FINAL MOCK DRAFT & RED WINGS FREE AGENCY PREVIEW – Winged Wheel Podcast – June 27th, 2024

FINAL MOCK DRAFT & RED WINGS FREE AGENCY PREVIEW – Winged Wheel Podcast – June 27th, 2024

[Music] welcome to the winged wheel podcast here to talk all things hockey are your hosts Brad krisco Ryan Hannah and Evan lobsinger I don’t know how to start this without acknowledging how unhinged we and this week and hockey in the Red Wings world has been and this is only the start of the second half of of our planned episodes for this week and we’re still getting there’s still one more at least after free agency starts how is it that it’s year nine 10 however you want to count it and we’re still finding ways to be surprised by how crazy things get at this time of year what happened your ear is say into my good ear and amidst all of this if you hear Evans saying what a lot it’s not because he’s confused as usual it’s because one of his ears isn’t working can’t hear out of it at all it’s the wrong time for traumatic ear injury pal yeah he looks enough like Archer that he could just walk around going [Laughter] M the Stanley Cup was awarded Jake wman was traded the Red Wings have been attached to every player Under the Sun trades massive trades have happened and we still haven’t done our MO draft the draft is tomorrow we’re going to get to as much as we can today you know if you’ve been listening for a while you know how structured we try to be and how much we really try to make sure that the the information being delivered to you is crafted in a way that’s the most digestible and it’s the most efficient in the details where it matters we’re going to do our best with the five ears and two and a half brains between three of us we’re going to do our best today there’s a lot coming your way and again don’t get it twisted this is all really exciting but it’s kind of like we actually have little notes for ourselves in front of us saying don’t forget to breathe that’s where we’re at right now the way the NHL structured this I I’ve got the perfect story from my day today where I’m standing at Hank’s hockey game an hour ago uh in between his shifts I just decideed to check my phone to see if anything’s happened anything’s going on first tweet I see is Nathan mckinon had won some award and I went oh didn’t know those were tonight I the NHL feels the same way we do right now except this is the NHL’s fault we’re all trying to find the guy who did this and it’s Gary bman and a giant hot dog costume welcome to the wind wheel podcast folks here to talk to you about all things 2024 NHL draft free agency preview pavl datsu going to the Hall of Fame the Stanley Cup being awarded and 17 other things maybe I one of your hosts Ryan Hannah I’m Brad Chrisco and I’m Evan on this episode of the wind wheel podcast we’re going to start with this mock draft because I’m afraid if we don’t it’s never going to happen we are then going to talk about Red Wings news we’ll talk about pavl datsuk being inducted into the Hall of Fame and then recap what has happened for the Red Wings this week and then what Steve irman is up to in terms of Trades and free agency we’ll cover NHL news including the Stanley Cup being awarded to the Florida Panthers Conor McDavid winning the con Smite and you know what whatever else we get to today that that doesn’t have to you know wait until next week before we get into overtime before all that first live stream 2024 NHL draft annual tradition our good friend Adam lares likes to joke that it’s it’s his favorite tradition of ours because we’re always more focused on the draft than than hockey at this time of year but yeah the the live stream is a blast we live stream on YouTube podcast go subscribe we’re trying to reach 10K we’re very very close to 10K subscribers we do a live stream we start an hour before the NHL Draft starts we do analysis reactions our picks we do giveaways fan discussion and lots more it’s a great time so make sure to join us there also the wind wheel podcast is primarily brought to you by our patreon supporters wheel podcast if you want to support the show you get access to some really great benefits like the winged wheel podcast exclusive Discord as well as all of our giveaways for example you’re automatically entered into all of our giveaways including two tickets to every Detroit Red Wings home game the vast majority going directly to our patreon supporters you also get access to our bonus overtime episodes which record and post right after these main ones so again wiedel podcast if you want to support the show mock draft Evan are you ready for your first do you know when you’re going to do your first mistake and and draft someone who’s already been picked since I’m doing it off my phone this year it’ll be far sooner than I can imagine all right we are going to pick an order Evan pick a number between one and three including one and three all right you’re drafting first oh that’s no fun okay I can do that we’ll go Evan Brad and then myself in that order so we are going to do a 2024 NHL mock draft we are going to keep the order as is we’re not going to try to you know make any trades or anything and we’re also going to do this mostly under the premise of these are the picks that we think are going to happen we’ll take a little bit of a license where we think the team might Flex a little bit but by and large this is a predictive mock draft to some degree so for the San Jose sharks Evan it is your pick well I’ve had a very busy day since I’m Mike Greer I’ve been upsetting Red Wings fans I’ve been trading up in the draft I’ve been doing lots of moves today but with my first overall pick I will take Maan celini simple enough San Jose makes the easiest pick in the draft Chicago second overall Brad I know where you’re going but who are you going with well if I were the GM I’d be going with Ivan demidov but but I am not the GM and I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen tomorrow everything that I’ve seen heard read has pointed to Aram lunov and given how Barren that team’s defense is it makes sense so I think they’re going to go levov all right ardam left shof off the board and this creates a little bit of a tough situation in my mind for the Ducks because I think at third overall if you have an opportunity to take Dem of you’d want to do it but I really think that salv is going to tickle their fancy quite a bit I’m leaning on sticking on that front I’m going to say salv to the Ducks at third overall it feels silly leaving demidov on the board but I could really see it shaking out this way Anaheim I’ve heard them connected to salv demidov boam I even think wheeler was saying today he’s heard senica is a possibility for them at three so you know I know we know the Draft starts at two but I think there’s enough smoke around lunov with Chicago that I don’t think that might be the big hinge in the draft we think it is I think it’s going to be Anaheim because there’s a lot of players in play even Lindstrom I’ve heard is in play there yep yeah I wouldn’t be surprised again if you’re not concerned about lindstrom’s injury history then he fires up your board no matter how you feel about him all right Columbus fourth overall Evan I figured I was going to take a defenseman here but since you guys have kind of wrinkled that a little bit the crazy thing is is I think Ivan demidov might actually get passed by Columbus at this point in the draft if he’s still there but since it’s a my mock draft and I get to make the decision I’m going to take Ivan demidov I think his skill set is is otherworldly I think he’ll be a superstar in the NHL one day I think demidov I I actually could see them making that pick no matter what way they want to go that kind of talent you don’t want to pass up and generally you think with The Changing of the Guard as you’ve seen in Columbus one they’re going to want to buy fan favor and demidov is going to win a lot of fans over with the kind of skill that he brings I think there’s less risk around him than maybe there was a couple months ago in terms of public perception and yeah that’s potentially first overall Talent level there that you’re getting with demidov all right fifth for Montreal Brad this is I think a tough one this is a really tough one they’ve got a very loaded blue line so I don’t think they would take zeve buam here I wouldn’t rule it out but I think with how their team is built right now how their Prospect system is built I think they’d be sprinting to the stage for Kaden Lindstrom right now yeah I I like Kaden Lindstrom for them I know there’s a a little bit of a split in the Montreal fan base as to who they should take but Kaden Lindstrom is a very sensible pick they’ll be mad to see demidov go one pick before and I wouldn’t be surprised if Montreal was the team involed involved in spreading some you know less than ideal Concepts about drafting demidov around to kind of sour him for other teams so he would drop to five well I think on draft day demov is going to go to Montreal because I think Columbus is going to take Lindstrom I don’t think Lindstrom gets to Montreal but they’d be thrilled if