The Milwaukee Bucks add front court size with Tyler Smith in the second round of the NBA Draft

The Milwaukee Bucks add front court size with Tyler Smith in the second round of the NBA Draft

on today’s lock down bucks round two of the NBA draft is in the books the Bucks did use the number 33 overall pick and it seems like it’s a name that is more pleasing to Bucks fans than what they did in the first round so we’ll get into the two picks made by the Bucks what we can take away from that if anything going into free agency which is already here this weekend and some additional thoughts and some other moves we saw made made by the other 29 teams in this year’s draft that conversation comes your way next on locked on bucks you are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Buck podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and welcome into lock on bucks I am Justin Garcia joined by Camille Davis and we thank you for making locked on bucks your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcasts you can find us on YouTube as well all part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode of Locked on bucks is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on NBA to get $20 off your first purchase terms apply the draft is now officially in the bcks as the Bucks did hold on to that number 33 pick in the second round um that was the interesting part to me Camille is what would the Bucs do with that pick because um we had heard from multiple reports throughout the day and late last night that there was going to be a lot of interest for those first three to four picks in the second round of the draft when you looked at some of the names that were still out there there was Kyle filipowski um Tyler Smith who the Bucs ultimately got we’ll get to him in a second even Johnny Fury Tyler kak these are all names Bobby Clinton um that carried some value of guys that could step in maybe not so much Clint but some of those other names could step in and be a contributor in terms of a role player relatively early so would that entice other teams to jump in there and offer whether it’s future seconds or what to get into the early portion of the second round and you wondered for the bucks too a team that you know frankly could use for some additional second round picks given everything they’re up against for the next couple of years but I suppose the other part of the conversation was you know when you go back to um yesterday’s selection it’s not anything that you’re anticipating you’re GNA see AJ Johnson step in and be an immediate contributor in terms of 15 to 20 minutes per game and hey even maybe five minutes per game here it’s going to be more of I hesitate to say project but it’s going to be more of a long-term thing so you wonder does that kind of change what the Bucks are looking to do here and are they going to view that second round pick given what we said was the perceived value out there as somebody that could fill that role and contribute somewhat soon if not immediately it appears that was the course they went because uh we we mentioned again the Bucks using that pick number 33 overall here to um select Tyler Smith who played for the g-league ignite last season depending on where you see him listed he’s either a three or a four but he’s a guy that checks off a lot of the boxes we had talked about throughout this process uh not necessarily old but not young either and um it appears that the Bucs just said look are best path here is this is a guy that as we talk about we need more size we think he can do that we think he can bring that relatively soon and the other pick that’s something that’s more of a we’ll see where we’re at in a year or two with that yeah it’s really interesting I think for some people if the Bucs would have drafted these guys in reverse order where it’s Tyler Smith at 23 and then Aj Johnson at 33 I do wonder how the reaction would have been but uh Tyler like you mentioned he’s 19 going on 20 he played for the G League ignite last year what he is is a shooter like a lot of the offensive comps that I’ve seen around him people just looking at his game I’ve heard some some Bobby poris in his game that’s something that uh my co-host from technical following me Eric we talked about and he said he reminds me a bit of like a young Bobby porise with the offensive game he’s an aggressive offensive player at this point he loves that three-point shot uh and he’s pretty good at it uh at his size and at his age as well interest in my personal type even noted that he was really good as a transition three-point Shooters well he shot 47% from three in transition as well on transition he doesn’t mind being that trail guy uh to pull up and shoot but the other side of the ball for Tyler Smith which is that defensive side there are some questions there but you can see the potential of what he could become if he’s able to continue developing in that way he had to put some more weight on you saw him getting uh overpowered early on in that g-league IGN night season um he got a bit stronger as it went on but you would still like to see him add some more strength to that frame um and he projects if he was able to hit that ceiling as a more modern big where you can do some switching stay on Perimeter a little bit there um and play some versatile defensive schemes if he can grow into that right now it’s a flash of like we think he can be this and that’s been the biggest surprise for me so far with the bugs draft is that you know given the fact that they’re in this Championship window we’ve discussed it many times like they need guys who are ready to play now they need more athleticism now uh both picks Tyler Smith and Aj Johnson both project to me as guys who need some time uh to get things together I don’t see either