Breaking Down The Maple Leafs INSANE Salary Cap Situation | SDP

Breaking Down The Maple Leafs INSANE Salary Cap Situation | SDP

well so so let me do my rant then on Marner no no it’s it’s not on Marner okay what’s it on so here’s what you’re going to get all right because I was like flowcharts and lab coat this morning like a like a scientist who was constantly ignored at the beginning of a disaster move okay and I know my reputation Adam and I had a good discussion before the show I do have a rant but it’s coming later and that one’s going to be loud this one is an indoor voice so you have two rants I have two rants this is this is going to be this one is a leaf rant and it is an indoor voice rant what’s that Maddie audio mixer what is that have fun with the audio mixer oh yeah turn down Steve’s mic a little this is this is an indoor voice rant yeah because it’s not emotional it’s not emotional in the least it is cold hard fact so can the leaves be a te like Vegas can the leaf simply wait a year for John tovar’s contract to expire those are great questions mhm questions worth asking smart Leaf fans are asking them let’s attempt to answer it last year the cap hits for the Toronto map Leafs core 4 Austin Matthews made 11,640 250 against the cap William neander 6,962 366 against the cap John tovaris $11 million flat against the cap Mitch Marner 0,93 th000 against the cap fore total of 4,556 2016 against the salary cap the salary cap was 83.5 Million that is 48.5% of the cap well luckily the salary cap is going up this year okay and it’s going up significantly this year it’s going up $4.5 million that’s a lot and it’s the most since the co shutdown mhm that should be great news for the Leafs except it’s not this upcoming season because Matthews has an extension kicking in and neander has an extension kicking in Matthews is going from 11.6 something to 13.25 neander is going from 6.9 something to 11.5 so here’s what you get 13.25 for Matthews 11.5 for neander 11 for tovaris 10.93 for Mitch Marner that is a total of 46 m653 th000 wrapped up in four Men Four Guys the salary cap will be 88 million that takes up 53.0% of the cap up from 48 so it’s going to be more the core4 will cost the lead more percentage of cap this year than it did last yes yes Adam that is exactly what I’m saying I’ll I’ll I’ll read what I I said in my Twitter thread I have more than this available um for today’s show I’ve done more research what I said was I’ve seen a lot of debate about what the leaf should do in free agency but what you do with the core 4 dictates everything even though the salary cap is going up the amount of cap space you have to surround those guys goes down this upcoming season by $1,647 384 the Leafs were one round and out this year this upcoming season they are going to have less cap space to surround the core four than they did last year but Steve injuries but yeah injuries are part of the reason why the Leafs were able to even pull off a roster last year because they just put every body on ltir right like Matt Murray’s coming off the books and I want to say Jake muen as well they have some maneuvering to do now here’s another thing that some people said well there’s a lot of expensive players in the league right now MH um the Leafs aren’t the only team doing this you’re right the Leafs are not the only team with a bunch of expensive stars on their roster however their stars are outrageous ly more money cost outrageously more than any other team that they should be trying to emulate so let’s look the Leafs their core for Matthews neander tovaris Marner 46 m653 th000 let’s look at the team that beat them the Boston Bruins they’re top four paid guys poock McAvoy lolm marshand 33 m375 th000 that is a difference of 13 18278 that is a difference of more than Austin Matthews extension between the Toronto map Leafs and the team that beat them in this past year’s playoffs well should the Leafs want to emulate the Bruins the Bruins were out in the second round okay fine let’s look at the Florida Panthers 37 million tied up in their court for of barov bosski kachuck and eblad that is a difference of 9 uh 9, 653,000 listen you know what we’ve come this far let’s do all the top four or the final four teams from this year’s playoffs the Oilers McDavid nurse dry cidal EOL that is their four um most expensive guys 36 m250 th000 that is a difference of $1.43 million the New York Rangers panan Fox zabana Jad trouba woof trouba but still 37,6 42,8 157 against the cap that is a difference of 9,114 Dallas Stars say again Ben hint hinan 36,2 15,000 you might say well I’ll take the Leaf’s core 4 over that core 4 fair enough but it’s a difference of 10,43 th000 now let’s go in uh let’s let’s round It Off by looking at the rest of the teams that have won a Stanley Cup postco the Vegas golden knights because they spend money on everyone right there’s no Sal they’re in on every Star yeah they’re in on every Star here’s part of the reason why uh Stone eel uh petrangelo hanifen is actually their core for this upcoming season it’s going to cost them 35,6 15,000 how are they able to go out and get everyone well because their for most expensive guys are $1,300 less than the Leafs core the color that’s probably going to change with like the marsho deal that he has to sign and that sort of stuff if he signs there like at some point you’re going to start losing guys right but it hasn’t happened yet um the Colorado Avalanche the closest thing we have to the Leafs closest thing believe it or not in terms of salary structure their core four still includes two defensemen so it’s different from the Leafs in that regard which is a big regard Nathan McKinnon moo ranton kale ma Devon Taves would you rather have the leaf core 4 or that I know my answer $ 38,00 th000 it’s the closest thing to the Leaf’s core for structure and it’s still a difference of 8,553 th000 in cap space imagine going out in free agency and adding someone who makes over 8.5 million to your team like landeskog isn’t even part of the core 4 if he were healthy in ltir like I factored all that in and then we look at the lightning who went to three straight finals kucherov Point vasileski