The Chicago Bulls Actively Shopping Nikola Vucevic?

The Chicago Bulls Actively Shopping Nikola Vucevic?

the Chicago Bulls are apparently shopping Nicola vich welcome to the party the Bulls also do not make a trade into the second round but still pick up an undrafted free agent we’re going to talk a little bit about that plus dear and Zack LaVine could be wild cards in free agency we’re g get to all that and more on today’s locked on [Music] bulls you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every every day welcome to lock on bulls member of the locked on podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s path the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 I’m Hayes host creator of Chicago Bull Central Chicago Bear Central YouTube pages and podcast and Pat Chicago Bulls are apparently shopping Nicola vich it’s about time but that does leave some questions on what is going to happen with the starting center position if you are shopping Vu but how you feel about it listen I I I think it’s a good move uh I’m here for the youth movement I want to see the Bulls go all in on the youth movement and to me um I think that this is a this is the FI this was the final piece that we were like okay what happens if Vu is still here though right not to say that you have a center that can take over although we we do need to figure out some kind of clarification on the power forward position because I have no idea how heavy or light uh Matas uh is is at all bro like I’m getting lists I i’ I’ve looked all through the internet today I have seen everything from 67 187 pounds to 610 210 pounds bro that’s very different players bro I think it’s I think so the dra that’s why I always go off the draft combine numbers because you know it’s without shoes he measured it 68.8 without shoes and 197 PBS that’s according to the draft combine I I tend to trust those numbers which is f height I think right everybody wears shoes I I get without shoes but everybody wears shoes so when he puts shoes on I’m assuming he’s probably the 1610 the weight is my question with him but that’s either here or there for this topic I’ve been looking all it’s been bugging me all day bro I’m like 187 is a win 210 could be a power forward we need to figure this out before we start game planning they got you stressed out bro on they got me stress now and now wing can be anything from a two to a center at this point in this league but uh no here here’s the thing for me with the fact that the youth movement is happening is you finally have some pieces that feel like they can be in the right place right you’ve got Kobe white probably sliding over to the two you’ve got Josh giddy playing the point guard where he feels a little bit more comfortable Kobe could be a little bit more combo does that move P will to the three Andor Matas if he’s able to get into the starting lineup to the three could that mean p will at the four right but you’re going with players that are younger you’re letting it rest on their shoulders and so to me I want to see the Bulls continue to do that so I’m fine with you moving on from nikol lavich yes you have to address the center position but even if you get a placeholder Center this year with v on the team to me he has to be a part of your offensive scheme somewhat heavily right like you’re not gonna say V you’re the fifth option on the team so I think that it just opens things up for the Chicago Bulls to have the young guys that they feel Kobe white coming in is your number one scorer maybe two or three is Josh giddy uh you want to see Patrick Williams get some more opportunity those are the things to me that that allow you to actually see what you have on your team versus having these older guys who yeah they may not take up the same positions as some of these players like like Vu doesn’t take up any position that we have from any young player but he does take shots away from those young players because you have to get him involved in your offense because he’s somebody who’s still showing up on the court saying no dog I’m still a double double give me the ball down low yeah I mean V is and that’s the thing that I that you know of course when a player is on your team their negative scream out louder to you but play uh teams that that are looking around the league could find V uh value in V but they’re not going to they’re not going to give any type of value to the Bulls because they know the position that the Bulls are negotiating from I mean I’m still if the Bulls are fully embracing the youth movement and they move on from Vu dear whoever else it is can’t be mad at it because they’re finally picking a Direction but ultimately you got to get somebody in there even if you do want to go young you still want to play functional basketball you need a center to do that so yeah maybe that that the Clin capella rumors make a little bit more sense there maybe it’s part of like a three- team trade they’re hoping to get and bring in Clint capella guess because it could make some sense at a starting level center with him only having one year left on his deal versus the two left on VES something like that maybe and when you look at it Clint capella and not not the most mobile big but he can probably play better in a faster Pac offense than what Nicol lavich could well and the thing that you’d love is Clint capella to the bulls with Josh gaty as his point guard yeah right that that’s really what you end up uh uh getting the