What Is A Fair Deal For The Miami Dolphins And Tua Tagovailoa?

What Is A Fair Deal For The Miami Dolphins And Tua Tagovailoa?

on tonight’s episode of finside the NFL it’s night two of the Miami Dolphins content creator panel voted on by you the fans I’ll be joined by Omar Kelly Al from three yard per Cary Kyle Krabs and of course Neil from fin to deep so do us a favor smash the like button subscribe if you’re new we got a lot to talk about tonight we’ll talk about Tua training camp and everything Miami Dolphins related let’s get into [Music] [Applause] this the presser he’s in trouble loses the football touchdown got you have got to be kidding me Jaylen WD has a dolphin touchdown and he will score doers side that open TouchDown the run from two bya touchdown he’s going deep he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] got for to the Dophin beautiful day to be a dolphin F let’s [Music] go what is good Finn Nation what’s good it’s your boy reason we’re back here for another one and tonight I’m joined by an Allstar cast and I mean we’ll start it off gentlemen it’s I know I know we all create content or we’re all journalists up here so there’s never a lull in the offseason but technically There’s A Lull in the offseason right now and I want to thank each and every one of you guys for joining us tonight because hey the fans voted you guys on and this just shows you guys are about giving the fans exactly what they want so I appreciate you guys for coming through um hey how you guys feeling I mean we’re about a little under a month away from training camp starting um Neil H how are you feeling I’d feel a lot better if I didn’t see that Jeff Darlington video I guess yesterday but um all good that wasn’t even new news I know I’m fine said it the day the day that he talked it’s like I think the reason why people are thrown a back a bit by is a couple weeks ago Jeff Darlington went on that same show and told everyone it’ll be done basically by mid July now he’s coming up and saying I’m reigning that all back that optimism in and he’s basically pulling back I think that’s why people he said he said mid July was what he first said he yeah yeah yeah it it realistically there are and I hate to begin this process hey no hey start there are three deadlines in my mind uh the start of training camp it’s not done then Tua probably is going to say hey enjoy team periods without me I uh let me know when you guys figure it out then we got the start of the exhibition season you want him to do work you kind of need him to get involved then you got the start of the regular season if we get past that like enjoy playing on the fifth year option I I don’t I don’t we’re not even at the first real deadline yet so what’s the motivation I mean how many of us has done negotiations what’s the motivation to sweeten your offer right now yeah no no Panic for me until training camp to be honest honestly you know there’s a month from now to Camp so a lot of progress can be made between now and then and if both sides want it bad enough they’ll find a way to get it done yeah I mean my my only question is what will Tua do when they play hardball with him I mean I initially thought okay he’s too nice of a guy to hold out yeah and or or hold in to or to sit out the offseason program and then he did a pseudo okay I’m here and I’m only doing seven on sevens enjoy your team periods with Mike White and Skyler Thompson it was mediocre um so you like the offensive players were like yeah why why are we working if two is not working so like can you do that in training camp you really can’t but Christian sat it out xavien sat it out this is the new business in the NFL you hold in because you can’t hold out because they’re finding you I think it’s like five grand a day yeah and technically people don’t really realize this but in the new CBA all you got to do is show up for work you don’t have to participate in work you just walk through the building you’re good so you just hold in Christian showed up for what is it three four weeks and did what he wanted you can’t find him but he’s taking a political stand Tua could do the same thing will he I don’t know I think he’s gonna at least hold in minimum when this starts if he’s not paid for sure he just did it at OTAs he’ll probably do it all over again um okay I guess we’re hopping right into it um Alf Kyle your guys thoughts on this situation right now do you do any one of you guys see this lingering into the regular season uh I thought it would get resolved before training camp and I completely agree with Omar I was talking about this on my only fin show there are realistically three deadlines you have the start of training camp the start of the preseason right before the first preseason game and then the week before the Jaguars uh opening day game and I think uh each deadline presents new problems uh if he’s not signed before training camp then just like Omar said you’re not going to get a guy who’s going to be participating on 11 on 11 and I’m pretty damn certain he’s not going to play in the preseason games without a contract and then once it gets to the regular season I would venture to guess I know what I would do what I would do is I would say hey we’re going to try to win a Super Bowl here I’m going to try to throw 40 touchdowns and at the end of this season I want to be the highest paid quarterback in the NFL or you send me to Las Vegas or New Orleans or anywhere else okay oh okay yeah and Al one thing to consider with those three deadlines is how many quarterback deals get done between now and those deadlines right does Jordan love get signed and complicate things even more yeah because it’s because everybody says oh you know it’s it’s not about the money it’s always about the money but it’s usually at this level of money kind of like with Jimmy Butler as well it’s what the money says about you because I don’t think Tua cares about buying an extra Lamborghini or an extra house in Hawaii it’s a s you know yeah probably yeah it’s the respect that comes with it right yeah it’s the respect and the status that comes with getting paid along with your peers but if that’s what Tu is obsessed about or if that’s what he’s concerned about then he’s doing it for the wrong reasons and I I’m of the opinion for me if I’m T my focus would be on the guaranteed money I want the highest level of guaranteed money you can tell me whatever the fake number is and you could tell me you know what what you know uh you you you can make him average $55 million for all I care the back end of the backload the deal make it all fake money nobody cares nobody nobody’s looked at the Trevor Lawrence deal it’s trash it it it’s like if Tua wants to sign the Trevor Lawrence deal I’d be like please please sign it like please I beg you to sign it because it’s it’s probably the worst deal I’ve seen in a long time everybody’s like oh it’s $200 million guaranteed money like 142 no it’s not it’s yeah it’s like 42 43 I’m like and and the two final two years now will he potentially get that money yeah after the contract is restructured a couple of times and and then but like who who the hell is paying him like $80 million a year yeah like the quarterback price is not going to raise that much at that point and then he hasn’t even proven really good but anyway if Tua does want to sign that deal and hey well I’ll give you 200 million in fake money if you if or or potential guaranteed yeah possible guaranteed okay if you want if you like if if I’m Chris Greer and two you want that deal you want that deal as a benchmark I give you the exact deal I give you I give you a dollar more dollar more I give you a dollar more if you want that deal let’s do that deal and I promise you they won’t do that deal yeah if I’m to I want to be paid along with my peers in my draft class meaning I want more money than Jaylen Herz I want more money than Justin Herbert okay so let’s get Kyle’s thoughts on this but before we do I just want to throw something out I I did for you guys okay so if you were to take Trevor Lawrence’s money and you would take goff’s money they actual guaranteed money like Omar’s talking about and you put it over the term they’re making about 28.4 million in real money per year Joe Burrow’s making 29.3 so there’s only like a million doll difference in real money I mean I start asking the question are they at like if we’re talking in those terms are they at like 24 25 and that’s where the hiccup is I don’t know but Kyle let’s get your thoughts on this and then Omar can rebuttal youly I I’ll say this about the whole big picture thing deadlines for Action right and I think you look at last year’s quarterback Market resets with Jaylen Herz and Lamar Jackson they both signed in April right before the draft right that window came and went it’s done the next like big wave of contracts like Justin Herbert and all them they signed in mid July and I understand that they signed a year ahead of where two is at with their contract extension so like it feels different but just from a calendar year perspective it’s not like athletes first and Chris G are talking on the phone every single day for the entire off season and negotiations are just that Herky jerky right there’s communication they talk among themselves it it’s it’s a very fluid and dynamic conversation that exists as far as the uh cash flow perspective I think one of the things that’s really interesting about some of these contracts that might be a part of the sticking point is the year one cach right because jarro goof signed the contract that had a $73 million signing bonus right like the year one cash is Buco and that’s how you get the year two in year three cach that’s high 20s low 30s because it all averages out so as we’re figuring out where to it lands I can’t imagine there’s that much divide on like the total value or the the average value of the contract from a average perspective I think that’s more of the issue than it is a signing bonus Steve Ross I I think he easily if you give Tariq $50 million why would you not give Tua 50 plus um you know he’s got the cash it’s not like he’s some of these other owners where he’s not liquid um and this is quarterback this it but but I think there there’s more I think there I I personally think and I have not heard this but I personally think the holdup is the guaranteed money and I mean any any agent worth his salt knows that really the guaranteed money is the only thing that matters in these contracts except for their fake little average per year um you know and and I’m sure they’ll they’ll fluff it and make it look like to is a $50 million quarterback but what is he really making um he’s probably going to make something along the neighborhood of $42 million throughout the course of whatever is guaranteed um and then they probably will maneuver the final the the the back end of the contract to when they can restructure it and and and get what they want out of it to help create themselves some cap space but I I don’t think it’s the signing bonus that’s the issue I mean I there’s just such a wide range because like Joe buroughs was 40 jarro GS was 73 Jo bur was 40 because the are cheap right and they don’t have any money but then Justin Herbert’s because he signed in year three his was 16 because it was technically like the the rookie years of the the old contract so you just kind of look through the Chargers are also a cheap organization that don’t have any money so From tu’s perspective going into his floor is higher because his only remaining salary is the fifth year option which is a higher figure than what they were so it’s like okay do you do you dump that guaranteed money like you’re talking about Omar into the signing bonus and take one and a half years worth up front or do you go more Joe burrow 40 4550 ises signing bonus and kind of have a more even cash flow and when it’s guaranteed money like that I think that that can be kind of tricky for them to work through too here’s the interesting thing that you said I’m glad you brought that up and I I love this conversation with you Kyle burrow and Herbert signed seven-year deals because they signed those deals going into their Rook going into their final year the rookie deal before they get their fifth year option the fifth year option was worked inside the deal Jaylen Herz signed his deal go into his in his final rookie season because he didn’t have a fifth year option because he didn’t have a fifth year option he got a six-year deal when they did um what’s his name the wide receiver Jaylen herz’s contract not jayen Herz Jaylen W’s contract he went into his rookie deal which is where Tua should have been had the fifth year option triggered and he signed a six-year deal me personally I believe that Tua will probably get a six-year deal not a 7year deal like Herbert and and and um burrow um this year plus five you’re tacking on yeah you’re talking I’m tacking on the fifth year right this year plus five years and I think he probably if I’m to his Camp I’m looking for four years of it completely four years of it guaranteed maybe three fully guaranteed another with an option year in 2026 do you think that’s the problem that they’re at right that’s do you think that’s another hiccup right now is the structure like cuz like I think a lot of people would agree maybe if it’s 5 years attacked on six I know what you’re saying but after the three years you get that out I mean you know agents are going to B at when you try to attach especially with quarterbacks you know playtime incentives they’re going to B at that kind