2024 Spurs Draft Recap | SSPN Offseason

2024 Spurs Draft Recap | SSPN Offseason

what’s up everybody welcome into a it almost feels like a long awaited Edition Ethan of sspn offseason because we have not one of done one of these where it’s pre-recorded in a minute my guy and this isn’t going to be the longest episode but we are going to recap what happened today in the second round for the San Antonio Spurs but before we get to that Ethan I did want to ask you now that we’re 24 hours removed from Stefon Castle being picked at number four as well as the eighth pick trade are there any other thoughts that have popped into your mind throughout the day or anything else uh any other feelers just 24 hours removed from both of those things happening Stefon Castle I’m I’m I was happy when we picked him I’m still happy today uh very pleased with the direction that the Spurs have decided to go which is addressing defense and uh finding the future point guard to pair alongside Wim Yama a guy that’s 6’5 maybe even 6’6 with shoes on we’re not sure uh with the ability to defend some of the bigger guards in the west when we eventually get to the playoff content contention so extremely pleased there the eighth pick last night if you were watching the reaction I was my my initial reaction was shock and then slight disappointment I can’t lie because I was looking forward to bringing in two rookies together two top 10 picks together and trying to pair them alongside one another uh but but with everything that was discussed today on news outlets and on Twitter how we opened up $7 million worth of cap space by trading away that pick we also brought in the this pick swap in 2030 and the unprotected in 2031 from Minnesota so it’s it feels like not only are we trying to open up cap space to make a free agency signing but also looking to stash draft Capital to make a bigger move down the line probably not this year we’ve discussed this before we’ll get into it later in the off season but maybe next season when we’re kind of ready to take a a bigger push into playoff contention yeah absolutely Ethan you know I’m going to repeat a lot of the things that you said there but with Stefan uh just as the day has gone on for me and you know I’ve I’ve now that it’s concrete and you can really like start to Envision you know a lot of the stuff how he’s going to look on the court the one thing that I’m really excited about and he talked about this in his oneon-one interview on YouTube with Ken 5 and Nate Ryan their sports reporter there uh him and Devin they they grew up not too far from each other um you know he was in I I can’t remember if it was Devin or him that was in Su Georgia I may be it may be Swani I may be completely mispronouncing that but what I do know is basically Stefon was only about an hour north of the Atlanta area where Devon was from so he said he felt like their chemistry because they’re kind of from the same area as much as they didn’t know each other they didn’t cross paths he feels like they’re going to get along really well and I got the Devon vasel shirt on today and I think that’s the thing that has popped out to me Ethan today it’s just you know as much as I’m super excited for you know the defensive um I mean just the defensive upgrade he’s going to bring on top of the versatility and the athleticism and all that type of stuff with all the guards in the west that we’ve talked about um but I’m also super excited to see what he looks like next to wmi that’s just you know continuing to visualize things in my mind that I didn’t go to before because we weren’t you know for sure that it was going to be a thing but I’ve really been thinking about him next to Devin in that back court and it just it makes me happy Ethan like regardless of where Stefon you know if Stefon ever becomes All-Star you know I definitely think that that’s a possibility you know you never know how these things are going to work out um but at the same time I’m I think even at his floor that backcourt is just going to be it’s it’s going to be a backourt of the future that’s what it feels like I know it’s only 24 hours removed and there’s so much ahead of us but um I think there’s a lot of reasons to be high on Stefon castle and then talking about the eighth pick you know with everything that you just mentioned um the cap space that you mentioned as well you know just about an hour ago I saw the interview that Brian Wright did today in San Antonio with the Press reporters you know they’re asking him about that and you know he kind of joked he’s like we basically traded for like two 11 year olds somewhere like you know with the 2030 picks and another thing I wanted to mention about that that we didn’t mentioned last night Ethan and I think the Minnesota team could definitely look a lot different but you know we forget how young Anthony Edwards is when those picks happen dude he’s going to be 2930 he’s going to be right in his prime with that being said the draft classes themselves could be much better and that’s another thing that Brian alluded to in the interview today he just basically said we felt like at the end of the day these two picks were just better value than the eighth pick this year and so obviously there’s the other stuff that you alluded to that like you said we’ll get into later this off season you know with potential moves that we could be setting up you know the other thing not to get too off topic here Ethan but the pre-olympic qualifying tournament that starts next week Jeremy soan will be playing Sandro mamuk kellish