MMQB Voices Big Concern Over Broncos’ 2024 Offense | Mile High Huddle Podcast

MMQB Voices Big Concern Over Broncos’ 2024 Offense | Mile High Huddle Podcast

okay we are live but we’re going to let a breathe just for a brief moment here while we bring on Facebook get things a cooking really excited for tonight’s conversation make sure we bring in these Instagram peeps that have been uh it’s been great having them in the chat looks like we got IG locked in and welcome in everybody it’s the mile high huddle podcast I’m your host Chad Jensen and with me is my fellow football priest you know him you love him Zack kelberman Zach a lot of things going on around this country tonight so we’re probably going to try and keep our our stream this evening relatively brief and hey I don’t think anybody’s going to hate too much on that it be June 27th and we’re still about a month out from training camp but uh first things first my friend I know you’re working on a uh a Garrett BS article what what was that all about real quick we’ll get to the Crux of our main topic tonight but what’s going on with the B the buy well you mentioned the date and I’m feeling that as I know you are anyone in this space chat is feeling it because we kind of have to dig up what we can in terms of serving content and uh Bleacher Report named the most important extension candidate for every team and for the Broncos they picked not PS2 not Quinn Miners they picked Garrett bulls and their argument is that he had a top 10 you know commensurate season in 2023 and he should be paid like a top 10 tackle I don’t know and as I’m writing in the article which you guys can read after the podcast on the website I don’t know that they want to do any anything it seems like they’re playing the status quo Chad they don’t want to move on from Garrett BS they can save $16 Million by the way trading or releasing him but they don’t want to extend him either they’re returning four out of their five starting offensive lineman Bulls included and it seems like they’re going to let him play it out and uh whatever happens after the season happens exactly and it wouldn’t surprise me um to be honest if that decision were to come in season if he plays well like if he’s doing well you know no more of the uh face pal moments with the yellow laundry and just obvious bad things like for example I’m not going to pull it up now but just the other day Zack I don’t remember what I think I was working on uh getting Eric trickles article on bows published and so I jumped on to where we get our images which primarily is through USA Today and I jumped into their platform right and I just type in his name search and dude there are two photos of him just madly blatantly unbelievably miles Garrett and it’s so funny right it’s been mean to hell but nevertheless as long as that’s not that’s that’s the exception not the rule I mean every tackle is going to get busted holding every once in a while but like I wouldn’t be surprised to see him get extended uh in season but I am inclined Zach to agree with you they’ll probably wait to see how it looks uh after the season because worst case scenario you could always franchise tag him if he wants you know more than maybe what you feel comfortable with Etc but I do think it’s a it’s more important he’s got that than maybe some of the profile or perception around Broncos Country might realize like I do think the Broncos value Garrett bus perhaps a lot more than people realize I I you know it’s funny that you say that I was going through the pictures for the article those are the first two that pop up it’s not just holding Chad you can’t see is that Miles Garrett you can’t even see his face because that’s where Garrett bus’s arm is it’s how baten but you know he is going to be 33 in 2025 I know it’s not old for a tackle but it’s not necessarily young either at some point though Chad when Mike mcin included you have to start working in the younger guys to have a succession plan and I don’t know right now that the Broncos have a succession plan on the roster who would that be frank crommer or Matt per they don’t have one honestly I think it would be paleski you know the debate will rage on on the pronunciation of this cap but I do think if the crap hit the fan we’ll see how the summer shakes out as far as training camp might reveal more than what we know right this moment because again one of the format of OT it’s really hard to get a beat on o line and running back but I digress I think the first impulse Zack like if it was a game today that counted would be Garrett bus gets goes down matt per would go in I think he’d probably be the first like go in let’s see how it looks but don’t sleep on paleski because they were super stoked on this dude they kept four undrafted rookies out of training camp last year pesy won of uh won of them he ended up of course immediately being put on ir and then they brought him back to the roster later on but they they like that kid and we haven’t quite seen enough from him to be able to fully maybe catch the vision that they have but they they like paleski it’s not a slate against him for sure I hope he develops into something but you know the Broncos finally got that shiny rookie quarterback Chad and it scares the be Jesus out of me to think about him being protected by an undrafted free agent or a street pickup that the Broncos made an unknown who was terrible by the way in New York in Matt per per whatever so hopefully Garrett B stays and hopefully he stays healthy indeed um the papa bear David melrath jumping in early to show us some love and we always appreciate that you know that David thank you buddy saying good evening Broncos Country Chad Zack and Deacon Scott 12 and five hash buckham times three hash MH uh H for Life demver Bron for Life Bon no Nicks for six yes indeed dude I’m I’m really excited still uh for the B Nick era to begin as I’ve written a couple of different ways over the last couple of days uh I just hope that Shawn Payton kind of dispenses with the quarterback competition thing sooner rather than later and just like rip the Band-Aid off in the