this league this is a B+ grade for me so uh somebody I had in the first round for most of the year I moved him into the second just based on you know when other guys rise I don’t think he helped himself during pre-draft workouts I don’t think he shot as well as people thought he would but to me this is this is value because I I do believe that the shot is is better than what people think it is so Andy what do you what do you think of of Tyler what have you seen from him this year so I agree with you with Tyler Smith the player um but I want to take the the 30,000 foot view on Milwaukee with the assumption that Milwaukee keeps its two picks that they’ve selected so far I’m scratching my head here okay because uh I don’t think Johnson or Smith is helping them next season whereas if you look at who was selected one two three four four picks behind their first round pick and just up the road um you know why didn’t they take Teran Shannon uh you know with that pick at um at 23 I I don’t know I I just to me Johnson and then Smith individually fine talents they’re going to have a they’re going to be in this league but you know for the bucks I just feel like they needed someone and they do tend to sometimes have a hard time in free agency and maybe that’s changing obviously with the Honis and they got Lillard and um you know uh and they’ve made trades and so on but it just feels like they should have gotten somebody who you can put on the floor in the fall and say he’s going to help us let’s just go down the list of Milwaukee Bucks draft picks over the last handful of years because not many of them have panned out and the ones that have are now with a different team I mean th you agree with me a little I do listen my reaction to the AJ Johnson pick yesterday was like I said it reminded me of it reminded me of the thwn maker pick that Milwaukee made you know an outof the Box you know I guess you know theoretically High upside pick but there was not substance to the player yet I mean it’s such a wild card long shot that he hits on that potential um and so right there are so many sure things for a team where the window is now so yeah I agree with you in everything you said but then I just looked down the list of of guys they’ve taken and none of them have really hit and maybe they just need some I I you know I don’t want to be mean here but the front office here so you have the list in front of you post Giannis and 13 who’s stuck with them Maron Bo champ and that’s the name I got I mean they took they got Brogden right they moved him they took Divan chenzo he’s gone um I think the RJ Hampton right that that was a trade to Denver uh there a couple trades here I think I’m missing what I’m looking at is missing but I think the there is nobody that they’ve taken that is part of the rotation I believe I know Bo champ is still you know there’s still a chance for him to to be a part of this rotation and maybe he was good last year um but nobody that really blows you away no no big hits in any of their recent draft picks and so you got to look at that front office and that scouting Department not to call him out but you know you gotta look at the history here and then you s take Aj Johnson and you pass up on I mean tan Shannon who that’s a guy who helps you next year he’s part of that rotation next year he’s going to be part of Minnesota’s rotation and that’s a team that can reach the championship and right you take you take Tyler Smith who I like longterm Aj Johnson I’m just not a big fan of in general but regardless of whether you are or not if he if he does hit it’s not going to be for a couple years so I’m not really sure what what the mindset is from Milwaukee but now you just now you have to really start to question the uh The credibility of of the of the the front office decision- making here in the draft right yeah I mean that that that to me um was one of the the whiffs from last night and it was late this morning and we just weren’t able to get to it because I forgot so New York via Portland is taking Tyler kic so all right so kak goes 34 um I’m not on Twitter right now is that from so the Knicks did the Knicks move up to get kic which would make a ton of sense and I believe they did because we thought he was going to go you know when originally they had 24 25 we thought he’d be in that range right so I listen I knock drafted Tyler K to the Knicks at 25 it just made too much sense and as a New Yorker listen I don’t watch a ton of NBA but I watch 82 games a year and they’re Nick games so I know this team very well the one thing that they need and that they could have gotten in this draft other than I guess some big man depth with you know depending on how hartenstein situation shakes out they need a facilitator behind Brunson now McBride had a great breakout year but he is not a facilitator he is a spark plug of shot making and defense he’s not going to run offense Tyler KCK is going to make a living in the NBA running offense creating for guys and pick and roll situations yeah he can make spot of Threes but his value I think to this particular Knicks team is setting the table for the other four guys on the floor who are pretty good Shooters and scorers this is an aade there’s no doubt about it for me and not only is he his skill set valued for this team this dude is tough he’s win now this is a tibs type of guy despite the fact that he’s not known for his defensive you know pressure but I think it’s like he’s the he’s the offensive version of what tibs typically likes right and he is H super competitive I bet you yeah no I was gon to say yes I agree with you 100% that he fits perfectly but I was thinking about this pick has traveled to six different cities right bring me back to first 34th pick Charlotte Denver Oklahoma City New Orleans Portland New York that’s six that’s six good mat there yeah that’s what I mean that’s the draft that’s the draft these days but uh I love that pick for for the Knicks obviously like I said before I had him taking him in the first round but Leon Rose give this guy credit because this is not the first time that he’s moved back in the draft to get the guy that he wants and he moved back in the draft by the way he end up getting five second round picks to do it and by the way I I’m well first of all he’s won on that floor won a big East tournament title on that floor yeah and had great success in Madison Square Garden overall every time he’s played there uh didn’t play in the Big East tournament this year because he was hurt but also this is another great example that fit is better than number and the money may not be the same although I think he’ll get a guaranteed deal but fit is more important necessarily than going late first uh and maybe not working out there goes Johnny Fury there it goes Johnny Fury 35 he knew he wouldn’t slip too far um yeah I mean this was listen he was there was a there was a point of this season where Fury I had Scouts texted me saying Fury’s Lottery right and I think that was kind of uh you know lightning in the bottle you know you know short memory and and uh he does have some limit here but the idea of him the archetype a 69 shooter who who makes plays off the ball uh is an easy fit you know there there’s obviously going to be interested in that particularly at his age he’s got to get stronger I mean I can’t picture him playing on an NBA floor next year uh he goes to the Pacers who I don’t think are going to use him next year and they have like 17 second round picks in this draft they’re obviously not going to keep all of them but this is a a long-term play for f for uh for Indiana and fury uh you know so 35 is on the Move correct is 35 on the Move no you’re saying the pick was made by the Spurs oh right it was made by the Spurs but it looks like it goes to to Indiana to Indiana right right so they’re not going to use him next year this is a uh this is this is like this is what you do when you you see a guy who slipped you you grab him and then just kind of put him in your developmental system and you capitalize on a guy who who who slipped um I thought he was going to go back to school I think we talked about this yesterday Andy and I thought he probably would have been a lot higher pick if he did go back to school but um I get why a team could like him long term I just I can’t picture him doing much on the floor uh I give this like uh this is a B+ grade because people would have taken him in the first round but I just I think it’s going to be a while before we see him to the rotation and you got a roster that you know obviously they they’ve got it going um you know have they been healthy might have given the Celtics a little bit more of a run so yeah I don’t know necessarily that he that he uh gets much time I wouldn’t be shocked if we see him obviously you know play some minutes in the g- league yeah he should by the way he should play minutes in the G League I mean he should get yeah he reps right I mean he was even to Kansas he was a very you know spot up complimentary guy I mean there were games where there were games where he it was basically like if he doesn’t make spot up threes you know he’s not there so he’s he it would be really beneficial for him to to get more shots to get more opportunities to dribble the ball he didn’t do that much he didn’t do that much dribbling in his freshman season so we and so now the Pacers technically are there at 36 and that’s Juan Nunes Juan Nunes is a very accomplished young kid overseas who has a very obvious skill he’s like your classic European point guard he played in Germany with om his money maker is going to be passing just set the table you know the question I think in today’s NBA is is that enough at the point guard position he was very efficient though this year scoring the ball I think he shot around 49% from the floor he still around 31% from three on low volume he’s got to be able to shoot in my opinion to be anything more than just a nice backup but he’s a very you know mature high IQ passer you could make the case that he’s one of the top few passers in this draft he’s not crazy athletic again he’s not a big time shooter he’s going to be a Target defensively but his passing IQ is you know off the charts it’s it’s it’s super high he’s guys are going to love guys are going to love to play with him I mean it’s it’s hard to grade second round picks it’s hard to give a bad second round grade this is a a B+ um I mean there’s no I can’t see upside here I’ve never really put him into my first round disc discussion and you know I personally I’m not picking for any specific team so if I get it wrong I’m not getting fired here but I could see why a team is like okay he’s a backup point guard and that’s good enough for me and that’s that’s really what his ceiling is so uh I’m curious usually in the second round we see a flood of international players uh we see the draft and stash sorry let me close this um we see the draft in stash guys and um uh you know that’s what happens a lot in the second round uh what do you think the chances are that we’re going to see a lot of that uh as we get into the 40s and 50s uh of the second round I think teams are going to want to draft in stash and hopefully they’re the agents and and the the players are willing to buy into that because teams are going to want to save money and just put these guys to the side and be able to bring them on at a later date because they’re not going to play right now and teams are particularly team teams that are looking to this is this this is the Spurs here I guess they’re in rebuilding mode I don’t know I guess every situation is different I’d imagine the playoff teams want to draft in stash and maybe a team like San Antonio who needs a table setter and by the way I think I had San Antonio taking at 35 just based off just based off like he’s such a perfect that’s exactly what they need they need a a guy who can just make the game easier for everybody else so I don’t I don’t know what the conversations are like there but yeah Andy like good teams are going to want to draft in stash here and and and save save roster spots for free agents who can maybe help them sooner than later but Nunes is definitely one of those more you know professional type you know not necessarily a project because of you think passing my in my mind passing IQ always translates he’s