God the drama around Micah Parsons just doesn’t stop.

Locker room in shambles , can’t talk about this behind the scenes ?

  1. “point out alot of other things” that’s what you’re good at Micah , you disappear in the tail end of the season including the playoffs. Never heard you take accountability. Sat in your podcast and deflected everything after that playoff loss. Matter of fact I remember dude waited until he spoke about it. All he does is deflect, deflect. No leadership qualities what so ever.

  2. This team is about to have the most hilarious implosion this season. I’d be surprised at this point if any of our main dudes are still here next season. 

  3. Honestly, the writing’s on the wall.

    Dallas either trades away some of these generational guys for a chance at an expedited rebuild. Or they spend ridiculous amounts of money and keep being the okay not great professional football team that’s good enough to get into the playoffs but never make it to the SuperBowl/Conference Game.

  4. It’s going to take a drastic shift in personality and maturity for him to be the leader of the defense.

  5. I’m sorry but it’s time to trade Micah . Idc how talented he his, he hasn’t matured at all since his rookie year

  6. Ngl if this is me, I’m trading dak as he comes off his great season last year, I’m trading CeeDee and I’m keeping Parsons and praying this is a good draft.

  7. Like most Cowboys players, Micah is more interested in his brand and being a celebrity than he is in winning Super Bowls. That’s why this team never does squat in the playoffs.

  8. Why is he so sensitive, gets upset that someone aired him out in public. So his response is to air out his teammate publicly. He’s a great talent but damn, how can someone be that oblivious?

  9. People attacking Micah in here are crazy lol. He’s one of the only players who put it all on the field every week. If we should be questions anyone’s work ethic it’s not his. Players are allowed to have other interests outside of football. Doing a podcast a few times a week doesn’t stop him from working out and reading a play book.

    Should he be with the team right now? Preferably yes. Am I worried about his work ethic and him being ready because he’s not? Hell no. He’s proven himself. He’ll be ready when we need him.

  10. And people give this guy a pass because he is a great player.

    The difference between his play and his behaviour off the field is ridiculous, it’s a shame he doesn’t have a better personality.

  11. My God, Micah. Stop all of this shit. Stop the podcast, stop the Twitter, stop partying with celebrities. Get your ass into OTA’s so that you and your new defensive coordinator cant get acquainted. You might want to learn how he plans to use you. You might want to learn the new defensive scheme that you are going to be the leader of. After the performance of your team and yourself in the playoffs, I would think that you would be chomping at the bit to change and improve yourself and the team. Be a team leader and not a wannabe social media star.

  12. Kinda tired of Micah. He is starting to give me diva/toxic vibes. Hard pass, trade him for some picks. He doesn’t show up when needed anyways

  13. I remember getting ripped to pieces on here 2 years ago when I questioned his character.

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