best sense like it’s healed you’re good to go you might pop out a few hairs but you’ll you know the pain is so momentary just do it nobody plausibly believes Zack that the hopes and dreams of Shawn Payton’s 2024 Denver Broncos are in any way shape or form going to be pinned on Jarrett STM he of the four career starts you you you took a lot of fiery darts from the critics after you had the intestinal fortitude to use the number 12 pick on Knicks you’ve said nothing but good things like I mean I even remember Zack when Drew lock was a rookie Grant we’re talking about the differences between Vic fangio and Shawn pyton here but like even Vic fangio when lock was a rookie man Nar a good word about him right like if it came up it was like yeah you know he’s learning he’s going through it next question exactly wouldn’t give him any love on his bday forgets it uh but you know not Teddy I digress here but in Payton’s case not only Zach has it been positive like at every point he said taking every opportunity so like hey let’s get to the bow Nick era ASAP let’s dispense with these shallow meaningless spinning our Wills Stuck in Neutral stuff of the past that plagued the Elway regime and just let’s get right to it preach brother I what do they say if you have two quarterbacks you don’t have any quarterback what is it if you have three quarterbacks then what do you have I I don’t understand the wasting of their time with Zach Wilson who by the way Chad by he has a new haircut in case you haven’t heard so that’s going to make him a better quarterback magically because he’s in you know Italy with his supermodel girlfriend whatever Jared S him isn’t the answer either obviously you you spend a 12th overall pick on a rookie the most experienced rookie in college football history you’re gonna play that rookie let him get the majority reps with the first string let him build that chemistry and just go to the Future let’s press the fast forward button a little bit here and honestly dude what’s up Rock we got the rock always checking in uh Rock and his Nick Jersey I love it dude it looks dope in the new profile pick it’s awesome uh I love it dude um let well let let me get to the main Crux of tonight and by the way some hellos here the early birds of course we got Dylan representing reminding everybody on your way in do your boys a solid hit the like button uh but a shout to David yanan what’s up big dog great to see you uh early birds like Roy Osborne Daniel Barry Sports Shiloh’s in the house Roy’s in the house Greg Smith’s in the house pearls in the house David Vasquez I love it okay Zack uh we’ve talked a lot I mean this has been a common theme this offseason and frankly for many offseasons of the overall kind of national skepticism on the Broncos they it it went from being criticized for releasing Russell Wilson to immediate criticism of the Bon Nick’s pick which led to very poor draft grades which then matriculated to negative roster reviews and just overall Port outlooks for the team five win Seasons here we come in his latest mailbag the mmqb’s Albert Breer who you know Bonafide Insider this guy’s legit he kind of let people in Zach I think into the mindset or the thinking of these very National prospective individuals who are not sold on the Broncos it was in a mailbag that was basically the Crux of it was covering the Darkhorse Super Bowl contenders here’s what he said to a question in his mailbag ostensibly from a Broncos fan saying hey sha pyton came in here and got eight wins last year which is three more than the previous year with a quarterback that was incompatible what’s with this five win BS for 2024 his answer quote I think it’s just a matter of where the team team is right now neither the offensive line nor the defensive line is great the offense lacks any overwhelming threat on the outside though courland Sutton is a good player and the defense does have a chance to be decent particularly on the back end but is losing its captain in Justin Simmons overall there are just a lot of questions before you even get to asking who’s playing quarterback if you have something you see that the Denver Broncos will be able to hang their hat on let me know because right now I’m not sure I see it close quote Zack your thoughts there’s so many in my head I’m sure I forgot one already I mean he contradicted himself by saying they don’t have a good receiving threat and then name cland Sutton they also have a second round pick in Marvin Mims I mean they have a pretty deep receiving core if you know the team he said where the Broncos are at right now it’s June 27th where could they be at how do you have any sort of sweeping generalization or statement about a team in the offseason when no team has played a single snap yet Chad there can you read the end part of that again I want to make one more Point sure sure overall there are just a lot of questions before you even get to asking who’s playing QB and then he just basically says if you see something I’m not let me know because I’m not seeing it it just strikes me as yet another outside personality who doesn’t cover the Broncos every day and is kind of just drinking the Kool-Aid when it comes to the team they there’s a negative perception around the Broncos they’ve been irrelevant Chad let’s be honest here hav been in the playoffs and an eon I don’t think uh the media I don’t think coaches Personnel I don’t think they like Shawn pton very much so there’s a lot of factors working against Denver and we’ll continue hearing these narratives up until September but it’s the same old same old which is kind of weird I think you’re right I don’t recall there being I’m now in the immediate aftermath of bountygate breaking and all that stuff I obviously Shawn pton got got red through the Kohl’s he paid uh his debt to NFL Society so DEC ago uh it is a long time ago by by serving a season long suspension all right but that is a long that’s ancient history yeah I don’t recall there being that kind of uh I don’t know just just kind of adversarial uh coverage of Shawn Payton in the dog days of his Saints uh regime so it has something to do