of stuff do you think Str do you guys think structure and protections might be another one of the hiccups because I think it’s guaranteed money and potential structure here do you guys agree with that I think structure could be a holdup in the case of and I saw that Kyle was talking about this uh Jaylen herz’s contract structure could be something that the Dolphins might want to do to keep you know kicking this can down the road why would Tua do that precisely and I’ll tell you why it’s probably a bad idea for Tua that structure although it’s very Team friendly and yeah you’re going to get all this money it’s going to look pretty on paper it’s going to look really nice in the newspaper and it’s going to look great on that lower third on ESPN it’s going to trigger a lot of short short-term capital gains every single year which is another minus 16% on his money every single year so it’s actually a tax on his Total Money actual cash paid every single year so who knows if that is the holdup right now that Greer wants to Greer and Shore want to roll out that Jaylen Hertz structure and they’re saying wait a minute you’re Wadd by the way I don’t I know the different cap resources have different things but over the cap has the waddle contract and the ne the the first two first three years of it it’s a minimum G like base salary and the rest of it is a roster bonus or an option bonus that is automatically prated out through right the the life of the contract so like that’s J’s gonna get a very nasty a very nasty letter from the IRS somewhere around March the 20th every single year and he’s going to say I have to pay what and yeah yeah he’ll revisit it with his agent pretty soon um they some sometimes guys prefer those bonuses because those bonuses are paid in Florida as opposed to your weekly paycheck which is paid in wherever you’re playing and then they get taxed out of that as well I mean that that’s just technical stuff but players really don’t care about that they just care about the money that that goes into their paycheck um to me I personally think the sticking point is is the guaranteed money because once once you get to the guaranteed money everything else once you get past the guaranteed money everything else is just rounding bases at that point you know it it and you know if I’m the Dolphins I’m probably not offering more than 150 if I’m to I’m probably seeking probably about 170 the the truth of the matter is you meet somewhere in the middle and and you know and when I say that I’m saying fully guaranteed money you could throw on injury guarantee and and all that kind of foolishness I I only yeah to fluff it um I you know anybody who’s obsessed with the average per year for Tua contract you’re just following Fool’s goal because it’s it it’s not real um you know Tyreek is average $30 million a year his paycheck has never seen $30 million a year um you know he’s he’s got duration of his career he’s going to make $24 million a year you the these contracts are so fraudulent it’s it’s incredibly insane and I condemn all of my peers for continuous continuously reporting fake numbers on contracts fake numbers yeah and that’s what the Casual fan gets scared of because that’s what they don’t look into the cap like all of us they don’t they just don’t do that so they see that big number they take it at face value they don’t actually do the research that’s just and you know there’s a lot of people in the media you know they’re going to be talking about like the floros and such they’ll be talking about the annual average they won’t be talking about the real money because is probably the only mainstream member of the media who actually goes into the I’m just using him as an example like because he was the attorney and he he knows to redefine print in the first place yeah so okay let me ask you this all right so given everything we just covered to you in your mind what is a fair market value deal for the Dolphins and Tua to come to a conclusion to we’ll start with you Kyle what would you what would you view as a fair market deal for both sides I I’ll keep this focused on the guarantees since that’s where we’re talking and that there’s kind of three separate tiers as far as guaranteed it signing right and you know the Trevor Lawrence has practical guarantees that are effectively the option bonuses years down that that guarantee two years from now but like from a guaranteed signing perspective you have the Deshawn Watson deal which is in a league all of its own because they foolishly gave him a 100% fully guaranteed $230 million or $230 million contract not counting that it’s Joe burrow at 1465 guaranteed at signing Trevor Lawrence 142 guaranteed at signing Lamar 135 guaranteed at signing Justin Herbert 133 guaranteed it’s signing nobody else is above 113 so no uh Lawrence is at what 142 14 142 yeah 142 at signing but they said 2 58 of it is fluff money we’re talking it’s that future guarantees in future years for Tua oh what’s go at what’s GF at go guaranteed its signing was 1136 okay so that’s kind of the the the next one down and that’s the big divide is there’s this $20 million gap in guarantees I’d want to see tua’s contract to get up into the 130 Plus in guaranteed at signing and if there’s more guarantees beyond that then however they want to sort that out that’s fine but like I I think to give him what’s effectively equal to three years fully guaranteed at signing is a fair market relative to where these other contracts are checking in at and not lowball him and put him into the G the gof at 113 or Jaylen Herz at 110 kind of Stratosphere I would want him up into that second tier of guaranteed it signing Neil where would you be out with that why don’t we go 124 just a reminder we haven’t won a playoff game in 24 years right now love it I’m I’m right with Kyle I I think that what Kyle said is spot on right like you you you don’t want to kind of insult him and put him in the golf tier but around that 130 to 135 million Mark I I think there’s got to be some Harmony there I I think that’s those are good numbers uh it takes care of your quarterback you’re you’re not setting the market um but it’s a fair deal deal for T Tua and I think it makes a lot of sense Al where you at on this one I think the floor has to be like I said slotted with his peers uh and that’s the floor that’s where we’re working up from which means more money than Herbert more money than than Herz and equal money to burrow and we’re moving on up so I’m I’m with Kyle completely uh 135 140 and we’re pushing toward the top money earner on that list Omar I have burrow at 1465 I’m you know I not I these are things that I researched a long time ago but I I could be wrong um you’re right yeah okay um to me the way that I look at this contract if I’m negotiating it on tour’s behalf is I got my 231 I got my 43 my franchise tag because that’s what you’re threatening me with you want you want to continue to threaten me again I want to to attack on the 51.6 the franchise tagged me twice give me that Kyle cousins treatment um so it brings me at 117 1177 then I want a for I want $40 million in my next year contract just because hey that’s that’s fair would you pay me pay me if I’m to a $40 million a year of my salary okay I want that guaranteed so I’m I’m at I’m at about 1501 56 I want 156 that’s what I’m asking for four years of guaranteed money you could you could fluff up the rest of it and make it look however you want to look um I I think it’s probably going to be a six-year deal but to me and this is where I’m sitting if I’m the Dolphins organization who am I bidding against who am I fighting against media perception I already showed you I don’t care I’m going to drag I’m going to drag this out they’re going to talk about me like like like I’m I’m an evil villain because of how harsh I’m treating Tua for the next four weeks we got nothing we got nothing else to talk about what what do we have to talk about do you hear any conversation about Jordan love last year Jordan love didn’t even get his fifth year option they gave him half of that money and said prove it and nation’s like okay and here we are the Dolphins are getting flogged for how dare you make who will play on the fifth year option when you just made Christian Wilkins a three-year Captain the pillar of your team did everything right play on a fifth year option I think that’s part of the problem though Omar though because everybody’s got the scar tissue of the Wilkins Saga and then he leaves and nobody like really wanted him to leave and they’re like oh you should have got that deal done but if you told everybody 12 months ago hey we’re signing Christian Wilkins to a contract extension for $27 million per season everybody lost their minds yeah it’s true everybody would lost their minds he’s right yeah I I agree with you my my thing is and this is where the play this is this is where I think it could get ugly because the team will be behind Tu imagine if every press conference everybody ends it with pay yeah like like just just you know hey you know yeah I feel like I’m doing great at quarterback okay by the way Paya like it it and you know I have covered this team for 16 years and trust me I’ve never seen a team behind a quarterback I’ve never in my career okay I’m sorry I’m lying Pennington Ryan Tan Hill not not Ryan tanah Hill never Ryan tanah Hill Chad penon Ryan Fitzpatrick like when Tua stole the team from Ryan Pat really was handed to him everybody team’s like yo Fitz is our guy like what are we doing and you know and obviously and then gasi started getting the ball and shut up real quick that’s what happened gasi and everyone in this fan base pay him $10 million peki $10 million where is he now know that’s what I say Lawrence can’t even Elevate Calvin Ridley to a Tong of below is over here people are on X betting me that Linn Bowen Jr is going to have a better year than Albert Wilson you know Malcolm Perry people are falling in love with Malcolm Perry people want to pay Mike geki what have these guys done since they left TOA that’s another thing his agency saying there at at the table I mean look at what he’s worked with this guy’s literally turned chicken [ __ ] into chicken salad regularly and that’s another thing well you got a guy like Trevor Lawrence who gets all this money we can all agree is probably falls in the the the 12 to 16 range while two is in the top eight I think two is top eight no two is not top eight to us two no two is not top eight over the last two years he’s top five in every major statistical category Patrick Mahomes Lamar Jackson Josh Allen Joe burrow CJ strad Brock pie we’re really we’re really giving CJ strad top five after one season that was a phenomenal year who want to argue that there’s a reason why the term sophomore SL in every sport exists that’s fair but I mean that was a phenomenal year and if you would have given us Cleveland in the first round guess what we wouldn’t have a 24e playoff drought right now and so that’s that’s already what I call one two three four five F no that’s five then we got pie Herz Herbert Herz even didn’t even throw you Aaron Rodgers Herbert isn’t better now I’m not going to argue Herbert isn’t better I can I can I can live with that AAR isn’t better you can’t sit here and say Herz her’s a better quarterback than Tu a Tong of aloa I think he’s achieved a little bit more he was an M didn’t he win MVP he was I think he was second in the voting to Rogers uh yeah Rogers is how many touchdowns he throw that year he ran for some I mean I’m I’m not AR I’m not I won’t argue you the positioning of them like okay two is in the we’re starting to get into the stretches om that’s what you’re starting to name a stretch what I’m say but if if we can sit here and say okay with 17 teams pick this quarterback over Tua pie yes 17 Wood Herz yes 17 Wood Herbert I agree with that 15 of I mean 30 30 of 32 would even though I don’t agree with it 30 of 32 would On Tools alone Aaron Rodgers nobody knows what Aaron Rogers is going to be or do but he’s clear come on Aaron Rogers could be the MVP this year we we don’t know we we have no clue or you can spend the whole season smoking crack in a cave somewhere yeah it’s not could be the MVP this year too let’s be let that’s my whole point based off of what Kyle was saying earlier expand on the Wilkins thing they asked Wilkins prove to us you’re a pass rusher what did he do last year so Tua stay healthy he stays healthy he leads the league but what people enough people aren’t talking about is we’ve kind of escaped the MVP top three voting last two years in 2022 he got hurt he was in the MVP conversation last year until week 17 we were in the conversation for number one in the AFC not just AFC East and he was in and he was in the MVP conversation then got whacked by Lamar yeah but I mean Lamar’s got as many MVPs as he does playoff wins and he’s been in the league since 2018 I I’ll take a two-time MVP on my team I’m just saying well I’ll tell you right now guess what Harbaugh would probably say I’d take Flaco on that Super Bowl run over anything you can give me with Jackson really he won a Super Bowl did he win a Super Bowl with ack quar that was why the pocket quarterback will never die especially in the playoffs I like quarterback tiers better than rankings because I think you start arguing about seven versus eight eight versus nine so close if you told me to it was in the 8 to 12 tier I think that’s a perfectly fine appropriate estimate of where he falls in the pecking order for NFL quarterbacks right that’s about right I’ve