sergachev 37 million on the button that you don’t you don’t say Stam Co in there too uh no because uh he he doesn’t have a top four uh top four yeah yeah I’m just going top four the reason they’re able to afford a guy like stamp Co or headman is somehow not in their top four cuz they signed it at at discounts they signed it yeah well they signed it cleverly and when you do things cleverly and yeah state tax whatever whatever crime a river like the tax not even not even just not even is what it is well and there’s also ways around the tax in Canada we’ve talked about this many times on AP the the point I’m trying to make is is that um it has to do with the players also wanting to keep the team together exactly well and well and good for them look at the results for them and look at the results for the Leafs 37 million on the but on the button that is 9,653 th000 less than the Leaf’s core 4 so your question what about Stam Co what about headman you could bring in stamp Coast into that equation and still have like a million and a half dollars left over afterward that is the difference between the lightning and the Leafs that is the difference between all these teams and the Leafs now very important question someone said this isn’t rocket science to me and I was like well then you explain it to me this isn’t rocket science the Leafs wait a year let John Taris walk extend Marner so that you can keep Matthews neander Marner oh Stephen did you bring up the swappy do doo the swappy doodle doo yeah bringing up the swappy doodle doo you remember back in February out line we could do the swabby doodle doo when it looked like the team was going to perform well in the playoffs and I was on the board of bringing everybody bring back the band so I’m gonna go through two scenarios here two scenarios with John tarus number one is he walks for nothing okay the other is he signs an extension at a way reduced rate with the tronto aafs which is something I would be interested in and people go that solves all your problems right okay well and I’m going to do this off the top of my head because I’ve done this so many damn times uh let’s say the salary cap goes up an additional $45 million that’s wishful thinking like what does Alan think like do you oh no no that’s the expectation is it’s 4 million this year and it’s million four and a half million this year and it’s almost set in stone that it’ll be 93 next year and then Allan was saying between 97 and 98 the year after great okay so yeah they’re going to maximize the 5% jump that’s allowed in the CBA each of the years that the CBA is still intact great I hope I hope it is uh 93 million so in my calculations I factored in 92 2.5 KISS FM I I factored that in um because it just goes up by the same amount that it did this past year so let’s say it’s a $992.5 million cap two seasons from now okay and let’s say Mitch Marner signs a contract extension with the Toronto Maple Leafs for $1.5 million identical to William neander first of all pause for laughter he’s not he’s going yeah I would expect 12 and a half what is what his Camp is going to s significantly more than that but let’s say it goes up to 92.5 million and he makes 11.5 that would be 13.25 for Matthews 11.5 for Neil Ander 11.5 for Marner zero for John tovaris the core three then would take up 37.9 five Roundup 38% of the salary cap still a lot still way more than any other team in this equation that we’re talking about unless you factor in the Edmonton Oilers who are going to have to extend Leon dry Sidle and CJ is openly talking about the prospect of the Oilers potentially trading him right and him being done with that team the nurse contract like syns the whole equation for that whole thing because then you’re going to have to extend buard as well but enough about the Oilers let’s just look at it this way you let tarus walk it’s 11 million bucks free mhm you get 11 million bucks to spend on whatever you want well here’s what you’re going to spend it on all right this upcoming season you have Joseph wo you have your starting goenda in the shade this situation is for the leaf your starting goenda minimum less than league minimum he makes under $800,000 it’s one of the best goalie contracts in the entire league uh at least for this upcoming season you can’t be more fortunate than that than under Le men Matthew nice is also on the last year of his entry level deal both of these young men are going to need a contract extension at the end of this season let’s say wo gets $3.8 million per season that would roughly be in line with what Kevin weeks was talking about I think he said between three and a half and $4 million or was it three and4 million three and a half and four so let’s say 3.8 let’s say wool is making 800 Grand he’s making a little less than that but just for the sake of math 3.8 out of your $11 million there goes three now you’re left with eight Matthew n makes 925 Grand against the cap let’s say he makes he has a really good season this year let’s really really undershoot it let’s really undershoot it and let’s say he gets 2 point uh 95 he gets a he let’s say he gets a $2 million raise that’s it I think he gets that raise if he has a bad season I know I know but I’m I’m going everything is Rosy and amazing okay he gets a $2 million raise you had $11 million to spend you lost three of it from the Joseph wo extension now you’ve lost another two from Matthew ni you have $6 million left well you can just bring John tavar back at $6 million let’s say John tovaris is willing to do that guess what you have the exact same team you have added nothing you haven’t improved a lick um your older players have gotten older your younger players have gotten older call it a break even um Matthews is still in his prime Neil Anders still in his prime Marner still in his prime um or if you simply let John tarus walk you have about $6 million remaining optimistically to spend on a second line Center which is roughly what they cost anyway if not more oh by that time it’ll be more by that time it’ll probably be more so oh what I’ll be let John tarus walk what does Chandler Stevenson get this off season that’s question something like that