Vote for Ohtani!!!


  1. If heโ€™s already on the best athlete ballot isnโ€™t it implied heโ€™s the best MLB player?

  2. A *golfer* as best athlete? Dafuq? Why not a NASCAR driver or poker player? Yeesh.ย 

  3. Golf? Really? Lol

    Golf is a retirement sport.

    Shohei can pick it up after baseball.

  4. Shiiiiiiiit, Iโ€™m not even a dodgers fan and just passing through, but Iโ€™ll go vote for him in both

  5. the fact judge and soto didnโ€™t even make the cut for best MLB players is a joke. thatโ€™s why I always say theyโ€™re underrated superstars.

  6. Where is the category for sexiest athlete? I ask because that’s also shohei.

  7. fans can’t even rally to vote in the all star game they ain’t gonna vote here either (i voted already ๐Ÿ˜€ )

  8. Really honestly…can you think of ANYONE that’s better at their sport than Ohtani is right now? And he’s not even playing defense this is ALL with the bat.

  9. Best MLB player but hard to see him beat Scottie. Dude is on a tiger woods level run

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