he does now Utah for me they kind of are in the same position that I just mentioned about Columbus where they’re going to want to win fan favor I’m seeing Berkeley Kon here and I’m thinking wow Berkeley kten would be great for them to add in terms of the skill level you can add but I’m going to take a page out of Brad’s book you almost have the same thing on the blue line and it it fits a need for Utah defense with Z buam I think he could be you know a top ofth draft level Talent when all set is done in terms of of redrafting and reassessing how guys went and I don’t think you’re missing out by going on defense on Talent level that’s how much Steve buam brings and like you said Brad not to be confused with other Defenders like he can do it all the very least has a potential too I think this is who Utah wants I think they’re hoping the board plays out this way I would be very surprised if he isn’t their pick if he’s available at six okay next pick here for Evan we have the Ottawa Senators at seventh overall don’t hate their defense right now and you know what’s a little bit of Canadian drama if I don’t make this pick the Ottawa Senators are going to take T JLA oh Pro level he’s got prle traits already in his game I think he’s going to be a Surefire NHL a productive NHL and I think Ottawa will make this pick piss everybody off that is a spicy pick yeah but you know what like I you guys are kind of taking everybody that I liked for Ottawa at that spot so you know make a get a little drama going down at the sphere you know Brad and I meet before every mock draft and and strategize and how to best ruin your picks right yes that is true well I don’t know what’s more likely here if Ottawa just takes te or if they call Calgary and say give us something or we’re taking him that stals seems shrewd so far I don’t I don’t think they fleeced Boston on the allmar trade but I thought it was quite a clever way to get rid of Corp pasalo so he seems to be on on a shocking path relative to what Ottawa has had in the past Seattle eighth overall Brad man I think Seattle would probably hate the way this board’s going because they wanted defenseman so they would have probably wanted one of salv or boam to get here Seattle could go a lot of ways here I think they’d probably be looking hard at perek and Dickenson I don’t think they would relo senica here either just because you know all the smoke around senica is he could go top five possibly and he’s still sitting here but I don’t know you know what I think they would go senica if he’s still sitting here that that is a lot of talent to to leave on the board here and I don’t know if Seattle’s the type of team that would take the risk on perk and I don’t know if they are would be infatuated enough with Dickinson to to take him over the upside of senica that is I I don’t think that’s a reach but I think you’re going to find people who think that it may be based on everything I’ve read and heard for the last month this would be considered a fall for senica yeah yeah I agree with that but I still think there are some folks who aren’t enamored with different portions of his game I know his nhle which there’s a debate on how you know effective of a iic metric that is it’s not as favorable but yeah well that’s the thing is you have to look at his season in splits right yeah his cumulative stat line from the year wasn’t great but if you just look from January 1st to the end of the playoffs it’s exceptional now Calgary here I think would be obviously disappointed to see no tjla and I don’t know do they pivot from TJ ginet at Berkeley kton or do they look at Carter yakimchuk play for the Calgary Hitman if you’re looking for a popular pick that isn’t TJ ginla Carter yakimchuk could satisfy a lot of fans there Sam Dickinson’s still on the board again Berkeley Kat and Zayn perck like Calgary has a bigger need for defense yes they do which is what makes me lean yakam Chuck or Dickinson and I’m going to give the vote here to the hometown kid I’ll go carter yakimchuk to the Calgary Flames at Ninth overall Evan New Jersey 10th New Jersey at 10 so oh man you’ve made it very difficult because I also want Z perek right here okay little some you know in case douge Hamilton gets hurt again might be a good addition you know I’m going to take Burkley Katen here I think he’s best player available his skill level is his ultimate ceiling is just off the charts he’s small apparently so that’s why teams are a little bit lower on him but I think he’d be a great fit in New Jersey he would be a great fit because he would be the tallest forward on that team yes it would look like Jack Hugh’s father San Jose at 11th overall because they made that trade they traded a the 14th pick and a second round pick to move up to 11th that’s all the commentary I’m going to have on that Buffalo moved back to 14th who does San Jose take at 11 so there’s two theories I’ve seen floating around since that trade was made either a they wanted to make sure they got Cole Eiserman to pair with mlin celebrini or they were making a bet one of the big six defensemen would fall out of the top 10 and they would be able to get him because their forward Prospect pipeline is actually quite good their defensive prospect pipeline is horrific so the fact two of them fell would be a gigantic win for them I don’t know if they are in a position to gamble on zaye perk I would I don’t think they would so I think they would go Sam Dickenson here I think they would be thrilled with Sam dick they they’re doing back flips with both of them sitting there right now he’s he’s probably I don’t and I don’t know if this is a fair assessment I think this way but he would be an incredibly safe pick for them like safe solid you don’t I think perk maybe has too much you’re right it’s too much of a gamble like because if you can walk away with mlin celebrini who by All rights should have be at least a top two player in this draft and then a defenseman who should play on your top pair even if he’s not the best defenseman available there you go with the safer one okay I have Philly at 12 and just based on my understanding of what Philly is looking at I think there’s there’s some different ways they can go here I’m a big conto helenius guy you guys know that but I have heard enough of their Fascination and maybe infatuation with Cole Eisman and I I think Cole Eisman is almost guaranteed to go before Detroit’s pick a 15 so I’ll go Cole Eisman at 12th overall to Philly if I could handpick a coach in the NHL that would hate Cole Eiserman the most it’s John torella well maybe but John torella has changed quite a bit and I know we say this for each John torella they’re GNA bring Patrick l too can imagine ts’s reaction but I think you know they were people have been impressed by Cole Eiserman and if he seems coachable and if he seems ready to work on the aspects of his game where maybe he was called Selfish or his his shot selection wasn’t that great John Torell is the right kind of guy for a receptive player with the high ceiling receptive being a loaded term because it doesn’t just mean receptive it means receptive to tortorella’s methods but he’s not Babcock let’s not get it twisted they want to play no defense they could bring in Jeff Skinner too oh I want Jeff Skinner in Detroit on cheap so don’t spoil that for me oh oops it’s future content Minnesota 13th overall well if I think this is one of the most you guys know that I am not high on this Prospect and I like just think he’s very vanilla there and this pairs well for me with Minnesota I’m taking constant helenus oh I know you guys are way higher on him than I am but for me in this mock draft I’m pairing him with Minnesota Wild Evan loves mock drafts because it’s his moment to have his agency and his license to say whatever he wants do I think that’ll be their pick absolutely not am I doing it yes I am the rules at the window with Evan lob singer Conant helenius to Minnesota I actually like that pick for them I don’t he’s a million he’s exactly what they have a million of yeah exactly that’s why I made the pi think they have a million Conant they have Yol ericon e and Rossi they have me yeah that would be the multiple anyhow constant constas con let’s move on Buffalo 14th overall just move back imagine being at 11 as a fan of the Sabers seeing them trade back to 14 going wow we might have missed out on a premium piece moving back seeting there at 14 and still just looking out in the stands and going is that is that Zan perck why is he still he hasn’t been drafted yeah yeah they’re sprinting to the stage right now that’s our first it’s not happening that way oh he is a purely offensive defenseman and we know how NHL GMS hate those but Buffalo has never shied away from skill they they are the team that just drafts on skill and if we’re talking who’s the most skilled player left on the board it’s zann perck and it’s not close and he shoots right and all their current defensemen are lefties basically so that works out very well for them can you do a recap of where we’re at I’m I’m having no problems I’m just mind sweeping right now avoiding the