Arizona Cardinals OC “Really Pleased” With Marvin Harrison Jr.’s Performance Ahead Of 2024 Season

Arizona Cardinals OC “Really Pleased” With Marvin Harrison Jr.’s Performance Ahead Of 2024 Season

you are looking live from Studio K it’s the phnx Cardinals podcast your Premier Arizona Cardinal podcast Studio K presented by our friends in Circle K I’m Johnny vable joined as always by my co-host who’s in studio okay Mr Bo Brock become a Die Hard go shop the number 18 collection no damond dog behind the mic he’s ducking your boy after recent comment suggest I would beat him in the 99 and9 in all seriousness producer extraordinaire Jacob is uh Man In The Sticks today Jacob How We Living my friend I’m hanging in there go battled a little bout of the stomach flu earlier this week oh no I tested the 999 for you guys it seems like it’s going to work out really well uh but no you let me know you can be on the video board if you want yeah Jacob’s got some I don’t want that Jacob’s got some I think I think we do want that we’re gonna be up on DTV come maybe maybe you guys maybe you guys could do the Legends race actually actually like I’m one and0 in that race and I’ve officially retired so I’d be curious to see if any of you guys what inning does that usually go down end five usually yeah that’s we’re not going to be in a good spot come the fifth inning uh and look I expect to be fully in the 999 after inning five so I can’t M I do too by the way okay all right want to say what’s up a fors burner what’s up YouTube user our guy scha Gatorade man Chris Ramos Coley Tommy hot first Charles everybody’s here everybody’s hanging out and having a good uh football what is it Thursday football Thursday here I don’t want to call it the dead of off season but we we’ve reached that point uh but thank de it is this is how dead it is Johnny called upon your boy I was his night in shining armor today and helped him move some things our relationship has progressed yes um Bo is now my work acquaintance slash the guy who owns a truck and I needed the Ed the truck today to move some children’s outdoor uh playground equipment Etc so um why B Brock host of this podcast needs a big truck and you know how it is it’s tough for your boy to get into that truck it’s on a lift kit I that remains to be seen but I did go to Bose son’s birthday party last weekend yeah to trucks on display I pulled up in my nice SUV with my family I stepped out and I said I’m sorry is there’s some work being done at this house got some concrete mixers in the back what’s going on here lots of trucks Brocks they like their trucks that’s right that’s right I uh look Polar Pops were on Johnny venerable today as yeah mcfat gangster appropriately uh pointing out it’s hot as hell out it was and picking up some uh steel kids equipment not exactly the best thing to be doing when it’s 110 in the Valley of the Sun I don’t like this comment booster seat for Johnny I did not require a booster seat gray bosun had one in the back that I was tempted to use but no it’s it’s all Johnny you ready to go you oh man this is gonna be a fun show juice box I did have a Capri Sun earlier uh hit that like button if you’re new here God help you subscribe to phnx Sports on YouTube quickly approaching 30,000 subscribers here on the YouTube streets and I was gonna say dead of the off season yet you know God bless the Arizona Cardinals for making I don’t know offensive coordinator Drew seen available to the greater Phoenix media bow you were in attendance today and it’s like everything we’ve been talking about recently the crescendo is where’s this offense going who’s going to get the bulk share of the targets of the carries and the question I want to know is how much is it changing now because I feel like last year a lot of Drew pin’s Personnel was dictated or excuse me his plays were dictated by his Personnel dos and God help us Clayton tune and then K1 with maybe a mixed bag of complimentary players and now it’s like hey man we’re cooking with gas are we going to see this offense evolve based on what we saw last year right yeah I mean and there was a couple like I love these media sessions like they’re different because in at this point in the offseason you don’t have a full media contingent there so it’s more intimate like any question you want to ask you’re G to get answered like it’s it’s pets sing and Greg dorch and Trey McBride they and they’ve been so gracious as far as answering and thoughtfully answering each and every question that they have from us idiots in the in the media and you know of course like we we’ve said it’s been a write a passage anybody who gets a mic in their face that’s involved with the Arizona Cardinal organization and oh your offensive play caller you bet your ass you’re going to get asked about Marvin Harrison Jr and you know Drew ping was telling us right after mhj was drafted that even with all the accolades at the Collegiate level you know all the tape that he put forth the you know the awards he won the Bullit a cough the invite to New York for the Heisman Ceremony as a finalist 28 touchdowns in two seasons backtack thousand yard receiving Seasons at Ohio State which has never been done before Marvin Harrison Jr and okay his dad’s a Hall of Famer Drew ping told us that he was going to Define his role over the next couple you know months and then I asked you know what’s the followup on that and this is pet sing’s latest on Marv after OTAs yeah certainly some of it I think you you saw the talent you saw the effort you saw the um the ability I think a lot of that’s going when gets competitive when the pads come on you’re going against other people you know it’s hard to do a ton of that in the offseason but I think was really pleased with the way he performed throughout the offseason program so not much there right but you know what you’re getting into uh what Craig Morgan brought up when he joined us yesterday when he was talking about his great article on Greg dorch which I highly encourage people to go check out go you know with dorch with McBride with martinin Harrison J with Michael Wilson with the emphasis on the Run game and James Conor you know how they going to spread the wealth offensively keep people happy and this was pets and breaking that down no I I think as we looked at build the roster I think this ultimately comes from the top from Monty and JG the focus is always going to be on winning and that’s never going to change and if that’s your number one goal that at the end of the day if we’re winning we’re doing the things to put ourselves in position to win guys are going to be happy they’re here and happy they’re contributing you know certainly great players want the ball you want them to want the ball I’ve been around some guys that always wanted the ball cuz they not cuz they were selfish necessarily but they like it was the best way to win you know so you want those players you want those guys on your roster and I’ve always said I said this to Kyler actually I was joking you know because sometimes the quarterback can feel that pressure I got to get this guy the ball that’s not your job that’s my job you know as a coach we can dictate some of that we’ll try to your job is to play the play whatever the look is go where the ball needs to go make the decision that needs to be made don’t worry about that stuff and I think based on the character of the guys that we’ve kind of talked about in this room I don’t really worry about that do you feel you know there was a point of the off season I think probably while we were in inie uh and we had a chance to connect with Jonathan Ganon and we knew the Cardinals were high on Joe Al out of Notre Dame and they were still in a position where we didn’t know if Marv was going to be available but there was there was probably a brief period of about two to three weeks where it was kind of Whispers around like Cardinals really are committed to taking an offensive tackle and at that time I would very much go into the mindset of well this offense is just is what it is with Drew petan like they want to emulate San Francisco go find you know dbo Samuel in the second round and you know auk was a later first round pick like the receiver position that will come in time and then it became readily apparent and anybody who was paying attention like Marv was the best player in the draft maybe one a with one B being Caleb Williams and I like joal but joal in my opinion was not in the same caliber of prospect as Marvin Harrison Jr he was a tick or two below and so when that became clear the Cardinals rightfully so when they decided eventually not to trade down it became clear that Marv was going to be the guy always was going to be the guy and I think while conventional wisdom with this offense suggests that a lot of moving parts let’s get a lot of people the ball let’s build through the Run game the Cardinals want to do that but at the same time it’s like you can’t ignore a Julio Jones AJ Green Calvin Johnson es type of player in your offense you have to lean into it right Cardinals are not built well enough in my opinion offensively and I think the offense is going to be top 10 to not give mhj seven eight nine targets a game they’re just they’re not they’re not there yet you get another draft in you red fortify maybe parts of the offensive line Michael Wilson has another year under of his belt Trey Benson takes off