done my my optimistic list and he ends up eighth and I’ve done my pessimistic list and he ends up 11th and then I might put Aaron roders in front of him if Aaron Rogers gets out of that cave that he’s smoking crack in and he has ack mushrooms like IA he’s doing all kinds of mro hallucinogenics not foret Maro Marino had Marino had a good year when he came back from that Achilles but we all started to notice the Decline and he was like 31 32 a couple years after this guy 39 yeah but this guy’s 394 Maro had a botch the’s job okay so let’s even that up eight years five months later I mean how old are you does your body feel the same when you get out of bed at 31 as you do at 40 I also don’t do mushrooms and all kinds of stuff like you can’t doing them before the game so I don’t know what the plan is this guy’s not maridana over here I don’t know what the plan is Hey listen if he comes back and he’s MVP level Aaron Rogers he wants he wants to stick it to the world come on he’s come on and I want to win a million dollars doesn’t mean tomorrow I’m gonna wake up and win a million dollars he’s Aaron Rogers like are you really gonna people put him the list there’s a list well and I’ll say this okay he’s Aaron Rogers okay so let’s talk about his last year in Green Bay up until that concussion to a tongue of aloa was faring away the best quarterback on that field in that game in December when they faced off and let’s say he he had a better line in Green Bay right he had weapons like like now obviously did he have a Garrett Wilson uh you know but I I get that he had Devonte Adams didn’t he was not that no he’s gone yeah he’s gone running game he had a really good offensive line line in football yeah so I mean and to a Tong below before that concussion in that game was on the verge by if he would have got concussed we might have blown him out yeah I think one point at one point in that game before the concussion Tu had 229 yards passing on nine attempts yeah he was R ridic that he was good that game until he got you know the birdies knocked out of him right he was good till he started seeing Stars so I don’t know man and again we’re coming back from such an injury here like I don’t know I can’t buy into this Jets hype I think it’s nonsense the people that are calling them a playoff team I think it’s sense the people that are calling them a Super Bowl what’s supposed and what’s suppos he is Elite still I mean guess what you’re going to have to be because Tua in this offense regularly put up 30 plus points on that defense so you better be elite when You Face Tua the jet we you know just like you called Josh Allen the daddy of the Dolphins to Tong of AOW is the daddy of the Jets and bill bellich so I don’t know what else to say you know what I mean like all these people that want to Neil talks about all his time all these people spaces that want to celebrate to of potentially getting a deal what what’s there to celebrate he’s whooping all of y’all and he’s going to figure out Buffalo sooner or later we should have swept them in 2022 if Trent sherfield Tyreek killer Josh Boer did their job in that game we sweep them and that that is the fan in you talking like they are not was great in that game and people told me he couldn’t play in the snow people told me he couldn’t play in the cold and he or not hey there’s 52 other players on the on the roster and we learned it that game I love to it and but yeah you either do it or you don’t and they didn’t do it and and they locked up to win the first game let’s not pretend like they didn’t Lo Tu was I think Tua was better than Josh Allen in that second game [Music] okay and that was in their house so yeah you know anyways until you start beating Buffalo and buffalo should come back to the pack this year should they they they basically left the man without any weapons and yeah that 20 that 22 that 2022 season and really in 2023 as well 2023 was just uh Josh Allen uh being Josh Allen and he wasn’t all that great in the second game but in 2022 uh that was all Josh Allen those two games the first game he was he was terrible uh he actually had five passes that hit two Miami Dolphin hands five different times so you can make an argument he should have thrown five interceptions and he did have a fumble and his own 5 yard line but in that second game in the snow uh he basically beat the Dolphins by himself when they were down by eight points late in that game uh the dolphin defense had no answer for anything that Josh Allen did and that’s something that he does regularly against the Dolphins that is what has to stop if they’re going to turn this around because yeah the third and 17 conversion before the end of the first half should never have happened ever usually if you watch some of the closer games that the Dolphins have played against the bills it’s not the roster that’s beating them it’s one guy it’s Josh Allen being Josh Allen because I I think he’s the second best quarterback in football and I agree Miami has never had an answer who argues that who would argue that like some people say burrow I’ve heard burrow a lot take Josh yeah yeah look Josh I think the notion that the bills are gonna have this drastic drop off because they lost Diggs is kind of overstated not to say that they won’t miss Stefon Diggs out there but as long as you got Josh Josh Allen can go in the phone booth put on a cape and beat you by himself and you know I look I I don’t like the bills but I respect Josh Allen I I don’t know you got to give a quarterback weapons yeah I think be the d k cage show this year I think you’re gonna see a leap in Dalton King CAD game this year tight ends and running back and a running back shakir’s a nice little player for them I know he was really he like he led the team in receiving the final 10 weeks and had less targets than Stefan digs did in the same stratch so but he he’s a guy who wins in the slot I that’s what’s really interesting when you look at Buffalo is all the other guys that they added which Val staning and Keon Coleman these big body guys on the outside they they to chase Claypool right like they got these big height weight speed guys on the outside to try just try to win with leverage on the outside and stretch the field uh but they really leaned into the running game last year too and they got a really good offensive line and I don’t think they had a single starter miss a game last year like all five of their guys up front played over a thousand snaps for him last year imagine that world that we would live in oh if if we ever got anything close to that but that continuity for them really showed up down the stretch when they ran the table because they they ran the heck out of the ball and with Josh being able to do it too it’s an added layer that that’s just it’s really tough to stop yeah and he only does it in the second half of the season but they also want to point out that they lost some offensive lineman as well but I agree with you if you have a big loss yeah if you have five guys on your offensive line playing a thousand snaps each like you’re you’re gonna be a NE I think the Dolphins I I’m of the opinion it’s going to be hard and there a good segue for you uh reason it it’s GNA be hard for you to improve that offense because like it was huming last year with no interior offensive line it was still humming no third receiver it was still humming no no legit tight end Target weapon it was still humming and you know it only stopped humming at in when when you had three of your top weapons injured yeah so let me ask you this are you guys comfortable enough with going off of what Omar just said there you know and and kind of what Kyle said you know if like I think we all agree if we could have had Isaiah win and Connor Williams for the full season and teron dealt with what he dealt with we probably all would have been a lot comfortable but are you guys comfortable right now that they haven’t really I mean what was their biggest depth upgrade Jack Driscoll to to that interior line um you know are you guys comfortable enough after you know the history of win Armstead um Aaron Brewers even missed some time um already in OTAs are you guys comfortable enough with the depth of this offensive line heading into the season given the history of some of these players across it no not not at all for me I’m sorry go ahead no I’m not I’m not comfortable with what they’ve done on the offensive line but they’re telling you what they think of it all right they’re they’re basically telling you that their system and their ethos is what’s going to dictate this offense and not the play of the Right Guard or the play of the left guard and I think that’s a mistake you know I would have made upgrades at least slight upgrades if I could but they’re leaning into what they started here last year and now they’re really leaning into it because there’s no Robert hunt they’re basically just saying we don’t need a Robert hunt we could get by with a League average with League average play at the guard spot at at either guard spot and in the interior and we’re going to be fine because this offense is going to work quickly it’s going to work with a lot of mesh points and we’re we’re talking very quick route combinations with very fast wide receivers that’s not really going to ask them to get into pass Pro too much I charted a lot of games last year there was a game last year which is the first one against New England okay you remember that game dolphin offense was okay in that game they scored 24 points uh the New England defense was actually pretty good I think they finished six in the NFL yeah they good defense yeah okay and they were good to start the season and in that game uh I charted it they had six only six actual pass Pro players pass drops yes and in those six pass Pro uh pass drops they allowed five pressures and two sack that tells you all you need to know that was healthy that was without um teron and everybody else was healthy I can’t remember what point was the only when Austin Jackson was kind of feeling him self after you know his de you know after his debut and that first New England yeah two game ton Matthew judon Matthew judon dominated him every single pass Pro snap in that game they had no hope against the New England pass rush which is pretty good it’s not the best in the league but it’s okay especially with judon healthy and they only had six true pass Pro drops and pass drops and there were a disaster they’re leaning into that even more this year so they’re going to be quick they’re going to get off the spot it’s going to be a lot of mesh points a lot of crossers a lot of you think we see another I believe his what his time in the pocket last year was 2.3 seconds and his 2.1 they’ll repeat that again this year that’s that’s the plan so let me ask you this okay before we move on to someone else Al in your mind for the last two years one of the things we’ve been talking about on this channel is the counter punch from McDaniel what happens when he’s figured out what happens when he would see bich for the second time what what what would you you do this year when that quick St that counter punch what would your counter punch be when teams start adapting to that quick stuff like we saw last year Well you made some improvements your improvements are that now you have a third down weapon and Odell Beckham to play in 11 personnel your other Improvement is that you got JN Smith to throw design passes to and the other Improvement is that you have a second year of Devon aan and you drafted Jaylen Wright which I believe this is off the top of my head I could be making this up I think they ran for 2,300 yards last year run for 2600 and throw for 42 throw for 400 yards less but run the ball for more yards have a more balanced offense run the ball more especially with a lead and you got the running backs to do it now and I love the draft pick of Jaylen Wright not because I had him so high on my board but this is essentially telling you we’re going to save some of moster legs for December this year and we got a guy that could take all of the all of the garbage time carries because there were games last year where moster was getting a carry up three touchdowns and he should never carry the football up three touchdowns in the fourth quarter see what I also kind of took the right move was it’s something I think we all hope that they did to the anterior offensive line they looked at aan they looked at Wilson if he’s still here and they looked at Moser and they’re like the last couple years we haven’t been able to depend these on these guys come December January if we add another you know I don’t want to use the word elite but High Caliber weapon back there you know it’s going to sort itself out there’s going to be one of these guys we can rely on to your point about saving moser’s legs by the time we get in December and January because as much as I talked about how you need to win from the pocket in the playoffs you need to win out of the back field running the football in the playoffs too what what are your thoughts on on this all Kyle so uh we’re at a couple different fronts here I think from a weapons perspective I like the Jaylen Wright addition for a couple different reasons uh one of the Dolphin’s most explosive Personnel groupings last year was two backs on the field at the same time but not Alec Engel he created a lot of so not a fullback two backs with Anan and mostard um the versatility of Anan to be able to get involved in a number of different ways utilize him in your motions have him involved in the