got like a veteran feel to his game and so uh each situation will be different but yeah I do imagine there’ll be plenty of draft and stash discussions going on with with the players who who are going to go second round next pick is in before I ask my next question W you handle this Detroit taking Bobby Clinton Bobby Clinton played for Wake farest last year wasn’t feeling his role a little bit too much standing round he goes to the NBL kind of gets the same exact role uh but you could see the uh the the draw to to Clinton he is reminds me a little bit of DeAndre Hunter maybe he’s kind of a a combo forward who he’s got the offensive versatility you know he doesn’t my problem with him from an NBA standpoint is he doesn’t do any one thing above average you know his highlights are great but again they don’t happen every game you know he can make threes but he’s not a shooter he can handle the ball but he’s not a playmaker or Creator you know he’s an athlete but he doesn’t finish well around the rim so for every Pro there’s kind of a con but teams love these these big you know big wings you know his people kept telling me don’t put him as a power forward he’s a wing and so we’ll see what his skill level develops over the course of the year I I give this a at this point in the draft I mean how could he not how could he knock on this pick I’m looking down who else is on the board I’ll give this is a b because there’s a couple guys I like a little bit better but this is a b grade I mean he’s not going to help next year but if he takes his three-point shot from you know 32% to 35% and he starts to finish a little bit better and he defends more consistently yeah he’s a very he could be a useful player by the way I should note that Fury and Kowski were the two holdovers who had been invited to the Green Room weren’t selected in the first round and here they’re gone uh within the top uh five picks yep six picks uh of the second round so they didn’t have to wait long into day two they had to wait overnight but didn’t have to wait long to find out where they were going to go um you mentioned that you’ve got uh you know players who were maybe ahead of Bobby um you know as we get into sort of the the middle of the second round almost who jumps out at you is it a KJ Simpson uh Oso igaro um you know who are some names that you think could fall here in the next five or six picks well we see here the Knicks are trading out of 38 there’s no reason for them to pick again they take Tyler KCK right who is essentially I’m ass sure they’re they’re valuing him as a free agent point guard because he’s somebody who they think will probably be able to come in right away um guys who are still on the board here um that are interesting cam Christie Max’s brother is a is a oneandone freshman who stayed in the draft usually when you’re a freshman you stay in the draft there’s an idea that you’re going to go first round he’s still on the board um Kevin mcculler is one of the best players in the country who dealt with a knee injury and chose to maybe play it safe and sit out didn’t you know he’s still on the board here um Isaiah Crawford and KJ Simpson are big you know sleepers of mine I don’t know if that aligns with NBA teams boards but those are personal favorites along with Judah minz who again did not get an NBA Combine invite those are just personal favorites I think that NBA teams may have undervalued Aden Bona I mean I’m not sure what if there’s a big difference between ADM Bona and Eve Mei who is the 21st pick in the draft I mean aona plays 200% he’s just as athletic if not more than Mei and he’s not going to ask BS to do anything except just just run the floor finish block shots and switch defensively and I think that type of guy translates you know I’m not sure why teams are so low on him I he’s got he turns the ball over a lot he fouls a lot but he’s not going to be a 35 minute per game guy like the way he was at UCLA um looking down this list Harrison Ingram can I give you a name yeah throw me a name well I’m gonna just a guy you know I’m gonna be a little partisan here because there’s someone I’m rooting for and I hope he gets drafted and the comparison I will give you is and I don’t want to pick on bronny because I think he’s a great kid but Jamal shed I hope booooy gets trapped in um yeah you’re a big boo boo and bronny James are similar height okay and if you were to tell me tomorrow who could I put out on a second unit to run the team it’s not even close I’m handing the ball to BU buy buo buy can run the floor facilitate tomorrow on an NBA team second unit Rony James I don’t think can uh I’m not talking about five years from now three years from now tomorrow and he wasn’t invited to the combine but he did work out for like 15 to 17 team so I’m hoping he find somewhere in that back part of the uh second round all right number 30 38 is in the Knicks give it away to OKC the Knicks favor Tyler kic over AJ Mitchell from Santa Barbara going to the Thunder I love this pick I mean this is a guy who I said it before if if you squint you see jayen Brunson obviously I’m not comparing him to Jaylen Brunson but he’s effective in the same type of way where it’s not with speed it’s not with power explosiveness he just kind of plays at his own pace he’s got a high feel a high skill level he’s not a high volume three-point shooter the way Brunson really at least wasn’t earlier on in his career he’s just a a just a skill field player I love those type of guys I love to take a chance on him early the second round this is an A+ for me at 38 in the draft uh this is just one of those guys where I would I would take a chance maybe a little bit risky in the first round based on who else would be available but um man this guy was super productive he improved his three-point percentage tremendously this year despite the fact he didn’t take a lot of Threes but he made the ones he took and um I don’t know I I’ve over the course of the last couple years I’ve started to put a lot less stock for this position into athleticism you know you see halberton and you see Shay and Brunson become Stars yeah this is an A+ for me you you put the I I covered him uh two years ago uh we had Santa Barbara in Denver in the NCAA tournament and there was some Buzz then that he was going to maybe come out uh after that season came back uh for I believe a super senior season and uh you know Santa Barbara did not have as good a year they didn’t make the NC tournament uh but this is great for Joe pck and their staff and obviously AJ Mitchell that he stayed true uh and still gets in the NBA draft a year after where he probably had a better team year than he did this past season yeah absolutely yeah he had some big by the way his last two games or last three two of his last three games of the year I think he had 35 Plus I mean he he just he didn’t get enough credit he looked pretty good at the NBA Combine on the floor with other NBA caliber prospects and that’s always something you have to prove at the combine when you come from Santa Barbara or some of these other mid- major schools that you can hold your own in those games uh with with you know projected second rounders and guys from Power conference schools and I thought he did that and you know he’s just a good basketball player and and and uh I think at some point you got to stop nitpicking about speed how high does he jump how many threes does he take per game he’s just somebody who gets to his spots and and makes the right plays and has a lot of touch last five picks Tyler KCK Fury we had Tyler Smith I lost that graphic for a sec oh we got uh nun Nunes Bobby Clinton and AJ Mitchell so honestly no major surprises so far if you look at my mock these are these are all names either on point I had Bobby at 37 yeah I mean they were all guys that were going to be in that top 40 I thought didn’t you yeah I mean yeah absolutely there’s no there’s no no surprises yet in the uh in the early second round so I’m sure we’re going to the thing is if you had said any of these names 25 to 40 um you know where they fall you wouldn’t be shocked yeah of course you know one of these guys was at 30 versus 32 or 28 they were all in that in that range right and that’s the storyline to think of this draft is the parody is that there’s no the difference between 20 and 40 is almost non-existent and a team could have one guy 20 and the same guy 40 okay OK sends number 40 and cast to New York for AJ Mitchell Nicks at 40 now so the Knicks now oh so the Knicks are now at 40 so the Knicks didn’t just give up 38 they moov back two spots here and I wonder I mean listen the Knicks have the Knicks need to go in my opinion they need to go big and AD demm Bona is on the board going into Memphis if Memphis is keeping 39 they’re not taking Bona because they already took ed0 true although Memphis taking Ed means who knows what could happen right but I mean it would be unlikely they would take Bona at 39 yeah I mean I also thought it was unlikely that it would take Edy over Cody Williams or anybody else in the top 20 but uh yeah that that’ll be interesting I mean there there’s a lot of there’s a lot of talk about about this Nick’s team right now there’s a lot of talk on my phone from my New York friends and this group chat I’m in about what we’re doing here but uh a Dem I think if a Dem bone is on the board I mean they he makes so much sense for them I’m very curious to see what they do here cam Christie on the board here um at 39 for Memphis yeah um I’m yeah I mean after taking Edie I can’t wait to see what Memphis does here because they have been one of the biggest talks I think of this draft of kind of just ignoring what the outside noise and going with their guy and the pick is in and Memphis is picking Jaylen Wells at 39 Jaylen Wells one of the one of the biggest I am you know what I’m not I’m not that surprised I think I I moved him up tell me why in my mind Jaylen Wells is I think during this pre-draft process teams particularly at the combine started just studying him a little more you know I always said there’s two seasons to scouting there’s during the season and then there’s time where you have nothing to do and teams go back and watch and I think when teams go back and rewatch tape Jaylen Wells was a big winner he kind of went under the radar during the year um coming from D2 I think it was and he is one of the best Shooters in this draft he’s 67 uh and not just off the catch he shot 41% off the cat but shot 44% off the dribble you know I don’t know how he’s not very athletic he’s not very strong I don’t think he’s going to be more than a specialist but the special thing he does is valued in the NBA and that’s shoot well first of all Washington State and Kyle Smith and that Squad had a breakout season it’s unfortunate that uh for Washington State you know everything else changed they lose their coach to Stanford they lose their league in the Pack 12 they’re going to be playing in the West Coast Conference this upcoming season at least for the next two seasons they don’t know what’s going to happen after that but Wells was one of a handful of guys that was critical uh in this Resurgence up in uh pman which is one of the tougher former power five jobs I think in the country yeah absolutely I mean he was he was a big deal this year he he he helped put him back on the map and uh and in the process he emerged as a legitimate NBA Prospect and a borderline first rounder so um yeah this is a great this is a great story and and somebody I have to admit you know I I didn’t move him up my board until until after his final game at Washington State I mean he was a a late riser for me I watched him at the combine I went back and watched more film even though I’d seen him plenty sometimes guys just don’t pop and they when you focus a little bit more on his particular game uh they do and so um knowing Memphis I’m not shocked that they made that pick but now I’m very I can’t stop looking at the Knicks at 40 here um with with a lot of guys still left on the board cam Christie ad I love the the potential for ad Demona here I mean he makes so much sense also is there a more Tom Tibido player in the draft than Jamal shed o I mean they just took Tyler K great call they took Tyler KCK soth defensive player of the year I mean he seems like again like another Deuce McBride type although