Zack with I think the weird combination and Confluence I think of factors when he arrived here first of all it’s Shawn Peyton there’s been a lot of coaches by that point post pton Manning who had come through couldn’t hack it so immediate skepticism is this just an organization that’s never going to be able to dig itself out Russell Wilson becoming a National Lampoon and all the negativity that associated with that then all of a sudden Russ goes from a National Lampoon Z to sacros snct how dare you bench this guy like we’re talking about a potential future Hall of Famer it’s like Shawn Payton figured out real early in that I think Zack that no matter how this season ends up shaking out talking about 2023 I can’t win for losing it’s a catch 22 so I’m just going to do at every Point what I think is best damn the torpedoes and certain media types they don’t like that no you mentioned bountygate that’s one reason I think another reason is that there’s this uh perception that he quit on New Orleans and then took a cushy media job and then came and got $18 million also by the way when people make $18 million others are gener jealous and envious of that so I think naturally that’s where some of that comes from I read the blurb again from the article that we talked about one more point I wanted to make was bringing up Justin Simmons and his his captaincy show me where Captain is in the stat sheet chat show me where that shows up in the scoreboard it doesn’t Simmons was a very good player he wasn’t Steve Atwater he wasn’t a Hall of Fame safety they can survive his loss but it’s picking the lwh hanging fruit talking about the loss of Justin Simmons and bringing up his his captaincy again it’s all surface level analysis and criticisms that’s kind of just congealed into the same Echo indeed an echo chamber Phil down in Tucson love you big dog thank you for being with us tonight and for the support he says good evening Chad Zack and Deacon Scott sending prayers to Michael’s father for a speedy recovery hash buckham mhh for Life Broncos for Life Zack thank you bro yeah thank you Phil and I think there was a positive update from the Ron about his dad so if that’s the case that’s great to here and definitely our prayers and our thoughts are with you Michael as always definitely thoughts prayers and Vibes going your way there we go Mike good news yes my dad is update on my dad is he’s going to get better soon this is this is good stuff love to hear that great thank you for letting us know Mike uh Shiloh jumping in with the super thank you Shiloh croll Lucas koll uh equals Kirkland brand Jason Whitten let’s do it yeah I don’t know that’s another thing is like you know going okay why are they seeing the national media what they’re seeing and I kind of sketched out in this article today guys go give it a read you’ll see it you know the the receiving Talent well really all the talent on the offensive side of the ball because that seemed to be the primary focus of what Breer was his skepticism anyway outside of the dline and Justin Simmons being uh absent uh he said it’s a good they’ll probably be a good defense thank you so I I kept the focused primarily in terms of trying to analyze what he was saying on offense and you know you go through the litany here yeah courin Sutton maybe he’s not exactly the type of receiver at this point in his career Zack that keeps opposing off uh defensive coordinators up at night losing sleep Etc but he is a Bonafide wide receiver one maybe that second tier of wide receiver one but he is one you look at the veteran Talent on tap at receiver real quck uh quick then I’m going to get to the C thing we’re going running the gamut from Tim Patrick to Marvin Mims who is now technically a veteran to uh Josh Reynolds little Jord Humphrey Brandon Johnson then you throw in the the newcomers the rookies in terms of Troy Franklin who happens to be the expected quarterback’s number one Target in college uh Devon V I like it’s it’s an interesting wide receiver cord that is just ooing potential what it’s needing is a trigger man that can just feed guys the ball on time then at at tight end you’ve got Greg doul who’s kind of the new fangled uh Shawn Payton’s version of a Jimmy Graham if he can catch a little block by way of the injury bug and if that doesn’t work to this point here that Shiloh’s making honestly Lucas koll checks a lot of those same boxes that I guarantee you Chad if you asked Albert Breer to his face do you know who Lucas croll is he’d have no clue and neither would a lot of these critics either because again they’re taking the lwh hanging fruit talking about Bo Knicks or Courtland Sutton or Justin Simmons Lucas Kroll could be a very very good player and what a lot of the Nationals don’t realize is that he could be tight end one on this team he he looked good for a guy you picked up off the practice Squad in the pre season or off the street whatever it was he fits what shaon Payton wants to do he had a nice touchdown in the regular season from Russell Wilson I agree maybe not Kirkland I love Costco maybe Great Value Jason Whitten I would settle for that but even then these the Broncos have young players like koll that can develop into something but the media like uh Brier ignore that we have one of our ogs on Facebook the Triple C colc Kier jumping in what’s up big dog thank you says how’s everyone doing all other sports are done let’s get to some Broncos football yeah this really is just kind of the the sports desert you know it’s it’s bad enough for hardcore NFL fans but just generally speaking outside of MLB and this is like the most boring stretch on the Slate right even for that this really is the desert but let not your hearts be troubled because pretty soon we’ll be emerging from that desert and then it’s like you found you’re in the promised land it’s a whirlwind I mean talk about oversaturation of Broncos and football and that’s the thing we’re all addicted to we love that yeah and we got to just get by these next four weeks whatever it is three weeks and then it’s going to be training camp preseason regular season and it’s football