Flyers Daily with Jason Myrtetus 6-28-2024

Flyers Daily with Jason Myrtetus 6-28-2024

all right here we go it is a brand new Flyers daily for the 28th of June 2024 and it is draft night in the NHL first round happening tonight Flyers daily as always presented by ticketm make more memories live I know a lot of people look forward to the draft as much as any element in the sport we see it in all sports you have you have your draft Knicks in the NBA the NFL draft is obviously a huge thing and the NHL is as well although it’s a different kind of draft the NFL draft is one where you’re seeing players drafted that you can watch on TV every Saturday whenever college football’s on and most of those players you know when they’re drafted they’re already grown men they’re not 18-year-old kids in the NBA we see some high school players drafted and but for the most part you see players drafted that you watch in the NCAA basketball season in the NHL draft it’s a little bit more difficult to follow all the different players globally that will be drafted coming up tonight and throughout this weekend through the NHL 2024 entry draft so it’s a little bit more difficult and I rely on the people that know the draft that study the draft to have the Insight I’m not going to be a guy that’s gonna come on here and go at number 12 if the Flyers pass up on this guy look I I haven’t been able to watch some of these players play more than their highlight Clips so to know how they play when they don’t have the puck when the camera wasn’t on them or you know looking at highlight reels can be deceiving sometimes I want to look at a low light reel when a player at his worst and when he’s got to face adversity those kind of things um what the person is like and it’s it’s difficult it’s a huge task to be an expert on the NHL draft because it is so Global and you got a couple of Russians in the you know certainly in the top 10 maybe the top five uh demid off obviously maybe the the second overall pick but is because he’s russing and the timeline they’re not sure of going to be something that holds the team back from selecting him that high you know we saw what happened last year with mat mitkof He Slipped to the Flyers the Flyers took him he’s here coming here now which is way ahead of schedule so we’ll see if Chicago goes Dem man in a very dehe heavy top 10 or if they go with demad off and we we know that mlin celebrini is going to be the number one overall pick uh to the from uh Boston University and he’s going to head to the San Jose Sharks Chicago’s got the the second pick uh then it’s Anaheim Columbus um then you got uh Montreal in the top five once again but where are these players going to fall there’s a lot of there’s not a lot of consensus here that even number two is going to be demad off and certainly beyond that three through 15 is going to be up for interpretation I’ve read a lot of Articles from Bob McKenzie who obviously is a very trusted Source when it comes to the NHL draft and his draft rankings he doesn’t do a mock draft he does draft rankings um and then you know you read Craig Button and the other you know draft mock draft people and who’s going to be there at number 12 I don’t know I know sometimes we get caught up in a name like Cole Eiserman he’s a guy that was definitely top 10 probably top five before the season but his stock has dropped throughout the year you have to wonder why you have to look at that is it is there an entitlement factor with the US national team development program and that’s part of the reason why he may drop we’ll see I mean the one mock draft I’m looking at from Craig Button has Cole Eiserman going number 13 where the Flyers are drafting number 12 Buffalo traded their 11th overall and now all a team has jumped in front of the Flyers that being San Jose are they jumping up to grab Cole Eiserman and prevent him from going to the Flyers are they draft jumping up to grab a d there’s so many variables going into this draft there’s value in it and there’s a lot of good players in that one through 15 but this is where trust in a front office is Paramount it’s absolutely huge that the front office is going to identify the player the personality and how that player’s skill set and their personality will translate being a pro being an NHL player so there’s a lot of projection and it certainly is not an exact science so who are they going to take tonight are they going to end up with Cole Eiserman are they going to end up with uh cona helenius are they going to end up with Carter yanchuk I don’t know I don’t know where they’re going we’ll be doing a live draft show Brian Smith from Las Vegas in the spere bill Meltzer and I so to join us we’ll be streaming that but I don’t know where they’re going to end up going we don’t know who’s going to drop all of the sudden one team doesn’t pick a guy that everybody thought was going top five then all of a sudden he slips four spots maybe a team trades up maybe the Flyers trade up and identify him as a player that’s worth moving up for we’ll see how it plays out players have 12 and 32 in the first round so two first round picks again this year after two really good first round picks last year with mof and Bon and then two next year but uh tonight’s draft I think is going to be fascinating and we’ll see if we get some dealing on the floor to move up to move down hockey trades it’s going to be a very interesting night in Las Vegas uh so we’ll see how it all breaks down who they take we shall see and no matter who they take I do know this that there’s going to be people on social media