Indianapolis Colts – Anthony Richardson enough reason for legit hope! Who will Pacers pick tonight?

Indianapolis Colts – Anthony Richardson enough reason for legit hope! Who will Pacers pick tonight?

apis Colts where we mind screw ourselves into believing that the Colts are going to win the AFC South are we mind screwing ourselves again or do we believe with reason that this year is the year the whole thing turns around with every subsequent year I get a little bit more suspicious that I’m just adult but this year I think it might be different I think I might be right this year we’re going to talk about reasons to believe in these Indianapolis Colts and reasons to not believe in the Indianapolis Colts we’ll talk about both because both need to be and then I’ll tell you where I’m at am I on this side of the Ledger where I absolutely believe that the Colts are going to have a hell of a year in 2024 or am I of the Bel that we’re getting ourselves whipped up into a frenzy over nothing again we’ll talk about it we’ll talk about the Pacers and what they’re going to do with the sixth pick tonight now we know that’s the 36th overall pick in the NBA a draft and doesn’t really matter who at this point the Pacers take will they trade up will they trade back will they trade out what will they do they’ve got 36 49 and 50 we’ll talk about it a little bit and and where I think Kevin Pritchard is going to go and what he’s going to do at 36 we’ll talk about the Cubs a little bit too Cubs just starting play in San Francisco last game of an a thorough miserable four game set against the Giants tomorrow night they are back at it against the Brewers in Milwaukee the first place Brewers in the National League central yikes this I’m telling you you know I I had this conversation on Monday with Dan Monday with Dan Dage on his radio show on Indie Sports ticket 1430 we don’t talk about money a lot and as a goal for ownership we only talk about wins and losing as that as though that is the metric by which they measure success and it’s not and it’s especially not in Chicago you look at the Cubs and Tom rickets you look at the Blackhawks and the wz family you look at rinor who owns both the white socks and the Bulls and you look at the Masis who own the Bears and you cannot tell me that they are not about squeezing as much revenue as possible out of those businesses and it’s yours if you’re in Chicago same thing we deal with with the uray and with the Simons they’re about money we’re about winning they’re about money and winning it’s not you know it doesn’t need to be binary they don’t need to choose one over the other but it’s good if it’s all about winning and not so much about money because as an NFL owner what the hell are you going to do you’re going to lose money losing money is impossible your cat could run an NFL franchise and you would have all the money in the world to buy rock and roll MERS a billion have a private plane and whatever the hell you want in life whatever money can buy you can have because you’re one of 32 ownership uh persons families or groups minus uh Green Bays so it’s 31 City of Green Bay owns the Green Bay Packers because otherwise they would no longer be the Green Bay Packers they would have moved long ago is a something that George halis cooked up and absolutely Works beautifully for the Packers to this day you’re welcome Wisconsin because you wouldn’t have you’d have nothing to root for but the Vikings and the Bears right now if not for George how all right this is inside Indiana Sports now with Kent Sterling for Thursday June 27th 2024 brought to you by the great people at my bookie at my bookie you can bet on anything anytime from anywhere and when you use promoe code K NT Kent Kent Kent you unlock a pro uh a sign up bonus of worth up to and including $1,000 how about that make sure and subscribe got to subscribe if you’re going to win a prize we’re going to have a good prize next week I just have to win it from the great people at pristine auction and you know what like the video you should like all the videos on on YouTube hit the thumbs up thing because you know what but what the hell it doesn’t cost nothing it takes you 4 seconds not even if you know what you’re doing with a mouse or a trackpad let’s go and if you want to make a donation and ask a question make a comment we will share it with a group in real time because these are live as me talking to you live there’s no postproduction they’re no like oh we’ve got to have that on the Chiron no it’s just people talking about sports we keep it simple why because I’m adult speaking of me being adult year after year after year do you know know that in 2015 I bet my producer the great Nick bozac I said you know what Nick I am so certain that the Colts are going to win 13 games so certain that when they lose um oh I can’t remember exactly how it worked but I think that when they got to that uh fourth loss I promis to dye my hair white like Billy Idol White and then if lost another one I was going to shave it all off both happened and I did both I looked like the guy in Scooby-Doo that drove the Mystery Machine that’s what I looked like all because I believed as far back as 2015 that the Colts were going to win 13 games so I am a when it comes to Building Hope from within that this team is going to be able to perform at a high level however I think that there’s actually reason for hope that we’re not just you know conning ourselves into a a level of belief that’s going to separate us from our money a little bit as we buy cold swag or buy Colts tickets whatever the team the franchisee owners want us to do with our money that helps feather their nest I legit have hope that Chris Ballard’s got this thing right and that Shane styken is going to run this offense in a way that stands the NFL on its ears so here are some reasons and I’ll give some reasons just to show that I’m not like a total Fanboy we’ll go over some reasons that maybe we tap the brakes a little bit on the Hope business all right uh you know what here are reasons to