one of those players being a big contributor in their rookie year um which made me think like the Bucs must feel pretty good about some combination of AJ Green Maran Bo champ Andre Jackson Jr and Chris Livingston because uh what these draft picks have said to me is like we can take some time here these guys can be end of the bench they can figure it out they can develop they can get some HD games in they can learn from the Vets up here um we’re not going to be asking too much of them right now is how it seems to me um but these other four guys who I just mentioned the other AJ uh Ajax like someone from that group I feel like the Bucks are confident that they’re going to be able to be a role player because neither of these picks project as guys who can really help you now which is what I think a lot of bugs fans and even media pundits thought the Bucks would do given where they currently are as a championship contending team yeah and we kind of have the same conversations too so I I don’t want to you know talk out of both sides of our mouth here but um you know when we started this process of the offseason for the bucks we had mentioned look here’s the the challenging part the tricky part for the bucks is your expectations are win now and compete for a championship as we spoke at length what you saw from Chris in that Series against the Pacers what you saw from Dame when he was healthy you view that and you say okay this works so we’re only going to be better with Giannis on the floor but but how realistic is it to say half of your bench if not more is going to be young guys that are in year one two or or three we just didn’t really see that as as being the case so um these picks are much more I think Tyler Smith has the better chance to play significant isn’t even the the right way to put it just play more this season yeah um but they’re both as you mentioned more of a probably a year from now best case scenario let’s see what they develop into and um I think it’s funny that I think as as you mentioned if these picks are made in reverse the overall view of this draft for the bucks is a little different in all likelihood but I I think maybe it’s just because of the position that he plays and hearing Doc Rivers well not Doc Rivers himself but hearing others say Doc Rivers is indicated we want to be more versatile defensively and thinking about those things that we kind of put all of that on Tyler Smith and say well this guy fits it and and they can do some things but to play devil’s advocate here uh Sam Vini who we’ve um you know we’ve mentioned his work quite a bit here these last couple of weeks as we highlighted some draft prospects he’s maybe the best there is out there in terms of draft Intel guys for a national publication didn’t really have glowing things to say about Tyler Smith in his most recent write up uh saying Smith is a serious project who I can understand a team falling in love with developmentally his jumper is a significant weapon for his size he will knock down shots throughout his career that’s meaningful at the four or potentially at the five if he can get stronger however his measurements and game make him a little too much of a tweener between the four and five spots right now he is not strong or physical enough to play the five but also doesn’t possess enough allaround skill to uh the game in terms of making a play on the Beyond shooting uh that’s where he should fit best in the modern league is essentially a a stretch for he needs to be more capable of putting the ball on the ground making positive reads and processing the game in in what he’s seen out there on top of that he’ll need to make sign significant defensive strides because this year was a struggle on that end he was a teenager playing professional basketball for the first time but it also makes him a significant project certain teams will be more willing to take the plunge and see if they can get the most out of Smith’s physical tools others won’t want to take the time to develop him on defense he seems like a player who will likely play in the NBA for a while but might end up working out better for the second team that gets him opposed to the first and I I think um the comp that you mentioned of Bobby poris when you listen to that I don’t mean this as a knock on on but a lot of that is yeah that’s that’s kind of Bobby poris even down to the a maybe not so much the second team this is what the fourth team that got him um but even that of yeah it you get him with the right group where he’s had some time to learn the game a bit develop some and learn from everything along the way that’s probably where he’s going to thrive seems to be and it’s not just Sam Vini I know we’ve read that Scouting Report from him but I saw a lot of that as it related to Tyler Smith here yeah absolutely even in the the ringers WR up like they mentioned the fact like the shooting is there you know he has the body to become a Defender but the defense is you know he looked a little lost out there A lot of times but one piece that you mentioned for me is in the right up that bassini did mentioning that one team fall in love with him and want to take a chance on the development and that’s like of course that’s how it goes every year it’s just the surprise for me was that it was the Bucks that was the team like yeah we’re willing to take a chance on the development piece of it and I think about the conversations that we’ve had about do the bugs roll with six young guys on their roster feels like a lot I think about conversations that have been happening over the last few weeks with just learning a l more teams and how they’re trying to navigate the new reality that comes with the CBA of being a first or a second Aon team and I wondered if with that comes a bigger uh investment in Player