most value out of because we’ve seen Clint capella be used in certain situations where you go listen what I’m looking to see from you is uh you set a screen and you go up and get the basketball um I had a I had a trade idea okay Breeze the day that was a little bit maybe it’s a team that because I don’t think you’re going to get a ton of value right that that’s my thing with with a lot of what we’re going to see out of this I don’t think that you’re going to get a ton of of uh high draft capital I think you’re probably talking to teams who for the most part know that hey we don’t need High picks because we’re trying to win now would there be a possibility in your mind because of the Friendship because of the relationship and because of the front office relationship where you could see now niik lavich would have to take a different role but possibly a trade to the Denver Nuggets because they have a system that allows for a bigger big that’s maybe a little bit more slow footed because of that they have on that team they have guys on the bench whose money that you can kind of working now with Casey I think kyp opted out today so that may mess up the money a little bit but the possibility of Denver saying listen not only do we have uh uh joic in the game all the time and and we’re running him to de but giving him a real backup center that like Andre Drummond did for Joel embiid offers real minutes off of the bench like real time minutes where joic can rest for 10 15 minutes of real time he hasn’t been afforded that I I don’t think since he’s been in the NBA has he really has he really had a backup center I don’t think so I feel like he’s been go back 38 plus minute guy every single night you’re getting to the point where if you want to extend his career at all you need to kind of get him some of that rest do you think we could see something to a team like that in a scenario like that yeah I mean we’ll see ultimately internet’s crapping out on me um I I I think that there’s there’s going to be depending on what the Bulls are willing if they’re willing to sell low on Nicola vich there’s going to be a bigger Market than what people are expecting meaning that there’s not going to be no Market it’s just that don’t expect the Bulls to come out on top anything more than expiring contracts and that’s if the Bulls still don’t have to give up picks to make that to facilitate that to make that happen which is why I like the Bulls giving up Alice kuso their best Chade ship and not trying to attach something else to it was a little bit surprising by some people because a lot of people thought that if the Bulls were to move on from Alice crus and it just they were going to try to attach at least one of their least desirable assets to try to make that a little bit more enticing to get that off the books as well it’s so funny now because right like it feels like the conversations around a lot of these trades have changed without Al Caruso winning you really see how much people value the pieces that the Bulls have like all of a sudden they’re just like I mean we’ll take V but like I got a future first round pick that’s protected and like a a a wet dog that you can tile off when it gets there like that’s like I feel like the offers around a lot of what the Bulls are trying to put out there not to say that there’s no value for these guys but for how the Bulls have been operating in a lot of these trades right no matter what say about what they got back in the giddy trade the giddy trade is one that keeps the Bulls in a competitive manner he’s a young player that has upside when nobody else is on the floor running the ball or controlling the ball when he can control it that keeps the Bulls competitive I don’t know if we see trades where there’s going to be a loss outside of maybe the Zack LaVine trade I I wonder if we would see something like that with V where they go no it’s okay like we’ll take a couple future picks we’ll we’ll take some old players that that just have contracts that are coming off of the book and let’s see what the heck we can figure out see I don’t know if you’re getting any picks back for v i mean if you’re getting picks back for vo in an expiring contract that’s that’s a that’s a pretty damn good trade considering what his value is probably looking like around the league right now I kind of more so think it’s going to end up being you’re just that that’s why like I said the Clint capella maybe makes sense if it’s like a three- team trade because at that point maybe you’re just taking back that expiring contract that nobody wants in Clin capella and then you’re just left getting out of that deal a little bit earlier so we’ll see we’ll see I think I think I think it’s very interesting to see that the Bulls are willing to move on from Vu I think that’s the real conversation that it’s good that we’re having now um and if the Bulls can find a way to get somebody to to take vu’s money off of your books after I mean listen you signed them to a deal that you kind of had to sign them to but now as you are going through it it’s like okay we can still get rid of this guy but does he have any value around the league that that makes worth it for us moving forward does he have any competitive value to players out there I mean listen I think a big part of why our Pace to play is so low is because of V is on this team so I don’t know if teams are willing to risk slowing down their game unless Vu is willing to take like draft