season and I’m with you Kobe nothing better than football season Keith bugman in the house what is going on big dog thanks for the support and being with us tonight always great to see you bro says fantastic evening Chad and Zach and Broncos Country my thoughts our weapons and their production is tied directly to the quarterback I’m looking at the tight end production to explode this season as an example well exactly one of the key things here is finding a quarterback that could be an extension of this particular head coach on the field because this particular head coach is your play caller and they needed that they and that’s what Drew Brees was like Drew Brees was the stat guy like 5,000 just about every that gum year hella touchdowns great completion percentage high-scoring offense High ranked across the board and he was a great Soldier he was a great uh captain in his own right I’m not trying to take anything away from Drew Brees but he was the epitome of an extension of Shawn pyton on the field Russ wasn’t that all the things that Shawn Payton would have had have him do you know on a given snap Russ’s initial impulses 85 times out of a 100 Zack were the exact opposite of what Shawn Payton would have had him do bonck is not that I mean heck even Jared STM is not that but bonick is definitely not that and one of the things I keep going back I just wrote about this yesterday I keep going back to the unbreakable podcast where uh pton joined uh Glazer right Jay Glazer and he’s talking about bonck they did this with all the quarterbacks when they removed the Gimme throws right the the little es especially with the perception of bonck being a system quarterback and that was such a key component of the Oregon system well they removed all those gimme throws for every quarterback they scouted in the draft and across the board he listed all the different stats who was first Bon Knicks then he comes back and all these key measurables including taking the least sacks ball getting out on time touchdowns uh accuracy completion percentage all those things and he and then he went on Zack to extol the virtues of this dude gets the ball out on time Zack and he doesn’t take sacks that’s what you need because it goes back right here if the ball’s coming out on time it’s it’s it’s probably going to the guy it needs to go to in a given concept on a play that benefits those those guys a lot of it’s I think if you look back on the in the history of Shawn pyton scheme tight ends man tight ends tight ends it’s a lot of history there what a concept the ball going to its intended target on on most Downs I mean just to have that clean sort of offense you’re right Chad with Bo Knicks running Shawn Payton show will help every positional group and Keith I agree that the tight end production on paper should be better theoretically but when you look at the actual group where is that explosion going to come from Adam Troutman that’s never going to happen Greg doul is Jake but 2.0 until proven otherwise Lucas K as much as I like the guy as a prospect he’s a little unproven Nate Atkins is a Jag and who Thomas Yasmin as the international player so if they had a Bonafide stud if they had their Jimmy Graham Chad in that room I could I could definitely see that side or that group exploding I just don’t know where it’s going to come from yeah and a lot of it to to like Scott’s making a point to us here in the green room and it’s worth mentioning he’s saying hey look all right if you take every receiver not named courand Sutton add in Lucas Kroll talking about last year their sum the sum of their yardage would have finished third in the NFL that’s 10 non- rookies and then a rookie QB throwing to them the skepticism is warranted 161 total yards for those receivers not named Sutton uh which equates to 10 players who aren’t rookies and that’s that all of that uh the premise of it’s all true what’s what gets missed in that though is the quarterback play and the and the relative the reason why everything just seems so dearly bought and so hard to come by for that offense was simply a quarterback not being that extension of the coach on the field that’s why look even if it ends up being Jared stum for an early stretch I don’t think it will be but even if it’s stum but especially if it’s Nicks all of those stats I mean I would I would bet multiple mortgage payments on it all those kind of stats you’re going to see because rise because we have a sample size that goes back many many years of Shawn pyton offense with quarterbacks who are that even when Drew Brees was getting hurt late and those quarterbacks he still found a way to they were that extension of him on the field they might have not had some of those Hall of Fame characteristics that Drew Brees had right but you could still see that this was a quarterback operating under the command and the priorities and everything of Shawn pton and it raises the ship a rising tide raises All Ships I expect that to happen now we keep our expectations in check because as he points out it’s going to be a quarterback that’s a rookie right and it’s going to take some there will be some bumps in the road along the trial and error path Zack but I still think B knck just by virtue of who and what he is is that tide that raises ships especially relative to what we saw from this offense in year one of Payton I don’t know maybe it’s me maybe I think it’s hard to get The Passing game going and the receivers involved when you can’t run the ball when you can’t pass protect because the quarterback when the quarterback is getting off the field because he can’t run the system and the breer’s point was not what they did but what they don’t have going forward and I guess you could say they don’t have a legitimate threat not Nam courland Sutton but if you look at the doghouse that Marvin Mims was in and see the the development was slow moving I mean he’s going to be legitimate threat Chad you brought in Josh Reynolds who is one of the best number three guys you brought back Tim Patrick and you’re you know whatever you get from him is great but then you have Troy Franklin who