like oh just let John tarus walk people aren’t like they’re just saying that and throwing it over their shoulder uh guys is wrong it’s not a good plan it doesn’t work you’re acting like that is the only thing that’s going to happen the only thing that’s going to happen is John tovar’s contract is simply gonna expire and there are going to be no other disses to uh issues to handle Nick Robertson scored 15 goals playing like five seconds last year what’s he gonna get as a restricted free agent you know well they they do talk about that in later on in the press conference and and all rad says is nothing to report which means they’re asking too much and the least are as offering too right okay and they’re going to go out and they’re going to get Matt Roy and they’re going to get Chris TANF in free agency that’s awesome who the heck’s playing in Max doy and Tyler bzi spot yeah oh oh gee whack-a-mole whacka that’s eight and a half million bucks right there you’re gonna be able to get tanv and Roy done for8 and a half million bucks no unless you sign tanb to like a ridiculously long deal that you know you’re going to LTI an absurdly long deal that even that might not be enough to completely um uh make it even so when I talk about trading Marner it’s not about trading Marner you can go ahead and trade Austin Matthews go ahead do it go ahead and trade William neander good whatever is the case whatever you decide on this can’t continue you can’t do this anymore you know someone said emotionally and that’s fine if the Leafs win next year I you know I better not see you celebrating I’m I’m a Leafs fan I want them to succeed whether they trade someone out of the core for or they bring them back uh I’ll be cheering for them I’ll be hoping that they do well for the hockey team that I cheer for there’s no evidence there’s no track record whatsoever to suggest that’s going to happen there’s no evidence I think people are trying to paint you into a corner to be like a PO where you’re you’re a fan um but you never criticize and I think some fans believe that you don’t criticize teams and I think I think that’s completely erroneous you’re asking me to stick my head in the sand yeah you’re asking me to completely uh stick my head in stand and and ignore all the problems that this team is dealing with I also want to point out something okay not to take away from your point but to reinforce your point and I don’t know if you guys noticed this Jesse when Steve was going through all the core fours on all these teams what what was different about the Leafs core 4 other than the money can you pick it out I know uh the other teams have been wildly more successful yes number one why number two and this will be this will it’s a little that I’m throwing this at you but I want why have they been more successful I don’t know what do well I think that two or more of the core four have been defensemen oh yeah yeah every single every single one of those teams had a least def at least one that’s why like I’ve always been on the bandwagon of if Mitch marner’s million was for a defenseman this team would be so much better M guys no team is built this way yeah what if that $1 million was a right-handed defenseman that’d be cool what if it was two yeah you could get two pretty good ones N I want I want kale Mar no team okay fair no team or Evan Bard same level no team has been built this way in the past no team is built this way now no team will be built this way going forward except for the leaes it shouldn’t be a controversial take that this is a poor choice for a way to build your team what say you Steve dangle to the detractors who say Mitch Marner has another level to go to and that he will end up being a great playoff performer show your work want to show your work there’s no evidence to back it up but what if one day he takes another what if next season he takes another step show your work he’s 27 let’s hey um like Ken Holland uh did not go to the Edmonton Oilers when he was getting ready to offer zackheim and5 a half million he didn’t go you know what he’s going to score 70 goals between the regular season play he didn’t know he didn’t know what you’re asking me to do is just take a blind leap of faith and I’m not going to do that it’s like saying Matthews forget Marner leave Marner out of the equation Matthews is going to score a goal a game next year in the playoffs neander is going to score a goal a game one of these guys is going to go on a McDavid 40 plus Point run there’s no evidence to suggest that’s coming down the pipeline run r a billion dooll hockey team on Blind Faith yeah isn’t a good way to run your operation for

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde and Jesse Blake dissect the Toronto Maple Leafs current cap situation with how they pay the core four and how they have limited resources to fill the rest of the roster. When will this change? How can they ice a competitive team like this? What’s the solution?

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  1. Heard Florida was thinking about shipping Ekblad to free up cap space. If they can somehow eat most of the salary, the leafs shoukd ship marner or tavares for that and try to retain a large chunk of the salary. Difficult to pull off, but ekblad would definitely be the most valuable right hand defenseman on the trade market

  2. Having the courage to walk away from one of the core four would help.

    Alas, with all 4 of your core four having no move clauses, they have screwed themselves in terms of being able to ice a competitive roster. Especially when you look at their draft capital/prospect pool and realize their defensive prospect pool is very limited.

  3. Engaging with fellow women in this thread feels like being part of a sisterhood, united by our shared experiences and aspirations for a better future.๐Ÿงก

  4. How can you not takeaway the most important part of all the "core 4" talk? That no other team in the league has its 4 highest paid players all being forwards. We all know the saying "offense wins championships" right? Oh wait…. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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