Did Los Angeles Angels Lose Their Spot to Anaheim Ducks? Position Trade Targets? | FANMAIL FRIDAY

Did Los Angeles Angels Lose Their Spot to Anaheim Ducks? Position Trade Targets? | FANMAIL FRIDAY

on this episode of Locked on Angels it’s fan mail Friday and you were curious about the Mighty Ducks Rebrand and if the Halos need to do the same we’re going to talk about that and so much more it’s time to get locked on with Mike and John and this is locked on [Music] Angels you are locked on Angels your daily Los Angeles Angels podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day yes it is and yes we are thanks for making lockd on Angels your first listen of the day you can find us anywhere you get your podcast including Apple podcast Spotify and SiriusXM by searching locked on angels and if you’d like to give back to the super Halo Bros for all this super Halo content here’s some things that you can do leave us a rate and a review on Apple podcast if you’re watching on YouTube hit that thumbs up button and if you’re not subscribed already please subscribe and become a locked on every dayer and whether you’re watching or listening come over to YouTube leave a comment it’s really one of the best ways to get in touch with us and be a part of the conversation and this episode of lock on Angels is brought to you by booking.com booking doy the right stay can make you a fan in any City even in your rival City check out booking.com for your stay today hey thanks for being here for this episode of lockdown Angels where it’s your team every day you’ve got the Fresh Brothers here with you aka the super Halo Bros my name is John and that’s my brother Mike and my name is Mike and that’s my brother John it’s our third season here at lock on Angels we’re talking Angels baseball Monday through Friday with you every every single weekday on today’s show a little programming note we’re going to recap all four games of the Angels tiger series on Monday we like to put those in a neat little package for you and recap so if you’re looking for what happened last night we’ll have it for you on Monday don’t worry we’re gonna talk about all four games including Davis Daniel getting the start I hope he did well this is you’re you’re you guys are in the future right now Mike and I are in the past so we’re just hoping that our guy Davis Daniel did but it is a fan mail Friday we had lots of great questions Mike yesterday I don’t know if you saw that the Anaheim Ducks released a promo video for their new jerseys their Rebrand and we had a lot of inquiring Halo fans reach out to us about it why don’t you take us through that yeah they brought back A variation of the Mighty Duck logo did I think everybody wanted to start going quack quack quack that’s almost kind of like when people do the the the wings wings and the St yeah it’s like is that okay I don’t know once you get to my age married for a while and got kids you’re dad you can do whatever you want want awesome absolutely so I’m quacking and I’m gonna be I’m gonna be flying like a Halo now the uniforms are orange yes the promo was very celebratory Johnny of Anaheim Orange County Riverside County and I loved this tagline and I want you to talk about it the tagline is we are are orange country not Orange County Orange country talk about that and I I honestly I liked that that it says orange country not Orange County because I think it does a service and serves the wider area it incorporates all the surrounding places like Riverside County Mike even sadino County because everybody knows who’s lived here a long time it references this how Southern California was covered in Orange Groves out this way and Anaheim of course County Orange County there you go and and you know up in Uka where we’re both from like there tons of orange groves used to be there and Redlands so I think orange country opens it up to yes Orange County of course but it opens it up to the rest of the SoCal area now this was the interesting point of yesterday’s announcement or no two days ago actually vice president of marketing for the Ducks Meritt Tully gave a quote on Wednesday saying we are distinctly not La we don’t want to be La we’re not from La Jerry doesn’t want to talk to you I don’t want to talk to you nobody wants talk to you you hung up on my nana that’s what this sounded like we are distinctly not La we don’t want to be La we’re not from La we’re moving in a bold Direction and there’s a reason for it we want to represent people who are underrepresented we believe Orange County is an underserved Pro Sports Market Mike there’s a lot of feedback a lot of positive feedback from Ducks fans and especially Angel fans in fact it felt like the Ducks were doing exactly what the Angels should be doing when they said we are not La we want to serve Orange County and Beyond so we did get some questions here Mike for about the duck Rebrand from some of our lockdown every dayers and we’ll share our own thoughts on this as well but how about the this one from Spencer Owen on Twitter he messaged us and said I’ve always thought an angel’s Rebrand would be nice I know a lot of people want La out of the name but even some new uniforms at least would be