Indianapolis Colts -Peyton Manning should have retired a Colt! Pacers take Johnny Furphy! Fever lose

Indianapolis Colts -Peyton Manning should have retired a Colt! Pacers take Johnny Furphy! Fever lose

for some reason the machine won’t let me change the orientation of the video so we’re going this way we’re going with the vid the vertical what are you going to do it’s a Friday we adapt we overcome that’s what we do in order to fill your brain with the very best insight and perspective on Indiana Sports so we’re talking about the Indianapolis Colts today and we’re going to talk about pton Manning and how pton Manning should have retired a Colt I I’m reading a book about the best Chicago Sports argument and I tried to think okay what is the best Indiana Sports argument and I think that the best Indiana Sports argument is about pton Manning and whether the cold should have extended him after the 2011 season rather than letting him leave as a free agent signing with the Denver Broncos where over the next four years he played in two Super Bowls winning one the CT should have kept him I think pragmatically I think because of loyalty and what pton Manning has meant to this franchise I don’t think you let him walk away when he’s still got good football in him or when he still believes he still believes he’s got good football in him I think it’s a good argument because I think it’s kind of a 5050 argument where you’re talking about uh the ability of the Indianapolis Colts in 2012 to draft perhaps a generational talent in Andrew Luck and allow Payton Manning to leave do you trade back from number one fill the roster with a bunch of guys over the next few years the draft picks that you would have reaped by trading that number one pick trading down maybe trading down again and and building kind of a raft of draft pick picks from which you can really expand what what you’re trying to do and get that roster to the point where Manning’s got the tools he needs to be a championship level quarterback for the Colts instead of a championship level quarterback for the Broncos we’re going to talk about it a little bit because I think it’s interesting and again I think it’s 50/50 and I think whatever side you come down on this you you can issue in advance kind of validated arguments I mean certainly Andrew Luck wound up being one of the best 10 quarterbacks in the NFL over the uh uh over the seven years that he played played for the Colts despite the fact that he was injured for uh three of the last four in a pretty serious way well we’ll talk about it uh we’re we’re going to talk about the Pacers and what they did in the draft Johnny Fury dropped out of the first round I told you that there were going to be a couple of guys when you invite 24 to The Green Room and only 30 are going to be drafted and you know that zachi is going to be drafted but not invited to the Green Room you know there’s a chance that guys are going to fall out of the first draft who are in The Green Room and expected to be taken maybe as early as the middle of the first round we saw that happen with Kyle filipowski from duke we saw with Johnny Fury from Kansas Johnny Fury was a guy who as a freshman showed real promise at Kansas he’s got all kinds of potential the Pacers they traded up from 36 to 35 to be able to take Johnny Fury they get him they’ll be able to develop him as they see fit and they’re going to have a guy who if Fury is worth a damn as a human being is going to come in with kind of a hard Edge and he’s going to say you know what the hell with these people I I’m going to prove to them that I deserve to be taken in the first round that fuels that’s the kind of thing that fuels a championship level athlete we’ll see if Fury can develop into that again 35th he’s 68 he’s a guy who can shoot it he’s a guy who can move defense ly he’s going to have to learn how to operate at the NBA level then the Pacers they took a couple other guys and we’ll talk about those guys uh from Yukon one of the Champions at Yukon and then a a guy who played at a akan and and we’ll see what they become but really what you do in the second round we know what Kevin Pritchard does he take a shot you know you you you take a shot on potential and uh if if a guy can live up to that potential you’re a winner taking him at 49 or 50 if he doesn’t you know what what’ you lose guys at 49 and 50 they’re not supposed to contribute in any real way moving forward in their NBA career the fever they lose last night in Seattle and Caitlyn Clark’s coach Christy sides is critical of Caitlyn Clark because she doesn’t shoot enough sheesh Caitlyn clarkk led the fever in scoring last night with she also had six turnovers my criticism of Caitlyn Clark is that you’ve got a prized possession of the basketball at a higher level than she does she’s got to understand that WNBA players are a little bit stronger a little bit quicker than what she faced when she was at the University of Iowa this is breakfast with Kent for a beautiful Friday in Central Indiana Dave Matthews tonight the day is supposed to be cloudy maybe a chance of rain tonight I don’t know I’m not a weather guy I just try to enjoy the weather as it’s presented because I know I can’t affect it oh we’re also going to talk about Mike Woods evidently Mike Woodson has forb his players from dealing with in any way the hooer hysterics and I don’t know whether he is the authority to do that to keep these guys from participating with hooer hysterics and availing themselves to the money that the hoer hysterics have to Lavish upon them via and iel agreements we’ll talk about that a little bit we’re brought to you as always by the great people at my bookie at mybookie you promo code K NT Kent Kent Kent that unlocks a sign up bonus of up to and including $1,000 go to my bookie you can bet on anything uh anytime from anywhere let’s go my bookie and make sure subscribe to this uh this Channel and thank you very much a41 JM as long as the Colts uh do better than Biden did in the presidential debate I’ll be happy well if they did did worse their bus wouldn’t show up for the game I when John Stewart is is saying that you suffered from resting 25th amendment face after the debate that’s that’s a pretty ringing indictment as to your performance during the B debate we don’t get political I can’t believe that we’re stuck with these two guys a as potential one of them is going to be the president of the United States for the next four years how the hell is that happen shame on everybody what is what is happening in in the United States thank you very much for the donation um let’s uh make hey make sure and subscribe make sure and like the video that’s using the thumbs up icon that’s that’s a polite thing to do and if you want to make a donation as as we just had include a comment include a question we will share it in real time all right let’s talk a little bit we’ll we’ll continue to do this throughout the summer talk about these arguments that we have uh about Indianapolis sports and Indiana Sports whether bob Knight should have been fired in 2000 whether the Pacers would have won a championship in 2004 2005 minus the brawl weather the Colts