you brought in that could be an explosive threat Bo nicks’s guy I just don’t people paint the Broncos to be this Bare Bones horrible franchise and I just don’t see it with that I I see them having a little more Talent than is what led on I might be as myopic as some if it wasn’t Shawn pyton as the head coach yeah uh but he is the head coach and yes Keith thanks for giving him some props Lance I know spent some time on this guys when you get some time go read Lance sanderson’s film breakdown on your boy Troy Franklin you’re going to see four really strong skills uh and Pros that he brings to the table along with one uh concern that the coaches need to get a jump on so thanks for bringing some attention to that and checking out the article as well Keith uh Lawrence what’s up big dog on Facebook saying what up guys I got three I got tickets for three practices let’s see how this goes yeah dude it’s going to be a lot of fun lot of fun excited for you and everyone else who makes it out uh it’s going to be killer but Zack we’re at 24 minutes I want to uh I want to back it up here for a second and I there was a story I wanted to get um you were kind of excited about not excited I don’t want to blow this out of proportion we’re talking about a special teams guy but Devin key you had an article about this as a potential Dark Horse talk a little bit about that since this is the first episode since you you dropped it yeah again it’s June 27th but I went through the quotes and I found that Shan pton uh was asked specific speically about Devon key former undrafted free agent he played um he was part of the the Kansas City practice squad for a couple years had a cup of coffee in Atlanta and then you know landed in the mile high city he’s a reserve he’s not going to start next to Brandon Jones or overtake PJ lock but Shawn pyton specifically highlighted Chad his special team’s prowess and that he’s moving around well he cautioned the fact that you can’t really judge from offseason work until training camp but it seems like if there’s any sort of dark hor in the defensive backfield at least a guy on the third side of the ball it is Devon key it’ll be fun to see how that competition shakes out uh this is an interesting topic just to shift gears real fast here from David he’s like hey Zack Wilson is gonna be the starting next question David VA Vasquez on uh on Facebook Zack I’m not really ENT I I you know I did see that this and this kind of tugged in my heartstrings a little bit by David anyone remember how much Vinnie Testa verie game improv and he went to the Jets the same is gonna happen to Zach Wilson I don’t think so I think Testa verie had more Talent as a quarterback in his pinky than Zack Wilson has in his body but my opinion yeah I mean and Testa verie had by that point in his career if memory serves in fact I’m going to look at I was going to say some staying power some some proven wherewithal uh think he was in Carolina or Tampa before yeah dude dude by the time he gets to the Jets he’s in year 11 maybe 12 year 12 uh and remember this cat was the former number one overall pick so there is that similarity in terms of draft pedigree Zack Wilson former number two overall pick but you know Vinnie let’s see what did he have he had two pro bowl nods and they were both late in his career oh 1998 96 and 98 that 98 that’s the team the Jets had so much hopes in and the Broncos crushed him Broncos crushed him that was kind of the last gasp of the Jets I mean what we don’t need to spend too much time on it but but Zack would it be fair to say outside of those two years of Rex maybe the Rex thing was really the last gasp yeah for sure they haven’t been relevant since Rex Ryan and they came you know heartbreakingly close again those years but they couldn’t close it couldn’t close a de damn Tom Brady uh we got uh oh yeah Keith we’ll have mhh at at Broncos Camp stay tuned brother stay tuned for that uh we got blue bones always try to get at least one twitch question or comment saying evening gentlemen hope all is well you know it says do the Broncos have any players named as team captains or does that happen after the preseason if they aren’t named do you guys have players you feel should be yeah it typically happens like literally well I’ve seen it happen in a couple different timing points it’s usually though right after the preseason the training camp and preseason concludes press release comes out we get it da d da I’ve seen it sometimes a little earlier I’ve seen it actually from some coaches Zach early in training camp it gets figured out but I think probably if memory serves last year Zach the captains were named in August but I’ll double check that so what’s your answer for him relative to candidates though PS2 on defense to take over the mantle for Simmons didn’t he two like two from each side of the ball Chad weren’t there six captains last year yeah I’m gonna pull it up here uh I’m gonna find this okay I’d say if B Knicks gets the nod he’s gonna be a captain he’s the quarterback he’s the guy okay voted by the team last year the captains were Justin Simmons Mike mcllin lch courand Sutton Russell Wilson and uh looks like Riley Dixon but remember when that happened uh it was right before also will Lutz was brought in for what it’s worth um I why am I thinking Josie juel why was I thinking Josie jeel was last year a team captain maybe it’s just something we say right like a he’s like a captain on whatever but um I’m looking here on Twitter going back I’m I can’t find the press release in my inbox but I know I kept it if I can find it Zack I’ll bring it back up but nevertheless um if bonick wins the job out of Camp he’s got to be named your one of the captains I I mean not gotta but might be wise to do that just to give him the belief last year though it was as voted by the team some coaches Zack allow the the locker room to vote other coaches they just to get a Vibe they know and they say here’s our captains I can’t last year it was voted so we’ll see I but I feel like if if B knck wins the job it means he’s earned his teammates respect and I feel like in that scenario