number nine there teams that are willing listen I I’ll say this yes like I I I will say this centers are back dog not yet you can’t say that first 15 picks nine of them were 610 and up yeah but that doesn’t mean it’s how like Zach you can just say there’s always going to be cers but you can’t say cers are back you the the C the type of Zach they’re not all that they’re it’s not all that they are more mobile cers that bring that like if you look at most of the cers that were taken in the draft they can stretch the floor they can get out in transition they can pass so I wouldn’t just say the center is back like as far as in the in the reference of the Zack 80 type Center I mean there’s still centers my point is that at the top of the draft and maybe this is just so Center loaded draft you’re seeing a bunch of big men come off where in the past years you’ve more so seen guards and and Wings come off of the board a lot higher well yeah this was a center the it was a c power forward Center deep draft in this so that that makes a lot of sense there while you’re seeing that um but you know with that said uh next up we’re going to be talking about the draft a little bit as the Bulls do not get into the second round even with players like Tyler Smith Kyle phosy there before we get into that we got to talk to you guys about a message from one of our sponsors and that is game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on Game Time app actually go down the closer it gets to the first pitch with killer last minute deals Allin prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guest work out of buying MLB tickets uh last minute deals save up to 60% off buying last minutes for sports concerts comedy theater and more save even more with exclusive inapp deals and select seats ahead of the game Andor event save even more when 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a ton of upside y’all know big Illinois guy over here so Marcus deas is was the name when I saw that pop across my screen I was very excited because to me uh he’s somebody who’s a smart player he’s a consistent player a lot of times when when Coleman Shelton or Coleman Shelton I’m going to the going to the center that uh the Chicago Bears have signed well wearing that when Coleman Hawkins game was off you could usually count on Marcus Damas to be able to go out there and and uh be consistent and and still keep you in the games he he’s a guy 66 215 he’s a guy who can be bigger as well in two I’ve seen him you know gain weight fairly quickly through his college career so I could see him being a guy who finishes out maybe around 220 225 if he puts on some NBA muscle like I think that he will be a very solid piece I think he’s no more than a bench pie but to me that’s all you’re really asking him to be at this point and the fact that the Bulls were able to lock him up um first off can we talk about how much AK just loves Illinois like is he just going to these games every night because they’re so close or I really do think an AK somebody who just loves watching basketball like I wouldn’t be surprised if you can catch him at a park in Chicago probably with a hoodie so nobody knows him just watching eight people play semi-organized basketball he’s just like hey I just AK just strikes me as somebody who loves the game of basketball truly does and maybe this job has killed that love a little bit for him but yeah he AK is not wearing a hoodie he shows up to the park no Mask full suit on but he’s definitely he’s definitely got definitely got a you see when he when he was when he was getting laps in the uh Berto Center what in the Berto laps in he was running I thought thought you saying he was getting lap dances dog I was like shout out to this man in laps in the internet weet I got he was he was dressed like hoodie melow he absolutely wears a hoodie oh listen exercising probably bro but I feel like he goes to the park just with the with the unregistered Glock in the pocket just like hey let’s let’s let’s see what kind of problems we have you I mean let’s let’s see who’s hooping the day don’t get out of pocket uh but no the one thing that I will say about uh um damas that listen there there’s one part about how long he’s been in college y’all know I love that about these players if you’re going to take somebody undrafted there a five-year guy in college he played at Southern Illinois for four years played at Illinois in his senior year right his second senior season and now he’s in the NBA because he’s a guy that knows his game I think he’s going to have some real contributions to his game and we’ll see kind of we’ll see if that ends up working out but I think he’s a name that actually makes this team heading into the season it’ll be somebody to watch out for um the one thing that was interesting about the bulls not trading into the draft did you did you see right the the guy that I was really trying to get the Bulls to to maybe go back into the draft for Kyle filipowski the weird story around him that uh bro the story around Kyle filipos is one of the strangest things you would hear ever in a draft bro like first of all that woman used to be his babysitter uhhuh she’s the female Drake m-hm that’s crazy in the in the thought process of of thinking about him in these NBA team interviews and she sitting in the background like ik Turner just sitting there like this this CRA a crazy visual bro they they feel like there’s some manipulation going on there