sh former by the way Den Bona former Pack 12 Player of the Year freshman of the year and decent Defender playing for MC Cronin um you know either selection I think would be great uh what are your thoughts on where Randall fits into all this who Julius yes I don’t I mean I get this question all the time about are they gonna tra I don’t think they’re trading Julius Randall I think there is a level of loyalty to Julius Randall from the front office because if you take Bona is that almost like a safety valve I think if you take Bona listen Mitchell Robinson is going to start at Center and if hartenstein is back then this is conversation is a me point because those are your two big guys and they love Jericho Sims by the way Jericho Sims is a very hard worker and they’ve been very patient with him for a guy who’s the 58th pick in the draft and so he’s still there but and they also have press saua I’m not sure I think he’s a restrictive free agent I’m not sure what his situation is going to be but if hartenstein who’s going to get these huge offers if they cannot afford to keep him that’s when you need another big because I’m you know Jericho Sims is a nice player but uh you know you’re in the playoffs in the in the Eastern Conference Finals I’m not sure that’s who you want to go to when Mitchell Robinson can never play more than you know two weeks at a time because he’s always hurt but Bona would make a lot of sense here and yeah like you said just a defensive monster and play for a tough c a tough coach and uh to me that that would be the pick when I when the lottery came out that’s who I had the Knicks taking at 38 obviously a lot has changed since then so uh what do you think overall of the Knicks and I’m gonna include bridges in this of what they’ve done in the last few days I think it’s incredible as somebody who has watched this team I this is I got into basketball from going to watch John Starks and Patrick Yu and Charles Oakley and Charles Mason and Anthony Mason so I’ve seen a lot of of horrible low motor low IQ basketball and just waiting on collecting picks and waiting to hope that Carl towns or Donovan Mitchell or or any of those you know huge Marky names eventually becomes available I mean jol and be they’re not going to get those guys you have an opportunity to get Mel Bridges who of course has this connection with everybody else on the team and you get two Wings who have the opportunity to neutralize the the champion Boston C itics I mean that your best chance of beating the Celtics is if you kind of if you kind of just wear down their top two Wings this is a CH that was a trade you had to make you know their picks are going to be in the late first round anyway that’s that’s an opportunity you had you had to you had to do it you’re collecting those picks for a reason and they still have more picks by the way all right let’s find out what happens so I guess we missed it Phoenix is now picking we wasted all that time and now Phoenix is now picking at number 40 and they take Oso igodo from Marquette oh I love it just I mean one of the one of the a very unique outof thebox player I mean he’s he’s an outlier in terms of you know I don’t know if he’s a a rim protector offensively he doesn’t usually you want your big guy to either shoot or protect the rim I’m not sure he’s great at either of them but what he is great at is handling the ball passing playmaking and play finishing and one of the things I’ve learned during this pre-draft process is that he is unbelievable at processing the game watch him interview watch him talk about the X’s nose of the game I mean he is a coach on the floor the way he can read the game and NBA coaches are going to love him for that this is a I mean this is a this is a B+ you know I don’t see a ton of upside I think I’ve compared him to like a Brandon Clark type um you know he seems like it’s just a very obvious role player in the NBA you got to get the you got to get the right guys around him you need some Shooters around him um and maybe some Rim protection but uh his the way he processes the game and and passes and stuff is makes him very unique all right the Knicks now have number 51 and 56 so I’m even more curious to see what they do with those picks what are the chances they use any of them all right they you just keep moving all over the place so earlier today on our preview show um I was right on half of it I said that Marquette and Yukon would have potentially four the first 14 a little higher on maybe someone taking a flyer on Spencer and Newton but I was pretty convinced kak and igodo would go pretty soon in the second round so um you know these two players uh great chemistry between the two at Marquette for Shaka smart great career there and uh by the way I you know we see on our screen um you know or or if you’re watching as well at the same time I I still can’t get over how they have the hats and I know they have to do that but uh you know it’s the Hat they’ll never wear I know it’s it’s almost like he’s wearing a Blazer’s hat they’re gonna look back on this very special day and they’re they’re wearing apparel LCA Don wearing Luca wearing a hawk hat well the worst was when Mikel Bridges gets drapped at to Philly where his mom worked he worked his mom worked for the Sixers he gets to go to his hometown team he’s interviewing in Philly gear and 10 minutes later he gets traded to the Suns all right all right so now let’s do a little house cleaning here as of now uh 41 is the Sixers correct yeah okay so they because just everything’s just flying by here Jared McCain they get him at 16 uh I love the pick there what do you think the Sixers assuming they hold it which is a big assumption here what could they use at this spot I mean I think I don’t think they have many guys under contract next year so this is just simply take the best Prospect available I mean you’re not you’re not looking to fill any needs here you don’t know what your roster is going to look like uh KJ Simpson is the best player available on my board Isaiah Crawford is one of my favorite sleepers of this draft um how about a backup for Joel embiid will’ll bring up Aden Bona again some insurance I he’s getting he’s on the wrong side to 30 he’s getting hurt a little bit more often just get some get some insurance although I’m sure that they’d probably prefer a veteran backup to Joel but um a little surprised to see cam Christie still on the board I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the pick probably if I had to make a bet here that would be my bet cam Christie so You’ go with Christie and uh McCain you okay with that you just you can’t hurt to add more shot making I mean that’s going to be Christy’s calling card in the league because I’m not sure what else he’s going to give you but uh yeah at that point or you could say you know a guy like Harrison Ingram who is maybe a lower ceiling guy who who um you know is uh a connector type He he’ll pass make open shots he’ll play in the post he’ll he’ll give you defensive versatility one of those guys who checks a lot of different boxes maybe not one specific one you know in bold but I just when I look at Harrison Ingram in my mind I just see a just see a reserve Pro and maybe you value that so I who knows what they’re thinking um but they have obviously a lot of options and it looked like and this about this draft Kevin mcculler I mean Kevin mcculler is a pro in my mind yeah I I I think Kevin mcculler would be definitely a good pick at this point as well um you know he’s someone that uh had he not been hurt you know I think he would have gone much higher because he first of all he would have played in the nway tournament you know yeah so I could have seen him uh going much higher because I think that Kansas would have lasted longer and by the way I have not heard anything on the medical reports of mcculler I mean he couldn’t participate at the combine I don’t think he worked out for anybody so I don’t know if he got red flagged at all I’m not really sure what teams have on him healthwise I don’t know if it would make that much of a difference you know it doesn’t sound like he has a torn ACL or anything or anything structurally wrong but uh yeah from a from a player standpoint I mean I’ll never forget I asked this scout the season when do you think of aall and he just goes man I effing love that guy I mean that’s uh he’s just kind of like a he’s just very professional with his with his game and and his age and so I think if a team is not interested in swinging for upside and you just want to a guy I think mcculler is just a guy you can kind of add to your add to your roster and feel like you’re getting a pro by the way how about from 30 well I’ll hold that thought there it is 76ers number 41 taking the guy we’ve been talking about for the last five picks ADM Bona from UCLA I mean maybe the thought process is what we just said let’s get a big guy to back up jool embiid and you know he’s got it’s just a different I mean the polar opposite type of big man you know very little skill but just speed explosion uh high energy not that you know ID is a low motor guy but just he brings a he gives you a totally different look than what MB does and you know his they’re going to say come on Off the Bench and just play 150% and that’s what’s going to make him you know earn a minutes and earn a money this is uh to me this is an A minus grade I mean I think this is just good value this late in the draft Guys these type of guys translate not maybe to upside but but that archetype lasts in the NBA like why is Daniel Gafford any better than a Dem Bona you know explain to me why he I love this pick yeah um you know he stuck it out uh with Mick they did not have a good season but he was a hold over I mean well playing from their success year before coming back he was Pack 12 freshman of the Year got better is more mature is ready for this next phase uh and like you said I think he could be a solid backup in the NBA we’ll see if he can emerge into at some point being a starter but I love this pick for the Sixers yeah I mean I think um if we’re just talking negatives and why he could slip he fouls a lot he turns the ball over a lot but again he’s not a he’s not going to be a starter in the NBA see by the way I want to correct myself he was a pack 12 freshman of the year and this year is a Pack 12 Defensive Player of the Year sure right I just want to correct myself yeah good call um but this is what right the high motor I mean this guy just plays he just plays hard I mean he’s so likable I’m I’m a little bit surprised he this far all right we’re flying now and there we go my uh arguably my sleeper of the draft Seth Davis had him as number one sleep of the draft Charlotte is picking KJ Simpson from Colorado at number 42 in the draft by the way props to the Hornet for not taking all four minutes at this pick I think KJ Simpson is just too undervalued because of size I think he’s just too good I think at some point you just have to say this guy makes shots he creates shots he plays hard he’s a good passer he finishes at a high level it just you know he doesn’t necessarily pass the eye test sometimes but he’s super tough I love what he did he he really popped at the NBA Combine I think he he came out and drove it to the hole four straight times in his opening game kind of like trying to put a stamp on that uh on that game so let me tell you this yeah because I covered Colorado at times especially in the tournament Tristan D Silva and Cody Williams go ahead head of KJ Simpson they go in the first round so that’s three Buffs but KJ Simpson while maybe not the most talented I thought was the most important player for Colorado uh he was a facilitator he was the heart and soul of this team and I mean he just sort of has it uh and look three buffalos they won a game in the nway tournament ended up losing a Marquette um beat FL Florida well actually won two games because they won in the first four and then they beat Florida in a great game game over in you know each team scored over 100 points um but I I like this pick um you know the point guard situation at Charlotte has not been consistently good uh lot part due to injuries but still I I lik him as a as a guy that come off the bench and and help the Hornets Andy we got some chat questions for you Hayden Smith Hayden Smith is asking