they’ vote for him for Captain if not on offense you have Quinn Miners there’s a lot of candidates out there that can uh assume that but I wouldn’t look for that until August like you were talking about Chad you’re muted exactly uh we got we got um where’d it go okay so it’s possible on the subject of Zack Wilson you know being the starter as David said on Facebook Phil says hey if Wilson starts and wins I’m fine I just want a winning team that’s shown Improvement across the board so Zack Wilson the one thing I’ll say I’m not trying Zach to add fuel to the to the improbable fire that Zach Wilson’s going to come in and be the guy but the things that Shawn pton said the first couple of Veteran otaa sessions about Zack Wilson how you know they were trying to make that happen for a while that they’ had been fans of him as a player and they’re yada Yad Yad it does kind of tug at me a little bit but then you know he didn’t really have a good off season with the Broncos reports surfaced about the team’s big Focus being repairing his confidence they didn’t exercise they could have they opted not to exercise his fifth year option as a former first round pick they inherited that contract so I just don’t see the stars aligning now if this were an alternate football Universe Zack where the Broncos don’t do the right thing and draft bow Knicks and let’s say they take a corner or an edge there at 12 or whatever I would be flipping a coin right now honestly I would be saying pick a pick a loser basically that’s going to be your guy and Zach Wilson I would probably be telling you I would rather in that scenario if it was STM versus Wilson and that was your only two like viable quarterbacks I would probably be sitting here in that alternate universe Zack advocating for just go with Wilson there’s at least a modum of upside there with stum he’s shown what he is you know he’s that fail safe guy he’s not going to move the needle he’ll keep you barely Treading Water you know you’re not going under you’re not necessarily drowning but you’re not winning any swimathon or whatever okay uh but that’s me we’re not in that reality thank God though Chad we’re in the reality where the Bron has drafted Bo Knicks and Shawn Peyton has not stopped gushing about him and B Nick has been as advertised and B Nick is going to be your week one starter I want to throw this comment up really quickly because it contradicts itself Phil because Zach Wilson has never been a part of a winning team in the NFL he has a losing record as a starter in the NFL and as Chad alluded to he came in and ran with the ones one time over the offseason and threw a pick prompt you are not going to win anything with Zack Wilson and trying to do so would be wasting the Broncos time it is Bo Nick’s team Point Blank The Rock jumping in saying Russell Wilson courin Sutton Mike mcglinchy Justin Simmons K Jackson Riley Dixon were the team captains thank you buddy I was gonna say also yeah Kareem what about Kareem um didn’t work out too well didn’t work out too well for Kareem he just loses a little bit of poise in those critical moments the refs man they had it out for him Andover Broncos paid that price Troy brother thank you and by the way guys we’re about out of time for tonight so any burning topics questions supers get them in the chat now Troy thank you bro so good to see you really appreciate the Super Chat he says hey guys I heard Joseph played a hybrid fangio defense to start last year if true will we see more aggressive defense and creativity especially with Jim Leonard there yeah so it was kind kind of a hybrid but a lot of it was more like he he hyb he hybridized uh if you’ll if you’ll allow the nomenclature so he wanted to keep it as smooth as possible and call a lot of the same type of things whatever it was that fangio was calling it which the year prior is Euro Evo had continued uh but if you go look at the scheme I think early on in the season Zack you could see that he was kind of trying to run a lot of those same Concepts but based on what his knowledge base is and his kind of understanding of NFL defense is coming up under Wade Phillips when the Broncos were running so much Zone like fangio like to do bro they were getting torched see Miami historically bad Etc but once he kind of got a beat on the Personnel Zach and kind of got back to okay this is what I’m going to do as a defensive coordinator it seemed to be more true to what his actual philosophies are that’s when things did start to get better well let’s break it down Jim Leonard’s job title is what Christian Parker had with the Broncos which is secondary coach and passing game coordinator so I don’t know how much input a an assistant would have under Vance because Leonard would would answer to Vance Joseph I would expect to see more creativity because Vance finally grew a brain and realized that his defense is so Bland and so exploitable but that I don’t think would be coming from Jim Leonard hopefully the pass defense would be better and all of the quarterbacks and safey indiv ually get better but that’s still going to be Vance’s call what he runs as an overall system chat we can only cross our fingers that they’re much better at least against the Run than they were in 2023 I think they’ll be better against the run I think they’ll be better in the pass rush just because and that’s you know I’m knocking on wood allowing and assuming a little bit of luck healthwise if they can avoid some injuries to key players in the summer I think those areas are going to be better but it doesn’t it’s not going to be hard Zack to get that much better because we’re talking about a rushing defense that finished 30th in the NFL last year yeah 30th in the NFL so there’s really nowhere to go but up and you look at the additions they made from John Franklin Meyers you know he’s a little bit more of a hybrid guy in terms of is he an edge is he an interior Defender what is he he can do a little bit of both I am going to be curious to see exactly how that translates from a run stopping perspective but also Malcolm roach we’ll see how it works that that other off ball