like Kyler Murray plays 17 games yeah then you can have a conversation of yeah let’s win a certain kind of way I think it’s going to be a necessity when you look at the the offenses that they’re facing we’ve talked about this and you’re going to need to put up 28 30 35 points in a lot of those first eight games against Top Flight offenses you can’t just sit you know what we’re gonna actually try to run the ball 30 to 35 times it’s not realistic because I think it puts too much stress on this defense to say you got to hold teams under a certain amount right and I think pet sing’s realistic to it right I mean he says you want great player great players are going to want the ball and you want to want the ball and you know he doesn’t understand like he went on to say this throughout his availability like he doesn’t understand when somebody says well don’t you want to be a balanced attack well what does a balanced attack look like is it 5050 like that’s not how they work like they work in the world of game planning right and Drew petting does a great job just like you know one of his mentors Kevin stefansky does for the Cleveland Browns and I asked him about this because I heard stefansky talking about you know his the the biggest challenge in his life as a play caller and his biggest love is the uh just pretty much putting together the game plan and collaborating with the other coaches and what that’s going to look like on a Tuesday Wednesday install and how they’re going to approach the game on Sunday and you know Drew petzing is one of those guys he’s in the lab he’s a mad scientist and he’s cooking up all sorts of concoctions as far as this offense goes and I’m sure he’s borderline giddy with it now that he’s got a big-time playmaker in Mark and I think with what petting wants to do like it’s going to agree with it or disagree with it like he’s going to have a bias to get it to the 6’4 210lb playmaking wide receiver in Marvin Harrison Jr he’s just going to happen to have a couple more plays in The Playbook especially in crunch time and hey your quarterback is probably going to have uh you know not an un an unmention bias for mhj as well I mean it’s just like we see all the memes down there I’m sure there was a Matt Ryan meme where it’s like [ __ ] Julio’s down there somewhere as he’s about to Chuck it down the field like that’ll with Kyler Murray and Marvin Harrison Jr he’s that undeniable but what they have the opportunity to do with the wealth of Playmakers is establish the Run make it more conducive for Marvin Harrison Jr to have open spots down the field same thing goes for Trey McBride Greg dorch and Michael Wilson yeah I look back at the end of last year and the Cardinals won against Pittsburgh very specific kind of way and even against Philadelphia like they ran the ball really effectively in the second half James Conor had a big second half and so did K1 won but they didn’t have bloated passing numbers I I look at a couple games where they had some lopsided losses to division Rivals San Francisco and the LA Rams Kyler Murray threw the ball in a loss against the LA Rams 45 times he threw the ball 39 times and a loss against San Francisco obviously you’d like that number to come down but with those two head coaches and those two offenses that you’re opposing and defenses you know certainly On Any Given Sunday those defenses could be top tier alien San Francisco it’s not realistic to ask Kyler Murray to throw the ball 20 to 25 times you’re going to need to Eclipse 30 times and I I games Trey McBride had 10 targets against San Francisco Hollywood Brown I think had six to seven targets against the LA Rams like that’s Marvin Harrison Jr’s workload like because again you’re losing to those teams by double digits right you would hope that the the strides defensively are going to mitigate some of that clean some of you’re going to need to you’re going to need to score more points and the end of the day teams are going to at some point sell out against the run as effective as the Cardinals were and if you’ve got two receivers out wide you’re gonna have to win some one-on-one matchups taking that opportunity I’m taking that shot with Marvin Harrison Jr 10 out of 10 times right if it’s against their number one corner so the Cardinals last year as well as they ran the football they were fourth in the NFL in rushing where were the big plays right the big plays that wiped away a lot of their let’s just call them deficiencies Talent deficiencies right I think back to that 2020 team with DeAndre Hopkins and Kye Murray that team had a lot of problems as we saw toward the end of the year but what mitigated and kind of covered up a lot of their warts and flaws was the big play and the Cardinals need to return to that and that’s to me at the end of the day Marvin checks every box in the book The Return of the downfield passing game for this team is going to be so welcomed especially off of play action five seven step drops with K1 like we need that infusion back because we really haven’t seen it no since 2020 for this team 2021 with ear guess sure yeah but look it’s it’s 2024 you’re going on you know into the third season where you had a guy in Kyler Murray and everybody talks about that 2021 season where his big play pass rate was like eight% it was ridiculous right it it was off the charts and number one everybody was like this guy like he can make all the throws downfield check that box off and things have drastically fallen off a cliff now like I asked Drew ping I was like what what do you feel like your offensive identity is uh going into year two he say you know he doesn’t see it changing drastically and that they’re going to remain and he says like he’s gonna maybe wear people out and say this at nauseum that they’re going to remain tough physical smart and explosive what you’re saying explosive not just in the that that doesn’t just specific to the passing game it’s just like they were explosive in the Run game they were up there in the tops as far as explosive runs in the NFL last season thanks to James Conor in this offensive line that we’ll talk about later that’s just you know ridiculously underrated yeah but you know if if they continue to play Within the structure of their offense where they’re like first and second down we are going to wear you out in the Run game we’re going to try to impose our will with James Conor and him get you know three four five six yards and put ourselves in second and third and manageable and you know make defenses creep up a little bit and not be able to give you know extra attention to Marvin Harrison Jr that that’s just going to play into their their hands for those big explosive plays downfield that you’re talking about yeah I just it to me it hearkens back to what Kyler Murray did well at Oklahoma like he can pick you apart underneath but when he has an opportunity one-on-one coverage like we saw last year how many times did they try to connect with 58 Rond more downfield like that was the default deep threat last year and to Ron Del credy had a nice catch against Houston they couldn’t make the play against Pittsburgh like they tried Marvin Harrison Jr beats single coverage downfield Marvin Harrison Jr will beat defensive backs cornerback safety combinations downfield like the Cardinals haven’t been able to cheat offensively have a cheat code for lack of a better term in a long time since really we’re going to compare Hopkins a lot to mhj just because that was was the last time they’ve had this caliber of a player and I think Michael Wilson has a chance to turn into that eventually too but like every offensive possession unless they were breaking off a long run it was man they’re gonna have to grind this out seven eight nine plays and you have to avoid holding penalties you have to avoid turnovers you have to avoid offensive miscues bad play calling that takes time and I know the Cardinals want to keep their defense off the field but man this team would greatly benefit from jumping out to a 10 14-point lead on an opposing team we talk about where are those sacks coming from let’s BJ gelari and zaven Collins an opportunity to pin their ears back a couple instances because brother outside of the Giants game last year I can’t remember too many games where like oh man the Cardinals are leaving by two scores it doesn’t it didn’t happen no it it didn’t it was uh it was too uh far in between those those opportunities you know the Giants and then yeah they were able to get one against Dallas and then that was basically it until Pittsburgh right uh it was it was it was brutal it was brutal and but now I think that they’re just set up for offensive success and what Jonathan Ganon calls the trigger guy their quarterback and Kyler Murray and you know people anytime we’re talking to any anybody at the Arizona Cardinals facility and we ask him about Kyler Murray we continue to hear good things about their quarterback and it didn’t fall short of their offensive play caller uh Drew ping talking about Kyler Murray his work ethic that he’s seen from his QB I think you just he’s the type of guy that gets better every day and sometimes it’s physically sometimes it’s mentally sometimes it’s a leadership perspective but when you take the job and the in the sport as seriously as he does I think you’re always going to see that growth I think it’s something that he’s always looking to be a