that love it and there’s going to be people on social media that hate it now coming up in a minute couple minutes actually we’re going to we’re going to wrap up our last two Flyers exit day interview series guests and uh Noah Kates will be the first one and then Bobby Brink so we’ll talk about them when we get to that but I wanted to get to this first as we sit here on draft day on the Eve basically of a new season the new league year will kick off July 1 and it’s going to be a fascinating year meof coming over has created a ton of B Buzz tons of Buzz and it begs the question does this change things for the Flyers at the draft does this change things in their negotiations with Travis concy does it change their aggressiveness in trying to get a center uh via trade free agency’s probably not in the cards this year they don’t have the money that’ll clear next year they’ll be in that free agent game but that’s not this year so I wanted to get some responses to a tweet I put out yesterday I put out the following tweet I said the 2024 NHL draft is tomorrow tomorrow that’s tonight and the Flyers have the 12th and 32nd pick in the first round Matt vof is coming way ahead of schedule and the buzz around the Flyers is great so for tomorrow’s this Flyers daily tell me how you’re feeling Flyers fans and I said I’ll read a bunch on this podcast I love to incorporate the listeners and uh the fan base so here we go First Response comes from dawn wilno she says I’m ecstatic that mof is coming early but I’m also tring try not to expect a 19-year-old to turn water into wine we do have to get expectations we’ll see there’s a lot of variables with him coming over and it’s not just the adjustment to hockey in North America it’s the adjustment in life in North America there’s a lot that he’s got to get used to and get up to speed on the language barrier all these things I’m not sure if he had English lessons over the past year or not I imagine some um but all of those things are things that m mof is going to have to navigate beginning as soon as he gets here and that’s not just simple sometimes we look at athletes pro athletes in particular as mercenaries Hired Guns and in some ways yeah they are but they are human too so they have the human element so expectations for mov people are saying what line is he going to play on I don’t know I don’t know what he needs needs in a in a centerman just yet in the North American NHL game I don’t know what he needs on the other Wing we got to see him play first before we can really make educated guesses on that it’s easy to say Morgan Frost and Tyson forcer would be great playing with him we’ll see that may be the case um Anthony deio the great Anthony degio good hockey guy he says uh it feels like fans are finally starting to see that glimmer of Hope they’ve been promised to see for a long time time he says these are these are great steps for the rebuild I still think expectations are low for next season but in general hope for the future is high I agree I’m not going into next year going oh mof’s here this team’s going to be a wagon and make the playoffs and win multiple rounds I think I think that would be setting yourself up for disappointment if they do great I’ll take it but it’s not the mentality that I’ll be going into the season with at least as we sit right now I don’t know what they’re going to do in the trade market they pulled off some huge coup then then obviously expectations will change by the way expectations are allowed to change based on recent happenings uh Mikey D the driveway deadlifter Mikey another good hockey guy from uh the OMB podcast he says for starters I’m feeling good about about the moves that have been made mechkov coming over and our front office’s Direction he said personally I hope the Flyers trade for for an NHL centerman during the draft or soon after also crossing my fingers Brier doesn’t trade back for more picks um we’ll see if they get into that trade market for a centerman or if they feel like they get him in the draft even though if you draft the centerman in this draft you’re probably not he’s not going to be on the team this year very likely and not be a guy that you know certainly is going to be a Topline centerman you know most players that are drafted in the first round of the NHL draft are going to need some time to to put muscle on and refine their game further before getting to the best league in the world um as far as Brier trading back for more picks I know he mentioned that Mikey in his press availability as an option but he also mentioned moving up standing Pat he basically mentioned every option Under the Sun to not tip his hand to any option uh but I don’t get this sense that Danny Brier is a while in a rebuild trade back from 12 to get more picks I think he wants potency I think he wants quality over quantity so he doesn’t strike me as that type of GM at this point in where the Flyers are uh G Falcone Tweets in and says I’ve been watching the Flyers since the Cooper all days back in the 80s those were hideous uh I remember teams that I played on when I was playing squirt hockey uh wore those he said those 80s teams were exciting but I haven’t been this locked on the Flyers since they traded for lindross meof I’ve said it this is they didn’t draft lindross but his rookie year was as a flyer I don’t remember another rookie year since lindross that garnered this much excitement like mat mov that’s just the fact of the matter they’ve had some really good rookie Seasons from players and guys that turned out to be very good whether Simone G or clo jaru and