Nathan MacKinnon Wins the Ted Lindsay and Hart Memorial Trophy

Nathan MacKinnon Wins the Ted Lindsay and Hart Memorial Trophy

and the Ted Lindsay Award goes to Nathan McKinnon this is Nathan McKinnon first time leing the 10y award he opened season with the streak of scoring in the first 35 home games of the season the longest since Wayne Gretzky set the record with the Los Angeles Kings in 1988 89 [Applause] um first off I’d like to congratulate a close friend and teammate uh Andrew klano on a 17-year career uh Happy retirement man um to have the respect of my peers uh is is am amazing very humbling um we know it’s a true team award hockey the ultimate team sport so like to thank my teammates um ownership the KY Family Management Joe CAC and uh obviously my family I love you guys appreciate it I’m thrilled to be joined by all of this season’s winners what a great honor to be surrounded by these great hockey people and now to culminate the incredible 2324 season the winner of the heart is I hope you have a second speech Nathan McKinnon Nathan McKinnon wins his first part trophy 10 years after claiming the CER trophy as the League’s best [Applause] rookie um remember to congratulate the other guys this time uh congrats to cooch and honor uh could easily be any of you guys I think everyone knows it was such a tossup this year so um like to thank the writers uh truly honored some of the my favorite players ever have won this trophy so uh super happy excited uh to share with my teammates obviously team award uh goes with o saying like Quinn said you need great players around you uh once again the cronies uh Joe CAC bzy all the coaches my family uh Charlotte appreciate it everything um yeah thank you thank you appreciate it

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Nathan MacKinnon Wins the Ted Lindsay and Hart Memorial Trophy

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