buy will be playing and you know what also starts next week Ethan NBA free agency so we’re gonna have all of it mixed together um at the same time we’re gonna see how Jeremy’s looking we’re gonna see what free agency moves the Spurs make if any but those those questions are literally just three days around the corner Ethan when the clock strikes strikes midnight on June 30th and it’s July 1st you know it’s Off to the Races and this is the last thing I’ll say before we get into to our second round breakdown here Ethan when I was watching the draft today Adrien wowski did a little segment about Paul George and he mentioned a lot of different teams and the last team he did mention to just you know keep an eye out that could potentially be in the race for Paul George is the San Antonio Spurs with that being said I think all the other teams that he mentioned are probably more likely for that to happen but the fact that W is on ESPN during the draft mentioning the Spurs you you know alongside Paul George’s free agency is something significant especially when you think about the three and you know potentially maybe keeping a roster spot open trading that eighth pick on paper it’s a perfect match for us Paul George he does feel that need at the small forward position defensive minded immediately pushes us into honestly if we were to sign him probably playoff contention uh I would even jump up to that not high seeds but right you know 678 immediately becomes a possibility there uh but the the Paul George stuff is so confusing for me because I know everybody wants them Philadelphia is a team that wants them golden state is rumored to be ready to offer a four-year Max contract uh he wants to be according to reports on the west coast but on his podcast podcast P he also stated it doesn’t really matter to him if he even goes to a contender so like he’s like kind of putting out a lot of different feelers keeping his options open uh I I would be very pleased if we were to sign him um contrary to maybe some of the things that we’d said prior how we’re like you know stay patient but if we were somehow to get Paul George I’m all for that yeah and I mean when you think about the defensive potential of a Stefon Castle Devon vasel Paul George Jeremy soan Victor wanyama lineup right man man on top of the spacing that that PG would add too but you know as you mentioned him on the west coast there have been a lot of reports about him potentially going to Golden State and honestly I I I would probably lean if I had to set the odds I would have them over the Spurs whenever it comes to likelihood just because Clay’s probably leaving I think that’ll be more of a seamless fit and it’ll be like immediate like Championship contention but also what you just said is very key too and I’m glad you brought up his podcast because now Ethan I will say this this is kind of a little bit of an asri everybody who’s doing a podcast especially about the NBA I mean obviously we’re about the Spurs but if you’re doing an NBA podcast you want to get a lot of wmy content out just you know for the viers ship bluntly so that is something I want to kind of have as an aster before I say this but he has I mean he brings up Wy a lot on that podcast there’s a lot of different clips that I’ve seen so I I think it’s just something to you know keep in the back of your brain store it away don’t have a lot of expectations but just just take note of it right and I know it’s a completely different team but if you think all the way back to 2016 when he was traded to Oklahoma City his top three teams one of them was the San Antonio Spurs and a lot of had to do with what our team looked like at that point with Hawai and LaMarcus Aldridge but uh even still he has a lot of respect for pop and he talks about that often as well absolutely Ethan well let’s get into these two picks that the Spurs made today um let me pull something up because the first pick we made Juan Nunes who to be honest with you I was kind of more excited about and it’s probably just because of the fact that I’ve watched a little bit more of him than I have Harrison Ingram he is actually most likely going to be stashed overseas Ethan I’m about to get uh a little write up that Jeremy woo of ESPN did uh basically to confirm it um and let me see if I can find it here here we go Nunes is expected to be a non-roster stash selection for the Spurs comma who have a strong history of finding International talent and will let the Spanish playmaker develop in Europe one of the top passers in the draft Nunes could be an eventual dep option for San Antonio and the other thing I will read is what I sent you earlier today Ethan uh and this is what Jonathan gavone had to say about Juan Nunes as well I’m excited to see where Juan Nunes gets drafted today the 65 Spanish guard is arguably the best pick and roll playmaker in this class an absolute magician with the ball who makes creative decisive reads and picks apart defenses with spectacular Vision And Flare obviously this is you know pretty high praise for a uh you know for a second round pick and we’re stashing him for a reason and I trust you know the Spurs front office’s Intel and their decision- making on that um but the other thing that I thought about when I read that and found out you know for sure like we’re probably gonna stash him is he’s G to be in the G League this year anyway like regardless you know like because the other option that I was thinking before it came out was okay we can buy out Devonte and then he can be the third stram point