passing game but Jaylen Wright’s involvement in the passing game really pops on film at Tennessee in pass protect and I think that’s where if you want to get into some drop passing Stu having another back that’s effective in drop pass protection for your six-man protections can help you because the Dolphins a lot of times they wanted to run play action and they’re doing their wide Zone tracks and they’re keeping the tight ends in and they’re keeping the backs in and they’re they’re trying to Max protect with eight guys and they’re sending two three guys out on the routes and if those are capped your play’s kind of dead so if you can get your six-man protection units better with the back that you trust and Jaylen Wright did that at a high level at Tennessee last year that can help you get another eligible out to help space the field even better and then the other thing with him is that Tennessee offense has some unique parallels to Miami from a light box count right that they’re a very College spread isy offense with a lot of guys that are in stacked alignments outside the numbers like really wonky splits that you’ll never see in the NFL but they got a lot of six and a half man boxes and two high safeties because they space the field well Jaylen Wright killed that with inside Zone and so much of aan and Raheem moard I know Raheem moard had a lot of yards after contact last year but a lot of that was wide Zone tracks so to be able to have a back that’s 215 pounds that has the explosiveness of these other guys but his bread and butter is between the tackles and inside Zone as compared to outside Zone I think that’s a nice foil to the Run game to kind of help us with some of the things that we’re talking about about having a second pitch for whenever your wide Zone outside runs start getting shut down and you you build your play plan off of that uh that’s a change of pace that I I think they can can try to exploit this year what are your thoughts on the offensive line depth um I think they have a fair number of guys that are going to be on 53 man rosters I wish the ceiling of the five that’s going to start was better and that for me is whoever’s at that Right Guard spot you know Isaiah wins on bided time it’s just a matter of time because four out of five or five out of six or whatever it is years you get about halfway through and he’s no longer available so to know going in okay you got Isaiah win if he’s on the field you feel good about him as a starter how long you gonna have him right you don’t know and you you I I like the tackle dep so I’m a little less worried about the tackle situation because Kendall L was really solid for you last year and then you add Patrick Paul right we hope he doesn’t have to play but we know the realities with teron Armstead uh but the interior group there’s a guy sitting out here in Greg van Ron that played for the Raiders last year that I think is probably the only free agent left that I would consider an upgrade like anybody else who’s out there in free agency I kind of put him in the same bucket with Robert Jones and Liam mikenberg and and Jack Driscoll and at that point like why sign another guy you’ve got three of of guys that are kind of that caliber of players so um I I think they have depth I just wish their their floor of their best five was a little higher particularly at that Right Guard spot H um Omar were you at on this um I love offensive line um Mike McDaniel knows that I’m I’ve put my faith and trust in Butch Barry um he’s earned that um Mike is consistently preaching that the guys will get better because they’re more aware and understand our system better and understand what our needs are so um you know anytime I bring it up or anytime we address the offensive line or anytime we talk about what what’s there their point has or Mike’s Point has always been that’s what coaching is for now I I love what Kyle said where I wish the floor was a lot higher on all these guys um you know Robert who probably going to end up starting what six games um you know hell Lester Cotton’s still around you know yeah I mean Lester cotton would he make five other NFL teams I don’t know um you know to me the the the real the real case study for whether or not this offensive line is going to be able to do enough is is going to be Aaron Brewer and I got to admit I didn’t have the time nor the interest in exploring his film when he got signed I was just like okay all right cool center addressed and then I literally walked out there to OTAs and saw he’s about this big um and I was just like holy crap this is the smallest offensive lineman I’ve ever seen in my life um on a professional level now I have not seen him in pads yet I I’ve seen him on film great in the Run game n little bit of a problem problematic player in pass protection um obviously he’s going to be a help player a lot but you know so to me it it’s really comes down to can he get the job done at Center for 17 games and then if he can’t you know you’re moving Liam inside the center you know that’s a downgrade he’s already if he’s lucky or good he wins a starting Right Guard spot you’re going to lean on Jack Driscoll to start what no matter what happens to Liam whether he gets beaten out or Liam’s in it Center or Liam has to go play left guard um so yeah I like what Kyle said I just don’t know why Ben Ben um Greg um Ben Rhoden is the answer I’ve looked and I was just like yeah um there’s another guy from um Seattle about Phil hannes yeah Phil haes who I thought probably fits a little bit better but then we’re we’re we’re at the point where and I understand this because it’s been lectured to me we’re at the point where anything out there’s is throwaway stuff like every teams at 15 offensive linemen yeah so I think to ky’s point van routon I think we’d all have a lot more confidence in Van routon at Right Guard than Liam mikenberg um yeah but you also don’t have an investment of a second round pick a third round pick in leam mikenberg yeah but who cares about an investment you made years ago we’re trying to Super Bowl right now Chris kind of stuff see and you know I know you guys brought up Phil Haynes right now see that’s the type of to Kyle’s point when he’s talking about you know how van Ron is the only good thing out there well there were other guys out there when they brought in you know Phil hannes like andr Pete was already proven right he had played to next to Armstead and there were other guys who were still out there and they decided to bring in a Phil Haynes you know what kind of Vibes that gave me are they really taking competition series for ikenberg are they just trying to hand him a job hand him a job and and but also have a job to start the year though I I he’s gonna get po position yeah I’m praying listen I’ll tell you right now I’m hoping Jack Risco wins the battle so at least we have a somewhat I don’t know we’re not leaning on a udfa to be the backup center right now like what’s our depth at we’ve talked about our depth at guard what’s our depth at Center you got to literally be praying on leam mikenberg downfall so you have Drisco start and we at least have you know a swing guard and a backup option at Center that’s played some meaningful snaps not hoping on udfas like Meyer and such now I will say this I like Greg van Ron but there’s another name out there that’s a he’s a free agent he played with the Giants last year he has ideal size 64 Mark Linsky yes yeah that’s who I like uh you know he he will not have the pressure that that van roton is going to have because I’m pretty certain that van Ron is the typee of guy that would have a a start guarantee okay I know that a couple of seasons ago Dolphins were kind of in on Graham Glasgow and I think that they tried to pitch him on competing and he wasn’t interested in competing he went he got the job in Detroit had a monster season and then sure enough they rewarded him with an extension this this past year I like Mark glowinsky he won’t have the pressure of having to start right away at Right Guard but he’s a guy that could push somebody at Right Guard he could push a Robert Jones he could push a a Liam mikenberg uh of course I would just solve this by just offer a contract to Greg van Ron I know he can play and I know he can he can step in right away if need be but if you want a cheaper option that’s a really good scheme fit Mark Lewinsky is probably your best bet right now boys doesn’t this bug you that we’re sitting here up talking about Bargain Bin shopping when we all know we’re in a we’re all in we we’re in a contending window and if you look at every position other than the the depth at the interior offensive line dare I say this is one of the more complete rosters since the early 2000s it’s it’s made up of Dollar Store signings like it’s the whole the whole offseason’s been like 1.8 one year $1.8 million deal like and and while they’re all good players and Hell Clay Campbell Marcus May uh Josh Boyer not Josh Boyer uh Jordan puyer like let’s not pretend like they went out there and spent like big money they they did Dollar Store signings they yeah but at least they got proven guys on those Dollar Store signings we’re over here bargain B shopping uh on the offensive line with I mean the whole narrative is tu’s got to continue to stay healthy so you got to keep them upright and your bargain being shopping on you know for this offense to to roll we can’t be relying on Robert Jones Liam mikenberg and Lester cotton to be maning the interior offensive line from weeks 9 to 16 hey they they manned it for week 9 to 16 last year and I’m glad you said that Omar because like you think about the losses on the offensive line and and losing Conor sucks and losing Robert hunt sucks but like realistically those guys played 450 snaps a piece last year you played more than half the season without those guys and like Omar said earlier on this panel the offense was still humming until the skill guys got hurt towards the end of the year so that’s the ideology I don’t necessarily fully subscribe to it the way that they do they’re in lock step with it and they believe in it and you you you hear Chris forer the offensive line coach that used to be here who had the brilliant flameout and he’s in San Francisco he had a press conference this off season and he said I tell th those guys go draft the guys who scor touchdowns because the development of what we do and I’ve there’s a couple coaching clinics that are out there you can find some clips of him on YouTube but it’s Chris Forester when he’s in San Francisco talking about this same wide Zone scheme and so much of the focus is look this a pass play but your hat placement as the playside guard needs to get to this Landmark on the three technique shoulder because that’s going to tell the linebacker that it’s outside Zone and that’s going to move him and create the throwing like it’s that detailed and that’s what Omar’s talking about in the belief that the longer they’re in the system they’ll and to back on what you’re saying Kyle and I’m glad you brought that up what most people don’t know is probably the biggest influence on Mike McDaniel’s career and he said this on a podcast I believe it was with Mike Silva was um uh uh Chris Forester he spent years in his room learning from him and in the Run game and learning from him the concepts and that that was the and remember he got this job as what a run game specialist he wasn’t a QB Guru he was a run game specialist because of what he learned from Chris Forester so it’s it’s it’s and who is Butch Barry’s an understudy of Chris Forest so it’s you know they believe that you could put you could go get a guy from Publix and teach him the fundamentals and techniques of that position and more than likely he should be able to get the job done do I subscribe to that no I don’t yeah but they have proven it worked they average 5.1 yards per carry last year with trash as the interior of the offensive line didn’t also also didn’t have a 100 yard Plus game after wi went down he he also he also was was chipped up and injured and and you know lot a lot people don’t realize a lot of those guys were on Fumes in December like physically um yeah but didn’t wi go down when went down in the Eagles game he went down the third play of the Eagles game yeah so hold on Raheem didn’t Raheem didn’t have not he did not have a 100 plus yard game after wind went down but you did see the emergence of Devon Anan in that stretch because he he didn’t really get roll until about week week nine week 10 didn’t Raheem have a good New England game the second game or is it was that the first no that was the first game because it was first one because he he hit that home run in the fourth quarter to close him out with the Kansas City okay struggled and Deon anan’s like a freaking unicorn because everyone looks at his size and doesn’t expect him to hit the gaps the way he does and he can I think part I think part of that and you know I’ll be interested to see how this plays out this year in training camp but the guys that were the starters versus the guys that were the backup they had like very different athletic profiles too and nine yeah for the guards on the inside with with Isaiah win and Robert hunt their athletic profiles are very different than Lester cotton and Robert Jones right and then Liam was playing hurt and I I think what you really saw down the stretch last year and I don’t know what their answer is going to be I’ll be and that’s kind of why I’m interested to see what what training camp looks like but the backside cut off blocks