better player be a better teammate be a better leader so the more opportunities he gets to do it the more he learns from it just like we do as coaches uh I think you saw that throughout this the spring you know I people I you know I’ve already kind of Taken shots at that quote on the Twitter streets looking at you our guy Rob Rob Perera stats on Twitter um ners guy right yeah see the the Niners guy punch below the belt and go some old to be fair with a lot of me going after Brock pie and and just destroying Brock py whenever it’s called for but here’s what I’ll say again the Cardinals have no incentive to Pub up Kyler Murray for media attention and Fanfare like they have no reason not to be genuine with people like what they’re saying is actually happening it’s taking place they had every opportunity to Pivot off of Kye Murray they doubled and tripled down on him they’re giving him more weapons they better protection right they’re paying him his contract they didn’t take a quarterback they didn’t even consider tanking to tank a quarterback like take people at face value this is not year one where you know every everybody wrote those articles last year this they’re saying what they need to say publicly so they could pivot next off seon so they can take for Caleb Williams or Drake May Drew psin Monty Austin for and Jonathan Ganon right now their careers are tied to Kyler Murray and like I think they’re pretty well content with that based on their their comments this wasn’t a hey we’re gonna hitch our wagon to Kyler Murray because it’s really our only path to success like he like not even close he not turning him into a gravy train it’s hitching their wagon with the true belief hey we need a franchise quarterback we already have one inh house that we are all in on and have full belief just because he’s proved it to them in their tenure right now as Cardinals head coach and general manager and you know Drew petting just Echoes what everybody else has been saying like that’s why I scoff I roll my eyes at you know Rob as much as like we have respect for Rob like him saying like a guy who um what takes this game is you know who does who who works tiously doesn’t have a uh homework clause in his contract he’s like Rob that was that was in the offseason of 2022 first that Clause is gone they took it out and the people closest to Kyler Murray um and and his his play caller his head coach his teammates Michael Carter saying he never leaves the facility are are saying and telling all these things about you know the the myth of Kyler Murray and his now his new work ethic and the new guy that he is under the new regime I mean it it it doesn’t really benefit anybody for them to go out there and talk in hyperbole it’s they’re they’re just telling you what they’re seeing from their franchise quarterback yeah again it’s every opportunity to Pivot they chose not to Pivot right like like again the Cardinals could have taken Caleb Williams first overall they could have lost every game after beating the Dallas Cowboys and hunkered down said you know what privately we got to do this they’d have the first overall pick take Caleb Williams and then taking like a Xavier Legette at the top of the second round which is a player I like and it almost feels like people nationally would have preferred them to do that which is crazy to me right like if the Cardinals were sitting here without Marvin without Kyler which are two of their top five to six best players and said let’s go with Caleb let’s go with Xavier Legette Ricky Purcell kind of player at the end of the first round round at wide receiver no Darius Robinson by the way people would be like man the Cardinals are really on the upswing having proved nothing having never taken an NFL snap because that’s the mindset as much as people love Marv and we talked about it yesterday like Marv probably has better odds at winning MVP just based on the fact that like there’s a stigma against K1 people would just go yeah I’m gonna go with that tandem when in all actuality you don’t know but here’s what we do know when the Cardinals and KY Murray suit up when he plays for this team he’s got a two to1 touchdown interception ratio he puts up a lot of yards he’s got a chance if he just stays healthy this year to have the best statistical season from any quarterback in the in the history of this franchise and people are just like let’s cast him aside we know definitively it’s not through the media it’s not through you know any anything that pet scene and Ganon would say publicly that when they watch Kyler Murray practice there’s a mindset that oh yeah not a lot of people can do what he’s doing in practice right now there’s a handful of guys around the NFL msar Jackson Josh Allen the Cardinals privately considered that is the bucket for Kyler Murray when they watch him in practice and you’re and you want to Pivot off of that come on right no I mean it’s it’s exactly what JG wants from that position like the guy that that is mobile that uh can is a threat with his legs but also has the arm talent and look that there’s not a skill set like that in the league and it it’s just it’s baffling to me that we sit here and you know Rob just happens to be the latest he’s not the only right and right I mean we just recently had Colin coward and and John middleof who both been you know pretty Pro Kyer and advocates for the Cardinals quarterback bring up another old narrative it’s like what petting outline was not somebody that has a problem spending too much time on video games and and when if if you take Michael Carter the Cardinal’s backup running back for his word or Trey McBride or Marvin Harrison Jr Michael Wilson uh when he’s got Kyler Murray hitting him up at all times at night talking about going and working out on the side um like the guy is put putting in so much work right now on becoming the best version of himself that there really isn’t even time on the clock for him to put time on on video games it it’s just a ridiculous thing that continues to to follow Kyler Murray around and we talked a little bit about it yesterday you know winning is going to cure that it’s going to stop that that nonsense you would hope I mean like again he’s he’s under 500 as a career player and most of that has come with with Cliff kingsburry at the helm right yeah but the last time he played more than 12 games in a season they were a playoff team right they really outside of the year he got hurt he was never under 500 outside of that rookie year when oh by the way they were taking over the worst team the worst roster in the NFL but never has Kyler marray outside of that rookie year posted a worst 2 to1 touchdown interception ratio that’s not even including his robust ability to run the ball on the ground since then it’s been 26-2 24-10 14-7 10 to5 again like that’s not an opinion that’s a fact yeah he will at the bare minimum get you two touchdowns for every one interception he throws who does that sound Baker Mayfield did that as the bare minimum last year they went to the divisional round Murray if he plays every game that’s 34 touchdowns and 17 interceptions not including what he does on the ground so you want to mix in five to seven rushing touchdowns it’s over 40 touch like okay I’ll take 17 turnovers by the way I think that goes down this year under Drew pin’s offense like yeah again this this is not hard to figure out it’s a attrition issue with Kyler Murray he would say this the coaching staff November December January we need Kyler Murray healthy playing good football and if that happens really playing football in general this team’s got a shot they absolutely have a shot and when you think about two of those picks like you you had the the receivers on the other end of that yeah take blame for those two of those interceptions right should be right around 10 to three like instead of 10 to five like Trey McBride should have sat down yep and then you also had you know Michael Wilson on the pick six in Philadelphia and now I mean they turned that negative into a positive and that’s great that’s what you know good players do but yeah I mean Carson Palmer threw 20 picks his first season under Bruce arens like learning a new offense is tough especially at the NFL level and uh I think Kyler Murray showed already some things that you should be encouraged about going into year two I do want to get into like our definitive like list of how we rank The Playmakers and and who should get the ball I do I absolutely do um I know we want to tell everybody out there about our friends over at Desert financial and game time though first yeah who’s going to be money for the Cardinals well wait on baited breath for that I’m going to tell you who’s going to be money for you and help you level up your financial Acumen right now it’s desert Financial the official Credit Union bow of the Arizona Cardinals phnx Sports and the venerable household they help us here every single day because well they’ve got Financial Solutions that make lives better they give back to the community they are a staple of the greater Arizona Valley area for more than 80 four years it is the most trusted Local Credit Union and again that’s why I signed up for it I had no idea when we signed up that they were affiliated with Arizona Cardinals and then down the line pH andx sports like I just knew at the end of the day they have Financial experts who are