duplicate drop yeah this is going great first overall mlin celebrini leov second overall to Chicago salv to Anaheim at third fourth Columbus demidov fifth Montreal Lindstrom sixth Utah Utah Z buam seventh Ottawa tjin eighth Seattle Becket Sena ninth Calgary Carter yakimchuk 10th New Jersey Berkeley kton 11th San Jose Sam Dickinson 12th Philly Cole Eiserman 13th Minnesota cona helenus and 14 Buffalo Zayn perck so 15th overall I’ll make the pick but we will all choose who we would pick here three names stand out to me and by no means do I think these are the only three names that the Red Wings will consider but I think the ones that are going to stand out for folks are Trevor Connelly it’s going to be Michael branz neard and it’s also going to be Michael haage and those are the three in a world where the Red Wings in their interviews and assessment of the player in the person clear Trevor Connelly it’s Trevor Connelly without a question he is the most skilled that’s Detroit’s biggest need especially considering what they can get later in the draft versus what might be available here Trevor Connelly is is their highest upside swing and he is actually one of the most skilled players in this draft he is a complicated player and complicated person with a checkered history to say the least there are teams who have him on their do not Draft list so and and that very well could be Detroit that said for the purpose of this mock I will assume that they have cleared him and thus the pick will be Trevor Connelly officially for this mock draft I will say if it’s not Trevor Connelly then I do think it’s between hay H and BR Z neard I am leaning H right now even with the what the Red Wings will do filtered in with the bias of I really like H just as much as mbn but for now it’s Trevor Connelly’s the pick in this position what pick would you guys have made I think when you look at the USHL specifically Trevor Connelly did not outpace Michael ha by all that much at all and I’m not sure he did at all in the second half once all the issues seem to settle down for Hae so you know all things being equal you you maybe take the guy with the less baggage here and I would argue ha is a better skater which is what the Red Wings need I think though even though I personally would take H here if the board breaks down this way there’s almost 0% chance the Red Wings aren’t taking one of Michael Brans Sig neard or sanne soberg we know they love their big mean physical defenseman who can skate that’s exact L what soberg is you know mbn is that we’ve talked about it if you could carve a guy up in a lab that’s the exact Red Wings type it’s him and solberg’s that on defense and isman has done nothing to show us that like he he’s willing to stray too far from his quote unquote type so I think it would be between those two but I would take cage yeah I think I’m on the same vein as you guys right like there’s two Red Wings t type prospects sitting there for Detroit at this moment in our mock draft and I would imagine that they would take one of those two that you guys mentioned if I’m making this pick I still think Trevor Connelly is the highest rated player Highest Potential player left in the draft at this point and there’s a real chance in the real draft that nbn’s off the board by now there’s been a lot of teams who have really liked him so I mean if if if I’m making this pick right now it’s Trevor Connelly okay with that said the pick officially on the board is Trevor Connelly 16th overall to the St Louis Blues Evan St Louis Blues at this point you know they’ve got a lot of different options I think we’re starting to get we’re definitely at the point now where talent’s starting to we’re into another tier of the draft for me I really like jet luchenko at this at this marker you know get to see him a lot in gu I think he’s got a lot more to his game from an offensive standpoint I I think St Louis would like him all right jet luchenko to the St Louis Blues Brad for Washington at 17 well for what it’s worth I just looked it up Trevor Connelly outscored Michael haage by three points so do with that information what you will Michael H is still on the board I’m gonna take him because I think he is just the best player available full stop I think Washington would be better served with a defenseman here but I I think that’s too much talent to leave on the board so they will take Michael ha Michael ha 17th overall there’s no way mbn makes it this far neither was soberg we are very bad at this every time I look at another line on my spreadsheet I’m like oo piece of candy o piece of candy but we are going to take for Chicago who previously took a defenseman at the top of the draft they will be happy to get Michael branz knard at 18th overall that might be like almost best case scenario if the draft actually shook out that way I would say that’s a tidy piece of work that they did yeah my prediction on draft day is still Buffalo for mbn but if perck falls like there’s no way and I don’t see that happening so I don’t see NBN getting this far because of that I’ve also seen a lot of top 12 smoke for soberg as well yeah I actually that’s my hot take is that soberg sneaks into the top 10 my or around there my hot hot take is if Dickinson wasn’t there soberg would have been the guy for San Jose at 11 oh I actually like that too I don’t you know what soberg I personally wouldn’t rate him that high but I don’t I I think with his toolkit and his skills you could understand why a team higher up would want that package and they’re like well if I can’t trade back like two picks specifically just take your guy it’s the most cider equation all right Vegas 19th overall Evan at this point it doesn’t matter cuz Vegas trades all their first round prospects that they pick so I could arbitrarily pick anyone but if I’m going to you know put someone’s name on it I’ll take from the Windsor Spitfires Liam green tree oh I like that pick actually Liam Green Tree I think that’s about the range 19th overall to Vegas 20th overall to the Islanders sanne soberg sty does not not scream Lou larell it does does he have a beard or not what number number is he he wears number 72 that’s a big knock against him he have to change it to 27 yep styan soberg to the New York Islanders 21st LA Kings with their sweet new logos I do think they had a better one that they could have chosen I’m G to go with chernishov here for the Kings I there’s a few different ways you can go I think Sasha bav will also be a consideration for them there but I I’m going to go eor trov 2st overall 22nd to the Nashville Predators now we’re definitely getting into the depths of my spreadsheet you know they could go a lot of different ways here one of the guys I really like where is oh my God I shouldn’t even take him I can’t pronounce his last name you got to do it you have going to be so bad where go you have to do it I think I I think I know who he’s talking about I am going to take alons Frey hey there you go there we go oh yeah yeah I think you know he’s got great movement on the point I think he’ll be an excellent NHL defenseman at some point okay 23rd overall to Toronto Brad the Toronto Maple Leafs I think have a big need for defense in that organization and I think they have a massive need specifically for a right-handed defenseman they are doing back flips right now if Adam Ur is still on the board that’s another guy who I’m no way he makes it this far I he’s my Dark Horse I think the red wins might actually take him at 15 really yeah well I wouldn’t love it but I could see it I wouldn’t loath it I’ll tell you that no he’s he’s good he’s really good it’s just the injury like he had such a shorten season how good is he actually nobody really has a good deal for that right now okay I wonder if this is isn’t a guy who also gets taken a little bit higher but I also I don’t know the more I look at him the more I wonder if he’s a a candidate to slide I lean more towards the former in that he gets taken higher Sasha blav to Colorado at 24th overall I think that’s good value it’s about the right value for him in my mind with how I’ve seen things shake out they’ll happily take that forward Boston Bruins at 25 yeah I was trying to look for someone in my list who you know is an [ __ ] but uh some of those players have already been taken Brad’s here yeah well not tall enough I don’t want to play for the Bruns so I’m just GNA kind of do my best player available at this point I’m going to take Andrew basa you know we did a prospect profile on him I think he’s one of the the best players in the WHL that’s undrafted he’s you know dynamic playing playmaking Winger can score goals too I think you’d be a great addition for Boston all right Andrew basa let’s go to 26 overall Montreal AB Brad well they drafted a Ford already and their defense is crowded but it’s not so crowded that they can’t afford to take a gamble on another one and we know how the NHL is Big athletic freaks who can skate on the blue line very popular again another guy there’s no way EJ Emory Falls this far so I think Montreal probably wouldn’t plan on taking a d here but would be very very