others but the buzz that mof is generating it may not equal lindross and it’s hard to kind of compare the two because there was no social media back when lindross debuted with the Flyers uh but there’s obviously a lot of Buzz uh Edge Lord says this is the most excited I’ve been as a Flyers fan I have faith in the new regime to build a competitive team around him around me Mee off uh a lot of people have faith High faith in in the front office right now uh pleased Samurai interesting uh handle says the Flyers need minimum two but probably three power play guys to truly contend look at all the contenders winners uh moff can be one maybe farbe another but we need to acquire more here it’s not oh we got meof we’re good now totally agree he’s high-end talent but they need more high-end Talent that’s why the arrival of mov even though he’s 19 take that part out of the equation is not enough you need more you see the top teams and they have multiple pieces multiple pieces of high-end Talent yeah Fighters need more of that for sure looks like they’re going to be really diligent on building that back end and defending which is good for a team to advance in the playoffs you don’t advance in the playoffs if you can’t defend you can’t just outscore teams Toronto talking to you uh but you look at teams like Edmonton the reason why they Advanced to The Cup Final got to a game seven was because they bought in and defended so that’s a big part of it but you do need high-end Talent up front you need guys on a power play and multiple options that’s what you have to have totally agree with pleased Samurai uh Mr Robert jaako I think I messed up your name but uh he said because of his early arrival do you think already established players will consider coming to Philadelphia this season um see I think it’s too soon for that because I don’t think the Flyers have the money I don’t think the flyers I know the Flyers on the money they they don’t have the cap space to jump into that eventually he may be a guy that can lure other players here especially if there’s free agents that are Russian or european I I think absolutely as the Flyers Ascend it just becomes more and more attractive you couple that with a general manager and Danny Breer and president and Keith Jones who are thought of incredibly well around the league not just by players and other general managers but by agents and the Agents control a lot and then you couple that with the fact that the facilities have all been upgraded to be as first class as it comes in the NHL you’re playing in a city in Philadelphia where the travel on the Northeast Corridor is so much better than it is is in in a lot of other places if you play in Dallas or you play even in San Jose or you play in Edmonton or you play in Calgary their travels Wicked just grueling the flyers I Chris Pronger wrote a whole thing about it Chris Pronger wrote an entire thread on Twitter about how much better the travel was in Philadelphia compared to other places he played he played in Edmonton he played in Anaheim he played in Harford um and he played here so that St Louis and he said that is a huge thing huge thing for players it’s a big selling point it’s like the no tax state is a big selling point for players hey you can take less cap hit and earn more money uh Paul at Balck 17 says not only are good things happening but the confidence and Trust I have in this organization and making the right decisions and leading the team to long-term success is as high as it’s ever been hilf Jones and Brier have been doing fantastic I agree and to me it just seems like they’re very focused and Resolute on the plan and they also have a way of communicating with the fan base that you don’t feel like they’re bsing you and look we would love more transparency but there’s only so much you can give but I think that Danny and Keith Jones and Dan hrey are giving as much transparency as you can while still maintaining hands in any kind of conversations or negotiations that you have uh Blaster combo says getting into the playoffs or not I’m just excited for another exciting season on top of getting to watch meof do his thing I want to see new prospects getting some time on the roster as well we’ll see we’ll see if some other guys break in this year whether that’s a guy like Amil Andre um who played last year I think he played four games or we see a guy like Ronnie added or can Elliot Deno have a huge bounceback year after a disappointing season last year you know there there are guys that we’ve got to see Bobby Brink who we’re going to feature a conversation with him um was a little up and down between the Flyers and the Phantoms this past year played in the playoffs with the Phantoms as well um so those are some guys that you know we’re going to be keeping an eye on some young guys there’s a lot of young young players in this system uh both that we get the chance maybe to see this year here and beyond that we’re talking about Bon and Barky and and others uh Teresa mccy says feel so good that we’re going to buy a ticket package awesome get down to the barn I’ll tell you what the Wells Fargo Center last year there was a shift I think it started November around just after Black Friday maybe or into of December when fan base was recognizing this team worked their rear ends off and they were fun to watch they played a style of hockey with that off the rush offense that was appealing to watch and that they were going to show up and they were going to work and the fans that building got a lot more vibe in it one of the one of the huge moments of the Season