linebacker who ends up starting next to Alex Singleton but really especially Baron Browning is going to be healthy there’s a round table going around a uh Sports Illustrated team site round table that be publishing here very soon they want you know blurbs from the publisher of each team blah blah blah one of the topics on these blurbs was hey who’s your breakout candidate for the Broncos this year and for me Zack I answered Baron brownie it does come with that little cave out though and that is health I mean I guess you have to say that you shouldn’t have to say that should be kind of going with the territory here but the Broncos certain players have been plagued enough in recent times even though Broncos took massive steps forward with Shawn pyton in avoiding some of those pitfalls last year certain players still were had things lingering from their care under the previous regime Baron Browning being one of them if he stays healthy dude I think he he does have the potential to be a very special pass rusher but that’s a big butt and a big if and we know about the candy and nuts and we’d all have a Merry Christmas so just stay healthy my dog yeah it’s a great shout I’d probably pick Baron as well if not the guy playing behind him in uh Nick Bonito he was coming on strong under Jamar Kane uh last season the Broncos pass rush specialist and if he could just develop a little better on early Downs to become an every down player he has a 10 maybe 12 sack potential so there are there is Talent that’s what kind of my point was earlier Chad these media types look at the Broncos and think they’re like they’re B of talent completely it’s not the case if you boil down the roster which they don’t do uh the original dizzy D what’s going on brother great to see you and thank you so much for the Super Chat bro says okay hear me out can we play Sam perine as a fullback like old school Larry centers catching passes and blocking the RB room is loaded don’t want to lose any of them I know I mean he’s about as big as some of those classic uh fullbacks when running was still kind of the primary tip of the spear offensively for teams but uh the Broncos have a fullback that they believe is one of the better fullbacks in the NFL so I don’t think they’re going to make that an exception but I wouldn’t surprise me Zack if they kept a couple extra running backs because they do have some intriguing options there like on the practice squad so like Javon Williams we’ll see some people think he might be a under a lot more pressure than people realize I’m not as convinced of that but pery as he’s saying uh then you got Jalil then you’ve got audri EST the rookie fifth round pick and then you’ve got Blake Watson and Tyler baddy of the orb however but of that group I see Tyler batty and potentially Blake Watson being the guys on the outside looking in however a lot of people think that it’s going to be perin’s at because of that contract four and a half million on the books for him this year you sound like me we need like an alln names team on this Podcast chat of the pronunciations we couldn’t get down per paleski I think it’s batty I’ll double check it but yeah they have Michael Burton that’s what I was gonna say he played at a pro bowl level according to Pro Football Focus his grades last season he was consistently in the top three in terms of fullbacks Shawn pyton loves him he’s been a long time Shawn Payton guy samj P Ryan I see him as is Expendable more than I see him as a versatility kind of player at fullback let me just see something here uh yeah it’s batty it’s batty uh Lawrence stars for the NFL owing us yeah what was it 4.7 billion something like that ouch ouchie a Phil guys as soon as I get my settlement check from the NFL uh today I will send a really nice super L yeah dude and uh yeah 4.7 billion dude uh Keith Chad Zack your answer I think the player of training camp will be well I’m going to go ahead and and do a a strike through on will and I’m gonna put must be bo Knicks that’s what I’m gonna say Keith I wanted to give you credit earlier because your questions and your insights were always so thought-provoking so shouts to you for that um I was going to say Bo Nicks I think it’s the obvious answer it’s the must as you said Chad but another way to go I think Troy Franklin is going to blow up in training camp I’m so excited that the Broncos got him where they did the instant connection with Bo Knicks he’s he’s a he could take the top off the defense like few other players on this roster Ken I think he will be one of the standouts if not the standout of training camp this is what I hope doesn’t happen like with the estimate thing but because you know you’ve got the injury we’re told he’ll be good but for camp but like you start having Echoes of the past I mean Riley Moss similar thing right a procedure he’ll be good to go then you don’t see him all year by the time he is healthy the coaches don’t want to air on the side of rookies yet they’re kind of like n you’ve been on ice this long we’ll see you next year dutas what’s up Michaela good to see you I hope that doesn’t happen with ese I mean that dude could really bring some thump some juice uh to this offense George says hey this is by far the best pot on the internet thank you bro and the best on our team thank you guys to the whole crew Broncos for Life MH for Life George you’re a prince thank you big dog for being here yeah thank you George and yeah Chad you’re right about the concerns with estimate but that’s the beauty of being so loaded in the back field and I I talked about this on Monday okay so estim is not ready you have Pooky and if Pooky can’t somehow go then you have perine as your Banger early down type so they’re looking at it like there’s too many cooks in that running back kitchen I look at as insurance in case one of the players goes down as we all know the probability is very high in training camp in the season uh guys we are about out of time so this is really the last call last call on uh any comments or questions dizzy saying well what about if Burton gets hurt the fullback Michael Burton yeah I mean that’s