which college conference wins the draft that might take some processing to think about it um I would say I’m GNA lean Big East for a couple of reasons one you had kingan and Castle both going in the top seven Devin Carter biggest player of the year goes 13 to Sacramento Baylor shyan pron ends up at number 30 so right off the bat you’ve got the Big East littered throughout um and then here in the second already two Marquette players in kak and uida uh and there could be other before we’re done uh you know with the other two Yukon guys I mentioned cam Spencer and Tristan Newton uh so I’m gonna go with the Big East can’t argue with that what is Muller’s potential in the league if he avoids injury and another question I’ll let you answer it first I have a I have a comp in my head you have a what I have a comparison in my head for for mcculler what somebody’s asking what his potential in the league is as long as he avoids injury I think he’s a solid second unit guy um who can come in uh and help change the tempo a little bit uh he plays bully ball at times uh and so um you know could he could he get you eight points a game sure yeah I think he’s the same kind of archetype as a Josh Josh Hart I know I kind of used that for Stefan Castle obviously Castle’s upside is is a lot higher but mcculler is a jack of all trades master of none he’s tough he’s smart he can make shots he’s not a shooter he can handle the ball a bit and be a playmaker but he’s not really a you know a point guard he’s a a big strong Wing who’s going to do the little things to help you in we got one more question from the goat talks who is winning Rookie of the Year o um I’m gonna say first of all I don’t think it’ll be one of the top two players um I’m going to can I if I can I’m going to give you a choice of three players okay and this may surprise you I think it’s either going to be Stefan Castle Ron Holland or maybe even Devin Carter wow all right Miami is picking Nicola jurich at number 43 and trading him to Atlanta all right I could talk a little bit about jurisich because I just flew to Euro camp in traviso Italy and spent a lot of time with him oneon-one time I watched him play he is an interesting dude and a very polarizing player let’s start off why well put it this way in my interview with him he told me about he got a lot he talked to his coaches his his family people did not really like his body language the way he played he was not nice to refs he shook off teammates and he the people around him I asked said he could be a little bit of a jerk and then I then we interview him and he was extremely self-aware about all of that instead I watched it back and I saw what people were talking about so we’ll see who he is in the NBA he’s a very talented kid 68 Wing he can shoot he can slash he can pass he was the MVP of Euro camp and he should have been the MVP of Euro Camp because he was one of the older guys there and the only NBA draft prospect for the 2024 draft a lot playing against a lot of younger guys this is a listen I this is a well look by the way this may be a gross generalization but I don’t care what sport uh serbs tend to play with an edge yeah a little bit of a chip yeah you agree with that absolutely I will say though this chip I mean jokovic is probably the ultimate example by the way is he showing up with a black eye because that would be totally on brand he is uh and listen even after we had this conversation I sat down with a one-on-one for him the next game he got called for a foul and instead of giving him ref the ball he threw it he threw it away to make the ball make the ref Chase it there’s a little bit of if I can put a bow on you that earlier question you know I think Dillingham and Shannon have Rookie of the Year potential the problem is they’re going to a team where I don’t think they’re going to get the touches to earn something like that um in Minnesota so I I think each player could you know on a different team put up numbers to be a rookie of the year but just not at Minnesota now I think they’ll help Minnesota a lot but Rookie of the Year usually Pi up a lot of numbers Miami picking pel lson at number 44 Andy this reminds me of the of your call last year with the heat taking haime hakz your claim to fame here this is such a similar such a similar pick in my opinion I think every mock draft I’ve ever put out in the last three months I’ve had them taking ped lson he’s just a a veteran type of player who will do a little bit of everything for you maybe not one thing great but uh he’s such a he’s just a very well-rounded mature type of guy who can fit into kind of any type of set any system spot up put him in ball screens you know be tough I I really like this kid maybe not a ton of upside but I think he’s a role player this is a B+ well and so again this is another pick that was on the move so uh originally was Golden State then to Atlanta then to Houston now to Miami so let’s take a look at Miami what are your thoughts on Larson and where I’ve got that correct to this point I mean where I’m high on I was very high on where but it was very dependent on where he went no you know pun intended where where go was was so important because you need to optimize the talent like there every since he was 16 years old everyone the talent just popped at you and the question was consistently is he going to bring it every night is he going to maximize his potential Miami tends to do that and so I love that pick at this point of the draft you know I it doesn’t matter like it’s not like pel Larson is at 44 for a team that’s going to be in the playoffs is he going to play a big role next year probably not I could see him kind of being like a Christian Brown was for Den Denver sitting out the you know being a a a bench guy early on and then maybe you get your chance to just play hard and make the rotation in his second year so uh he seems like a very on-brand type of guy for for Miami and and uh I I get why they would value his style of play and and his you know his veteran the veterans if that’s a word that he brings to the table so halfway through the second round cam Christie still on on the board uh when we talked to him in Chicago uh you know he said he was waffling about whether to stay or not but clearly he wanted to stay in the NBA draft he clearly was I think told that he would be uh a potential first- round pick and that’s what I had heard as well you know that he could be potentially late first but that maybe he was going to fall at the lowest around 40 now we’re pushing mid 40s um and the road’s going to be a little bit tougher yeah I’ll tell you right now his Camp did not think he would be on the board at 5:22 eastern time they thought he was worst case going in the 30s and that’s just and he’s the kind of player that with even with the four new schools coming in I I think he would have been a lock to be a preseason First Team all big 10 yeah and would have been featured even more in Minnesota if he’d returned uh and really would had a great chance uh to really make a national name for himself by himself obviously his brother Max played in Michigan State uh was drafted by the Lakers if I’m not mistaken and um you know cam would have a chance to really establish himself and and also in this new era I think he would have done pretty well in nil so um I think there may be a little bit of regret we wait can see how it all plays out yeah agreed I mean this on paper it made a lot of sense for him to go back to school the one aspect about these decisions that we don’t talk about enough is that some guys maybe just don’t love college maybe he’s good with being a a pick in the 40s and not having to go to class and just getting to kind of just be a pro and get paid to work out every day and and the g league is not so terrible for some guys even though you’re probably a bigger star in the Big 10 than you are for one of these g-league teams but maybe some guys just don’t love college they so that’s something we so I mentioned Jonathan I mentioned these two Yukon guys I’m curious what you think of them as we wait for Sacramento supposedly picking for Toronto um what are your thoughts on cam Spencer and trist Newton Cam Spencer i’ like he’s going to make it some at some point right he’s going to go to a win winning team and they’re going to Value his toughness his Edge obviously his shot making like there’s no doubt in my mind we’re going to be watching the 2029 playoffs and cam Spencer is going to be an annoying player for a team to have to play against right I mean it’s going to happen at some point um but he’s the classic guy who’s not going to go early in the draft there’s I’m sure by the way his brother well by the way his brother making the league uh know unbelievable Pat Spencer one of the best all-time male lacrosse players then plays uh one year at Northwestern uh and then bounces around and and ends up with the Warriors I mean what a great story that was because he was not projected to be as good as his brother all right Toronto picking Jamal shed at number 45 that sounds about right in terms of uh you know value here and where he deserves to go shed is just a defensive monster at the point guard position and usually I say at 61 you better be special offensively at something I think when you’re as good as shed is defensively you just need to be okay at one thing offensively and I think he’s good enough of a playmaker I compare him to to uh Javon Carter from West Virginia I mean I think that’s that’s the type of guy he’s going to be in the NBA uh this is this is an A minus for me because I just think you know 45 in the draft if you can get anybody who’s going to crack your rotation it’s a win and in my opinion if Javon Carter can make it in the league as long as he has that Jamal shed can too love this pick uh shed was the nouth defensive player of the year and people forget if he did not get hurt in that game against Duke in the sweet 16 Houston’s going to the final four I me because I think Houston’s beating NC State they were up if I’m not mistaken 1611 when shed went down did not return it obviously took the life out of Houston Duke was able to win that game they end up losing NC State the next round uh and NC State makes that Miracle run to the final four I think Houston the way they defended led by shed wins that game beats State and now a Houston Purdue game would have been really interesting because shed would have locked down those Purdue guards um and put even more emphasis you know for uh you know on Ed having to get it done which he did obviously but still that could have been really intriguing but shed gets hurt and uh isn’t able to um to finish the NC tournament uh Falls to say fall whatever he maybe fell where he supposed to but I love this pick for the Raptors I think this is a really smart basketball selection by Toronto that game you’re referring to I remember I was in a room with a couple of sports bets who had taken Houston and when shed went down I said cash out cash out your bet now because it’s over that they’re not winning this game anymore he he him being out changed the whole complexion of the game and uh and that’s that’s kind of what you you take him to do is just you put him into the game and he he changes it a little bit with this defensive pressure all right there it is Clippers at 4 46 taking cam Christie from Minnesota who we just talked about a bit of a slide for a oneandone guy maybe the last freshman to go in this draft and you know there’s a lot of mixed things I’ve heard about him I’ve talked to Scouts who really loved his potential which you know is not guaranteed and I’ve talked to Scouts who are like he’s just too far away from me I haven’t seen enough to buy into him on paper he’s a 66 two guarder wing with a beautiful stroke shooting off the dribble off the catch and they ran some pick and roll for him this year he averaged over two assists per game um but he’s not super athletic he doesn’t really get to the rim much he really will live or die by the jump shot this is a I mean to get him this late it’s worth the risk this is a B+ grade I know it’s kind of a a boring grade but uh I think people thought he was going to go earlier I think you know the question with him is as a guy that’s maybe very similar to his brother who these are not great athletes but they’re very fundamental mentally