committed to people like me people like you offering Financial Solutions that make your lives better and help you achieve your financial goals and dreams and again if you’re like I have a checking account what more do I need what about a savings account what about a mortgage right now mortgage rates starting to creep down a little bit what about a loan what about a credit card to build some credit for a loved one in your life investment options and more plus it’s the cherry on top represent the Red Sea with the Arizona Cardinal Visa debit card all you got to do open up a free checking account online go to Cardinal bow to get started get that exclusive Arizona Cardinal Visa debit card today you will not be sorry that you did no you won’t be sorry uh do you want to go check out Caitlyn Clark and the fever versus The Merc on Sunday you get in the door 64 bucks with our friends over at game time get downtown get to the footprint Center or the day before there’s a little bit of an event going on downtown have you ever heard of it it’s called The 999 challenge over at Chase Field there’s gonna be a baseball game going on in the background on Saturday uh you can find some great deals right now getting into the building getting a seat to watch the Dbacks you can get in as little as 20 bucks $20 right now to go watch Johnny hog down a couple glizzies uh for the 999 challenge or maybe the return of Zack gallon too I heard that might be going down which could be that’s secondary Jacob producer Jacob that’s secondary to the 999 would you agree I would tend to agree yeah the Milkman returning that is that’s yeah that’s on the back page of the Republic no actually after watching this team the last couple nights Bo I think you might be wrong there true I think you might be dis the last two nights or days for the Dbacks snakes need to get back on track it could happen Saturday you want to see it live get a ticket through our friends over at game time and save some money while you do it download the game time app right now sign up for free put in the promo code PHX you get 20 bucks off your first order don’t delay any longer even though you can delay getting your tickets to whatever event you want to go to and save big while doing so check out game time app right now it’s lows prices you can find four tickets to any event you want to see guaranteed let’s get to our preference offensively and again like there is more Youth and athleticism and hope with this unit than I can remember like in all actuality most of the time it’s hey AJ Green what’s he got left in the tank right and I love James Conor my thought process then DeAndre Hopkins how can he you know find a way to stay now it’s like hey the best football of Trey McBride’s career should be played in Arizona same thing for Michael Wilson same thing for Marvin Harrison Jr so let’s start our hierarchy Bo who do we think collectively is going to lead the Arizona Cardinals in targets I I think it’s pretty safe to say at this point tip Ryman oh that’s he’s gonna lead in pancakes during that training camp that’s what he’s gonna lead in no I leading the Arizona Cardinals and targets as bullish as I am on seconde Wide Receiver Michael Wilson the emergence from Trey McBride I do believe that Marvin Harrison Jr is gonna be undeniable like I think that there’s probably throughout the game going to be a very balanced Target share for the other two and Wilson and McBride to what mhj is gonna see but then like in crunch time on Third and long or late in the fourth quarter when they need a big play I think number 18 numbers going to be dialed up and I think that’s going to give him the edge at the end of the season uh when you look at the overall Target shares I agree I think uh again it’s it’s football malpractice I love dup pettin like say what you want publicly you took this guy what third overall fourth overall I’m sorry and U you’re not in a position to just say hey just he’s one of the guys right he is one of the guys and that’s what we love about him he’s humble enough but like I don’t like to use the word freak like I think sometimes that’s overplayed training camps were less than a month away it’s going to be a freak Show we’re going have a freak Show at training camp at State Farm Stadium one-handed catches one-handed grabs breaking long touchdowns it’s gonna be evident bombs away at training camp this year the return of the deep ball yeah I’m fired up easily Marvin Harrison Jr um because then it really becomes a discussion of who is that next option and I think and I again I love Michael Wilson I think just out of respect to what Trey McBride did last year I’m gonna have to say Trey initially now it could be could be dead wrong and it’s probably going to change Any Given Sunday that’s good problem to have I think Marvin is your number one option and then Trey McBride is number two whatever that looks like and Michael might have more yards than Trey I actually expect him to yeah but like if you were to rank like the best players on the Cardinals that translates like who’s your top receiver who’s your top tight end the Cardinals and we’ve talked about this should have a top 10 receiver in the NFL this year and a top five tight end and so with that kind of mindset I’m going to go Marvin than Trey well and I look at the skill set for Trey McBride the Rapport and and Wilson you know admits this like as far as the Rapport between the quarterback and his and his receiver yeah Trey’s already he’s established it a little bit more so than Wilson like I I love what Wilson’s done like even risking it all with his fiance basically saying I’m prioritizing Kyler Murray over you right which I that is a risky play uh but like think about who Trey McBride’s going to be going up against like he’s he’s gonna have the opportunity to beat up on some safeties just like he did last year and he’s gonna benefit from those safeties really not having any help at all the safety net is gone because Marvin Harrison Jr exists in the offense and so does Michael Wilson so I I agree with you I I think it’s going to be tight I think it’s be tight between all three of them I do too yeah I I I’ll give Edge to Trey McBride just because you know if Kyler Murray is just getting the luxury of finding the open guy I think Trey McBride’s probably gonna have some open space in this H passing attack I think we’d all be disappointed come January if Marvin Michael and Trey were not all over 800 yards whatever that looked like now now Trey might be right at 800 yards based on the lack of targets or the spreading of targets but again like the where Kyler Murray has so greatly needed at the receiver position is size size and and separation specifically in the Red Zone when he had that even to the ums degree in dehops a shade over six foot maybe six1 on a good day now he really we started to see that tandem certainly of try McBride but then Michael Wilson at the tail end of last year the the two the touchdown against Philadelphia the extra point against Philadelphia two-point conversion with Michael Wilson Trey McBride the touchdown at the end of the year like that is such a underlined factor that nobody externally is considering everybody likes to make jokes about Kyler Murray and his height and his stature but now the Cardinals recognize like let’s give him some big physical Playmakers no one’s talking about that when in now actuality they went into the season what last year and it was it was the all five1 team it was Hollywood Brown it was Ron Del Moore I love Greg dorch he wasn’t a part of the offense like they have separated themselves from that and again like the best version of an offense with KY Murray is a big pounding physical back and the Cardinals have a couple of them now receivers that are over six foot that’s not a knock on Kyler Murray is so many gifts and the Cardinals are just saying okay one thing that you can’t control is if Johnny venerable is running downfield it’s gonna be hard for you to see him at 56 on top of everything else whereas it’s just like okay look at the Atlanta game he scrambles and makes that that game-winning throw to McBride downfield right I mean you’re just looking at the numbers from last year and this is Kyler playing his first you know eight games in this offense but Trey McBride 80 catches or 81 receptions on 106 targets like that’s fantastic he’s catching 80% nearly 80% of his targets that he’s that he’s getting then you compare that to Hollywood Brown who was second on the Cardinals last year in targets he had1 targets in 51 receptions he’s catching like just about 50% of his Target share got to resign him got to get him back where you got Michael Wilson he had 58 targets for 38 catches I mean and and like at one point they were 0 for eight and and then got on a little heater before the end of the season you’re there’s you’re just going to see Kyler Murray’s completion percentage go up because one the offense is going to be have the benefit of having more open receivers I think from teams defenses creeping up and then just the sheer size of these guys being able to win those one-on-one physical matchups fired up to see it uh we’re GNA talk about something that so you got Michael Wilson third and then George forth do I have George forth probably and that’s out of respect to him uh I I I’m gonna tell you right now don’t sleep on Elijah Higgins tip Raymond I don’t think is