For everyone complaining DG got over paid, Quickley signed basically the same deal.

For everyone complaining DG got over paid, Quickley signed basically the same deal.

  1. It is an overpay — Garland isn’t a top-15 PG.

    Yes, the market going up does help his contract become not as bad but it’s still bad. Garland can change that if he actually develops but at this point he’s regressed for 2 straight seasons.

  2. Garlands deal is going to look better every year, no one would be complaining if he played like he did in 22-23

  3. It was never an over-pay, it’s just bad roster construction. The issue now is a lack of tradable assets. Strus, Niang, Jerome, Wade, LeVert are all kinda average. What are we getting for them? Traded all our picks for Donovan. I don’t feel any sense of urgency…certainly not from Koby.

  4. About 22% of next year’s cap, which seems like a slight overpay given his performance. He and his reps did a great job not signing whatever the Knicks were offered last summer.

  5. How is this supposed to make anyone feel better? Lol
    If anything, this somewhat proves those people right that DG was overpaid.

    Quickley is the better player, and if I’m starting a franchise tomorrow, I’d take him over DG no question

  6. Look at scotties deal hes about to get . It’s a new norm. Max rookie contracts are going to he normal for borderline all star 22 year olds from here on out

  7. These contracts are getting ridiculous. Ticket prices are gonna get outrageous

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