absolutely Buy in that’s right I look just well I wanted to look like Billy Idol sadly I did look more like what was that guy’s name Hal the driver of the mystery machine with the uh head the cchf and the yellow uh sweater yikes um it’s a young but stable roster like these guys are youthful they’re you got Ryan Kelly as a 30-year-old on this roster that’s basically it I think Luke Rad’s The Long Snapper also 30 30 plus but other than that you got a bunch of of young guys DeForest Buckner I think is still on the good side of 30 this is a team across the offensive line minus Kelly under 30 wide receivers all I think 26 or younger you got a quarter back who’s 22 of course Flaco is a backup brings the aggregate age of the the Colts way up but this really young stable roster like I said all 22 starters are back all three Specialists are back and a whole bunch of the depth pieces are back number two Anthony Richardson makes stens offense make sense like Garder menu as the guy running the offense you had poor Alec Pierce run running routes so far down field in a place where Garder mshu couldn’t get it to him with both arms could not possibly deliver him the football of course he was open a lot he was open in places that defensive PS didn’t have to defend so Alec Pierce is in a different situation this year because both Richardson and flacko as a backup can get it down there so here’s the deal with that offense all right let’s let’s um make it into let’s make the uh the field for 45 yd from the line of scrimmage let’s put it into uh like a Tic Tac Toe box or Hollywood Squares you’ve got nine areas that need to be defended and they’re going to be defended by seven guys because most teams are going to bring four right if you’re passing the football or you’re just defending but then you drop back to pass you got a four-person rush and you got seven that drop into coverage unless there’s a blitz whatever the Colts including Jonathan Taylor if he’s in the game and they’re like an RPO and they don’t give it to Taylor but Taylor leaks out of the back field all right you’ve got you’ve got five receivers for those nine units those nine cubed areas 15 30 45 and then about 17 yards wide each of these so 15 by7 you got nine of them you’ve got five receivers you’ve got seven Defenders who the hell you going to stop you can only double two of them that means three are going to be running with single coverage or in an area where there isn’t anyone there plus you’ve got four coming being blocked by five and Anthony Richardson might just tuck it and go so maybe the defense has a spy who’s looking at Anthony Richardson making sure that Anthony Richardson who can run a 40 in 442 at 255 lbs gez have you ever seen that not very often he’s like a an edge defensive end he’s like a pro bowl defensive end anyway you’ve got somebody who’s got to respect him running the football you’ve got seven defensive players in the secondary trying to keep you from hitting a receiver and you’ve got five rece receivers who are equally spaced throughout that area they’re not all going to be in one Cube you’re going to have Cube Cube Cube Cube Charlie Weaver Paul Lyn Rosemarie Wally Cox and let’s say Charles Nelson Riley there’s where you’re going to be you aren’t going to have the guys on the side and the guys up and down so you’ve got them very spread out you’ve got seven defending five that’s what uh Shane Sten wants and that’s what he’s going to get and that’s what’s going to make this off fence really really hard to stop because if you’re a defensive coordinator what do you take away you got to take away the wheels from Anthony Richardson you’ve got a kind of scheme to take away Jonathan Taylor I mean it was just a couple of years ago he had 1811 yards and and a guy who took it to the house like it was his job because it is his job you’ve got Michael Pitman Jr Josh DS ad Mitchell Alec Pierce as receivers and more than that you got Anthony G right you’ve got Ashton dlan you got guys you’ve got gelan Woods maybe will mallerie as and Drew Ogle tree not Alec I didn’t say Alec don’t comment at me and say I said Alec I didn’t I said Drew Andrew Ogle tree you’ve got all these guys kylin granson you got these guys lots of them all over the field and a guy who can make the throw to any portion of it that is going to to be a mother to defend that’s why you and AD Mitchell how about Mitchell as an add-on receiver in in that room that’s significant I don’t know we’re going to get to it I don’t know what he’s going to be capable of doing as a rookie but he does all for a 52nd overall pick my Heavens watch him when you get to camp and you pays your $5 to get to camp and watch these guys watch ad Mitchell uh defensively you got your best unit is the unit you’re trusting to get to the quarterback Gus Bradley does not like the blitz he doesn’t Blitz often but if you’ve got latu and pay Buckner and Stewart or Tevin Bryan and you got those guys pinning their ears back and getting to the quarterback you got to get to the quarterback quick because your secondary might not be too very good that’s a reason not to believe but as you send those four from again your best unit to either hurry through pressure that quarterback into making a bad throw or putting him on his ass you know what all right I’m there with that those are reasons to feel good and I think Shane styken is among the smarter people that I’ve ever met who was a a football coach so I I think styen is really pretty damn good at his job and you give him this level of tools and this level of offensive line I think he’s going to put points on the board at an accelerated rate I this team with Gardner menu as a starting quarterback 11th in point scored that tells you something this team with Gardner minu as a quarterback won more games than it lost Gardner menu came into last season having lost twice as many games as a starter as he had won pretty smart coach pretty good offense all right reasons to refuse to buy in uh you’re just not a very fun person if you’re not a very fun person you’re cynical and