gonna be quite excuse me capable from a receiving standpoint early yeah but I looked at Elijah Higgins last year and again I know I bring this up and and the receiving core didn’t have mhj and they were mixing in some new pieces Elijah Higgins did a lot of good last year in limited reps and you want to talk about somebody that on third down if they’re running two tight ends is I I like tip it’s not gonna be tip it’s gonna be Elijah Higgins right I think tip’s got a better shot to start on early Downs two tight ends so I will go dorch by about this much if Elijah Higgins has like four 450 yards this year like nobody should be surprised by that I mean he he was a big time Factor go look at the Steeler game the top two receivers in that game two tight ends right the Cardinals love their two tight end looks and Elijah Higgins was a receiver first a tight end second and he proved himself from a blocking standpoint he’s probably one of the most we’ll do our underrated players coming into the season I can already tell you he’s one of the most underrated players on the team he makes no money he a rookie last year they claimed him he was a good player for them higgy bear baby that’s right I think look yeah they love Personnel maybe 13 Personnel down down close and you’ve got if tip can can catch a couple couple balls and then you know you breaking down how you know Higgins was already established a little bit as far as catching the football as a receiver that’d be huge for the orizal Cardinal so how we how we rank them mhj do we go chalk here mhj Trey McBride Michael Wilson Greg dorch and then uh after that I mean and like don’t don’t count out James Conor catching a couple passes out of the back field either yeah let me just read you some statistics here from the 26th of November on Higgins was doing 26 yards 21 44 17 2132 to end the season I mean he had wasn’t quite Greg DCH but it was close yeah it was out of necessity but it’s like every Sunday I could penin oh higgy bear will have two catches and he’ll have right around 30 yards well if you project that out over 17 games it’s a pretty nice season for a six round tight end uh we’re going to get to the rest of the Cardinals offensive line and how grossly undervalued it is nationally based off one new report but first I’m going to tell you what’s underrated and at the same time completely valued it’s our friends at Circle K we mentioned Studio K because we love our friends at Circle K and they’re going to hook you up right now it’s about 110 out here in the greater Arizona area uh and uh if you’re looking for a Polar Pop of froster for under a dollar they’ve got you covered join the Inner Circle right now for free by downloading the Circle K app you can get a Polar Pop go walk in right now Circle K app 79 I can’t remember what the last time something cost under a dollar especially at any size how about a Polar Pop a froster on top of that you’re part of the America’s third stop new free membership program you’re going to save 25 cents per gallon on your first five fill-ups save three cents per gallon every single day after the fact so it’s like I’m sure when this promotion ends Bo this summer into September there’s going to be another promotion that follows it so it’s a lot of people like oh yeah I’ll get my cheap gas now and I’ll do this and I’ll uninstall the app it’s like well okay do you not like saving money I love saving money and I love going to Circle K check them out right now visit Circle store- locator to find the Circle K nears to you I mean it’s the least you could do for your friend with a truck right I know I should have gotten you one but then I’m like I I just want for myself it’s the least the very least the bare minimum even like a scumbag person could do 79 cent those for yeah apparently apparently I got your sweet sweet just Hazard of a swing set over to your new place it’s it’s it’s triple it’s like I don’t want to say it’s high triple digits but it’s firm triple digits not 101 102 yeah we’re and you know I made bow around lunchtime today go and and help me handle some equipment that is none of it was not metal at some point that we had I help you yes I helped you and I I tell you were te pulling the brunt of the weight B’s tolerance for holding the metal was greater than mine I was like burn burning my hands I’m like how are you not in pain right now to dip my hands in the pool and pick like do I have any can I get some mittens that’s what you you were looking for anything I did I needed my mittens or my gloves my oven gloves to walk around then that would have looked really good one thing is we were looking really good is because both you and I were sporting the Shady Rays we are uh brand loyal to our friends over at Shady Rays we love Shady Rays so much so that we log on the Shady every day and see what you know the F product line they’ve got in rotation what kind of specials they have going on but they’ve got the special of the season right now where you can save 35% off polarized sunglasses at Shady I mean these are premium polarized sunglasses we look like a couple schmoes out there in 110 degree heat but we look cool because we got premium polarized shades on from Shady Rays you can find the best fit for you right now check them out right now on their website they’ve got your style they’ve got all the colors you want and they’ve also got you know a return policy if you break you lose them they’ve got an opportunity for you to get them back and really no questions asked exclusive to our listeners right now you log on Shady use the promo code phnx get 35% off the sunglasses try for yourself the shades rated five stars by over 300 ,000 people Shady Rays love my Shady Rays uh because partially I can block out the haters like Warren sharp uh drop a like on this video by the way um yeah they’re fantastic they just they keep me looking forward um yeah Warren sharp big-time Cardinal hater casually put out his offensive line rankings for 2024 based on Guess WBO very little data and Analysis and knowing of ball because he has the Cardinal which you could make an argument the Cardinals offensive line was the the Team MVP last year like the collective unit was the best unit on the team he has them rated 31st overall in the NFL just ahead of the New York Giants bow yeah th this is just a I guess you can blame being uninformed because I I don’t understand how you quite get here I mean the Arizona Cardinals um they were kind of anonymous to the rest the league sure not a whole lot of people watch Cardinals football but you know their the whole case made by Warren sharp was you know they have Paris Johnson Jr moving over from right tackle left tackle and they signed Jonah Williams and there just wasn’t much to the analysis of why he had him ranked all the way at the bottom of it um you you just see so many sacks surrendered throughout this league and the Arizona Cardinals like they weren’t perfect offensive line wise but they were probably about the middle of the pack and then as far as what they did in the Run game I mean the Arizona Cardinals were giving or were getting 3.1 yards per attempt on each Rush which was you know the they led the NFL as far as that go it’s just a sign of the offensive line getting push here and there’s there’s no mention of that there’s no mention of how well you know James with the season James Connor had or how great that rushing attack was it’s just well you know you know PJ is making the switch from right to left tackle and we really don’t know too much about will Hernandez yela frol because we didn’t do our homework the Cardinals had the fourth graded Russian attack last year and I would argue they’ve improved their their offensive line and he has them on a scale of one to 100 rated 11 11 points 11 points on his dumb average ranks of positional unit 100 point scale he has the Cardinals offensive line with 11 out of a 100 I just can’t can’t make sense of it it’s not worth making sense from sharp Anis they gave up 42 sacks with Joshua dos and Clayton T running into a bunch of sacks but can we Jacob do mind can we see that list again like they’ve got and rightfully so only the Giants below him they gave up 85 sacks last year but somehow he’s got the commanders up ahead of them they gave up 65 so do the Panthers the Panthers well ahead of the Cardinals and I know they sank a hundred million dollar into their guard play but they had horrendous tackle play um it’s this is just an egregious list this is just Brut like I do agree with Detroit like I really like their offensive line I like Cleveland’s offensive line and we know about Philly but you know the Jets the jet yeah the Jets Jets have paid off this off season right and the Bengals are a top 10 offensive line unit have they ever been wow congrats congrats to them for getting joe burrow injured every year the New York Jets and the Bears I don’t know if you can find like like the Bears being ranked that high is is a little baffling to me at 12 how about the Carolina Panthers the Carolina Panther’s offensive line is abysmal Harris Johnson Jr would be the best offensive lineman on most of the teams 20 and down I mean it’s it’s laughably bad another another one that I just I don’t understand like the Las Vegas Raiders who plays for them up front right they they drafted Alex Leatherwood out of Alabama a couple years ago guden did he couldn’t play out of the league