Development understanding like listen just the way that our team is handicapped right now we’re going to try to get some young guys under contract for multiple years uh who are going to be cheap on the bench for us to have and maybe they can develop into something special but right now with trying to build this team like we need these cheap contracts and part of me was thinking because of that hey maybe the Bucks trade down or trade out just to get future assets or maybe they use those assets to get another vet something like that but to see that they took both picks and kept both picks was really interesting to me of like okay I do wonder how much of this is just understanding like going forward Player Development is going to have to be something that we do and we’re going to have to draft well because if you look back through the John horse drafts like not that many hits so far I mean Dante Devon chenzo is probably the best of that Bunch so far but um few and far between outside of that um yeah I mean Dante certainly up there uh Malcolm Brogden was a a John horse selection too was he not but again Malcolm other end of the spectrum where you knew an older player somebody that played multiple years in college had the pedigree collegiately that you kind of knew High floor that you’re you’re bringing in here um with Malcolm Brogden couple of other things I I did want to mention about um Tyler Smith and that last point that you made too about development and what the Bucks have done here with these uh Selections in the first and second round two teenagers that they took in two projects that they are are working on here with these two draft picks we’ll get into that conversation coming up after the break here on lock on Buck time to talk to you about our friends over at game time I have talked to you before about how much I love going to Major League Baseball games during the off season went to Detroit last summer took in a Tigers game from ker for the first time you can find me at American Family field quite a bit this summer even in Chicago on the South Side game time is the absolute perfect app to use for any major league baseball game you plan on attending this summer they have last minute deals where you can save up to 60% off when you buy last minute for sports for concerts comedy theater and more all in pricing as well as you can see what the ticket is going to 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screaming lockdown sports today brings you C Miss analysis opinions and news and it streams 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day so Tyler Smith um I mentioned I forget how I worded it but the insinuation of it’s a little older what I mean by that is he played for the g-league ignite team a year ago he was on the over over time Elite Squad for two years prior to that as well so not professional um play per se but basically getting you ready for professional play so in that sense he has a little bit more uh seasoning but you know as as we mentioned these are two projects these are two guys that you don’t look at and say these are going to be big time contributors for you in year one and you know you can view it either way I’m not convinced that’s a bad thing for the bucks for all the reasons Camille that you mentioned and what we’ve talked about throughout the entire offseason here of the need to get younger and more athletic um you want that now but you’re going to need it in general and I I think that’s the big piece here um I’ve seen some people throughout the hey you know Doc Rivers first year in Philly when he was the head coach he made some similar claims of we need to be a quicker team and more athletic that’s when they drafted Tyrese Maxi um I don’t and anticipate Tyler Smith in the second round here or uh really especially AJ Johnson to fill that role of Tyrese Maxi this season but you know it is if nothing else going to make summer league very very intriguing for the bucks this year and it’s it’s kind of a conversation we had last year as well but you think about um who knows if AJ Green and Marjan Bo champ play there even Andre Jackson Jr but Chris Livingston I would assume is going to be playing in some League once more these two guys I would assume are going to be playing in summer league maybe even Tai Tai Washington again and it’s look it’s different than Major League Baseball when you have three levels of minor leagues and other places for these players to grow and learn and and get consistent reps but um they may not be blue chip Lottery level players but again we haven’t seen this in decades for the bucks where you have a handful of young guys that you’re looking at to say okay I’m interested to see how they develop here and that’s what everybody’s been wanting like you mentioned like get younger get more athletic and then of course there’s the whole conversation I mean it doesn’t matter because Doc Rivers doesn’t play young guys anyway which isn’t true it it’s gone to see like when doc has good young guys to play Doc plays the good young guy so like I don’t think that bugs fans should look at this and say well this doesn’t matter it matters because there is six guys already on your roster who are considered young guys at this moment we don’t know if this is how the roster is going to look when they head in the training camp so we can only speak on how the roster is now but I do not think that it’s a slight on like oh well it’s not like he’s gonna play them anyways if they’re good they will get playing time um and I truly do believe that with Doc Rivers and before we started recording we were talking a little bit just about like draft Philosophy for teams and whatnot and I mentioned this before somewhere else as well where I was just like it’s so interesting because I think of like the