you say you know what no I’m not buying in show me show me September 8th I’ll start what the hell’s the matter with you it’s June 27th for the love of God so you know what on June 27th who gives a damn if if you’re right today when we get to September 8th you out of your mind are you that afraid of being wrong uh past his prologue it’s another there’s a legit reason last three seasons 9 and8 for 12-1 and 9-8 none of them to the playoffs believing that that three-year run is all of a sudden going to be interrupted ended by let’s say 11- six and you win the AFC South and host host a playoff game for the first time in the eight years that Chris Ballard has been the general manager this year and then the seven previous you want to be cynical about you want to see that as a reason to doubt you can be a doubter for that reason don’t do it because you’re not fun be fun uh the lift comes from the draft and it takes a while for rookies to develop like we saw this Jerry Hughes wound up being a pretty Dynamic guy at defensive end right well not when he was drafted as a first grounder by the Indianapolis Colts he was not Dynamic he wasn’t very good they traded uh him Jerry Hughes for Kelvin Shepard for goodness sake with the Buffalo Bills and and the bills they kind of like the results of that trade didn’t they anyway and you’ve got quiddy pay who we’re still talking about after three years we’ve watched him play for three years he isn’t some rookie he isn’t some like you know brigh eyed and bushy tailed hey guys hey it’s wonderful to be in the NFL whoa that’s not where quiddy pay is at in his career quiddy pay is entering year four and people are still talking about him popping that ceiling and getting to his true potential so sometimes it happens slower for some than others but latu is a guy they think it can happen a little bit more quickly for him all right ad Mitchell a guy with all the tools necessary to be an elite level receiver in the National Football League all right the secondary you know what at the very least even if you were a huge believer in this secondary you look at this secondary and you say all right either Rodney Thomas or Nick cross at free Julian Blackman at box and then you got Kenny Moore Kenny Moore is stable we like Kenny Moore Kenny Moore is good Kenny Moore is a part of this puzzle where like he’s not an unknown he’s very known 30 years old we’ve seen Kenny Moore for a long time he’s gone to a pro bowl for goodness sake so we like Kenny but then you’ve also got you got Juju Brent and Jaylen Jones and we don’t know at this point whether those two cats can play dead you’ve got Dallas flowers coming back from an injury is he going to be ble to come back at 100% and play at a high level we don’t know a lot of really really good things are going to have to happen for that secondary even to be middle tier middle of the pack in the NFL speaking of rankings of NFL position groups guess where the linebackers are ranked by Pro Football Focus all you lovers of Pro Football Focus here there are two kinds of people in Indianapolis among Colts fans one you love Pro Pro Football Focus you enjoy their grades you understand their methodology and you applaud it or you really like Zer Franklin you cannot like both you’re either zier Franklin fan or a Pro Football Focus fan 26 the EJ speed and Z Franklin ranked 26th uh Z Franklin ranked 26th because 25 Miss tackles and only three tackles for loss he did have two Force fumbles one of them led to a touchdown by DeForest Buckner so there’s that uh neither speed nor zier graded well at all in past coverage speed a little bit better at it than zier Franklin uh you know what if you really like Zer FR I guarantee your ass that Zer Franklin cannot stand Pro Football Focus at all and that Chris Ballard views like all people in the NFL do Pro Football Focus as a tool not the Bible when it comes to grading football players the NBA draft continues tonight what will the Pacers do what will they take it 36 will they trade back I think they ought to trade back and then it just because it’s fun take Brony James make LeBron make a decision you want to play with your kid great except a trade some kind of trade to the Indiana Pacers I love that idea I think that’s fun that’s not what they’re going to do I think they’re going to trade back from 36 but if they hold on to 36 what I like I like Boby Clinton or Clint from uh Sweden or because he’s he’s got upside at 69 I like his athletic upside and then you’ve also got Tyler Smith uh from G League ignite right uh he’s a close second another 69 guy I think with really nice upside he can maybe sign a two-way and do some work for uh the Noblesville matad ants or whatever the hell they’re going to be called and we can get on with our day watching the current Indiana Pacers unencumbered by somebody who’s really not going to be able to do too much for them initially because the rotation for this team is set in stone all right draft tonight we’ll talk about it when they draft at 36 or they trade back we’ll do a short or we’ll go live either way

Anthony Richardson is a very legitimate reason for Colts fans’ hope for the 2024. With Richardson, that offense with Pittman, Downs, Taylor, Mitchell, Woods, and Pierce could be spectacular!
Colts secondary may be a legit reason for those Colts playoff deniers to feel queasy about the upcoming season.
Pacers draft sixth tonight! Should they take a project – or trade out of 36 to grab extra picks in future years?

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  1. Having decent speed off the edge and more pressure on the QB could help the Colts secondary, well, at least, it couldn't hurt..
    I believe the Scooby Doo guy was named Fred. Hal may have been their accountant?😄

  2. I tell ya what, I hope the reffs bring some extra flags, don’t be surprised if teams think Richardson is fragile, I see some cheap shots at Richardson coming, and that’s sad, Richardson is gonna have to watch his ass!! This line better block.!!

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