they feels like there’s maybe a little bit of control going on there and they’re saying that’s why he fell in the draft yeah I’m like what so so she’s in the back sitting there playing Puppeteer by the way how long have they been dating who knows but CU if I’m not mistaken Phil how old this is not this is not to judge anybody else’s relation religion but they say that it’s like Mormon cultur is is interesting oh okay I didn’t I didn’t know he was so that’s a part of it as well all okay okay okay maybe a little different because I was going to say I was like uh if they’ve been dating for more than two years isn’t he 19 and she like 29 she’s 29 so yes there that’s why I said there’s liter see the if this was flipped and that was a man in that situation people would have the pitchforks come into everywhere bro but the think about it she’s so controlling and weirded so many NBA teams out that she could have ruined like not to if he comes and he performs Cool If he if he performs on for NBA team he’ll get a job he’ll get a a contract but to think that he doesn’t have guaranteed money now because he’s a second round pick and just the weirdness of all that is C he’s Weir funny because it’s like I’m thinking I’m like well maybe it was the hip thing that he had going on where like he had like part of the B bone removed or shaved off or whatever like maybe it was that nope it’s just like do you know how weird you gotta be because there’s a lot of weird NBA girlfriends you gotta be for for the teams to be like we don’t even want to draft you because you’re a woman ESPN draft expert uh Jonathan Javan was on with Zack L um on the Zack L post podcast he said the workouts weren’t great and people tell me there were question marks about the interviews they said he was nervous he didn’t make shots at the pro day what’s going on with this girlriend he has an older girlfriend she’s like 26 and people are like H this is weird he doesn’t talk to his parents either just strange bro like I you better be a Hooper he better be hooping bro and that thing better be phenomenal for you to risk your NBA career on it like listen I mean you know when you young bro you risk it all bro like it’s just that’s crazy man she better be out here what’s that what’s that thing going around Twitter the hawk tour that’s crazy bro that’s crazy no was it anybody else outside of all uh there’s PJ Hall who I really did like remember we talked a little bit about PJ Hall I can’t remember what team he signed with but it was shortly after the draft um that’s really it like and don’t get me wrong are you expecting any undrafted free agents to necessarily turn into something for you you know it’s happening more and more but you got to put in work to develop them but I think this is a solid pick like I said even if he ends up being on the Bulls G League team cool like he gets to stay at home like it is what it is when it comes I think that’s the thing right I’d rather see you how many years was it like well the draft’s over yeah Decades of that you know what I mean like it’s like well why aren’t you trying to find this guy that you could develop why aren’t you trying to find the diamond in the rough I will give AK credit for that I believe in three drafts we have signed two to three undrafted guys every year and I pretty sure all of them have been a part of the windy city Bulls at some point so there’s some kind of development you’re trying to do yeah you’re one was year one Justin Lewis or year two was Justin Lewis for sure year one was Justin Lewis right you had Justin Lewis you you talk about you know you trade back in for Julian Phillips Adamas Sago goes undrafted you pick him up well no you’re one year one was nobody cuz that was the year that we got Patrick Williams and and Marco simonovic in the second round we didn’t pick up Marco simonovic was a sign of was that Javon Freeman Liberty that was Javon Freeman Liberty Javon Freeman Liberty and then it was Justin Lewis and then it was Adama sok so yeah every year they’ve signed somebody so and and no and year one also was oh what was old boy name um the shooter he actually played a little bit for us white dude um you’ve named 40% of the the gague well he played for us like we signed him and he played for us he was on H don’t worry about it he was on our summer league team I can’t think of his name but he was a shooter he actually got on to the actual Bulls team for a little while last season last season maybe season before but uh no ak’s ak’s big on working the the undrafted market and so I I think that that’s that’s good Insight that’s that’s you looking for a diamond in a rough go find that you know I mean I’m not mad at it at all um did we draft Uno no no he was just a signing he was just signing yeah I I signed him so uh Hey man we appreciate y’all tuning in and showing love uh as always before we get into this final topic oh wait you have no I was waiting for you to I was about to see how far you were GNA take it hey you got to do what you got to do man I had no attitude whatever I don’t think we’re supposed to talk through that part yeah it is what it is uh with that said man seems like the Bulls are really open for business uh right now it’s being talked about that demard R Ro and Zack LaVine trades signing trades whatever ends up being could be wild cards in the free agent period I mean we’ve talked about several times like I know some Bulls fans are getting a little Ane what’s going on with Zach