right I I just again it goes back to we should just play this we should just have this clip ready to go we actually should do this after the show clip when Mina KES came on the show about a month ago and said a lot of people just didn’t watch the Cardinals last year and we should just we’re just gonna blast that out every time these rankings come out because frankly and I know people are loving the disrespect and they want to be underrated and I agree with that we’re gonna have to endure about two more months of this because preseason rankings will come out and uh positional rankings will come out everybody’s looking at last year and everybody’s looking at Big flashy free agent signings it’s like let’s look at not what the Cardinals don’t have but what they do have from a culture standpoint they took a guy who was a backup in Cleveland that was doing CrossFit in his gym that became a very solid starting center for them they took Will Hernandez elevated him according to PFF as a top 15 to 20 free agent they took Paris Johnson Jr who I don’t know will only probably get better as his position of left tackle Jonah Williams was the top tackle available in free agency and last year they were disma left guard so they have a bunch of options Evan Brown Isaiah Adams they got a bunch of guys they could plug and play their offensive line I would argue was the best coached unit on the team last year the cohesiveness the ability to push around teams up go look what they did to Dallas go look what they did to Pittsburgh they ran over people they ran on the ners I think they had like 200 rushing yards on on San Francisco that’s doesn’t just happen this wasn’t some seeve of an offensive line could it be better 100% right it is not a top 10 offensive line it’s top 20 and I would argue if Paris Johnson Jr hits this year it’s the top half offensive line in the NFL I agree I mean you’ve got I think with Warren sharp who Damen and I uh we awarded him lvp of Las Vegas radio row at at the Super Bowl he’s the least valuable player out there um and and he continues to have bad take on the Arizona Cardinals and he’s he’s got every right to do that but you know he’s coming from he’s very close to getting into the Hall of you don’t know ball yeah based on lists like this just based on I’m sure what he knows about will Hernandez is Will Hernandez the New York Giants draft bust right second rounder that didn’t pan out for a bad organization that couldn’t coach up offensive line what he knows about yelo fold is very little I’m sure he doesn’t know how to pronounce yell FR hold’s name and that he was a backup in Cleveland and didn’t see what he did and all how he kind of stabilized the center position for the first time in a long time a lot of the points you made and then Paris Johnson Jr playing every snap as the top you know drafted tackle at a last draft all he knows is he played right tackle and he’s transitioning to left tackle it’s it’s really another lazy take and like because the Jets draft Olu Faso who draft he dropped I know he went you know 11 in this draft and that’s good good for Olu but like he was supposed to me AR you know in the conversation for the top tackle in this played it down of NFL football yet going from the Big 10 in a Penn State offense that was not that great and then also they bring in Tyron Smith who is washed he’s washed Morgan Moses and the Jets are a top group we should just at the end of the day the Cardinals are the if they’re not the easiest Target like I I would have thought Carolina is an easy target not according to this list the Cardinals are the easiest Target in the NFL right now and we went through it last year and they took their lumps and rightfully so and they were rebuilding the culture and Michael Bidwell was in the news for all the wrong reason yeah they took their shots last year but then they were a scrappy feisty team and they had 12 draft picks and they’re their quarterbacks back and okay we’re feeling pretty good about it yeah it’s you show your hand the easiest way is stuff like this you just do not like PFF has their scoring metric their grading metric which is sometimes flaw and we call that out at least they’re consistent I don’t even know what this is they like at the end of the day it’s like the Cardinals are the most underrated undervalued team disrespected team like you would think the ruit that they’re about to field is on par with last year like a lot of people just assume like yeah the Cardinals actually they didn’t get better but they just added a receiver that’s it yeah I heard we’re talking [ __ ] about the Jets I mean the Jets actually Damon have and Warren sharp the Jets dasty combination of the two is my bat signal I’m here boys welcome to the program Damon it’s just like sharp in his ironic mustache but his it’s not ironic his his his list is just bad it’s just pling bad I let’s take a peek at this again take take it maybe Shield your eyes six the Jets are six offensive line it’s pretty insane what about the Falcons being two isn’t that a little wild and yeah Matthews is up there in age now isn’t he or is he still playing at a high level I I don’t I don’t have a big problem with the top five offensive lines here like I I wholeheartly agree with oh I got a problem with one I just identified okay look look at number 11 oh yeah that’s a GRE the Denver Bron seriously the Denver Broncos every off season it’s like people turn on John Elway highlights like you know I I kind of like the Bron guess what it’s 2024 that team’s a disaster the Broncos offensive line hang on Marth uh who else is on that offensive line who’s who they got they got Garrett Bo he’s solid Ben Powers Sam musafer Quinn Quinn yeah yeah Quinn Miners qu Min he’s actually good and Mike mcglinchy who’s a Turn Style 80 million mcglen remember when JJ Watt just ruined a whole Sunday for Mike mcclinchy one time he destroyed him the Niners are like no thanks Garrett like I like Garrett Bo he’s I think he’s one of the most overrated players in the NFL coming off injury isn’t he Garrett Bo last year for the Broncos every year I think yeah and Bulls you’re Bulls I’m sorry play last year he was fine he was 75 grade from PFF lowed some sacks lowed some penalties but like you would think that he’s Trent Williams 2.0 based on that ranking 11 11 Bron the Bronco if you didn’t know football like Warren sharp in ESPN you would think the Broncos and the Jets were gonna be in the AFC champ you got Florio putting him 22 in his power rankings remember that Colin coward mdov had another podcast and they said the Broncos are underrated coming to this year in what world what are we doing their quarterback can’t throw the football how does Colin coward say in one segment say how make the emphasis in the in the correct point of how consistent good quarterback play can elevate a roster and then sit and say that the Broncos are a underrated team were you quarterback room of Bo Knicks Zack Wilson and Jared stinum were you being serious when you said that the Giants gave up 85 sacks was that a real stat that’s real oh my that is very real atrocious I didn’t possible what is that per game I’m getting my calculator out 85 divid by five sacks a game you’re just getting blasted five times a game it’s gota be record right I mean I know I know David Carr for the Texans in his rookie year got hit 70 times um did they just blow the record out of the water last year no one’s talking about again card if Cardinals did that it’d be leading Sports Center every day remember when the Cardinals gave up 85 sacks last year I like this this is my favorite chat you would think they gave up 85 sacks being 31st according to Warren sharp like I would literally come on the post we would host our postgame show and I would come on and be like man Cardinal’s offensive line was really good again today it’s great you see we would cut clips for Twitter the rest of that week blow showing huge gaping holes and blowing up people in the Run game and it’s just no actually it’s Johnny you’re wrong it’s actually abysmal it’s the second worst in the NFL I’m like oh okay guess guess it’s five mes out there trying to block people Kyler muray was stacked 18 times in his eight games that he since he returned I mean that’s that’s like two that’s two times you know how that’s two times per game you know how like there’s that saying he doesn’t miss Warren sharp he doesn’t make or lvp I’ve never never once has has he like been like oh yeah that was a really good opinion by War you never seen it come across your timeline like whoa zero% he’s hitting he’s hitting triple zeros across the board right now you’ve never been once like oh man sharps in his back sharps in his back today oh my God I like this comment cards are GNA surprise a lot of people just like JV at the 999 how about that I I like I don’t think the takes about Johnny though are ill informed like some of the takes on the Cardinals wow how dare you we’re just going off of you know data that we have I woke up today feeling really hungry for some hot dogs I’m G say that I am ready to go to war uh all right so I do want to talk about bronie James and the Arizona Cardinals but first I want to tell you like I got notified today my number 18 collection’s been delivered this is a very special day for your boy uh I’m jealous those of you who have it uh rep it and those who haven’t now’s your opportunity shop the number 18 