Tips for a convert

After being a Cowboys fan for 34 years, these past few seasons have made supporting Dallas too…triggering. This offseason I decided to support the San Francisco 49ers! I’m from California originally so I have a few home teams to pick from if I was gonna make the switch. This isn’t a bandwagon thing. I’m in it for real once I’m in it. I’m old enough to remember the days of J. Rice, J. Montana, D. Sanders, S. Young, etc, and I just want some tips from LIFERS on how to make a smooth transition into the Gang!

  1. ![gif](giphy|LtHccnJmzveY8)

    Unshun: you cannot switch teams. You have to follow them until they move cities and leave you.


  2. I grew up around a lot of Dallas fans somehow. Their training camp is in Oxnard, so maybe that’s it. I can’t measure a man’s heart, but to quote a formative movie of our generation

    >you have chosen, wisely

    First thing, brush up on your Arnez Battle lore. Boobie Dixon maybe. Larry Allen, RIP, enough said there but Jesse Sapolu and Steve *double helmet* Wallace are names to know.

    Based on your jersey we probably already share a love for Charles Haley, but watch some Justin Smith/Aldon Smith tape. And start clocking time now, I think you have to watch at least 1,000 hours of Frank Gore film to be in the club. Maybe the rules have changed, not sure.

    Welcome to the faithful, the history of this team is too big for anyone to gatekeep. I’d tip a beer with you, we’re not Philadelphians.

  3. Same pain but we lose in nfc championship and superbowl lol… just get ready for it to hurt more, but winning is a possibility now

  4. Welcome to the crew! Rice is the best football player of all time, Montana is the best QB of all time, Purdy is the next coming, and the Seahawks are toots (check Joe Staley for that last reference.)

    Glad to have you here!

  5. Ooh nice! Always great to have more fans, even though you’re coming from a dark and dreadful place.


  6. Well tip 1 is you’re gonna have to really really dislike the team you just finished loving!

    That and the Toots, Eagles, Rams and especially lately Chiefs.

  7. It’s going to be smooth as ice. If you’re in Texas, as I am, money is pretty easy to make the week we play Dallas.

  8. Welcome bro, just have a good time and don’t be toxic…. Unless it’s the toots

  9. If someone says that Tom Brady is the GOAT you legally have to stab them.  I don’t make the rules; we’ve all done time for it. 

  10. These comments got me CRYINNNNG 🤣 Even the ones that are giving me Side Eye 💀

  11. “im in it for real once I’m in it”

    *Proceeds to ditch team he has rooted for for 34 years*

  12. Damn that’s a helluva betrayal, but I kinda get it Jerry Jones just can’t get out from his own asshole.

    > says they’re going All-in

    > signs a center?

    Honestly the best tip I got would probably be to not mention that you’re a former cowboys fan.

  13. It’s like when you get with a new chick and get dick warts. Then you want to get back with your old chick but the dick warts come with you. Wear your protection (Niners gear) and we’ll let you back unless there is a flare up.

  14. Great start with the D.C. jersey!

    You should already hate the eagles, so that’s another step in the right direction.

  15. Welcome in bro. Luckily you probably already can’t stand the other teams so just join in the fun and hopefully we can get some chips in the next few seasons.

  16. Don’t listen to the negativity and gatekeeping. There’s room for everyone

  17. Laughable, how can anyone just ‘switch’ teams? Stick with your team through thick & thin.

  18. > I’m in it for real once I’m in it.

    You’re making this claim, but then you’re ditching Dallas at the same time. Do you realize how those actions contradict each other and make it seem like you’re not telling the truth?

    Look, I know the gut reaction response by most people in this sub are “welcome aboard”, “glad to have you”, “the more the merrier”, or some variation thereof, but I absolutely, positively do not support you making the change to our beloved team.

    The reason why is the same reason you’re ditching Dallas. At some point, we’re going to go into a slide and win 5 – 8 games a year for many consecutive years and never even make the playoffs. What are you going to do then? Ditch us for the then-flashiest team? Then ditch them after they start playing poor?

    You are the poster child for a fair-weather fan. The 49ers are in the sun right now, but it seems you’ll pack up like a traveling carnival and head to the next town once it starts raining.

    You say you’re a California guy so why didn’t you choose the Rams or Chargers? Just a coincidence you happened to choose the hottest team in California and one of the hottest in the league?

    I realize my opinion is of no importance to you, but I’d rather you just stay with Dallas.


    A 40+ year 49ers fan who will never do what you’re doing.

    PS. There are some exceptions to my opinion on switching teams, but I think those should be limited to relocation. St. Louis citizens have no reason to continue following the Rams, for example, and switching to the Chiefs, Bears, etc., was very well warranted. Heck, even Raiders fans switching to the 49ers would be an exception.

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