awesome maybe in a away jersey that says something other than just Angels wondering if you guys have any thoughts on what you would want to see out of an angels Rebrand if they ever did why don’t you start us out Mike Johnny I I really think that it’s time and I thought back to when Ry bought this team and and even before that remember the whole Narrative of the Halos are back I loved that and that that the a was back and I loved all of that and so I think it’s time I mean it’s been 20 years since they’ve made that change a little over 20 years now and so I think that you need to Rebrand probably every five years and that might even be too long but I think with with a a sports brand and with a logo I think freshening it up is always great but when you freshen it up you don’t want to put lipstick on a p Pig and what I liked about what the Ducks did is that this wasn’t lipstick on a pig no offense to pigs but this was them choosing to go okay Rebrand but here’s why and they gave us the vision they gave us the purpose statement and I love that they said there are so many people here in Orange country that are underserved not just in OC but also Riverside and other places they are smart to include some of the iie if not all of the iie because a l fans in the are Angel fans and it’s an easy drive and even those who are not fans of the Angels might be fans of the Dodgers or the Padre’s or the Giants they still go to Angel games will root for the Angels unless their team is there and so it’s smart for the Ducks to be able to say hey here’s what we’re going to do we’re gonna own this area we’re going to Rebrand we’re going to give you a mission statement we’re g to give you a vision statement here’s our purpose behind it and quite frankly I’m not even a hockey guy I have a friend we have a mutual friend who’s a a Ducks fan he’s a hockey guy I get to work with him I I would watch because he’s a fan and I’ve been to a couple games with him but this won me over yet uh two days ago John this won me over I I will certainly be checking out Mighty Duck games simply because of what was communicated by the organization in this Rebrand I loved that they saw the void that the Angels left when they changed their name and rebranded to Los Angeles angels and you know what we’re going to own Anaheim we’re going to own this city this area this County the Southern California area that’s not LA or San Diego we’re gonna take ownership of that Mike that’s exactly where the angels have gone wrong they were Orange County’s team and they’re still Orange County’s team but I think the Ducks just took first place in terms of endearing themselves to the fans there look it it is a definitive statement to say we are not La we’re distinctly not La we’re not going to Rebrand to La we’re going to serve this area that is underserved in terms of sports teams and we’re going to be proud of it yeah look I I’m in I’m in the Pasadena area I’m close to La you could consider Pasadena like a suburb of La it’s definitely an East LA and look it’s it’s Dodgers Town out here and and very rarely do I find another Angel fan it’s fun when we do and we commiserate together but the fact is being out here it’s it’s so clear that there’s a passion for the Dodgers and rightfully so and and and to take that away from fans in Orange County by saying we’re marketing ourselves as being from Los Angeles it’s just not true it’s never really bothered me but then again I’m not an Orange County native I’m from the Inland Empire but the angels have always been our team and if those who don’t know a lot of people from Orange County in the late 90s moved out out to the IE and Riverside because it was more affordable there’s some great developments happening so that’s why there’s a lot of Angel fans out that direction now Andre siminis also messaged us he said would you embrace the Angels switching their colors to Orange to embrace Orange County the way the Ducks are I don’t think that I would get rid of the Halo Red but you know when when the before the city connects got released there were some mock jerseys out there and there was like a really cool like navy blue jersey with some orange Incorporated in it and I’m honest surprised it felt like it was low hanging fruit ha uh Orange um it felt like it was low hanging fruit to do something regarding the Orange Groves Orange County and maybe it’s not too late if the Dodgers can have 400 City connect uniforms then maybe the angels can do that too uh but I also think that that would be an interesting direction to go and and maybe it doesn’t have to be totally orange I do like that navy blue and orange idea as like a city connect but Mike it it it to me it feels so strange to witness this because it just shows how the samuelis got it right and Angel’s brat have got it wrong am I wrong here no you’re absolutely right they they certainly have their pulse on what’s happening in Anaheim and in Orange County and in Orange country again I love I love that phrase and they’ve always been like this John and I know the Ducks haven’t been fantastic but that they they continue to try to get better and I’ll check in with our mutual friend on how they’re getting better he is