eager to run up there if he falls this far all right EJ Emory and it is now my pick with the Carolina Hurricanes and I wonder if they aren’t the which which Russian are they taking this time well I actually I I can’t remember who mocked him but I think I thought chernishof would have been a great fit for that mold but I wonder if parisek isn’t the pick for the Hurricanes here I have two forwards I think they would be a little more infatuated with than him I think Surin would be the Russian that I was hinting at there and I also think they could be the team that might screw around and see what they can get out of Dean lerno I was wondering if you’re going to say Dean lerno yeah I first first answer here Paras will’ll stick with that but the dean lerno that’s a really good point okay moving on here Calgary 28th overall yeah there’s a few here I don’t know what Calgary will actually do with their pick but there is still a lot of value on my list in the and what I would perceive as the top 32 I’m going to go with Ryder Richie I really like his game he didn’t produce as much as I would have liked but he’s pretty smooth player pretty flashy he’s got a solid physical game too so I’m going to go with him for Calgary all right and then after that Dallas Stars 29th overall well I’m running out of pck so I’m GNA have to take bow and Byrum soon you haven’t done it yet Evan I’m I’m impressed this has been a real struggle you did use your one Lifeline for me to read out but I’m not doing it until the very end so Dallas is a team that that is usually very comfortable taking swings so the two names that I said to you for Carolina I think it would come down to one of those two for Dallas so I think they’d probably end up going eigor sarin all right 30th overall my last pick of this mock draft the New York Rangers I think they might be wanting defense but I think if they see Cole B dwen there at 30th they’ll be happy to take him even if the position is maybe different than what people think the Rangers might need so so Kobo DW 30th overall let’s move to 31st for the Anaheim Ducks who took salv at the start of this draft if I’m Anaheim I’m going to continue on the defense train here and they’re going to take Dominic badinka he’s a solid two-way def blue liner I think he’s good value at that point in the draft and uh they’ll take their swings on on forwards in the later rounds all right last pick Philadelphia from Florida 32nd overall Brad well I have a tough time seeing any of Sam O’Reilly Adam cleer or Charlie Alec getting out of the first round but I think where’re Philly’s at and what they need and their fans have been screaming for a center for so long I I think they’re going to be the team that’s going to step up and pick Dean lerno Dean lero 32nd overall and that concludes our 2024 first round NHL mock draft so fin draft order here San Jose first overall mlin celebrini Chicago takes linov Anaheim takes CV Columbus takes demod Calgary takes Kaden Lindstrom Utah takes Z buam Ottawa takes TJ ginla Seattle takes Becket senica Calgary takes Carter yakimchuk New Jersey takes Berkeley katton San Jose drafts Sam Dickinson Philly drafts Cole Eiserman cona helenus to the Minnesota Wild Zan perck to Buffalo the Detroit Red Wings take Trevor Connelly with a big old asterisk St Louis takes jet luchenko the capitals take Michael H mbn to Chicago Vegas takes Green Tree the Islanders take soberg Kings draft chernishov the predators take alfons Frey the Leafs take Adam yurich Colorado takes Sasha blav Boston drafts Andrew basa Montreal drafts EJ Emory Carolina drafts parisek Calgary drafts Ryder Richie eigor Sirin to Dallas Cole bodwen to the Rangers Dominic badinka to the Ducks and Dean lerno to the Philadelphia Flyers that is your 2024 NHL first round mock draft just in time for the real thing we are going to take a quick break and be back with a lot more content but first we want to let you know that this episode of The Winged wheel podcast is proudly brought brought to you by laat Blue Light created in 1983 this premium light Canadian pilzer is a delicately balanced beer brewed with Cascade hops and a blend of malt it’s fresh crisp and brewed to the highest quality standards there’s a little bit of Canadian kindness in every sip of lebat blue light how did it get in there they’re Canadian that’s how you can spread the love yourself by sharing a leat and when you do share a laat you’re not just sharing a beer you’re sharing an experience that’ll pair with anything from hockey to a ho down so next time you’re watching a hockey with your buds be sure to share leat because while you might not all root for the same team although we on this podcast do hope you’re rooting for the Red Wings you can all enjoy a leat blue light we honestly love going to games in Detroit and seeing leat being the beer that fans clamor for all over the arena it’s a reliable beer and great to have in your hand when celebrating a goal so head to the link in the description of this episode or the one you see on your screen to find leat in stores near you today you must be 21 or older and as always enjoy responsibly welcome back now that we did a hard reboot on Evan’s brain after that Evan you did a great job you you did no repeats you did have to use a Lifeline but and you didn’t even draft your your favorite player ever Anton londell Seth Jarvis bow and Byam it was bow and Byrum but I guess Anton londell you actually did as well it’s funny all the guys that redraft are sure fire NH ERS could you could you redraft a couple red picks next time I thought I thought we’ do that almost every episode yeah that’s a great Point speaking of the Red Wings let’s jump into some Red Wings news before the incident before we jump into the fire why don’t we talk about some good news pavle datsuk always said chfire Hall of Famer is a chfire Hall of Famer he is one of the 2024 Hall of Fame inductees congratulations to Pavo datsuk also going in Jeremy ronic Shea Weber Natalie darwitz Chrissy Wendell Paul and colen Campbell and David pil as Builders but obviously the Red Wings news here pavl datsuk is a Hall of Famer another Hall of Famer from that 2002 Stanley Cup team that makes 10 just on ice skaters and I don’t think there’s many people out there were actually idiots out there arguing that pavl datsuk wasn’t a first ballot Hall of Famer but pavl datsuk a first ballot Hall of Famer he was your favorite player’s favorite player so of course he was going to get pavl datsuk had all of the is this guy the greatest two-way player of his generation that you would attribute to Patrice berson or anyone else who fits that mold in Alexi kovalev’s skill but more like he was a unicorn of all unicorns also freakishly strong as well he also beat up Cory Perry so that automatically gets you into the Hall of Fame first ballot four time Stanley Cup loser Cory Perry y his last is that in a row no no is he lost to the lead he took a he took a little break oh my God that’s worse yeah in five years he lost in the Stanley Cup finals four times and and lost to the Leafs once in there so it’s a tough sound bad and we’re all sobbing about it but yeah pavl datsuk I mean favorite players favorite player is a great way to put it unfortunately I think we’re now getting out of the generation of draf who would say that I think they’re even moving beyond pav datsuk which their favorite players like Austin Matthews when they were growing up shut up yeah is that horrifying it is absolutely horrifying but the way he created Magic on the ice was legitimately like no one else I’ve seen in my lifetime and I would be surprised if we saw another with the tools and skill set and top of his game that he had when pavl datsuk was at his Peak which was for a quite a long time I legitimately think before Sydney Crosby really Rose to his level pav datsuk at moments was the best player in the world oh yeah 100% him there was a stretch there for about three years where you could make the case for him or Zetterberg Zetterberg in the postseason was an animal yeah and still not in the Hall of Fame and they left a spot open but I digress we’re we’re going to talk a lot about pavl datsuk this is one of those pieces of news that doesn’t need to to be talked about in this moment and it feels almost rude to move past it but there’s just things that need to be discussed right now because this episode’s also going to serve as our free agency preview now we can’t talk about free agency preview without also talking about the Red Wings made this trade to clear up cap space wherein they moved Jake wman for a future considerations return and also there’s a second round pick attached to send him to San Jose for them to free up that cap space we had a big discussion about that in the emergency episode which dropped before this one so go give that a listen if you haven’t yet but we can still talk about it a little bit here if we’d like but in general The Fallout from that is what’s interesting every indication I have that we’ve collected and every indication from anyone else who’s reporting on this is that Steve irman is up to something no matter what you think about attaching