collection now go and again become a Die Hard get one of these shirts for free no questions asked pick wh whichever you want and then any future purchases you’re getting 20% off the only place to take in all the festivities with the 9999 is the phnx Cardinals member Discord I might be going live Saturday morning just in the Discord talking my strategy talking to the Die Hard seeing seeing what the vibe is trying to get pubbed up uh and again in the meantime it’s like hell yeah I’m going to Joy the Die Hard Community I’m going to get one of these shirts for free and I’m GNA get the rest of them 20% off again the merchandise Locker is where it’s at because sadly we cannot buy a number 18 jersey yet I’d have it already if if you could but you can shop the 18 collection which it takes a backseat to nobody in their Maserati no it doesn’t I saw our guy Shane de rocking his Maserati Mark he did he had it going on with I want him wearing it though isn’t that weird like my first reaction is I don’t want that I don’t like that H can’t beat the 18 collection look at Rudy coming he’s ready to go for war for Damon dog he’s got DD greater than JV look at that hey Rudy I thought we were brothers I see how it is Rudy no Ryan I have not already started fasting that comes tomorrow evening I can’t believe we’re this close orang sharp in his Zoot Suit thinking he’s destined for the cover of GQ it’s so true too yeah he nailed that it’s like like his purple under shirt with this long scarf like the guy the guy thinks that he’s gonna be doing a magazine photo shoot every time he steps out of his hotel room yeah I don’t like this one Bose’s on eatting steak JB greater than Damon dog way greater than Bo I think there’s a bias there Rudy saying respectfully love you JV I feel respected Rudy but here’s what I’m G to say if you’re not part of Die Hard yet there’s never been a better time to watch what’s about to go down so we have our supervisor um on site Mr espo VP at content here at PHX Sports will be in attendance with us at Chase Field um and so he’s going to be in the Discord the three of us and it’s just it’s going to be an opportunity for you to see three grown men really get after some dogs really get after some dogs some Vibes Damon was on the show earlier saying that we might be put on the big screen at Chase Field I don’t want that can we make sure that doesn’t happen I think we need that I think we need to find a way to throw out a first pitch or something that would be elite like if if we’re down big after like four or five innings what’s gonna rally the guys more than getting on DTV at Chase Field wow I don’t know Rudy saying I’ll sponsor the hot dog race where we’re having our hot dog race I think uh Derek montia and Anthony toy said that they might be meeting us out there as well so we’re going to have a whole Squad if you want to show up and join join the boys here I’m gonna give my offal pred you guys want me to give out the section I think we should right what section 111 we’ll be in section 111 uh Road 29 which I think is near the top of the uh what is it the the the The Concourse that’s what I’m looking for thank you I had a question about this actually and we were discussing this today are we allowed to go like say we want to drink three beers in the first inning that’s what I was curious about too I I wanted to know like are we allowed to go over or is this each in is a dog and a beer no we’re not you can work ahead you can study ahead and be a good little student Dam and dog yes you can I was thinking that okay all right so that’s allowed I’m fine with that just as long as we establish that beforehand I need that because I can’t I can’t eat one and then be sitting around and waiting for the next one like I have a strategy in place that’s relying on a fast start I’m like the Cardinals this year I fast start and then hang on for your life defense you’re gonna be so cooked at the very beginning of this I like this from Rudy though even though like it’s not happening it’s unfortunate it’s like hey I’m gonna bet to the Hornets to win the NBA championship I’ll sponsor a Die Hard of J if I I would name a good Hornets player if I could name one but I don’t know any players to play for the Hornets um well again conquer your demons bow uh a lot of support for bow in the chat I don’t like this Ryan h d Johnny Downey a Gizzy for the boys on dbtv like listen I I hope that if there are kids there if there are young people there that they see three grown adult men just having a good time P Cardinal Brethren I hope it’s not look at that sorry excuse for over there getting sick not feeling well I Daddy I never want to be that person right there I don’t want to be that example for their kids this weekend yeah I agree I think with that you know with that approach yeah that uh we’ll know when to to call it this is a business trip it’s a business trip for me and my peers I mean I hear you I hear you say that but I don’t believe you when you say that I I’m going to surprise people and I’m going to make a prediction right now we’re doing our official predictions tomorrow I’m going to give you a teaser right now okay my official prediction is when you check the Die Hard Discord come Saturday you will have evidence that I have made it to the fifth ending I will be I will be in contention come to fifth inning okay we need a game like today we need we need a lot of runs on Saturday no no problem five dogs five beverages no problem I will be there I will see everybody in the fifth inning in the Discord and then it’s downhill from there just going to keep working we’re gonna keep grinding we we need Hulk Hogan on the bump for the A’s to give up bunch of runs who’ we figure Hogan Harris or something Hogan’s Heroes yeah um Richard saying what happens if all completed uh I don’t know I mean I think it’s time to start betting the Cardinals winning the Super Bowl for that parade a parade downtown the dice kid saying I’d be amazed if JB got two beers two dogs too much for his body come on I like my expectation is the the first inning starts I’m I’m getting through two dogs two drinks easy okay if I can’t do that then then it then it really is times are really tough then yeah I I just don’t know how you it’s like the thing I was trying to just forecast game plan is gonna have to make some stops to the restroom drinking that much beer sure um like how you gonna work it in especially when you’re going to be up against it you know you could have some shutdown Innings too again I have no problem eating yeah I’m in the I don’t think I’m on I’m not on the same page with either sounds making excuses I’m just saying there’s a lot going on up here there’s a lot of strategizing going sir yes sir let’s get the uh what you wanted to bring up I do I do want to talk about this so I yesterday tongue and cheek posted I wanted the sons to draft Ronnie James Gerald bgay who actually does real work for this company was tweeting out oh the sons in they missed their chance to draft one of the two centers from you know France or whatever that they wanted and I’m like it better be bronny James now and then everybody got up in arms NBA Twitter got up in arms and said Johnny you don’t know ball how dare you we don’t want that well you know who did want bronny James who ended up going to the Lakers let’s see the evidence Damon dog who wanted bronny James as a member of the Arizona Cardinals it’s this man right here Marvin Arison Jr shout out to bronnie game respects game Me bronny Marvin harison Jr three Bros bronny should have been an AR not an Arizona Cardinal a phoenix son and probably would have been some Cardinal games which default LeBron probably being in some Cardinal games we know LeBron and K1 or and then how about this speaking of K1 LeBron James his goat and bronnie James how about it I they should be wearing Phoenix Sons uniforms former teammate his FaZe Clan teammate bronnie don’t bring that up we don’t talk about that why it’s Canon fodder for people who run with video stuff if you didn’t want bronny James here I’m just gonna say right now you don’t know ball you don’t know let me tell this to Marvin who I know is l listen thing you and bronnie are not the same you’re just not the same like you might be the the sons of of Hall of Famers some some goats at their positions but fourth overall pick a little bit different than 55th overall pick in the second round like in all seriousness and I have not studied the NBA draft at all yeah like if if bronnie James is not LeBron James son is he drafted not this year may maybe in the future if I mean because he’s still in college if he’s not LeBron james’ son and maybe he develops and gets better but definitely not this season didn’t he have like five points a game this year for USC like wasn’t terrible USC was supposed to be potentially the best team in the Pack 12 last year and they were God awful so they literally just took a second round pick to to appease LeBron to have his son on the team correct that’s pretty wild in in a professional League that’s pretty and he’s isn’t he only like 6’2 yeah pretty wild yeah like and his combine stats are pretty similar and comparable to Isaiah Jones Cardinals cornerback as far as his size and his his vert and uh he only scored four more games points per game in Isaiah played football NBA get it together right or we’re gonna have to it it brought me back last night