should have retained pton Manning and I think it’s as simple as this with the the Manning question that loyalty is something that you should exhibit toward a Statue Guy you didn’t know whether pton Manning was going to be able to play at a high level again and I absolutely get that I understand it multiple neck surgeries yes however he is a guy who won you your only Championship took you to your only other Super Bowl the best player in the history of the franchise you trust him if he says he can play you trust him you sign him to an extension you make him feel welcome and you treat him like the franchise level heroic player that pton Manning was what you don’t do is dismiss him and allow the Denver Broncos to go to two of the next four Super Bowls and it’s not even about that it’s not about the pragmatic lessons of allowing pton Manning to go and and it’s not about Andrew Luck and it’s not about oh who could ever have told Andrew Luck was going to you know play three years then get hurt kind of for three years and then in 2018 finish his career at a high water mark uh by Leading the Colts to the playoffs and their only playoff win during the Chris Ballard era hopefully there are more playoff wins under in the Chris Ballard era but I think that loyal got to count for something and I think that you look at a guy like pton Manning and you say what do you feel about your career if you’re going to retire retire but if you feel like you can still go out and play can you and if he says yes you take him at his word and you take him back and you deal that number one overall pick and maybe you slide back to six and then you take six and you slide back to 12 and you put together a raft of players who can play at a high level over the next three drafts in in return for that draft pick and and you go to war trying to build a championship level team for the next four years or however long pton Manning can play that’s what you do loyalty’s got to count for something when you try to get smart and you let intellect and pragmatism overrule what loyalty would tell you to do I got to tell you even in the face of tremendous logic you make a lot of mistakes and I think that that obviously Looking Back Now the Colts made an enormous mistake uh pton Manning should have retired a Colt that statue’s got to mean something he continues to live in Denver for a reason right this should have been pton Manning’s home for the rest of his life and and certainly for the rest of his career and the Colts tried to get smarter than the room by allowing him to walk out the door they never should have done that let’s talk about the Pacers and uh their draft Bounty last night yeah Fury they take Fury and uh uh Fury is a good player and there’s uh there’s nothing wrong with Fury maybe they wind up getting lucky in at 35 get a guy who contributes to a championship level uh effort with the Indiana Pacers maybe Johnny Fury’s Misfortune in being passed over while waiting to be selected and in The Green Room maybe that becomes the Pacers Bounty then the uh he by the way averaged 9 and 4.9 last year with Kansas his only year at Kansas 35.3% shooter from Beyond The Ark uh then you’ve got Tristan Newton 63 out of Yukon 15 62 6.2 outstanding player in the NCAA tournament there you go um Toby Northern says no politics this presidential draft pool is extremely shallow and lacks any measurable talent in virtually every way there you go that’s about right you know and and it’s it’s not really talking politics saying that neither of these guys is somebody I’m going to get excited to vote for and that that’s you know maybe I’m a politics denier maybe that’s what I am um how about Enrique Freeman 67 he averaged 18.6 13 rebounds in akan last year both of these guys taking at 49 and 50 Newton and Freeman were fiveyear players the first three years for Newton spent at East Carolina then the last two at Yukon and again both National Championship when you get a the chance to get a guy who shows Championship kind of pedigree I think you do it I got no problem with taking Newton at 49 and no problem taking Freeman maybe he’s a guy 31 double doubles last year in 35 games by the way for Enrique Freeman this is a guy who’s productive so he take a shot I got no problem with anything that Kevin Pritchard did during the draft how about Mike Woodson uh he has forbidden according to the hoer hysterics uh Indiana players from participating with them in anything in their off time is that really something he has the authority to assert can he tell Anthony leil hey don’t don’t go to some event that these guys are having and and the hoer hysterics are willing to give leel five grand or something I I don’t think Mike Woodson has that authority over these people as human beings he could kick him off the team I suppose he could run him out of town but I don’t see any reason that Mike Woodson has the ultimate authority over these guys to determine what they do in their free time I don’t know I I think Mike Woodson is overstepping I think he’s showing his ass I I think he’s showing an insecurity that is unored for an Indiana basketball coach how about just go to work and win how about that how about build a winner how about recruit how about behave like an adult what do you care about these guys what do you care about these Wing nuts who Ed a podcast for God’s sake coach your team you think John Wooden would have given a damn less about any of this you think Mike sheski would have cared think Ray Meyer would have cared it it’s ridiculous I if if you’re too thin skinned to not respond to what you hear then don’t listen don’t participate what are you doing turn down the volume you don’t have to listen to these guys it’s a matter with you and and what are you doing this for anyway you got an SID to do all this crap why are you talking to these guys have your Sid take the bullets what’s the matter with you uh Cubs won yesterday 53 in the season or the series finale in San Francisco uh half with a two-run bomb in the tent that was a difference fever L 8977 Clark 1567 and six turnovers Christy sides says she needs to shoot more let’s celebrate some birthdays shall we Ryan Harris the great Ryan Harris celebrating a birthday Alani and or Suzanne Ford celebrating a birthday the great utto Christopher Morris celebrating a birthday the great sucan traml celebrating a birthday she’s to untie my shoes when I was in the second grade I’d get him in a knot I’d say I I can’t get this undone Su would say I got it for you always appreciated that John Krell the great John K celebrating a birthday Neil Sher Chris Phillips Tom McMahon and Matthew Ford happy birthday if today’s your birthday you celebrate like if it’s not your birthday you celebrate somebody else that’s best done with an honest and specific compliment later today hey radio showing about 5 minutes on wgcl and then this afternoon inside Indiana Sports now what are we talking about we’re talking about what you’re thinking about it’s what we do we do it like it’s our job because you know what it kind of is that’s the thing that we do I don’t even know from this Orient there we go there’s the X all right we’ll talk to you later today