to the ducks like we are to the angels like he loves this team and so I’ll check in and one of the things that he says all the time John is how he loves the ownership of this team and here’s what I love about them when was the last time that you heard from them controversy from them issues from them even just like a comment from they let their people do their jobs and I love that and that’s the type of owner that I think an angel owner needs to be whether it’s Arty or somebody else they need to have the right people around and let them do their jobs we didn’t hear from Disney when Disney was in charge and Gan atry is an anomaly because Gan atry is just dearly loved but you didn’t hear much from Gan atry either he wasn’t always in the media because he had other things that he was doing he definitely he definitely did his like oh I want that Superstar I want that guy he definitely did that yeah and he he’s a fan that’s what people loved about him and so I’m not saying that you can’t say anything in the media I what I want is an owner that’s a fan that lets his people do their jobs and do their jobs well and Supply them with what they need man any any sort of hockey fan even if you’re a Kings fan and you’re living in the OC like this this might move you in the direction of being a Ducks fan and I would say the same thing for the Angels like there’s three million people in that area and yeah the fact that they don’t tap into that the fact that they don’t affirm that the fact that they don’t celebrate that I I think that there’s a lot that the angels are lacking in this situation what am I doing what am I doing right now on the on the video side too close your hands up to your face yes you can’t see past the end of your nose Mike and that’s this Angel’s ownership in a nutshell look when Arty ‘s a fan he’s admitted that he’s a fan but there’s something to be said about John Carpino and company coming on being you know marketing guys and billboard guys and college buddies look you can’t surround yourself with Yes Men you have to surround yourself with people that are going to challenge you and when Arty got here there was a fervor because he was a fan but you’ve rejected the fan base in Orange County the stadium should be full we have passionate fans who are the most loyal they’re loyal to the team now they want to see the young guys play well they’re loyal to the team even though they haven’t made the best decisions front office wise and and I say this with my hand to my nose because you are leaving money on the table by branding yourself as Los Angeles I don’t care about well the Los Angeles Market’s the second biggest Market I understand all of that but it doesn’t make a difference whether you’re the Anaheim Angels or the Los Angeles Angels in terms of the reach that this team is going to have just like with SH Otani they couldn’t see the money they were leaving on the table because they thought it cost too much somebody made an interesting point when we were talking about Otani the other day how Ry tried to downplay otani’s impact on the game probably because he was trying to downplay how much money he would have to pay to keep him and he was wrong about that and even with the 700 million you could easily make that back I think the Dodgers have already made that back and you are leaving money on the table by not calling yourself Anaheim Angels or some variation of that I’ve heard like how about Orange County Angels how about OC angels and I get that but I mean they’re in Anaheim and Anaheim deserves to have their name attached to the baseball team that’s been there for 60 plus years Mike and it’s a disservice to the city I think it’s a disservice to the fans there I really think that they’re leaving money on the table and a fervor for the team that’s missing I hopefully new ownership you know we did our we did our It’s a Wonderful Life if Arty had sold over Christmas and we did the whole what if scenario and in our scenario it was a Rebrand and it was a a reintroduction of the team and and so that was a that was a fun thing to do I just think that this is a huge missed opportunity so good on the ducks good on the samuelis for doing this right Mike the last time we heard about anything from the samuelis was OC Vibe and how they want to be a huge part of making that happen yeah in Anaheim I think that’s awesome absolutely yeah love that love this this and and I think that the Angels need to do some work here and so hopefully it’s either Arty or it’s a new owner but the Angels need to do some work here in the brand that they hold hey thanks for making lock down Angels your first listen today the Angels playing the Tigers at 6:38 Pacific time tonight you can catch every pitch of the Angels Hometown broadcast on SiriusXM with the sxm app all you got to do is search Angels coming up on locked on Angels if the angels are sellers at the deadline what type of players and positions should they prioritize in a return we’ll share our thoughts on the needs that the angels have coming right up hey Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends at booking.com with Summer travel heating up especially travel for baseball games it’s time to explore