sound shot makers and skill players around the perimeter these guys just have such little margin for error with their jump shots where if it’s not falling I’m not really sure what they’re doing for you can you see him playing behind uh well first of all we don’t know what that roster is gonna look like but I guess to be Westbrook right so um we don’t know what Paul George is GNA be doing uh what do you think of him in that second group rotation with the Clippers and we’d be playing behind he’s not playing next year he bar I mean he’s let’s be real here cam Christie needs work I mean he’s he’s they’re gonna send him in the g- league this is you take cam Christie if you’re the clippers because I trying to be optimistic I know I know but we got let’s let’s be realistic and at the same time realize that um the Clippers are are now right they have their window is closing and you have to kind of have some insurance for when that window does close and and have some young prospects to to lean on and when the window does close he might be you know a couple years in the G League then he might be ready to go and that’s why that’s the the draw to taking an 18-year-old um for the clippers but no I mean yeah I do want to be optimistic and and picture him in this rotation but there’s just no way that the Clippers team who is who needs to win now is going to call on cam Christie by the way cam Christie I think had a better freshman season than Max did Max went 35 in that draft Christy here goes uh 45 I believe and I think based on the numbers the production the efficiency Max Christie was more efficient but again he’s for him to crack the rotation which I guess listen I maybe I was a little bit too harsh he’s got to be a knockdown shooter for them all right number 47 on the Move Orlando trading it to New Orleans let’s see what the Pelicans who the Pelicans are targeting after getting their Target in Eve Mei at 21 in yesterday’s draft and Andy anybody on the board that you like that’s that maybe you think should have been taken by now well they already went big um look at the best OFA by the way it’s kind of hard to compare Max and Ken because Michigan state was just better than uh Minnesota you know what I mean yeah definitely so of who’s left I have a quick prediction Enrique Freeman is my prediction okay we’re now in so we’re at 47 well I’m just gonna throw it out there can I just throw it out there throw it before Shams or anyone posts where did Swin Cash play her college basketball oh give me a break here tell the people Yukon so this is your this is your cam Spencer does doeses uh they put they took a Yukon player last year Parkins yeah do they go back to the well and grab another husky here on the perimeter either a playmaker or a shooter not out of the realm of possibility there’s also I’m looking you’re not but you’re not taking the bait no I’m with you at this point anything’s possible I mean I’m I’m waiting for somebody just trying to connect dots I’m connecting dots listen and sometimes that’s a that’s a smart thing to do oh let’s see there Antonio Reeves to the pel one of the most so they went Kentuck yeah went Kentucky it was same idea they went with winning programs with proven players but they and they went for a guard and they went for a guard so you were closer than I was I went from a walk-on from Acron a little bit different than Antonio Reeves who is one of the best players most proven players in the country and Reeves is a little bit older but I think at some point you got to put that aside that that this point in the draft tremendous shot maker he’s got the floater not a great athlete but it seems like every setting he’s in he scores and at 65 I think it’s worth betting on that scoring TransLink I think it’s interesting Antonio Reeves goes before Justin Edwards yep well the other thing too is this is another example by the way of a player and I’m just going to spitball here of guys who started at a lower level went up in division one and now of the NBA Reeves from the valley to the SEC to the NBA shyan the summit to the Big East to the NBA um dton connect Big Sky to the SEC to the NBA you see the trend I’m on here I see it and I think that’s why we’re going to continue to see it happen Tyler KCK the A10 to the Big East to the NBA um you know it’s working the system is working where guys are seeing that they’re improving you take that next step and this is what we do you keep climbing up yep it makes a lot of it makes sense from nil it makes sense from improving your development in NBA draft stock the magic are trading number 47 to New Orleans for two future pick swaps in 2030 and 2031 2031 isn’t that funny that you can make trades in 2031 it’s crazy when we see that and said to my I said to Seth yesterday I have a four-year-old in 2031 he’s going to be being bar mitv almost all right steezy 62 is Rob Dillingham getting minutes with the Timberwolves next year I think he is I think yeah I do too I think he’s I tweeted out earlier I could not picture and I needed a whole day to process this I couldn’t picture a better landing spot for dingham who he gets to go to a team where he plays to his strengths he doesn’t have to worry about running offense he could just come off the bench and be a scorer he goes to the best defensive team in the NBA in terms of defensive rating which will help mask his defensive limitations and he’s going to be playing relevant important games immediately and probably for the foreseeable future in the playoffs the worst place I could have thought Dillingham would be going to was a bad defensive team and A Team who’s going to be in the lottery every year where he has to be a 30-minute guy running offense where he be totally inefficient I mean I thought everything worked out perfectly for uh for Rob I I do too and I just think he’s going to what is now a winning culture that was not always the case with the t-wolves um I think that he will do well under the tutelage uh and I’m not talking about like same position just overall of the tutelage and experience of Carl Anthony towns uh Rudy goar and of course Anthony Edwards um just their overall experience what they went through this last year they’ll take him under his wing and uh you know I think he’ll contribute in some form or fashion all right so now we got San Antonio um there’s still some signicant interesting players out there that I think uh you know be might be able to find their way onto the court so who do you got who are your who are your most surprised names left so I again won’t be shocked if the Spurs go back to Yukon I’m gonna keep pushing it here because I could see like Spencer oh my God what a total pop type guy you know and the Spurs by the way number 28 last year in three-point shooting and cam Spencer so lights out this would be a great great landing spot who else we got on the board right we got yeah har Harrison Ingram I mean Justin Edwards is an interesting uh interesting storyline here comes into the into the season viewed as a potential top five pick a big time you know a five-star recruit and he’s now in Jeopardy of going undrafted um I I didn’t have him in my top 50 rankings I don’t believe I don’t see what he does at a you know above the average level for an NBA team but to see him go this deep into the draft without getting picked is a surprise to see his teammate who’s four or five years older and and Antonio Reeves go before him not something we had on our Bingo cards back in October mcculler still on the board before before this pops real quickly I just want to say that uh I’m not a fan I know why they do it but you know their 58 picks not Philly and Phoenix have forfeited picks and I don’t know the legal way to get it done but it is two spots to take opportunities away from two individuals whether International domestic to hear their names called uh because there are going to be other players obviously that get on Sumer League teams they’re just not drafted so I’d like to see it but I know that’s what they do here you go and the Spurs are taking Harrison Ingram from North Carolina transfer from Stanford I think he’s got an NBA High basketball IQ High basketball IQ one of the Stanford guys and uh I think he’s got an NBA coveted skill set now he goes to North Carolina and he plays with RJ Davis so he’s you know his role suddenly has to change to be more of a spot up guy but when he was in Stanford he ran a lot of pick and rolls as a 68 230 pounder so I think that part of his game was hidden a little bit with UNC but the ability to handle and pass and shoot everybody loves the shoot dribble pass skill set throwing in the IQ I think he rebounds pretty well I think he can get into passing Lanes make defensive plays uh I I told teams and they asked me a lot about you know second round value guys he was one of the guys I always said what do you think you are you a fan of Ingram Oh I am um you know he hit some big shots for North Carolina uh you know with with Bott holding the middle uh RJ Davis uh obviously kadu I mean they had guys that could run the floor really well and get to the rim and then Ingram sometimes was sort of I say lost like the defense would lose him and he would make big shots uh and was a major contributor in Carolina’s uh comeback season after missing the tournament the year before so uh I thought he would go higher and I thought thought he was a one of the best transfer editions a year ago at this time so he’s the 40th pick so we’re approaching the 50s and this isn’t even prompted by any producers I’m going to bring it up on my own bronnie James still on the board not a uh not a major surprise but we’re getting closer to that number 55 pick and there’s still some pretty big names out there available you know what I’m curious about is if we’re at 55 and there’s some bigger names on the board that are clearly better prospects all right Denver trading Reggie Jackson to Charlotte for three unprotected second round picks interesting I don’t know what Reggie Jackson does for a Charlotte team that’s probably not going anywhere anytime soon I would love to hear more explanation I mean there’s no question mcculler is a you know is talented enough to be in this group if not above but question of course is his knee um you know you’ve met Isaiah Crawford still on the board Justin Edwards still on the board uh you know Kad Johnson Trey Alexander uh um PJ Hall Anton Watson these are all names that could somehow fall into this grouping yeah I mean and if we’re talking about La 55 it’s going to be uncomfortable if there are some far more proven guys left that maybe they hoping weren’t left so they didn’t have to you know they can make an excuse of why they would take brownie but there are some guy I mean Kad Johnson to me has a very good chance of being a pro all right we got another in there’s another one of your boys Indiana selecting Tristan Newton at number 49 a very big piece of the Connecticut championship team arguably their most important player most productive player I think there are some questions about how his game translates to the NBA level but this deep into the draft you’re nitpicking he’s 64 with the 67 wingspan uh this is a uh this is an A minus pick for me because I don’t know it kind of reminds me a little bit of Terrence man at a Florida State just you know not your traditional point guard but a big guard who can handle and make plays uh probably a better shooter I think at the same time and somebody but he also follows my my my theme Here Yeah started at East Carolina yeah goes to Yukon wins two national champions ships now he’s in the second round of the NBA draft does that happen from East Carolina maybe maybe not it definitely happens from Yukon and so it’s unfortunate for a lot of coaches and programs that are at that level but you are who you are you know you are a stepping stone for a lot of players and coaches and uh so we’re s sort of seeing the system work here I I like this pick um obviously Indiana is you know right there to potentially be a top four team in the East and he’s a guy that’s experienced and and can you know you can plug him in in that second unit yeah he’s just got uh he brings you those those veteran Vibes I mean he is a a veteran rookie if that makes any sense so uh you know a nice little senior pick there but we still have some we got seven picks left we got seven