the second round pick which nothing else has happened since then no one’s gone on waivers no one’s been bought out yet there wasn’t any kind of secret return that we’ve seen for the future considerations yet all that aside Steve Eisman wanted to clear this cap space for something and the funny part about this is that something could be a lot of different big names because we have heard him attached heavily to Gibson John Gibson from Anaheim the goalie Jake gensel has been thrown around Steven Stam Co has been reported I think Chris Johnson was the one who reported that you know if Stam Co doesn’t resign in Tampa Bay and that doesn’t seem to be a certain thing maybe he’ll make a run at him is he going for de Brusque are they going to absorb any part of trouba’s contract is Chan in play because I think otwa is likely to deal him if you ask me jar has been talked about from Pittsburgh Eiserman is wanting to do something here and at the very least thoughts and feelings on on the wman trade aside I don’t think eisman’s goal is to come back next year with anything similar or very similar to what they had in the past that list you just rhymed off I it concerns me how much of it I hate I don’t think there’s very many good fits for the Red Wings there at all and I’m not talking about this season obviously I know people are going to scream at me he’s like those are all good players age and contract matters a lot with where the Red Wings are at right now which is why I don’t like any of those options but you know the conspiracy theories keep flying around because yeah the wman thing came out of left field there was no need to attach a second round pick to it there was no immediate move in the aftermath CU we were on Tuesday night we did hypothesize that it might have been a time thing like he needed to move it today nothing’s happened since then so that clearly wasn’t the case Sean Shapiro reported that uh most NHL teams were not contacted so that just led to even more confusion and Max’s theory of yeah there’s there’s something else going on and they just didn’t like him sure whatever we don’t know whether that’s as a player we saw his diminished role whatever don’t care not speculating still horrible asset management but it makes it even worse if they go out and use all that money on a 30-year-old or a 30 plus year old you know we talked at length about serving the cup window for the Red Wings not the playoff opening window whatever you want to call it Jake Ensel great player would help the Red Wings a bunch for the next two three maybe even four years you you don’t want to give him a seven-year contract at 30 years old where you’re at same thing for Sam Reinhardt same thing for alas Lind holes Steven Stam Co probably gets a shorter term contract so even though he’s older I’m actually more okay with that because he’ll be off the books by the time it really matters and he would be a good piece to help them get to the playoffs because every time I say this people act like I don’t care about making the playoffs I do it’s important but you have to build carefully and Eiserman actually shares that sentiment every time he talks yeah exactly you know go get a two or threeyear contract for an old guy and nobody over the age of like 27 should be getting a seven-year contract from the Red Wings is kind of where I’m at generally speaking there’s exceptions to every rule but if you want to know where I stand that’s the broad view of it but I I don’t know I think there’s going to be value I just feel like the Red Wings might jump the gun and overpay someone too early and I think they’re better served this year waiting letting the big names fall and see who the value players after left but I agree you’re right and everybody else who’s saying oh he wouldn’t move wman without a bigger plan I think I think everybody’s right I think he’s big game hunting right now and like I said that makes me deeply nervous my thing is here’s here’s the foundational elements that have to happen cider and rayman’s contracts and it going this deep I think there’s a big possibility that those are bridges to varying degrees what that ultimately ends up being will dictate the price and it’s just there’s so many different shapes and forms that that could take especially across two different contracts and players being in similar situations in term of their their leverage but you get that taking care of you know you have roster spots for Edinson and Johansson making sure that the young forwards that earn their way out to this team whether that’s merer or Casper or Danielson or some combination and then from there where I differ from you Brad is there are certain players not all there are certain players that I am okay with spending money on and you know let’s say the hypothetical is you go and get John Gibson for free from Anaheim essentially that’s what you’re clearing some cap space for it’s a very minimal return that I’m actually like I I know it’s not everyone’s favorite to be putting money towards that I think Detroit has to do some more cap clearing for me to feel totally comfortable with this and I’m talking Hall and probably a couple other guys but interim players that will help them keep rolling on and and keeping their their slow progression there are less I don’t know how to to phrase it maybe less Salient or less you know up in your face benefits to that but you you see how this team needs to iterate into becoming a better team and you can’t do that unless you get good players we saw the benefits of Kane and Kane’s at the top of this list I would love if Kane came back and we have an update on him in a in a couple minutes here in general I align with your thinking Brad but I do think there are some players where I’m kind of happy to make that exception provided that the contract isn’t insane yeah like I I’m with you on Gibson some people who know goalie is way better than than me have talked me down on him a little bit but he’s it’s still only 3 years at a manageable cap hit like it’s not like he’s $89 million and if yeah if you don’t have to get give up anything to get him great hell how the Market’s going maybe you even get a sweetener unlikely but I digress but yeah and at least we know his floor is reasonably High which is something the Red Wings haven’t had in a while I.E stability even if if it’s not above average stability average stability would be great but yeah it’s just we’ve seen Eisman do this before where he pays old guys too much money for too long now he hasn’t done that on the big big names we’re talking shot cop Comer Hall Etc it’s a whole another thing if that’s Jake gensel or whoever someone who actually moves the needle it’ll be real fun in the short term but again your first priority is that cup window your second priority is the next two three years gensel doesn’t scare me more than Stam Coast does stamco scares me less because I don’t think he gets more than two three years I I think the way you get Stam Co to leave Tampa Bay is with more term because stos has said he wants to play five more years or something like that right yeah and if we pay him five years I’m gonna hate it like that’s the reality of it but if you get him on a Patrick Kane type contract for two three years I don’t think St Coast is taking two but I know Patrick Kane they’re trying to get on two or less but even three years okay there is your stop Gap to your cup window and he’s going to help you get to the playoffs like again what would the Red Wings be better served doing waiting for the market to cool down and all of a sudden you’re looking at all these big Fords gone and there’s Jake debrusk you know willing to take a 5×5 hypothetically that’s a better scenario for them right he’s not as good as Sam Reinhardt or Alias Lindo or Jake enel or all these other guys are connected to I understand that but in the big picture they would benefit the team more because of the cap space saved and the term saved there’s no way a team doesn’t just offer Stam Coast whatever he wants right like Utah should be offering him everything 100% they should yeah and you know I was while you guys were talking I was looking at the list of ufas and if we’re looking purely at an age perspective man there’s not a lot of guys who really tickle my fancy and that’s just the nature of ufas right Jake debrus is the only one I would say who’s 27 years old everybody else is older but they’re going to cost a lot more that’s literally the only guy at a high level that I’ve think would be of any interest here’s what we’re going to push back though and and I like I understand what you guys are saying but that’s just ufas right like ufas are all going to be older yeah yeah you you are objectively right and this is kind of the bigger point that I haven’t mentioned yet so thank you for prompting it you’re welcome most teams biggest mistakes in their franchise building happens on July 1st like the teams that sit out of the big moves in for agency generally do better in the long term Brad where do you expect Detroit to just get you know a defenseman who could just make the Stanley Cup winning defensive play on Conor