Minnesota Twins WIN series over Arizona Diamondbacks in David Festa’s debut

Minnesota Twins WIN series over Arizona Diamondbacks in David Festa’s debut

[Music] it’s the score North Twin shell all right score North Extra Innings Dean Goff here twins Wrap Up a Road Series against the Arizona Diamondbacks they take the series they win 13 to6 Zin goof here on Extra Innings hit the like button subscribe button this is the scor our twin Show YouTube feed best way to keep this train moving just hit the like button and subscribe button leave us a five star review to on Apple or Spotify wherever you get your podcast appreciate everyone that has jumped on board here we’ve pushed this thing into one of uh the bigger podcast uh on YouTube for Minnesota Twins content so appreciate you guys uh David Festa made his major league debut today for the twins he got recalled after Chris Paddock went on the iil All Things Considered solid start uh for David Festa top 100 Prospect Festa goes five innings allows seven hits five runs uh strikes out a couple batters to be honest probably has a better outing and a better line if Manuel Margo gets that fly ball on the bottom of the fourth inning that he kind of elected to drop for some reason I noticed that both Cory provis and Glenn Perkins on the television broadcast touched on the fact that if Margo hustles that out a little bit more that inning probably doesn’t balloon to four runs for Arizona regardless though a a solid showing um fast ball slider Change Up Mix that fast ball topped up at about 96.9 just a three- pitch mix for him uh he’s only really been throwing about 80 pitches at a time with the St Paul Saints so even with the big lead that he was able to get uh early it wasn’t like David Fester was going to go out there and throw a 100 pitches by any means but a solid debut he’ll get another turn in the rotation when the twins uh get off this road trip we’ll have more on that in just a bit um when the Twins play the Tigers next week at Target Field so twins fans will get be able to see David Festa at the home ballpark but yeah a a series win for the twins they they beat up on Arizona I know in game one they had a rally that fell short but last two days big games for the offense the offense continues to really impress speed up on these bad teams uh which is good Arizona’s kind of obviously on this uh NLC uh World Series hangover and the twins continue to beat up on a lot of bad teams they will play Seattle here will get into that in just a bit uh but David Festa solid outing uh you’d like to see David Festa you know get some more strikeouts for sure I get that but at the end of the day he’s making his major league debut he’s got fans he’s got his family there uh Festa probably the first twins top 100 pitching Prospect that’s been homegrown I think I did some minor research on this uh since Stephen gonalves remember him uh who got called up in 2018 he was kind of similar to Festa where he was you know low top 100 Prospect a good guy that struck out a lot of arms but never materialized anything I actually think David Festa probably has a better chance of having a better career than Steven gonalez certainly did I think he’s still pitching in the Rockies or Dodgers organization in the in the minor leagues but outside of gonalves Jose BOS in 2016 was another big arm but regardless uh you’d like what you saw from David Festa today we’ll see if he’s able to have another strong start uh for the twins they play the Tigers you know when you consider what Simon Woods Richardson has been able to give this team after he took Louis Varin spot in the rotation he’s been arguably one of their best starting pitchers in baseball since uh they’ve been carefully monitoring him you know he’s not going deep into games necessarily he’s not throwing 100 plus pitches they’ve been very careful with him but he’s been a very effective starter and both hopefully uh W Woods Richardson and Festa can kind of inject uh some much needed juice into this starting rotation which has just kind of been a roller coaster ride I think Pablo Lopez hopefully has turned his season around but he hasn’t gotten off to a good start Joe Ryan’s been mostly pretty consistent uh bayy ober’s been mostly pretty good outside of a couple rough outings so we’ll see what we’ll get uh what we get from David Festa the next time out uh offensively actually let’s let’s get to the Carlos karea thing I should say I got my notes Here let let’s go let’s look at the Carlos karea thing so Korea did leave the game he took a pitch off his wrist pretty scary play when you see a player pretty much leave immediately there’s definitely a little bit of a gasp um he left immediately took a ball off the wrist x-rays came back uh they were negative was diagnosed though as a right wrist contusion for Carlos karea so good news is the x-rays were negative there was no you know structure of bone damage which is good uh we’ll still see what the case is for Korea going forward does he play this weekend does he still go on the I I mean with the x-rays being negative I think that’s probably less likely but