Denver Broncos Get Bo Nix Answer We Hoped For

Denver Broncos Get Bo Nix Answer We Hoped For

I feel like I’m in a glass case of emotion right now on the good side we get evidence that Shawn Payton wanted bonick all along it is now confirmed that he had told a really valid source way before the draft the bonix was his dude uh that we didn’t settle on the sixth best quarterback in this draft that he always wanted bow so that’s great news the bad news is that we have more mainstream media Outlets just dogging this team and clearly having zero clue about what we’ve done this off season we’re going to break it all down on this video and a lot more if you’re new to the channel I’m Ben I’m a die hard Denver Broncos fan and it’s awesome to have you along for the ride so first off we know that there’s a prevailing narrative around the NFL that oh the Broncos got the fifth best quarterback uh or the sixth best quarterback in this draft like he’s not going to be any good but we know that where a quarterback is drafted has zero to do with how they end up performing as an NFL quarterback all you got to do is look at JaMarcus Russell or David Carr or Josh Rosen or like the list goes on and on Ryan Leaf uh Tim Couch tons of players who are drafted high end up flaming out tons of players who you throw that generational Talent uh stamp on aren’t generational Talent um and and so the fact that we got bone Nicks as the sixth quarterback in this draft does not mean he’s going to be the sixth best quarterback in that class like Curt Warner Tony Romo true Brees Russell Wilson um like the list goes on and on of dudes who are to like Tom Brady the goat uh Brock pie was undrafted and so where a quarterback is drafted does not determine like how good they are and I don’t think I can say that fact enough uh but now we are hearing from one of Shawn Payton’s boys who’s very plugged in Shawn Payton liked B Knicks all along and that is truly who he wanted like we are now having that confirmed and that is confirmed by Jay Glazer Jay Glazer and Shawn Payton have long been boys and you know um we seen that all the way back to when Shawn was a coach with the New Orleans Saints but even when he was working with Fox and so now we are seeing the evidence the cold heart evidence that Shawn Payton wanted him uh and so we’re going through here and he ended up uh showing up on his podcast we we saw him immediately FaceTime into the Pat McAfee show and him and Bill bich like yep it up and Shawn Payton was going over all these stats about how he wanted him but still that that could have just been him trying to cope and be like yeah I’m really happy with the girl I’m going to promptu even though the first five girls said no like he may be convincing himself into that but what we are seeing now here uh is that Shawn Payton before the draft told Jay Glazer that he wanted to fly out to Bon’s home and when the pick was up like knock on the door and be on TV saying the Denver Broncos draft you and it was Jay Glazer who talked him out of that and he mentions that in this podcast like that is what he wanted uh he goes on and and says multiple things in this interview which was just incredible incredible to me about how there seems to be like this NFL hype train and he he said at best he said a lot of times it feels like uh the tail is wagging the dog so you have all these dudes in their mom’s basement I’ll be guilty of that as well who are saying like oh JJ’s great oh Jaden’s great oh all these players are great and so then all of a sudden when a GM or a scout is looking at tape they they run that through their filter because we we’re getting these alerts on our phone all the time like saying where uh these you know Monday morning quarterbacks believe a player should be drafted and so he he’s saying it is like the tail wagging the dog and we need to remember who is driving the train and we need to let evaluators evaluate talent and when they did that they knew B knck was the guy that they wanted to draft so much so that they did a misinformation campaign and tried to trick everybody so much so that uh Shawn Payton even wanted to fly out to tell bonck your honor team but Jay Glazer even said well don’t do that because I know other teams like him as well and so the the big piece of news that dropped in this podcast episode was Shawn Payton saying uh after they worked out B Knicks they he got in the car and said we can’t be the only dude dudes out there who are seeing how good this guy is and this was the line that I loved and he said and come to find out there were people behind us who thought the same thing so bone Nicks was going to be a first round drafted quarterback bone Nick was going to go off the board there is zero chance he would have fallen to the second round would the Raiders have uh wanted him like trade up to get like there are so many different ways that uh B Knicks would have been off the board and Shawn Payton confirmed it and confirmed that he liked him all along so then so that had me feeling great like all right let’s go National media you see the truth here but then uh there’s this article today in Bleacher Report that is called teams that are failing at their rebuild plans and number one Carolina Panthers completely agree they are failing and they have a quarterback who they drafted number one overall who looked like he was a bust last year and we’re going to see him look like a bust this year again um so I agree they are but then we’re number two on their list uh and this was kind of the thing that was infuriating to me there’s so much missed information in this article so even just talking here where um they they say here they are splitting an $85 million dead over the next two seasons like just even the wording of that makes it seem like it’s a 50/50 split not that oh they ate way more than the bulk of that this year and eating the $53 million and yet we haven’t regressed anywhere and we’ve gone over that a ton on this channel um and then even just saying here that like uh the whole reason is that um where is it that the fact is that Shawn pyton and Russell Wilson couldn’t develop a working relationship and it had nothing to do with them not being able to develop a working relationship it had to do with the fact that Russell Wilson could not run the offense that Shawn pton wanted to Shawn Payton like thrives on ontime plays hitting dudes in stride when they’re open Russell Wilson thrives when the play breaks down and he throws a moonball and those things do not work together and Shawn pyton talked about how he had to have his guard rails on this offense the whole time and now we have a quarterback who can run that so this this made me really upset and uh again they’re even just making making kind of some big assumptions here about how good B Knicks is going to be and they are referring back to that train that Shawn Payton said don’t trust that train of of evaluators those are all dudes in their mom’s basement who are evaluating talent not actual talent evaluators that get paid the big bucks to do that and so they’re even saying here that the Denver Broncos are putting trust in Shawn Payton to help an organ product outperform his pre-draft perception well Shawn Payton just said that wasn’t his pre-draft perception by the people who had actually mattered which was NFL NFL squads who were going to draft Bon Knicks as well so this made me extremely upset and then um the other one here was Albert Breer who I I usually really really enjoy reading uh and he writes for the Monday Morning Quarterback goes in here and just says that um the the Denver Broncos are a talentless roster and says um that neither the offensive line or the defensive line is that great and I think that’s just flat out wrong like we’ve covered a lot on this channel our offensive line has one of the best guards in the entire game in miners uh we have Ben Powers flanking him at the other guard position we got mlinci who was getting paid massive dollars in in the NFC West and then we had Garrett Bulls who has started since like he got to the team and is a very serviceable lineman and PFF had us ranked the seventh best offensive line in the entire League last year so I think that’s a lie and then our defensive line has just gotten so much better and we’re changing our scheme to actually work well for the talent that we have on the team and we went out and got John Franklin Myers who was starting on a great defensive line with New York Jets we got Malcolm roach who’s a great run stopper we still got Singleton we still got DJ Jones and then our Edge rushers are like absolute studs and beasts and so I I just think the the league is sleeping on us still and this is the time to buy in on the Denver Broncos because uh the hype around it in Broncos Country this is one of those we’re early on bitcoin we’re early on ethereum we know something that the rest of the league doesn’t and um that’s very very exciting news other exciting news is that the 16 dates for training Camp are out there and you can jump in the Ticket Master queue and get free tickets to go watch the Denver Broncos I got mine locked in today for the Green Bay Packers visit to the Denver Broncos on August 16th so I hope I catch a lot of you out on the hill and let me know in the comments when are you going to Broncos training camp I think even the fact that the Denver Broncos have opened their training camp to the public they initially were supposed to be doing renovations on the field and there’s a lot of talk two years ago about how they’re going to have to close training camp to the public I think George pton our new ownership group and Sean pyton are like people are going to want to see this cuz like we’re actually good and so we’re not trying to hide anything we want to open this thing up let’s fill that Hill uh and let’s be there because here in Broncos Country we don’t stop believeing oh that one Felt So Good