could he come back Zack LaVine was always kind kind of expected to be a consolation prize meaning that a team strikes out or maybe their first Target maybe even their second Target and looks at Zack LaVine and says heyy we need some scoring let’s go ahead and pull the trigger on the Zack deal um and then demard Rosen it’s seeming like the Bulls are truly going and embracing a new direction we heard that there’s no no momentum on any type of deal no no conversation free agency by the way free agency opens in two days which is crazy I I love how the NBA is doing this the NBA has because now that they have you can start signing your own free agents before the draft and then now you then you have the draft and then a few days after the draft free agency opens they’ve kind of done The Best of Both Worlds I always love how the NFL does it with having free agency first then the draft because you get your veterans in there the now huh you figure out what you need to draft figure out what you need in to draft so now the NBA is basically like hey you can’t sign other teams free agents but you can sign people you want to you want to retain kind of still know what you may want to get in the draft and it’s just it’s just a it’s so much more of a seamless process now but um but yeah what do you think about Demar Rosen and Zack being const not constellation Pro but wild cards in free agency I think that that uh Demar is a wild card in free agency because I wonder if if there is a team that dear says I want to go here but they can’t pay me what I want does that benefit the Bulls I wonder if there’s a sign and trade that that you could work out for Demar D rozen after a deal is facilitated through free agency because I there there is no team out there that can pay him as much as the Bulls can so I would assume at this point in his career he’s not looking to go play for pennies on the dollar now I will say this a lot of times people will take pay cuts to get into into better situations and go out there and try to win because they don’t want to disrupt the team that is currently there but I think a lot of the team like we keep looking at the only teams we’re looking at is LA and we just keep hearing the Lakers could be interested in tomorrow the Clippers are very interested in tomorrow if the Clippers lose Paul George keep an eye on dear the Clippers are losing Paul George so I don’t know if the Clippers have the capital to sign him to a meaningful deal so that may be something where if he wants to be a free agent well I guess if Paul George leaves they might it’s a possibility I don’t know what the cap situation looks like yeah I don’t have the cap situation off the top of my head either so I’m not going to you know talk about it from a from an area like I know for sure what the C situation is but you know it at the end of the day it could get interesting is what I’ll say uh and I think that there are going to be suitors for these guys it just depends on what the Bulls like the Demar thing I think you have a good chance can’t sign him who Clippers are 103 million over the cap but that’s including Paul George’s cap hold if he leaves that considerably goes down right if Paul George were to leave they would be I can’t do that kind of math my brain did not uh I love that you I love that you started to try you were like you know what I got nothing to prove here my brain was not gonna make it there would still be 55 plus million over the cap so yeah they would need a sign they would be under the second apron but they would still be above that first apron so they would still need a sign and tradeing what cap holds they have so well James Harden has a $52 million cap hold as well so if he signs for less than that that come some of that comes back on the books and then yeah that’s really about it though still it’s still not a lot of money that you can even begin to offer DeMar rosen versus the what the max he can get here 90 90 he can get here so if you if you’re looking at demard Rosen sign and trades with the Clippers specifically because that’s kind of the team that we heard mentioned the most who or what would you want to try to get back in that signing trade because I doubt they’re giving up Norman Norman pal is initially what my mind went to but I doubt in that situation they’re giving up Norman pal you know what it’s it’s are we saying sign and trade so dear’s getting 40 million a year well you don’t have to get the 40 million years to sign um I mean listen for sure I would love Terence man because I don’t think they know what they’re doing with him that’s fair I like the Terren man I would love Terence man um part of me wants to say Russ but I don’t think Russ is leaving I don’t think that they they’re they’re sticking with the old guys on that team you know what 39 years old would you be interested in a Terren man PJ Tucker combination I don’t think you’re gonna get both of them because again T PJ Tucker make 11 Mill and they hate they hate him there like they didn’t play him did he opt out though or he didn’t opt out cuz he has a player option I do not know I would assume he probably opted in he’s not getting 11 mil nowhere else okay uh but I do not know this does not say whether he did or not again the the demard roseen signing trade it’s not like you’re necessarily looking for any I I almost don’t care what you get back only because as long as that it the contract’s coming off the books sooner than giving what Demar giving