I dont give a shit who Filipowski sleeps with, Redditors once again don’t know what grooming means, and as an atheist ex-Mormon there is a 0% chance Kyle’s brother knows a single fucking thing about Mormonism

I dont give a shit who Filipowski sleeps with, Redditors once again don’t know what grooming means, and as an atheist ex-Mormon there is a 0% chance Kyle’s brother knows a single fucking thing about Mormonism

  1. I saw a whole thread on R/nba how the LDS church Danny Ainge and Ryan Smith worked together to draft this guy because they want him to be baptized so the Mormon church can have a pro Mormon Basketball player in Utah.

    Legit thought I was on NBACirclejerk

    Redditors remain undefeated on not touching grass sometimes.

  2. Is it weird that she knew him as an adolescent? Yes. Is it weird she is Mormon? Come on

  3. Also is there any concrete evidence she’s even Mormon? Her IG did not make her appear particularly Mormon and it’s convenient the brother drops the “Mormon brainwashing/grooming” thing right after being drafted by Utah. Something is fishy about this whole thing.

  4. It’s weird. He’s not a victim. 25 year olds going to prom is not right. We can move on from shit. Just like we can move on from Karl and John not being exactly who we want our best friends.

  5. I’m an ex Mormon atheist as well and maybe like one of four or five who aren’t consumed with bitterness towards the church. It’s ok if you are but I just don’t harbor any resentment myself and it does seem like a stretch to associate her behavior with Mormon practices. Older women creeping on high school dudes isn’t like a Mormon thing.

  6. I mean… it’s all kinda weird and I’d 100% rather this all have not been a thing, but at the end of the day we’d be drafting and employing the victim and not the alleged groomer or whatever (and I’m only using ‘alleged’ here to avoid any argument over whatever she did or did not do – that’s beside the point I’m trying to make).

    He didn’t do anything wrong, as far as we know. Victims of whatever shouldn’t be have their being victimized held against them.

  7. Allegations are allegations, but idk, if it’s true that she was his *babysitter* and is playing a big part in cutting off contact with his family, that sure sounds a lot like grooming….

  8. Love r/jazz but people are missing the point. There’s always going to be idiots coming up with their weird accusations and pointing at Mormonism. But people are just throwing the rest of what they’re saying out the window. The facts are: He’s estranged from his family, she is somewhere between6-8 years older than him and they have been dating since he was 17. NBA teams were not comfortable with him and how he handled questions regarding his family. We can make a lot of inferences, but there’s no point. The situation is downright weird and was enough to make plenty of NBA teams who have done their due diligence pass on him. Hope he gets this figured out and I’m sure the Jazz FO have/will figure it out. The brutally honest truth is that he’s a 2nd round pick and people are wasting their time obsessing over this just like bronny. We should just stick to posting little Williams and collier highlights the rest of the time from now till summer league.

  9. The groomer part is absolutely the headline here but I can tell you from first hand experience – as a young non Mormon dating a Mormon. I was quickly thrown into a position where she was trying to indoctrinate me. It very much felt like I was being recruited in hindsight. She made me feel like it was the only way I could be with her. And so I can very easily see how that can lead to a place where you dissociate from your non believer family. So part of me does believe religion plays a part here. Not to say this is a Mormon exclusive thing.

    Again the bigger thing is the fact the she’s a groomer. The fact that he landed in Utah means Mormonism is going to be the lead on the headline. But it’s disingenuous to believe it couldn’t be a relevant factor in this situation.

    Either way. I hope Flip kills it. Go jazz.

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