still uh Carlos karea has been on an absolute heater he’s kind of the Superstar of this team uh he’s the Batman and Robin with him and Royce Lewis you can’t lose Carlos kareah for an extended period of time uh karea has been swinging one of the best bats in the league he is a candidate to win player of the month um any type of games without Carlos kareah you’re you’re going to be in a tough spot and even with the Twins playing good baseball as of late but still trying to catch Cleveland in the standing still trying to maintain Wild Card positioning uh losing Korea would not be really good so hopefully with those x-rays being negative on that wrist it is good news going forward if Korea was out for an extended period of time probably looking at Willie Castro playing a lot more uh of shortstop I know internally they actually really liked what they saw from Willie when he filled in for Korea earlier this year when Korea went on the a with the uh was the oblique uh the oblique injury but um you’d probably see more of Willie Castro I don’t think that would mean Brooks Lee would be called up in the event K would go on the injured list at just there’s a lot of log jams right now in the infield and you’re able to just kind of put Willie CASRO into that spot who’s also been swinging a very good bat and has made a lot better strides defensively than I think one anticipated so I don’t think it’s it’s an i stint we we’ll hear what Roco says we’ll see what koreas may feeling tomorrow probably probably a if you’re were a betting person K is not in the starting lineup when they open a series against Seattle this weekend in Seattle but good news is the x-rays are negative still scary obviously when you see your star player take a ball off a wrist so hopefully Carlos Korea is indeed okay he’s been a phenomenal defensively I mean when you watch him play short stop that’s one of those things that you just kind of sometimes take for granted and he’s obviously a World Series winner he’s a prolific postseason player he’s a very polarizing guy as we’ve talked about in the podcast or if any other fan of a baseball team they probably don’t like Carlos Korea because he was one of the you know Central figureheads of the whole cheating scandal with the Houston Astros but hopefully Korea is indeed okay we’ll wait and see what happens there but hopefully Korea uh doesn’t have to go on the injured list twins need caros Korea in the lineup and he’s played almost every single game just a few maybe just like one or two scheduled off dayses for him since he came off the injured list the first time this year so we’ll see what happens with Korea on the offensive front though Byron buckson remains red hot dude is just punishing baseballs uh Trevor plof who joins us every Tuesday on this podcast feeding YouTube channel they he talked about him a ton on on last Tuesday’s episode go check that out if uh if you haven’t seen it but he kind of mentioned the fact that maybe Byron bucks finally just blocking out all the noise and just finally being The Hitter that he’s supposed to be now over the last two weeks I mean he’s hitting 345 has no PS over a th000 he parked another baseball over the seats today uh still playing very you know above average Stellar defense and center field which is the most important thing you know he was a full-time DH last year so twins fans weren’t able to see him play center and over the last two weeks this is I mean this is exactly what everyone thought buckson could be right I mean second overall pick in the draft has shown glimpses of when he’s on the field he’s at an MVP level I’ve kind of diminished you know those expectations and to be honest I don’t think that this guy that’s hitting 345 over the last two weeks is sustainable over the course of a year but if he can be a productive player that can run into some baseballs every once in a while and and get on hot streaks like this and still be able to play center field for the most part man um you got you got to take it every chance you can get and I know buckson might not ever live up to his potential but over these last two weeks against these teams like Colorado and Oakland Etc um he’s been one of their best players a lot of guys in this offense have been clicking at the plate Byron being one of them twins need Byron buckton healthy um he had that awkward little slip in center field I know we’re kind of at that point where anytime a guy like buckton goes down and you’re like you kind of gas for a little bit looked like he was obviously okay got back up threw the ball in but Byron buckson over the last two weeks having a hell of a hell of a ripper at the plate on this road trip specifically I saw Bob Nightingale tweet out those stats too he’s just punishing baseballs which is a good sign so yeah go check out that interview too with um with Trevor ploof if you haven’t but you know good highlights some good highlights here on this road trip against or at least the series Series against Arizona with um obviously Byron buckton playing very well David Festa made his debut which was impressive uh a lot of good things happening