Peyton Manning having the opportunity to retire a Colts should have been the decision the team made after his neck surgeries, and the Colts have paid the price since.
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Pacers take Johnny Furphy, who they hope is dueled and not beaten down by languishing through the first round in the green room Thursday night.
Mike Woodson forbids players from participating in a specific NIL related activity?
Promocode: KENT

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  1. Jim Irsay was an idiot to let him go. One year Irsay said he was going to make Manning the highest paid quarterback ever. The next year, with tears, Irsay said he couldn't afford to keep Manning. Irsay is an idiot!

  2. I believe at the time the Colts let Manning go because they weren't going to be able to fix that offensive line. I think they looked at Manning's neck situation and the offensive line that was going to be out there and decided to go with youth. I hated that Manning was going to play for another team but I also worried about his neck situation.

  3. With all the great people in the United States. Persons of intelligence, service, dynamism and we end up with these two candidates. We have done it to ourselves, kind of sad. Way to adapt and move on Kent, love it.

  4. He also let Luck with all his money so they made the a dumb ass move letting Manning go way do you think that Payton always talks about the Broncos be real about it

  5. I do not blame Peyton Manning for not retiring as a Colt. He had a way better few years in the Broncos than he had in all his time with the Colts. The Broncos made the moves to set up to win. When did the Colts ever have a defense to help Manning and the offense. They never had a good defense. They relied on Manning too much. The records he also broke while playing for the Broncos. Can't be mad at him for retiring as a Bronco when he was not wanted by the Colts anymore. Peyton Manning, Edgerrin James, Marvin Harrison, and Dallas Clark are huge reasons why I became a Colts fan for life. That's when the team was the best. It was so exciting watching Peyton Manning carve up defenses and how he changed up the plays at the line of scrimmage. Defenses never knew what was coming. I live in Massachusetts and hated when we would lose to the Patriots to get knocked out of the playoffs. The one team who always stood in our way

  6. Hindsight is 20/20. Had we known, of course we would all have kept Peyton. He's still my favorite player. At the time, though, I think most of us believed we were taking a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build for the future. Instead, we somehow got the worst of both worlds. We lost the end of Peyton's career and simultaneously completely wasted Andrew's career. That's why Ballard still gets a long leash from me, by virtue of not being Ryan Grigson.

  7. The only way I think the Colts should've kept Manning is to trade back only once and get two or three offensive lineman to protect Payton. Any other way I think that not knowing how the injury would play out you had to go for Andrew Luck.

  8. TheREASOn we are STUCK is because Biden is shitting on Democracy….using political power to shut out political opponents……he is trying to get trump thrown in jail, and Kennedy out of the DNC and off the tickets entirely…..period……he cant beat ANYONE and they know it…………….in fact, he will not be the nominee anyways…….they are gonna force him to drop out.

  9. Colts could not have gone to 2 of the next 4 super bowls with Manning,……so it all worked out for him….and I am glad…..obviously it hasnt worked out for us nor should it have.

  10. Luck was the right choice at the time.completly insane to say we should've kept manning and not luck. It went down bad but it always does. Hell Brady left NE to win another SB.

    Unfortunately, Irsay grigson, pagano and Ballard Fed up the second #1 pick with a potential hof QB.

    Irsay got two gifts at the #1 pick and messed up one so bad the QB retired early and the other could only get one SB with.

  11. Would it have reasonable to extend Peyton and still draft Luck? Just thinking out of the box…
    Disappointed that you apparently decided that you couldn't dance today with the vertical orientation. 🤣

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