Off-Season Takeaways: Saints WR Depth | Fierce LB Battle! | Taysom Hill Set For BIG Role??

Off-Season Takeaways: Saints WR Depth | Fierce LB Battle! | Taysom Hill Set For BIG Role??

what up T-Bob here and Jake as well and look at you you done stumbled upon little OTB Saints where we bring you all the latest black and gold coverage who are the Saints going to draft who’s going to be their quarterback what does the salary cap look like all that information and more hope you’re enjoy it like subscribe nor football had a really good article called 10 things we learned from the Saints offseason program Derek Carr in the new offense looks like the ideal match so let’s get into the 10 things and see how you feel about thing number one Derek Carr is a good match for this offense many of the reeds are predetermined the offense to talk about well yes like Jake talk about he’s a he’s a smart vet right um and thus far without pressure and on air uh he has looked very comfortable making quick decisions uh my I talked to my old man and uh he’s look I know a lot of people are going to want to paint him as a car Fanboy or whatever but I feel like he’s always kept it pretty real with the quarterback position remember he’s the one that basically was like jamus actually isn’t practicing that good and Andy Dalton actually is practicing really good yeah and you saw how that ended up working out right well he says in six practices he th saw Derek Carr throw one bad pass one bad pass the entire time um even so go so going so far as say that Drew Brees would struggle to do the same uh so Derek Carr feeling great he looks good point number two new offense looks effective uh it’s everything that we thought it be a lot of play action a lot of motion everything built off of the running game and therefore arguably better exited to take advantage of Carr being that look Derek Carr’s been a very good play action quarterback in his career and it makes sense like a player who like you know not a Next Level Transcendent quarterback not somebody who’s going to just create and make everything happen on his own help him out a little bit it was one of the more baffling parts of what the saints were doing last year is in 2021 Derek Carr had the highest qbr and highest percentage in the NFL on play action and what did the Saints do they bring him in and they ran less play action than anybody in the entire league um so when you can’t run the ball too so that’s what I was gonna say I love all of this but then it immediately does become Jake they have to be able to run the ball without question it has to be it has to be the thing that they improve the most on and this offense has a lot of room in a lot of different areas to improve on but they have to be able to run the football because of everything that you just laid out like this San Francisco 49ers offense that they’re bringing to New Orleans like you watch them and yeah they’ve got receivers they’ve got tight ends they’ve got a lot of good things going their way that are on the outside on the edges but it all starts with seac running the football yeah it sets up everything all the Motions all the shifts all the play action all the things they do well it’s because teams are terrified that if they hand the ball off to Christian mcaffrey he’s going to make them pay they have to get that with the Saints running game now Alber CRA we talked about it yesterday we don’t know where that lies but regardless of who the running back is if you don’t get that done then you’re not going to see this offense in full effect um so again everything with this off like yes if you want all of these Concepts to work you have to be able to run the ball and really that is going to be the base of this team which again is a good thing for somebody like Trevor Penning we we’ll get to him in a little bit on this list uh number three on nor football is 10 obs ations the wide receiver picture still shaping up Chris looks great of course Chris um Rasheed Shahed still a deep threat uh but behind him somebody’s gonna have to step up at Perry’s kind of taking that he’s kind of first in line but reportedly Cedric Wilson and ecenia St Brown are kind of right there on his back again I don’t know who wins that battle but in terms of replacing Mike Thomas who when he played was still effective for your average NFL wide receiver maybe not just given what we seen Mike Thomas do in the past uh one of those guys needs to emerge do yall have any feelings as to whether it be Perry Cedric Wilson or ecenia St Brown I mean I like Perry I liked him going into last year’s NFL Draft whenever we finished up in Kansas City I want to say it might have been the end of the second round maybe it was end of the third but no second round and you’re like hey give me some players to look out for on tomorrow’s you know coverage I was like well at Perry and then he lasted till the fifth round yeah and this is a player that is really talented uh he had big moments at Wake Forest him and Sam Hartman had a great connection I think there’s still a lot left for him to grow as a better player and he actually played pretty well at times a year ago so you’ve got some veteran guys that if he doesn’t make that jump that we’re expecting they’ll step in and they’ll kind of solidify that position you kind of know what to see ceiling and floor is going to be with both those other veteran players but with at Perry I still think there’s a very high ceiling um look at the link under the tesm segment here and have that ready to go with sound because Cedric Wilson does get mentioned kind of unbidden by Clint kubak and it’s interesting when paired with the comments from Mike McDaniel coming from Miami where Cedric Wilson didn’t