picks left let’s let’s go through again one two three four four before the Lakers for a little exercise what are the chances that and you know this is who has the picks right now correct I’m wrong Indiana Golden State Detroit Boston any of them would take bronny no way I mean I just can’t maybe really not Indi they just took TR Newton could Boston do it I mean they could I mean there’s there’s a couple International guys on the board if anybody wants to draft and stash um this is a fun part of the draft particularly with uh with bronnie bronnie left and the and time running out to be picked and you got a mix of Veteran guys who could maybe crack rotation early you got some higher upside guys younger guys like Oris champ and Justin Edwards you know mcculler still on the board Enrique Freeman is one of the more interesting stories is the walk-on for Acron who really surprised a lot of people at from uh I think it was at Portsmith first then Elite camp and then the NBA Combine PJ Hall one of the best players in the ACC is still on the board I’m just looking who’s left so we got let’s go to the uh let’s go to the chat how will Ingram impact the Spurs defensively ask Caitlin Schmidt you want to take this one Andy um well again we know Brenan talked about this last night brenon Haywood that I think there was some lost patience in San Antonio with having to teach so much so now you’re adding a player who understands how to play yeah uh and so I think defensively yes he can help um he’s GNA not going to need to do much off offensively but he can score obviously so you know I look at what the Spurs are doing they’re getting players from programs that have a ton of respect at the NBA level you know these college programs that are well respected at the next level and I think there’s certainly value in that uh with a franchise like San Antonio 100% I’m sure that’s definitely played a role in to that selection uh Ryan major says best drafton slash best drafton St Center left olish or Ariel Huck pory I’m guessing um I think it’s orus champ I would take more of a chance on him uh I’ve also seen him live a bunch of times luckily um and hp’s just been around for a bit longer and I was expecting more development he had that major Achilles injury miles Freeman says how will pel Larson fit with the heat I don’t think he’s going to fit with the Heat next year I think this is just a uh a guy who’s a a a culture fit an identity fit for that Heat team and uh you know whether it’s injuries or whether it’s guys leaving free agency he’s just somebody to have in in your back pocket um with somebody who fits exactly what your team typically looks for and very similar mold I think to a high so the Pacers are on the clock by the way as if this has been uh as if they’re making the number two pick in the draft I feel like we’ve been on the clock for a long time the pick is in waiting for it the pick is not in what could we well ESPN is reporting the pick is in on the screen we’ll see that means much this is like if you ever do a fantasy football draft and there’s that one guy in your draft who always takes the maximum time when the clock gets to one second and it’s midnight and everybody wants to go to sleep right I have a friend right now who’s listening skilled players there all right here we go like uh n and N Smith was not you know he was drafted I think by Boston someone’s going to take Enrique Freeman yeah there it is Enrique wow from the Zips what a story huh what a story and somebody I I mean I it didn’t catch me until much later in the draft process and that’s why they have these the draft process and that’s why they have so many events to try and expose or give these guys Expos for Scouts for teams who were not catching on during the year not sitting in in acon watching these games uh you know after the combine I got a text from a scout the first text I got was I bet you Freeman gets drafted and so here it is number 51 and uh great story a walkon who has never probably had any idea or any dreams of playing in the NBA and now he has a chance after proving himself at every single combine event and of course he had a monster season average 17 and and 12 I think um listen I I have to give this a good grade because he’s such a good story and you hear so many good things about him off the floor this is this is an a this is a a story worth betting on to continue unraveling and um from an NBA standpoint from a scouting standpoint he can do a lot of different things man he can he can hit the open three he obviously is a dominant rebounder he could play from the post you know he he picks his spots on how to cut and get himself open opportunities Andy how much of him because I’m admittedly a i c on later how much of Freeman were you paying attention to during the season I I wasn’t until later and by the way John gross his coach at akan um I thought did a great job I talked to him in Chicago uh just of promoting his own guy about trying to tell his story and was and actually I I think this is a great example where um you know that when these coaches go to the combine uh you know sometimes it’s for their own benefit schmoozing the whole bit I I thought John gross did a great job of selling his guy I saw him working The Concourse every day uh on Enrique Freeman and whether or not that the scale to get him here I don’t know but I do know that um he did a great job of promoting his own player uh who had a great story and telling that story uh and there’s no and obviously Freeman had to perform had to climb up the ladder of within the the camps and the workouts uh but uh I thought they were all aligned in their message to try to help him get drafted yeah and I’m glad that uh somebody pulled the trigger Indiana here uh let’s all right so we got four picks before the Lakers Nicks Golden State Detroit Boston this is my mistake I I skipped over the Knicks when we were saying this earlier so Nicks Golden State Detroit Boston of that grouping I really would only see I mean I guess the Warriors could but either Golden State or Boston stealing bronny from the Lakers could you imagine if the Knicks took Brony James no I don’t see the Knicks doing it they just took [ __ ] I don’t think you worry about positions at 51 in the draft I think you worry about bringing in a jersey a Nick Jersey that says James on the back because for 15 years they couldn’t get his father I mean that would be a story that everybody would every media Outlet certainly would love and I think that Jersey now let me pause there would that be fair to him if the Knicks just keep him on the bench and everyone’s screaming for his name at the Garden but Andy you could say that about every other team because that’s where he’s going to be on the bench but you got the Fishbowl of New York unfortunately yes I’m sure I mean if I’m Brony James and I I don’t know I’m not in his head I want to go to like Cleveland not Cleveland’s a bad example but like you know one one of the Milwaukee you know Sacramento right right right I I’m sure by now he’s so tired of of the cameras all right we got a pick is in and it’s Melvin aansa from France who is a shot maker I mean that’s that’s pretty much all he does we at number are we at five Frenchmen we are at six I believe now we had six the top two we had dader we had Salon maybe this is fifth am I missing someone maybe this is fifth maybe you’re right uh why do I feel like I’m missing someone I I’ll recheck on it but is this a draft in stash this should be a draft in stash I would think it is but I’m not sure I mean every situation is different and I don’t know what he wants aens sa broke out this summer at feba he was the second leading scorer and this year he played um in in France I mean this is a a a B I mean I’m I’m not super excited about about him I really liked him I was more intrigued by him I should say earlier after the summer but watching him this year I mean he is a shot maker but I don’t see what else he offers you he’s not very quick defensively he’s not really going to put the ball down unless it’s just you know in a straight line and he relies a little bit on physicality but he can make shots and he’s 6’6 and I think he’s 19 years old and if you can make shots as a wing and you make shots at a high level you can you can find a role but uh this is not somebody you take to to come in and try and compete for a rotation St by the way with the Warriors up next what about Spencer here another Splash brother sure why not why not um absolutely I mean he would make he would make makes sense um who else do we have here we have another big name Trenton flowers who played in the NBL who was a a bigger name in high school and then disappeared when he goes to the NBL um you know if they’re looking for more NBA ready guys Jaylen Bridges is somebody I think is kind of a a value pick finally got a shot around this year a big time Defender 69 shot 40% for three this year I think he’s somebody who could potentially crack a rotation earlier than a typical pick in the 50s would um this is also an area where we always see there’s always one international guy that even I’m like where do they find this guy so we’ll see if any of those guys pop up War you know the Warriors have done a good job of of uh you know sort of definitely scouting their neighborhood oh look at this one from BC Quinton post I did not have him on my this is the fir this is the first so far the first player that has not been on my mock draft from BC is Quinton post who has a great career with BC great career absolutely the funny thing was I remember I was at a high school event near him and and I was sitting at a bar and somebody said next to me I’m from DC do you think Quinton post gets drafted this is in January I said nah not really and here he is I wonder if that guy remembers me but Quinton post is a very appealing skill set listen I’ll give this a this is this is a a a b I mean I I can’t give it anything lower than that he’s got an NBA kind of skill set with his passing and 43% three-point shooting I think we saw the combine and he his athletic limitations were exposed a little bit but a guy his size that could shoot the ball this way you might not need any athletic ability I mean Andy I’m sure you’ve seen him a lot very productive career in a in a big conference and this next pick uh is going to Dallas is it 53 the one that was originally the Timberwolves pick oh no or is it going to Minnesota wait Minnesota excuse me yeah thank you for the correction um back to your question yes I’ve seen post playay um he’s improved his perimeter game a lot uh he’s definitely more of a Euro five than you know your sort of standard American five uh and uh I he’s got the numbers there’s no question he’s got the numbers to you know find a spot in this league um we’ll see I mean the Warriors have had good value in the second round obviously Trace Jackson Davis is a good example of that but um you know I like it why not give him a flyer give him a chance he’s put up numbers let’s see yeah when you’re in this range right so we’re back to the Timberwolves we are yeah when you’re in this range there’s no such thing as a bad pick let’s be real here yes so but the Timberwolves take bronny I think I think it would be less bad business if you took bronie at 35 if you take him two picks before the Lakers you’re messing with them bad business I don’t well first of all I mean again he’s not as good as any of the guards you but then You’ you know you’ve got Dillingham you’ve got Shannon it it really would make no sense you know know what I mean yeah man look at some of these G people are still on the board right Spencer mcculler who’s so accomplished kha Johnson who’s I think they go I think they go on the three four range like somewhere what do you think I I have no idea what they’re gonna do I mean at this point they might take you know they might go draft and stash yeah I Cham is an interesting guy I don’t know if you’ve seen him he’s NBA Academy Africa he’s like what are your thoughts on PJ Hall by the way I’ve gone back and forth on PJ Hall you know I’m trying to figure out his fit in the NBA I think he has to be able to shoot the three to have a chance but man he’s the way he’s so chiseled and built and skilled around the post I just think he needs that three-point shot there’s your other guy Memphis taking cam Spencer I’m