where I thought it was the fan base was it was really dialed in I’m trying to look for the specific date it was the fifth game of a five-game win streak when the Flyers beat the Dallas Stars five w at Wells Fargo Center Dallas really good team obviously uh they lost to Dallas on October 21st in overtime and then they played Dallas at Wells Fargo Center um I can’t seem to find it on my stupid schedule but any oh it was on January 18th and they won that game 5 to one they were just they just choked them they were so good in that game and that building was buzzing that night people were going oh this is this is this is good this is fun to watch this is worth me putting my money down uh let’s go to the next one uh Tim Sullivan says after next year they’ll have two first rounders for three straight years it’s like last two years two last year’s two will be good that’s M goof and Bon hopefully they can keep it going forward obviously 12 and 32 in this draft we’ll see if we they use all those picks um but yeah hitting on your draft picks and then developing those players huge huge element in a salary CA NHL uh in 32 Team league Matt linkner says is there anyone in the 12th pick range that you could see having a legitimate shot of making the roster out of Camp what about if they trade up to the seventh pick um again I I don’t know it which of these guys are ready I don’t think so I don’t think there’s guys maybe if ainla fell or Kaden Lindstrom fell Sam dick is going to be with the London Knights you know the Flyers are like him um a left-handed D that’s got top pair um potential there’s about four or five guys in this top 10 that have top pair potential um so I don’t think so um I don’t think that whoever they draft it they stay at 12 will be on the Flyers roster when they open the season uh coming up in October uh South the Kevin what’s up Kev haven’t seen him in a while he said cautiously optimistic it’s nice to see everyone getting excited and he say I suppose I am too little little hesitant there he said but this team has let me down enough times to make me want to hedge my bets that said the trium seemed to have wred the ship so I’m curious for what’s coming next it’s okay to have Scar Tissue it is absolutely okay you know as sports fans we pour a lot in and I’m not talking just money I’m talking emotion time and when it team doesn’t deliver for you and you get excited and it happens repeatedly it’s okay to have Scar Tissue it’s okay to be a little hesitant and it’s okay to be cautiously optimistic totally agree um let’s get to one more uh Avid Steve Mason appreciator at Philly Chopper he said uh this is the first offseason that hasn’t felt like we were just waiting for the bombs or the season to start There’s Hope in the front office there’s a Vibe around the fan base that is getting fun again it’s a paradigm shift compared to the last few off seasons for sure love the term Paradigm Shift totally agree I will tell you that at Philly Chopper the paradigm shift I felt last year in training camp now I work for the team and I’m behind the scenes and I’ve been in this role for a very long time 15 years and the vibe in the workplace the vibe in the locker room the vibe around the facility the vi vibe in the business offices there was a paradigm shift and it translated onto the ice now it needs to sustain and continue to improve but that’s a great turn of phrase Paradigm Shift couldn’t agree more um there’s more here too and uh I’ll get to some more maybe uh in an upcoming episode Bill Meltzer is going to join us on Monday to go through the draft we’re gonna have draft picks on Prospect Camp is next week as well so there’s a lot coming up here on Flyers daily uh but let’s get to our Flyers exit day interview series um couple things got pushed back with some of the happenings around the team whether uh that was the M mof news Danny Brier’s availability sitting down with Dan hfy uh lots of things but Noah Kates um certainly a disappointing year for Noah Kates he only played in 59 games had that um broken foot that he had to deal with uh probably 25 games into the season struggled offensively only six goals 12 assists and 18 points in those 59 games played a little Center played a little wing came back from the injury looked like he was trying to get his legs back under him uh year prior all 82 games played center that entire season with Shan Couer still out uh 13 goals 25 assists and 38 points uh I’m looking for a big bounceback year from Noah Kates but the big question is is he a Winger or is he a center now he defends at an elite level as a center but you can also be a really good Defender as a Winger and I think there’s the key to unlocking his offensive game is him playing on the wing he’ll be heading into a year two of his Bridge deal uh with a cap hit of 2.625 million he’ll be an arbitration eligible restricted free AG after the 2425 season so here’s my conversation with the Flyers forward Noah Kates is Flyers daily and flyers exit day continues we’re with Flyers forward Noah Kates I don’t know whether I should call you a center or a Winger what do I call you um Noah yeah not too sure but um obviously you know comfortable with both and you know kind of whatever opportunity you know this team needs I’ll I’ll play it but um you know good experience playing both and um you know I’m ready for either I remember sitting in this exact spot where we’re sitting right now it’s is where I would tape torch every Monday for hockey and Hounds and before we got started he had told me that you had the break and the injury and you were going to be