a damn Demar threeyear extension is so not really worried about it in that case no and and I think that’s that’s the thing uh as far as I he did not opt out or opt in yet so maybe he’s uh maybe he’s waiting on that decision I don’t even see a latest update on PJ Tucker on oh wait what do we have PJ Tucker expected to exercise his 11.5 million contract out yeah PJ Tucker’s not making 11 mil nowhere else so I would assume he said he said oh y’all not GNA Play Me and the fact the fact that PJ Tucker made $11 Million last season and Andre Drummond got 2.6 is Wild is what well yes and no PJ Tucker got signed to that contract in was that in Philly he signed that in Philly was that still the is he still on the contract pH he’s on the Philly contract because they literally paid him just to go stop Giannis and then he did it and they were like wow we didn’t actually expect that to work but it didn’t work long term hey he couldn’t do it well nobody could but uh I I would be interested in something like that maybe some draft Capital just to make it work late round draft Capital whatever um just to make it work because to me you’re getting a a 28-year old experienced player back in Terence man that you could pair up with io on the bench let me get that true let me get that PJ Tucker you do whatever you do you turn turn I need you to come here and do one job for 11 million put some dog in I or in Patrick Williams that’s not a pause that can’t be a pause there’s no way no I’m just listen I’m thinking like at some point we got to stop thinking that you can get anybody to put any type of dog in Patrick Williams he he has to want it bro like at this like I just so that’s the only hope I have I really hope that Patrick Williams has a great I have so so you could so you could stop the pat on Pat crime Hey listen I hope that Patrick Williams has a great season as well I’ll be his biggest supporter and I’ll cheer for him the loudest but uh you got to give me something to cheer for my boy cuz that uh that wack floater that you keep throwing up that’s falling five feet short it’s it could be such a good floater too like it’s like it looks phenomenal it looks phenomenal like that push floater when he first started to because you remember that preseason he was hitting it great he was hitting it great and then the season started and it hasn’t been the same since never hit it again that’s like drumming with his with his with his preseason three-pointers hey if he they they also don’t let drum take a three-pointer drum I think drum took two three-pointers in the regular season I think he made one of them yeah he did yeah he did I mean listen uh my thing my thing that I want to see out of all of this though is just a resolution that at the end of the day like I said contributes to the young movement um contributes to the young players getting more playing time I don’t want to see you bring here’s my other thing don’t bring anybody in that’s going to take those minutes away from these guys don’t bring anybody you just drafted Matas buila uh 11th overall don’t bring anybody in that’s gonna play his position yeah you got guys on the team to do that already don’t bring anybody in that’s going to that you’re going to look at and say well maybe he could be the starting uh uh shooting guard on this team no you bring in a guy like Terence man because you know he’s a bench shooting guard that’s a fact you know what I mean so that’s that’s really the outcome that I want to see the Bulls have here yeah I agree and we’ll see what that what comes with this new direction for the Chicago Bulls and if how much better they can execute it and that’s probably something that we need to talk about on tomorrow’s episode is how well do we expect AK and ever leue to really be able to execute what it seems like their plan’s going to be that’s the dangerous place to be in Pat go ahead and send us home brother expectations are dangerous in the city uh follow us on everything at lockon bu you can follow me on everything at path designer appreciate you guys we got to say this before we go appreciate you guys for getting us above 10K 10K on locked on bulls shout out to the they got a they got a little there we go [Applause] [Music] yeah why is that so long because it’s definitely never mind I’ll tell you after we get down you guys can follow me at CEO thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of lockon bulls we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube for pic designer this has been locked on bulls we out here peace y’all that was about to be a wild joke my boy that was about to be a wild joke my boy [Applause] [Music] [Music] does voo to the Clippers make sense

Haize & Pat The Designer discuss Bulls shopping Nikola Vucevic on the trade market. The guys also discuss the Bulls signing UDFA Marcus Domask & More

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  1. He will be a shooting guard. How the fuck he go from 6’11” to 6eight? What kind of plat form kicks does he rock?🤦🏾‍♂️

  2. Get BolBol. Get Bamba. Josh is a 🛑 sign. He is decent at basketball. I think of him throwing some nice oops, but I don’t see him getting a steal or a block. They moving him around like a catholic priest.

  3. Matt Thomas is the guy pat is thinking off, he wasn’t a two way tho he made the last roster spot when we got Zo and the boys, we signed Devin Dotson to a two way contract when we drafted p-will

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