just gonna give you the mic Andy talk about him um oh I’m sorry I kept saying Minnesota I meant me Memphis well it said Minnesota my bad no maybe it is Minnesota I’m sorry about that yeah look I love uh no that is why can’t my logo is here you’re in a small screen let me just say about cam Spencer uh yeah that’s Minnesota sorry we were back to that cam Spencer started his career at lyola goes to ruter then to Yukon he arguably was one of the best transfer pickups absolutely an extension of Dan Hurley he plays with a BigTime Chip he can you know basically get in the grill of of the best of them uh and he makes big shots he also though is a better close to the basket score than you think um you know he can really find the angles inside has a nice little mid-range game um I I like it I I I I just feel like he’s gonna find a way to get on the floor yeah agreed like we said earlier the 2029 playoffs I’m gonna cam Spencer is going to be annoying another team with his peskiness with his shot making with his Competitive Edge I think he finds a way to uh to eventually become part of a NBA rotation he’s just one of those guys one of those winners who will will his way to the NBA floor so we have one two three four five total picks left in the second round okay we’ve got one pick before the Lakers and it’s the Boston Celtics took Baylor shyan great pick what do they do do they take bronny and mess with the Lakers do they I mean in theory they really could use another big uh we don’t know what’s going to happen with some of their rotation guys are going to maybe want a bigger payday elsewhere so let’s just play this game for a second if they who’s the next best big especially now post is gone who’s your next best big it’s probably Cham um there really aren’t that many bigs I mean you start to run out of them and I was thinking about this because of the Nick situation and they need some front core depth there are not many bigs I mean I I I don’t know if you consider him a big but I like Isaac Jones from Washington State he’s probably more of a 34 than a 45 he played a lot of more four five in college all right how about give me a four and fly Dante and F Dante is I think a worth oh yeah because he lost his appeal right that’s a great name that’s that’s an interesting name of a shop Locker this late in the draft you want to go back to Oregon lost his appeal he’s a big time shop Locker yeah they were like get out of here go to the NBA already right but PJ I mean p for PJ Hall to not get picked even if there are questions about translation he was such a good college player all right so this is going to be intriguing here the I’m gonna say they go big or like a four five somewhere in that range not not like a traditional Center necessarily but definitely a front cor player see if from right all right I see I see what the pick is on my laptop uh oh it’s a very productive of me college player who we have not seen on our board yet should I reveal it or should we wait for we gotta wait let’s wait create some drama let’s wait you’re ahead of me I’ll tell you right now he’s a guy who who every time I watch him he’s so good at the college level whether it’s going to translate to the NBA is a big question I liked him a lot earlier in his career he’s gotten better every season I think you threw his name out at one point of this stream briefly we didn’t talk about him yet though now now you’ve got me on the edge of my seat here that was my goal here uh all right I’m being told to reveal it Kad Johnson Anton Watson oh zags going to the Celtics at number 54 just a good player I mean I think the question is like what position is he in the NBA he’s a little bit too small for a five you know he’s improved his perimeter skill a little bit more for the NBA but what do you think about Watson I mean he’s he’s really come I like him a lot you know and also what I love about him is he took his um you know he he waited his turn yeah uh he was playing behind whether it was holgren uh whether it was um strw and and not and I say that oh I’m gonna pause and there it is sorry Anton Watson your moment is ruined because the Lakers are selecting bronnie James with the number 55 pick in the 2024 draft shocker not a shocker at all that’s where we thought he would go let’s be positive here and talk about yes why he has a chance and we are all rooting for him because he is an incredible kid who’s dealt with things that he does not deserve but he is a very good Defender who can be a good shooter was a better shooter in high school than what we saw at USC of course he has the heart scare he doesn’t get to fully prepare for the season he starts it late he gets thrown into a mix with a pretty mishmash kind of a bad team doesn’t shoot the ball as well as he could but we know from high school he’s a better shooter so you have to hope that the shooting improves to what we think he can and his defense translates and you get a three and D type of undersized combo guard I mean I have to grade this pick how is a human being supposed to grade bronny James to the Lakers at 55 I’ll give it a B+ because I don’t want to piss anybody off on either side of the spectrum here the pro bronny guys the anti brownie guys I do think he has a chance I will say I think there are better prospects available but if you’re the Lakers well and I will tell you this you know and we said this on the air the last couple days I think we have to first say um he was a potential you know NBA player like he was on that path coming out of high school okay from Sierra Canyon uh he has the cardiac arrest we cannot like dismiss that I mean he literally almost died and he makes a remarkable recovery from that gets cleared at USC it’s natural to just sort of find your your footing on the basketball court and and play without fear of something happening to you then you’re on a team that’s kind of underachieving you’re not going to be ahead of Boogie Ellis Kobe Johnson uh Isaiah Collier and so you know you just don’t have any kind of flow in your freshman year healthwise basketball-wise then you got to get cleared by the NBA which you did because they have their own medical hurdles um and I’m GNA tell you the day we interviewed him in Chicago we had to wait for him to come back from the hospital like he had extra you know just checking everything yeah maintenance and then he was cleared so and he participated which by the way he didn’t have to do even though yeah he’s a second round pick of course he should he should be participating in it but he’s also Brony James and he had a health condition so he could have gotten away without participating and here he is he’s going to Lakers you know I have to believe at some point he’ll be on the flooor with his dad uh and we’ll you know hopefully he accepts playing some g-league games because that’s really where he needs to be to develop his game to get the Reps so um I wish him well he’s a wonderful young man uh High character I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with him so I hope it works out for him me too and I’m glad that this is over with I’m glad we don’t have to talk about should he get drafted is anyone gonna take him I’m glad he’s on the Lakers because they’re going to I do think they’re G to play him I mean I think at some point they will play him it’s going to be a special moment when they do I mean at some point it’s more than it is a little bit more than basketball here and at the number 55 pick there’s no risk it’s too it’s too special of an opportunity to pass on and yeah he’s he really is a special kid from from the things I’ve heard and the thing this the way he’s approached everything and and handled everything and from a basketball standpoint he is a good player he was a McDonald’s All-American he played well I mean I watched him in Nike hoop Summit practices he was he was good you know he was he’s it’s not like he’s a bad player he’s a good player in a world where you have to be so Elite to make an NBA team but uh there is a pathway for him to get there in terms of you know being relevant and not just being LeBron and and you know he’s handled everything with humility um you know none of us can imagine what it’s like to be the child of one of the greatest players of all time uh you know I think back to Jordan’s kids and the pressures they dealt with where they weren’t good enough you know and that’s okay but uh I think one went to UCF and then I can’t remember where the other one went uh to a Valley School school I’m drawing a blank um uh maybe with Southern Illinois Illinois state but um you know not easy to be in the same sport the child of a iconic basketball player or whatever it is uh and I think he’s handled it well and so um now the onus is on the staff to handle him the right way um because he needs rep um obviously there’s going to be a moment when he plays with his father we know that’s going to happen at some point but why not get him in a position to be successful when that happens so I don’t think it should happen on October 31st you know what I mean I think that’s exct see if that happens you know on February 20th or something um that’s what I would do Let It organically happen not you know on day one and throw him out there and here we are 100% because he’s not gonna be ready right at that point they’re gonna slow play this and they’re going to treat him like he’s any other 55th pick in the draft and I’m sure they’re going to talk a lot about we didn’t just take him because he’s LeBron’s son I’m sure pinka is gonna go out and talk about the things he does really well in the floor and the things that they value they’re gonna they’re gonna start him off I’m sure in the G league and he’s not gon to play and then it’s GNA be this buildup getting him ready and then there’s gonna be the day where he’s active and he gets the call so very cool moment I’m I’m I’m very excited about it uh for the family Minnesota traded 57 to Toronto by the way while we were talking Kevin mcculler got selected oh poor Kevin mcculler to be selected after the one pick after bronny James I couldn’t think of uh the wor the worst but to the Knicks place to go the Knicks I didn’t realize that I was I’ve known for a while the Knicks are high on mcculler at the at the time this is before the knee injury I thought maybe he’d be in the conversation at you know in the first round but uh I think they’ll be very happy to get him at number 56 I know people around them were very high on thecolor um so we got two picks left Toronto and Dallas or did we just see Dallas was moving the pick up forget so two picks left is there anyone that you would say Oh cannot believe they wouldn’t at least be selected yeah well obviously if you look at my board I have guys that are ranked early in the 30s but I understand I’m higher on them than everybody else um and that’s just the way this type of draft is but guys who I’ve you know from other teams that I know that that are popular players for Justin Edwards not to get picked I think I’m a bit surprised um I mean kot Johnson I’d say is the is the name to me that I would I would assumed most teams would have had him top 55 so we’ll see with him he I mean I thought he if anything helped himself in Chicago with the combine had the highest M tied for the highest Max vertical there he made a lot of plays off his athleticism I mean not that we didn’t see it at Arizona but um yeah and PJ Hall to me sometimes I think I’m shocked when someone who’s so productive in a league like the ACCC there we go Nicks taking Kevin mcculler with the 56 pick I it’s funny because earlier in this stream I compared him to Josh Hart so uh he gets to go and play under a guy just like him I the Knicks just love that archetype that big Wing Defender archetype and I think that’s what mcculler is and this year Kansas he got to show off a lot more and I know he played for them last year but this year he was used far more on the ball and he won’t be used more on the ball in the NBA level he’s going to have to be a better spot up shooter but he is your classic glue guy I think Jack of all trades all those buzzwords by the way before we uh the second last pick um we didn’t mention summer league yeah some eyeballs in the Lakers play in the leue oh my gosh by the way mcculler gets an a for that pick to get him at 56 when a team I know liked him um that’s that’s the