out a while um what was that like for you to have to deal with that kind of in in I guess year two pseudo year three of your NHL career yeah I mean I’ve never um you know missed time you know any significant amount of time at you know playing this game so um definitely you know mentally emotionally was was different and you know kind of a tough time and you know you kind of hear about it from from guys that have been hurt and kind of you know you’re away from the team and all those different things but you know to actually go through it and you know kind of take take a month or so off skating and you know in the middle of this season too right so I just just kind of the grind and you know how how tough it was mentally it was um you know it’s hard um but definitely you know something to learn from and grow from and you know if your teammates are in that position you know you know kind of what they what they want or um you know how you should approach them and different things like that so definitely something that you know I wanted to learn from and um just kind of make you hungry year make you you know just kind of a well-rounded player in person and um obviously tough and just kind of the hockey aspect of it but um overall and I think in the long run it’ll help my career Casey one of the things about you that we know is your Fitness how did you handle the fitness element in the middle of a season when you got a busted wheel yeah it was tough obviously not skating for goes about a month and um that had to freak you out yeah oh yeah just kind of yeah mentally you’re you’re kind of freaking out and uh you know your first couple skates back never going to get back into shape yeah yeah exactly and your first couple skates back you I mean you’re going down the ice and you’re you’re gassed and your hands are aren’t feeling you know kind yeah just everything so obviously they do a great job with you know having a schedule and you know progressing you uh pretty quickly but um then you get back and kind of there’s nothing like a game so um there’s only so much you can do but yeah I think you know Fitness is a huge part of you know my offseasons and preparing and you know making my myself mentally feel feel good and you know capable of you know producing and playing in this league but um to go through something like that was definitely tough but um like I said an experience that I think I needed and um you know that will help me in the long run development the NHL I say this all the time is not a linear path of a straight line and you can’t look at Raw numbers and determine if that it is so you have the your really your first full year you’re playing Center all year you’re being asked to lock down Conor McDavid or Austin Matthews or whoever night in and night out this year you play some Center you play some wing and you don’t have the same statistical season you deal with the injury I think the com combination of those two things though can lead you to a huge step next year do you kind of believe that as well yeah for sure um I think like I said the the injury is going to make me hungrier you know not having as good of a year as um you know as wanting or expecting will make me hungry but like you said just kind of having so many experiences in this league so early you know playing Center um you know kind lock down roll whatever it was I have so many you know good experiences and you know so much confident confidence in my game and in different aspects of my game that I think you know just kind of going into this offseason and you know kind of processing the season but if I can just put it all together and um you know kind of the way we play and kind of where we’re where we’re trending here uh you know I think I can you know really help this team and you know be a be a significant player for this team and really produce I put kind of you and cam York and Tyson forer in this same bucket of players that are going to asend with the organization like in tandem sometimes there’ll be some players that Ascend but but to me it’s the Ascension of your guys career right with it and I think it’s a big part of it uh enjoy the summer Katy um I know you’ll come into camp in shape and uh be ready for that skate again but enjoy the summer thanks for doing this and really uh thanks for everything this year awesome yeah appreciate it maybe I should not ever want reminded Noah Kates at the end of the interview uh to have a great summer to get ready for the skate with the Rope on the Ice uh for the first day at training camp the pain that all the players have to go through on that day with that skate it is grueling it is tough to watch uh no player will come in uh with better Fitness though than Noah Kates and even for a player that comes in with the fitness level of Noah Kates that is no picnic of es skate uh thanks to Noah Kates for joining us on this episode of Flyers daily and again I’m looking for big things from Noah Kates coming up next year now one of the things I said to knowe was that development in the NHL develop it’s not a straight line there are Peaks and valleys there’s ups and downs but you hope that the mean just is constantly going up but there is going to be ups and downs and we saw that from Bobby Brink this year um Bobby Brink came in I remember this time last year at Prospect Camp he had missed a bunch of time the year prior came in late um finished the season with the Phantoms in the uh 20 uh 2223 season and he ended up with 12 goals 16 assists and 28 points in 41 games that year he dealt with the hip and had the surgery and then he came