Packers right they have a packer way they’ve had a GM then the next G’s like a GM in training and it kind of just keeps passing it down and they all believe in the Packer way there are certain things they look for in every position you know it like it’s you can go and look it up there’s certain types of guys they want for their team when it comes to like the Bucks and thinking like well is this a Milwaukee Buck is this the kind of guy who projects to be uh somebody who plays for this team the answer to that question is going to change depending on the coach it feels like because we saw with Doc or with uh with Bud the kind of guys that bud liked he loved the defense he loved the shooting that was part of what he looked for in his profile we saw with the one year with Adrien Griffin which made us all like oh how is this going to work where he drafted two quote unquote non-shooters with uh Andre Jackson Jr and Chris Livingston where you’re like okay well these guys can play defense so like what is or Adrien Griffin looking to do alas you know that that experiment only lasted half the season for the Bucs with Adrien Griffin but now Doc’s in that seat so it’s like what does Doc’s influence as well over what type of guys that he’s looking for on his roster um and it’s really interesting to see the direction that they chose in this particular draft with AJ Johnson with Tyler Smith now again we discussed it’s not super likely that either of these guys get really meaningful minutes this year but the profile type of player that they are is also really interesting to me as well yeah and um look I also think the fact that we didn’t hear anything because you you’ve seen a little bit of it not a ton but of Bucks fans wondering I mean are we necessarily keeping both these guys as a part of a trade that you could um add some type of sweeten ner to once you get under that second apron that’s the big piece to remember is um before you could have attached that pick to a let’s just throw out names Pat conon or Bobby poris and made the trade now that that player is an actual asset and player you cannot aggregate that and send it out and also it’s it’s the whole you know driving the car off the lot mentality of a first round draft pick carries more value even if it ends up being the 23rd pick because it represents the unknown and possibilities of what it might be and once you make that selection and becomes a player it’s just like when you buy a new car and drive it off the lot and well it just depreciated by 10 per. it’s kind of the same thing with these draft picks so I I don’t think either of these two players were drafted to be traded or are going to be traded and that’s what makes this weekend all the more interesting Camille is um you know again to go back to that other piece of the conversation is Andre Jackson Jr AJ Green marjon are these guys going to be three of their bench pieces a lot of that is going to have to do with what the Bucks are able to do this weekend when free agency officially begins Sunday afternoon 5 o’clock Milwaukee time um or are there other trades or moves that are in the works and look let’s say you move on from some of those young guys to me that would signal we all assume these two guys are projects but maybe the organization views it as no we think we can get something not necessarily our sixth man but we think we can get something from these guys this year it’s possible I mean there are people who are disappointed at the fact that you know the BS didn’t make any other trades where they’re like oh it seems like now they’re just going to bring back everybody who they had and not do anything I was like free agency hasn’t even started yet guys like yeah and I mean I think we’re both aligned here I don’t think that’s the case right because if they do that they are definitely going to be a second apron team and the big piece is uh you just don’t want to be a habitual defend offender in the second apron there’s going to be years where it’s avoid where it’s unavoidable right and that was last year for the bucks but you don’t want this to be okay we’re there again and man uh now we really got to do everything we can to get out of it because picks are frozen and everything else that comes with it once you’re in there multiple times yeah and you don’t want to do that to yourself so like just because nothing has happened yet does not mean that anything is not going to happen period so I do want to say that as well because I did see some reactions of I can’t believe this is Direction the Bucs are going in like we don’t know if this is the full offseason for the bucks yet at this point what we know now is that they have their two draft picks they kept both of them for the moment um it seems like they’re going to be bucks seems like we’re going to see them in summer league uh but we’ll have to see what other roster moves are made around them uh but them going with these two younger projects it does make me think about free agency um and saying like how aggressive will the bugs be if they’re looking for a turnover for guys who are going to be getting big minutes like do we still see I mean we’ve heard Brook Lopez’s name in the trade conversations is that somebody who still a target for the bucks try to get off the books or now with the draft falling the way it did where you know you see khil wear go at 15 to the Heat and then you see Don Holmes taking a pick before you in the first round when the when the heat or when the Nuggets trade up now is it like okay we weren’t able to get you know Young Center like we thought we would maybe we actually run this back or we look to trade Brook Lopez for another Center if we can like the Dynamics are going to be really interesting to me this summer based off what the Bucks did in this draft Yeah and