have crazy stats but McDaniel was pretty effusive in his praise about Wilson uh Point number four Pete Warner battling hard talking about Pete consistently making plays of course look as you prepare to uh emerge out of the de Mario Davis era whenever that happens you know whatever I hope it never happens but it will somehow even though he’s putting it to the test how much you could battle father time remember you you signed willly Gay Jr to kind of push Warner it appears that that’s working those two are competing well um of course Point number five is easy this secondary depth stands out uh and we’ve talked about it before multiple times here on the show but between marshan lore Paulson Neo Tyron Matthew elante Taylor Jordan how and Kool-Aid mckinstry which granted how mckinstry we haven’t seen this offseason yet that’s a big time group uh they’re not as much of an outlier good as something like the LSU offensive line compared to the rest of college football but I firmly believe that is a top five secondary in the entire NFL and will be the strength of this New Orleans Saints team I don’t think there’s you know there’s not much debate for that because not only do you have talented players you have players that have already done it for the most part outside of Kool-Aid on on this stage at this level but also you have versatile players you got three guys that I think can do a lot of different things like like lore is going to be your top Corner he’s going to go against probably the best receiver if you do decide to travel him but you’ve got like three players certainly elante Taylor and koola McKenry like they are guys that can move around a little bit inside outside and koola can even give you some safety help if you decide to take you know Jordan off the field and maybe some of those sub downs and keep tyring as the only true safety on the field so you got the ability to really move some different guys around create some different matchups uh you know Kool-Aid is a big body too so if you want to decide to put him at the tight end spot because you’ve got some really good ones in your division so well some with Talent like we need to see Kyle pittz maybe go up a level but he’s a very talented player so that defensive back field has talent they’ve got some more experience they got some versatility like it’s a top unit in the league for sure like it’s in that conversation uh number six maybe my favorite of the 10 which is it’s tm’s time uh we mentioned the creativity of uh of course San Francisco and just using the weapons that they have in interesting ways uh Clint kubak not been handed made the most unique weapon in the NFL and the staff has been using them all over the place uh Nick going so far as right quote ton will’ll get the ball in ways we’ve never seen before and this kind of reminds me when we were reading about that two-minute drill that we made way too too much out of the other day where I put my nuts in the line for Derek Carr but the interesting detail in there was that Hill had what like six catches on that drive like four or five so it sounds like they really want to feature taesa Mill here is what Clint kubak had to say about the Swiss army man um he’s he’s obviously a highly intelligent player that’s been coached extremely well so there’s a lot of carryover and his knowledge and then his his effort and his attention to detail was excellent this whole offseason so um you know I appreciate the work that he put into it and I appreciate you know our coaches our coaching staff’s creativity and and trying to get him at a lot of spots but you know he’s no different than other there’s you know our receivers that have play three different positions so um you know so there’s guys like like uh like Cedric Cedric Wilson that’s a really really intelligent guy that’s played a lot of spots too maybe doesn’t get as much of the credit but I would compliment him as well you know as well as our you know our offensive lineman that are playing Center and guard so you know uh but yeah t T’s done a great job this offseason want to read too much into things it’s really good for seuk Wilson I’d say also maybe not the best for the tackles but feels good for salivary McCoy and Ruiz that maybe they’ve taken well to this offense um speaking of the O line8 uh o line or excuse me this 7 o Line’s still a little murky fanga looks like he’ll be solid s of var’s trending towards solidity um here’s what they wrote about Trevor Penning quote there were good moments especially in the running game which again this is my note could be huge since that’s what you need more than anything to set up this offense but there were some bad moments too we saw Penning struggle to keep himself between the quarterback at times also made some mental errors the mental errors frust me a bit because frustrate me B because that’s something you can control and you’re a vet at this point like you should not be having huge mental gaffs uh there’s no excuse to that no I don’t care how much you have played have not played like that does not matter you’ve been in those meeting rooms and that is on you and also everyone’s learning a new offense so you’ve learned this at the same time as everybody else so if they point that out that means you’re not carrying your weight as far as the mental reps to come into practice ready to go because if you’re ready to go then you go full speed at all times and if you don’t then you’re half step and then it makes you a worse player like if you’re confident in what you are you know supposed to do out there and you know your alignment your assignment all that you can play so fast and it’s really so I’ll take my own career for example like it’s what takes me who’s not as fast as