those US cities that you always secretly wanted to learn more about and with hotels bed and breakfast and vacation rentals and Resorts and so much more you can use booking.com you might just find your perfect stay even if you’re in your Rivals City and that’s that’s totally okay because they’re there to help you booking.com from hotels that look over stadiums to familyfriendly Resorts booking.com has so many choices across the US for your summer travel this Major 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line and Carlos from Riverside has a question for us Carlos in Orange country there you go orange country hello hi my name is Carlos Rivera from Riverside California quick question when we trade whomever we trade should we go for specific position or should we keep getting pitching or what else should we trade for Thank You by Carlos thank you for your voicemail my friend thank you for tuning in the show and giving us a call Mike what positions should the Angels be trading for if they trade their players Carlos didn’t get specific about like you know who do we trade and and and what are the names we trade for just positionally what do the Angels need and I think that’s a great question because sometimes we get caught up in look at that Prospect look at that Prospect but you really got to look at what the angels have who’s ready to come up now who’s gonna be coming down the pipeline in a few years based on the Angels top 30 prospects Mike I think if we had to rank them it might be third baseman somebody who can play the corner uh people up the middle Short Stop second base uh the angels have a lot of up the middle guys but they are kind of a few years away so it would take some time for them to have those guys develop and then starting pitching of course is always a need and always a nice to have but I think an ideal situation and maybe you can speak more to this are ready now players what do you think yeah I think that that’s what the angels will probably prioritize think this uh two years ago CJ Abrams and McKenzie Gore were traded for Juan sto those two guys just were starting their career in the majors and and they were ready now guys they were ready to prove themselves and I think the Angels want the same thing James Wood is close to making his major league debut right now with the Nationals or think about Brandon Marsh and Logan ohy that was a great trade right the Angels desperately needed a franchise catcher and ohappy was ready to play right now and then when you think about the Noah card for Mickey moniac and yadiel Sanchez like that was a really great cha trade now Sanchez is still a few years away but moniac is here and he’s adjusting his swing and he’s starting to look like the moniac from last year and so I think that this is probably the direction that the angels will go I would say I would move in that direction because ready now guys or guys that are about a year or maybe two away are probably the guys that they should prioritize you’ve been on on the train of trading Tyler Anderson and getting somebody like a Conor Norby from the Orioles Johnny he could probably come right over and play second base if the Angels could pull off that trade right yeah if they could pull it off it would take a lot I I’m not sure if it’s a one to one or maybe you throw in a reliever cuz the Orioles also need relief pitching but you got to do what you got to do to get a prospect now it might not be the Orioles it might be somebody from the Brewers or maybe the Dodgers come a call in for Tyler Anderson because they need rotation help and health as well so all that to say getting those guys who are either ready to play now like a Conor Norby and he’s just kind of positionally blocked or the guys who might be a year or two away positionally Mike the angels have big need for guys who are a year or two away I think that that is their biggest need right now Nick flakis on YouTube said my biggest question is would trading Reno be a bad move right now with the uncertainty of the Angels players due to injuries his Bat has been solid him being the first angel in franchise history to play Third second and right field in one game on Wednesday showed that having a super utility player is a necessity in the lineup first of all Nick I think my opinion Mike I don’t know how you feel I think the Angels need to extend Ren heo I think that he’s the perfect extension candidate he’s 27 this year his prime years are here ages 27 to 30 if even if he got a fiveyear extension that takes him through to age 32 that would taken through to 2029 and maybe the angels are in a somewhat competitive window in 26 maybe even more like 27 28 29 so especially with the young guys developing and and getting better uh I think some of their best minor league players in terms of arms are coming up maybe next year maybe the maybe 2026 so I think the competitive window is starting to open but I think Luis Rano if you’re not going to trade him you got to extend him you got to do something with him now if they don’t extend him I think that his value has never been higher than it is right now and and to answer Nick’s question about like should we be worried about the injuries