and getting up onto the second level weren’t there so those explosive runs stopped coming at the premium unless hn gets out there and they run cracked TOs and they they get outside the numbers really quick because that backside linebacker was chasing a lot of those plays that rahee was hitting for home runs early in the season down because Lester cotton and Robert Jones they they just can’t move like the deao starters at the beginning of the year did so Robert Jones Robert Jones is really really good when somebody’s right in his face or trying to jump into the he’s a Close Quarters guy yeah he cannot he cannot hit the backside cut off to save his life because he just can’t do it he can’t get out there he just can’t get out there to do it and Lester Clon is in my opinion is not an NFL player thank you that’s Solomon Kinley had that same issue too right Solomon Kinley yeah he was slow footed He was slow footed and he Lumbers out there and it’s it’s a skill that’s why certain guys can play special team and certain guys can’t it’s a skill to H hit people in space and the Solomon Kinley can’t do it Robert Jones can’t do it because he can’t find people and Lester Khan can’t do it because he’s just not good enough okay so let’s let’s flip on the other side and we we’ll start off with Neil here are you let’s let’s look to the defense for a sec a lot of people were questioning this team and Weaver and their ability how it’s going to be now we we all up here know how the rotation worked on the defense line in Baltimore but a lot of the fans were were very worried about how this team was going to be able to stop the run with the loss of Wilkins they added Kias Campbell um are you confident in this defense’s ability to stop the run um after upgrading that second level I say it’s the best second level we’ve had since Kiko Alonzo was here um are are are you confident enough with with that front seven and their ability to stop the run and we’ll start with you Neil yeah I think it’s going to be adequate I I I I love Anthony Weaver and I love what he brings but I I I’m not going to front and say that this is going to be the Baltimore defensive line that we just don’t have the type of horses they had with matabi Pierce Travis Jones brri Washington but I do think the Kus Campbell sign is a huge in upgrade to what we had on that front um you know I think teens will probably be able to run on us a little bit for sure uh I hope that you know it’s not you know that we have gaping holes up front you know I feel comfortable with Syler and Campbell everything else to me is kind of that Spiderman meme when they’re pointing at each other you know a lot of people that are around the same type of skill level players you know you’re going to try to attack that with multiple players playing you know in and out probably a lot of Versatility but you know I I don’t I I I don’t know I guess I guess that’s the one thing I want I want to see is you know when the pads get on how you know are are they going to be Stout up front I think the linebackers are definitely better and will cover more more ground than we’ve seen in times past but that nose guard position if tier tart doesn’t have the light bulb come on um from now until the start of the Season you know then I think there’s a level of concern there um you know is a guy like lynville Joseph who’s out there maybe a potential fit to sh up some depth there you know just throwing a name out there but I I don’t know I don’t think we’re going to confuse anyone with like a a 2000 type Baltimore Ravens defensive front I I I don’t think it’s going to be awful I think will probably be against a run somewhere maybe in the top you know around 14 15 in the league what do you think Omar because I know you were doing cartwheels when we added clus Campbell oh love love the clas Campbell signing I think he’s probably one of I mean people people don’t understand um this not just one of the top Edge Setters in the NFL still at his age um productive sack player 1053 in the NFL and active players in in sacks from an interior position 105.5 um but also the leadership that he brings what people don’t realize is you know I’m in the locker room I know where their voids from a leadership standpoint all the leaders on this team are on the offensive side so who leads the defense it’s not Javon Holland it’s not Jaylen Ramsey um it wasn’t you know wasn’t Xavier how wasn’t Jerome Baker um it was Christian Wilkins and and now you know Christian leaves okay Zach could step up but Zach spent his career like looking to Christian to do the job now I’m not saying that these guys can’t but you know what I am saying I know who can and clas has been a leader throughout his entire career we’re talking 17 years of leadership 17 years of vocal leadership so I think that that’s important I think he’s going to be a 600 snap player I think um Zach is going to be a 600 700 snap player player um to me who makes up the rest of those snaps tier tart Bonito Jones Neville gallamore um you know uh what what is this other Sean hand the Sean hand yeah yeah sure um sure yeah um um um you know Jonathan Harris you need you need one guy you all you really really need is one of those guys to say hey my career’s on the line this is my last opportunity like think about this two years ago was Zack seeler Zack seeler you know something lit he lit something he lit a fire something lit a fire in him um and you know the truth of the matter is most of these defensive linemen they’re one season from being out The League like who really wants it and I have no idea I have no idea but I do know that you need one um I watched Jordan Brooks because I as I said I I did not get when free agency was going it things were just moving so fast I did not have a chance to sit there and and look over plays and tape and I watched Jordan Brooks um this week watched a couple games and I don’t know if he’s that player that everybody thinks he is um very rangy um good Blitzer likes to do hit things head up but do we have that finger snap instinct do do we do we have that ability to finish plays I mean keep in mind this is a player that the Seahawks basically said fifth year option and we’re GNA pass um and and here we are yes he’s got a ton of tackles but here we are thinking that he’s going to drastically upgrade this defense and I I just don’t know about that um and and and then the safety position you know somebody’s got to be in the Box to help and Jordan puyer I’ve got a ton of respect for him I think he’s I know he’s a dog I’ve watched him train in bomarito for years I know he’s a dog but I also know if you watch the film and you guys watch film he’s a step slower than he used to be yeah and I watched it at camp and I’m like oh this is not good which is why Marcus May is here so and what was what’s Marcus May he’s he’s in that toron Armstead camp where you know gonna get six you gonna get seven eight nine games out of them before something happens um that’s just the nature of the NFL and and when you’re when you’re here shopping at the dollar store you can’t sit there and complain about you know hey we got injured players like okay your roster is made up of injured players like you know and and then people are like well why don’t we play better in December well your roster is made up of injur injury PR players so I can honestly tell you run unless Kus has been in Europe and got the Fountain of Youth that with everybody seems to be going to Europe to get um I have absolutely no idea if it’s if this is going to work for them and and then Weaver okay and I’ve heard his justifications for why things struggled in Houston and he took the Baltimore job because he really wanted to learn how what what the Baltimore Secret Sauce is and truth of the matter is if he learned Raven Secret Sauce okay then we’re good because in my opinion if the Dolphins got some Raven Secret Sauce oh it’s super bowl like you you could forget about it they have a toughness in the physicality that we’ve never when have we had that like zanka it seems like that new Mike McDonald off uh defense might me be the defensive version of the Shanahan offense where if it if he produces in Seattle and it produces here this year might become the new trend you know they might be picking people from from that from that tree Al what what are your thoughts on the front seven and D are you confident in their ability to stop the run this year well I am a big fan of Jordan Brooks I wanted to draft him with the third first round pick in 2020 um he has the versatility that Jerome Baker just did not have I think he’s a he’s an upgrade over Jerome Baker and I was a big fan of Jerome Baker uh David long was a revelation last year we liked them when we when we signed them Anthony Walker’s going to be that uh that subpackage linebacker I like what Jordan Brooks is bringing to the table in the in the sense that they’re going to be able to play a lot of their their different fronts from different places and he’s going to be able to line up in the b or the a gap and still be able to reach out and to scrape off off of the The Tackle so can he also play you know as a Phil linebacker like they tried to play Jerome Baker yeah Jerome Baker couldn’t do that he can while you you still have David long that can that can do both as well although not as good as as a scrap backer as Jordan Brooks I think his versatility is is going to upgrade that that unit much much more and remember you had Duke rder last year as lb3 he’s lb4 now so that’s an improvement on the front seven I agree with Omar they’re gonna have to find somebody to find snaps inside Neville gallamore uh his contract was really interesting they essentially just handed him a suitcase with $1.2 million in it and told him hey play football for us this year so he’s making the team because if if they cut him step Ross is going to place a phone call to Chris GRE and said you just gave this guy $1 million of my money and he’s not even on the team so I think he’ll play some snaps 15 snaps a game 10 to 15 snaps pretty much the same role he had in Dallas tier tart is going to have to pay dividends if not they’re going to be looking at that last round of cuts to try to play some zero and play some some one shade clay count absolutely was spectacular last year in Atlanta playing essentially like an edge player uh I believe it was uh was it wink Martell that that called him the best five tech in the league uh this team has been needing one for a while and I think they got one that’s going to allow them to play a lot of fronts that they couldn’t play last year so that gives me some confidence and but all that confidence is placed in in that Zack celer is going to be the same Zack celer he can’t be playing too much inside which means that that puts the pressure on the other guys tier tart Neville gallamore Benito Jones Etc they got to find the 30 snaps per game from those guys to supplement the rest if they do this front seven will be good and they’ll be able to stop the run at a top 10 clip with light boxes but they got to find those guys and if they don’t see one in training camp they’re going to have to go out in that final round of cuts to find a guy and you can always find a zero the zeros you know when they say you know quarterbacks don’t grow on trees and this guy doesn’t grow on trees and that guy doesn’t grow on trees zero grow trees they’re everywhere they’re everywhere so you could find one if you need one um just before I get to KY how do you see Bonito Jones working out you see him more pass rush situations because that’s his strength um I don’t think he’s gonna play too much he’s a true zero he’s he’s a 10 snap a game guy 10 12 snap a game guy I would have liked to see John Jenkins brought back uh as some strong competition at the zero and then essentially you practice squad one and you play one on Sundays um we shall see uh maybe Brandon peely is that guy we didn’t see it last year in training camp but maybe he’s you know a year later in the system in a different system that maybe suits him because they’re going to play a lot more even fronts which is going to help him so maybe he is that guy that could step but we shall see he was it was okay he was okay but he couldn’t find snaps on on a team last year that desperately needed a zero that that that was under um old grumpy uh uh you can’t like I can’t really sit there and say he just preferred veterans by way has John Jenkins signed somewhere I think he did right back with the ra I thought he did yeah he did he’s back with the Raiders all right so where’s your confidence level at in this front Seven’s ability to stop the run after uh Wilkins departed Kyle so I I I think you can stop the run structurally right and we’ve talked about effectively every name other than Jonathan Harris that’s been brought in as far as this kind of collection of talent their their names have all kind of come up to this point Al made the point about the Neville gallamore contract being a fully guaranteed salary Bonito Jones’s salary is also fully guaranteed so that it’s 1.5 it doesn’t guarantee you anything but they kind of you can kind of read between the tea leaves and see who they kind of maybe Envision based off we gave you the fully guaranteed contract to come so it was Neville gamor and Bonito Jones two very different skill sets gamor kind of undersized I know he played on the nose at Oklahoma and Dallas played him on the nose sometimes but more as a pass rush specialist Bonito kind of a double teams kind of guy and I know Anthony Weaver in mini camp in OTAs talked