into Prospect camp and I remember watching him and going holy he is skating much better than I had ever seen Bobby bring skate and he really flashed a lot in Prospect camp and in the prospect scrimmage and then he got to training camp he had a real good training camp and started the year with the Flyers all a sudden D he played 57 games for the Flyers 11 goals 12 assists 23 points um was a plus one I think that’s an important number for him uh and then he also played for the Phantoms this year in 13 games seven goals 16 assists and he had 13 points uh in those 13 games uh but he’s a player that is looking to not be going up and down anymore where does he fit on this team as a right winger um it’s going to be one of the questions mattv mov could affect Bobby Br have to see how things play out this off season he also has a contract that has expired he needs a new deal he’s a restricted free agent but I had a chance to sit down with uh Bobby Brink from minetonka Minnesota and here’s my conversation with the Flyers is Flyers daily and flyers exit day having a conversation right now with Bobby bring Bobby how are you I’m doing well how are you doing good uh how you feel at the end of this season It’s a Grind of grinds you know and here you sit in mid April how’s the body how’s the Mind feel yeah I mean body’s a little banged up a little disappointed that we didn’t end up getting uh into that last spot there uh we we gave it our all all year and just a lot of guys sacrificing and being in a good spot all year it’s just it’s a little disappointing that we didn’t end up uh getting into that final spot you’re a guy that came in and you know you were coming off the hip and you came into camp and you really earned your way onto the team I I feel like you got a lot of different experiences of different kinds this past season how do you kind of categorize all of it and learn from all of it yeah I mean I think each experience was a learning moment in its own and uh I think I I took a lot from uh everything that happened this year and and the good and the bad and kind of learning what it takes to be an NHL player and and uh the different stuff that it takes mentally and physically and and the consistency and showing up every night for 82 games uh it’s it’s kind of what I learned this year um how do you feel physically right now yeah physically I feel good uh I mean couple bumps and bruises but uh nothing too too bad um you definitely proved your way into this league you know you can play in the NHL and that that you can be a guy that you know can drive offense in this league do you come into next season with a different kind of confidence yeah I think I I was always knowing your stat a little bit more uhuh I think I was always confident like you’re not you’re not going to uh make the team if you don’t come in confident uh I think that’s a huge part of hockey that a lot of people don’t talk about is is the confidence part and uh I think that’s it’s important for for me to keep developing that and and uh have a little Swagger have Swagger to your game and uh I think I think I had that this year and uh just trying to build off that Bobby uh when we get back on the ice how long do you take off um I’m not too sure on that uh I I’ve usually gotten on the ice really quick and near his past like uh three weeks or so wow um but it’s a long season I’m going to make sure the body is feeling good before uh all the bumps and bruises are gone before I get back on the ice here well enjoy the summer thanks for doing this uh have a enjoy the summer and really uh you’ll be back here before you know it man it’s like it it happens really quick doesn’t it time flies this year went by by in a second it feels like I know I totally agree with you Bobby thanks for doing this catch up with Bobby Brink had a chance to check him out as well in the Lehigh Valley Phantoms in that first round of the playoffs up at the PPL Center in Allentown uh when the Flyers took on the wilbury Scranton Penguins Bobby bring played well in the playoffs for uh the Phantoms and great great for him to get that experience also had the chance to meet his parents sitting at the bar me and my wife uh before going into uh the the arena and uh this guy comes over and says hey are you uh Jason martinz the guy that does Flyers daily I said yeah he goes oh I’m Bobby bring stad and I got to meet them and uh talk with them a little bit great people and Bobby looks exactly like his dad and his dad looks pretty much as young as Bobby too um so thanks to Bobby Brink uh for joining us on Flyers exit day in our interview series series all right draft tonight Bill Meltzer joins us Monday so join us then there’ll be a lot to talk about join us then on a brand new Flyers daily have a great weekend everybody

Flyers Daily with Jason Myrtetus: It is NHL Draft Night and the Flyers have the 12th and 32nd pick in the First Round. We preview the Draft plus check in with Flyers Fans to see how everyone is feeling with Matvei Michkov coming early and other elements of this offseason, We also wrap up our Flyers Exit Day Interview Series with a double header of Noah Cates and Bobby Brink.

  1. This team has multiple holes so go with BPA.
    With every draft, some guys drafted high will be busts, some guys drafted late will be very good.
    Its always a crapshoot.

  2. Frost sometimes doesn’t play w pace but w Matvei he will do it because that’s how he plays so I’m excited to see them play together. Frost will finally have someone who can utilize his playmaking

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