for the twins right now they will get the Mariners to close out uh this road trip they’ll get Seattle for three games which actually I’m very much looking forward to it’s one of the best pitching staffs in baseball the twins rough them up pretty good um last month uh which was very impressive it was kind of like their first real big uh big Series win against a good team during the middle of that hot streak they had in may now I don’t know if they’re going to be able to tame that pitching staff like they did again it’s going to be a it’s going to be a good test but after playing Oakland and Colorado Arizona’s clearly not the same team they were that went to the World Series last year it’ll be nice for the twins to actually play a legit competition in the Seattle Mariners I know there’s some fans that are just kind of waiting for them to play some good teams you know it’s been hard to catch Cleveland who can’t stop losing or can’t stop winning baseball games I should say so the fact that the twins will play a really good team in Seattle I think that’s a good test for them after beating up and being bullies against some of the worst teams in baseball uh so yeah then they’ll return home too uh for for a week plus before um hitting the road to finish the first half of the schedule um they have Houston they have Detroit and Houston next week at Target Field Houston’s also playing a lot better baseball so uh divisional foe next week after this series concludes against Seattle then they get a red hot Houston Astros team this is the halfway point two so congratulations poor one out uh the season is officially halfway through for your Minnesota Twins it’s been a roller coaster ride uh starting six and 13 having some big winning streaks having some other losing streaks mixed into there you know the division still a question mark for the twins to catch it’s definitely going to be tough for them to catch Cleveland who remains probably one of the best teams in baseball I know a lot of fans uh are always perplexed by how Cleveland does this believe me I’m I’m kind of one of them but when you looked at what they’ve been able to do this year you got to tip your cap to them I mean they’ve they’ve literally been one of the best teams in baseball offensively uh they had the probably the best bullpen in the league their starting pitching isn’t as prominent as it usually is over the last 10 years where they have you know won division titles but uh it’s going to be tough to catch Cleveland we’ll see what happens in the second half still a lot of games left so halfway through it here in your Major League Baseball season but twins punish the Arizona Diamondbacks you saw David Festa um have a nice showing in his major league debut hopefully Carlos kareah is indeed okay we’ll see if this offense can uh remain redot hit that like button hit subscribe button tomorrow uh we’ll do a scor our twin show it’ll be me and sports dad Jud zad I think we’ll maybe do you know what’s working what’s not at the halfway point of this season you know what what what things have been positives what things have been negatives we’re now halfway through we love to talk about sample sizes in baseball we loved uh not jumping the gun on things being too early but now 81 games played enough of a sample here what kind of ball Club do the twins have you know what maybe reinforcements could they add at the MLB trade deadline would be important too that’s at the end of next month so a lot of good things on the horizon so appreciate everyone that has listened and watched the uh the scor North Twin Show YouTube channel we brought this podcast back uh Extra Innings uh lives on uh uh periodically throughout road trips I’m at the majority of home games so you can expect content from there as well so if you haven’t checked that out uh please do hit the like button subscribe button help grow on this channel appreciate everyone that has uh that has again watched and listen to this baseball is one of our favorite sports here and the twins uh even though they are outside taking over the AL Central right now still remain in firm position to be a playoff team and work set to talk about it and uh hopefully you guys can eventually watch these games I’m as fresh as anyone else I have been doing crazy things to try to watch twins games this year so I I appreci I understand everyone’s pain trying to go through that hit the like button hit the Subscribe button this is score North Extra Innings my name is De gof we’ll be talking at you tomorrow

Minnesota Twins WIN series over Arizona Diamondbacks in David Festa’s debut; Carlos Correa leaves the game with a wrist injury; Byron Buxton remains hot; Twins finally get a good test against Seattle Mariners over the weekend and more on Extra Innings.

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  1. Royce Lewis may be the best player on the team but you’ve got to get him off 3rd. That throw on a routine grounder was 30 feet over Santana’s head. Put him at second and put Brooks Lee at 3b. Three bad throws in the last week.

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