While the prevailing talk around the NFL is that Sean Payton and the Denver Broncos settled for the “last best” quarterback available in the first round, we get the news from a valid journalist that Bo was the plan all along! We inferred lots from Sean Payton’s discussion about trying to trick the league into moving up for JJ McCarthy but Jay Glazer in a podcast confirmed that Sean Payton told him before the draft that he wanted to fly to Bo Nix’s house and be there in person when the Denver Broncos drafted him. This speaks volumes as to what the front office thought and that they did not settle on Bo Nix. We discuss some discouraging projections about our offense from Bleacher Report and MMQB and we discuss training camp! Let me know what day of training camp you’ll be at and I hope to see a lot of you on the HILL!

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  1. There are some ignorant pundits out there who trash the Broncos. I saw one article that claimed the Broncos were the worst destination for a free agent. That one REALLY upset me. Turns out, their whole reasoning was the cap hit we have because of Russ. Then there was a guy (just a guy, another YouTuber) who reacted to Florio's pre-camp ranking. Apparently he has the Broncos at 22, which is the best ranking I've seen. This YouTuber said that was too high for the Broncos. In fact the Panthers who Florio ranked at 32, should be higher than the Broncos. He went on to say we "have no quarterback." Then he described other position groups. There wasn't one that he thought was bad. So apparently he doesn't believe in Bo and was basing his opinion on that alone. Sigh! Haters will hate and that's just what it is.

  2. No intro, no outro, just straight to business. Day in, and day out. Thank you!

    Also congrats on 10k big dawg!Just noticed but you’ve definitely earned it. Won’t be long before you’re at 50k

  3. Never forget mitch Trubisky was took 8 picks ahead of mahomes i remember back then nobody was as high on mahomes as andy ried was, most fans back in 2017 would say trubisky was the best qb in the class now its not like that, draft position definitely does not matter.

  4. The Denver Broncos head coaches have been high on QB talent in the past which hasn't worked out. I want to believe, but we will not know until we see him play a season. I love the hype, I dig you energy, but lay off the copium. Remember, McDouche thought Tebow was the second coming. Dig the content brother but dial the hype and justifications back a bit. We'll know when we know.

  5. When you live in New York, and cover the "big" teams, and then someone says "talk about a small market team you nothing about like the Broncos." All they know is Wilsons big contract, so they something generic like, "they will be terrible for years because of it. DURR!" No one talks about all the things GP did with the salary cap. We cut some guys, got some cheap free agents, and will be paying Nix cheap rookie contract while we are paying off Wilsons contract. Broncos did a GREAT job in this off season.

  6. Don't worry about the media at all. I think it's even better this way.. think of the sensation and "wow" if the team does do well. It could even be more than that.. maybe they KNOW, and have a stake. They win more if fewer bet on them.

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