guard play in Austin and here’s the thing Tre Jones does only have one year left on his deal and with nunes’s shooting ability as well as the crazy Flash and playmaking that he’s been that he’s shown on his tape as well I mean there’s a reason why kaboni called him the most um creative passer in the draft overall um but at the same time uh you know it’s probably going to be the him playing in overseas for another year is going to be the equivalent of him playing in the G League this year and then we’ll also like if he doesn’t develop the way that we want him to then we don’t have to bring him over and like waste a roster spot on potentially making a move that we just talked about does that all make sense 100 per. excuse me and another thing like if he’s playing overseas that tape that we’ll be able to watch will probably be more meaningful than what he would be able to gather from the G league if he were to play a year with them yeah and I know he was in the L&B Pro B League which is the German league but I think that’s associated with the French league because they’re L&B proa so it’s the same name maybe he ends up like upgrading and playing in the French League this year which would also kind of give us you know more of a uh you know a better idea and also I think that would probably be more high stakes definitely more high stakes intense environments whenever it comes to the playoffs over there and you know with all the prospects that we’ve been getting from the L&B um if he were to go over there and play there next year um and do well that would definitely give us more confidence you know to bring them to the main roster but the last thing I’ll say about Juan Nunes is he also did have a really solid performance uh I don’t know if he started but he played on the Spanish feba team and I believe they made it to the finals or they were at least a semi-finalist regardless he had to go up against Canada and Germany so that’s Dennis Schroeder and and Shay gilis Alexander and he was one of the standouts and kind of eyebrow raisers from the feeble World Cup last year you know as an 18-year-old playing on the Spanish national team so definitely still at the end of the day an upside swing um I really like the passing and shooting ability uh as well as the size um but at the same time I trust the Spurs and it’s he was going to be in the g- League this year anyway so that’s kind of my final take on him yeah it’s such a Spurs pick if we’re being completely honest I just like a four in point guard uh kind of reminds me a lot of Ricky Rubio I think probably a little bit better of a shooter than Ricky Rubio but that’s not very difficult to to be it’s but a guy that played with for the Spanish team at 18 years old we saw that in Ricky Rubio 2008 Olympics so if he’s able to produce a career similar to that uh then I think this is a very successful second round pick especially since Ricky was a lottery Pick and at at his at his floor he’s just a guy that we never see again and then then we really didn’t waste that much on him because it was only a second round pick and we did get cash considerations as well as trading when we traded that pick uh it was just you know a one pick swap so at the end of the day we got paid for kicking him literally literally so we will see that will be something to Monitor and that will just kind of be another player that will kind of just be floating around in the background now for the Spurs for the next year um but you know the last thing actually one more thing on Juan Nunes there could be a potential he plays summer league so we’ll keep an eye out we’ll keep an eye out for that heck yeah yeah that’d be nice foso foso but that leads us to somebody who has gotten an official Spurs number today Ethan he will be on the roster um whether that’s we don’t know if it’s going to be in a two-way capacity or maybe it has just broken while we’re recording this Ethan um but I I would highly expect that it would be in a 2-a capacity but regardless he is going to be on the roster and will not be stashed away in Europe and that is Harrison Ingram uh the 34 from North Carolina 65 234 Ethan I am I have not watched that much of him um but in the little tape that I’ve watched and we also got a text from Lou here uh he was very excited about the pick I’ll read what he had to say but before we get into that I’ll just kind of give my you know little synopsis from the little tape that I’ve been able to kind of gather since he got picked earlier today um 38% from three on 4.6 attempts per game so I like to see that right off the bat um a big body at 234 65 almost nine rebounds per game uh played at Stanford for two seasons before going to North Carolina um honestly the player comp that I was thinking about Ethan and when I say this I I think his ceiling is you know a highlevel bench player if I’m just being honest but he’s kind of a little bit of a mix of and I don’t know if he’s as good defensively as the person I’m about to mention but in play style and role on their team I see shades of Kellon because he’s 65 230 and he he uses his body a lot I would say he has a little bit more of a post game than Kellin but just the way that he uses his you know to muscle people inside and crashes the boards and plays hard with intensity uh and then a little bit of herb Jones and the reason I have that is because of his length and defensive versatility and that’s why I kind of opened it up to preface I don’t think he’s as good as herb Jones defensively it’s just in the sense that he’s going to be a versatile