some of the guys out there right I’m a I’m a I’m a 46 guy every day with the 44 guy if he’s not really sure what he’s doing but the 46 guy knows exactly what he’s doing the 46 guy is going to beat the 44 guy to the spot because he’s confident and that’s what we’re talking about here so he he needs to pick it up Trevor Penning has to be as important of a piece on this offense as almost anybody because he solidifies something if the left tackle who you draft in the first round is the guy that you think he’s going to be which it sounds like he is is then if you solidify that right side then we’re talking about a completely different New Orleans Saints offense and this is a team that in the Run game is going to count on their tackles yes now when you outside Zone yes when you look at the New Orleans Saints last year they ran outside Zone 32% of the time you look at San Francisco they ran it 46% damn of the time this is an outside Zone team 59% of their runs were a Zone concept again 46% of those coming as an outside Zone only 13% inside Zone they’re not going to run a lot of man schemes only 13% did they run power or counter they are an outside Zone team they are like Missouri and college football when we talk about it you know it I know it we all know that it’s coming and can you stop it teams couldn’t stop Missouri last year they couldn’t stop San Francisco last year so Trevor Penning they’re going to be counting on you outside Zone goes off of your block when they run it to the right side so you are going to be a key piece in this offense because they have shown you that is almost half the time when they run the football it’s outside Zone in 564 runs Dam almost half of them were outside Zone that is the DNA of this offense and they can’t fall into tendencies in the NFL they can’t only run it to fuaga side that that that can’t happen you can do it in college and get away with it you can’t do it in the NFL so they have to trust you and count on you that when they run to your side with their favorite run that you get the job done well and he should be good at run blocking right like uh number eight possible signs of Hope on the defensive line saying fosy and Turner popped a couple times during Camp well we’ll just wait and see on that number nine questionable depth at tight end with did Jan Johnson injury you really only have Boston Morrow and then D Hulker Michael Jacobson who yeah that’s kind of the Point hooker like been nice little surprise uh he was a player out of Colorado state had a really good college career they feel like they might have gotten something well you’re going to need it you know undra a free agent guy you’re going to need it because again it’s just Jan and Foster at this point and I guess TM Hill in whatever position he kind of occupies in that regard you got two fullbacks as well maybe and maybe that’s just me saying this maybe one of those guys can help you out there while you wait on Jawan to get healthy uh then finally the backup quarterback battle is really coming to focus Nathan peterman’s out it’s going to be Haner or it’s going to be Rattler apparently Hayner’s had a solid spring um taking advantage of that year of experience that he has over Rattler uh and I I love this because it pushes Rattler really hard to try to uh uh hyper accelerate his growth and supplant him um You probably carry all three in some former fashion but right now Hanner kind of looking like uh well it’s between those two but Hanner with the early lead entering training camp you know think I can think of before I get to the quarterback like Nathan Peterman and I’ve been in the situation you’re a veteran player you signed with a place you go there all offseason long A lot of times you’ll move your family there and you setup shop and you get everything ready to go and then you go through training camp which is the worst part of of the entire process and then you get released and that entire time you know what you don’t make money because you’re not getting a guaranteed contract if you’re Nathan Peterman right so you get like you get 500 bucks uh you know a couple of times for working out that’s about it and that is just the life of a veteran player who is on the last leg going from year toe contracts uh that’s why I like my last time it’s like n family y’all can stay in stport like I’ll be back maybe a little bit uh yeah I mean if I’m Peter maybe go try out the UFL dude you know see what’s going on there you get paid um all right so there it is 10 thoughts that comes from New Orleans of football 10 thoughts on the New Orleans Saints exiting uh OTAs in mini camp wow just amazing black and gold takes right there Jake I don’t think I’ve ever heard any takes that are better than the two guys that just gave you that take and you can keep getting them by going ahead and liking subscribing ringing the bell to get notifications when we post have a great day we’ll see you on the next OTB saint

On Off The Bench, T-Bob Hebert and Jacob Hester talk about the biggest takeaways so far for the Saints during the offseason.

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  1. Kubiak is the best thing to happen to NOLA in a while…he's special…we're very fortunate to have him…Penning needs to revert to college days & be mean & nasty…cut him loose on the field…

  2. Everyone who covers the saints says Haener has done super well. Recently I’ve been seeing random accounts post that rattler could see playing time cause he’s doing so well. So wtf 😂

  3. i guess people forgot how good the lemon looked last year, even in pre season. we see how that turned out didnt we. we will see if that changes. im not getting my hopes up though.

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