an if if maybe you know I mean let’s let’s let’s take a quick look here fullback Sam’s six or just under six so we’ll call him 511 235 let me just see off the top of my head I’m I’m trying to uh American football Michael Burton so he’s 6 247 so he’s got an he’s got an inch and about 12 pounds he’s actually heavier Shawn pton talked about that he put on weight because he had a baby or something he’s actually a little heavier than that so it’s not even close Chad so you do there is a difference between being a third down back who kind of absorbs momentum from a rusher and kind of keeps him at Bay for just a few beats of the heart balls out and a guy who has to go on the attack and blow up a linebacker sometimes a defensive tackle and move him out of a gap that a big difference there now maybe p could do it Zack maybe he could you know eat a few extra helpings of mashed potatoes and put on a few lbs and be a people mover but he’s more of a finesse guy in terms of his size like he can power don’t get me wrong but his skill set is so well-rounded I mean there is a reason that he’s on the books for four and a half million you know there were there were talks when he left Cincinnati Zack that this was just a Bellow in Waiting if there was a team ready to feed it to him he could be that guy maybe maybe but not here here every time he would carry the ball Zack as a as a runner as a ball carrier as you know handoff that dude runs so tall I just immediately would get nervous balls coming out and he did have a couple of fumble rookies uh last year then we’ll grab Michaela that’s Michaela you’re amazing I just want to say I’m G to give a shout out to Scott Burton this is from Scott Burton had 113 snaps in 17 games 6.6 per game they’ll find out a way to survive without him it’s true I mean Burton until he gets hurt or unless gets hurt and and God forbid that happens he is going to be the fullback Shawn Payton loves him all right guys we have The Duchess from the top rope thank you happy birthday this was her birthday week we missed her you know we’re not on Tuesday nights so we didn’t get to sing to her but I would sing to you YouTube would crush us so just so just know you know hey it’s your birthday shout hooray I would love to sing to you today one year older and wiser too happy birthday to you there you go Michaela you know we love you she all she wants Zack is a good Broncos season how do I follow that Chad I can’t but happy birthday Michaela thank you so much and you know I’m happy that you’re more optimistic and open to a good bronos season I happen to think they will if only because of the development of the rookie quarterback Bo Knicks love you guys thank you and Mel I know you’re here at the 11th hour I wish we had a little bit more time tonight but we have to keep it tight uh so everybody um we love you too happy belated hope it was a great day for you I’m sure it was um give our best to your family hope Mom’s doing well happy birthday look at this you’re seeing the love from everybody right now so happy birthday to you um belated though it is we love you and uh we got a couple messages for everybody though and then we got to dip on out of here can’t believe it’s been 45 minutes already but you guys make it an incredible podcast as always if you haven’t done so yet please follow us on Twitter at the mhh Pod you can follow the main account on Twitter at Mile High huddle Chad at Chad and Jensen myself at kelberman NFL and Scott are producer at Scout Kennedy if you guys want some merch like we’re rocking each and every podcast check out mhh and get you some again that’s mhh I promise you guys you don’t want to miss any of the products that we have if you haven’t done so yet please drop us a like at Mile High huddlepod you can find us on Instagram at Mile High huddle if you’re listening an apple podcast make sure you’re leaving your football priest a five star review for a chance to win some of that merch each and every single month but if anything y’all please please please subscribe like and share this video and every video you see on the mhh channel it really helps us grow and reach more Broncos fans you guessed it just like you baby that’s right a mile high salute and a special shout out to the Super Chat Superstars and supporters tonight helping us keep the lights on in these kind of uh the depths of the NFL summer much appreciation and love to David ma wrath to the Ron Michael Rono prayers and and thoughts still for his pops uh to Phil down in Tucson to Shiloh appreciate you the Triple C always great to see the Triple C in the chat Keith brugman bring in some support and some great topics and and thoughts uh Lawrence Rivera as always love you big dog Troy Bo in the house the fwn donkey on uh on X on Twitter thank you thank you brother uh the original dizzy D keeping it uh original we love that appreciate you big dog George Fox I don’t know what we’d do without George Fox either and then of course last but most certainly not least the duchess Michaela Parker we love you guys we’ll be back Zack and I on Sunday can’t wait to talk to you guys then happy belated birthday again Michaela thank you for everyone who interacted with us this evening have a great start to your weekend take care and as always go Broncos

Chad Jensen and Zack Kelberman sift through the latest #BroncosNews and rumors, and analyze The MMQB’s big concern over the #DenverBroncos’ 2024 offense.

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  1. Zack trash, but Winston was trash to when he was with tampa bay, Winston was so sad they went got someone out of retirement to take his place. So if Sean start him I wouldn't be to mad but I rather Nix start.

  2. Ik VJ defense was going to suck because he said in mini camp last year before the season started he was taking advice from the player. Until Sean told him after that blow out go back to doing what you do why we originally hire you

  3. Very solid show guys, especially this time of year. Thanks for the quality-focused content. Way to dig and lift.
    EDIT: It was noticed. 😀

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