McDavid waivers what a novel thought well if you guys want to make the Stanley Cup finals Cory Perry is a free agent so there you go I like the trade market a hell of a lot more than the free agent market right now and I understand you have to give up assets but I would much prefer a Marner or a nass or you know there’s a couple other guys out there that make a lot more sense for the Red Wings I think the way everything’s shaping up my opinion is yeah maybe this should be a quiet off season you deal with this season you hope a couple guys progress and overperform and you’re still in the playoff window and if they’re not well you get another top 10 pick and when you look at where the Red Wings are yeah they might need that still but that’s a whole other conversation but I am genuinely nervous that this could be a small version of 2016 all over again well I think parts of it might be because they now have money to bring back gos to Barett and the Red Wings have a problem at right-hand D for next season too like Sandy and pel is not going to be ready right so that actually depending on the contract might not be too bad the one kind of theory that I saw floating around I know he’s fallen out of favor but he fits what the team would want and Sayad I don’t hate a retained version of Jacob trouba I don’t hate it I don’t hate he is awful you know that right no for the Rangers it didn’t make sense to be paying him 8 million for their third pair the Red Wings he is a plus Defender not at $8 million is he a plus yeah who else do they have he was playing in the playoffs hurt so I don’t think he Goss spares their second best rightand D and he got benched a lot I don’t think Jacob trouba as bad as the meme bad he got in the playoffs but I also don’t think he’s good at $4 million I am very happy with Jacob trouba no chance the Rangers are retaining half none six million that feels optimistic but here’s the thing he’s only got two years left I don’t think you trade for Jacob trouba but if the Rangers are offering a sweetener hey we have a future considerations to give up I’m I’m listening I am absolutely listening if we lose Jake Walman and give up a second round pick for some reason but then we acquire a Jacob trouba and we gain a second or maybe even a first round pick his contract would warrant a first round pick historically speaking I’m okay with that because again it’s a shortterm your think particular but I rather a Jacob trouba too much hit for the next two years then go out and pay a Shane goess bear 6 mil for five years you know what I’m saying even though I objectively like Shane gosis bear a hell of a lot more than Jacob trouba you know how many rev video review calls we’re gonna argue about if we have Jacob TR on this yeah I’m not even getting just going to fight each other no our descent into like just the home r of like oh since when our elbows to the Head not clean no here’s the here’s the sad part as much as I think he is a dirt genuinely dirty player and a cheap shot artist he is kind of what they need because they are a very soft team yes I would much rather have a a liability Jacob trouba than a liability Justin hall or a liability it’s not fair to him because I think in the right role it’s fine Jeff Petri right at least Jacob trouba scares the living h of other players if he can just learn to use his shoulder and instead of his elbow my my desire to acquire him as a player goes up by at least 40% he won’t I know but you don’t care kind of as just fewer penalties for it I don’t know I don’t even mind the penalties if your team overall team toughness improves there’s here’s the thing there are a lot of different directions the Red Wings can go we haven’t even talked about other trade targets like Saros or zigris almark is off the board B because of the the trade that Ottawa made with Boston which I actually thought was quite shrewd yeah Boston what are you doing but the thing is allar didn’t come with an extension and you don’t know that he’s going to doesn’t matter for Ottawa they unloaded Corpus Salo that alone is almost worth the first and that to me is why I think it’s a good trade for Ottawa so Ottawa traded Anton forsberg is their backup right correct so there’s a Swedish connection between those two goalies right there that’s another angle to get that contract resigned andark has already said he’s not Reviving the goalie hug with forsberg that was a him and San thing so sorry to everybody who’s hoping for it so they traded Corpus solo 25% retain so they retained a million bucks terrible contract they got away from it as soon as they could a 2024 first round pick which originally belonged to Boston which Detroit previously held and Ottawa got it in the de brinka Trade Mark Castle in exchange for lenus alar one year left no extension remains to be seen it’s been reported that he’s willing to play out so ottawa’s taking risk here they’re doing that thing where they bring in a guy who might want to leave but they got out from that contract so with an extension it would have been a fleecing without the extension I actually think it’s it’s more measured for both sides yeah it’s reasonably Fair again because to get out of three years of Corpus Salo that almost is worth the first by itself so even if you only get one year out of allmark out of it it’s it’s still probably a win for Ottawa so there’s a lot that potentially could happen in free agency trades could happen before for the draft right after the draft free agency obviously on July 1st so our next episode’s going to be the post-draft review we’re we’re going to be live streaming on Friday tune in podcast Saturday by whatever time day two goes and and Lord help us how long that’s going to go rounds 2 through 7 but after that we’re going to be doing a full Detroit Red Wings 2024 NHL draft review that episode will be coming your way and then by July 2nd because free agency starts on July 1st by July 2nd we’ll have an episode for you we are at the mercy of Steve Eisman in the Detroit Red Wings though so we’ll see what happens and what the content dictates but that is a little mini free agency here’s what’s happening in that World preview oh and on Patrick Kane it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he comes back to Detroit I think those lines are still open my understanding is he’s really set on his three-year term that’s what he’s out there looking for I am hearing that the this was the first time he came to Detroit he he originally wanted the Rangers it’s kind of like that all the same things that the Red Wings offer close to home original six Market great fan base but they’re closer to a cup obviously and I don’t get the sense from conversations that I’ve had that the Rangers are willing to go to three right now so if if he’s stuck on three I don’t know that he’s going to get that from the Rangers I haven’t really heard of anyone offering that but I think no matter what he’s going to test the market to see if he can get the term that he wants I think the Red Wing’s preferred term on him is one year that’s what Steve eisan prefers I don’t know whether eisman’s willing to go to two I don’t know whether Kane’s willing to go to two I wonder if that’s not the point where he meets with the Red Wings or anyone else but that’s in general what’s happening with Patrick Kane we have updates on everyone forever but let’s just let a little bit of this play out and maybe go to bed on time before the draft stream the Stanley Cup awarded to the Florida Panthers game seven I think Florida Bec they had last change were able to get the matchups that they needed and I think that was the difference in a tight Scrappy chippy win where the Panthers got it done I think the matchup game was huge and I think a couple subtle errors not even big Errors By the Oilers are what what ended up doing them in because first of all the main reason Florida won just to get that out of the way I have never in my life seen a team sell out on defense like Florida did that game that was the Florida Panthers from the rest of playoffs that game yeah they were suffocating like the play where Conor McDavid was on top of the crease in the third period and forsland gets his stick right before he knocks it into essentially an empty net and then the puck sitting there and Heyman got an easy tap in and two Panthers just come flying in to keep it out it was a master class and the game came down to little things like there were icings where the Oilers got McDavid out against someone other than barov and I remember three separate times they had sustained pressure like it went exactly how you would think McDavid and dry Sidle against anybody not named barov and at home had three point shots he just floated into Bovi and Bovi was able to hold it easily to get the whistle like little things like that were the difference in the game Sam reinhardt’s goal Edmonton’s defenseman just backed up a little too much and gave Reinhardt the room Stanley Cup winning goal like that truly was the most game of inches game I’ve ever seen the amount of shifts where I was like oh man the Oilers are really hemmed in they can’t break