you know our awesome draft night where the line was held and how incredible that was thanks to all of you out there but you know I agreed with your Tweet like the Jingle the get that off the NBA get away from to the NFL that’s ours that’s the NFL that’s synonymous with greatness I don’t know what the hell I watched last night I’m sorry this joke of prospects getting drafted and they’re they they’re not going to the team that they’re wearing the dumb hat for they’re answering questions about playing with players on the current team and it’s reports from WJ and everybody else that the rights for their draft pick have been traded like NBA get it together just watch one NFL draft and you’ll realize how to do it in the aors of your ways you know I was watching that last night that telecast I’m like did the draft Network put this on you’ve got you’ve got Stephen A Smith like yelling about a pick he doesn’t like for the Knicks and W like five minutes earlier was like yeah they traded the pick that guy doesn’t play for them anymore that interview you just saw means nothing it was a dog and pony show nice League yeah watch remember the NBA was like get off Christmas Day guys get your get your [ __ ] together they had one guy who wasn’t even invited to the draft he’s up in the stands and he’s like oh that’s my name I’m coming down and he comes down from the from the cheap sheet seats to get up on stage with Adam Silver did I just get drafted how they get this footage I don’t know hey coach good to see you what’s that guy’s name Sasquatch when L Sasquatch got drafted in the NFL I just [ __ ] drafted that’s that was the guys in Sweden he’s like I don’t know I’m I guess I’m going to Portland we go through seven round mock drafts during NFL season draft season and God love you everybody in the chat knows exactly who you want round so much so that we had people sending us mock drafts we would do mock draft Fridays for seven rounds and there’d be a hundred trades and then last night I literally screen captured the first seven picks of the NBA draft you got three guys from France I’m sure they’re awesome some guy from the G league and I’m like I don’t know my son’s like this is the NBA draft who are these guys dad I don’t know any of these guys son I don’t know any of these players yeah I remember Ronnie James is coming home from a great day at the pool and turning on the NBA draft and watching all the players I watch play collegiately what happened to the game I used to love what happened to it you got three guys from France and a guy from the G League in the top six picks here’s what they should replace the jingle with hey so’s on the clock that’s what they should do and then like the NBA Finals I joked about this people got upset are we gonna go back to tape delay those NBA final games were unwatchable come on get it together LeBron Johnny stick to football I guess don’t let any of our uh PHX son watch this here we love the Suns the suns are going to get their act together I here’s what I like about the Suns okay two players they took I knew who they were they went to real programs I saw them play basketball at some point this year that’s like the compliment I can give to the NBA DFT yeah France he was like went pro when he was 14 years old I’m like yeah I remember watching those games when he was overseas playing pro ball when he was seven foot and 15 years old we were interviewing Cardinal draft picks two weeks ago who went late on day three who played Big Time college football that we watched on Saturdays like yeah I know who those guys are you know it’s like oh man Spencer Rattler can’t get drafted in the top what 100 picks or whatever watching him every Saturday come on NBA I wanna I want to love the NBA draft yeah what was that I don’t know what that was it’s bad get back to the drawing board nothing can compete with the NFL nothing they can have their own thing and they can mix it up and I almost if there like almost just don’t allow trades at this point like the player you pick is who you pick but it’s just like they’re dealing in the 2030s yeah like hey they’re gonna throw in a 2031 pick swap like cool all right I’m gonna be dead by then like I don’t even know like I don’t be around like I one of these I’m going to be watching the NBA draft I’m like am I even going to be around to see that pick be spent that’s I think 2030 yeah it’s like we’re talking about the Vikings 2026 pick and Cardinal fans are like nope we don’t want that we don’t want four first for the next three years yeah 203 imagine being an NBA fan like yeah my team’s rebuilding but we just scored two second rounders in 2031 i’ be like never talk to me again meanwhile you’re in deep in seven round mock draft and you’re trying to decide or debate like should you take the guy at a UMass or Panera Bread State it’s gonna make her break your mock oh man NBA come on I want to love your scouting analysis process I love March Madness I love the players of March Madness where were those players at and didn’t see him last night not everybody’s gonna be Luca not everybody’s gonna be Luca dones come on now you guys are the best great we’ve had a fun day here bronny James going to the Lakers not Phoenix makes me sad uh I would have loved LeBron here on his retirement tour next year but Kevin Durant we be back sounds like how do you feel about that it’s great are we really gonna get in the full-fledged Hoops talk I just like I like the comments most of the comments on LeBron James is like Dad pass me the ball I sent Damon and Bo a tweet last night that is just most coock tweet you’ve ever seen it’s just like bronny James has been drafted by Burger King and it’s just like just because he doesn’t go in the first round bronny James is a billionaire through his dad he’s not working at Burger King but Rich Paul how do you feel about rich Paul calling people and saying don’t draft Bron un Australia they’re like yeah got it man yeah we’ll stay away from your guy no problem here way ahead of you I’m hearing there’s going to be some tension in the Lakers locker room because apparently LeBron is uh kind of sleeping around with one of his teammates Moms come on John keep up oh yeah that was an old story I do remember that no you’re thinking of the Delante West story I am yeah yeah people keep talking about tip Raymond in the chat and wanting tip Raymond to beat me at training give Johnny some payback at training camp yeah a lot of tip in the chat you know what as much as I I didn’t like the tip Raymond pick I knew where he went to school I knew of him pre pre-draft uh I thought it was a reach but at least it was I understood over time like tip Raymond I I mean I watched Illinois football last year right so he can block yeah he can play the he’s got a role he’s gonna play that’s right he’s gonna play this year you know we talked Jaden Davis two weeks ago like whether it’s practice squad or special teams like they’re going to work with him to get him a role how many of those guys in the NBA Draft today like we’ll never we’ll never see ever I don’t know man the NFL rosters are going to expand when they go to 18 games from 53 to 6065 it’s going to make it even more plentiful to make an NFL roster I’m I’m all for it they need to be expanded so they’ll expand and then they’ll get a extra buy is that that’s what they’re they’re working for practice squads will be bigger I’m all for more unities in the NFL like I love the NBA five spots in a starting lineup how many dominant players we talked about the Cardinals offensive line today it’s just like I’m fired up about the depth they have up front I’m fired up about the tight ends they have like there so many layers to the NFL that’s why it’s it’s the king yeah if you want uh more from our guy Drew petting today you can check it out at PHX Cardinals follow me on Twitter at BO Brock follow Johnny Johnny venerable and Damon dog um yeah two more sleeps before the 999 challenge we’re going to have our full predictions are did we get Shane to handicap it me and Shane will work on that okay later tonight all right cool don’t disrespect me Damon Johnny you’re the only line that I already have a good idea in my head of what I want to put I like this from Dice kids in the chat this is the Dollar Store Suns podcast that’s right it is that’s right you want Dollar Store tags for Suns this is where you get it oh man it’s gonna be great um all right I think that’s going to do it for us on Thursday did you want to talk any more ball you want to preview the NHL draft that that starts tomorrow subscribe to phnx sports here on YouTube for B Brock damond dog I’m Johnny see you tomorrow bye like May

Arizona Cardinals OC Drew Petzing is “really pleased” with Marvin Harrison Jr.’s performance head of the the 2024 NFL season. How much will Petzing alter the Cards offense with so many mouths to feed? Can Kyler Murray help MHJ, Michael Wilson and Trey McBride all next 1k yard receiving seasons? Where does the Redbirds’ offensive line rank amongst it’s peers?

Join Johnny Venerable, Bo Brack and Damon Dawg on Thursday’s PHNX Cardinals podcast!

0:00 Intro
4:00 Drew Petzing on Marvin Harrison Jr and the Cardinals Offense
11:00 The offense will lean on MHJ
17:40 Kyler Murray is the leader
30:30 Who leads the Cardinals in targets?
43:00 The offensive line gets NO LOVE

An ALLCITY Network Production

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