about the depth and the rotation that they’re going to have at Baltimore defense had one defensive lineman last year that played more than 400 snaps I mean they had a bunch of guys that played played 350 snaps 325 snaps 300 snaps 400 snaps one guy just in out of week played like 650 snaps and he was the highest snap taker so they had a lot of guys that rolled in so if you’re asking me about your ability to stop the run there’s a lot more flexibility here for the skill sets to kind of be front flexible on a week- toe basis depending on if you’re getting a team that runs a fullback or a team that runs a lot of 12 Personnel or they’re going to try to spread you out run 11 and you can get all these different fronts and that’s where I think the additions of you know a little bit more rangy player in Jordan Brooks who can still take you on head on um as compared to what you’ve had there at linebacker for the past few years if you’re going to play the different fronts the stress trickles back to the guys behind you to be able to play Integrity in the pass game when you play all the different kinds of fronts so if you need to play a bare front or a tight front and cover up each one of the three interor offensive linemen to to occupy your Gap so that you feel like you’re you’re well acclimated to fit against the run then it’s hey can your linebackers and your nickel take care of all of that space when you get hit with play action passing and I think that’s where I I do think Jordan Brooks I think he’s a little bit of a parallel move as an overall player to Jerome but I think that element of him is better than Jerome Baker and then the ability to move Jaylen Ramsey around that they’re going to be willing to do I bet he going to live a whole bunch in some of these games as the as the nickel Defender and the guy kind of on the hash as the Apex Defender and those kinds of changes then give me more confidence that they have enough variety to play fronts on a week- toe basis to try to structurally fit the run better because that whole fangio defense was we’re going to play static shells on the back end we’re going to play the exact same front on First and 10 every time we’re not really going to rotate the guys and we’re going to play six and a Half Men In The Box and you guys have to be able to figure out how to stop the run you could get seven man boxes you can get eight man boxes but that you know it all trickles out on the other guys to be able to take care of being a well-rounded unit and I think that’s where the athleticism and the versatility and moving Jaylen Ramsey around those kinds of things can help you and allow you to do that yeah K kyl let me ask you a let me give you a name because I I here in Baltimore uh uh one of the things kind of going around town is that bro Washington has fallen out of favor with the Ravens and Brent Urban has kind of emerged is a guy who’s going to probably round out that rotation with Travis Jones and mat abuki what what are your thoughts on a guy like broadrick Washington as a potential fit if you remember last year they signed him to a contract extension and then he was inactive the next week he had done something uh offside the football field uh to get himself in a little bit of the dogghouse with uh Anthony Weaver um I if he gets released let’s say you know and he’s available or if it’s um you know a trade for late round pick is that somebody you think could provide a little depth and versatility on that defensive line maybe but I think between Kus who I think will play all over the place on a week- toe basis because you know in that in that Baltimore system in 21 and 22 he did that right he he was a gap B Gap C Gap he was out on the edge he was hand in the dirt uh he stood up from time to time he did a little bit more of that last year in Atlanta and that that didn’t really lend to his skill set I think keeping him kind of compressed down his head up over the tackle or down inside oh hell I think Jonathan Harris is that kind of player too I think that’s a great guy for uh to to be following kalas Campbell around the ton is Jonathan Harris obviously you’re going to get into the numbers game I promise you this group will carry more than four interior defensive lineman like last year’s team did uh it’s just I if Harris doesn’t make the team and you feel like you need a guy who can maybe play a five uh or Rush on some interior gaps like maybe that’s you kick the tires to a guy like bradick Washington at least for me but I’d want to see what Jonathan Harris shows for you and and kind of see the Neville gallamore thing through a little bit more first yeah makes sense all right um finally here guys I want to ask you this all right give me one player you’re going to be watching closely at training camp um and that you would would you know that you would tell fans to keep an eye on and give me one player you could see as being a surprise cut and we’ll start with you Al uh I’ll give you the surprise cut first uh in the linebacking group I think cam Brown is here to play special teams and I think that they got a lot of Specialists for the Special Teams units which means that shanning Tindall or Duke Riley could be sacrificed because I think that they they know who their top three guys are okay so either Duke Riley and you get some saving got cam Brown making the team over Duke and Tindle is that what you’re saying yeah I think he’s a I think he’s here to be a specialist on special team team and been like a 400 snap a year special like a core four special teams guy for the Giants the last three years and with the new kickoff rules I look they they gotta give Danny Crossman some guys that are just designated to play on this unit at some point right like yeah so and they give him three of them so yeah so I think that there’s one guy in in that group that’s going to surprise us it’s either going to be chenning Tindle because of performance qu let’s face it or Duke Riley because of finances because they get to save a little money on on Duke Riley a guy that I’m watching in training camp man I want to see the dynamic of Kendall Fuller and and Jaylen Ramsey on the inside and what happens with with ker kou by extension so I guess the guy that I’m watching in training camp is ker coou I want to see where he ends up on this defense because I’m pretty certain that Ramsay is going to be in the slot against the better wide receivers and he’s going to be more involved in a lot of the places where ker kou made some of his money as a rookie so does that mean that he gets busted down the depth chart probably so I’m interested to watch ker coo this this train Camp Kyle who’s your um player to watch this training camp and who do you see as maybe being a potentially surprise cut um I’ll stay in the tight end room for all of this um I know from a surprise cut standpoint you had Julian Hill last year who flashed a little bit for you and played about 350 snaps and is a big toolsy guy and they’ve kind of been kicking the tires on this udfa tight end athlete type type player for the past few years with Tanner Connor and then Julian Hill um and I I think that’s a great developmental player but I think some fans might be surprised when the numbers game comes out and you have to figure out you’re carrying a fullback how many tight ends are you gonna carry I would certainly put Durham SMI and jonu Smith in front of him in the depth chart and the guy that I have to watch in training camp is Jody yeah that there’s not a lot of tape but the tape that you get he Big Time catch Point guy and he’s long right and never could really catch on in Kansas City because injuries were always kind of a thing so you know never know how many eggs you want to put in that basket and there’s not a big Financial commitment here but if you’re looking for Eric asuk Kama to kind of take on a little bit of a different element where you have all these smaller speed receivers and I think jod forson can be a little bit of an extension of that with just how long he is and how good his ball skills are that I don’t think you’re carrying four tight ends I What They Carried two for most of the year last year so if Fortson Pops I think that pushes Hill onto the bubble to potentially be a practice squad guy I think they’d probably be able to keep him on the practice squad and then if they do have injuries that you potentially Elevate them a little later in the season I agree 110% I said on the show yesterday I agree 110% with your surprise cut of Julian Hill because of jod fors and and what he offers after the catch the athletic profile Etc the player that I would watch that I’m going to be watching because everyone’s going to be talking about obj and is a comma to your point Kyle I think Malik Washington’s going to ball this season and I think he’s gonna look like a baller in training camp I got really high hopes for this kid coming out of the slot um Omar who’s your surprise cut and who do you have your eye on closely at training camp um great question I’m actually going to follow Kyle’s lead and stay in one specific room um you kind of teased it but I did want to address Julian Hill these coaches they love him toughest strongest offensive line of I mean uh tight end um studious and he he he had a he had a solid OTAs um I’m I’m like this guy you could see he’s fighting he’s fighting he’s he’s not going down you know like like a deer in headlights no he’s you think they could sneak him under the practice squad if they do come down to that decision uh I don’t know depends it to me it depends on special team’s role um I love um the thought and the concept and the approach with Odell Beckham that’s the one guy I’m going to be watching to see how they utilize him who becomes a slot what does it look like what is his skill set um what are his plays looking like what’s his chemistry with Tua that to me is is the guy that I’ll be watching the most um uh to me Eric ukama unless he just has a strong Camp I think his days are numbered here um even though he has a different different dimension and body and skill set than everybody else on the team um the the the the the light bulb just has not gone on and I can’t sit there and tell you that it’s skill sometimes it just doesn’t connect for guys um do you think it’s because of a lack of reps because of the injuries he’s put up with I don’t know I I can’t I can’t answer that question because we saw a lot of reps during the exhibition season and then he just disappeared um we saw a lot of rols then he just disappeared and it wasn’t like he was doing bad in those roles but some sometimes there are things that happen in the class class room that we just don’t know and you know players get get a test at the end of the week about you know the game plan the approach and you know and people don’t know this and sometimes if you don’t pay if you don’t pass that test you don’t you are not active because they can’t count on you and to me if Eric usak wants to make this team and nobody knows what special teams is going to look like he’s got to be a guy that just kills it on special teams if he wants to make this team um I personally see one of the rookies making a 53 one it trying to be stash on the practice squad so you know but ukama to me he’s got to beat out River Craycraft and we all know River Craycraft does 16,000 jobs for this team and they’ve got a confidence level in him that they just don’t have in any other because he’s got it up here too right like I I remember um and this this will always stick out to me Brian Hartline told me one time um we were talking about something I can’t remember and he was like you want to know the difference between the guys who make it and the guys who don’t um as rookies as draft picks he’s like it’s always intelligence it’s he’s like it’s no matter what they could be the superior athlete and we were talking about Clyde Gates back then F Gates was a far superior athlete to everybody um but up here wasn’t right yeah and it it and throughout the course of my career I’ve just learned that that’s true the intelligent players are the ones that always shine and Thrive and survive and exceed and then the guys who just don’t have it don’t con it doesn’t connect they’re always the one that’s showing the door so I Eric ukama has got to show more up here for for for him to get get that safety I mean and take that to all you twoa haters that keep bringing up that wonderlick score cuz clearly he showed he’s got it up here and you always forget Marino didn’t have a very good wonderl score either do had a score yeah wasn’t it like 19 the official number was 18 or 19 marinos was what 15 or 13 or something yeah twoa scored twoa scored 13 then uh they rescored was the false number yeah right and they rescored it he had a 19 uh Dan Marino I think had a legit 13 yeah was yeah was 13 or 15 or something yeah have you guys ever taken a wonderlick score a Wonder test it has nothing to do with what we are going to be doing the football field at all it’s it’s the biggest waste of time in the history of sports I don’t it gives you Baseline competency intelligence problem solving but you know if you if you have a reading comprehension issue you’re not going to do well in it didn’t didn’t that basketball player end up being a uh udfa didn’t get drafted yesterday in the first round because his Wonder got a nine he got a nine right got he got a terrible terrible wonderl score yeah yeah um all right they don’t go to school in the NBA now what are you talking about what you need passing wonderl test yeah really um the Europeans they don’t