out like I wonder what depth Line This is and it’s literally McDavid dry Sider like it’s their top players there’s a lot of love for Sasha barov and for good reason and you know without obvious statement is obvious without him they’re not winning that cup but who else has been that effective and and you don’t want to say shutting down McDavid like no points in the last two games is huge that’s massive but just in limiting him in where your team can do it the only person I’ve seen limit Conor McDavid to that level any point in the last five years is Ken Holland well that’s about to change yeah because he’s gone Ken Holland’s out in Edmonton there’s just news everywhere also the what the Wallman thing I’m see I’m just jumping all over the place right now that’s fine I’m sure everybody is trying to keep up just like we are with the wman thing everyone’s wondering it with future considerations could this be San Jose retaining on a trade in the future they can’t they have money in Burns Carlson and hurdle they those are their three retention spots they cannot retain any more money in trades yep you are in the CBA only allowed to retain on three Conor McDavid winning the K Smite he’s the first skater to win the K Smite from a losing team since Reggie leech in 1976 didn’t come out to grab it unsurprisingly I don’t think Conor McDavid wants to be within a million miles of that trophy but you know because it’s a all playoffs MVP I think that was where you had to go I can hear an argument if it was just Finals MVP based on how gamees six and seven went that maybe barkov could have gotten it but for all playoffs it to me is indisputable oh yeah there was no debate here anybody who thought it shouldn’t been McDavid I don’t know what to tell you the Panthers man like I know I know a lot I had no rooting interest I was just happy for good hockey and I was happy for seven but like outside of the three games where Edmonton scared the life out of them by and large they played to my memory the most complete playoffs in terms of this is a team that has the players the goenda te where other teams seemed hopeless hopeless the I the Oilers really did give him an amazing Challenge and it was wasn’t a Surefire thing that they were going to win game seven but for the rest of the playoffs like they were just steamrolling everyone if you’re ever going to pick a team where other teams are going to try to copycat League them the Panthers are like the de facto poster boy for that now well it’s hard to gauge because Florida had such an easy lineup to get to the finals going through Tampa Bay Boston the Rangers and the Oilers they made the Rangers look so beatable that r fans were like are we actually bad and that’s do they want the actual answer to that but no that’s got to mess with them because I think the Rangers had the talent to do a lot like I mean if if Florida wasn’t there is a stupid thing to say but I I easily could have seen the Rangers as in if not Florida then who could make the finals out of the east team yeah I could see the Rangers one more year before shurin leaves in free agency that’s right to Detroit and and panan I are going to get into a fist fight because I’m going to be all for that $12 million contract and he won’t be and then that that’ll be that I wait for I need Costa to put up like a 929 in the AHL this year just so you won’t brother there are worse there are there are worse things that I could be wrong about if that’s what happens I’ll be thrilled I guess my closing thoughts on this series was Edmonton’s horses just ran out of gas the Finish Line was there and they they just couldn’t get the team across and they put out an effort that we have not seen in our lifetime and it still came up short so you know we asked for seven games of hockey we got a three nothing series lead for Florida we were like oh well this will be quick and we got maybe one of the best playoff series best Finals series of our lifetime so can’t be mad it can’t be mad at all okay there’s going to be more to come on that again there’s just so much that has happened mechkov coming over to the NHL that’s massive for Philly I think that just justifies every opinion we had going into last draft Yeah that you move up from each cough at 100% yeah at some point when do we th this is could totally be an offseason conversation but at what point do you start asking yourself more you know college players can play out their four years and not go to your team when is that a bigger risk than the Russian factor I fully agree and not to be like anti- players rights but I think that’s going to be a loophole that’s that’s I don’t know how you close it it’s complicated because there’s like an analogous thing with you know draft picks from other leagues it’s just not exercised as much as college players but this is H is happening enough to teams where owners are going to kick up a fuss and I think in the next CBA it’s going to be a topic of discussion I don’t know I I how many times have Evans Wright have you seen these players basically pick their program and am I saying Rucker gity is is you know not justified no but it’s kind of it just became the most popular podcast in Calgary yeah that’s fair enough because of Adam Fox yeah yeah but how do you close that in the CBA if you uh go 12 mil over the cap you just automatically lose all your college free agents you go into ltir you lose that’s how that’s how they prevent both we can argue about the cap in the offseason okay let’s jump into over we’re going to skip Arizona for now we’re going to skip a bunch of other the rule chain stuff for now let’s jump into overtime in this episode of the wind wheel podcast as we prepare for the big day which is the draft tomorrow again overtime is brought to you by our patreon supporters whe podcast if you want to support the show the overtime bonus episodes the giveaways the Discord or some of your benefits from being a patron you allow us to produce this content including emergency episodes and the live streams and whatever our seventh episode of the week is going to be you allow us to produce expected by whom hosted by Shan Shapiro and pant a and you also allow us to support the Jamie Daniels Foundation through initiatives like Wing wheel podcast nights in partnership with the Detroit Red Wings and the Grand Rapids Griffins so again wheel podcast if you want to go above and beyond and join the dubdub club comments here Wings fan in St Louis Scott says I love draft night always wonder what surprise moves will be made also love that D Su got elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame on the first try now they got to get Zetterberg in with him enjoy the draft guys hopefully will have some excitement happening what do you think about zedg how many ballots do you think it’ll take for him to get in if at all mcy should have been in the last like 15 years so I’m not holding out hope he should be in already I’ve heard McGill they’re they’re worried he won’t come in to accept it and who cares well it’s just a precedent that they’ve set like that’s why and they then will only elect him in after death Jesus stupid I didn’t want to waste time on the episode but I I can’t tell you in Strong Enough words how much I hate the Hall of Fame selection process it is it it’s so because it’s there’s no transparency because no one knows what it is and I’d be okay with that if what they produced ever made any semblance of sense but it doesn’t and then they’re too scared to actually reveal it publicly like I hate it okay next one from Wizard of Osgood says lot of talk about Gibson from the am I crazy to think I’d rather go with lion and whoo for one more year than three years at 6.4 for a goalie that hasn’t played well since 2019 find a goalie next summer to pair with kosa I don’t think you’re crazy I think that’s perfectly reasonable as long as you are very comfortable going through the same roller coaster we went through this year yeah it’s and the thing is with kosa is like you you can’t expect he’s going to come in and do well really what you should expect is he comes in and backs up and struggles and then the next year he backs up and does a bit better and then after that maybe by then he wins the starting job and that’s a good good good development path for a goalie it’s hard as a goalie a young goalie to come in udali says based off their draft profiles at the time of their drafts where would Danielson sandine pel Casper Edinson and kosa fall in this year’s draft it’s a lot of players to put in Danielson I think unironically would be falling around 15 yeah I I think there’s better versions of what he does higher up or at least perceived yeah I think sandine probably goes around where he did I I had him rated higher than Danielson though so it’s hard for me to to I have to kind of quantify where he actually went relative to where I had him Edinson probably is in that group of 60 but he could go anywhere in there probably in the 8 to 10 range I would guess I think yeah I I think he goes top 10 just because of the tools yeah I think it would come down to the flavor of defenseman any given team wants