Connor Hellebuyck wins his second Vezina Trophy as the league’s best goaltender. The first came in 2020. He’s the 23rd goalie in NHL history to win it multiple times, including just the third American-born netminder after Frank Brimsek and Tim Thomas.

Connor Hellebuyck wins his second Vezina Trophy as the league’s best goaltender. The first came in 2020. He’s the 23rd goalie in NHL history to win it multiple times, including just the third American-born netminder after Frank Brimsek and Tim Thomas.

  1. It’s so muddied tho because of the post season. Had a great season but his awful numbers in the playoffs.

  2. We should really trade him so he has a chance to win a cup, might as well start the rebuild there.

  3. And to think he did this elite goaltending with 1 defense in front of him – Jomo!

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