I think we just need to except the fact that the angels are going to have to figure it out and get by because this season is essentially a wash especially if they sell the players that they should but uh you know it sucks to lose but I think it’s it would set them up for uh success in the future and I think they’ll still have guys like guor on this team they’ve got Zack Netto they have some flexibility in the infield maybe a few call-ups they haven’t tried out yet uh just to see how they handle the major leagues Mike rifo extend him keep him trade him what do you think I think you extend him I’m with you in that sense but I do think that if they do get rid of him they trade him away I I I get Nick’s concern about health but this is gonna sound so simplified but just run with me for a second you need bodies and so getting rid of a Ren heo and maybe getting two guys back you need you need bodies now you want good bodies you want good players I get all of that right I you’re telling me I need a good body come on but I but I think that what the angels could prioritize if they do trade Ren heo obviously he’s been healthy they could prioritize getting some young guys who are ready to come and play because what you’ll find and and this is gonna be a really bad example but you’re gonna find the Zach netos and the Logan Oh hoppies if you spend the time doing that now I know they both have been hurt I think oh hoppies was kind of a freak injury and the Netto was just a lot of playing time and probably playing a lot of time because he hasn’t played in that amount of games before and so but now look what they’re doing this year they’re staying on the field and they’re being great and even in moments where they may have tweaked a knee or hurt something they’re coming back the next day right being young is a benefit to staying healthy and so the Angels should prioritize a young roster of young bodies of players that can actually have an impact either next year or the year after oh man remember being young remember what that was like oh yeah I remember it’s right now friends if you’re going to the game you got to use game time they are now an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball and it makes getting tickets a whole lot faster and easier and 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think Dana would stay in the minors at least one maybe two more years yeah because I want to see him develop Mike I want him to get all the time that he needs to develop I don’t think there’s an urgency in bringing him up because they do have bodies like you said who could fill in and take those rotation spots but if they want to go the free agent route some of the starters available Corbin Burns Max freed Michael orenen there’s a lot of opt outs next year like Blake Snell Garrick Cole Robbie Ray so those are some of the names that might come up we also might consider Sam Bachmann right yeah yeah I I would love to see Sam Bachmann in this starting rotation at the end of the year if he’s healthy because I want to see him and what he can do and then of course Davis Daniel he’s serviceable could be a number five or swing starter for the Angels here’s the thing about Kad and Dana is that when somebody is Mike Trout like they are forcing your hand you have to bring them up right and Kaden Dana just entered the top 100 MLB prospects because Paul SK is now in the major leagues right so he just entered that fantastic I think that this guy needs to continue to develop for at least one more year he hasn’t done anything that would make you go oh you gotta bring this guy up like a Paul schs right now that doesn’t mean he hasn’t pitched well and if you compare him to our starting rotation in the majors you would go oh gotta bring this guy up right but compare it to a starting rotation that maybe has some experience and some veteran leadership and you would say no he’s not ready yet and with these guys that they have in the rotation next year could be a really solid rotation if they end up adding somebody and letting Kad and Dana continue to develop and perhaps he develops so much that they bring him up in June or they bring him up in August and they’re in a bit of a wild card run there’s a lot of hopeful conversation around Kad and Dana But ultimately I think he needs to develop a little bit more in the minor Chase silth is a good example because he was drafted in 21 he debuted in 22 had you know some some success but also clearly needed a little bit more time then he came into the bull pin in 2023 and then got some starts clearly was a better starter rather than a guy out of the pen and I think you know he looked great in spring training and then his first few starts he wasn’t great and I think it had to do with whatever he was dealing with in terms of injuries and now it’s taken him time to get back and I think injuries are a natural part of the process but I will say this I think that that’s an example of what happens when you bring somebody up as quick as possible or the very next year and I don’t want to do that with Kad and Dana I think that there are things to work out even if there is a knock on wood like an inevitable injury right like a shoulder