um I if my math is correct here so the Bucs now have 12 Play assuming you sign both these draft picks they would have 12 players uh under contract and they would be basically right at that second April line still needing to add two more so again I feel pretty confident that some type of move is going to be made here something is going to happen in terms of a trade to free up some money whether or not that means that hey the bucks shed enough that they’re going to use the taxpayer midlevel or do something um I don’t know that I I’d get all too excited about that but I I do think you’re going to see something done here for the bucks to to um to free up some of that cap room and we did see one of those types of Trades that we were saying we want to see the Bucks make here between the Denver Nuggets and the Charlotte Hornets so we will get into that conversation and some other things that struck us from the draft there were a couple of Marquette products that went right around where the Bucks were Drafting and uh one team that Camille and I were talking about some of the moves that were eyebrow raising in a good way of oh see what they’re doing here we’ll get into that convers ation coming up here after the break unlocked on bucks passion drive and patience that’s the formula for winning championships and also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for 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for sure I love the idea of Tyler kic in New York it dides make me wonder like just the fit because of dece McBride being there as well but then I was hearing rumors like he might be included for salary filler for the Mel Bridges trade so I’m like that would make a lot of sense insurance as well for another backup point guard on that roster I think that’s a great fit for him and then you got oo and Phoenix with Bud which coaching wise it just feels like a great fit for him uh my only quote unquote concern would just be like again the pressure situation you’re walking in with those bets that are on that team currently with the Devin Booker with the Kevin Durant um and a Bradley Bill but given the type of big that also is with being that pass first mentality being a hub someone you can operate the offense out of as well I think buz going to find some really creative ways to use him so I’m happy both guys made it to a situation in the league where I think they can get some playing time if things shake out the right way and make a little impact in their rookie year um that kind of takes me to the other part of it the Phoenix Suns Bud as the coach and you look at what they did in the draft here Oso and Ryan Dunn uh two guys that I think are G to step in and be immediate bench players and contributors for that Phoenix Suns team uh we we talked about oo in our episode on the bigs about being a hub of sorts um his defensive ability as well and and what he brings with versatility there um I think it’s going to be interesting to see if the Suns make any other moves Yousef nurkic is one that you would look at as well of how do we shed some more money similar to what the Bucks are talking about um Oso is very interesting because I’ve I’ve also seen a few of the draft Intel typ you know Ryan Dunn he might just be a small ball five that you play at the NBA level because he’s going to be best utilized in the dunker spot and obviously the shooting concerns and and overall offensive concerns that we mentioned are there but he can defend one through five I mean it may depend on the five I don’t think anybody’s anticipating Ryan done to lock down Joel embiid or nia yage um but those tools are there so did they find two centers here that makes it even easier to here how we forget money if we can get somebody to take that that Yousef nurkic contract which by the way you know what a year ago year and a half somewhere around there that was the man how do you move that Yousef nurkic deal it’s pretty bad when you look at the years that were on there it’s just over1 199 million a year when you think about the figures that we’re seeing now skyrocketing it’s not look we’ve kind of joked about it before but it’s true there is no such thing as an immovable contract in the league anymore unless it’s Bradley Beal with a no trade clause um so that I found pretty interesting of okay what else is Phoenix working on because they’re in the same spot the Bucks are of I don’t think they’re done here and I don’t think the plan is we’re just going to sign guys to vet minimums because that’s all we can do I think there’s going to be more moves in the works especially for bud you don’t just go to Phoenix only because Hamond Arizona guy and I I get to be back home like you have an expectation of winning too and they’re going to have to make some moves for um for that to be the case um speaking of moves so uh early into the second round we saw the Denver Nuggets who again when we talk about teams that are trying to free up some money um to avoid that second apron and other issues that uh that come with that saw the Denver Nuggets um with a salary right now that I think is about $170 million they only have 10 players under contract similar to the Bucks and that apron level $20 million below it now how they’re able to shave some more off of that they trade Reggie Jackson to the Charlotte Hornets in a deal that was a cost saving move for the nuggets the Hornets took it on because the price was all right three second round draft picks so let’s just start there Camille um the price to move a one-year expiring contract which is is Reggie Jackson more valuable more playable at this point for a majority of the teams than Pat Conan I think most people would probably say yes that he’s a better fit across the board but the point is $5 million one year left in that deal cost three