definition of value wow brownie James before he got hurt you know uh there’s no question that he was banned about as a uh as a player that um you know would have been contention for uh you know higher All-American status yeah and even higher up don’t you think Laker summer league it’s going to be bigger than when wanyama debuted I mean it’s G you’re right I didn’t even think about that Lakers summer league is going to be chaos yes I mean I stopped going to Ser League it’s too it’s it’s too much I certainly I wouldn’t want to go I’m gonna I would rather watch bronnie summer league from my couch it’s going to be mad house well LeBron will be there I’m sure I’m sure he will be he’s a good uh a good sports dad all right let’s go to the chat we got question success rate of the drafted Yukon players okay I’ll I’ll let you take this because this these are your guys well let’s work backwards I think Spencer um with Min uh Minnesota correct me uh was it Memphis or did they switch it was either Memphis or Minnesota it’s hard to keep track no it looks like on that on our draft recap it has Memphis at 53 still I think it was Minnesota maybe it became Memphis I know originally it was Detroit but that P that pick has moved so many times regardless um regardless he will be playing in NBA games and he will make big shots I’m confident of that I like Tristan Newton as a backup point guard in Indiana a lot I’ve already said that castle with San Antonio was a great fit and kingan in Portland um he’s going to put up numbers and and I think that he will supplant their Trio of bigs you know I think that he’ll end up um you know he he’ll find a way your thoughts it’s hard to bet against those guys like there’s some guys who again they defy the additional laws of scouting I think that I think that we’re going to see all those guys in the NBA I I really do all right uh future of DJ Burns that’s a question I haven’t seen the new I haven’t seen his new body which I’m told is completely reshaped yes no he’ll get he’ll get a he’ll be in summer league and um you know I think more than likely he’ll be playing overseas that’s my prediction skills sorry the logos are so small for me chosen by Memphis on Spencer sorry about that the screen I have the logo is very small skills bronie needs to develop to make an impact it’s a very simple skill he’s got to be able to shoot because he’s not going to be used to create and it’s much harder to get better at creating that it is to be to get better at shooting and he already has shooting as a part of his skill set just has to get a little bit more a little bit more um you know consistent with it and if you pair shooting with his IQ which he certainly has and with his defensive quickness then you have a potential NBA player so we’re still on 59 is that really the case here have we not made a pick yet we got a big commercial break for the last two picks oh you know yeah that’s true I think that remember it’s 57 and 58 because Phoenix and Philly for fored their picks and I think that ESPN slotted this for a thre hour slot and actually this only took two hours and 20 minutes yes so maybe these last two teams are lucky and get more time to think about who they’re going to take so this by the way this is another Toronto pick so give me your assessment of Toronto so far all right is this a pick coming in oh so just okay so Toronto on the on Toronto again my favorite prospect on the board is still Isaiah Crawford who is very very good at G Leal Le Camp a three and D guy I love his NBA body I just think he kind of fits the NBA mold I love all right they’re going International what do you got who’s going International Toronto Toronto is that official seen it on my screen oh that’s from Cameroon that’s orish shamp who I actually got to see a lot this year surprisingly I saw him uh when I I saw him in Portland at the Nike hoop Summit I saw him at uh the g-league Showcase in Vegas I saw him at the NBA Combine he is super raw but you could see why he’s in this draft and he stayed in this draft I thought maybe he would he was getting he was getting offers from some BigTime schools but uh he chose to go in the draft I’m not sure that was the best feedback I mean this late in the draft this has this is in this is an a minus I mean there’s a lot of upside here 74 wingspan he obviously does a lot with that wingspan in terms of finishing and Shop blocking but he’s a very very good passer I mean that pops like every time you see him he makes one pass that really just opens up your eyes because guys like him don’t make those those high IQ passes and when he’s going I mean he really likes to shoot the three he doesn’t shoot it consistently and some of his misses could hit the side of the backboard but he can make him and so this is just a you know a hit or miss a hit or miss pick on a player with an NBA skill set who just has to sharpen those skills and he’s super young and again super raw you can’t teach the seven4 wings span and it’s just a uh certainly a wild card worth taking at 57 in the draft got good uh numbers there 610 7 foot4 wingspan 232 yeah MVP of basketball Without Borders um NBA Academy Africa he really stood out I mean the competition wasn’t great but at the g-league Showcase he was knocking down threes who was putting the ball on the floor it was for a while I had him I had him in my first round my first round board it was off limited viewings and and the viewings were against inferior competition I moved him down when I saw more the Nike hoop Summit against tougher opponents and then we saw in Chicago he he didn’t make too many plays but you could see why teams think there is long-term potential but you got to really be you got to really be patient with Sham Shay so we got one pick left on the board Andy take a guess who’s your who’s your final prediction for the last pick um Dallas obviously my heart would love to see boooo as a backup playmaker don’t think it’s gonna happen um so I’m gonna go with Kad Johnson yeah that would be I I’ll play I’ll say Isaac Jones from Washington State but yeah the last pick Mr relevant Ariel horty who is a German who played in the NBL two years ago he is Achilles missed the entire season but he is just a high motor explosive finisher around the basket you know it’s hard to get too excited about his skill set but um you know respect him he came back from a major injury and uh he’s got a a very impressive physical profile he does a lot around the hoop and I think that’s what you take him for to kind of bring you some activity I’ll give it a I’ll give it a bft stash um I’m not sure again he’s actually older I think he may be 22 21 or 22 maybe he’s been around for a while I think he was actually at the NBA combine two or three years ago before he h his Achilles so he’s been on the radar for a long time and he bounced back to the player he was he just doesn’t have a very modernized skill set but uh teams have clearly kept an eye on him and his the last pick of the 2024 draft which was an interesting one a lot of interesting picks we got bronne going to the Lakers we got Zachary Reet at number one we got tjan Salon going before Donovan kingan we got some uh some some wild selections which is during our pre-draft show Andy that’s that’s pretty much what we said would happen this is I think Jared Greenberg asked me a question of what to expect and I said the unexpected this was going to be a weird draft all right so can I give you before I exit my two biggest winners okay Minnesota staying consistent love what the t-wolves did certainly in the first round Dillingham Shannon are going to make contributions IM immediately I have to think of the Knicks in the in the full entirety here because of getting Bridges but I I I just think that the colic pickup in the second round is gonna be a player that people are G to love in New York and I think he’s gonna have an impact um so I’m really high on them and the you know you know individually I like what the Spurs did you know with Castle but they’re sort of the bigger winners to me in general um the loser and this is not you know basically painting The Players as that it’s more I don’t understand what they were doing because I don’t think they help themselves immediately and they need some help is Milwaukee not no I’m with you I’m confused by the Bucks I’m with you there that would be I’ll say Charlotte because I just I don’t think tjan Salon is a number six pick in this draft and to pass on to pass on kingan right there yeah uh winners listen I had braon Holland is you know I I I don’t want to even bring it up anymore because it’s getting annoying I’m sure but I I’m a big Holland guy so to get him at five I think Utah did really well um Cody Williams is fine but I think that better value was Isaiah ker and then get Kyle filipowski at 32 I thought that was a big winner um and then today I’m gonna just I’m gonna piggy back off you with the Knicks because I like Daddy a I love I love the the finagling and moving around to get a guy that I thought that they were going to get at 2425 and Tyler KCK at 34 and somebody who’s just so perfect for them and exactly what they need so I think that’s a win and let’s be nice here let’s give a win to bronny man he got himself picked the Lakers not even the Lakers the Brony yes I mean to come back from what he came back for came back from and then get to go to the Lakers with his dad that’s a very that’s just such a cool story so regardless of what happens with his career he gets he Rich Paul said the other day he said when I asked bronnie what he want he goes I just want to hear my name called well he heard his name called and he heard his name called by one of the most prestigious organizations in the world who’s led by his father it’s just a it’s just a cool story regardless of what you think of him as a prospect so behind and we may never see this again because uh LeBron has surpassed uh the normal you know career career lifespan I mean pushing 40 and he’s still at a high level that just doesn’t happen yeah yeah anyway all right this was I I think we’re done here two and a half hours of a second round of only 58 picks it’s been fun Andy this has been a good a fun week with you both in person yes thank you and across from uh across the screen here this is a cool way to uh to do a two day great job as always you too my friend we’ll talk soon appreciate everyone a

When will Bronny James be selected? Will there be blockbuster trades? NBA draft expert Jonathan Wasserman and college hoops reporter and analyst Andy Katz break down and grade every pick as soon as they happen.

  1. Bronny James is a mediocre to good basketball player ⛹️ but NBA material might be a stretch. There are way better college players as well as D-League players that won’t get a chance. His father and the NBA’s penchant for gimmicks will make it happen.

  2. Great video! From $10K to $45K that's the minimum range of profit return every week I thinks it's not a bad one for me, now I have enough to pay bills and take care of my family.

  3. Just because his daddy is LaBum, he gets drafted over better players and kids that had a dream to play on the NBA, and now he just took one of their slots. It's sad and pathetic.

  4. Da JOKER to the Celtics for multiple first round picks, KP and Luke Kornet! Kiss it goodbye Lakers fan base – as we will be steamrolling any team in our path to the 19th trophy! LOL

  5. 10:15 But, Ant could always decide to at the end of 2029, while Minnesota has a history of messing up good situations.

    In conjunction with a San Antonio team that probably still has Wemby and a contending team.

    Seems like great planning by the Spurs front office.

  6. Drafting Bony James with a heart condition averaging 4.4 pt. a game at 6'2 is ridiculous. The kid has no Business on the basketball court let alone the NBA court. F for the Lakers should have taken McCullar Jr

  7. The Jazz had by far the best draft but nobody will talk about it haha. Bro literally just skipped over the Cody Williams pick like it didn't happen .

  8. Now Stash wise, can you send a Bobi to play in his home country? Or because he played college does he have to play in the Gleague. That's interesting to me. Think teams should be able to send American born players overseas to develop if they want 😂💯🤷🏻

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