because again there’s six others of them Casper I hate to say it probably top 20 maybe yep I think that’s fair yeah maybe he’d he’d be in the conversation with the jet lenos of the world okay moving on here next question from Matt and I think this is a good one says it feels like our prospects are in better hands today with their Griffins coaching staff and the overseas mentors than we had earlier in the rebuild are there any prospects you think could have developed better with this group it’s a really good question yes and my answer is all of them we saw flashes from all of them and just some of them didn’t pan out some of them were beyond our control if Genny fenov there could have been something there injuries led to us never knowing Dennis chilosi when he first came up to the Red Wings was electric and you could just see the creativity get beat out of his game as time went on and the yo-yoing that was going on with him completely ruined his development you know zida say whatever you want I’ve given up on that one but yeah there’s there’s a lot of instances where I think it would have helped with a bit more of a streamlined Prospect development path Michael Rasmus yeah he was he was a victim of the CHL NHL agreement yeah but hind say 2020 like you send him to Europe or you keep him in junior like he was nowhere near ready for the NHL Samuel sod holes says first off hate seeing wman go second Craig Button had the Red Wings picking katten at 15 what is your opinion on that also thank you again for the show I’m looking forward to the draft on Friday that’s the dream scenario but there’s no way it happens I got a feeling that he could get close I don’t I he get close but he’s not getting all the way there I think he could slip out of the top 10 just because of circumstance and the team that are drafting 5 to 10 what their needs are I think he’s going to be the ultimate victim of the run on defense Ariel says do you think cap space is underrated as an asset by the General Public I’m trying to remember the last time the general consensus was that a team overpaid for a player and I’m coming up blank at the moment I’m wondering if the market weighs cap space more than we realize it does thanks and cheers yes and I think that’s a big problem with a lot of NHL GMS as well they don’t truly value how much it’s worth the the part to me is though that the cap is going up and I know we say don’t use that to justify bad contracts but with cap space it’s a little bit more of a one:1 ratio so in my mind I I don’t think cap space I don’t know I I have a hard time applying the same premiums that you would use to unload cap space that you did in the past now currently based on how the cap is going up and it’s going to go up again in the future so that’s that’s the part that I struggle with a little bit but I think in general aeriel you are right the public and the the organizational perspectives are are not align but in two very different ways when you’re bad you should be eating all the bad contracts you can to accumulate assets and if you’re really good yeah every dollar matters because you need to keep acquiring good players as much as often in your window and the last one here made me sad from give wman the heart says do I retire this username or keep it I think trying to think of shark pun here that would have worked I think you keep it until you’re inspired by another Redwing it could be Danielson it could be give wman a second it could be CH when the Red Wings to give wman a second jeez we’re wrapping up this episode of the wing whe podcast folks tune in tomorrow Friday an hour before the draft we are going to be live streaming on YouTube subscribe help us get to 10,000 subscribers thank you all so very much for tuning in this week of crazy content we’re not done yet we’re not done yet maybe by the end of it Evan will be able to hear out of his right ear I’m trying right now is it working no thank you all so much for tuning in if you’re a new listener welcome to the chaos we’re usually a little bit more structured than this but the NHL has dictated that we can’t be if you’re a listener of old this is what you’re used to thanks for for hanging in there to all of our patrons we cannot thank you enough for helping make the show and the live streams and the bonus content possible and to laat blue light for sponsoring this episode thank you so very much to all of our name level supporters on patreon thank you Argent Shanker e Bartel on behalf of the S gr Foundation AER Samuel sodol icon Victor Zetterberg ghost of osbp Glenn Bram kroners left knee Ashley vanc conet C lion Kenan oonu Brad is wrong and plays like sprong Matthew M rice Admiral Matt S at the cheese Navy Carl bruten Nan aloi Carl provy citizen high five clip clop na Connor scovi Craig kibble Denny’s gamergirl Derrik enam cider Comm Dickens formerly Marlin Winchester DJ Denton everyone looking at their phone right now is a lovely and kind person God creatives give blood fight Probert Goose Looney drinking Club hockey Town love hockey Town Matt s mm Jay Gollum Jacob Turner Jeff Pride more Dr Miranda Jonathan Miller kayin wood Marcus Marty Matt Keeler Matt McKay Michael edland ra ra PUD s Klein Scott Martin Sid dutler Skeletor screen Lube stoy 70 Wingnut that’s what I appreciates about you wallman’s Elite dancing D why is no one talking about Evans hot tub eer plan Stan General Andy Bohan of the cheese bag army Sam bankson a a Ron AB Adam Rose all motor No Hands Axel Sandy pelica Bellingham a balls Chim Kim Nets Chuck buff chest the Char goon Commander Ben Baron the cheese bag space force Connor Leon and Cory pra Darren Fick datsuk dirty deck DSS dangleberries debts Eric Nance Frank Stanley Jean suvan griffy boy James Pridmore Jeremiah Doo JM rapity Joey Jojo shabadu John Evans derogatory John Engles Josh yelton Kevin McCracken quas Les Grossman’s ungodly Firestorm Linda Hull Michigan boy ABS country o ofilia Salt Lake sugar gurly Steven the Hoag the saddest gritty the Hat one 3 this account brought to you by Bower throw the road puss Wings fan and St Louis Scott and your second favorite Patron thank you also very much the draft is next thanks for tuning in to the winged wheel podcast be sure to check out winged wheel where you can subscribe to the show on iTunes Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts you’ll also find links to other ways to support the show such as patreon official podcast apparel and more and don’t forget to follow the show on Twitter at winged wheelie and of course the hosts at Brad Chrisco at Ryan Hannah wwp and at hockey Town Evan

Be sure to catch our 2024 NHL Draft Live Stream on Friday, June 28th! Subscribe on YouTube and tune in:

What a week it’s been, and the 2024 NHL Draft hasn’t even happened!

We start with our full 1st round 2024 NHL Mock Draft (results at the bottom), including our picks for Steve Yzerman, Kris Draper & co. to join the Detroit Red Wings (4:35).

Next, we update you on the crazy world of the NHL & Detroit Red Wings, especially in the fallout of the Jake Walman trade. News & rumors of Yzerman being in on guys like John Gibson, Jake Guentzel, Tristan Jarry, Steven Stamkos, Jacob Trouba, DeBrusk, Chychrun, & more. Also, updates on Patrick Kane, Shayne Gostisbehere, how Lucas Raymond and Moritz Seider fit in, Larkin & DeBrincat’s windows, & more in the free agency preview (35:00).

After that, NHL news including Barkov, Bobrovsky, & Tkachuk lifting the Stanley Cup, Connor McDavid winning the Conn Smythe, Michkov coming to the NHL, & more (55:50) before we take your questions and comments during our Overtime segment (1:03:25) – enjoy!

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Sure, here is the renumbered list from 1 to 32:

1. Macklin Celebrini (SJS)
2. Artyom Levshunov (CHI)
3. Anton Silayev (ANA)
4. Ivan Demidov (CBJ)
5. Cayden Lindstrom (MTL)
6. Zeev Buium (UTA)
7. Tij Iginla (OTT)
8. Beckett Sennecke (SEA)
9. Carter Yakemchuk (CGY)
10. Berkly Catton (NJD)
11. Sam Dickinson (SJS)
12. Cole Eiserman (PHI)
13. Konsta Helenius (MIN)
14. Zayne Parekh (BUF)
15. Trevor Connelly (DET)
16. Jett Luchanko (STL)
17. Michael Hage (WSH)
18. Michael Brandsegg-Nygård (CHI)
19. Liam Greentree (VGK)
20. Stian Solberg (NYI)
21. Igor Chernyshov (LAK)
22. Alfons Freij (NSH)
23. Adam Jiricek (TOR)
24. Sacha Boisvert (COL)
25. Andrew Basha (BOS)
26. EJ Emery (MTL)
27. Terik Parascak (CAR)
28. Ryder Ritchie (CGY)
29. Yegor Surin (DAL)
30. Cole Beaudoin (NYR)
31. Dominik Badinka (ANA)
32. Dean Letourneau (PHI)


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  1. I'm gonna keep it real: if they draft Connelly immediately after the absolute debacle that was the Walman trade a couple days ago, my faith in the integrity and leadership of this organization will be thoroughly shaken.

  2. Sharks didn’t seem to have to overpay to move up to 11. Hope we might be able to swap 15 for 11 with them w/ the Walman trade as down payment. I would’ve given a second all day to move up. Buffalo might not have wanted to deal w/ us though (because we would be fighting for playoffs w/ them). Make it so.

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