even go to school at all homeschooled baby that’s what they gotem yeah it’s true um Neil who’s your player that you’re watching heading into training camp and who would be a surprise cut for you the guy I’m watching is going to be Jaylen Wright because I think he’s going to get a lot of opportunities in the preseason and you know Alf mentioned this earlier I think there’s gonna be opportunities for the Dolphins to play certain players Raheem moer Devon aain on on snap counts if they do what their MO has been and beat up those bad teams and and I think Jaylen Wright has that look to me of a guy who’s going to do a lot with those carries um you know he’s coming into the league with a chip on his shoulder went a little bit later than he thought you know I I thought his tape was awesome when when I did my draft evaluation on him I I I don’t know if you know Kyle you shared the same I I listened to some of your feedback but I I think jillen uh Wright could be a guy that could end up being one of the bigger steals in this draft in terms of a production output um I I have a hard time seeing Braxton baros making this roster uh you know he he was the Bonafide number three here last year when you have Hill and watad on the outside and and you can’t produce you know they go out and get an Odell Beckham Jr I I have a feeling that both Rook receivers could make this team uh if Taj Washington can show some return capabilities in in the preseason baros could be on the outside looking in and I’ll give a spicy um take as well maybe not via release but maybe via trade um and Al touched on this a few minutes ago let’s just say cam Smith comes in here and and shows the level of talent that made him a second round pick we know the Dolphins like Ethan boner ker coo is bad last year he he was really really bad last year and now with us bringing Marcus Mayon maybe Nick Edom can’t serve and and kind of a jack of all trades in the back of the secondary if ker coo doesn’t look like he did two years years ago I I could see the dolphins potentially flipping them for a late pick uh in Camp um or or maybe for another player that’s underwhelmed at current team um I just think that you know maybe I’m I’m being a homer here I think Camp Smith could be the surprise of camp and and if he is is is there room for ker kou here so another IG manogany trade coming down the pipeline um all right we got we got to see C actually deliver yeah I agreed agreed agreed yeah yeah if everything works out if everything works out in the secondary kako who has lost a job with every single signing that they’ve made this offseason right right Kendall Fuller is gonna I mean yeah yeah like if I were ker coo I would not buy a house after watching all of these these signings this off Ker’s a tough kid a good kid I think that the scheme that he was put in man that guy got beat up on crossers that guy had was put in so many roles he had no business being in yeah he had no business being out on the boundary facing top five receivers in the game just had bus like they were they were sitting there begging Vic fangio to let um xaven shadow um Stefon and they were just and and like come on come on buffal I would have paid I would have paid real money to see one of those those conversations with Chris Greer and Vic fangio as he watched Vic fangio play his $23 million new acquisition Jaylen Ramsey exclusively on the boundary for 65 snaps in a game nobody could tell Vic anything and the the reality is Vic was right they set set NFL set franchise records with sacks going into the Baltimore game they had the number four defense before the entire defense fell apart and they finished 10th like and I don’t disagree with the players where they probably feel like they could have did more if they Diversified the defense a little bit but as Vic will tell you one3 of the NFL runs my defense what do you know like and like I know one thing you finished 10th but you couldn’t finish off the Tennessee Titans when you’re up by two scores with three minutes left that’s what I know Vic that that one felt like actually that that one I recently rewatched that game to watch Aaron Brewer ironically enough and man those Corners those corners on the outside were hunting some balls that they had no business hunting way out of position so I I will say just just as an observation that I recently had of that game going back and revisiting is uh I I think your star players on the outside didn’t do themselves any favors hunting the football and got taken taken for big gains a little bit down the stretch there on that one which was a bummer I remember the X one I remember the X one big time there there was also one play there was also one play where they were in quarters and everybody was was dropping 12 yards and kou was somehow 26 yards off the line of scrimmage there there was also play where um what’s his name uh Hopkins um runs a Crosser Jaylen has to drop him everybody blames it on kou I mean it it I’m like crossers the the defense couldn’t stop crossers from week one to the whole year yeah whole year and and no nobody nobody fixed it no nobody fixed it so where you at big Vic where you at where’s the big Vic that Titans game I pulled out those old Kyle Krab videos when you were golfing whiskey I I I slept right through my alarm I miss work the next day I was so depressed I was laying on my couch like how the hell did this happen man like that was like the first time all won the division if we finished that man yeah that was like the first time I think all season where I was actually really let down by the Dolphins like I how many narratives does that change man that game you know what Al we play Mason Rudolph and the Steelers at home without TJ watt instead of going into the second coldest game in NFL history against Patrick Mahomes in Kansas City that that I feel good I don’t like I don’t like you know saying saying that they would have won you know hypothetical games but they beat they beat Mason Rudolph they you think they lose they lose they no no way Tyreek was at like 70% Jay W shouldn’t have even been on the field I watched him practice the week before he could barely walk I mean the day before the the two days before could barely walk barely mov probably shot up Tor all out out of his mind to even be on the field Raheem had no business out there playing like they had nothing for you they they really truly had nothing for you and it’s sad to say that because they had been so good hell um I forget what uh even even Anan was like playing with broken ribs they had nothing for you at the end of the season and yeah but remember if they win the Tennessee Titan game they get to rest the Bills game they no they I mean that’s a would have been for the division no no they would have clinched the division had they beat win with the Cowboys arresting of’s game still wouldn’t have done you any good because neither would Raheem and Jaylen wouldn’t have maybe Tariq would have been healthier but it’s you know what game was it Tariq pulled himself out the game at the end of the game when when they needed him um was that the CH Claypool play he he was in yeah he was in and out of that Buffalo game Claypool ran the sideways horseshoe instead of the out route it’s in our history let’s move on um it’s you know Tyreek was out those guys were soldiering through some really bad stuff and you know nobody nobody wants to hear it because you know it’s all to his fault so let’s let just leave it there can can I ask this though before we go and it’s a genuine question does anybody here really believe that if you win the wild card game against Pittsburgh and then you lose in the divisional round that all of these same complaints that you’re hearing right now would still not exist about making a deep playoff run the go would just move the new the new complaint would be you beat Mason Rudolph beat a real quarterback yeah yeah beat a you still have people thinking they’re smarter than CT Warner out here arguing with them like they know what they’re talking about and all of us have been dolphin fans enough to know like I look I it sucks we haven’t won a playoff game in 24 years I’m not saying it doesn’t but we’ve all been a fan of this team when it was Jay fieder winning playoff you know what I mean like we’ve seen this team win playoff games I’ll be honest I’m at a point for me where a couple shallow playoff wins don’t mean that much to Kyle’s point right like you know if you built this window not say Omar I see you s I want a playoff win but if we go this season and we win a playoff game and that’s the end of our season does anyone here feel feel feel satisfied because I I personally wouldn’t like I like this is this to me is like the window we haven’t had in 20 some years to make a run and it’s easier said than done like like I know we have to go through Kansas City and the Chiefs and I still personally think the Ravens are the best team in the AFC I I really do um and like those are the two teams like I do think the Dolphins can can play with the Buffalo Bills and I think like Omar said they’re going to come back to earth and and I do think this is the year we’re going to exercise the demons and you know look I’ve been wrong a lot on that so I might be wrong again but like they’re you know the Texans are an upand cominging team they have a lot of talent um they have high expectations they kind of remind me of where the Dolphins were last year a little bit but I I still think the AFC is gonna go through the the Ravens and the Chiefs and what scares me to death to the offensive line conversation we had earlier look I’m biased I think Jack Driscoll has the best last name in the league right but with that said I watched Chris Jones absolutely dominate JN Simpson in that playoff game and it it impacted the Ravens entire offense he was on skates Lamar didn’t feel comfortable in the pocket he was Happy Feet running around there you know not knowing where he was going with the ball the Ravens just were caught off guard because one defensive tackle just completely every play dominated line of scrimmage and if we’re going to beat those two teams it’s Chris Jones and the Ravens have Justin mabuki and if you tell me Isaiah wi goes down and it’s Lester cotton out there and Liam ikenberg out there that’s where to me it’s not good enough on the offensive line there has to be a move that’s made and you know we already mentioned the Spider-Man meme I Greg van ruon I Ren I think would be a good piece out of anyone that’s out there but like that’s not Larry little by any means either like is there a guy that this team go out can can go acquire via a trade to a team that knows they’re not playing for anything this year with the extra you know they have nine picks is there a guy you know they can get out there and get and and the answer is it’s easier said than done as especially when it’s only not even July yet but when we get through training camps maybe some of these young guys that were drafted emerge and some veterans are made available I I think the Dolphins have to have their finger on the pulse of finding a guy you know if it’s not van Rhoden I do like Lewinsky just like Alf does if it’s not one of those two guys they have to they they cannot let this interior offensive line be the downfall for the window I think there’s only one there’s only one name that I can think of right now and that’s I don’t think that they extended him yet Quinn ERS yeah that’s what I say I I agree the Denver the Denver Broncos are setting up for a tragic season if they’re absolutely awful at the trade deadline maybe they decide they don’t want an expensive guard and then you rent them for a year do you think they would move a key piece like that with a Young quarterback for for a pick maybe you know even keep them like they trade for Quinton miners that’s that’s a rental I don’t know how you’re going to pay an expens didn’t pay your we chose Hunter long instead of Quinn Miners that’s we also we also charged Liam over Humphrey yeah yeah oh my God what were you saying CRA Kyle sorry sorry come on Brian Flores had to draft his Boston College Eagle this is the first year that that there’s actual real expectations on this dolphin team and we talked about what they have to produce uh they have to win the division no matter what and this build which has probably two possibly three seasons left in it has to result in a Super Bowl win it’s yeah just a fact yeah this is what it’s about not little victories I don’t I don’t agree with you guys on that I think that you do have a two to threeyear window to win the Super Bowl but only one team wins it and show me the player better than Patrick Mahomes now if Patrick Mahomes is injured for the year windows open but like show me one hasn’t only one quarterback active quarterback in the AFC beat him and that’s Joe burrow in the playoffs right no one else has beat him in the playoffs that’s active right now Tom Brady’s not in the league anymore he’s still so young and yeah coming into coming into this playoff Patrick Mahomes that never played a road playoff game well guess what now he’s undefeated on the road too he’s awesome see that’s the thing we’re in such a weird listen how okay you guys have all been watching you know football for over 25 years do you ever remember a 20year dynasty followed up with potentially another 10-year Dynasty right on the heels of it like we are in like rare air right now going from Brady to momes you had the 49ers for a very long time in the 80s and 90s and then Dallas for a bit followed by a pretty strong run by