thing or you know a knee thing I want to get those out of the way in the minor leagues and and let him work through those things and come back I don’t think that’s going to happen but I think that the adjustment period to becoming a professional baseball player takes longer than we often realize hey Ellie boy 88 on YouTube says love you guys all the way from Wales in the UK that’s awesome thanks Ellie boy what should the Angels prioritize in the offseason an elite bat to go along with trout and the Young Guns or a True Ace for the starting rotation Mike I’d personally love to see Corbin Burns come home to Southern California be the Ace of this staff next year but I’ll be interested to see what the needs of the team are once the trade deadline comes and goes so I think this is a little bit difficult a question to answer now but definitely off the top of my head I’d love to see uh uh Corbin Burns come come back to SoCal yeah just to be different let me talk about Max freed I think he’d be great in this Angel starting rotation especially if they’re moving more towards right-handed pitchers with Sorano and Griffin canning and then eventually Kaden Dana I think that they would benefit with having a lefty in this starting rotation my only concern about Max freed is that he hasn’t pitched more than 180 Innings and so he’s he’s really been an injury risk he had some forearm stuff two years ago this year he’s actually been a whole lot better and so I I think if I’m gonna choose I’m gonna go with Corbin Burns because he’s more of your Ace of the staff and I just want Corbin Burns to come back to Southern California yeah Johnny Saucy James on YouTube asked this question I like that Saucy James what should be done with sandavol do you non- tender do you pay him for two years of arbitration and then see what happens in 2026 or do you give them a contract extension that is presumably a little bit cheaper yeah I did a little research for this question thank you sashy James Patrick sandal is making 5, 25,000 this year as a result of arbitration and there’s two ways this could go usually in arbitration the salary goes up year-over-year so if he were healthy sandal would likely get something over five million in arbitration however in this offseason and next he’s probably going to get significantly less money because he won’t be pitching right yeah so he’d probably go from five million to I’m just guessing here maybe two million or less over the next two years in arbitration so I think it would be in his best interest to sign a deal this off season maybe something like just for example five years 20 million so he would get four million a year from 2025 to 2029 and so that would take him through his age 32 season this guarantees that he has a job after he recovers and he still gets paid you know a relative good amount of money through his arbitration years angels on their side get an affordable yearly deal and they could even restructure it Mike so maybe during his recovery years he gets like one million here one million there and then the last three years of the contract are six million a year because he’s pitching again so that’s just an example of what could happen but the Angels could definitely go for a shorter deal doesn’t have to be a a fiveyear thing but I think if they’re concerned about his recovery from Tommy John surgery I think a shorter deal might be on the table but buying out his arbitration years now and gaining an extra year maybe two or three at a low cost is beneficial for the team and I think it’s beneficial for sand ofal because he’s gonna have a job guaranteed job once he recovers and I don’t know that he’s gonna make as much in arbitration because of these two years coming up where he’s going to have to recover so in my opinion I think if they work out some sort of deal like the one I described Maybe 4 million a year for five years takes him through his injury and earns you a couple more years after he would have been a free agent I think that’s the way to go for the Angels hey thanks for making lock on Angels your first listen to the day the Angels play the Tigers at 6:38 Pacific time of course you can catch every pitch of the Angels Hometown broadcast with SiriusXM on the sxm app just search Angels hey give us a follow on Twitter lockdown angels and super Halo Bros on Twitter and Instagram whether you’re watching or listening come on over to Today’s Show on YouTube find the episode get in the comment section hit that like button on the way down to the comments it’s the best way to get in touch with Mike and I Mike what do we have on deck for Monday show we’re going to recap all four games against the Tigers and we’re going to do do it in a detailed way so join us on Monday for that recap on locked on Angels is there any other way than detailed because we’re detailed extensive we’re gonna Deep dive we’re gonna buckle up nerds it’s GNA be awesome I love it I love it all right friends have a great weekend and we’ll see you back here on Monday until then my name is John and that’s my brother Mike and my name is Mike and that’s my brother John thanks for being here with us and we’ll see you back here on Monday nothing not a one nope