Defender you know long armed and then you know can kind of just be a spot up shooter otherwise yeah I I haven’t dived into him that much either um just read a couple different draft profiles and then like five minutes of his highlight reel I totally see what you mean about the Kellon comparison especially just size and offensively um kind of either bulling china shop or taking a three right now not much of a handle he’s not going to put the ball on the floor I think he’s a subpar free throw shooter as well I don’t remember his exact numbers there I’ll look that which is obviously not a great sign but something that can be improved I think it might have been like 62% and I think his biggest strength from what I read was his defense for sure at 65 66 230 he has the strength and uh versatility to guard three and four I think his quickness is probably what separates him from guys like herb Jones herb can basically guard one through four I would say Harrison Ingram’s probably just guarding threes and fours uh with not a lot of switchability to to some of the quicker guards but that doesn’t mean that he can’t contribute at a high level Off the Bench I think that’s probably his ceiling as well um and whether he’ll play with the Spurs actual team next year I don’t see it because he’d probably be playing similar roles and minutes to CD Soko and I just think the Spurs would rather give cidi those minutes uh especially going into his second year than a Harrison Ingram but he’s from Dallas Texas so he’s coming home to Texas uh and and it’s a it’s a nice value pick in the second round yes so his free throw percentage was 61% so you were right on the money with that Ethan um I guess the only other thing uh that I would say is also he’s just kind of kind of like you touched on whenever you were talking about um the herb comparison there is that he’s just definitely more of you know uh I guess inside the arc kind of like a big as much as he can stretch the floor um like you said his quickness he he is very much as much as he can be switchable and he does have length when he gets to ones and twos I agree he is he is more closer to like the post you know whenever it comes to just who he’s gonna guard or like you know a speed Advantage if that makes sense so um I completely agree that he would probably get beat off the dribble by most ones and twos I think a role he could carve out for himself just to give Lou some Saucy takes the comp that he sent us was Tucker sort of I think if he is able to carve out a career like that that would be perfect he has the tools he has the build um it’s just a matter of I think his quickness translating and then obviously consistency is is key for the second round picks being able to take advantage of an opportunity absolutely just to read what L said because we said we would guys the Ingram pick is an amazing is a an amazing rebounder a tough Defender connective 34 but notice he says specifically 34 there so I I thought that was a great thing that you picked up earlier um and an improved shooter built in shades of PJ Tucker um but the last thing that I will say on this Ethan is one I’m excited to see him in Austin with Jamari buya and rayquan gray that’s going to be the Squad out there and serge aari rice probably he might still be there at the two um and then the second thing I’m going to say is also Kevin o Conor came out and he was very high on this pick for us you know I’m not I’m kind of in the middle a little bit on it we’ll just we’ll see how it plays out it’s going to be a two-way you know what I mean but he was actually like he thought it was a real steal for us he posted his draft field uh profile excuse me and he was like I think like this is a perfect fit for the Spurs so there’s there’s that for what it’s worth heck yeah I mean this this could be like a like a l Dort type guy for us I guess you know he’s not explosive he doesn’t necessarily have like the crazy like a bigger L Dort yeah a bigger L Dort and I that’s something that we don’t necessarily have I feel like we haven’t gotten just like a grit and grind guy like that so maybe this is who it is yeah there you go okay one last thing because I can’t believe or I I uploaded it into the restream and I forgot to show it ah yes there we go Victor wanyama and Juan Nunes so if does ever become a Spur there is a little bit of a wmy connection there Ethan my guy WS that’s a very that’s that’s not the most uh Charming picture of my guy Juan Nunes don’t let that be the basis for how everyone looks at him he looks very distressed there I don’t know if he just lost but he has he has the net around his uh his neck so I feel like that would be for the winning team but regardless a little bit of history there him and Wy have cross paths and we will continue to cross paths with you guys as we continue with all of this offseason content coming up but that’s going to wrap up this episode Ethan any final thoughts go Spurs go we’re finally into uh concrete time for the San Antonio Spurs a little less Project work here which is what sspn likes to do yes Ethan I was thinking about that exactly we’ve got real games coming up and we’ve got real free agency starting in you know just under five days or so let’s go baby let’s go ghost Spurs go we appreciate yall we’ll catch y’all in the next one and if you enjoyed the content don’t forget to hit the like And subscribe button below and if you want to stay updated with the show follow us on Twitter at sspn onyt Jude McLaren and Ethan Quintero we appreciate you guys we’ll catch y’all later

