[Lyons] Phase 2 of All-Star Game voting is complete: Phillies’ Bryce Harper will start at first base as the leading vote-getter in the NL. As for #Rockies , they still await their first finalist in this new format. Ryan McMahon finishes 6th, Elias Díaz is 8th and Ezequiel Tovar is 9th.

[Lyons] Phase 2 of All-Star Game voting is complete: Phillies’ Bryce Harper will start at first base as the leading vote-getter in the NL. As for #Rockies , they still await their first finalist in this new format. Ryan McMahon finishes 6th, Elias Díaz is 8th and Ezequiel Tovar is 9th.

1 comment
  1. I was hoping for more from McMahon, given his killer start. Still my favorite current rockie though. Damn shame what the voters did to Tovar, though. He belongs in the game.

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