second round picks to move that pick so for Pat if that’s who you’re circled in on in terms of making moves and freeing up money contract is uh what basically twice as much as that Reggie Jackson uh salary figure he’s at about $9.5 million for next year and then there’s a player option for the year after that for that same figure so I would assume if you find a team that says okay because that’s the other thing teams need to spend the money now right you can’t just do the old method of look you have a salary floor if you don’t match it you got to play your players at the end of the year the bonus level uh no you have to get up to what I think it’s 80% of the floor by the start of the season so you got to take on salary if you’re one of those caps based teams and don’t have someone but it cost three second round picks for a team to take five million so what’s it going to cost for a team to take on roughly twice as much as that for a player that look Reggie Jackson regressed and declined as well he still had some playoff moments but I think there’s probably more questions about Pat than there is Reggie Jackson yeah and I mean you look at the team where Reggie Jackson went as well where it’s like you went to the Hornets again you mentioned that these are teams that have the cap space but also you look at where the Hornets are and their curent development cycle uh they’ve had the bad injury Health with lamelo ball there as well and they’re young and they’re rebuilding and they’re trying to figure things out so and they should having the space it’s kind of like okay well you know it’s not as if they were looking like attending teams like hey we need this guy on our team right now like this was a like you mentioned a salary dump and when you think about the patcon situation that’s where it’s like um so some like like this is why you should have probably made a deal when you could still aggregate contracts because you want to you don’t have the draft Capital necessarily to make this look sweeter um but if you could have made this trade when you could still aggregate contracts then it’s like okay well at least we also get just theoretically you know a Maran to go with that like then that is your sweetening rather than the assets which the Bucks don’t have many of to give so it will be interesting to see how they do it or it might become a thing where the season gets closer and there’s a team out there that is still scrambling to put together the salary to hit that floor so they’re looking for offers at that point so the asking price might be a little lower at that time just based on what the market is dictating but yeah to your point about what Reggie Jackson got and looking to offload Someone Like Pat conon um it’s gonna be difficult and I think at this point too thinking about Pat kon’s career like people GNA think of Pat conton as a buck like he spent most of his career here at this point which in retrospect it might not you might not think about it because he’s been a role player for so many years but he was in Portland for what three years before he came to Milwaukee and he’s been here since like 2018 so uh he’s a buck and I think that there will be some cache of him being a champion uh that might be able to help with that asking price of what it would take to off that contract but yeah uh horse will have his work cut out for him if he is looking to salary dump that contract when we talked about Tyler Smith and the the San Vini line too about maybe it’s the second team that gets him that will really reap those benefits that was the bucks with Pat conon he was you know team number two what his fourth year in the league after two or three years in Portland uh you saw some traces there but he really exploded um with the Bucks the Hornets are going to be fascinating to me this offseason because their roster is set they have 15 rostered players right now and a team salary of just under $124 million um the cap number is 141 million so they’re open for business you think of okay we still got room where give us something and we’ll send out less and take back more in a deal it’s going to hardap them if they do that but again they have the room to do that it hard caps you I believe at the first apron line which is79 million so they still have $50 million to uh to play with before they get there um you look at guys like Grant Williams Cody Martin those types of names even Reggie Jackson I think potentially if nothing else a deadline type of move for the Hornets devies bton as well if there’s a team that just says we got a guy that’s under contract for three years we just need to shed money we’ll take the expiring contract in Davis Pon so I think there’s going to be a handful more moves made by the Charlotte Hornets um but in wrapping this up you know that’s the complicated part is I think we all know the highlevel minations of the cap and the both the apron numbers but there’s a lot more to it what we just mentioned there is you take back more money than you’re sending out you get hard capped and what that starts to trigger for you as well so it’s not as easy as well this works out for this I I just ran it through the trade machine that’s what makes this weekend uh all the more crazy really and I was on a show earlier today where um we were talking through some of those names and was asked well what can the Bucks do are they going to be under the second apron who are some names they can Target what about this team and you know you look at teams like the Hornets and those names that we mentioned I think everybody would say look Grant Williams if you can get him go get him to the point that you made Camille about did you miss your opportunity you know Bobby poris when you think about his contract 12 a half million Grant Williams makes more than that so