the Cowboys that’s the only thing I can I can think of but uh Patrick is yeah we could we could sit here this for fouryear run has been success it has been a chang it has been a changing of the culture I’ve covered dolphins for 16 years you know how much dysfunction I’ve seen over and over and over and over again like you you had an era where the GM and the coach weren’t even talking like for an entire year like this is you had a cocaine snorting offensive line coach you had bullygate you you had you had the Jeff Ireland era you had Ireland getting snaked by Tannon bomb like trust me well we did a podcast and we watch a team go three and three losing a game that they had in hand in Cincinnati and we look at ourselves any other team that’s three and three you’re not saying this but we looked at ourselves and we said this team sucks it it it’s to me the culture has changed you you’re you’re a franchise where you know you’re going to have a top five offense you know you got a quarterback you got the best weapons in the NFL uh the best duo of wide receivers running back like things are good but do do you have a roster that’s built to win a Super Bowl I would say no I would say no and it’s no disrespect to any player that’s out there but tell me where your dogs are where are your dogs and you know you you need dogs to win those December uh January games and I’m not saying that they’re not going to surface but uh okay you got jayen Ramsey you got I I do think they’ve added some players though with Jordan puyer K Campbell Odell Beckham where there is at least some pedigree of that there right like and Jordan Brooks is another guy that that has you know that type of mentality like that was a lot of these moves the skill was a good addition I like kind of some of the mental shakeup that we’re seeing with this roster like I because you mentioned the leadership I think clas Campbell walks in as the best leader on this team I like from a leaders standpoint he’s As Good As It Gets in football and Omar you’re the only person I think in the on the planet that will agree with me on this point if we got to the AFC Championship I’d rather see Patrick Mahomes on the field than the Baltimore Ravens personally I think that the Dolphins on their aame can play and beat the Kansas City Chiefs okay I think the speed of our offense can be depends on where the game played depends on where the game’s played but yeah I think that physical nature of the Ravens even though we’ve beat them twice with with to uh I I know I just think that physical makeup is really tough because Lamar can get keep that clock running and keep that offense on the sideline I’d rather see momes than and Lamar do that too he just well I know that Kyle and Alfred pop inting there like damn this Neil Drisco is a dumb son of a [ __ ] but like I just that like I I just the Ravens man I like living here in Baltimore we beat them I’d ra like to your point you know like we one of the you know Tu and Waddles jerseys are in the Hall of Fame because of a Ravens game so you know and we did that in their house you were there so you know we have a little bit of a history of beating Lamar here and two outperforming Lamar the thing is go back to to his rookie season yeah I know he had a great second half in that rookie in that rookie season game but we have not been able to solve like many teams in the NFL we have not been able to solve the Casey Mahomes riddle and you know that that’s that I don’t know man well the game Frankfurt the G the game in Frankfurt def the defense gave up 14 points no Tyreek Hill lost that game single-handedly oh yeah um Tyreek Hill well he had the drop at the 30 we got no points on that on that drive then he had the fumble at the 31 no points and they return it for a touchdown if you do the math minimum you get field goals on those you’re talking about a 13 to 21 Point swing off of just two plays from Tyreek Hill he and then I’m not even including remember Jaylen W had the reception at what was it the 2628 and it got called back because of an offensive a penalty on the offensive line including that there was a an illegal motion penalty on Cedric Wilson and he wasn’t moving uh he was parallel to the line and that was a conversion on third and4 to Jaylen WAD for 22 yards yeah and those are like we were Our Own Worst Enemy in the first half and then what happened second time we saw them spagnolo made all the adjustments we saw the great defensive mine I I can people can say whatever they want I don’t think by way somebody on only fence put up the stat and I thought it was interesting because I didn’t think about it this way because I kept thinking to myself man Dolphins seem to have a lot of first downs called back they had 20 first downs called back for for penalty they led the league last year oh yeah so um all right guys final thoughts um where can they find you guys um we’ll just go clockwise Neil go ahead final thoughts where they can everyone can find you fin too deep with reason every Thursday um final thoughts man we got a long way to go until the start of the season but what I’ll say about the Tua situation for me right like and I attribute it to having my airpods when I have my airpods right when I had Dan Reno as my franchise quarterback life is good if you ever have one of these and put these in your pocket I lose them every freaking day when I lose them I’m panicking right it feels good to have a franchise quarterback and I understand that this is a business right and the Dolphins are A5 billion dollar company that’s been in business for 58 years and they’re negotiating the biggest deal in the history of their company right like that’s where we are I I just hope that they can find common ground because I I the days where I’ve tried to convince myself that Jay feler can win us to Super Bowl right or Dante Co pepper was going to be the best franchise quarterback we’ve had and everyone in between I truly think that Tua already has shown signs that this guy can be a top three quarterback in the franchise history and I would ha hate at 26 years old to lose a guy that has us heading down the right path so I’m still optimistic uh I’m kind of with we Kyle was on the timeline that it wasn’t until mid July that we saw this Herbert deal get done but man I will hate to see it if we’re up against the clock and this deal bur didn’t get done until what September 3rd September Burl got done right before the start of the exhibition season right yeah actual dates were Herbert July 25th and um burrow September 7th training camp then roster cut day to and bur was when what day September 7th yeah that was the start of regular season yeah yeah yeah yeah just get get it done before the start of the regular season because I do think if they don’t it’s a black eye on the organization because they the quarterback and the team are out there saying they want to get this done you know if you can’t get it done with those three kind of uh you know those three timeline mesh points that we mentioned earlier then I will start to feel a little bit nervous because I think if he does get franchise tagged and dacked Jordan love and whatever other quarterback Lamar might say hey I’m a two-time MVP I don’t like that jarro Go’s getting more you know what I mean like you could see you could see the snowball going downhill I just hope it doesn’t get to that point uh 1520 people watching between YouTube and X right now appreciate you all tuning in Al final thoughts where people can find you my friend well you can find our podcast we’re on Hiatus right now we’ve been on Hiatus for almost six weeks but we return right after ju Twitter got you got got July we return and when we return after July 4th we will be doing doing what we do every year two shows a week right straight through until the end of May of next year so if you want to get all our stuff it’s the number three yards per carry you can find our Twitter account there all our podcasts it’s the number three yards per carry if you want to become a member of our Discord it’s discord.gg only fins and you become a member there for $3 a month uh Kyle actually pays me $3 a true and he go uh Kyle final thoughts and where everyone can find you buddy yeah my recommendation this summer is stay off the roller coaster don’t listen to the National Talking Heads about your team there’s there’s a great panel of people right here and a bunch of other people that do great content covering this team that know it much better than they do and can give you plenty of good perspective as it pertains to what the Dolphins are trying to accomplish the outlook for this season the two in negotiations although I will say from a national perspective je darlington’s words carry a lot of weight with me I know he one of the best of the best right so uh so stay off the roller coaster right like like let’s come back when the Vets report on June July 23rd or whatever it is and let’s see what the State of Affairs is then and there I’m on Twitter at grinding the tape uh I am the host of the locked on dolphins podcast we’re on YouTube and wherever you listen to your favorite podcast we do a 30-minute Daily Show uh and I am also on substack I do long form written content there as well that’s title touchdown Miami so that’s where you can find my work awesome stuff is hey this is the first time we’ve ever collabed Kyle it’s been a pleasure yeah um Omar uh where can people find you in your final thoughts brother Omar Kelly um on Twitter um I’ve decided not to comment to eggs anymore or or for I’m cleaning up my I’m cleaning up my uh my social media you got the Twitter street sweeper out huh is that what you got right now I I I do most of my work the Miami I do all of my work for the Miami Herald now I have a podcast called Dolphins in depth um we’re we’re building it and hopefully we get it to the point where I could do daily stuff during training camp um give you the sights and sounds um I am working with the Miami Harold and I promise you I’m going to get you a nice football special deal onetime flat fee no secret charges onetime flat fee for the rest of the year I’m I’m I’m twist and arms um to try to make that happen by training camp for you guys it’s probably not going to be offered for a while but hopefully people could you know I know it’s it’s tough to be behind a pay wall but I like my money so I appreciate I appreciate the security um and and hopefully people see the value in the content that I create um for the Miami Herold this week I’ve done a best Camp battles I’ve done giving you a breakdown of why there’s this big divide in the Tua contract talks and it’s it’s realist it’s not that simple and the deadlines are later and all of us know that um and then today I did a column on okay let’s say you do Tua does want a divorce and that can happen Lamar asked for a trade um what are your realistic options in 2025 if you don’t want to go that tour rout and wrote a column about it I’m sure most of you would know the options aren’t that I deal nope like you say whatever you want about to it you want to overpay deak you want to go trade assets for kurk cousins you want to go do a dance with DeShaun Watson Kyler Murray Daniel Jones Russell Wilson um Justin Fields you know we going in the draft to get one of these eight quarterbacks that could be good or maybe could not um you know what you have In Tua get the deal done I think I sorry if they put $150 million on the table and Tua doesn’t take it by septe the first week of September oh well yeah um who are they bidding against nobody at this present moment so but I do believe that this can get ugly let’s just hope that it doesn’t smash the like button subscribe if you’re new there’s over 1600 people watching now I believe Kyle’s episode with the sideline te will be debuting on Saturday and Omar is going to be hopping on with the sideline girls sooner rather than later so make sure you go subscribe to them appreciate everyone for coming through and as always Fins Up and we’ll see youall on the next one guys

On this episode of Phinside The NFL, Reason is joined by Omar Kelly, Kyle Crabbs, Alf Arteaga and Neal Driscoll for night two of the Miami Dolphins Content Creator Panel!

What’s a fair market deal for Tua and the Dolphins?

Has the Calais Campbell addition settled worries anyone might have had about the Dolphins run Defense after Wilkins’ departure?

Is this the most complete Dolphins roster in decades?

They’ll talk about all of that and much more on tonight’s show!


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Find My Podcast With Neal Driscoll “Fin Too Deep”: https://linktr.ee/fintoodeep

#MiamiDolphins​ #NFL #football #TuaTagovailoa

  1. Sorry to say but this panel was much more entertaining and lively than last night’s panel. Last night panel was a snooze fest 💤

  2. I am a diehard Miami Dolphins fan tua do I think he deserved the money no because the last four games at the end of last year you messed up badly man I think they should wait and see what he do this year

  3. This panel episode should be brought up on charges. That was 3rd degree murder. Absolutely killed it.
    PS Not bad for a bunch of…what was it it you called them “Southern Maple Leafs” 😏

  4. Honestly, couldn't have enjoyed this panel more. 5/5 legit. Not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, but I think Kyle crushed it. Bro is serious and legit. I doubt any one is willing to contest it. Thanks for pulling it together, Reason. Also, I'm buying your AOC cards if you're selling

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