Ethan and Jude are back to give their thoughts on the Spurs’ draft selections now that both rounds are complete! 🏀🎙️

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  1. Nunez might be a player that is a huge steal that becomes like Tony Parker. He's by far better than Rob Dillingham. A decade ago he would go top 5

  2. I would expect zero off season signing. We already have a big roster and I am pretty sure we are bringing everyone back other than Devonte. Also other than PG13 (who is not coming to the Spurs and is 34 so we don't want him anyhow), there are no major free agents. Free agency in general is dead because players can request out whenever, so contracts don't matter. The Spurs are building from within and we like our guys. Get excited about seeing Mamu, Champagnie, Bassey, Keldon and Barlow on our team because they are getting minutes

  3. 6m cap was not the reason to trade the 8th pick the main reason is the trade. unprotected pick is not easy toget and also got top-1 swap are really valuable, surely a lot more valuable than dilly

  4. What pissed me off is that , 1. We traded the 8th pick for 2030-2031 ! Which we could atleast easily traded for 2025-2026 or 2027 , #2 we traded for a western conference team! MF! We just helped a young and upcoming team and makes them stronger , the GM/POp and team made a mistake period ! We could just get knecht or devin carter , and contribute easily

  5. I am STOKED about Nuñez! I had him going in the first round… I NEVER dreamed we would have a chance to pick him up! Best passer in the class, HANDS DOWN!

  6. I have read the opposite… My sources say Juan Nuñez will play for The San Antonio SPURS in the upcoming season whereas Ingram will play in Cedar Park (Austin).

  7. Spurs didn't want to pay a 2nd lottery pick pay for someone that wasn't a sure bet. I can see Spurs filling the 4 spot in Free Agency….such Obi Toppin.

  8. I understand the initial shock and disappointment about trading the #8 pick, but it's a smart move in respect to cap space and roster flexibility as well as future contract management. Long-time Spurs fans have the wisdom to trust PATFO. GSG!

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