you could not do you could not revisit that trade right now of we’ll give you Bobby and something else or or even straight up for Grant Williams because you’re restricted from doing that being in the SE second apron and Bobby making less than Grant Williams other names on there too of well what if you sent out this what if what and brought back D pans there’s expiring money for you to shut off your cap and you could release him the only guy that you could send out under that trade is Brook Lopez and then you’re getting nothing in return for him uh I was asked specifically about the Brooklyn Nets and some of the names that are on there because that’s the other team that we assume yep is open for business now right they are hey we’re planting our flag for Cooper next year we going to be as bad as we can um buan banovich he’s going to be interesting I assume he gets traded um Dorian finy Smith right that’s a name that Bucks fans love and are gonna mention there’s not a great fit on the roster in terms of matching trades for anyone that the Bucks could send out the only guy you could trade for Dar Dorian finny Smith is Brook Lopez so that’s the challenge that the Bucks are going to be facing here and and why we kind of said I don’t know that you’re going to see wholesale reshaping of this team that the moves made are likely going to be like we just saw with Reggie Jackson to to shave some of that money and make sure it’s not back-to-back years in the second apron well maybe uh a famous old bucks trade partner uh in the same division maybe the Detroit Pistons will be often for some of that business since they have a lot of cap room this summer it’ll be really interesting to see a lot is an they have like 90 million called like hey we’ve done business before like what would it take for us to be able to dump some some salary cap here as well so I mean that’s just a team to keep on your radar but as we wrap up I I’m gonna take this moment here just to plug us uh we will be on Bleacher Report app at 11 amm Central time today Friday uh June 28th talking more about the bugs free agency and options that they have so this is kind of like a I say a teaser into that conversation but it definitely flows into what we’ll be talking about a little bit later on uh today yeah we will be uh on Bleacher Report on the app discussing um more free agency if there’s going to be any more moves that take place um between now and then and reacting to that and what that could potentially mean for the bucks and then of course everything really gets kicked up this weekend uh what 5:00 P PM local time is when free agency officially begins Sunday 5:00 pm local time uh is when teams are free to negotiate with other players funny how that works out that the Restriction is lifted at five and you’ve already worked out these multi-million dollar contracts at 501 I’ve never figured out how that’s the case um but we’re gonna have something um going Sunday afternoon as soon as fre agency begins to see what happens here with the Bucks Camille and Frank handled the first round of the draft last night I I’ll just say this in transparency uh Camille my thanks to both of you guys for handling that I was communicating with Camille throughout the day I had every intention of being a part of that show for the two or three of you that are disappointed that I was not on the show um an old friend of mine was in town who stays in Virginia in the off season and during the basketball season lives in Milwaukee and uh was adamant on getting dinner so we went out and before you knew it you looked at the clock and said oh man all right well I guess you two have this one yes so we were like you know what it’s been a little while let’s just go ahead like we got it for you for sure that’s what that’s what a team does you pick up you pick up for each other so it was all good uh Sunday is when it all gets going free agency finally here so um we’re gonna do something I don’t know if we’ll do a live show if something warrants it we’ll go live Sunday afternoon otherwise Monday’s show is going to be focused on what are the moves that we saw made immediately into free agency is this going to be one of those weird years where drags too of you had a couple of smaller scale signings and moves made but nothing major happened until like the Fourth of July when Kevin Durant announced he was signing with the Golden State Warriors Gordon Hayward I think was a Fourth of July signing as well um a couple years back when he went to the Celtics so is it going to be one of those years or is this going to be just everything out of the gate kind of like it was a season ago so um we will have that covered on Monday shown as Cil mentioned as well later today um Friday afternoon late morning I suppose 11:00 a.m. we will be on the bleacher report app um breaking down more of everything we discussed here in a little greater detail as we head into free agency with the draft now fully in the rear viiew mirror so um tune in to that as well we’ll send out the links on how to join that conversation for Camille I am Justin we’ll talk to you once again next week on locked on bucks

Justin and Camille dig into round two of the NBA Draft as the Bucks add another teenage prospect. How soon could Tyler Smith be a part of the Bucks rotation? What are his strengths and weaknesses and do these two draft picks foreshadow any other moves this weekend in free agency and trades for the Bucks? We dig into it on the latest Locked on Bucks

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  1. Two very high-ceiling athletic young players who are definitely not ready for the NBA this season. Overall the quality of this draft and what picks the Bucks had, taking project was probably the best.

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