The Los Angeles Angels may have lost their spot as Anaheim’s team to the Ducks, and with good reason: the Ducks just released their new rebrand, emphasizing “Orange Country” and wanting to serve the Orange County area’s passionate fanbase. Where does this put the Angels now? On this FANMAIL FRIDAY edition of Locked On Angels, the Super Halo Bros. share their thoughts on the Ducks rebrand, their definitive “We are not L.A.” statement, and more! Plus, we’re taking your questions on what kind of players the Angels should be seeking in return for their trade candidates? We’ll get to all of this and more on today’s show!

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  1. I may not be an Angels fan, but I am a Ducks fan! Was going to ask your thoughts on the Ducks embracing Orange County so I'm glad you guys are making this video. Looking forward to it

  2. This topic is beneath you guys sorry.

    This is a petty identity grievance that generally only the people that complain about absolutely everything take issue with.

    People who are looking to pit the Angels LA fans against its Orange County fans instead of just accepting all of them as fans and seeking solutions to real problems Are not contributing anything productive to the conversation

    Let’s get back to talking about developing the organization, getting real coaching into the organization, building around the young core… much of which has been happening so far this year. Then let’s move the conversation to what’s really going on with the training staff that the Angels players have so many more injuries than seemingly anybody else.

    And then let’s talk about how we dont trust the instincts, judgment or decision-making of Arte Moreno.

    Maybe the one thing he got right was changing the name to increase advertising revenue with a simple name change capitalizing on the size and power of the LA media market which is where of majority of the Angel viewers are… if only he had let his general managers, decide how to spend that money instead of sticking us with one broken down veteran on the downside of their careers like Puljos, Josh Hamilton, Vernon Wells, Anthony Rendon, and the three reclamation projects every year instead of proven talent

  3. Tonight's win is a glimpse of our young team can be. Davis Daniel did an excellent job with that start and Ben Joyce in closing. This is what we all been waiting to see. I know it's only one game, but let's roll with it.

    As far for today show about Rendon and "jogging" on the treadmill doesn't cut it to even be considered bringing him up. He needs at least bare minimum of a week playing everyday at Salt Lake and producing to be in the lineup. Otherwise, he's just going to tamper the chemistry this team now. Schanuel earned his spot as lead off, and not going to break his confidence for Rendon.

    Rengifo is proving his worth by playing multiple positions and hitting over .300, if not the leaders in batting average. I disagree with Wash not keeping him at third and have Sano. Rengifo is part if our future young stars. Sano is a rental and a feel good story. He did hit a long one out, but again struck out 3 times also.

    I still like be proven wrong on my posts in order for this team to respond positively. If this has to be my superstition then so be it… 4 WINS IN A ROW. That's what you call a win streak! GO ANGELS

  4. How about bringing back the CALIFORNIA Angels for a refresh/ rebrand? Or bring back Anaheim on the front of a jersey and it'll definitely fire up our fanbase. We don't want anything to do with LA either.

  5. Tyler Anderson has a negative $8M trade value, by comparison Rengifo has a positive $17M value and Ward has a $20M positive trade value.
    Basically, salary relief is about all you can expect to get for Anderson.

    Regarding Sandoval, a team can't cut a player's salary by more than 20% and generally when it's due to injury teams will offer the same salary to the player, or even a small increase as a sign of good faith. I like the idea of a multi year extension, but it would be more like 2 years 10M with club options for 7M and 10M on years 3 and 4 and buyouts for about 2M. This way Sandoval has at least a 12M guarantee and incentive to produce, while the Angels have a chance at cutting losses if he doesn't pan out.

  6. Thanks for another great show!

    I don't and never have lived in CA and even I hate that they're the LA Angels. I am all about rebranding back to Anaheim or even OC, just anything but Los Angeles.

    And Angels in the Outfield is the whole reason I chose this team (from AZ before the Dbacks existed), so if anyone at the stadium wants to flap their arms like a maniac, I will cheer them on! 😂

  7. ​​Rengifo was one of two people to stop after a game in their car and sign a ball for my daughter… The Other was Taylor Cole who had the No-Hitter with Felix Pena😀

  8. Arte makes his team seem like a poser, not did he not want to associate with Anaheim, Anaheim, the ducks are making themselves seem like a passionate fanbase. I think they’re trying to send a message to arte saying that they are not LA, so glad that the ducks are trying something.

  9. My dream is for the Samuelis to buy the Angels, they have a 16 billion dollar net worth, so please make that offer! Just like when you guys did the
    “Beautiful life” episode back in the off season, in my head the Samuelis bought the Angels in your story

  10. So happy for Davis Daniel. He was awesome last night. He should’ve been given an opportunity with the big league team earlier in the year instead of the Suarez and Pleasacs of the world. I don’t care who the team is beating it’s just nice to see the Halos string along wins. Let’s continue it tonight Go Angels !

  11. I agree with keeping Luis Rengifo and extending his contract for as long as possible. Luis has performed very well for us, often being the only batter getting consistent hits for us, while all the others batters floundered. He is also a solid fielder, and he needs to take over third base, permanently. If and when Rendon returns, do not allow him to bump Rengifo off of third base. Luis is our man on the hot corner now. Put Rendon on rotating DH, or even DFA him, who cares? Rendon is just a negative disruption. Rengifo is our future, and a key to our success.

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